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Modul 09

Nama: Caesar Hakimi Rahmatullah

NIM :858946767

Unit 1

Why schooling is important for children

As you see in the title above, in this part we are questioning why schooling is important for
our kids; what makes school important; why children should go to school.

Why is education important

Education impacts on human development and economic growth. It is a fundamental

requirement for democracy. More specifically: Education is a human right.

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration on human rights (1948) recognizes education along
with other necessities such as food, shelter, and water as fundamental human right.

The UN convention on the rights of the child affirms the right of all children to free, relevant
and education.

At the world education forum in dakar in 2000, participants from 164 countries declared to
provide education for all by 2015.

Dibawah akan dijelaskan beberapa kata yang memberikan kesulitan.

Article. [n] /artikl/ = Bab/ayat dalam undang undang

Convention [n] / kenfensyen/= sidang

Declare [v]. /dikler/ = menyatakan, mendeklarasikan

Fundamental [adj]. /fandemntel= yang mendasar

Right. [n] /rait/= Hak

Impacts [v]. /impek/ = berakibat

Provide [v] /provaid/ = menyediakan

Recognize [v]. /rikognaiz/ = menyadari

Requirement [n]. /rikuaierment/= menyadari

Shelter [n]. /syelte(r)/= tempat berlindung

Dari penyajian kata-kata sulit di atas, dapat ditemukan huruf yang berada di antara [ ] dan / /.
Huruf yang berada di antara [ ] menginformasikan fungsi kata itu. Tanda [n] adalah untuk
kata benda (=noun); [adj] untuk kata sifat (=adjective); [v] untuk kata kerja (=vreb).

Huruf di antara tanda / / adalah cara pengucapan kata yang dijelaskan. Seharusnya, yang
berada di antara tanda / / adalah simbol fonetik yang bentuknya berbeda dari huruf yang kita
kenal. Tetapi simbol ini agak ruwet. Untuk praktisnya, simbol itu diganti saja dengan huruf
biasa. Misalnya, ucapan kata shelter, untuk sederhananya diganti dengan /syelter(r)/. Kalau
huruf "r" ditulis di antara tanda kurung, artinya bunyi "r" itu tidak dibunyikan dengan jelas
(seperti agak cadel).

Unit 2

The Necessity of Compulsory Education

Kata compulsory diucapkan [kemalseri]. Jangan salah ya! Jadi, compulsory education
diucapkan /kempalsri edjukeisyen/

Education and literacy in Indonesia

National education is rooted in Indonesian culture and in based on Pancasila and the 1945
constitution. It aims to enhance the people's intellectual life, dignity and values. It is a means
to create the Indonesian man and community to be faithful and devoted to the one and only
god, qualified and self sufficient so that they can develop themselves and their
neighbourhood, and be able to fulfil national development needs and be responsible for the
national development.

Beberapa kata sulit

Literacy [n]= melek huruf, tidak buta huruf

... Is based on ... = Berdasar pada

(to) enhance [v] = (to improve), meningkatkan

Faithful and devoted to the one and only god = percaya dan bertakwa kepada tuhan yang
maha esa.

Apa makna kata 'it' dalam kalimat ini? Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata 'it' ini disebut sebagai kata
ganti untuk berada yang jumlahnya satu (singular countable noun). Dalam bacaan di atas, ke
mana (pada kata apa) kata "it" ini mengacu? Ada empat kata/frasa benda pada kalimat
sebelumnya, yaitu national education, indonesian culture, pancasila dan 1945 constitution.

Unit 3

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values, through study,
experience, or teaching. It causes a change of behaviour that is persistent, and measurable. It
allows an individual to formulate a new mental construct or revise a prior mental construct. It
is a process that depends on experience and leads to long term change in behaviour of an
individual (not actual behaviour) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. But potential
is not enough; if individual learning is not periodically reinforced, it becomes shallower and
shallower, and eventually is lost in that individual

Short term changes in behavioural potential, such as fatigue, do not cosntitute learning. Some
long-term changes in behaviour potential result from aging and development, rather than

Learning is a sense making that enables manifestation of purpose.

Education is the conscious attempt to promote learning in the others. The primary function of
teaching is to create a safe, viable, productive learning environment. Management of the total
learning environtment to promote enhance and motivate learning is a paradigm shift from a
focus on teaching to a focus on learning.

Mari kita lihat beberapa kata yang mungkin sulit bagi anda.

Acquiring. Kata ini berasal dari kata kerja (to) acquire (= memperoleh). Kata ini mendapat
akhiran "-ing" karena terletak setelah preposisi "of". Acquiring knowledge memperoleh

Attitude [n] = sikap

Cause [v] = menyebabkan

Persistent [adj]. Ajeg, tetap

Measurable [adj] = dapat diukur (dengan test)

Mental construct = keadaan mental.

(to) depend [v] = bergantung. Kata ini pada umumnya selalu bergandengan dengan preposisi
"on" -> "depend on" = bergantung pada.

(to) leads [n] "...leads to..." = Mengarah ke

Change [n] = perubahan -> long term change = perubahan jangka panjang. Short term
changes = perubahan jangka pemdek

(to) describe [v] = menjelaskan

(to) reinforce [v] = memperkuat -> periodically reinforced = diperkuat secara periodik.

Shallow [adj] = dangkal -> shallower = lebih dangkal (... Become shallower and shallower =
.. menjadi semakin dngkal)
Paradigm [n] /peredaim/ = paradigma; pola (dalam konteks ini berkaitan dengan berpikir). A
paradigm shift = peralihan pola

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