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ME 355: Compressible Flows, Spring 2016 Stanford University Homework 4: Wave motion Due Tuesday, May 31, in class. Guidelines: Please turn in a neat and clean homework that gives all the formulae that you have used as well as details that are required for the grader to understand your solution, Attach these sheets to your solutions. Assume = 1.4 and ¢ = 1 KJ/K@K for all problems. Student's Name:..28455. REA Student's 1D: ‘cain of diameter D an og nly ed at bth ends i fled wth an sagas ge at pressure Fy and density fy. The cylinder is surrounded by air at pressure Py < Py. 0, a pyrotecnie tem breaks the righcend wall ofthe dics thatthe gas start owigg ont ofthe cylinder. This problem addresses the dynamics shortly after rupture of the rightend wall during times of arder L/ap, where ay is the speed of sound in the gas. Depending on the value of the overpressure = (Py — P,)/Fa, the disturbanoes produced in the gas may be small (¢ < 1), so that the linear ‘acoustics theory is applicable, or large (¢ = O(1)), in which case the linear approximation is no longer valid and the non-linear acoustics formulation needs to be employed. Consider frst the case in which the air pressure differs slightly from the pressure of the gas in the cylinder, €= (Fy ~ Py)/Po-€ 1 a) Compute the velocity of the gas at the cylinder exit Us bb) Calculate the force on the cylinder. ) Characterize the spatial profiles of velocity and pressure inside the eylinder during the time interval 0 Pano fat Pour cs Feo B-m . 92s, Per wh 2 oe = Gp~ Fez, Boa ef. Ete ceay % 1b) sve erorse ove ree (PRY, Sax p TAT Pome Bs Gan Fate { a v'pvo (Be) Po. 2 (Rte). -2Ehe BR eae Beak - es Rie face fa You ate nate conver Amon reese FacB — G3 Gx" FAI og (Ueles into wei | cote ese = wharintte | i tay Tyne eee Slew $ a ek once 16 ot Wx sere a ate he Pua (eat Celt . Er locke Beige, fen 1 eh: HPS lestt|| SE Bite a FemBwS Uetex) Fosse 7 Dp ap MRREEREEY eB gp stent vet meee tomy Pain, cm tons at bre ARE UEC, Pete sabe weet) aon 08 Tween, moygnemss ais sar runs as 3H. 8) uyeo a 1 6am AT Ae 8 het wencea The Ere on THE orev stint rae ri cronies Encmiwe hom wet at E 1 ti entsone sept, bereens ib oiekae on met OR BE (Fe Doty camer 85 eHORED Aue THE pect mt eo an | (BYR (S)> ene a [YE Pe” THE pow Rennws sunso me Buea hens, Hegel, ANDTHE Socurioy 12 qhe THE VEUocITY Awe PRESSURE PROBES IM THE EADANSion Faw ARE obtAne® BY Makina eae GlvBy ABoUse commancy or TH So coutaner OF Cu Stores Te Sete oe(E)U awn de Ue Ceoner =X é crate vate Reunions ULE [Echuca ot OR lz)/ O50 15 Be MeTS WAT THE VeLeciry 18 1 ant Qe Hs ores Das) THE coentstoveiwe meetsint VARIatwe AChR sno = wap Faw ane (B ss (5) Roce) y tN ang ae stor x [Hey WH PEP AF 08. suetcaney one | “art " a SB) (E)F [owns eo ve P)e,] For Pachs*, tHe over is cHomes (Mage), Aue Rta en Rar tp Move THE VALE 1S Loure Tran THE OWE PREDICTED FROM éreaoy reer ence 7 NGrte) AS Berens, weIH THE DIRREACWCe Toor ane THE SovuEARY conbiT toy Ar THE Oey Eup I

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