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A Functional Stylistic Study of a Classic Chinese Poem

09050201210006 2010-08-28

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Hallidays systemic functional linguistic offers a framework for discourse Abstract analysis. Based on systemic functional linguistics, this paper studies a poem written by Ma Zhiyuan who is a famous verse writer in Yuan dynasty. This paper first gives a brief introduction of functional stylistics, and then it examines the linguistic features of the poem by studying transitivity, theme and rheme and cohesion systems. By studying the poem in the light of functional stylistics, the author would like to identify the linguistic features which contribute to achieve the thematic significance of the poem. It is hoped that the applicability of systemic functional linguistics to discourse analysis is well tested. Key wordsSystemic functional grammar; transitivity; theme and rheme; cohesion, poem analysis

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................1 2. Theoretical Background..................................................................................................................2 2.1. An Introduction to Functional Stylistics..............................................................................2 2.2. Previous Studies on Functional Stylistics............................................................................3 3. Study a Poem in the Light of Functional Stylistics........................................................................4 3.1. Introduction to the Poem......................................................................................................4 3.2. Poem Analysis in the Light of Functional Stylistics............................................................5 3.2.1. Transitivity................................................................................................................5 3.2.2. Theme and Rheme.....................................................................................................7 3.2.3. Cohesion....................................................................................................................8 4. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9 References:........................................................................................................................................10

1. Introduction
As one of the most important forms in literature, poem enjoys special style which brings people the beauty of rhythm, vision, and image and implied meaning (Zhang Delu, 1998). Traditionally, poem studies focus on the analysis of meter and rhyme, then with some introduction of the author and background of the poem, it comes to the analysis of the structure, lines of the poem and metaphorical meanings, syntax, punctuations and so forth for studying the stylistic features in the poem (Thormborrow and Wareing, 2000, p.5). Functional stylistics is short for systemic functional stylistics which refers to the stylistics based on Halliday's systemic functional linguistics. It holds a history of 30 years since systemic functional linguistics started in 1970s. As the founder of functional stylistics, on the symposium of stylistics held in the U.S.A. in 1969, Halliday held his idea that the functional theory of language is an effective tool to studying stylistics. Halliday (1985) identified three systemic functions which are also called metafunctions: one is ideational function which expresses speaker's experience in the real world. The second one is interpersonal function which expresses speaker's attitude, comment and the relationship between speaker and listener. The third one is textual function. The three functions are closely related to each other and they are the three basic parts comprising the semantic potentials or systems of language. Halliday's theory of metafunction is extensively employed in discourse analysis. Just as he once stated that one of the purposes of constructing systemic functional grammar is to provide an analytical framework for discourse analysis. Generally, systemic functional grammar has great application on discourse analysis and stylistic analysis; however, there are few studies on poems within this framework (Huang Guowen, 2001, p.35). This paper is a systemic functional attempt to study a classical Chinese poem " " written by Ma Zhiyuan. It is hoped that the present

study will provide a good insight into Chinese ancient poem studies and that the applicability of systemic functional linguistics to discourse analysis is well tested. The author categorizes this paper into four parts. The first part is about introduction in which the author gives brief information on what the main idea of the paper is. In the second part, some related theories will be introduced. And also, the author will briefly introduce similar or related studies which had been done by some scholars at home and abroad. In the third part which is also the main part of the paper, detailed analysis of the poem in the light of systemic functional grammar will be made. Then based on all the theoretical background and exampled analysis, in the last part, a conclusion will be made.

2. Theoretical Background
2.1. An Introduction to Functional Stylistics
The theoretic basis of functional stylistics is M.A.K. Hallidays systemic functional linguistics. Halliday takes language as a system network of making meaning. Each system in the network represents a choice: not a conscious decision made in real time but a set of possible alternatives which is called meaning potential (Zhu Yongsheng, 2001, p.64). Halliday also proposes that language has three meta-functions: the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual function. The ideational function expresses the speakers experience in the actual world and thinking in the speakers inner world as well as logic relations among things such as coordination and subordination. Ideational function is realized by transitivity system, voice system and polarity system. The interpersonal function sets up and maintains social relations. It refers to speakers function as an intruder expressing his or her comments, attitude and the relative roles compared with the listener. Interpersonal function is realized by mood system, modality system and intonation system. The textual function organized the previous

two functions by constructing a whole text through which the writer can deliver his meaning coherently and cohesively. Textual function is realized by theme system, information system and cohesion system. These three functions constitute the semantic system of language and are termed metafunctions (Halliday, 1985).

2.2. Previous Studies on Functional Stylistics

Halliday has established a set of theories on functional grammar. He also applies his theories to functional stylistics analysis. Halliday uses systemic functional linguistics to analyze the novel the inheritor in his paper Linguistics Function and Literary Style: an Inquiry into the Language of William Goldings The Inheritor. In this paper, Halliday focuses on the transitivity of the researched text. By analyzing its transitivity, Halliday successfully reveals the relationship between the use of processes and the characters of the persons in the novel. This has served as a good example for functional stylistic analysis (Shen Dan, 2008, p.211-212). From then on, a lot of scholars employed this theory to analyze different texts. Mary Ellen Ryder analyzed transitivity in one part of a romantic novel Love Me Forever in her paper Smoke and Mirror: Event Patterns in the Discourse Structure of a Romance Novel In China, scholars also pay much attention to functional analysis. Some of them are devoted to introducing the newest theories, such as Hu Zhaunglin, Zhu Yongsheng. And others apply the theories to practical analysis, such as Dai Fan and Huang Guowen. Professor Dai Fan studies a short poem written by Guillaume Appolinaire by examining the textual and interpersonal grammatical metaphor and that of lexical grammar and analyzing the transitivity, lexical sets the changing of pronouns, references and their contribution to the meaning of the poem. Professor Huang Guowen applied functional stylistics to the analysis of different translated texts of Du Mus poem Qing Ming

3. Study a Poem in the Light of Functional Stylistics

3.1. Introduction to the Poem
Ma Zhiyuan, one of the most famous playwrights in Yuan dynasty. his " " is considered one of the best . That is why it enjoys the reputation as the father of autumn thoughts. Wang Guowei commented that " " is as good as Jueju of Tang dynasty. The poem is as follows: This poem only has 28 words; however, it means a lot. Besides, the poem is so well-sounded and simply-rhymed that it is very easy to read and recite. That is one of the reasons that the poem can be intoned by generations. The author, Ma Zhiyuan, was into official career when he was young. However, he could not really make much official achievements within that special period. In another word, Ma leads a wandering life and lives in poverty. The poem just reflects his real life. (dry vines, old tree, crows at dusk) these images can bring out melancholy to a poet who is in his low spirit. (low bridge and running stream) are supposed to be pleasant images, however, these images are contrasted with others' cottages instead of his. Therefore, these would get the poet more melancholic and miss his own home more. together with (ancient road, west wind and lean horse)" , all the images add to his depression on fulfilling nothing in official career and loneliness because of being homeless. the last line (one with breaking heart at the skys edge) which is also the topic line, finally put all the images

into a statement that expresses all those sadness and loneliness the poet want to convey.

3.2. Poem Analysis in the Light of Functional Stylistics

Hallidays metafunction linguistics refers to ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual function. Ideational function is realized by transitivity system, voice system and polarity system. Interpersonal function is realized by mood system, modality system and intonation system. Textual function is realized by theme system, information system and cohesion system. Hereby the author will analyze the poem (autumn thoughts) in the perspective of transitivity, theme and rheme and cohesion systems

3.2.1. Transitivity
Transitivity is a semantic system. One of the major grammatical systems in ideational function is transitivity which specifies the different types of process that are recognized in the language and the structures by which they are expressed. The basic semantic framework for the representation of process consists of three components: the process itself, participants in the process, and circumstances associated with the process (Hu Zhuanglin, 2001, p.258). Halliday recognizes six process types which are material processes, mental processes, relational processes, behavioral processes, verbal processes and existential processes. As for the first three lines in the poem, ''' there are nine noun groups which depicts nine images. However, they are not just noun groups. we can understand each line as a sentence or a clause. "(dry vines, old tree, crows at dusk) " are real things in the existing world. so here we can take it as There exists . Then we can analyze it in the perspective of existence process. Existential process is the process of existing, which expresses the notion that something exists or happens. It expresses the mere existence of entity without predicating anything else of

it. The things exist in the poem do not appear at any time. They are representatives of the autumn. So with an existence process, the author depicts the season of autumn. It is not an ordinary autumn or a harvest autumn as most people expected. The adjectives "(dry) (old) (at dusk)" help to present a bleak autumn which paves what is going on next. The above existence process can also be interpreted as a behavior process. since all the images are seen by the poet, we can read them as the poet sees . Behavior process is the physical action intentionally made by the agent (Li Jiyan, 2009, p.21). We know there are lots of images in the autumn, like golden field, fruitful trees, etc. Why does the poet only catch these images? The answer is obvious. What he catches in his eyes mirrors what is in his mind. As I mentioned in the poem introduction part, the poet failed to make any achievements in his official career and he is in a really low spirit and tough situation. He is homeless or far away from home. That is why what he catches in his eyes are those images like "" '' (ancient road, west wind and lean horse) '' seems to consist of three noun groups. when we read it carefully, we can figure out a whole sentence like "on the " , (west wind) blows. the poet rides (lean horse) . in the sentence, we can work out on the (ancient road) is the circumstance where things are happening. West wind blows is a material process. For the readers, while west wind blows, it is supposed to be really cold. Then the feeling of coldness arises among readers who will feel sympathetic for the poet. In this cold autumn, everybody might stay at home with their family members; however, the poet rides a slim horse alone on an ancient street (not many people might be there) The poet rides a slim horse is a material process with agent and verb omitted. Material process is the process of doing. They express the notion that some entity does something. It is one of the most salient types of processes are those involving physical actions: running, throwing, cooking and so on. In this process, who is the agent is not important. The point is the slim horse which indicates that the horse rider

is in poor situation. " (one with breaking heart at the skys edge) " is a complete sentence. obviously a relational process is involved in the sentence with the word . Relational process is the process of being. It expresses the notion that something is something else or like something else. " " (is in someplace) vividly identifies the relation of and . So the last sentence finally tells what the situation is in the poem-----a lonely guy is far away from home. Then the implied meaning of all the images depicted in the first four lines becomes much clearer. Readers would easily get what the poet wants to express and might arouse the resonance if the readers had been in the same situation.

3.2.2. Theme and Rheme

Theme is an important part of textual function. The Theme is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message it is that with which the clause is concerned The remainder of the message the part in which the Theme is developedis called the RhemeIn other words the Theme is one element in a particular structural configurationwhich organizes the clause as a messagethis is the configuration Theme+Rheme Within that configuration the Theme is the starting point for the messageit is what the clause is going to be aboutSopart of the meaning of any clause lies in which element is chosen as its Theme (Hu Zhuanglin, Zhu Yongsheng, et al., 2008, p.84). The significance of studying theme structure is to learn the distribution of main information in discourse. Having a good knowledge of theme structure can help readers find out the starting point of speaker and what kind of message the speaker is trying to send. " " are three noun groups. however, we can understand it as the water flows under the bridge near people's house. the theme is rheme is . The theme depicts some images not as sad as those in the first line but something pleasant; however, the point is not that. the rheme is the point. Water

flows around others' house instead of the poets. so the rheme arouses the poet's qualms of homesickness. the images in the first line present some sad feelings to the poet, here this line adds to the sadness and loneliness. "" "" is the theme while is the rheme. Theme in fact contains old information. "" in the first line already tells it is at dusk. so here comes . if it is , of course it goes down west. but why the poet add to ? why do not he just write as a noun group as he did in the first three lines? added to makes people more aware that it is late and it is time to go back home. Birds are going back to their nests; some houses are preparing for their dinner; but where is the poet's home? Where should he go? then " " makes the poet's situation seem much worse or more sad. The others have home to go back, even those birds. But he is still alone walking outside. Then readers will try to think about where the poet is going to stay. This structure provides more imagination space for the reader.

3.2.3. Cohesion
Halliday and Hasan (1985) classified the person system into first person, second person and third person. Only the third person in the personal references system carries the function of cohesion and they are often anaphoric which means referring backward. In the whole poem, there are only two complete sentences. one is . the other is . As I have mentioned in the above parts, actually the first three lines involve a subject or an agent though they are presented in the form of noun groups. Its structure is just as follows: (the poets sees) . (the poet) rode a slim horse. "" in the last line actually is the poet who sees and rides the horse. so the subject of the last line is also the subject of the first three lines. without in the last line, readers may have a hard time identifying the very theme of the poem and then understanding in what kind of mood and situation the poet was. so here the subject " " works as a word for

cohesion, thus the meanings of the other lines turn to be much clearer. In addition, if the poet identifies the subject at the very beginning of the poem, there is not much imagination space for the readers. Then the poem might lose some power or beauty.

4. Conclusion
According to Widdowson (2000), there is no authoritative interpretation to a poem since poem involves a lot of semantic potentials through its typical pattern or structure. (p.16) "" s author Ma leads a wandering life. That is why we say the poem mirrors his real life. When the poem is presented to readers, the feeling of loneliness and sadness might be aroused, especially when the readers had the same experience of being far away from home or homeless. There is no doubt that the powers of a poem and its effect on readers have a lot to do with the content and how it is expressed (Dai Fan, 2001, p.14). In the light of systemic functional grammar, this paper studies the transitivity, theme and rheme and cohesion in the poem. Although functional stylistics still needs further study, this paper's analysis of the poem reveals that functional stylistics can serve as a standard or framework for studying texts of different styles and reader's subjective understanding of texts can be built upon objective standards. The application of systemic functional linguistics to stylistics helps readers to obtain a better understanding of the poem and enhances the power and beauty of the poem and of course in turn, it is proved that systemic functional grammar enjoys extensive applicability.

[1] Halliday, M.A.K. (1985). An introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold. [2] Halliday, M.A.K.& Hasan Ruqaiya (1985). Language, Context and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-semiotic Perspective. Victoria: Deakin University Press. [3] Widdowson, H.G. (2000). Practical stylistics: an approach to poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [4] Thornborrow, J. and Wareing, S. (2000). Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature. London: Rutledge. [5].[J]. 2001,(1). [6].[J]. 2002,23(3). [7] . [M]. 2008. [8].[J]., 2009,22(1). [9].[M].:, 2008. [10].[M]. :1998. [11].[J].2001,(5).


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