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First Aid is the Immediate care given to an injured person,

Injuries considered as one of the most health problem facing

the world today, because it can result long disability or

even death, so First aid and Basic life support provide

First Treatment at the site of accident before the ambulance

arrives. First aiders or First Aid providers are those have

skills and knowledge to give immediate care to an Injured

person or they're the one who deals with life-threathening

conditions. First aid provider should be trained to be able

to assess the situation quickly and calmly, deal with life

threatening conditions meanwhile protecting him/herself from

the danger, obtain medical aid and call an ambulance in case

of serious injury or illness. First Aid training prepares

student to react to situations and provide immediate care,

and also provide knowledge about correct management of

injuries and illnesses, First aid is important because it

may improve the health knowledge which may lead to save life

and it can may used a change agent in the family or

community. Becoming trained on first aid methods will help

you to feel more secure and confident when deal with

emergency situations as you will know the most efficient

ways to deal with the situation. Basic first aid training

prepares students to react to situations and provide

immediate, efficient management for a wide variety of

incidents as; chocking, breathing and circulation

emergencies, respiratory and cardiac arrest, fracture of

bone, muscle injuries, bleeding and cardiopulmonary

resuscitation training

According to World Health Organization, Injuries result from

road traffic crashes, falls, drowning, burns, poisoning and

acts of violence against oneself or others, among other

causes, Of the 4.4 million injury-related deaths,

unintentional injuries take the lives of 3.16 million people

every year and violence-related injuries kill 1.25 million

people every year. Roughly 1 in 3 of these deaths result

from road traffic crashes, 1 in 6 from suicide, 1 in 10 from

homicide and 1 in 61 from war and conflicts, For people age

5-29 years, 3 of the top 5 causes of death are injury-

related, namely road traffic injuries, homicide and suicide.

Drowning is the sixth leading cause of death for children

age 5-14 years. Falls account for over 684,000 deaths each
year and are a growing and under-recognized public health


According to Research gate the study deals with the relation

between the level of public awareness in maintaining safety,

responsibility for others and First Aid skills and accident

rate and mortality rates in the event of emergency. The

available data show that when immediate assistance is

provided within 5 minutes after the accident, the wounded

survival rate is 85%, while over 15 min it is 72%, and 20

min from the event it is 60%. What is most important and

probably yields the most impact is the reform of education,

which provides training in First Aid at all levels of

education and has the task of shaping a new, conscious

society. For that reason the role of schools is very

important, as it influences development and prepares

students to meet the various challenges of the modern world,

including assistance to victims, the emergency response, and

care for their own safety, victims and witnesses.

The ultimate Goal of the training programs was to increase

the students ability to actually perform successful first

aid and, it will help students to feel more secure and

confident when deal with emergency situations as you will

know the most efficient ways to deal with the situation.

However, both because of limitations in the time perspective

involved and the fact that first-aid performance is a

behaviour of low

frequency. It focuses on having first aid knowledge,

attitudes towards carrying out and learning first aid,

emotions connected with giving first aid, intended behaviour

in situations, self-efficacy related to giving first aid,

and the actions of making practical and effective use of


Thus the aim of the study was to evaluate the Influence or

the capacity to have an effect on the character,

developement or behaviour of someone or something or the

effect of itself, and the utilization or the action of

making the practical and effective use of something. A

second aim was to investigate the importance of the

different variables with respect to behavioural intensions.

Thirdly we want to implement the training program in all

seniorhigh school in ACLC-Naga. The relevance of this

studies on our studies are it


Our reseach focuses on The effect of first aid training on

emergency preparedness and response of seniorhighschool

students in ACLC-Naga, its seeks answers to the following


General problem:

1. What are the Effects of having First aid trainings in

every students?

Specific problem:

2. How does First aid training helps student to be prepared

and can response on emergencies?

3. What is the possible things that will student know in the

training in terms of;

a.) Utilization

b.) Influence


The general intent of this study is to know the effect of

first aid training on emergency preparedness and response of

senior high school student in Ama computer learning center-

naga city.
Futhermore, having First aid training can have different

effect to their utilization or the action of making the

practical and effective of use of first aid, and the effect

of first aid on their character, development or behavior of

something that it can effect of itself. Also to Assess the

effect of training program on student knowledge and

practices in the first aid and basic life support in the

industrial senior high school student, especially to those

student who join first aiders club in ACLC-naga.

This study will be conducted with limited amount of

financial resources and time framework.


The primary benefeciaries of the study are the participants

who will benefit positively from the training program. Tha

training program is the answer to the need for more

preperation for student andvancement and response to the

demand of emergency situations

A salient contribution of this study is to know the effect

on the student of having first aid training on different

perspective specially on the knowledge, practices and

behaviour of students, this is yet most significant to the

researcher from the perspective of academic fullfilment.

This study Conducted to benefit the following:


> This study may serve as a reference for the all or most of

student on how the First aid taining affects their

knowledge, practices and behaviours or this will also put

some awareness or guide and references for the students

undertaking similar duties.


> This will be an instrument that will guide and navigate

them in discovering credible, reliable, and tantamount

factors that are known as indisperable data for futher

understanding on topics, This research will be useful for

references for the researchers who would plan to make

related study.

Working environment:

> The student will understand why the First aid in working

environment is the most. This will put awareness among the

student on how emergency and response works in environment.

Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on the effect of First aid training on

the emergency response and their knowledge, attitudes,

utilization and Influence. The related Theory on this study

is the Effects of first-aid training in junior high schools,

proposed by Anders Engeland, Espen Røysamb, Geir Smedslund,

Anne Johanne Søgaard(2002). Its states that The program

indexes for knowledge of first aid, attitudes towards giving

and learning first aid, self-efficacy, emotions connected

with first-aid situations and intended behavior in

situations requiring first-aid action were constructed. In

the intention-to-treat analysis of these indexes, the

difference between the intervention and control group was

modest. A separate questionnaire filled in by the teachers

showed a low degree of implementation of the program. When

comparing those classes that really used the program with

the control classes, significant differences were revealed

in many of the variables. Both self-efficacy, emotions in

situations requiring first-aid skills and attitudes toward

giving and learning first aid were of importance for

intended behavior.

The another theory is Systematic review and meta-analysis of

Mental Health First Aid training: Effects on knowledge,

stigma, and helping behaviour proposed by Amy J Morgan, Anna

Ross, Nicola J Reavley (2018) its state that to provide an

up-to-date assessment of the effectiveness of the Mental

Health First Aid (MHFA) training program on improving mental

health knowledge, stigma and helping behaviour. The last

theory is The effects of psychological first aid training on

disaster preparedness perception and self-efficacy, proposed

by Nurhayat Kılıç, Nuray Şimşek (2019). Its state that study

was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of

psychological first aid training on the perception of

disaster preparedness and self-efficacy. Also it was found

that the mean scores of the intervention group under all

sub-dimensions of the disaster preparedness perception scale

for nurses (preparation phase, intervention phase, and post-

disaster phase) increased significantly after the training

and in follow-ups, and these were significantly higher than

the mean scores of those in the control group. It was

determined that the mean post-training and follow-up general

self-efficacy scores of the intervention group increased

significantly, and these were significantly higher than the

mean scores of those in the control group. The relevance of

this study to our studies are this may have relevant

information source to answers our research question. To

determine relevance, the purpose and bias must be

understood. In fact, all aspects of evaluation must be taken

into consideration to determine relevance.

Conceptual framework

(First aid training - emergency preparedness and response)

Figure 1. conceptual framework

Figure 1, presents the conceptual framework of the study, it

consists of two variables, first aid training an independent

variable and emergency preparedness and response as the

dependent variable.

In figure1, first aid training an independent variable helps

students of aclc naga learn to be more conscious of safety

in the school. First aid training provides students with a

vital knowledge base for dealing with any medical

emergencies they me faced, teachers and students with basic

first aid knowledge are likely to be more alert and aware of

surrounding rist. First aid training promotes a sense of

safety and make sure that you will not become vulnerable to

accidents and injuries.

Another variables, emergency preparedness and response

refers to being prepared for students that may cause injury

in the school, it is aimed at helping students of aclc naga

to be pre prepared in case of emergencies to protect

themselves from personal injury.

Brief explanation

This is the short brief explanation about this diagram IV

and DV, the figure presents the conceptual framework of the

study indicating the dependent variable and dependent

variable .On the left hand side of the framework includes

the independent variables of the study, students stress

level, student background, knowledge of student, safety of

students along the accidents .On the other hand the

dependent variable of the study in preparedness and response

of aclc students which may affect the outcome of the

dependent variable.

Hypothesis of the study

Our possibly hypothesis for a study about the effect of

first aif training could be there is the significance effect

beetween tge emergency response. This hypothesis suggest

that first aid has effect on every student meaning that the

student who trained or experience first aid training may

have different effects on their knowledge and practices,

other possible Hypothesis H2: In the effect of first aid

training on evaluate the Influence or the capacity to have

an effect on the character, developement or behaviour of

someone or something or the effect of itself, and the

utilization or the action of making the practical and

effective use of something. H3: how does the first aid

training help students to be ready on emergencies and

response. These hypotheses could be tested through empirical

research using various quantitative and/or qualitative

methods, such as surveys, interviews, Or Experimental


Definition of terms

Aimb-a purpose or intention a desired outcome

Behavioural -the manner of conducting oneself

Conscious -capable of or marked by though, will, design, or


Efficacy -the power to produce a desired result

Indexes -an indicator, sign, or measure of something

Licenses -a right permission granted by a competent

Roughly -without completeness or exactness

Sub-dimension -a secondary or subsidiary dimension

Threathening -insulting, belittling or intimidating someone

Various -a being at lower rank a secondary level

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