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Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

1. The cooperator operates a con nuous assessment.

2. Consumers are be er informed today because of the Internet.

3. Students who study overseas can significantly improve work chances.

4. Students who a empted to go to the conference must register now.

5. The railway makes long-distance travel possible for everyone.

6. Accountancy students need to submit their disserta ons this week.

7. Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.

8. Many students are now studying science, technology, engineering and maths.

9. We encourage students to complete applica ons before the deadline.

10. Even the most mo vated students may need help to choose their careers.

11. Every student has a regular mee ng with his or her personal tutor.

12. The professor took a year off to work on her book.

13. A computer virus has destroyed all my files.

14. The first assignment is due on the fourteenth of September.

15. Op onal tutorials are offered in the final week of a term.

16. The business plan seminar includes an internship with a local firm.

17. Digital scanners can scan all kinds of materials provided they are in small pieces.

18. Making mistakes is fine, as long as you learn from it.

19. It took almost three years to build the football stadium.

20. Nurses can specialize in clinical work and management.

21. Human beings compete with other living things for resources and space.

22. We can all meet in the office a er the lecture.

23. Before choosing your university courses, you should consider your future career.

24. Traffic is the main cause of air pollu on in many ci es.

25. A lack of sleep can increase the chance of some illnesses.

26. A massive accumula on of data was converted to a communicable argument.

Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

27. Our laboratory equipment is provided free of charge.

28. Visual aid is really helpful for revising.

29. Foods containing too much sugar and calories have li le or no nutri onal value.

30. Strangely, people are spontaneously impressed by sta s cs.

31. Momentum is defined as the combina on of mass and velocity.

32. Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.

33. During the examina on, electronic devices must be le to the supervisor.

34. The lecture tomorrow will discuss the educa onal policy in the United States.

35. Students live in the residence hall during the term me.

36. Students are encouraged to monitor their own a endance.

37. You may not manage your me well without a reading list.

38. Digital scans of archived materials are provided with a small fee.

39. Years of training are required to become a medical specialist.

40. Graduates from this course generally find jobs in insurance industry.

41. Protec ve clothing must always be worn in the laboratory.

42. You do not need to have specialist knowledge to enjoy this book.

43. The essay should be clear during the exam.

44. Calcium's nutri onal value enjoys growing popularity every year.

45. People have been dependent on using phones in their everyday life.

46. The city's founders created a set of rules that became laws.

47. The department is organizing a trip to London in July.

48. Every year, more and more courses become available online.

49. Convincing evidence to support this theory is hard to obtain.

50. You will study two core and three op onal modules.

51. The assessment of this course will begin next week.

52. The university has invested in the new technology designed for learning.
Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

53. Today we have a guest speaker who is visi ng from Canada.

54. Americans have progressively defined the process of plant growth and reproduc ve

development in quan ta ve terms.

55. I will come back to this in a moment.

56. Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.

57. Members can contribute to the associa on of opera ng firm.

58. Foods containing overabundant calories supply li le or no nutri onal value.

59. Sports teams prac ce on weekdays and play games on weekends.

60. Your term papers should include current social issues.

61. A very basic feature of compu ng is coun ng and calcula ng.

62. Good nutri on is crucial to the general health and vitality.

63. Remember to sign the a endance register before leaving the lecture hall.

64. He wrote poetry and plays as well as scien fic papers.

65. Philosophy uses logic and reason to analyze human experience.

66. Before a ending the lecture, you must register online or by post.

67. Scien sts were unsure when the early man first le Africa.

68. Enrolling in a second major will increase your career op ons.

69. All the equipment must be returned to the laboratory by Wednesday.

70. The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, composi onal style.

71. The untapped poten al of using the sun's rays is phenomenal.

72. A good research assistant is not afraid to ask ques ons.

73. Some people are mo vated by compe on, while others prefer to collaborate.

74. You do not need to be encouraged to be a hero.

75. Na ve speakers are exempted from the language tests in their own languages.

76. Please note, submission deadlines are only nego able in excep onal circumstances.

77. Rising infla on may indicate the increasing demands for consumer products.
Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

78. Assignments should be submi ed to the department office before the deadline.

79. The introduc on is an important component of a good presenta on.

80. Sta s cal results should be expressed in different ways depending on the circumstances.

81. The key witnesses to the event have conflic ng recollec ons.

82. It is a debate about the value of knowledge.

83. We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.

84. The project is divided into four main sec ons.

85. All new medical school students must a end the talk about op onal courses.

86. Students who are successful have a good strategy for learning.

87. A few journalism students need to read the school newspaper.

88. The office opens on Monday and Thursday following the freshman seminar.

89. There is a fitness center next to the student union.

90. The universi es provide excellent leisure facili es for students and staff.

91. Before submi ng the paper, your thesis must be approved by your tutor.

92. Industrial experts will discuss job opportuni es in an automa c labor force.

93. The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

94. The railways were made to make distant travel possible.

95. Economic development needs to be supported by the government.

96. The na on achieved prosperity by opening its ports for trade.

97. These three separate resources are not enough for this assessment.

98. Please click the logo above to enter the site.

99. Although sustainable development is not easy, it is an unavoidable responsibility.

100. Most university teaching takes place in lectures and seminars.

101. We were able to contact a number of research subjects.

102. Rising infla on means increasing goods prices and decreasing demand for products.

103. All industries consist of systems of inputs, processes, outputs and feedback.
Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

104. Despite their differences, all forms of lives share the same characteris cs.

105. The school's summer programs help students to accelerate their studies.

106. Industry experts will discuss job opportuni es in an automated workforce.

107. Late applica ons are not accepted under any circumstances.

108. Sea levels are expected to rise during the next century.

109. You are able to contact a number of research subjects.

110. New media journalism is an exci ng area of study.

111. There are many teachers to help students on campus.

112. The electric buses have an impact on air pollu on.

113. The department has a higher-than-normal propor on of postgraduate students.

114. Organiza onal failure is considered from various perspec ves in academic literature.

115. You will acquire many skills during the academic studies.

116. Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.

117. More research is needed before any defini ve conclusion is drawn.

118. Lecture outlines are available on the faculty board and the internal website.

119. Recession triggers crea vity and high rates of entrepreneurship due to past experience.

120. Audi on of the university choir will be on hold un l the next week.

121. The commissioner will appor on the funds among all the sovereign es.

122. Members should make concentrated contribu ons to associated opera ng funds.

123. There have been many changes recently in the mathema cs department.

124. He was not the only one to call for a legal reform in the 16th century.

125. Put the knife and fork next to the spoon near the edge of the table.

126. The difficult teacher is always responsible for the contribu on to student marks.

127. We no longer respond to any postal reference requests.

128. The garden behind the university is open to the public in summer.

129. Lectures are the oldest and the most formal teaching method at universi es.
Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

130. There have been too many struggles in the mathema cs department.

131. It takes a long me to walk to the university.

132. Before submi ng your disserta on, your advisor must approve your applica on.

133. He was regarded as the foremost economist at that me.

134. The leading companies changed their policies a er the reports were released.

135. There are s ll some ckets available for the concert next Wednesday.

136. They developed a unique approach to training their employees.

137. Nowadays, accoun ng is far more important for businesses than ever before.

138. We cannot consider an increase in price at this stage.

139. The economic predic ons turned out to be incorrect.

140. Experts are now able to forecast weather over much longer periods.

141. The sports team members o en prac ce on weekdays and play games on weekends.

142. The financial market reacts wildly to poli cal uncertainty.

143. Students were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday.

144. Farming methods around the world have greatly developed recently.

145. She began by giving an outline of the previous lecture.

146. We are achieving common prosperity throughout the department.

147. Economic problems caused a big rise in unemployment.

148. Newspapers are supported primarily by the sale of adver sing space.

149. Design of modern ci es is a challenge for urban planners.

150. You do not need to have specialist knowledge to be able to read the book.

151. The untapped poten al use of sunrays is phenomenal.

152. The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.

153. All mobile devices must be switched off during the examina on.

154. Medical researchers have focused on the causes of diseases and treatments.

155. A good academic essay should have a clear argument.

Tài liệu được sưu tầm và biên soạn bởi team PTE Intensive

156. Let me give you an example to explain what I mean.

157. In addi on to the requirements, students must pass the qualifying examina ons.

158. A person's educa onal level is closely related to his economic background.

159. The results of the study underscore the discoveries from early detec on.

160. Social media is cri cized for causing Internet addic on.

161. The new technician dropped the microscope in the biology lab.

162. Understanding how to use the library will save your me.

163. All of your assignments should be submi ed by next Tuesday.

164. Consumer confidence has a direct influence on sales.

165. The massive accumula on of data was converted into a communicable argument.

166. Manufacturing now brings more people in than agriculture and fishing combined.

167. There is a widely believed percep on that engineering is for boys.

168. Good research delivers prac cal benefit to real people.

169. Geography is generally divided into two branches: human and physical.

170. Student shop has a range of sta onery.

171. Experts believe that industrial development will help the economy.

172. The history of university is the long and interes ng one.

173. For the class requirements, all students must pass the qualified examina on.

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