8 The Course That Changed My Life

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George Ten

Oct 13, 2022 • 24 tweets •

I went from collecting beer bottles & cleaning floors…


• Landing my first $15k/mo client

• Building $8.5M store

• Creating multiple 6-figure businesses…

The difference? One lousy course.

Here’s how you can follow my footsteps if you’re a beginner:

>>> A Thread 🧵 <<<

I struggled for 7 years of my life.

Didn’t make a single buck in online profit.

Living in a small bedroom with my little brother in a bunk bed…


I bought a course with a friend. The only course I ever bought at the time.

But this course was VERY different:

The pitch on the sales page was this:

“I’m not gonna teach you anything. I’m just gonna give you tasks - and you do them.”


It felt like this is the course that’d get me the first breakthrough.

My friend and I took $300 each…
And spent our last money to get this course.

What was inside?

I wouldn’t know.

To this day…


Because the first task was this:

“Go up to 3 entrepreneurs who make at least 10 times what you do…”


Tell them this:

“I’m a beginner entrepreneur. Can I have 5 minutes of your time?”

That’s it.

And then…

If they give you the five minutes…

You listen to them speak and then ask one question:

“Is there anything you always wanted to do in business but didn’t have the time?”

We went up to 2 entrepreneurs who were making at least 10x what we were.

Which was easy…

We were making $0/mo.

We went up to a gentlemen store owner…

And to a guy who owned a locksmith shop.

We asked the magic question…

And DAMN! They both agreed. On the spot!

We sat with them for 30 minutes each or so…

At the end of which both of them told us they’d like us to do something for them:

The gentlemen club owner: said he wanted to import a product he saw in China.

Gave us money… and said: “go figure it out.”

The locksmith?
He said:

“I wanted to build an online school for locksmiths. Can you help me set it all up? Figure it


We had two deals.

And we never (to this day) watched the rest of the course.

I don’t know what task number two was.


We went full-on trying to make our new entrepreneur-boss-friends-colleagues happy.

We imported that product from China.

(Learned EVERYTHING there was about importing at the time. All the rules and

And then we came back to the entrepreneur WITH THE PRODUCT…

He was mind-blown.

“Those two kids made it happen??? Woah!”

And then he gave us our next task:

“Go sell it. I know some store owners. Say my name and try to get them to buy in bulk.”


We had to learn EVERYTHING about sales.

And we did…
See where this is going?


You actually half-see.

Because we flopped entirely. We couldn’t sell a single product to a single store owner.

And the locksmith guy?

He went to jail a month or so after we met him.

Long story for another time. But…

Although we FAILED miserably…

With both the entrepreneurs…

We got a taste of how successful entrepreneurs operate.

We got to spend time with them.

Drink coffee.

We even met their families…

And they were built different.

Everything was easy.

Nobody could stop them…

That’s the mindset they had.

And we got some of that mindset rub off onto us.

That was the pivot point.

That’s when we finally understood how successful people get things done.

Long story short?

My friend became a VP marketer with a crazy salary 6 months later.

I landed my first $15,000/mo client about the same time.

And the rest is history.

But why do I tell you this?


I think you don’t lack skills. No. And even if you do…

Skills are acquirable.



Not when you sit alone at home.


You can easily become 10x better at your skill when you do the work.

With a real client.

And real tasks.

In the real world.

But how do you land clients?

How do you talk to them?

How do you close deals?


This has NOTHING to do with tactics.

There are literally an UNLIMITED number of ways to get clients.

Unlimited. I promise.

And an entrepreneur with the right mindset?

He can get clients using ANY ONE of those ways.


Take a successful entrepreneur and drop him anywhere in the world…

No money. No connections. No language.

And they’ll have a profitable business within 6 months.


So where am I leading you with this?

Your NUMBER ONE priority is rubbing shoulders with successful entrepreneurs.

That’s THE ONLY focus you should have. But how?

Look. Here’s what you should do:

Go and freaking DM 100 people. Now.

Go out and enter 100 physical stores in your country.

Send 100 cold emails.

Join communities.

Pay for mentorships if you can.

Go to networking events.


It doesn’t even matter which niche or industry they’re in.

Entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship.

On the moon it’s still entrepreneurship.

The tactics change.

The mindset stays the same.

And that’s your goal.

You need the MINDSET.

Here’s why:
Take a SUPER SUCCESSFUL professional who has worked for corporate his whole life…

Tell him to go build a business…

Give him ALL the resources (including money)…

And he’ll STILL FAIL.

I’ve seen this happen DOZENS of times. With super successful 9-5ers.



The mindset of an entrepreneur is the EXACT opposite of every other living being on the

Go and get that mindset for yourself.

Through hell or high water.


And the only way to get it…

Is rub shoulders with people who have it.

That’s it.



I wanna hold you accountable.

Reply to this thread and tell me what you’re gonna do.

What action you’re gonna take to accomplish this goal.

Do this.

You won’t regret it.

That’s the “secret” you’ve been waiting for.

So do it.

I remind you to reply to this thread with your plan of action.

Let’s hold you accountable.

Do it.

Do it.

Do it.

If you don’t…

Don’t come to my DMs and say “I’m so passionate that I’ll do anything.”

You won’t.

Unless you do this.

Prove to me - and mostly to yourself.

Do it.

Oh and also…

Help me spread this message if you believe in it.


Retweet the first tweet of this thread (I’ve attached it below 👇)

George Ten
@GrammarHippy · Follow

I went from collecting beer bottles & cleaning



• Landing my first $15k/mo client

• Building $8.5M store

• Creating multiple 6-figure businesses…

The difference? One lousy course.

Here’s how you can follow my footsteps if you’re a


>>> A Thread <<<

9:44 AM · Oct 13, 2022

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