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Dutchi | Short Form Copywriter

Mar 20 • 17 tweets •

1 week ago

A guru who claims to have sold $15 mil in Affiliate Marketing

Has launched a campaign for his $997 course

Teaching how to make a bank using ClickBank.

And in this thread I break down the funnel that he uses to sell it:
He uses paid FB/IG Ads to target problem-aware audiences:

People who have tried or are still trying to make this E-Commerce thing work…

… but haven't made any money from it yet.

They are in a painful situation.

It would be even better if he targeted a wider range of audience

Say people who are struggling financially and don’t even know what E-Commerce is.

But for them the Ad should be framed differently -

As a magical genie in a bottle that can solve all of their financial problems.

Here’s the breakdown of a copy.

Its main objective is to frame the solution (product) as

• Fast

• Easy

• Safe

• Big

Ticking (almost) all Big 4 emotions of Kyle Milligan.

Only thing that’s missing is NEW.

As a creative he uses a 2-minute video

Where he teases the mechanism behind the strategy:

It has something to do with Facebook!

But to understand the magic of his system you got to register for his upcoming workshop.

This is a well-known webinar funnel.

If you click on the Ad you Land on this Page.

(where a fake clock is ticking…)

You'll again see the same promise:

"$1000 per day with a simple 3-step system."

And if you want to sign up

You'll have to give your Email & phone number.

I guess it makes the emails more legit.

But if you didn’t sign up

He will retarget you with another set of Ads

This time containing a Free E-book!

That’s right.

He’s gonna try to capture your interest with a lead magnet.

This copy is similar to the previous one.

But this time it reveals more of the MECHANISM.

And the hook's stronger as well.

A creative is again a 2-minute video.

Guru shows you a physical version of the ebook -

Which you’ll get

If you decide to sign up

And teases what you’ll get inside the ebook...

Plus there's a FREE webinar!

If you want to make lots of money

You can't miss this one.

Click on the link and...

It'll send you to this Opt-In page.

You again see a big promise

Using the emotions of

-Big (lots of $ can be made)

-Safe (lots of people have already done it)

Followed by a list of benefits contained inside the Ebook.

And after the opt-in

You will be asked to sign up for the webinar.

- Do you really want to improve your finances and start making money?

Then register for the webinar 👌

Now finally

If you signed up for the webinar.

Watched it.

But for some reason still haven’t bought his course…

Then you will start seeing the following Ads on your FB/IG feed.

And they directly send you to the Sales Page.

The copy is quite simplistic.

It tries to target people’s emotions:

Describes their current painful situation

And draws a picture of their dream outcome.

But I think it lacks depth.

I don’t know how well it will work in the current market.

Good approach though.

And a creative:

Again a 2-min video -

Begins with the guru hyping up his simple 3-step system

Promising you hundreds of thousands...

Followed up by a 40 seconds testimonial from a guy

Who made hundreds of thousands following the guru’s 3-step system.

Pretty straightforward.
If you click on the link

You’ll end up on the Sales Page.

(with a fake clock...)

But it’s not a typical sales page.

It only has

• Promise

• Product: Offer + benefits

• Testimonials

And the reason why it's so simple is because:

Everyone who sees it is already pre-sold...

So this Sales Page doesn’t function on its own.

If you send cold traffic over here

It’s not gonna convert them.

It is designed for people who are already primed.

They've been sold in:

- The Ads

- In Emails

- A webinar

Remember registering for the webinar required your email.

Thanks for reading 🥂

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- And if you really enjoyed it then consider sharing it with your audience.

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Dutchi | Short Form Copywriter

@Dutchmahn · Follow

1 week ago

A guru who claims to have sold $15 mil in Affiliate


Has launched a campaign for his $997 course

Teaching how to make a bank using ClickBank.

And in this thread I break down the funnel that he

uses to sell it:

3:30 PM · Mar 20, 2023

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