Re De"'

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RE8'DE"' """0'

21 Oecember2021

Mr Tara Pradhan
officsat1ng Chief
p•oiect Management o ,rectorate
N~pal Elecmc1ty Authority (NEA)
Matat,nha Kathmandu

Deni l,'r Pradhan

Loan 3542-NEP: Power Transmi55ion and Oi1tributlon Efficiency
Enhancement Project • .
. concurrence for Third Extension ol Ttme (EOT-03)for Design, Supply,
nd Installati on of 132kV GIS Substations in Kathmandu Valley (Contract

1r..s refers to your tene, ol I 7 December 2021 requesting ADB's concurrence lor
e,t~ns,011 of the contract complet1011 penod for Design Supply. and Install ation of 132kV GIS
Suos1a11011 s m Kathmandu Valley (Contract No PMD/PTOEEPIKTCEP-073174-01 )

ADB has reviewed your request and ri01e th at due to 1he delays in handover of the
substation s11es, especially at Chovar (hanced over to the con1ractor on 16 November 2021 ). and
woll<s disruptions caused by the tockdown and travel restnctions owing lo tile second wave of
COVID-19 in Nepal, the contractor has reques!ed for 11me exten sion of the contract till 3 t March
2023 AOB has atso noted Iron, tne recomn1enda1,on of tM Pro1ect Supervi sion Consultant that
the pertormance of the contractor has been poor a<'d not sat,sfactory. and the con tractor has
largely remained non-respons,ve to tM engineer's instructions to expedite lhe work
Nevenhetess, based on the recomrnendat,ons from the Proiect Superv,s,on Consultan t, Nepal
Electricity Authority (NEA) has requested Ao s ·s concurrence for a time extension to the con tract
complel!on by 120 days. from 30 November 2021 to 31 March 2022

As NEA has proposed the t,me extens,on on a cond1t1onat oasi s, wh,Ch can be further
extonded based on the contactor's pertormance sat,sfactory to the Proiect Supervision

Consultant. we have no objechOn to extend the completion date of the contract from 30 November
,02 t 10 31 Marcil 2022 We request NEA to closely follow the progress and estabhsh effective
contract management system We also inform you to ensure strict avoidance ol post facto
extens,on of the contracts in the future

We suggest NEA to carry out rema,nmg works at s,tes complying woth Occupahonal Health and
Safely measures circulated by the governmen t to m,n,mize the risk of COVID• 19, and Standard
Operatlng Procedures shared by AOB for COVID- 19 nsk management at wo~ptaces

Yours s,ncerety,
..~ l .(/...i-
Arnaud CauCho,s
Country o ,rector

cc Mr Kul Man Ghislng . Manag,ng 0,rector, NE.A


Mrt10 Park Budmng La!imp11 W are No 2
PO Bo, 5011 Kathmanau. Ntoal
?~ •071I 4005~20 F~• • ~Ti' 1 400 S1'l7
ltOl~Hm@IMKJ 010
w.vw aau 01;., u,1>8'

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