Electron Microscope-Cell Structure Workbook

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Cell Theory

1) What is a cell? [2]

Cells are the basic unit of all living organisms i.e. all living things are made of cells.

Units of measurement
1) Complete the diagram below to show: names of the units of measurement, unit
symbols, mathematical operations for converting between units.

1. Millimetre = mm
2. Micrometre = μm
3. Nanometre= nm
4. Millimetre to micrometer x1000 : 1000
5. Micrometre to nanometre x 1000 : 1000

2) Complete the table below to show the corresponding value nanometres, micrometres
and millimetres for the measurements given in each row. The first row has been
completed for you. Ensure that your answers use the correct unit symbols.

Nanometre Micrometre Millimetre

5 0.005 0.000005
1 0.001 0.000001
1000 1 0.001
1000000 1000 1
3000 3 0.003
7 0.007 0.000007
500000 500 0.5

3) When studying cells structure using a microscope the smallest unit of measurement
commonly used to describe findings is the nanometre. Explain why.

Magnification and Resolution

1) Define the following terms:

Magnification: Magnification is the process of enlarging the apparent size, not physical
size, of something. 

Resolution: Resolution is used to describe the ability of a microscope to distinguish

detail. In other words, this is the minimum distance at which two distinct points of a
specimen can still be seen

2) Visible light has a wavelength of 400-700 nm. Calculate the best resolution achievable
with a light microscope? Show your working out:

3) If the electron gun produces an electron beam with 2 nm wavelength, what is the best
resolution achievable?

Calculating total Magnification of a compound light microscope

Eyepiece Objective Overall

Magnificati Magnificati Magnificati
on on on
X10 X4 X40
X10 X10 X100
X10 X40 X400
X10 X100 X1000
Calculating Cell Magnification from images

The diagram below shows the general structure of an animal cell as seen under an
electron microscope.


1) Calculate the magnification factor of the diagram

2) Calculate the length of structure G

3) Calculate the diameter of the nucleolus (structure B)

4) Calculate the diameter of the nucleus

5) Calculate the diameter of the cell at its widest point

The diagram below shows the general structure of a plant cell when viewed under
and electron microscope.

1) Calculate the magnification factor of the diagram

2) Calculate the thickness of the cellulose cell wall.

3) Calculate the length of the cell.

4) Calculate the length of structure C.

5) Calculate the length of the vacuole.

Types of microscope

1) Why is the maximum effective magnification of a light microscope said to be 1500x when
it is possible to produce higher magnifications with improved lenses?

2) Use a named example to explain the need for staining when using a light microscope.

3) State a possible disadvantage of staining a specimen for observation when using a light
The resolution is not as high as an electron microscope and will not get a detailed view.

4) State 2 advantages of using electron microscopes to study cells over a light microscope.
You will get a more detailed and higher resolution for the cells.
Electron microscope can be used to magnify smaller parts and is can view the tiny cell parts
like ribosomes.

5) State 2 disadvantages of using electron microscopes to study cells.

You can only see black and white and no colour in the view.
The main disadvantages are cost, size, maintenance, researcher training and image artifacts
resulting from specimen preparation.

6) Describe with reference to the role of staining how the transmission electron microscope
differs from a scanning electron microscope?

7) Explain why a vacuum necessary in an electron microscope?

Which microscope?
1) State which type of microscope has been used to create the image below, give a reason
for your answer.

2) The two images below of human chromosomes were produced using a light microscope
and SEM. State which is which; give a reason for your answer.

3) The image below was produced by staining a section of gut epithelium. The image is not
shown in false colour. Which type of microscope was used to produce the image?
Explain your answer.
4) The three images below are of human cheek cells. One image has been produced using a
light microscope, one using a SEM and one using a TEM. For each image identify the
microscope used and justify your choice

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