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REVA co UNIVERSITY Bengaturu, dia SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES A Project Report On A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Sai Honda motors,Sedam Master of Business Administration Submitted by Somshekar Rachoti RI7MB247 Under the Guidance of Dr. Mohan May 2019 Rukmini Knowledge park, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560064 REVA LIBRARY ice No, RUE. 1983 Seamed uth CanSeamer << VA » iverstry SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES CERTIFICATE is is t0 certify that Mr. SOMSHEKAR RACHOTI bearing SRN: R17MB247 is 2 honafide student of REVA University. He has carried out a major project entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS SAI HONDA MOTORS, SEDAM” pased on specialization, under the guidance of Dr. P Mohan Kumar for partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration during the Academic year Signat ‘with date Signature with date Dr. Shubha A Director 2018-2019. Dr. P Mohan Kumar Guide jent Stuc.. REVA University ‘Bukmini Knowledge Park, Kaltigenahalli Yelatranka, Bengaluru « S60 064 [ External Examiners I ‘Name of the Examiner F py ray pdby [A cle raleleg ‘Signature with Date | eco oFFice Dieyatiee Chambers € Wing 491.00 2221-9044 +91-902222 8840 evaunavensiry , 10190662706 Pu Pe ‘oan 20073 jeder, Yeah ste vmnsevaedui - Seamed sth Con comer VA. »y RiversiTy, ul PLAGIARISM VERIFICATION sthe Project Report: “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION | j | ow! ‘ARDS SAI HONDA MOTORS, SEDAM otal PageS 60 yansotthestudent —-—-- SOMSHEKAR RACHOTI | SRN R17MB247 school MANAGEMENT STUDIES Name of the Guide : Dr. PMohan Kumar ‘his is to certify that the above report was scanned for similarity detection process and outcome is given below. joftware Used 5 turnitin Date : 16.05.2019 imilarity Index ' 18% Total Word Count: 11136 hecked by , EVA uavensiry Seamed uth CanSeamer : al MOTORS ZA LES & SCOOTER INDIA ono pororeve' PVT LTD. ponDp: a. i % = get NO- pate: 15-04-2019. INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE This certificate is awarded to SOMSHEKAR RACHOTI in appreciation for your completion program with us for a period 15-January:-2019 to 15-April-2019 We wish you all very best for you future endeavours. MAHESH PATIL Manager GK. ROAD, SEDAM -585222 - DIST. KALABURGI - KARNATAKA - PH : 08441 - 207143 email: - Cell ; 9538268888-9632366668 Seamed uth CanSeamer See DECLARATION I, Mr Somshekar Rachoti student of Media and Marketing, belong in to School of Management, REVA University, declare that this Project Report / Dissertation entitled “A study on Customer Satisfaction towards Sai Honda motors” is the result of the project / dissertation work done by me under the supervision of Dr. Mohan with affiliation, at REVA University. ‘School of Management submitting this Project Report / Dissertation in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration in Marketing by the REVA University, Bangalore during the academic year 2017-19. I declare that this project report has been tested for plagiarism, and has passed the plagiarism test with the similarity score less than 25% and it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project work prescribed for the said Degree. T further declare that this project / dissertation report or any part of it has not been submitted for award of any other Degree / Diploma of this University or any other University / Institution. ) SF ats Signed by me on Certified that this project work submitted by Somshekar Rachoti has been carried out under my / our guidance and the declaration made by the candidate is }ruc to the best of my knowledge. Signat fide Signature of Director of school kK vee Date: 1759 pe . jirector Qssinb Bet aighsensenses REVA University ‘Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli Yelahanka, Bengaluru = 560 064 Seamed uth CanSeamer ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Weer. ‘ a for me to acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude to REVA UNIVERSITY and my college, School of Management Studies for giving me an opportunity tpexplore my abilities via this program. rwould like to express my sincere gratitude to our Project guide DR Mohan for his valuable snidance and advice in completing this organisation study, {etme take this opportunity to thank School Director, Dr. Shubha A for the whole hearted support extended to me throughout the conduct of the study. Madam gave me lot of inputs and suggestions to bring out the best in me. The encouraging words that have been extended vere great boost for the completion of this work. [would like to record my sincere appreciation and gratitude towards all the officials and employees of Sai Honda motors , without whose kind assistance, my project would not have succeeded. am also very thankful and grateful towards my seniors, colleagues and authorities of School of Management Studies, REVA UNIVERSITY for their support, encouragement, and valuable suggestions for the completion of this organisation study. Last but not the least, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family members, friends for their immense support and best wishes through-out the study and the preparation of this report, (Student Name) Somshekar Rachoti Seamed uth CanSeamer Table of the contents Chapter Title Page number number 1 Introduction 212 2 Industry and company profile 13-31 3 Research methodology 32-37 4 Data analysis and interpretation 38-58 5 Summary of findings 39-62 Recommendations and conclusion 6 ‘Annexure/ Bibliography 63-65 Seamed uth CanSeamer List of Tables SRN Number | Title Page Number 1 Table No.4.1- Showing Gender 39 2 Table No.4.2- Age 40 3 ‘Table No.4.3- Occupation 41 4 Table No.4.4- -Income wise classification of | 42 the respondents 5 Table No.4.5- Type of two-wheeler owned by | 43 the respondents 6 Table No.4.6- Type of Honda two-wheelers 44 7 Table No.4.7- Model of Honda two-wheelers | 45 used by the respondents 8 Table No.4.8- Awareness about honda two 46 wheelers by the respondents 9 Table No.4.9- Period of time using honda 47 two-wheeler by the respondents 10 Table No.4.10- Features of honda two. 48 wheelers i Table No.4.11- Satisfaction on price level of | 49 honda 12 Table No.4.12-Preference of honda two 50 wheelers 13 Table No.4.13-Resaons for selecting honda | 51 two wheelers 14 Table No.4.14- Types of problems 52, 15 Table No.4.15- Others two wheelers used 33 16 Table No.4.16- Level of satisfaction 4 7 Table No.4.17- Satisfaction level of services | 55 18 Table No.4.18-Milage 36 19 Table NoA.19-Post sale services 37 20 Table No.4.20-Overall satisfaction 58 Seamed uth CanSeamer List of Graphs SRN Number | Title Page Nomber 1 Graph No.4.1- Showing Gender 39 2 Graph Noad- Age 0 3 Graph No.4.3- Occupation ai 4 7 @ Graph No.4.4-Income wise classification of the respondents 3 Graph No.4.5- Type of two-wheeler owned by the | 43 respondents 6 Graph No.4.6- Type of Honda two-wheelers a 7 Graph No.4.7- Model of Honda two-wheelers used | 45 by the respondents 8 Graph No.4.8- Awareness about honda two 46 wheelers by the respondents 9 Graph No.4.9- Period of time usinghondatwo- | 47 wheeler by the respondents 10 Graph No.4.10- Features of honda two wheelers | 48 in Graph No4.11- Satisfaction on price level of honda | 49 2 Graph No.4.12-Preference of honda two wheelers | 50 iB Graph No.4.13-Resaons for selecting honda two | 51 wheelers 4 Graph No.4.14- Types of problems 32 15 Graph No.4.15- Others two wheelers used 3 16 Graph No.4.16- Level of satisfaction 34 17 Graph No.17- Satisfaction level of services 35 18 Graph No4.18-Milage 36 19 Graph No.d.19-Post sale services 7 20 Graph NoA,20-Overall satisfaction 38 Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Executive summary Customers are considered groups that need to integrate business satisfaction with strategic planning tasks. It is becoming increasingly clear that customer satisfaction is a top priority to improve organizational performance in the global marketplace. Companies can better understand customer satisfaction and determine what actions lentfy their strengths and weaknesses. are needed to meet their needs, They ca competitors, It's easy to go ahead and improve. Where to compete Customer satisfaction with measurement helps organizations to promote and focus ‘more on results for their customers and to improve the business and business processes used in their business. Customer satisfaction is a complex issue, and there is a lot of controversy and confusion about exactly what is needed and how to do it. This report reviews requirements and actions necessary to measure and track customer satisfaction, Organizations that are delivering products or services to the market Success organizations must maintain existing customers for new customers. As a result, marketers need to know customer satisfaction and preferences to stay longer. ee Page 1 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction CHAPTER 1 Introduction . Page 2 REVA University “ Semel uth CanSeamer— AStudy on ci 1.1INTRODUCTION CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Customer satisfaction, a commonly used term in marketing, is a measure of how far your company's produets and services outpace customer expectations, Customer S defined as the ratio of the total number of customers or experience of a company, product or service (" Satisfaction "i Fating,") to the otal customer who exceeds the specified satisfaction target. This is cor red a key performance indicator of your business and is often part of a balanced scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where companies compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly a key part of the business strategy. “Customer satisfaction can have a strong impact on the organization, and it is important for employees to respond to customer expectations, and to warn about issues that can affect sales and profitability when ratings fall. And positive branding that is free and effective for brand loyal customers. maketing-eseo ilbanjeog-eulo "When investigating customer satisfaction, companies typically ask customers whether a product or service meets or exceeds their expectations, so expectat key factor in satisfaction. You will not be satisfied. Defining Customer Satisfaction: According to HILL, NIGAL and ALEXANDER, "Customer Satisfaction measures the overall performance of an organization's products in relation to all expectations. According to ARMSTRONG, "Customer satisfaction depends on the performance of the product in relation to the buyer's expectations.” If the product performance is lower than expected, the customer complains. If exceeded, the customer is very satisfied and pleased, 1.2 PURPOSE OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Ideally, the company is always looking for feedback to improve customer satisfaction. tent and consumer "Customer satisfaction is a leading indicator of purchasing i REVA University Faee3 Seamed uth CanScamer A Study on Customer satisfaction loyalty." "Customer satisfaction data is one of the most frequently collected indicators of market perception. "The collection, analysis and dissemination of this data in an ion conveys a message that assures the importance of transactions with organi "Sales volume oF customers and a positive experience for our products and servic ‘market share can represent the company’s current performance, but satisfaction can be the best indicator of future customer purchasing potential. A lot of research has focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Research shows that the ripple effect of satisfaction is the most powerful at the extreme: evaluating satisfaction as "5" on a "five-point scale" means becoming a loyal customer and sharing the gospel with the company. The variable is willing to accept.) This parameter is defined as "the percentage of customers who responded to recommend your brand to a friend." Ifa customer is satisfied with the product, they can recommend it to friends, family, and colleagues. This can be a significant marketing advantage.) You can also harm your company by giving negative feedback to the company. Recommendation is a key parameter of customer satisfaction. " Customer Satisfaction is a business term used by business people for the success of today's organizations. As each product line becomes more competitive, companies will not be able to keep their customers longer. Marketing therefore needs to do just ‘one thing: "customer satisfaction.” is an important factor in the product / service The concept of customer satisfacti evaluation phase. Satisfaction means that the buyer has been fully compensated for the purchase of the sacrifice purchased. Appropriateness of satisfaction is a result of the expected profit of the brand in terms. of the correlation between post-purchase experience and actual consumption and the potential to meet customer motivation. Customer satisfaction is a frequently used (erm in marketing. It measures how your company's products and services meet or exceed customer expectations. It is determined by the customer's post evaluation, Customers constantly evaluate product choices as they integrate products into their daily lives. Satisfaction is a marketing, 1n should be the focus of marketing REVA University Page 4 Seamed uth CanSeamer urveys show tha satisfaction affects a customers repeat purchase intent positively, leading to increased spending, 1.3 IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Customer satisfaction i important because marketing and business leaders provide the ‘alors You can use to manage and improve your business. Thi isa high-level indicator of consumer ‘restraint and loyalty. | Customer Satisfaction is the best indicator of the likelihood that a customer will buy in the future. Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of I to 10 is a ‘good ‘way to determine if they will be loyal customers or advocates, Any customer with a score of 7 or higher can be considered satisfied and ‘expect to | ‘come back and buy agai ‘A customer who has given you 9 or 10 points is a potential advocate for your business evangelist. A score of less than 6 indicates that the customer is at risk of leaving with | dissatisfaction. These elients should be placed in a client watch list to be monitored to determine why they are unsatisfied. 1. This is a differentiating point, Ina competitive marketplace where companies compete to attract customers, customer satisfaction is considered an important differentiator. Successful companies in this challenging environment make customer satisfaction an integral part of their business strategy. 2, Reduce customer exits, Accenture's customer satisfaction report says that price is not the main reason for customer bounce rates. This is due to the overall poor quality of customer service. Customer satisfaction is a method you can use to reduce customer exits. By measuring and tracking customer satisfaction, you can build new processes that improve the overall quality of customer service. 3. Increase the value of your life. 5 REVA University Page I Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction According to the Info Quest study, “Completely satisfied customers” generate 2.6 times more revenue than "Fairly satisfied customers". "A completely satisfied customer” is 14 times more profitable than a "somewhat dissatisfied customer." Satisfaction plays an important role in the revenue your customers generate for your business. A successful business understands the value of value (CLV) in a customer's life. Raising your CLV can increase the return on your marketing budget. Decrease negative word of mouth: Mckinsey found an unfortunate customer telling his story to 9-15 people. In fact, 13% of customers with dissatisfaction refer to more than 20 people. It has a lot of negative word of mouth, Customer satisfaction is closely related to revenue and repeat purchases. We often forget that customer satisfaction negatively affects business. It is one thing that he is unhappy and loses a client. Another problem is losing customers because your mouth is not good. To eliminate bad word of mouth, you need to constantly measure customer satisfaction, 5. Securing customers is cheaper than acquiring new customers. This is probably the world's most famous customer satisfaction statistics. New ‘customer acquisition is 6 to 7 times more expensive than existing customer retention. If these metrics are not appropriate, you can no longer do anything to explain why customer satisfaction is important. Customers can take over a lot of money. The marketing team and you spend thousands of dollars to attract potential customers, reduce audience leads, and reduce sales. 1.4 FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: Customer satisfaction is a customer's general impression of the products and services provided by suppliers and suppliers. Here are some important factors that can affect customer satisfaction. + Supplier wise competence. oa Page 6 REVA University Seamed uth CamSeamer A Study on Cust tisfaction ci + Technical and engineering aspects or re-engineering of products and services. +The type and quality of response provided by the provider, + Supplier's ability to meet deadlines and meet deadlines efficiently. + Customer service provided by the supplier. omplaint Management. st, quality, performance and efficiency of the product. + Compatible and hassle-free features and operation. ‘These factors can be broadly categorized into two categories: supplier behavior and product and service performance. Supplier behavior is largely dependent on the actions of senior employees, managers and internal employees. All functional activities such as customer response, direct product and maintenance services, claim management, etc, are factors that rely on the competence and training of suppliers’ internal and human resources. The second category relates to all products and services. It depends on the ability of suppliers to effectively manage their products, '. This is how technology is implemented to demonstrate services and staff capabi the technology, technology and reengineering aspects of products and services. Product quality is also a key factor in ensuring compatibility and hassle free functionality and operation. This reduces maintenance and extends product life, which is highly respected by customers. Ifa product has a problem or capacity problem, and frequent maintenance and support is needed, the customer may be angry and suddenly have a chance to switch, which can result in financial loss for the vendor. Likewise, if the product anticipates enormous financial and manual resources, the customer may be dissatisfied and worried, However, by providing classroom services, effectively handling complaints, tisfied customers into and effectively managing these aspects, you can tum satisfied customers in the long term and increase their loyalty. Itis virtually impossible for a provider to provide all of the features described above. Products and services that can please or excite customers always have pros and cons. Page 7 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction The final view is the total experience the customer is aware of. However, the more positive things happen, the greater the customer satisfaction. Therefore, the supplier's to always reinforce these positive feelings to enhance customer satisfaction. goal 1.5 MEASURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ‘Vendor must measure to improve customer satisfaction. We simply believe that something is not true unless something is measurable. Customers are the most important asset in any organization because they are only responsible for carrying out their business. Measuring customer satisfaction helps you identify specific customer information needed to perform the proper function of your business. Here are the information and details that can be generated after measuring customer 1. Business-related: Customer satisfaction metrics help organizations identify the impact of business strategy and marketing tactics and whether the organization is customer-centric. It also provides detailed analysis of the number of bankrupt customers, lost business and lost profits due to customer defaults. Customers generally complain when their expectations are not met or their promises are not being met ina reasonable and timely manner. This is a serious problem because customer delays affect the image. Typically, customers share these issues with other customers, which affects their business. Some of these unsatisfied customers complain, but most other customers can simply switch to another vendor without telling them. This makes a big difference to the vendor's business processes. Opportunity Analyzes the reason for the client's withdrawal. The loss of the customer is directly proportional to the loss of activity and profitability. If an organization can measure the customer's satisfaction with the business, the organization can eliminate the gap between the customer and the customer and increase their peer customer satisfaction. 2. Customer Connectivity: ‘The following details may be relevant when measuring customer satisfaction aspects: oe mmeerceeed Page 8 REVA University ~ Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer facti on + Customer satisfaction measurement always helps suppliers analyze the appropriate reason for customer loss and take steps to avoid it, It also provides analysis of busin profitability because the cost of acquiring customers is relatively higher than the cost ss losses over the next few years. This actually helps the vendor achieve of retaining existing customers, + Italso helps vendors identify the value of their products and services based on customer perceptions, If the customer is not satisfied with the product or service, the vendor must verify the performance and quality of the product and service to ensure that other customers can not meet the same criteria. + You can also analyze your customers’ exact needs and requirements and take steps to satisfy each customer. This contains vendor-specific information that can be 3. Vendor informatior generated while measuring customer satisfac + Helps vendors understand images, strengths, and weaknesses. + Helps vendors identify the perfect areas and capabilities for exclusive sales of specific products and services. + Itis helpful to cover your organization's position in relation to your competitor's ‘market benchmark. | ‘The best way to improve customer satisfaction is to measure it first and apply an improvement method. This helps vendors always check all business processes to ties with all customers to improve their identify strengths and weaknesses and bi business. 1.6 Theoretical background of the study Marketing "Marketing is a social process in which individuals and According to Philip Kotler, products and values and groups ereate what they need and want by creating exchanging values with others." eee REVA University ———EEES ee Seamed uth CanScamer | A Study on Customer satisfaction According to the American Marketing Association, "Marketing is a business, a set of institutions and processes that create, deliver, deliver and exchange valuable offers to customers, customers, partners and the public. Marketing functions: To accomplish this goal, marketers perform the following functions: + Buying and assembling: Purchasing raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products is very important for modem industrial and commercial companies. The raw material is purchased by the industrial company for production, and the finished product is purchased by the commercial enterprise for resale. * Sales: This is an important aspect of marketing where ownership is transferred from the seller to the buyer. + Physical procurement transport capability: Modern organizations produce on a large scale to meet the needs of customers throughout the country. This requires goods to be transported from origin to consumer. Traffic provides a physical means of ing the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another. facili + Storage: Generally, assets are created in anticipation of demand. It must be stored a warehouse to protect it from damage caused by rats, moisture, and theft. properl} + Market Intelligence: As the demand for a variety of products in domestic or international markets increases, the amount of information needed has increased significantly in the brand, product quality, packaging method, nature of testing and consumer demand, and price. + Financing: All modern production and marketing techniques are credit and money of doing business without collecting enough funds. There is a based, No one can big difference in the production of goods and the consumption of goods. Therefore, a significant amount of money is required for the products that are distributed and 1 redit merchandise, he renders financial services. consumed. When a rel * Standardization and classification: Standardization involves determining the baseline measurement or limitations on which an article is standardized. Standardize ES Page 10 REVA University a ee | —_—_ Cae Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer sa faction to give performance to your notes. Ranking is a realty as part of standardization. The process of testing a product in accordance with previously established standards. Agriculture and mining products are generally classified according to general criteria. Rankings can be based on shape, size, color, strength, shape, density and chemical content, + Packaging and Packaging: Packaging refers to packaging and packaging for transportation or storage of the goods. Many items must be packaged to be kept or delivered to the buyer. Packaging refers to placing items in small packages, such as cans and bottles. It can be viewed as marketing because it has a big impact on sales in the domestic consumer market. NATURE OF MARKETING: + Marketing is customer-centric. Marketing is to please and please our customers. Marketing activities should target customers. Buyers can stay in their minds when they are valued for their money. By focusing on your customers, your organization can focus on your core competencies while optimizing your costs. + Marketing must create value. Marketers must meet customer needs and deliver products according to their requirements. The company's strategy should aim to deliver higher customer value than its competitors. The company's plans, processes and people need to be restructured around the customer. + Marketing is business activity. When a customer is at the center of every activity, marketing does not have to find a customer to get a response to the product. Customer ‘groups are selected for prepared and offered products. + Marketing is surrounded by customer needs. Marketing begins by identifying customer needs and requirements. They are transformed into potential attributes that can meet basic needs. + Marketing is part of the overall environment. The global environment can be defined places and all resources and institutions as a combination of goods, services, ideas, directly related to the satisfaction and production and distribution of people and human needs. nee Page 11 REVA University a A Study on Customer satisfac! ‘The Importance of Marketing: Below you will find the importance of easly identifiable marketing. + Marketing helps organizations achieve their object + Marketing helps companies adapt to changing conditions and situations. + Marketing helps organizations compete more directly by providing advice to the organization that will adopt the innovation, + Marketing ensures the company's growth and economic growth, as well as the economic growth of the country, which leads to national growth and economic development. + Marketing helps communities mect their economic and social needs and improve their standard of living. + Marketing enables companies to achieve maximum efficiency, productivity and profitability with minimal effort and cost. Development OF MARKET: ‘The expression "MARKET" is gotten from the Latin word 'marat us’ which implies stock, products, traffic, exchange or spot of business. Generally an ‘advertise’ was a physical spot where purchasers and merchants accumulated to trade merchandise. Financial specialist currently portray a market as an accumulation of purchasers and merchants who execute over a specific item or item class. the term markets to cover different groupings of Representatives frequently util clients .they talk about need markets, items markets,demography markets and land markets. Page 12 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction CHAPTER2 Industry Profile and Company profile REVA University Page 13 Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction 2.1 INDUSTRY PROFILE AN OVERVIEW OF INDIAN INDUSTRY: India is the second biggest maker and maker of bikes on the planet. It remai next just to Japan and China regarding the quantity of bikes delivered and household 1d because of assortment of reasons like prohibitive approach pursued by the Government of India towards the deals individually. This qualification was accompli: traveler vehicle industry, rising interest for individual transport, wastefulness in the ‘open transportation framework and so on. ‘The Indian bike industry made a little start in the mid 50s when Automobile Products of India (API) began fabricating bikes in the nation. Until 1958, API and Enfield were the sole makers. ‘The Indian vehicle industry contributes 71% to GDP and gives work to 29 million individuals and contributes 13% to extract income. The Indian vehicle industry can be named pursues: In 1948, Bajaj Auto started exchanging imported Vespa bikes and three-wheelers. At long last, in 1960, it set up a shop to produce them in specialized cooperation with Piaggio of Italy. The understanding lapsed in 1971. In the underlying stages, the bike portion was overwhelmed by API; it was later surpassed by Bajaj Auto. Albeit different government and private ventures entered the conflict for bikes, the main new player that has endured tll today is LML. Under the managed routine, outside organizations were not permitted to work in India, It was a finished merchant advertise with the hanging tight period for getting a bike from Bajaj Auto being as high as 12 years. The bikes section was the same, with just three makers viz Enfield, Ideal Jawa and Escorts. While Enfield shot was a four-stroke bicycle, Jawa and the Rajdoot were two-stroke bieycles. The cruiser fragment was at first commanded by Enfield 350cc bicycles and Escorts 175ce bicycle. “The bike advertise was opened to outside challenge in the mid-80s. Furthermore, the then market pioneers - Escorts and Enfield - were gotten uninformed by the surge of ity of the 100ce bicycles of the four Indo-Japanese joint endeavors. With the accessil eco-friendly low power bicycles, request swelled, bringing about Hero Honda ~ at that TT Page 14 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer Satisfaction point the ma i i for bike fragment was acquired by Japanese bikes, which developed at a rate of almost 25% CAGR over the ‘most recent five years. ‘The business had a smooth ride during the 0s, 70s when the Government denied new Sections and carefully controlled limit extension. The business saw an unexpected development during the 80s. The business saw an enduring development of 14% Prompting a pinnacle volume of 1.9mn vehicles in 1990, ‘The section of Kinetic Honda in mid-eightes with a variometrc bike helped in giving usability fo the bike propritors. This aided in instigating adolescents and working ladies, towards purchasing bikes, who were prior, slanted towards sulked buys. During the 90s, this pattern was switched with the presentation of scooterettes, In accordance with this, the bike section has reliably lost it piece of the piece of the overall industry in the bike showease, In 1990, the whole vehicle industry saw an exceptional fall popular. This brought about a decay of 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, bringing about a generation loss of 0.4mn vehicles. Notwithstanding Hero Honda, all the real makers experienced subsidence in FY93 and FY94, Saint Honda demonstrated a negligible decrease in 1992. 2.2 COMPANY PROFILE Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Private Ltd.was established on august 20, 1999 at Manesar close Gurgaon in Haryana, The present CEO of the organization KEITA MURAMATSU ..the organization motto intensity of dreams. what's more, 1S014001.the establishment stone for the Honda production line was laid on Page 15 REVA University Samed wth ConSeamer— A Study on Customer satisfaction December 14,1999 and the plant was finished in January 2.(HIMSI) is the100% may auxiliary of Honda engine organization, Honda began Indian bike activ 2001. In the I4ycars from that point forward , Honda has developed to turned out to be second biggest Japanese auto versatile production organization an India with more than 20 million glad clients in India today at regular intervals another client joins the quick extending Honda family in India, As of august 2008 Honda outperformed Chrysler as the fourth biggest vehicle made in the US. Honda is the 6th biggest car produce on the planet. Honda was the main Japanese vehicle assembling to discharge a devoted extravagance brand Acura in 1986. Beside their center car in cruiser business ,Honda additionally make garden hardware ,marine motors individual watercraft and power age among others .since 1986 Honda has been included with man-made reasoning/mechanical autonomy investigate and discharged their ASIM circle in 2000.they have likewise wandered into aviation with the foundation of GE Honda air motors in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 Honda fly, planned to be discharged in 201 spends about 5% of its incomes into R&D. ‘The organization set seat stamps in the Indian bike industry with the dispatch of its gearless bike Honda dynamic. Honda Dio, propelled after it, was a marginally updated and trendier rendition of dynamic, Honda Eterno was another expansion to the collection of Honda bikes first bicycle propelled by HMSI was Honda unicorn. It ‘was trailed by Honda sparkle. Every one of the items propelled by HMSI were runway hits the market. HMSI processing plant at Manesar is based on 52 sections of land of land, Its underlying generation limit was 100000 bikes for every year, which has now been moved up to 600000 bikes. The bicycle generation limit is 1000000per annum. Speculation behind the manufacturing plant was rupees 21 crore and has now developed to 88crore. HMSI got ISO 14001 declaration. 2.2.1 IN HOUSE FACILITES Gravity kick the bucket throwing and low incredible: gravity bite the dust throwing segments are for assembling basic motor parts — Page 16 REVA University Slrlrrt—.C—UC~—“‘“=‘(‘S(E—s==—r=—=—s«*— = Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Welding robot: weld shop has spot welding crease welding andMIG welding machines to weld different sheet metal parts to from the fundamental casing and other bike planes. Paint shop robot: Paint shop has transport framework which is special among all Honda industrial facilities on the planet. The transport vehicle conveying the parts is ed and plunged in order to empower great paint grip, polished and prevalent paint wrap up. Robots are utilized in painting for improved paint wrap up. Motor gathering: Engine get together is done in an encased air pressurized territory to shield the motor from earth and residue. Every one of the motor is then reviewed for different parameters. Edge get together: Frame gathering is done at the support transport. After the casing ical production system is the roller analyzer to check the last bike quality mech: before giving over to dispatch. Vehicle quality: To guarantee item quality, every vehicle is being assessed for capacity, clamor, electrical, fit and completion according to Honda quality guidelines. In 1948, Bajaj Auto started exchanging imported Vespa bikes and three-wheelers. At long last, in 1960, it set up a shop to fabricate them in specialized joint effort with { Piaggio of Italy. The understanding lapsed in 1971. In the underlying stages, the bike section was overwhelmed by API; it was later surpassed by Bajaj Auto, Albeit different government and private endeavors entered the fight for bikes, the main new player that has endured till today is LML. Under the directed routine, outside organizations were not permitted to work in India. It was a finished merchant showcase with the sitting tight period for getting a bike from Bajaj Auto being as high as 12 years. The cruisers portion was the same, with just three producers viz Enfield, Ideal Jawa and Escorts. While Enfield projectile was a four-stroke bicycle, Jawa and the Rajdoot Were two-stroke bicycles. The bike fragment was at first overwhelmed by Enfield 350ce bicycles and Escorts 175cc bicycle. ——— Page 17 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer ‘The bike advertise was opened to outside challenge in the mid-80s. What's more, the Enfield - were gotten unconscious by the assault of then market pioneers - Escorts and the 100ce bicycles of the four Indo-Japanese joint endeavors. With the accessibility of eco-friendly low power bicycles, request swelled, bringing about Hero Honda - at that point the main maker of four stroke bicycles (100cc class), picking up a top opening. A Study on Customer satisfaction ‘The primary Japanese bikes were presented in the mid eighties. TVS Suzuki and Hero Honda acquired the initial two-stroke and four-stroke motor bikes individually. These two players at first began with get together of CKD packs, and later on advanced to indigenous assembling. During the 90s the significant development for bike fragment | ‘was acquired by Japanese cruisers, which developed ata rate of about 25% CAGR over the most recent five years. ‘The business had a smooth ride during the 50s, 70s when the Government restricted new passages and carefully controlled limit extension. The business saw an unexpected development during the 80s. The business saw a consistent development of 14% prompting a pinnacle volume of 1.9mn vehicles in 1990. ‘The passage of Kinetic Honda in mid-cighties with a variometric bike helped in giving convenience to the bike proprietors. This aided in actuating youths and working ladies, towards purchasing bikes, who were prior, slanted towards sulked buys. During the 90s, this pattern was switched with the presentation of scooterettes. In accordance with this, the bike fragment has reliably lost its piece of the piece of the pie in the bike advertise. In 1990, the whole car industry saw an uncommon fall popular. This brought about a decrease of 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, bringing about a creation loss of 0.4mn vehicles. Notwithstanding Hero Honda, all the significant makers experienced subsidence in FY93 and FY94, Saint Honda demonstrated a peripheral decrease in 1992. ——_——————————— Page 18 ss Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction 2.3 PHILOSOPHY: CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY: HIMSI works on a standard, which is pursued worldwide by all Honda company’s. keeping up a worldwide view point we are devoted to providing results of the most noteworthy quality, yet ata sensible cost for overall consumer loyalty. Honda's logic depends on the organization's core value and backers . BRAND PHILOSOPHY: “The intensity of dreams" Everybody has a fantasy, some objective or movement that gives their life more profound significance and sparkles enthusiasm. When we seek after our fantasies, we {erfaces us to other who share similar dreams. It feel engaged. This power, thu: offers us to solidarity to conquer extraordinary difficulties. It motivates us to spread the delight we had always wanted to other individuals. Eventually, the power bome of a fantasy is an inventive power, fit for delivering progressive thoughts. Honda urges every one of its partners to seek after their fantasies that is the reason we state we are an organization based on dreams. The intensity of Honda's fantasy will keep on prompting new bits of knowledge and advances in engine cycle and different fields of versatility. What's more, Honda will spread the reasoning of the intensity of dreams 1n people convey dreams in their souls, crosswise over India. A nation where a bi this rationality is alive by forces of dream. 2.4 GROWTH: Beginning budgetary year '2016-2017 on high note, Honda bikes India set the pace of industry in the primary quarter with an outstanding 22% development contrasted with 14% development of houschold industry. Honda's exhibition emerged as it strengthened its situation as both the most astounding piece of the overall ted volume industry gainer(gaining over2% piece of the pie to 27%) and most el es Volume gainer of the business (alone t elevated number of steady volumes added cr of the business (alone Honda included 223,612units-the most astounding, Jonda included 223,612 units ~ the most ness). 4 by a solitary player to the bus —— — Page 19 REVA University ce ee CC tse Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction In programmed bike portion Honda's pieces of the pie has now achieved 458%Continuing to post positive development for each successi year in its 15 years of Indian tasks , Honda engine cycle and bike Indian private constrained (HMS1) shut monetary year 2015-16 with a blast. Honda's all out deals for the financial stood 44,83,459 bikes while household deal shut down at 42,83, 345 units as Honda's each of the three existing plants in India kept on running on pinnacle limit. Making another 1, Honda's bikes sends out crossed the 2lac imprint (200,1 ldunits) interestingly in hi monetary year 2015-16. 2.5 CURRENT PRODUCTION: Honda began generation in 2001 from its first plant of 1.6 million units limit at manesar (Haryana). In 2011, Honda extended to second plant of 1.2 millions units at tapukara (Rajasthan). This was trailed by third plant of 1.8 millions units yearly limit at narsapura(Kamataka). In 2013 .every one of the three plant are right now running on full limit . Predicting future increment in client interest for programmed bikes, Honda initiated its new fourth plant in India at vithalapur (mandaltaluka , Gujarath). Involving speculation of INR 1,100crore, the green-ficld venture is novel as Honda's solitary bike plant in India, The primary line began activities in February 2016 and in only four months, the second line of extra 0.6 million units limit began tasks in June 16 making this the 'quickest ever limit creation by Honda bikes India. Generally, this takes Honda’ all out generation ability to 5.8 million units-1.6 million units (first plant), 1.2 million units (second plant), 1.8 million units (third plant) and 1.2 million units (fourth plant) 2.6 NETWORK: With new speed, Honda is including around 2new touch-focuses each day. Including 850new touch-focuses, Honda bike growing its system to 4,500+mark completion money related year "2015-2016". Forcefully growing our system impression, with exceptional spotlight on semi-urban and rustic territories, we intend to cross 5300 outlets by current financial end. REVA University Page 20 Seamed sth CanSeamer eee A Study on Customer Satisfaction —S—SSSS tion pirect workplaces : with its new corporate office in Gurgaon, Honda has streamlined its key arranging under | rooftop. Parallelly, entered its immediate office nearness from its 5 teritorial workplaces to 11 zonal workplaces for accumulating nearby market intelligence, strategizing , and actualzing local methodology quicker the 11 zonal workplaces are situated at key urban communities Chennai, Raipur, ‘Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Patna, Jaipur, Nagpur, Mohali, Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar and Varanasi « 2.7 EXPANSIO! Honda is pleased to be the business first to advance fun, wellbeing and conditi India, Honda is glad to be the business first to advance fun, wellbeing and condition in India. For a long time, Honda has started and developed well known fun acti {from gross root level (gymkhana and Honda 10 hustling foundation) to giving national dimension introduction (Honda one make race) to taking Indian racers to universally dashing platforms(dream container and Asia street hustling title). Furthermore, Honda has presented 4 worldwide high — execution fun bicycles in India. These incorporates CB1000R, CBR 1000RR FIREBLADE, VT 1300CX and GOLDWING 1800L. 2.8 SAFETY PROMOTION: Honda was instructed over 9lae people of all age bunches on wellbeing riding movement with uncommon spotlight on enabling females and children. Also Honda bikes India has embraced ten traffic preparing parks in Chandigarh, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar , Cuttack, Yeola~ Nashik , Hyderabad, Indore , Ludhiana and two in Delhi where it has prepared over 3lac individuals on safe riding. 2.9AWARDS: Inits years venture in India, Honda bikes has won more than esteemed honors. In budgetary year 2015-2016, Honda's items have officially won hearts of clients and faultfinders alike including 4JD power grants. Honda's 110ce bike Livo is perceived 4s the "engine cycle of the year up perceived as "bike of the year up to I80CC" by NDTV vehicle and bicycle grants. Honda's leader CBR 650F WON honors as auto X best of 2015 ‘uber test’ and the India superbike grant by EVO India. _ a TT REVA University Page 21 eae ____ Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Moreover ,brand Honda won the peruser reviews confided in brand in bike class, grant in bikes maker of the year(NDTV vehicte and bieyele grants), brand perf car part — bikes (ABP news) and quality brands 2015-2017(quality brands 2015- 2016). 2.10 CORPORATE AND REGISTERED OFFICE «Honda motor cycle and scooter India private limited Gurgaon, Haryana Factories: © Manesar factory at Haryana ‘Tapukara factory at tapukara industrial area , dist. alwar, Rajasthan Narsapura factory at narsapur industrial area, karinayakanahalli village, kasbahobli, malurtaluk, district Kolar, Kamataka. Vithalapur factory at T poddar industrial park vithalapur, mandal Ahmedabad, Gujarat Regional offices «East regional office at Alipore, Kolkata, Westbengal. © Central regional office at Noida, Uttar Pradesh. + North regional office at Sohnaroad, Gurgaon, Haryana. South regional office at rajajinagar, Bangalore. ‘© West regional office at viveknagar, akurdi, pune, maharastra. Zonal offices: Ahmedabad at Gujarat. * Bhopal at madhya Pradesh. AS Page 22 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Bhubaneshwar at odisha. Chennai at tamilnadu, «Hyderabad at Andhra Pradesh. « Mohali at Punjab, «Raipur at Chhattisgarh. © Jaipur at rajasthan. © Nagpur at Nagpur. © Patna at Patna. Varanasi at Varanasi. « Lucknow at Uttar Pradesh, 2.11 DIRECTORS DETAILS: KEITA MURAMASTSU is managing director. MASAICHI KOBAYASHI is whole time director. * TAKANORI MARUYAMA is whole time director. « ANUPAM MOHINDROO is whole time director. * VISWANATHAN SRIDHAR is whole time director. © SHUNICHI EGUCHI is whole time director. * HARBHAJAN SINGH is whole time director. 2.12 VISION AND MISSION OF HONDA MOTORCYCLE AND SCOOTER: nn oT Page 23 REVA University aed Seamed uth CanSeamer es | a A Study on Customer Satisfaction VISION Honda is committed to build a very good business ideas with strong social relevance and a commitment to increase growth rate and contribute the society b ; " ety by supporting causes on various matters including environmental activity, promoting m1, promoting sports and other rural development activities educat MISSION In pursuance of our vision that Honda desire to be a company which society wants to exist, we are dedicated towards fulfilling the social objection through various CSR activity. The company shall make its endeavour to positivity impact and influence the society for its sustainable development. 2.13 PRODUCT PROFILES: All verities of Honda two-wheelers available in some scooters and Bikes, product information . Honda Activa-3G Name: Honda activa-3G Production: 2015 — Present Engine: 109.2ce, 4 stroke and air cooled Power:8bph at 7500rpm Brakes:130mm (Front & Rear) drum with combo brakes Wheelbase:1238mm Dimensions:L; 1761mm, W; 710mm, H; 1149mm Seat height: 765mm. Fuel capacity:5.3L. Price: 49,990 to 53,000 Page 24 REVA University ee CCC Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction FEATURES: © Full metallic body . © Large 5.3 litre fuel tank ‘© Combined breaking system Honda Dio: Name: Honda Dio Production: 2012—Present Engine: 109.2ce,4 stroke and air cooled Power: 8bph at 7000rpm Brakes: 130mm (Front & Reat) drum Wheelbase: 1238mm Dimensions: L; 1781mm, W; 710mm, H; 1133mm Fuel capacity: 5.3L Price: 48, 30 to 50,000 Official tag line: DO it your way FEATURES: © Trendy instrument panel. © Wider seat, aT Page 25, REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction charging socket. «Automatic headlamp on, Honda Unicorn-150: Name: Honda Unicorn=150 Production: 2012- Present Engine: 150ce, 4 stroke and air cooled, SI engine Power: 13,14bph at 8 500rpm Brakes: front-240mm, Disc& Rear-130mmdrum Wheelbase: 1340mm Dimensi L; 2095mm, W; 756mm, H; 110mm Seat height: 790mm Fuel capacity: 13L Price: 68,000 -70,000 Official tagline: Be a Wing Rider FEATURES * Smooth engine © Comfortable Honda Shine SP Name: Honda Shine Production: 2011 -Present Engine: 124.73cc,4 stroke and air cooled, SI Engine Foo REVA University Page 26 ed Ed Seamed uth CanSeamer a A Study on Customer satisfaction ——eevseoem power: 10.57bph at 7500rpm rakes: Front2400mm,drumé& Rear 130mm,drum Wheelbase: 126mm pimensions: L;2007mm, W;762mm, H;1085mm Seat height: 765mm Fuel capacity: 10.5L Price: 59,990 to 63,400 Official tagline: Jab mile Kuch MORE, kamahi Ban JatiHlai special FEATURES: «Digital analog meter console. © Split alloy wheels. + Stylish graphics. 2.14 HONDA SWOT ANALYSIS: Honda is a standout amongst the best just as a main organization in the market, which is delivering admirably with the assistance of all the most recent and inventive innovations. Aside from car, Honda is a standout amongst the best and the biggest maker of motor. Honda was the one ,which rival Nissan and accomplished the most clevated efficiency. Honda was the primary Japanese car based producer, which created the extravagance based brand .this organization is along these lines functioning admirably and producing compelling results. Aside from this ,various dangers just as shortcomings are there which assumes a significant job in debilitating this organization .accordingly, so as to break down the frail regions and to feature the proved and gainful solid territories of an organization , SWOT investigation is result, Undemeath referenced is the SWOT examination of Honda organization, OT Page 27 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Strength: High and ground-breaking innovative work. + Innovation * Best piece of the overall industry authority. + Strong and ground-breaking brand value. + Different and one ofa kind items, * Popularity is named as a standout amongst the best quality which results in improvement for the organization, Weakness: * Cost structure of Honda is high as contrast with other car makers. * Civic model is consider as one of the real soft spot for Honda organization. + Honda items are named as innocuous as far as style and structure. * Price for non-extravagance vehicles are far high as contrast with different makers. . Honda center more around worldwide stores as contrast with local stores. Opportunity + Honda can build its creation by concentrating on deals and research + ‘They can acquire fame by improving innovative work 7 Alliance are the best open doors for Honda organization * Various models are there which provides food the lower section eel REVA University Page 28, we Te Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction + Emerging market is a standout amongst the best open door for this, organization. Threats + One of the real dangers is the financial log jam. + Another danger is the lower cost contenders. + All the outer changes for example charges, legislative issues just as government are the real dangers for Honda organization. + Price war is additionally consider as a significant dangers for this organization. 2.15 ABOUT SAI HONDA ‘SAI Honda is selective showroom of Honda establishment in Sedam. Gulbarga area, itis established by fourth November 2014, The organization is claimed by VENKATESH PATIL, it's a business deals and administration of bikes, the turnover of the organization is 60 to 65 lac for each month. its having most recent model of showroom with cutting edge administration received, the organization focused on conveyance its any model with in only 15 days of booking, so that is the extremely amazing of Sai Honda, on the grounds that Hondas vehicles are exceptionally high popular by their clients, Sai Honda covers whole Gulbarga locale, the showroom is pioneer in conveying use to Sedam. The retrogressive territory of Gulbarga and all towns goes under Sedam. The showroom has giving bicycles in up front installment, presently multi day's kin comfort with Honda items i's anything but difficult to ride even solace to ladies' moreover. There are about 3Semployess in Sai Honda in Sedam, the organization generally amazing with contrast with other contender, the organization give many openings for work to individuals of Sedam , now the organization has choose to open 2 more showroom in Karnataka states. Sai Honda in this manner its promotion generally amazing with contrast with its different rivals, they has introduced its slow down outside of Sedam to give ET REVA University Page 29 _ Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction troduced an administration slow down in oil siphon ration and they hac admi which is situated on the interstate, 2.16 COMPANY POLICY We at Sai Honda are Committed to: + Product and service with top quality of management as per customer requirement With an aim to enhance customer satisfaction, * Promise with customer relationship management. ‘* Compliance of all legal and other requirements. We will achieve this by: * Providing best services to the customers. ‘© Concem with customers 24/7. Company calls to the customers to get and service on time. Providing exchange offers to maintain CRM. 2.17 SWOT Analysis of SAI Honda Strengths: Qualities are those attributes of the business or group that give it favorable position over others in the organizationExcellent delivery and service «Enduring advertisers with low cost Quick delivery after placing order * No cheating in pricing Excellent CRM Nee nn nn UEEEEEEIEEEE IEEE Page 30 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer | — , inistration and they had introduced an administrat admit ris situated on the interstate, whiel 2.16 COMPANY POLICY We at Sai Honda are Committed to: «Product and service with top quality of management as per customer requirement «With an aim to enhance customer satisfaction. with customer relationship management. © Pro Compliance of all legal and other requirements. ‘We will achieve this by Providing best services to the customers. Concern with customers 24/7. Company calls to the customers to get and service on time. Providing exchange offers to maintain CRM. 2.17 SWOT Analysis of SAI Honda Strengths: Qualities are those attributes of the business or group that give it favorable position over others in the organizationExcellent delivery and servi «Enduring advertisers with low cost * Quick delivery after placing order * No cheating in pricing * Excellent CRM a T REVA University Page 30 wee a SigseeennSsanInse EUEEIEURIDERIEEEED| Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer sat isfaction Weaknesses: Shortcomings are those qualities that place the organization firm off guard in respect to other people, «Lack of advertisements through media (TV and News Papers) ‘© No meeting with the clients to buy their loyalty © Lot of fluctuations in the price: no stable pricing policy + No professional management Opportunities: Opportunity are the outer opportunities to make grater deals or benefits in the earthIncrease the installed capacity and penetration in important market segment ‘If possible expand the business. ‘* To take the advertisement of boom and get more profits, keeping customers happy and satisfied, * Going for Govt, projects and receiving good and huge orders. Threats: ‘© Threat of cut throat competition + Fixing competitive prices to face the competition ‘+ Wide advertisement and publicity by the competitors ‘* Likely entry of other company showroom due to competition —— Page 31 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer | A Study on Custoi Chapter 3 Research Methodology Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Cus omer satisfaction 3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW: K.P Najcemudeen and Dr. N. Panchanatham (December 2014): India’s auto industry is one of the main drivers of China's economic growth, ‘Thanks to rapid economic growth, the number of private car owners in In is rapidly increasing. In terms of size and price, the relative popularity of other vehicle sectors is also changing. The rapid change to private car transportation is an important change, especially in countries where unofficial transport with motor, as well as public transport in major cities, provides most travel. This research report provides insight into the automotive sector and insights into how it is small and underdeveloped, but itis experiencing rapid growth and constant suecession. Dr. M. Prasanna Mohan Ra (January 2013): Buyers’ heterogeneous conduct in connection to the decision of different brands in a specific segment can be clarified by the impact of different components hidden the choice and the capital of the brand. The purpose of this study is to identify and study the factors that affect the preferences of SUV and MUV customers and the brand value of the choice of products, This article showed how customers prefer brands. For example, there are people who choose a specific brand with four wheels like Maruti or TATA, so people can actually buy their favorite car. Brand elements are essential from the customer's perspective K. J. Vinodini (Jan-Mar 2014): The car segment assumes a significant job in the economy of assembling and assembling a large number of wheels each year. This, segment is one of the quickest developing parts and has "n" clients to purchase vehicles, Prerequisites are basically boundless. Despite the fact that an individual has aplace with a white collar class family, his yearning to purchase a four-wheeled vehicle is eccentric, Individuals may have a place with rustic or urban zones, yet in ‘any event they need to change their way of life by devouring vehicles. The four- wheeler showcase is developing step by step with new advancements. As we as a whole know, rivalry is expanding step by step because of populace development, fh new organization has explicitly entered the market in the four-wheeler division a SS Page 33, REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction E, Thangasamy & Dr. Gautam Patikar (2014): Consumers want to create an optimal consu surplus whether itis for durable ‘consumer goods or not, and they make this Purchase to their needs. For this reason, marketers can effectively implement product planning and development strategies through consumer dynamic behavior studies to better meet their needs. Therefore, these complex purchasing behaviors of consumers need to be eriicaly investigated by researchers around the world, In this article, the researchers studied consumers’ buying behaviors, not the same behavior in all regions. Consumer behavior depends on income, living standards, and number of families. There are factors that affect the buying behavior of the consumer 3.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLE! ‘The present shopper markets are excessively focused. For amplifying the benefits and broadening the piece of the overall industry, the organizations utilizes different endeavors for achieving their targets. There likewise exists solid shopper promotion developments everywhere throughout the world. the vast majority of the organizations endeavor to change over potential client into standard client. For this, they attempt to give most extreme advantages and comforts to the clients through the great use of assets. The change of a potential client into a customary client isn't a simple assignment. In this scenery, a venture entitled "Consumer loyalty on Two-Wheelers — ‘A Study with Reference to Honda Motorcycles" has been embraced. 3.2 Title of the study- Customer satisfaction towards Honda Motors with reference to Sai motors. rsd Page 34 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction 3.3 Objective of study- ‘To contemplate consumer loyalty level towards Honda bikes. + Todiscover the variables tha pact on clients, when they are acquiring, Honda bikes. + To track and measure the consumer loyalty in connection to Honda bikes. + To offer proposal for improving the consumer loyalt 3.4 Research Design ‘The information displayed in the examination was gathered from the both essential and optional sources, Research just methods a scan for actuality answer to address and answer for issues. It is a purposive examination, it isa sorted out Enquiry, and it looks to discover clarifications to unexplained wonder to illuminate the suspicious actualities and right the misjudged realities. 3.5 Research instrument- > Primary data- Questionnaire > Secondary data © Journals * Books © Magazine © Websites * Reports ES REVA University Page 35 Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer s: 3,6 Definitions of terms used PRIMARY DATA It include observation method interview or questionnaire method. Interview ample of 100 respondent was concluded to find out the customer satisfaction witha towards the products of Honda two wheeler motor eycles so, it would be for us to distribute the questionnaire and then analyse the solution, SECONDARY DATA In addition to the primary data the secondary data also used to collect information from different sources which includes «Company websites and reports e Internet * Books and periodicals. SAMPLING METHOD ‘A technique for arbitrary examining has been embraced to course the survey among, the clients, The specialist has taken an example of 100 existing clients of Honda engines have been decided for the examination. Devices AND TECHNIQUES USED IN THE STUDY: ‘The information required for the investigation has the both essential, optional the ulation of crisp information in order to touch circumstance requested complete accum! base at a given end and there by propose handy arrangement. The information will be gathered through poll techniques. ‘The information was acquired through close and open finished inquiries, and after the consummation of information the accumulation information is classified and broke Page 36 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction down and the connection between various factors have been evaluated with the assistance of basic rate strategy and diagrams. 3.7 Scope of the Study ‘The extension is restricted to the degree of the spot, time, association and their data gathered amid the exploration .It is done as a piece of scholarly investigation. ‘The extent of the present investigation is restricted to data gathered with the assistance of essential information given by the respondent amid overview. Furthermore, the examinatior affirmed to chosen area ic., Sedam town of Kalaburagi locale. 3.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: + The number of clients studied is restricted to one hundred as it were. + Time was another imperative for the present investigation. + The inquire about vigorously relies on the reactions given by the example size of respondents. + The test is chosen on examining premise and is just a delegate bit of the entirety. 3.9 Chapter scheme > First chapter deals with introduction to topic customer satisfaction > Second chapter presents the Industry profile and company of profile of Sai motors > Third chapter focuses on the research design and research methodologies > Fourth chapter is analysis and interpretation of data collected. chapter is summary of findings, suggestions and conclusion of the study y REVA University Page 37 oo Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction Chapter —4 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Page 38 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer yr A Study on Customer satisfaction ——— TABLE 4.1 GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS GENDER | NO.OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE (%) MALE 70 10% FEMALE 30 30% ‘TOTAL 100 100% Graph No.4.1 Gender Male Female Interpretation: Graph 4.1 shows the gender wise classification of the respondents. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 70 respondents (70%) are male and 30 respondents (30%) are female. The most of the respondents are male respondents (70%) who are using Honda two-wheelers. REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfa TABLE 4.2 [AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS AGE (in years) | NO. OF RESPONDENTS | PERCENTAGE (%) 18-30 64 4 30-40 20 20 40-50 14 14 50 & ABOVE 02 0 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No4.2 No, of Respondents Interpretation: Graph 4.2 shows the age wise classification of the respondents. It denotes, out of 100 respondents, 64 respondents (64%) are of the age group of 18- 30 years, 20 respondents (20%) are of the age group of 30- 40 years, and 14 respondents (14%) are of the age group of 40- 50 years and 2 respondents (2%) are falling under the age group of 50 years and above, the age group of 18- 30 years of the respondents (64%) are using Honda two — wheelers more than the other age group. REVA University Page 40 ST rrere—OOOOOSOSsS(asseemr Se Seamed with CamScanner A Study on Customer s: TABLE 43 OCCUPATION WISE CLASSIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS OCCUPATION —_ | NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE (%) STUNDENTS 42 a2 SALARIED 12 12 AGRICULTURE 18 Is BUSINESS 22 2 PROFESSION 06 06 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No43 400 20. 20. g 60 bs = 40 Z£ 30 20 10 Sead sth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.6 TYPE OF HONDA TWO WHEELER, TYPE NO. OF RESPONDENT PERCENTAGE (%) WITH GEAR 6 6 WITHOUT GEAR 34 34 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.6 No. of Respondents, [@WITH GEAR @ WITHOUT GEAR Interpretation: The above graph 4.6 shows the type of two-wheeler used. ‘Among the 100 respondents 66 respondents (66%) are using the Honda two-wheeler ‘with gear and 34 respondents (34%) are using Honda two —wheeler without gear. It is ‘concluded that (66%) respondents are using Honda two-wheeler with gear REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer | A Study on Customer sa isfaction TABLE 4.7 OF HONDA TWO WHEELER USED BY THE RESPONDENT MODEL PERCENTAGE (%) HONDA ACTIVA 34 34 HONDA SHINE 40 40 HONDA DIO 10 10 HONDA UNICORN 12 12 OTHERS 4 4 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.7 so 40 No of respondents 30 10 ° Model Interpretation: The above table 4.7 shows the model of Honda two wheelers used by the respondents. It denotes that, out of 100 respondents, 34 respondents (34%) use the ‘model of Honda Activa , 40 respondents (40%) have Honda Shine, 10 respondents (10%) possess Honda Dio , 12 respondents (12%) have Honda unicorn and 04 Fespondents (04%) have some other models. The majority of respondents (40%) Possess Honda shine than the other two- wheelers. nso ee REVA University aes mee i“ twCt~—“‘CSCstsSCSCSC—s—sSOCY > Seamed uth CanSeamer RS BY THE RESPONDENTS AWARENESS NO. OF RESPONDENTS | pERcENTAGE(%) 30 FRIENDS AND RELATIVE : a COMPANY CAMPAIGN 7 y ALL THE ABOVE, a o TOTAL i w Graph No.4. 90 20 70 so | 50 20 20 10 ADVERTISEMENT "FRIENDS AND ‘AND OFFERS RELATIVE ADVERTISEMENT AND OFFERS &@ FRIENDS AND RELATIVE [2 COMPANY CAMPAIGN (LL THE ABOVE. Interpretation: The above graph 4.8 shows the source of awareness of Honda two-—wheeler by the respondents. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents 30 respondents (30%) have been stimulated by the advertisements and offers, 10 respondents (10%) have influenced by the friends and relatives, 10 respondents (10%) have stimulated by the company's eampaign and 50 respondents (50%) have been influenced by all the mentioned factors. 50 respondents (509) are influenced by ‘multiple factors before buying their two-wheelers. —$—$— Page 46 REVA University es —— Seamed sth Com Seamer A Study on Customer satisfaction 5 TABLE 49 PERIOD OF TIME USING HONDA TWO- WHEELER BY THE RESPONDENTS PERIOD NO.OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) 0-2 YEARS 26 26 2-4 YEARS. 40 40 4-6 YEARS 26 26 ABOVE 6 YEARS 08 08 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.9 No. of respondents 0-2 YEARS 2-4 YEARS 4-6 YEARS ABOVE 6 YEARS Period (SOR VEARS SE a YEARS 4-5 YEARS ABOVE SYERS] Interpretation: The above graph 4.9 shows the period of use of the Honda rndents. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 26 respondents two- wheeler by respo ) are using since 2 (26%) are using their vehile from 0-2 years, 40 respondents (40%) ~4 years , 26 respondents (26%) are using the vehicle from 4~6 years and 8 respondents (8%) are using their two-wheeler since more than six years. The majority (40%) of the respondents are using the Honda two —W! ~4 years. <7 rl Page 47 REVA University hneeler from the time period of 2 Seamed sth Cam Seamer ‘TABLE 4.10 FEATURES IN HONDA TWO-WHEELER BY THE RESPONDENTS FEATURES NO. OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) MILEAGE 8 28 COMFORTABLE 16 16 STYLE 4 mw PRICE WORTHY 08 08 COLOUR 08 08 ALL THE ABOVE, 16 16 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.10 Ast Respndts a iexae——Sconronrance SEE] Interpretation: The above table 4.10 shows the features ‘of Honda two wheeler that are influenced on te respondents. It denotes that, out of 100 respondents 28 respondents (28%) have preferred due to mileage, 16 respondents (16%) preferred due to comfort ability, 24 respondents ( 24% ) have been induced by style, 08 respondents (08%) have been influenced by the price, 08 respondents (08%) have bought due to the color and 16 respondents (16%) have influenced by all features of the Honda two. Wheeler. The majority of the respondents are satisfied by the mileage and style in the Honda two- wheeler es Naeem EE Seamed sth Cam Seamer | _— EES SST A Stud: 'y on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.11 SATISFACTION ON PRICE LEVEL OF HONDA TWo. WHEELER BY THE RESPONDENTS LEVEL OF ‘NO.OF PERCENTAGE (%) SATISFACTION RESPONDENT HIGHLY SATISFIED 20 2» SATISFIED 26 6 NEUTRAL 40 40 DISSATISFIED 10 10 HIGHLY DISSATISFIED 04 04 TOTAL 100 100 Graph Nos. Level Of Satiefaction Interpretation: Graph4.11 shows the satisfaction about price level of Hons wheelers. It reveals that, out of the 100 respondents , 20 respondents (20%) are highly 1%) tisfied satisfied with the price of Honda two- wheelers , 26 respondents (26%) are satisfies 6) are neutral view on With the price of the Honda two wheeler, 40 respondent (40%) are neutral vi Price, 10 respondents (10%) are dissatisfied with price. ———eeee ee ee e———————are REVA University ETT TTT] > Seamed uth CamSamer A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.12 PREFERENCE OF HONDA TWO-WHEELER BY THE RESPONDENTS, PREFERENCE, NO. OF RESPONDENT PERCENTAGE (%) QUALITY PRODUCT 20 20 ECONOMY IN 25 25 MILEAGE QUALITY SERVICE 10 10 PRICE 2 2 BRAND IMAGE 18 18 ALL THE ABOVE Is 15 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.12 Naages SERSro tenet Se = see saves] (S3y Interpretation: The above graph 4.12 shows the preference of the respondents while choosing Honda two— wheeler. It signifies that, among the 100 respondents, 20 respondents (20% ) preferred the Honda brand due to quality, 25, respondents (25%) are influenced by the economy in mileage , 10 respondents (10%) preferred because of quality service , 12 respondents (12%) have influenced by the price , 18 respondents (18%) preferred due to brand image and 15 respondents (15%) preferred all the features, The majority of the respondents have preferred their two- wheeler because of quality, economy in mileage and brand image. — ee Page 50 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.13 pasoN FOR SELECTING HONDA TWO- WHEELER BY THE esPONDENTS REASONS NO. OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) poDY QUALITY 26 26 MILEAGE 38 38 PRICE 14 4 PERFORMANCE, 22 2 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No4.13 At Respnders Interpretation: The graph4.13 shows the reasons for selecting the Honda two wheeler by the respondents. It reveals that, among the 100 respondents, 26 respondents (26%) have selected the Honda two- wheeler due to body quality, 38 respondents (38%) have selected due to mileage, 14 respondents (14%) have selected due to affordability in price, 22 respondents (22%) have selected because of Performance of the Honda two- wheeler, the majority of the respondents selected the Honda two- wheeler due to the mileage and body quality respectively. TTT REVA University Page St Pp is, 4 Scanned with CansSeanner A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.14 ‘TYPE OF PROBLEM FACED IN HONDA TWO- WHEELER BY THE RESPONDETS PROBLEM NO. OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) MILEAGE, 06 06 BRAKE 16 16 ELECTRICAL, 36 36 PROBLEMS. POST SALE VALUE 06 06 OTHER ACCESSORIES 08 08 ‘NONE 28 28 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.14 3 Interpretation: The graph 4.14 shows the type of problem faced by the respondents in Honda two-wheelers. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 06 respondents (6%) are facing the problem of mileage, 16 respondents (16%) face the problem in brake, 36 respondents (36%) are facing the problem of electrical , 6 respondents (6%) are facing the problem of post-sale value, REVA University Page 52 Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.15 OTHER TWO -WHEELERS ALONG WITH HONDA USED BY THE. RESPONDENTS, OTHER TWO- NO. OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) WHEELERS BAJAJ 10 10 HERO 20 20 YAMAHA 05 05 MAHINDRA 00 00 SUZUKI 05 05 NONE OF THE ABOVE 60 60 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.15 Interpretation: The graph 4.15 shows the customers using other brand of two- ‘wheelers along with Honda two-wheeler. it reveals that, out of the 100 respondents, 10 respondents (10%) are using Bajaj along with the Honda two-wheeler, 20 respondents (20%) are using Hero brand along with the Honda two-wheeler, 05 respondents (5%) are using Yamaha along with the Honda two-wheeler, none of the respondents are using Mahindra two -wheeler, 5 respondents (5%) are using Suzuki ‘along with the Honda two-wheeler, 60 respondents (60%) are not using any of the other brand of motorcycle except Honda motorcycle. REVA University Page 53 Seamed uth CanSeamer ca A Study on Customer satisfaction a TABLE 4.16 LEVEL OF SATISFACTION ON AVALIABILITY OF PRODUCTS, SERVICE CENTER, AND SPARE PARTS OF HONDA ‘TWO- WHI eee En! LEVEL OF SATISFACTION | NO. OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) HIGHLY SATISFIED 20 20 SATISFIED 20 20 NEUTRAL, 40 40 DISSATISFIED 10 10 HIGHLY DISSATISFIED 10 10 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.16 Interpretation: The graph 4.16 shows the satisfaction of the respondents about availability of products, service center and spare parts of the Honda two wheelers. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 20 respondents (20% ) are highly satisfied with the availability of products , service center and spare parts, 20 y of products, service center and respondents (20%) are satisfied with the avail spare parts, 40 respondents (40%) are neutral with the availability of products, service fied with the availability of center and spare parts , 10 respondents (10%) are dissati products, service center and spare parts and remaining 10 respondents (10%) are highly dissatisfied with the availability of products, service center and spare parts. the ‘majority of the respondents (40%) are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the availability of products, service center and spare parts. Page 54 Seamed uth CanScamer a A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.17 sat FACTION L OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY HONDA TWO- R DEALER, NO. OF PERCENTAGE (%) SAT RESPONDENT TnonLy SATISFIED Ay > SATISFIED. 40 o NEUTRAL a > DISSATISFIED a > HIGHLY 5 7 DISSATISFIDE TOTAL aa om Graph No.417 Interpretation: The above graph 4.17 shows the satisfaction towards services provided by the Honda two-wheeler dealers. Out of 100 respondents, 20 respondents (20%) are highly satisfied with the service provided by the dealer, 40 respondents (40%) are satisfied with the service provided by the dealer, 20 respondents (20%) are neutral with the service, 20 respondents (20%) are dissatisfied with the service and none of respondents are highly dissatisfied with te service, the majority ofthe respondent (60%) are satisfied with the service provided by the Honda two-wheeler dealer at sedam. Page 55 REVA University | Seamed. wth Caneamer — A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.18 SATISFACTION LEVEL ON MILEAGE OF HONDA TWO-WHEELER LEVEL OF NO.OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) SATISFACTION HIGHLY SATISFIED 40 40 SATISFIED 30 30 NEUTRAL 20 20 DISSATISFIED 10 10 HIGHLY DISSATISFIED 00 00 TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.18 Interpretation: The above graph 4.18 shows the satisfaction level towards mileage provided by the Honda two-wheclers. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 40 respondents(40%) are highly satisfied with the mileage, 30 respondents (30%) are Satis! ed with the mileage, 20 respondents (20% ) are neutral with the mileage ,10 Tespondents (10%) are dissatisfied with the mileage, and no respondents are highly \issatisfied with the mileage, the majority of the respondents (70%) are satisfied with the mileage, a, REVA University Page 56 Seamed uth CanSeamer Pee _AStuly on Gusomeraqqg- A Study on Customer Satisfaction TABLE 4.19 SATISFACTION LEVEL OF Post-sALp s “SALE SERVICE ae ICES OF HONDA Two CTION LE F EVEL | NO.OF RESPONDENT PERCENTAGE (%) FIED 20 20 SATISFIED 20 20 NEUTRAL 30 30 DISSATISFIED 20 20 HIGHLY DISSATISFIED 10 10 100 100 Graph No.4.19 #2 Interpretation: Graph 4.19 shows the extent of satisfaction towards post-sale services provided by the Honda dealers. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 20 respondents (20%) are highly satisfied with the post-sale services, 20 respondents (20%) are satisfied with the post- sale services, 30 respondent (30%) are neutral with the post-sale services, 20 respondents (20%) are dissatisfied with the post-sale services and 10 respondents (10%) are highly dissatisfied with the post-sale services, the majority of the respondents (60%) are having neutral and negative view on the Post-sale services provided by the Honda two-wheelers dealers, RES ‘VAUniversity me? Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction TABLE 4.20 OVERALL SATISFACTION ABOUT PERFORMANCE OF HONDA TWO- WHEELER BY THE RESPONDENTS, SATISFACTION LEVEL | NO.OF RESPONDENT | PERCENTAGE (%) HIGHLY SATISFIED 20 0 SATISFIED 40 5 NEUTRAL 20 0 DISSATISFIED 10 0 HIGHLY DISSATISFIED 10 a | TOTAL 100 100 Graph No.4.20 Interpretation: The above graph 4.20 shows the overall satisfaction of the respondents towards Honda two-wheelers. It reveals that, out of 100 respondents, 20 respondents (20%) are highly satisfied with the overall performance of the Honda two-wheeler, 40 respondents (40%) are satisfied with the overall performance of Honda two-wheeler, 20 respondents (20%) are neutral with the overall performance of Honda two-wheeler, 10 respondents (10 %) are dissatisfied with the overall performance of Honda two-wheeler and 10 respondents (10%) are highly dissatisfied with the overall performance of Honda two-wheeler, the majority of the respondents, ‘re having positive view with the overall performance of the Honda two-wheeler. eed REVA University Page 58 a Seamed uth CanSeamer ~ A Study on Customer satisfaction Chapter - 5 FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION REVA University Page S9 Sead uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction 4. FINDINGS: jound from the examination that, 70 percent of the respondents were male, Iti Itis found from the examination that, 64 percent of the respondents are of the age bunch between 18-30 years. It is found from the investigation that 42 percent of the respondents were understudies. «It is found from the examination that, 56 percent of the respondents fall under the yearly pay gathering of beneath Rs. 2,00,000, + Itis found from the examination that, 66 percent of the respondents are utilizing the Honda bike bicycles. + Itis found from the investigation that, 66 percent of the respondents incline toward the Honda bike with apparatus. Itis found from the examination that, 40 percent of the respondents utilizes the Honda sparkle bike among all bicycles. + Itis found from the investigation that, 50 percent of the respondents know about numerous elements before purchasing their Honda bike. + Itis found from the examination that, 40 percent of the respondents are utilizing Honda bike since from 2-4 years. + It is found from the investigation that, lion's share of the respondents happy with the mileage and style from choosing Honda two — wheeler. + Itis found from the examination that, 40 percent of the respondents are impartial with the value dimension of Honda bike. * Its found from the examination that, 25 percent of the respondents gives the inclination to the economy in mileage quality and brand picture. Itis found from the investigation that, 38 percent of the respondents gives ‘eason of mileage for choosing the Honda bike. ———— REVA University Page 60 ly > Seamed uth CanSeamer yr A Study on Customer satisfaction Itis found from the examination that, 36 percent of the respondents face the seoticl issues while utilizing their Honda bike, dl Itis found from the investigation that, 60 percent ofthe respondents were having just Honda bike. «The ponder uncovers that out of complete respondents, a noteworthy number ofrespondents (40%) are nonpartisan with respect to the accessibility of items, administration focus, and extra parts. + Its found from the investigation that 60 percent of the respondents are happy wwith the administrations given by the Honda vendor, + The ponder found that, the 70 percent of the respondents are happy with mileage of Honda bike. + The contemplate found that, out of all out respondents, larger part of the respondents (30%) are impartial with respect to the post-deal administrations of Honda bike. + Itis found from the examination that, dominant part of the respondents are happy with the general execution of Honda bike. 5.2 SUGGESTIONS: + The most significant media for buyer durables is TV. Thus, they should more center TV promotion, the TV ads impacts more on the general population. Organization ought to put in some consumption for TV promotion. * Being the cost of the Honda it is higher which contrast with other, organization should attempt to diminish costs in light of the fact that in market there are numerous different contenders which are selling at lower cost, * More highlights ought to be added to the bikes as indicated by the need of the clients, on the grounds that the contenders are accompanying the new models. As per the investigation the organization should chi yge the model or change the innovation, REVA University Page 61 Seamed uth CanSeamer | A Study on Customer satisfaction + Company should give a few impetuses to the sellers for advancing the results ‘of Honda, they ought not disregard sellers, and they should choose great vendors which they can give consumer loyalty, + Company should setup further more administration focuses at seller level itself They should prepare faculty for elite support ofthese bikes, They ought to Iikewise give home administrations to the clients. + The organization should concentrate on the issue of electrical supply of the Honda bike. As countless are confronting the inconvenience in there part. 5.3 CONCLUSION: ‘The examination is valuable in understanding the client relationship the board of Honda cruiser and bikes among a clients’ starting new details can make pioneer in many market fragments. It has been without a doubt demonstrated that holding clients is the best way to prevail in business. The investigation on consumer loyalty of Honda bikes among the clients inside the SEDAM town of KALABURAGI DISTRICT .the examination attempts to uncover the components in charge of inclining toward a specific brand. The example was gathered from the clients who possessed the Honda bike and to think about the fulfillment dimension of the Honda bikes. The examination attempted to distinguish the degree of impact of different instructive sources in consumer loyalty. In this examination, the majority of the respondents are having a decent assessment about the Honda bikes and discoveries and proposals of this investigation will bolster the organization to take powerful quantify in future. ————————————S—SSS_L |: REVA University Page 62 Seamed uth CanSeamer Pe A Study on Customer satisfaction BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS: > Beri G.C, “Marketing Rescarch”, Third Edition, Pg 362 > Kotler Philip, “Marketing Management”. The eleventh edition published by Pearson Education Singapore, Pvt. Ltd, 2009 WEBSITES: > http:/Avww. Honda two-wheeler > http://www.yes. Honda .com > > > www. QUESTIONNAIRE 1] Name: 2) Gender a) Male [1 b)Female [ee 3] Age a) 18-30 [1 b)30-40 to] ©) 40-50 [1 dS0above [ 4] Occupation a) Students [ 1 b)Salaried i) ©) Agriculture [1 @ Business til ©) Profession {7 1 5] In which range of annual family income do you fall a Page 63 REVA University Seamed uth CanSeamer pe A Study on Customer action a) Below Rs. 2,00,000 [ ] b)Rs. 2,00,000—4,00,000[ J ©) Rs. 4,00,000-6,00, 000, Jd) Rs.6,00,000 above [ J 66] Which kind of two -wheeler do you have 4) Scooter C1 bBike [od 7] Which type of two- wheeler you most likes among Honda a) With gear {1 b)Withoutgear = [J 8] Which model of Honda two -wheeler do you have a)Honda Activa [ ] —b)HondaShine [J ) Honda Dio {1 @)Hondaunicom [J e) Others [ ] 9] How did you came to know about Honda two- wheeler before you buy a) Advertisement and offers[] b) Friends andrelativet c)Company campaign [ —] ) All the above { ] 10] Since how many years have you being using Honda two-wheeler a) 0-2 years C ] b) 2-4 years [ J ©) 4-6 years [1 @Abovesyears =f J 1] Which features in Honda two- wheeler you most likes a) Mileage [ ] 'b) Comfortable t ] ©) Style [ 1. @Priceworhy [ J ©) Colour [ 1. DAlltheabove =f] 12] To what extent you are satisfied with the price of your Honda two wheeler a)Highly satisfied [ ] _b) Satisfied to] ©) Neutral [1 @) Dissatisfied to ©) Highly dissatisfied [ 13] Why did you preferred Honda two- wheeler ———— REVA University Page 64 — Seamed uth CanScamer A Study on Customer satisfaction a) Quality product, [ —]_——-b) Economy in mileage{ J )Quality services [ — ] —d) Price {J ¢) Brand image [ ] f) All the above [ ] 14] What is the main reasons for selecting Honda two- wheeler a) Body quality C ] b) Mileage C J ©) Price {1 d)Performance = [|] 15] What type of problem are you faced in Honda two-wheeler a) Mileage [ ] b) Brake C ] ©) Electrical problems[ ]—d)Postsale value. = [J] e) Other accessories [ ] f)None {1 16] Do you have any other two wheeler along with Honda from the following a) Bajaj [ ] b) Hero C J ©) Yamaha {1 @)Mahindra [4 ©) Suzuki [1 DNoneoftheabove [ J 17] Please select your level of satisfaction to the following concerns SL. | Content Level of satisfaction No Highly | Satisfied [Neutral | Dissatisfied | Highly Satisfied | 2 3 4 Dissatisfied 1 5 1 | Availability of products, service center, and spare parts 2 | Satisfaction level of services provided 3__| Mileage 4 [Post sale services 5 Over all performance ed REVA University Page 65 Seamed uth CanSeamer A Study on Customer satisfaction __ REVA University Seamed. ath Con comer OSEAN ~ OAT Erne aa SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES A Study on “Customer Satisfaction towards Sai Honda Maem ei SecA MM RemceM am UEC Roe Ud of Master of Business Administration Submitted by Somshekar Rachoti R17MB247 rm ke Ce POT ae cee bac ICULC MLL iss Le0 ory May, 2019

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