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1. Solution which satifies all the constraints of linear

programming problem is called
(a) Feasible solution
(b) Bounded solution
(c) Unbounded solution
(d) None of these
2. Any feasible solution of a canonical maximization
(respectively minimization) linear programming prob-
lem which maximizes (respectively minimizes) the ob-
jective function is called
(a) Feasible solution
(b) Optimal solution
(c) Unbounded solution
(d) Bounded solution
3. If the constraint set S of a canonical maximization
or a canonical minimization linear programming prob-
lem is bounded, then the maximum or minimum value
of the objective function is attained at the
(a) Extreme point of S
(b) Interior of S
(c) Exterior of S
(d) Boundary of S
4. ”Any unbounded linear programming problem has
an unbounded constraint set”.
(a) The above statement is always TRUE
(b) The above statement is always FALSE
(c) The above statement can be TRUE or FALSE
(d) Insufficient data
5. ”Any linear programming problem having an un-
bounded constraint set is unbounded”.
(a) The above statement is always TRUE
(b) The above statement is always FALSE
(c) The above statement can be TRUE or FALSE
(d) Insufficient data
6. Intersection of convex sets
(a) is not a convex set
(b) may be a convex set
(c) is a convex set
(d) cannot be determined
7. The closed ball of radius r > 0 centered at the ori-
gin in R3 is a
(a) Cirlce and its interior
(b) Circle
(c) Sphere
(d) Sphere and its interior
8. Which of the following is/are bounded sets?
(i) unit square, (ii) unit circle, (iii) The first octant,
(iv) a closed ray in R1
(a) i,iii,iv
(b) only ii
(c) i and ii only
(d) ii,iii,iv
9. A linear programming problem having an empty
constraint set is said to be
(a) Feasible
(b) Bounded
(c) Unbounded
(d) Infeasible
10. A linear programming problem having 6 main con-
straints and 3 nonnegativity constraints.Find the up-
per bound for the number of extreme point candidates.
(a) 504
(b) 120
(c) 20
(d) 84
11. Find the norm of x where x = (2, −1, 0, −2) ∈ R4
(a) 3
(b) 9
(c) -1

(d) 3
12. Which of the following is/are non convex set(s)?
(i) x-axis, (ii) R2 − {(0, 0)} (iii) Unit Circle
(a) all the above
(b) i,iii but not ii
(c) ii and iii but not i
(d) only i
13. ”Union of convex sets
(a) is always convex set
(b) may be a convex set
(c) is never a convex set
(d) cannot be determined
14. The simplex algorithm was developed in the year
1940 by
(a) A.W. Tucker
(b) James K Strayer
(c)George Cantor
(d)George B. Dantzig
15. Slack variables are always
(a) Positive
(b) Non-negative
(c) Zero
(d) Negative
16. The variables to the north of the maximum tableau
are called
(a) Basic variables
(b) Slack variables
(c) Non-basic variables
(d) Dependent variables
17. The variables to the west of the minimum tableau
are called
(a) Basic variables
(b) Slack variables
(c) Non-basic variables
(d) Dependent variables
18. The variables to the east of the maximum tableau
are called
(a) Basic variables
(b) Slack variables
(c) Non-basic variables
(d) Independent variables
19. The variables to the south of the minimum tableau
are called
(a) Basic variables
(b) Slack variables
(c) Non-basic variables
(d) Independent variables
20. A basic solution is a solution obtained by setting
(a) some independent variables equal to zero
(b) all independent variables equal to zero
(c) some dependent variables equal to zero
(d) all dependent variables equal to zero
21. A basic solution
(a) is always a basic feasible solution
(b) cannot be a basic feasible solution
(c) may be a basic feasible solution
(d) none of the above
22. The Tucker tableau is said to be maximum basic
feasible if
(a) some bi ’s> 0
(b) some cj ’s> 0
(c) all cj ’s> 0
(d) all bi ’s> 0
23. The maximization problem is unbounded if
(a) atleast one cj > 0 and aij ≤ 0f oralli
(b) for all cj > 0 and aij ≤ 0f orsomei
(c) for all cj < 0 and aij < 0f orsomei
(d) atleast one cj > 0 and aij ≥ 0f oralli
24. In a maximum basic feasible table if all the cj ’s
are non-negative then the basic solution of this table
(a) Not optimal
(b) May be optimal
(c) always optimal
(d) Cannot be determined
25. The maximization problem is infeasible if
(a) atleast one bi < 0 and aij ≤ 0f oralli
(b) atleast one bi < 0 and aij ≥ 0f oralli
(c) atleast one bi > 0 and aij ≤ 0f oralli
(d) atleast one bi > 0 and aij ≥ 0f oralli
26. A pivot entry is
(a) always negative
(b) always positive
(c) always zero
(d) always non-zero
27. A real variable in a linear programming problem
is said to be unconstrained if there is
(a) nonnegativity constraint on the variable.
(b) no nonnegativity constraint on the variable.
(c) positivity constraint on the variable.
(d) negativity constraint on the variable.
28. Noncanonical linear programming problem can
(i) Unconstrained Variables (ii)Equations of Constraint
(a) only (i)
(b) only (ii)
(c) (i) or (ii) or both
(d) None of these
29. If noncanonical linear programming problem has
an equation of constraint then we introduce
(a) slack ”variable” 0
(b) slack ”variable” t1 > 0
(c) slack ”variable” t1 < 0
(d) all the above
30. A canonical tableau is a tableau having
(a) unconstrained independent variables and no slack
”variables” of 0.
(b) no unconstrained independent variables and slack
”variables” of 0.
(c) no unconstrained independent variables and no slack
”variables” of 0.
(d) unconstrained independent variables and slack ”vari-
ables” of 0.
31. Apply the simplex algorithm to
(i) Canonical Table (ii) non canonical table
(a) only ii
(b) only i
(c) both i and ii
(d) i or ii
32. In noncanonical maximum tableaus
(a) rows corresponding to pivoted unconstrained vari-
ables are filed and deleted.
(b) rows corresponding to pivoted unconstrained vari-
ables are filed and never deleted.
(c) columns corresponding to pivoted unconstrained
variables are filed and deleted.
(d) columns corresponding to pivoted unconstrained
variables are filed and never deleted.
33. In noncanonical minimum tableaus
(a) rows corresponding to pivoted unconstrained vari-
ables are filed and deleted.
(b) rows corresponding to pivoted unconstrained vari-
ables are filed and never deleted.
(c) columns corresponding to pivoted unconstrained
variables are filed and deleted.
(d) columns corresponding to pivoted unconstrained
variables are filed and never deleted.
34. In noncanonical maximum tableaus
(a) columns corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
(b) rows corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
(c) columns corresponding to slack”variables” of 0 are
never deleted.
(d) rows corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
never deleted.
35. In noncanonical minimum tableaus
(a) columns corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
(b) rows corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
(c) columns corresponding to slack”variables” of 0 are
never deleted.
(d) rows corresponding to slack ”variables” of 0 are
never deleted.
36. Slack ”variables” of 0 (corresponding to equations
of constraint) in non canonical maximum tableaus al-
(a) get pivoted up-from east to north
(b) get pivoted up-from north to east
(c) get pivoted up-from west to south
(d) get pivoted up-from south to west
37.Slack ”variables” of 0 (corresponding to equations
of constraint) in non canonical minimum tableaus al-
(a) get pivoted up-from east to north
(b) get pivoted up-from north to east
(c) get pivoted up-from west to south
(d) get pivoted up-from south to west
38. Unconstrained independent variables in noncanon-
ical maximum tableaus always
(a) get pivoted down-from north to east
(b) get pivoted down-from south to west
(c) get pivoted down-from west to south
(d) get pivoted down-from east to north
39. Unconstrained independent variables in noncanon-
ical minimum tableaus always
(a) get pivoted down from south to west
(b) get pivoted down from west to south
(c) get pivoted down from north to east
(d) get pivoted down from east to north
40. ”Any canonical tableau can be interpreted
both as a canonical maximization linear pro-
gramming problem and a canonical minimiza-
tion linear programming problem.”
The above statement is
(b) TRUE
(c) May be TRUE
(d) May be FALSE
41. A tableau of a canonical slack minimization lin-
ear programming problem is said to be minimum basic
feasible if
(a) all c0j s < 0
(b) all c0j s ≥ 0.
(c) all c0j s ≤ 0.
(d) all c0j s > 0.
42. In Dual Simplex Algorithm for Minimum Tableaus,
the minimization problem is infeasible if
(a) cj > 0 such that j is maximal and a1j , a2j , ......amj ≤
(b) cj > 0 such that j is maximal or a1j , a2j , ......amj ≤
(c) cj < 0 such that j is maximal and a1j , a2j , ......amj ≤
(d) cj < 0 such that j is maximal or a1j , a2j , ......amj ≤
43. ”In a minimum basic feasible tableau, the
basic solution is a feasible solution”.
(b) TRUE
(c) May be TRUE
(d) May be FALSE
44. In Dual Simplex Algorithm for Minimum Tableaus,
the minimization problem is unbounded if
(a) if bi < 0 and ai1 , ai2 , ...., ain ≤ 0
(b) if bi > 0 and ai1 , ai2 , ...., ain ≤ 0
(c) if if bi < 0 and ai1 , ai2 , ...., ain > 0
(d) if bi < 0 and ai1 , ai2 , ...., ain ≥ 0
45. If optimal solution exists in Dual Simplex Algo-
rithm then
(a) Max f = -Min g
(b) Max f = -Max g
(c) Max f = -Min (-g)
(d) Max f = -Max(-g)
46. For any pair of feasible solutions of dual canonical
linear programming problems, we have
(a)g > f
(b) g ≥ f
(c) g < f
(d) g ≤ f
47. Choose ”The Duality Equation”
(a) g − f = SX t + Y t T
(b) g + f = SX t + Y t T
(c) g − f = SX t − Y t T
(d) g + f = SX t − Y t T
48. For any pair of feasible solutions of dual canonical
linear programming problems, we have
(a)g − f > 0
(b) g − f < 0
(c) g − f ≤ 0
(d) g − f ≥ 0
49. Choose the correct statement
(a)If a canonical maximization linear programming prob-
lem is unbounded, then the dual canonical minimiza-
tion linear programming problem is unbounded
(b)If a canonical maximization linear programming prob-
lem is infeasible, then the dual canonical minimization
linear programming problem is infeasible.
(c) If a canonical maximization linear programming
problem is unbounded, then the dual canonical mini-
mization linear programming problem is infeasible.
(d)If a canonical maximization linear programming prob-
lem is infeasible then the dual canonical minimization
linear programming problem is unbounded.
50. ”If a canonical maximization linear programming
problem is infeasible then the dual canonical minimiza-
tion linear programming problem is
(a) Unbounded
(b) Infeasible
(c) Unbounded or Infeasible
(d) None of the above
51. Choose the correct statement
(a) If a canonical minimization linear programming
problem is unbounded, then the dual canonical maxi-
mization linear programming problem is unbounded.
(b) If a canonical minimization linear programming
problem is unbounded, then the dual canonical maxi-
mization linear programming problem is infeasible.
(c) If a canonical minimization linear programming
problem is infeasible, then the dual canonical maxi-
mization linear programming problem is infeasible.
(d) If a canonical minimization linear programming
problem is infeasible, then the dual canonical maxi-
mization linear programming problem is unbounded.
52. A pair of feasible solutions of dual canonical linear
programming problems exhibit complementary slack-
(a) if and only if they are basic solutions.
(b) if and only if they are basic feasible solutions.
(c) if and only if they are optimal solutions.
(d) cannot be determined.
53. Given dual canonical linear programming prob-
lem if Maximization problem has optimal solution then
Minimization problem has
(a) unbounded solution
(b) infeasible solution
(c) unbounded solution or infeasible solution
(d) optimal solution
54. Given dual canonical linear programming prob-
lem if Minimization problem has optimal solution then
Maximization problem has
(a) unbounded solution
(b) infeasible solution
(c) unbounded solution or infeasible solution
(d) optimal solution
55. ”Given dual canonical linear programming prob-
lems,both problems are unbounded” Is this statement
(a) always possible
(b) never possible
(c) may be possible
(d) cannot be determined.
56. A linear programming problem can have
(a) No solution
(b) Exactly one solution
(c) Infinitely many solutions
(d) All the above
57. A linear programming problem can have infinitely
many solutions
(a) The above statement is FALSE
(b) The above statement is TRUE
(c) The above statement’s truth value cannot be de-
(d) None of these
58. Does every pair of optimal solutions of dual canon-
ical linear programming problems exhibit complemen-
tary slackness?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May exhibit complementary slackness
(d) Cannot be determined.
59. Is it possible for a feasible non-optimal pair of so-
lutions of dual canonical linear programming problems
to exhibit complementary slackness? (a) Yes
(b) No
(c) May exhibit complementary slackness
(d) Cannot be determined.
60. In LPP unbounded solution means
(a) Infeasible solution
(b) Degenerate Solution
(c) Infinite solution
(d) Unique Solution
61. The intersection value of pivot column and pivot
row is called
(a) Basic element
(b) pivot element
(c) Non basic element
(d) important element
62. In a canonical maximization problem
(a) all the constrains are of the type ≤
(b) all the main constrains are of the type ≤
(c) some of the constrains are of the type ≤
(d) some of the main constrains are of the type ≤
63. In a canonical minimization problem
(a) all the constrains are of the type ≥
(b) all the main constrains are of the type ≥
(c) some of the constrains are of the type ≥
(d) some of the main constrains are of the type ≥
64. In an LPP the objective function is
(a) Linear
(b) Quadratic
(d) Bi-quadratic
65.Objective function of a linear programming prob-
lem is
(a) a constraint
(b) function to be optimized
(c) A relation between the variables
(d) None of these
66.Extreme points of the feasible region for an LPP
are (0, 2), (3, 0), (6, 0), (6, 8) and (0, 5). Let F = 4x
+ 6y be the objective function.
Maximum of F – Minimum of F is
67.Which one of the following is not the solution method
of transportation problems?
(a) Hungarian Method
(b) Northwest method
(c) Least corner method
(d) VAM
68. Graphical Method can be applied to solve a LPP
if there are only . . . . . . variables.
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) None of the above
69. If in a LPP , the solution of a variable can be made
infinitely large without violating the constraints, the
solution is a) Infeasible
b) Unbounded
c) Alternative
d) None of the above
70.The word ”Linear” means that the relationships are
represented by
a) Parabola
b) Hyperbola
c) Straight lines
d) circles
71.The entries of the transportation tableau are called
(a) Extreme points
(b) Corner points
(c) Cells
(d) Pivot element
72. The Vogel Advanced-Start Method (VAM), imple-
ments the reduction of the minimum Tucker tableau
of a transportation problem to minimum basic feasible
(a)Unbalanced form.
(b)Balanced form.
(c)maximum basic feasible form.
(d)minimum basic feasible form
73. Pick the odd one
(a) Hungarian Method
(b) Northwest method
(c) Least corner method
(d) VAM
74.A feasible solution of a balanced transportation prob-
lem is said to be a basic feasible solution if (m is the
number of warehouses and n is the number of mar-
(a) atleast m + n - 1 of the xij’s are positive
(b) atleast m + n - 1 of the xij’s are negative
(c) atleast m + n - 1 of the xij’s are negative
(d) at most m + n - 1 of the xij’s are positive
75. VAM always produce a basic feasible solution from
a balanced transportation tableau
(a) always true
(b) May be true
(c) always false
(d) May be false
76. To form a cycle we can connect cells using
(a) Horizontal line
(b) Vertical line
(c) Diagonal line
(d) Horizontal and Vertical line
77. Assignment problem is a special type of trans-
portation problem.
(a) always true
(b) May be true
(c) always false
(d) May be false
78. In the transportation problem if the current de-
mand of the markets exceeds the current supply of the
warehouses then,
(a) fictitious warehouse is introduced
(b) fictitious market is introduced (c) increase the sup-
ply of existing warehouse
(d) decrease the demand of existing market
79. In the transportation problem if the current sup-
ply of the warehouses exceeds the current demand of
the markets then,
(a) fictitious warehouse is introduced
(b) fictitious market is introduced
(c) decrease the supply of existing warehouse
(d) increase the demand of existing market
80. To find initial feasible solution of a transportation
problem, the method which starts allocation from the
minimum cost is called..............................
(a)Minimum entry method
(b)Northwest corner method
(c)Northeast corner method
(d) VAM method
81. In a transportation problem, the method of penal-
ties is called .......................
(a)Minimum entry method
(b)Northwest corner method
(c)Northeast corner method
(d) VAM method
82. In a transportation problem,the method which
finds difference between two least cost for each row
and column is......................
(a)Minimum entry method
(b)Northwest corner method
(c)Northeast corner method
(d) VAM method
83. If the number of rows and columns in an assign-
ment problem are not equal then it is said to be
84. One disadvantage of using North west corner rule
(a) is complicated to use
(b) it does not take into account cost of transportation
(c) it leads to a degenerate initial solution
(d)All the above
85. If there are n workers and n jobs and each worker
assign to only one job then there would be
(a) n! solutions
(b) (n-1)! solutions
(c) (n+1)! solutions
(d) n solutions
86.A permutation set of zeros Z in a balanced assign-
ment problem is a subset of zero cells of T such that
every row and every column of T contains,
(a)exactly two zero cells
(b)atmost one zero cell
(c)atleast one zero cell
(d)exactly one zero cell
87. The best use of LPP is to find an optimal use of
(a) money
(b) man power
(c) machine
(d) All the above
88. Constraints in an LPP model represents
(a) Limitations
(c) Balancing limitations and requirements
(d) All the above
89. In the Hungarian method of solving an assignment
problem, the row reduction is obtained by
(a) Dividing each row by the elements of the row above
(b) Subtracting the elements of the row from the ele-
ments of the row above it
(c) Subtracting the smallest element from all other el-
ements of the row
(d) Subtracting all the elements of the row from the
highest element in the matrix
90. In a transportation problem where the demand or
requirement is equal to the available resource is known
(a) Balanced transportation problem
(b) Regular transportation problem
(c) Resource allocation transportation problem
(d) Simple transportation model
91. In the Northwest corner method the allocations
are made
(a)Starting from the left-hand side top corner
(b)Starting from the right-hand side top corner
(c)Starting from the lowest cost cell
(d)Starting from the lowest requirement and satisfying
92. In transportation Problems, VAM stands for .........................
(a) Value Addition Method
(b) Vogel’s Approximation Method
(c) Virgenean Approximation Method
(d) None of these
93. The solution to a transportation problem with m-
rows (supplies) and n-columns (destination) is feasible
if the number of positive allocations are
(a) m+n
(b) m x n
(c) m+n-1
(d) m+n+1
94. An assignment problem is considered as a partic-
ular case of a transportation problem because
(a) the number of rows equals columns
(b) all xij = 0 or 1
(c)both (a) and (b)
(d)None of these
95.Minimum entry method is also known as .............
(a) North West Corner Method
(b) Least cost Method
(c) Row Minima method
(d) Coloumn Minima method
96.How many of the following points satisfy the in-
equality 2x – 3y > -5? (1,1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(-1,-1),(-2,1),(2,-
1),(-1,2) and (-2,-1)
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 5
97. A toy company manufactures two types of toys A
and B. Demand for toy B is atmost half of that if type
A. Write the corresponding constraint if x toys of type
A and y toys of type B are manufactured.
(a) x/2 ≤ y
(b) 2y – x ≥ 0
(c) x – 2y ≥ 0
(d) x < 2y
98. Infeasibility means that the number of solutions to
the linear programming models that satisfies all con-
straints is
(a) At least 1
(b) An infinite number
(c) Zero
(d) At least 2
99.The set of all feasible solutions of a LPP is a ...........set.
(a) Concave
(b) Convex
(c) Feasible
(d) None of these
100. In linear programming feasible region (or solution
region) for the problem is
(a) The common region determined by all the con-
straints including the non – negative constraints x ≥
0, y ≥ 0
(b) The common region determined by all the x ≥ 0
and the objective function
(c) The common region determined by all the objec-
tive functions including the non – negative constraints
x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
(d) The common region determined by all the x ≥
0, y ≥ 0 and the objective function

Prepared by:
Dr. Nithya. A.A,
Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Mathematics,
Mercy College, Palakkad.

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