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family; but most of her later volumes, An Old-Fashioned

Africa. The commonest species in South America and the

New York" (L. I. Hist. Soc., 1877), "Yorktown Campaign" New

observed but also predicted many new ones. His original

classed either as Christians or Jews, they were excluded from

vein) on wall of hepatic caecum; aa, space of atrial or

better. The river is navigable for 135 m. above its mouth.

oily liquid of composition C6H10O3. E. Frankland and

unquestionable that Sir James Graham was right in describing

discourse to his edition of the Casauboniana, published in

or Hudson river were open to a combined naval and military

youngest daughter of Professor Gregory of Edinburgh. The next

Afghanistan and the Russian possessions, and in order to discuss

Ship, or any of them, or by the Ship's Husband or Manager.

name natron, which survives in the symbol, Na, now used for

Amongst the military works of the Archduke Albert may be

surface for receiving fluid libations. These had channels

attributable to the occurrence along with cellulose of pectic

volume. Other horsebreeders' associations, all doing useful

superstitious, teaching of the earlier Blickling Homilies.

Praestantia Virorum sui Aevi--was published at Parma in

// \\

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; the Field Museum in Chicago;

in 1174; but, as Nureddin died in the same year, the position

1892). An excellent popular account is The Story of the

of Samuel Adams (4 vols., New York, 1904-1908). (E. CH.)

annual revenue and expenditure are each somewhat in excess of

northern tribes, more barbarous than their predecessors, but

adult is relatively extremely short, often being only from

in many of the coals of New Zealand; retinite occurs in

acknowledge the superiority or defer to the opinions of any

and cottiers--and the rise on the one hand of the small

But from the autumn of 1710 till the end of 1714 his principal

the relation between the parties as shipper and carrier.

Gehenna situated below the ocean bed and divided into three or

Trans. Roy. Soc. (vol. cxc., London, 1898); E. Janczewski,

in Old Aberdeen, founded by Bishop Elphinstone in 1494,

greater importance and forms nearly the whole of the subalpine

route, which would avoid the Matabele country. This plan was

Aerope's first husband. Atreus was murdered by Aegisthus

``affections'' as in some sense a part of moral obligation.

when, in 1885, the severance from it of Eastern Rumelia by

Varenne, relates to a fictitious personage said to have

Galerius Maximian, who, becoming a convert to Christianity, was

tin. We see in it exactly the features described above.

soluble in alcohol, but very sparingly in water; its alcoholic

carried on in essay form the nature tradition of Thoreau,

Abercorn, and on the 10th of July 1606 was rewarded for his

``above the middling,'' but ``often obscure and unintelligible

of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the

powdered alumina is fed in continuously as long as the operation

it, was cultivated with most distinction by Thomas Wentworth

effected. In later times there are many stories of men who have

collected. See also Ciampinus, Vetera Monumenta (Rome,

Algerie et Tunisie (2nd ed., Paris, 1897); J. A. Battandier

all to 40,000 crowns. If, therefore, he died in the public

the Panja (or Oxus) river, a long, straight, snow-clad spur

other chief rivers, are generally unfavourable to navigation,

God). His own belief in Mahomet and his doctrines was

that are employed provided that they are not positively

in the 5th century before Christ. The successful measure of

Although a Roman he preferred Greek authors, and wrote in Greek

by the Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie (1893).

August ``in so far that from the date of the present agreement

the Greek States, ii. p. 646; W. Robertson Smith (Religion

Grivola (E). . . . . . . . . . 13,022 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,424

investigation of the quality of the articles supplied and the

for inflation, hydrogen gas is on account of its lightness fat

in Paphlagonia in the early part of the 2nd century A.D.

religious nature. His first considerable painting, ``The

replacing the cock or hammer which held the flint by a smaller

Berber element in its population. The full Arab name is El

banked-up earth, are found, e.g. at Silchester (Calleva).

its greatest development in Oran and is much expanded in the

publishers have seriously considered the advisability of

altar ``Yahwehnissi'' (``Yahweh my banner'' or ``memorial''),

see G. Bredig (Zeit. fur phys. Chem., 1894, 13, p. 289).

A cone-shaped sharp-pointed bullet, named the Spitzer bullet,

has a relation to Dhamma similar to that of by-law to

Italy. It was apparently not formed until the middle ages,

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