Group 5 - Reflection Report 7.2

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Student name: Nguyễn Nhật Anh Student ID number: 22002498

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Student name: Nguyễn Quỳnh Kim Ngọc Student ID number: 22004165

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Unit name: Principle of Management Unit number: PM-T123PWB-4

Tutorial/Lecture: Tutorial Class day and time:
Lecturer or Tutor name: Ms. Tran Thi Huong Trang


Title: Reflection Report 6- Tutorial 7.2

Length: Due date: Mar 3 Date submitted: Mar 3

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Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 0
Reflection Report

Group 5
ISB - Global Pathways
Principle of Management (PM-T123PWB-4)
Mr. Chris Paget & Ms. Tran Thi Huong Trang
March 3, 2023

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 1
Table Of Content
Feedback for Group 3…………………………………………………………………3
What we learn from Group3………………………………………………………….6
Feedback for Group 9…………………………………………………………………8
What we learn from Group 9…………………………………………………………11

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 2
Feedback For Group 2

Overall, our group hold an opinion that the presentations and debates from all three groups were

To Speakers

They perfectly demonstrated their fluency in their presentation. To construct a well-prepared

presentation, each member demonstrated their strengths while limiting their faults. They were
knowledgeable enough to give us a brief presentation on what they were presenting. Also, they were
good at time management, so they finished their presentation on time. Therefore, group 3 virtually
had no significant issues during the presentation.

To Presentation

Our group adored the backdrop color. It makes the lettering shine and goes excellent with clarity
when they distilled several determinants that made their presentation fascinating, which proved that
they did put their effort into the presentation.

To Team Debate

Our group believe that the debating session was exciting as both groups 1 and 2 posed many
challenging issues. The audience was able to more clearly understand the argument because to group
3's responses to the questions, which were highly accurate and logical.

There was a discussion between group 1 and group 3. The first question for group 3 from team 1
was, "Can you give some examples of "magic buttons" organizations, what do they support for
particular businesses? "group 3 answered, "Instead of concentrating on duties, functions, or
locations, Google creates horizontal organizational structures around fundamental cross-functional
systems. The ability of horizontal organizational systems to increase adaptability and responsiveness
may be their most significant asset. It encourages cooperative behavior and teamwork, which raise
employee life satisfaction by allowing them to take on additional responsibilities, make wise choices,
and be accountable for what they do. Toyota, a manufacturer of vehicles in Japan, has long been used
as an organizational system. Toyota's guiding principle is "Customer first, quality first." Toyota has a

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 3
superior culture because of its longstanding reputation as having the most efficient corporate
structure and production line ". Another question for group 3 was, "Do you think this arrangement
will increase in the future? Why or why not? "they responded, "I think this arrangement will
increase rapidly because when new businesses - have seen the success in organizational management
of big companies like Google and Toyota, there's no reason why they shouldn't follow suit. ". The
last question for group 3 was "Personally, I believe that sometimes this kind of "magic button"
will make people become lazy. Furthermore, this is able to make people lack skills. Therefore,
many drawbacks will occur, which might lead the whole market down. What is your opinion?
"Group 3's answer was, "Well, I agree with your point. The skill of handling tasks you do not do
regularly will gradually become worse than those of people who do it daily. It will take them longer
to deal with supporting tasks like creating documents, typing notes, doing research, manipulating
data, and scheduling meetings, but be aware that it will just take more time. You do not do it
regularly does not mean you lack the skills to deal with it. In return, their company will be stronger
because 100% of Pfizer's workers are completely focused on developing ideas in their work. It is a
common case that when employees are focused on doing what comes from their ideas, they will
work more enthusiastically than having to deal with boring paperwork. This is a win-win exchange;
both sides benefit, so I think the market will develop more. The only limitation of influence that I
think should be noted Moreover guaranteed is that they will not quit their job midway or disclose
Prfizer's valuable information."
From team 2, they questioned, "What is the impact of organizational structure on an
organization's efficiency and effectiveness? "group 3 answered, "When selecting a framework,
efficacy, viability, and efficiency are taken into account. To accomplish these goals, the
organizational system must be compatible with both the internal environment and the external
environment. An organization is said to be efficient if resources are allocated well in order to
produce products or services. Either fewer resources are used or more goods are produced, which
both increase efficiency. The manner in which a company accomplishes goals or renders services
that are valued determines how successful it is; as a result, the corporation's outputs must be desired
by a client or the general public. Efficiency is an internal assessment, whereas effectiveness is an
external one. While efficiency refers to doing the right thing, effectiveness refers to doing the
appropriate thing. ". Another question for group 3 was, "How does outsourcing work to other
countries affect local jobs and economies? "group 3 answered, "A more competitive local business
will appeal far more to potential investors, whose investments will ultimately drive greater growth in
the local economy as the business expands. These investors may even be foreign investors, so the
benefits realized by outsourcing will have come full circle and further boost the local economy.

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 4
Local businesses that don't improve efficiency through outsourcing or cease trading because they are
no longer competitive have only one other option: consider operating abroad. Driving local
businesses to foreign countries will damage the local economy as jobs are lost, skills will eventually
fade, and the local government is unable to recuperate anything through taxation.". The last question
for group 3 was, "What risks should companies consider before implementing outsourcing or
offshoring systems?", and group 3's response was "Companies have a lot of issues to consider when
adding another party to their operations. The first and most important is the reliability of the
company that you will work with. Legal and service risks will occur if it is a company with a lot of
bad reputation. It is necessary to have really strong legal qualifications on the issue of cooperation
with outsourced organizations. It must be ensured that they will not arbitrarily break the contract and
quit the job without reason, and also take measures to keep the company's confidential information
completely confidential. Another risk comes from employees, and the language barrier will greatly
affect when cooperating with another party. One external example which does not relate to Pfizer is
if a customer service center is outsourced to a country that speaks a different language, it may result
in customer dissatisfaction due to the related language barrier. Regarding the company's employees,
there may be negative perceptions towards outsourcing and unnecessary quarrels. The company must
also ensure that unnecessary conflicts between employees are quieted in order to maintain a
sustainable and peaceful working environment. "

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 5
What We Learned

From Presentation Group

Thanks to group 3's presentation, they managed to provide insightful research about a global
pharmaceutical company, Pfizer. The company discovered that its MBAs with advanced degrees
were wasting too much time on trivial things like Googling and creating PowerPoints. Even the most
senior staff were impacted, including David Cain, who valued his work but found it tedious to
organize PowerPoint presentations and browse spreadsheets. By pressing a single button on their
computer desktops, Pfizer workers may delegate time-consuming and laborious duties to others
outside the company. David Cain's experience demonstrates the value of PfizerWorks, which has
helped workers save 66,500 work hours. In the first question, we learned that the digital shift has
helped Pfizer reduce significant work. Also, the answer to the next question provided a clearer
analysis of the technique "OOF" (office of the future) used by the Pfizer Senior director while
illustrating it through six organizational design elements. Not only that, we learned from the third
question that Pfizer's agreement to outsource support labor to larger organizations can benefit them,
but it is only appropriate for large enterprises with specialized tools. Meanwhile, the last question
taught us that "speed, efficiency, and effectiveness" are used to describe a variety of observable and
quantifiable methods for management. To achieve these objectives, the organizational structure
should be compatible with both the internal setting and the external environment. Effectiveness
means doing the right thing, while efficiency means doing the correct thing.

From Debate Groups

Throughout the debate session, group 1 provided thoughtful and well-researched arguments, while
group 2 effectively countered their points with valid rebuttals. In the debate with Group 1, Group 3
has given a great example of two companies that apply "magic buttons" to their organizations,
namely Google and Toyota. Google creates horizontal organizational structures to increase
adaptability and responsiveness, while Toyota has a superior culture due to its efficient corporate
structure and production line. Also, in the debate, we learned that the skill of handling tasks that are
not done regularly would gradually deteriorate and that 100% of Pfizer's workers are focused on
developing ideas in their work. This is a win-win exchange; both sides benefit, and the market will

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 6
develop more thanks to that. The only limitation on influence is that employees must not quit their
job midway or disclose Pfizer's valuable information. Meanwhile, in the debate with group 2, we got
to know that efficacy, viability, and efficiency are considered when choosing a framework. The
organizational structure must be compatible with both the internal and external environments to
accomplish its objectives. When resources are used effectively, and more products are created, a
company is considered to be efficient. Efficiency is evaluated internally, whereas effectiveness is
evaluated externally. The way a business accomplishes its objectives or provides valued services
influences how successful it is; as a result, the corporation's outputs must be sought after by
customers or the general public. Moreover, outsourcing work has become the only alternative for
local firms that don't increase efficiency through outsourcing or shut down because they are no
longer competitive to think about operating abroad. The local economy will suffer as a result of the
loss of employment, the deterioration of skills, and the inability of the government to recoup taxes.
Yet, it will also boost local economic growth and benefit international investors. As risky as it
sounds, outsourcing can be harmful to businesses, especially when adding a new party to their
operations. Businesses must take the trustworthiness of the new party into account. If the business
has a poor image, there may be legal and service problems; therefore, it is critical to have solid legal
credentials and take precautions to protect personal information. Language limitations might also
result in unhappy customers and unfavorable impressions of outsourcing. To keep a productive and
calm workplace, the corporation must also see to it that pointless disputes between workers are


In short, the most remarkable things our group learned from group 3's presentation are that
effectiveness means doing the right thing, while efficiency means doing the correct thing. Both
effectiveness and efficiency play critical roles in the success of a business; therefore, it is essential to
seek both of them.

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 7
Feedback For Group 7

Overall, our group thinks that all three groups have done a great job presenting and debating.

To Speakers

The debating session was fantastic. They had strong time management and communication skills,
and their voice and accent were simple to understand. They also had a thorough knowledge of the
topic. Their pronunciations were really clear to understand, and they had quite good time

To Presentation

Team 9 had really cute and colorful slides with a pinky tone. They also have to wrap up mini-games
to help us reflect on what they have spoken about and help make the session more enjoyable. They
should have put more words in their slides. However, mostly they put many pictures to illustrate
what they presented, which luckily helped the audience focus more on what they said.

To The Team Debate

There was a thrill in the debate session as both groups 7 and 8 asked many challenging questions.
However, group 9 responses to the questions were quite precise and logical, which helped the
audience comprehend the argument more clearly.

First is the debate session between group 7 and group 9. The first question was, "According to the
article it says the reason other companies can't operate like W.L Gore and Associates is
because Self-managed teams aren't effective . However I disagree with this reason because
nowadays most companies are divided into small groups to work and all are working very well,
and the company is growing very well. So can your group give me a more compelling reason
why other companies can't use the way W.L. Gore and Associates operates." group 9 answered,
"You already mentioned how challenging it is to manage self-managed teams. It is only appropriate
in a setting organization where innovation is strategically significant. As I mentioned in question 2 of
group 8. if the corporation uses this structure, it will be difficult. Individuals frequently reach
judgments faster than groups do. When a group of people is responsible for making the choice, it

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 8
may take longer for that group to come to an agreement... Decision-making may be slowed by
having too many members. Considering that they are free to choose what they will work on. Hence,
it could result in a lack of productivity.
However, It is hard to use this method but it is not impossible. Because this allows a work group to
manage themselves saves you the expense of employing another manager. Your business may save a
significant amount of money as a result of this and create an independent and open environment for
employees.". The second question from group 7 was, "What other management model can
companies use to cultivate innovation beside self-managed teams?" group 9 answered, "We
believe Kotter's idea of change management is one of the most widely used and embraced (about
Kotter, his full name is John Paul Kotter, who is an author, and the founder of Kotter International, a
management consulting firm based in Seattle and Boston. He is a thought leader in business,
leadership, and change). This model's emphasis on employee readiness for change rather than actual
change execution is our favorite aspect of it. This model has eight stages, and each of them focuses
on employees' response to change, including increasing urgency, building the team, getting the
vision correct, communicating, getting things moving, focusing on short-term goals, incorporating
change, and not giving up. One of the reasons this is one of the most often utilized change
management methods is the emphasis on the employee experience and good workplace
communication." The last question from group 7 was, "Should companies develop a model of self-
managing teams?" and group 9 answered, "We think each company should consider carefully
before applying self-managing teams because there are not many successful organizations with this
type of management. W.L Gore & Associates is just one of the successful ones. Because if there are
no bosses or managers, employees will lose the motivation to work since no one tells them what they
must do. We are easily lazy if there is no one to force us to work. However, we agree companies
should develop self-management models because employees can improve underutilized abilities by
working in self-managed teams. For instance, they get the chance to improve their organizational,
problem-solving, and communication skills because they are collaborating to plan and carry out a
variety of tasks." 

Next, moving on to the debate session between group 8 and group 9. The first question from group 8
was, "Do you agree with the opinion: that working structure is the only factor that contributes
to the development of Gore? Why or Why not?" Group 9 answered, "Despite the high level of
self-management exhibited by Gore workers, we believe that the spirit of teamwork also plays a
significant role in the company's growth. 

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 9
Besides the fact that the Gore unique structure provides a self-managed environment, it also makes
them work as a team.
The reason behind this is that teamwork in general, allows your team to share ideas and duties, it
helps everyone feel less stressed and enables them to be more meticulous and thorough in their task
completion. This will help them rapidly reach their sales objectives. The company's blooming
business is proof showing the structure of Gore works effectively.
The fact is that it's hard to work with people with high egos and who are uncooperative. They usually
refuse everything that comes against their will or idea of work and do not that often listen to others"
opinions to work effectively in Gore, the first thing to learn is working with a different type of
people in a team, the arguments may happen back and forth, but in final, the key is to accept that
nothing will always work as your wishes.". The last question from group 8 was, "If you have the
plan to start up a business, would you structure your firm as Gore? Why/ why not?"  and group
9 answered, "I will not follow this strategy. This structure will not lead to high productivity and
efficiency. If no one on the team has strong project management abilities, it could be challenging for
the group to set up their workflow in the most efficient manner. When a group of individuals is in
charge of making the decision, it could take that group longer to reach an agreement. Hence, it could
result in a lack of productivity. It also requires each member to have excellent time management

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 10
What We Learned

From Presentation Group

Thanks to the presentation of group 9, our group gained vast knowledge related to business people
and the case of Gore. To be more specific, W.L. Gore and Associates' unconventional but effective
control structure, in which employees operate in teams of 8–12 people with no titles, supervisors, or
hierarchy, has helped the company grow successfully for more than 50 years. Founders Wilbert
"Bill" Lee and Genevieve Gore Workers designed this edifice. They have created standards of
conduct and expectations for what should be done. A corporation needs strongly held ideals that
guide work activities if it is to be successful. Moreover, our group thinks the idea is outstanding for
some reasons. Firstly, self-managed teams work autonomously and are given the freedom to make
decisions that leaders would typically make. Due to removing the more traditional leadership
structure, teams operate much more quickly and have more time to seize new chances and handle
emergent problems. Self-managed teams also usually offer workers more opportunities to grow in
their careers. When working under this type of management structure, employees frequently
transition between duties and wear multiple hats, indicating that while each person may have a core
role, there may also be secondary responsibilities that need to be attended to and are therefore rotated
among team members. However, this concept of Gore is just suitable for small companies. In the
text, they say "how Self-management could easily turn into chaos, especially with more than 10,000
employees." Furthermore, Self-managed teams work autonomously and are given the freedom to
make decisions that leaders would typically make. Due to removing the more traditional leadership
structure, teams operate much more quickly and have more time to seize new chances and handle
emergent problems. Self-managed teams also usually offer workers more opportunities to grow in
their careers. When working under this type of management structure, employees frequently
transition between duties and wear multiple hats, indicating that while each person may have a core
role, there may also be secondary responsibilities that need to be attended to and are therefore rotated
among team members.

From Debate Groups

Regarding the debate of group 9 against groups 8 and 9, questions and answers in the debate helped
our group accumulate more knowledge about the concept of self-management. Although there are
many benefits from self-management, it is not encouraged to follow the concept of Gore for start-

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 11
ups. There will be little productivity or efficiency with this setup. It may be difficult for the team to
set up their workflow most effectively if no one on the team has excellent project management skills.
When several people are involved in the decision-making process, it could take them longer to
decide. Hence, it might lead to a lack of productivity. Each participant must also have exceptional
time management skills. Furthermore, another useful change management theory is Kotter's (about
Kotter, his full name is John Paul Kotter, and he is an author and the founder of Kotter International).
Our favorite part of this methodology is how it prioritizes staff change preparedness rather than
actual change implementation. Each of the model's eight stages—increasing urgency, team building,
clear communication, getting things moving, concentrating on short-term objectives, implementing
change, and persevering—focuses on how people respond to change. The focus on the employee
experience and effective workplace communication is one of the reasons this is one of the most
frequently used change management strategies.


To sum up, significant things our group 5 learned from the speech of group 9 are that there are
upsides to using self-management in organizations and companies; however, it is just suitable for
small ones due to the method's limits.

Group 5 - PM-T123PWB-4 12

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