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Tek (4) all the lalemends that ate conect ma) Pie U_ increas When YQ ity Hea) 1's tines tng} tp The _fokuvel b< We C Ww) Me yeh ty) has a_fornk of taf exion cw) 4" fa) is positive _[ —the inlavel betel (1) 4G) bon a local mtininum at 4 =a (vi) AL ae ¢ Ox) how a point xf linflexion (vu) 4"(q) 20 ak as eae The — blante wit, pox / min! 2er0 Sabor Pol | Nen- ¢ahoomy Pos / io 9 ele cama ad. yp | aod Oa as 7 cobb ae, Fa) @ cr a a ee me a2 ob fix) 1 —— A yw 2 e 4x) Is (Vi) Af a-b 4'(a) is ww) HE qed q"ta) ts =o fn) dia) Fen) “AS LHS sitive. nN Eee a © Nea ative Weagdv Negative Negabive ben © oO ) DE IGIES Negative posting We LT o posibre Won Za Positive nagate . 1. Copy the graph of y = fix), shown on the right. 2 Onthe same set of axes, mark points which show the value of the f(x) for points A, 8, Cand D, labelling them A’, B’, C’ and 0’. 3) Whatare intervals in which fis Hincreasing and ii decreasing? What does this tell you about the sign of in each of these intervals? 4 Use your answer to question 3 to help you ‘complete a sketch ofthe graph of . 5 What key points of fdo the maximum and minimum points off” correspond to? Label these points as E, Fand 6 on your sketch ofthe graph off. 6 Whatare the intervals for which fis concave up and iiconcave down? What does ‘this tell you about the values of ” in these intervals? 7 Onthe same axes, mark points which show the value ofthe /”(x) at points E,F ‘and G. Label these points €’,F’ and G’ Complete a sketch ofthe graph of /”. 8 (TLTITD Describe how you can sketch the graphs of y = f"(x) and =f" (x)from the graph of y = fix). 1. Copy the graph of each function given. On © the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of the first and second derivatives of the function. a oO 10 ° 10 20 0 40 w apa 2 45 3 35 Investigation 17 1 Sketch the graph of f(x) = 4x* — 12x7. Using the graph of y = f"(x): 2 Describe how can you find the x values of any turning points or horizontal points of inflexion of f, and find these points. 3 Describe how can you find the intervals on which f is i increasing and ii decreasing, and find these intervals. Describe how can you find the intervals on which f is i concave up and ii concave down. Sketch a possible graph for f(x) on the same graph. On the same graph, sketch two other functions for f whose derivative is f”. How are the different possible graphs of frelated to one another? Given the graph y=f"(x), describe how can you sketch a possible graph of y= fix). 2 erv8H ‘The follow diagram shows the graph of y= "(x) for a function f: From the graph, indicate: @ the x-coordinate of any points where f has turning points and determine the nature of these points b the intervals where fis i increasing and ii decreasing the intervals where fis i concave up and ii concave down. Sketch a possible graph of fusing your answers to parts a, b and ¢. Investigation 18 ‘The grophof "is given. 41 Using the graph how do you identity 1 where fhasa point(s) of inflexon? theinenals wher fis 1 concave up 1 coreae down? 2 (TEAL vnavinormation can you deduce about (x fom the staph of (a)? 13 Copythe graph of "and sketch a possible graph of/‘onthe same graph 4 Sketch a possible raph of fusingallyour answers. '5 Compare he graphs you nade tothe graphs of one of your classmates. ‘Whatisthe same about these graphs? Whatis diferent? Can efferent ‘graphs both be conect? =z © 1 Foreach graph of y=/") given below, Copy the given graph of f, and on the sket same set of axes sketch the possible graphs of fand f. ha possible graph of y= x). 5 2 a ry a io b 4 ae 2 0 Pl ie

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