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Green Expectations: The Story of a Customizable Lighting

Control Panel Designed to Reduce Energy Use
Michael Lee, C. Melody Carswell, Will Seidelman, Michelle Sublette

Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments and Department of Psychology

University of Kentucky

Environmental control and sustainability have become increasingly important in the design of workspaces.
Lighting systems in particular have undergone many changes through the incorporation of computer-
integrated control panels working in tandem with occupancy and light sensors. Such control panels can
allow for increased perceived environmental control which has been shown to improve job satisfaction and
productivity (Kroner, 1992; O’Neil, 2004). However, these controls must be designed effectively according
to a number of principles regarding interaction design, including good stimulus-response compatibility and
adherence to population stereotypes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usability of one such control
panel being used in a smart, green building, and to see how the shortcomings in the design may force users
to default to the most familiar setting, which may not be the most energy efficient.

INTRODUCTION Relevant Principles- Literature Review

Norman’s principles of interaction design. Donald
The nature of workspaces has changed dramatically in Norman has vigorously defended the importance of several
the last 20 to 30 years, a change that can certainly be seen in interaction principles across the past two decades, including
the changes in lighting design and controls. One driving force The Design of Everyday Things (1988) and his essay on
behind these changes is from the research regarding gestural interfaces (2010). These include visibility, feedback,
environmental control. Environmental control, when it is consistency, non-destructive operations, discoverability,
exercised by workers, has been shown to have a positive scalability, and reliability. Of these seven, perhaps the most
impact, such as increases in job satisfaction and productivity applicable and important to the design of these control panels
(Kroner, 1992; O’Neil, 2004). Another driving force is the are visibility, feedback, consistency, discoverability, and
move toward sustainability. Not only does using less energy reliability. An evaluation of the light control panel using
Copyright 2013 by Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI 10.1177/1541931213571299

have the rather noble element of environmental responsibility, these principles is in the Findings section.
it also affects the bottom line of businesses. A smaller energy Stimulus-Response compatibility. (Fitts, 1953, 1954)
bill will lead to monetary savings, and incentives from the “Things that go together.” This phrase seems to
government and utility companies allow for even more simplistically capture S-R compatibility (Proctor, 1990).
financial benefits. Strong stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility can be seen in
The dual concerns of giving workers control of their physical correspondences as well as designs which adhere to
environment and energy savings have created a market for stereotypes. Direct relationships are the best (1 to 1, 2 to 2,
companies that design and sell adaptable and programmable 3to 3), and the weakest is random (1 to 2, 2 to 1, 3 to 3).
environmental controls for new or existing buildings. In terms Direct relationships for lighting controls such as these could
of lighting control, these concerns are oftentimes met with be shown with buttons 1, 2, and 3 through gradual changes in
some degree of “dimming,” or a variation in brightness. There brightness (e.g. 1 to bright, 2 to dim, 3 to dark) or spatial
have been dimmers in one form or another dating all the way coordination (e.g. 1 to far side of room, 2 to middle of room,
back to the late 1800s, but it wasn’t until Joel Spira’s invention 3 to near side of room). Spatial coordination must take into
of the solid state dimmer in 1959 that dimmers became safe account the mapping of the 2-dimensional, vertical interface
and available for widespread use. Spira’s dimmers were able to onto the 3-dimensional layout of the room. Discrepancies in
fit in standard wallboxes, allowing them to replace typical light S- R compatibility have been shown to cause more errors to
switches. These rotary dimmers, which can still be found be made and a longer time for the activation of controlled
frequently today, led to Spira founding Lutron Electronics elements. Errors and wasted time can lead to dissatisfaction
Company in 1961. Since then, many more designs have been and frustration.
developed for occupants to customize their space, including Expectancies and stereotypes. When designing any
the integration of multiple systems including window shades, sort of product, one should design it in agreement with
daylight sensors, and occupancy/vacancy sensors to further whatever expectancies target users may have. (Peacock,
improve energy performance without expending on user 2004). One classic example of a population stereotype, which
preference or comfort. coincidentally corresponds with this study well, is the light
The first goal of this research is to analyze the design switch stereotype. In the US, it is expected that a switch
effectiveness of the typical light control panel in a smart, down is off and a switch up is on. However, in Great Britain,
sustainable building. However, the impact does not stop here. it is the opposite; down is on and up is off (Jack, 1985; Flach
Although the focus is on lighting controls, the lessons learned 1995).
can be applied to other environmental control interfaces, Delays. Vogels in 2004 presented his findings on the
particularly when the aim is for energy savings and individual sensitivity of time delays on visual-haptic interfaces. Two
control, which can impact performance. Downloaded from at NORTHWESTERNstimuli were perceived as being asynchronous when there was
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a delay of about 45 milliseconds. As this time increases, as the building’s users. An academic setting such as this must
delays can affect performance depending on the task, adapt to a transient population as people may use a space for an
particularly if the length of the delay is variable. afternoon seminar, a class for a semester, or a research project
lasting years. This requires the design of all aspects of this
Lighting and Energy Savings building, particularly controls, to be usable and intuitive. As
new users come into the building, it is imperative that they be
According to the most recent Energy Consumption able to effectively utilize these features for their task. The
Survey of commercial buildings by the Energy Information design should be usable so as not to impair them, and, ideally,
Administration in 2003, lighting contributed to 39% of the should enrich their experience.
annual electricity usage. However, individually controlled Figure 1: Diagram of Room and Control Panel
manual dimming has been shown to lead to 6% energy savings
(DiLouie, 2004). “Daylight harvesting” dimming , which
allows for the electrical lights to dim according to the amount
of natural light permeating the space, has been shown to
generate energy savings of 30%-40% (DiLouie, 2004; Leslie,
2005). In addition to improved energy efficiency, dimming has
also been associated with improvements in productivity from
anywhere from 2.8% to 7.8%. There was also a reported 15%
less absenteeism when dimming strategies were added to the
workplace (DiLouie, 2004; Leslie, 2005).
Behavioral changes in energy use. Behavioral Description of Controls. This building has a number
changes are estimated to reduce energy use by a minimum of of different control panels to control the lights. These
10% (DeVries, 2011). Due to the many aspects which controls allow for users to activate a number of preset
influence behaviors, it is difficult to get a strong, definitive “lighting scenes,” or combinations of light positions and
estimate. Such behavior changes are frequently attempted levels. These scenes will set the lights of a room to a
using feedback or rewards or by trying to influence particular brightness or may turn on a specific section of
motivational factors such as preferences or intentions. These lights (Appendix 1). The control panels can vary in
strategies, however, assume that the task of interest is a appearance, number of buttons, and presence or absence of
reasoned action even though habits may often rule in tasks rocker switches (Figure 3). A common control panel is the 5-
such as this. The task of turning a light on or off becomes button model of the LUTRON® seeTouch® QS Wallstation
automatic. Such automatic actions are triggered by the (Appendix 1). It contains five buttons with a pin-point LED
situation and thusly become difficult to influence with explicit on the left side of each button. Each button is backlit for
intentions (DeVries, 2011). Despite the challenge of changing visibility in low lighting. This particular control panel
automatic responses, it has been found that an intervention as controls the lighting for the lab meeting space shown in
simple as posting a reminder to “turn off the lights” over light (Figure 1 and Appendix 1), which is similar to other spaces
switches can reduce energy usage by 15% (Rea, 1987). This throughout this building. While two control panels in the
shows that behavior changes can occur and can reduce energy building may have the same appearance, their functions could
use by more than the 10% DeVries claimed. be totally different given a particular area. Conversely, two
control panels may differ in appearance yet may control the
CASE STUDY lighting for the same area (Appendix 2). There are also some
control panels which do not control the lights, but rather
Description of system electrical outlets and the power running to them.
Description of Building. Conservation and control Additionally, all control panels are connected to a centralized
were certainly taken into account when designing the target computer where control requests are processed and logged. It
building. This building, located on the campus of an R1 state is important to note that this communication causes a delay
university, is the first building on this campus to be LEED ranging from approximately 0.5 seconds to beyond 2 seconds.
certified, a rating system from the United States Green This central computer also allows for customization of each
Building Council based on sustainability, flexibility, and individual scene, the programmable element. This is very
energy efficiency. This building houses faculty and graduate helpful in the context of a flexible work environment. While
students from multiple disciplines (e.g. psychology and graphic two lab bays may be identical in shape and size with identical
design), although lab space is primarily held by computer control panels, each may require a different set of lighting
science and electrical engineering. A number of the research scenes to better facilitate the research taking place. While the
projects conducted here involve the use of projectors, so scenes can be customized, many areas have not changed from
lighting control is imperative. The building was designed in the default settings (shown in Appendix 1).
such a way to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration on Given the nature of the building and its LEED goals
research projects. The open lab spaces and public seating areas of sustainability, flexibility, and energy efficiency, the
are meant to encourage conversation among students and lighting controls described above must be easy to use so as to
faculty who may have otherwise been separated by walls and not inhibit these LEED criteria. Our research is to examine the
doors. The openness also allows for some flexibility as the effectiveness of these control panels in getting users to set
environment may change as new research projects begin. their lights to lower settings for personal preference as well as
Flexibility can also be beneficial as individuals cycle energy savings, adding a new LEED goal, “usability.”
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METHODS varies from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds, is certainly greater than

the 0.045 seconds established by Vogels and appears to affect
Observation. Data was collected at all points during a performance.
typical week during the academic year when the weather Consistency and Standards. This is where the inter-
ranged from mostly clear to mostly cloudy. The setting of the control panel design is weak (i.e. there is a lack of external
room (e.g. occupancy and description of lighting) was consistency). While the same control panel may appear
recorded. Six hundred instances were recorded, 187 of which throughout the building, how it is to be used can change
were recorded as “occupied.” drastically (Appendices 1 and 2, 5-button design). In one
Surveys. 30 regular workers in the building were area pressing a button will turn a particular area on and off
surveyed, 27 of whom had worked there more than 10 months. while in another, pressing the same button will only turn it on
Age, race, and gender were not recorded, but the sample varied with a different button turning it off. One control panel may
greatly in terms of age, and was international, including have each button control a particular section of the area while
students and faculty from China, India, as well as the U.S. another one will have each button control the entire area but
Participants were asked how long they had been in the with varying amounts of brightness. Also, within a given
building, if the controls had changed since they had moved in, area, multiple designs may exist (Appendix 2). As mentioned
how often they use the controls, if they know if the controls in in the Feedback section, the significance of the LED can
their workspace have multiple levels, and if they use them. change based on the area. While these variations can be a
Stimulus-response compatibility. Fifty U.S. adults positive in the flexible environment prized in a collaborative
were recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk to complete an research facility such as this, it is the appearance of
S-R compatibility survey using Qualtrics online survey consistency which can cause problems.
software. The average age of the participant was 36 and only
Figure 3: Diagrams of control panels throughout the building
10 reported having seen a control panel like the one presented
(none of which reported frequent use). After being provided
with some context in terms of the building and the workspace,
participants were then asked to match a scene to a particular
button. They were given one diagram of the light scene,
depicting which ones are on, off, or dim (Appendix 2, second
column). Then, they were shown a diagram of the control
panel (Appendix 2, third column, but not numbered) and
asked to select the button they believe corresponds with the
given light settings.

Reliability and Discoverability. This is where
Heuristic evaluation
expectancies and S-R compatibility come in to play and users
Visibility. There is very low visibility regarding the struggle with the intra-control panel design. Reliability gets at
interactions with the light controls. The control panels the discontinuities between what the user expects to happen
throughout the building are all completely blank, providing no and what actually does happen. Users may approach a control
signifiers of any kind. According to Lutron, each button can be panel and press a button thinking they are dimming the lights
engraved with a simple numerical label or a verbal label such when the actual result is turning off one-third of the lights.
as what it controls (shades, lights, etc.), what area it controls The user may then press a different button, expecting the other
(room, hall, etc.), or its function (on, off, dim, etc.). However, section to turn off, when, in fact, all of the lights are turned on
these cost more and were not used in this building. to a dimmed setting, the original objective. The difficulty in
discovering the function of controls may lead users to rely
Figure 2: Diagram of panel with engravings and photo of actual panel on a limited subset of functions.


Observation. A significant difference was found

among use of the “all on,” “all off,” and “other” settings for
occupied rooms (χ2(2)=69.25, p<0.001). “Other” included
anything other than “all on” and “all off” (e.g. dimmed
Feedback. There is some feedback when a button is setting, section on). The data showed that 59% of the time a
pressed on a control panel. The pinpoint LED on the button room was occupied, the room had the “all on” setting, which
turns on or off and there is a mild audible and haptic “click.” is a significantly higher frequency of selection than what
However, in workspaces controlled by multiple control panels, would be predicated if all three settings were equally likely to
if a button has been pressed at the one light switch, a button be chosen (Table 1).
press at the other panel may receive the same feedback cues in
terms of the “click” and the LED, but no lighting change will
Table 1: Observation of Occupied Rooms
occur until the button is pressed again (Appendix 2).
Additionally, feedback is weakened by the delay between a
button press and the lighting scene change.Downloaded from at NORTHWESTERN UNIV LIBRARY on June 5, 2016
This delay, which Table 1: Observation of Occupied Rooms

Table 1: Observation of Occupied Rooms job satisfaction and productivity diminish? Newsham
All On Other All Off (2004) found that participants that did not exercise their
59% 6.5% 34.5% right to adjust lighting did not receive the added job
satisfaction benefits (although productivity results were
Surveys. Quantitative analysis shows that 80% inconclusive and long term field studies are needed).
of those surveyed knew that their lights had multiple
levels (significantly different from chance, p=0.001). Limitations and Future Directions
However, only 67% of these participants claimed to use
the levels (p=0.15). Qualitative analysis showed that One limitation of this study is a lack of “hard”
two occupants claim to use low settings regularly while data. Data such as kilowatts of energy used or measures of
four claim to adjust depending on the scenario (e.g. luminosity were not gathered. We continued under the rule
brightness outdoors or presence of other people in the of thumb that if fewer lights were on (or they were
workspace). Two participants mentioned that their dimmed), then less energy was being used. In future
controls had gone from binary to complex since they research, measures of energy used and luminosity will be
had arrived in the building (both have been in the included. Another limitation is due to a lack of
building since it was first opened). acceptability measures from users regarding the lower light
Stimulus-response compatibility. For a scenarios. Users may be less productive, or express
summary of these results, please consult Figure 3. For discomfort in some lighting settings. Future research will
each lighting scene, there were reliable preferences for include measures of acceptability and satisfaction from
one or two buttons. These buttons had a greater users as well as measures of productivity. Translation of
frequency of selection than what would be predicted if the real- world scenario into an online survey format is also
all buttons were equally likely to be chosen. For only a limitation. In the future, more classical usability testing
two scenes, “all on” and “all off,” were the most strategies will be employed, such as think-alouds or co-
frequently selected buttons also correct (Table 2). discovery, in the building itself using both current occupants
and naive users. Future research will also include
Table 2: S-R Compatibility Accuracy Percentages manipulation of control mappings, feasible given the
All On Room On Hallway On Dim All Off programmable nature of the panels, to determine the actual
65%* 29% 13% 13% 44%* impact of control design on lighting use.
χ2=66.17 χ2=22.21 χ2=23.67 χ2=30.96 χ2=20.96
χ2 testing done with 4 degrees of freedom
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