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The play is about a girl named Anna, the daughter of Ando and Sepa, who’s working as a

manager in a five-star hotel. She decided to have a vacation with her parents at the farm.
However, she was impregnated by her former boyfriend, Alex, whom her father despised. Her
mother then opened up the story about her breaking up with Alex. She then started to tell her
mother about the problem she was carrying. And that she was pregnant with Alex’s child for 5
months. And also, Alex doesn’t want to marry her because his parents are against them dating.
She also told her mother that she once tried to abort her child but changed her mind and decided
to raise the child alone. However, the story took a turn when her father learned the truth about
Anna’s pregnancy. Her father was angered; he shouted at her about why they didn’t listen to him
and began shaming her because of what happened. He then turns a deaf ear to Anna’s apologies
and even wants her to abort the child, thinking he will also be shamed. At some point, her father
told her that she had better get out of the house and get out of his life. Her mother told Anna why
her father was acting like that. Her mother explained that her father was born into a family
without a father, took a lot of time to build his name in their town, felt a lot of pain when he was
young and didn’t want Anna’s future child to also experience those pains. After hearing the
explanation from her mother, Anna still planned to go back to her home in Manila, where she
would live until she gave birth. And before Anna left, she and her father had a small

Action items:

 The play started at the time of 7:07 pm.

 Ando and Sepa talked about Anna.
 Ando talked about being against Alex and Anna’s relationship.
 Anna and her mother had a conversation about her father and her breaking up with Alex.
 Anna told Sepa about her 5-month pregnancy and to tell Alex about it.
 Anna told her mother about how she planned to abort her child but decided otherwise.
 Aling Tibay arrived and talked about her daughter.
 Aling Tibay asked Anna to let her daughter work in Anna’s workplace if there was an
 Ando learned the truth about Anna’s pregnancy.
 Her father threw a fit and became very angry at Anna.
 Ando wanted Anna to abort the child in her belly.
 He wanted her to get out of the house and in his life.
 Sepa explained why Ando acted that way.
 Anna planned to go back to Manila.
 Before Anna went to Manila, she and her father had a good talk and reconciled.
 Ando and Anna hugged each other.
 Anna bid her farewells to her parents.
 The play ended at the time of 7:47 pm.

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