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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16 – 23

Voltammetric determination of the iodide ion with a quinine

copper(II) complex modified carbon paste electrode

Jeong-Sik Yeom, Mi-Sook Won, Yoon-Bo Shim *

Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National Uni6ersity, Pusan 609 -735, South Korea

Received 30 June 1998; received in revised form 20 October 1998


A Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 modified-carbon paste electrode (where Qui is quinine) was constructed by incorporating Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 into
a carbon-paste composed of graphite powder and Nujol. The modification with Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 resulted in a deposit of iodide ions
on the electrode surface through a ligand exchange reaction. This exchange reaction was completed within 20 ms in a
CHCl3 +CH3OH solution. The rate constant, k 0, of the ion exchange reaction was determined to be 27 s − 1 by the stopped flow
spectroscopic method. The anodic peak of the pre-deposited iodide ion on the electrode surface was observed at +0.54 V in a
cyclic voltammogram. Various experimental parameters such as pH, deposition time, temperature, and electrode composition were
optimized to analyze the iodide ion employing linear sweep and differential pulse voltammetry. With the exception of thiosulfate
ions, inorganic anions did not interfere with the determination of the iodide ion. Using linear sweep voltammetry, a calibration
curve was attained over the concentration ranges of the iodide ion from 1.0 × 10 − 4 – 2.5×10 − 6 M at the deposition time of 10
min, with the detection limit determined as 1.0 ×10 − 6 M. Using differential pulse voltammetry, the logarithmic linear response
range for the iodide ion was between 10 − 6 and 10 − 8 M, and the detection limit was 1.0 ×10 − 8 M. This method was evaluated
by analyzing the iodide ion content in a commercial disinfectant. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Quinine copper complex; Analysis of the iodide ion; Carbon paste electrode

1. Introduction step, so that interference by the host electroactive spe-

cies may be bypassed effectively. Of these CMEs, car-
Chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) are very use- bon paste electrodes (CPEs) have been used
ful for environmental, clinical, and bio-technical analy- occasionally to determine metal ions by employing the
ses. They are designed to provide desired selective sites stripping method, because they have some unique ad-
toward analytes. Several books [1,2] and review articles vantages. CPEs can be prepared readily and regener-
[3 – 6] have introduced techniques of adopting CMEs. ated easily to a new electrode surface. Thus, there are a
Voltammetry often employs CMEs to determine selec- number of reports using modified CPEs for the analyses
tively an analyte preconcentrated via chemical reactions of heavy metal ions [9–13]. Anions have been deter-
[1 – 8]. Compared to conventional voltammetric tech- mined mostly by potentiometric methods with metal
niques, voltammetry with CMEs provides a versatile complex-containing electrodes [14–19]. However, there
preconcentration range with little interference. Another are only a few reports on the analysis of anions employ-
advantage of using CMEs is exchanging the sample ing voltammetry. Of these anions, the iodide ion is well
solution with a blank electrolyte before the stripping known as it has been used traditionally in photography
and in medicine. Until now, a few studies on the
* Corresponding author. Fax: +82-51-5167421; e-mail: yb- voltammetric determination of iodide using cathodic [20,21] and anodic stripping voltammetry [22] have

0022-0728/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 0 7 2 8 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 4 2 7 - 6
J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23 17

been reported. In addition, we have reported the study colloidal product that was formed instantly by the
for the anodic stripping voltammetric detection of io- exchange reaction, the yellowish-green precipitate was
dide using a chinchonine modified carbon paste elec- collected by filtration. The precipitates were washed
trode [23]. with cold acetone and dried in vacuum at 40°C for 1
Quinine belongs to the quinoline alkaloids with anti- day. The average values of the elemental analysis and
malarial activity that forms complexes with certain ICP results were as follows: Calculated.: Cu, 9.90%; C,
heavy metal ions. Utilizing the ligand exchange reac- 37.42%; H, 3.74%; N, 4.37%; O, 4.99%; I, 39.58%.
tion, we prepared the Cu-quinine complex, Found: Cu, 10.33%; C, 36.60%; H, 3.60%; N, 5.03%; O,
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2, which could react selectively with an 5.12%; I, 39.32%.
iodide ion. This Cu-quinine complex-containing carbon
paste electrode led to the voltammetric determination 2.2. CPE preparation and analytical procedures
of iodide in an aqueous solution. The technique in-
volved the pre-deposition of iodide ions through an ion The unmodified CPEs were prepared as follows: 5 g
exchange reaction between the complex and iodide ion of reagent-grade graphite powder washed with ethanol
on the CPE surface, followed by voltammetry. In addi- and dried under vacuum was mixed with 3 ml of Nujol.
tion, we investigated the reaction mechanism between To modify the CPEs, the graphite powder was mixed
the complex and iodide ions from the results of stopped with Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex in various composition
flow UV-vis. and UV-vis. spectroscopy. Experimental ratios, which were 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60% (w/w%)
parameters that affect the response of the electrode of Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex to graphite powder. Both
processes, such as electrode composition, deposition unmodified and modified CPEs were packed into a 1-ml
time, deposition temperature, and pH were optimized. disposable polyethylene syringe (5 mm I.D.) that had
We investigated also the interference of other ions on been cut off at the end. Electrical contact to the paste
the analysis of the iodide ion. was established via a thin copper wire passed through
the syringe piston.
The fresh surfaces were obtained by polishing the
2. Experimental electrode on a clean paper until they showed a smooth
and shiny appearance after every measurement. To
2.1. Reagents activate fresh electrodes, the polished CPEs were pre-
conditioned by an exposure to a pH 7.0 phosphate
Quinine and Nujol from Aldrich were used without buffer solution containing a high concentration of
further purification. Other chemicals used in analytical 1.0× 10 − 3 M iodide for 3 min before measurement.
processes were purified analytical grade reagents. Iodide After the deposition at the activation step, the elec-
solutions were prepared just before each measurement trodes were rinsed with deionized water, and repetitive
by dilution of a 0.1 M stock solution. All aqueous potential cycles between 0.0 and + 1.0 V were per-
solutions were prepared in doubly distilled water ob- formed to strip the deposited iodine into a 0.1 M KNO3
tained from a Millipore Milli-Q water purification sys- solution. The oxidation peak of the iodide ion disap-
tem. The Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex was prepared by the peared completely after ten potential cycles in a blank
following procedure: a 0.01 M cupric nitrate solution electrolyte solution. Three deposition/stripping cycles at
was added dropwise to a 50-ml ethanol solution of 0.01 least provided highly sensitive and reproducible elec-
M quinine for 1 h with stirring. The green precipitates trode surfaces. When the activity of the CPE with the
produced by this reaction were collected by filtration, iodide ion was poor, the carbon paste was forced out
washed with cold ethanol, and then dried in vacuum at by pressing the piston of the syringe and cutting off the
40°C for 24 h. The precipitates were recrystallized in a tip. The resulting new surface was preconditioned and
chloroform solution. These precipitates were stable in activated.
air. The characterization of the complex was carried To record the voltammogram of the analyte, the CPE
out employing elemental analysis, ICP spectrometry, deposited with iodide ions was taken off from the
and IR spectroscopy. The average values of the elemen- deposition solution, washed thoroughly with distilled
tal analysis and ICP results were as follows: Calcu- water, and transferred to a separate cell containing only
lated.: Cu, 12.41%; C, 46.92%; H, 4.69%; N, 10.94%; O, blank electrolyte (0.1 M KNO3). The modified CPEs
25.04%. Found: Cu, 12.30%; C, 47.62%; H, 4.90%; N; were chemically stable in a blank electrolyte solution,
9.98%; O, 25.20%. which showed no redox peaks over the measuring po-
The Cu(Qui)I2 complex was prepared in order to tential ranges. In every measurement, a fresh electrolyte
confirm the product of the ligand exchange reaction, solution replaced the used solution to avoid contamina-
which was obtained in a reaction between 0.01 M tion of the dissolved trace iodide ion. The same elec-
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex and 0.02 M potassium iodide trode surfaces could be reused up to five times after a
in an acetone solution. After a 2-h digestion of the simple cycling of the potential from 0.0 V to + 1.0 V in
18 J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23

a blank solution. The preconditioned CPE maintained complex, this band did not appear in the spectra of
its sensitivity for over two months. quinine and Cu(Qui)I2. The absorption band of the
–OH group appearing at 3205 cm − 1 in the quinine
2.3. Apparatus molecule decreased in intensity and shifted to 3250
cm − 1 in the complex. These results show that the
The voltammetric experiments were carried out using copper ion coordinated with nitrogen and oxygen
a potentiostat/galvanostat M273 (Prinston Applied Re- atoms in the quinine molecule. In addition, the poten-
search) and an X– Y recorder (Kipp & Zonen). A tial energy of three possible complex structures (Cu(II)
deposit solution for the deposition of iodide was con- ion coordinated with a N atom on the quinuclidine and
tained in a Teflon-covered 50-ml Pyrex cell, and an- an N atom on the quinoline moiety, an N atom on the
other cell contained a blank electrolyte solution for the quinuclidine and an O atom of the hydroxide group, or
voltammetric measurement of the iodide ion. During the O atom of the hydroxide group and an N atom on
the deposition, the pre-deposit solution was well stirred quinoline) was calculated by the software Molecule
by a magnetic stirrer (about 600 rpm). All test solutions Modeling System, Hyperchem Release 3.0, supplied by
were thermostated at 2590.1°C. A three-electrode sys- Hypercube. The result indicated that the complex
tem, consisting of the CPE as working, platinum wire formed by combining with a nitrogen atom on the
auxiliary, and SCE reference electrodes, was used. A quinuclidine and the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl
stream of purified nitrogen gas was passed through the group (See Scheme 1) had the lowest value of 16.4 kJ
test solutions to deaerate the solution in the measuring mol − 1. Thus, the structure of the complex was con-
cell. The potential scan rate was 100 mV s − 1 for cyclic firmed tentatively to be a distorted tetrahedral, which
voltammetry (CV) and 5 mV s − 1 for differential pulse was consistent with the previous result for similar
voltammetry (DPV).
quinine metal complexes by Jeanmin et al. [26].
IR spectra and ICP – AES data were obtained with a
To characterize the ligand exchange reaction that
Polaris FT-IR spectrophotometer (Mattson) and an
took place between nitrate ions in the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrome-
complex and iodide ions in a solution, the UV-vis.
ter (Thermo Jarrell Ash). UV-vis. spectra were recorded
spectrometric and stopped flow methods were carried
on a PX-1 spectrophotometer (Ocean Optics) and a
out for the ligand and complexes. Fig. 1(A) shows (a)
stopped flow spectrophotometer (Otsuka Electronics).
UV-vis. absorption spectra of the iodide ion, (b) the
A VARIO EL elemental analyzer (Elementa) per-
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex, and ((c)–(g)) their mixtures in
formed the elemental analysis.
a CHCl3 solution. The spectra of the mixtures ((c)–(g))
were recorded for the CHCl3 solution containing vari-
3. Results and discussion ous mole ratios of KI to one mole of the
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex (1.0× 10 − 5 M). The mole ra-
3.1. The exchange reaction of Cu(Qui )(NO3)2 with tios of iodide ions were 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. The
iodide band at 450 nm corresponding to the absorption of the
photons by the iodide substituted-complex increased
The 1:1 composition ratio of a copper ion to a gradually until it reached a 1:2 mole ratio of the iodide
quinine molecule in the complex was confirmed with ion to the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex. With Job’s (the
elemental analysis and ICP data. IR, UV-vis. spectra, mole ratio) method [27], the intensity of the absorption
and the energy calculation of the possible structure of bands was constant at the 1:2 mole ratio. The result of
the complex molecules showed that the copper ion this method indicated that the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex
bonded to nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the quinine turned into the iodide-substituted Cu(Qui)I2 complex,
molecules, which resulted in a Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex which confirmed also the absorption band at 450 nm to
that had a distorted tetrahedral structure. The antisym-
metric NC3 stretching [24] on the quinuclidine moiety
appeared at 1240 cm − 1 in the spectrum of quinine.
This band was reduced in intensity and shifted to 1250
cm − 1 in the spectrum of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 and
Cu(Qui)I2 complexes. The absorption band from C–N
vibration mode [25] was enhanced due to the complex
formation with a metal ion. This band appeared at
about 1370 cm − 1 for the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 and Cu(Qui)I2
complexes. While the strong absorption band at 1385
cm − 1 appeared due to the stretching vibration of ni- Scheme 1. Deposition mechanism through the ligand exchange reac-
trate ions [24] in the spectrum of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 tion.
J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23 19

The ligand exchange reaction of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2

complex with potassium iodide in the aqueous solution
can be described as the following reaction:
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 + 2KI ? Cu(Qui)I2 + 2KNO3 (1)
The equilibrium constant (Keq) for this reaction is
described by the following equation:
Keq = [Cu(Qui)I2][NO3− ]2/[Cu(Qui)(NO3)2][I − ]2 (2)
When Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 and the Cu(Qui)I2 complexes
are in the solid state, the equilibrium constant will be
expressed by the following equation:
Keq : [NO3− ]2/[I − ]2 = ([NO3− ]/[I − ])2 (3)
To describe the Keq, the concentrations of NO3− and

I were determined by spectrometry [28] and titration
with potassium permanganate [29]. Before the spectro-
scopic measurement, the solution was treated with
toluene and a 3:1 diluted sulfuric acid. The concentra-
tion of the nitrate ion extracted toluene layer was
determined by measuring the absorbance at 284 nm in
Fig. 1. UV-visible absorption spectra of Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex (A); UV-visible spectrophotometry, and the concentration
(a), iodide; (b), Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex; (c–g), mole ratio of iodide of the iodide ion was determined by iodometry. The
for Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex was 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, respec- equilibrium constant (K) calculated from the above
tively. The insert (Fig. 1(B)) shows a spectrum of the Cu(Qui)I2 result was 7.1. The stopped flow method determined the
complex in CHCl3.
reaction rate constant between the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 com-

be due to the iodide ion substituted-Cu(Qui)I2 complex

that was attained from Cu(Qui) (NO3)2 through the
ligand exchange reaction. Fig. 1(B) shows a UV-vis
absorption spectrum of the Cu(Qui)I2 complex. This
spectrum was identical with the spectra of the complex
substituted by the iodide ion shown in Fig. 1(A). In
addition, while the asymmetry stretching band of NO3−
appeared at 1385 cm − 1 in the IR spectrum of the
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex, the band at 1385 cm − 1 disap-
peared in the spectrum of the Cu(Qui)I2 complex as
iodide ions were substituted, reconfirming the iodide
ion exchange with the nitrate ion in the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2
Fig. 2(A) shows the difference absorption spectra for
the reaction mixtures at different concentrations of the
iodide ion in 1:2 methanol+chloroform solutions, and
the 7.5 ×10 − 5 M Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex. The concen-
trations of the iodide ion were: (a) 2.5× 10 − 5 M; (b)
5.0× 10 − 5 M; (c) 7.5 ×10 − 5 M; (d) 1.0 × 10 − 4 M and
(e) 1.25 × 10 − 4 M. It shows that the intensity of bands
at 450 nm corresponding to those of the Cu(Qui)I2
complex increased as the concentration of the iodide
ion increased. Fig. 2(B) shows a calibration plot ob- Fig. 2. (A) Difference absorption spectra for reaction mixtures at the
tained from the data of Fig. 2(A). The linear response different concentrations for iodide ion with 7.5 × 10 − 5 M
range for the determination of the iodide ions using the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex in a 1:2 methanol+chloroform solution. (B)
A calibration plot obtained from the spectra in (A). The concentra-
7.5 ×10 − 5 M Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex in 1:2 tions of the iodide ion in the reaction mixtures were (a) 2.5 × 10 − 5
methanol+chloroform solution was 2.5×10 − 5 to M; (b) 5.0× 10 − 5 M; (c) 7.5×10 − 5 M; (d) 1.0× 10 − 4 M and (e)
1.25× 10 − 4 M. 1.25 × 10 − 4 M.
20 J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23

peak, the one for (d), the modified CPEs interacting

with the iodide ions showed an anodic peak at +0.54
V. The height of the oxidation peak at + 0.54 V
increased gradually as the concentration of iodide ions
increased. This indicates that the oxidation peak is
related to the presence of iodide ions in a test solution.
Over 40 mV s − 1 for the scan rate, the peak currents
were directly proportional to the square root of the
scan rate, indicating that the oxidation process of an
iodide ion was diffusion controlled from the CPE sur-
face into the bulk solution. This implies that the thick-
ness of the diffusion layer is thicker than that of the
adsorption layer formed by the pre-deposition. Thus,
the infinite diffusion process is operative in the anodic
process at over 40 mV s − 1 for the scan rate. As shown
in the above results, the iodide ions exchanged fast with
NO3− ions on the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex-modified
electrode surface. Then, the iodide ions exchanged into
the complex of Cu(Qui)I2 on the surface of the CPE
were oxidized at + 0.54 V to iodine. The clean surface
of the CPE was stable chemically for repetitive cycling
Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammograms of the carbon paste electrode; the plain for about a few hours unless it was exposed to an
carbon paste electrodes (a and b) and CME (c and d). Electrodes extremely high potential or temperature. The activity of
were exposed for 10 min to a 0.1 M KNO3 blank solution (a and c) CPEs with regard to the iodide ion lasted over two
and a 1.0×10 − 5 M iodide ion solution (b and d) (pH 7.0). months.

plex and the iodide ion. This reaction was completed 3.3. Application to the analysis of iodide
within 20 ms, and the reaction rate constant, k 0, was 27
s − 1. The data indicate that the ligand exchange reac- The CPEs made in various content ratios of the
tion between the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex and the io- Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex to carbon powder (10, 20, 30,
dide ion in CHCl3 +CH3OH was fast enough to use the 40, 50 and 60% w/w) were tested. To deposit the test
analysis of the iodide ion. ions on the electrode, each modified CPE was dipped
into a pH 7.0 buffer solution containing 1.0 ×10 − 5 M
3.2. Electrochemical beha6ior of CPE and the iodide ion for 10 min. After this step, the electrode-cap-
deposition of the iodide ions tured test ions were rinsed with deionized water, and
the cyclic voltammograms were recorded in a 0.1 M
The cyclic voltammograms were obtained for two KNO3 blank electrolyte solution. At all the composi-
unmodified (Fig. 3(a and b)) and two complex modified tion ratios of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex to the carbon
CPEs (Fig. 3(c and (d)). Fig. 3(a and c) are cyclic powder, the iodide ions responded to the
voltammograms recorded for the blank phosphate Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex-modified CPE. The maximum
buffer solution and (b) and (d) are those obtained after peak current in the voltammogram was obtained at 40
dipping the CPE into the buffer solution containing (% w/w) of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex (Fig. 4(A)). At
1.0 ×10 − 5 M iodide ions. There were no redox peaks higher compositions than 40%, the peak current de-
in the CVs of the unmodified CPE (a) and the creased. This might be due to the resistance of the
Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex-modified CPE(c) over the po- CPEs being higher than that of 40% composition of the
tential range from 0.0 to +1.0 V (vs. SCE). The only complex.
difference between (a) and (c) was that the magnitude The peak current change according to the deposition
of the background current of the CPE (c) was higher time in a 1.0 ×10 − 5 M iodide solution (pH 7.0) is
than that of the unmodified CPE (a) due to the elevated shown in Fig. 4(B). Anodic currents increased rapidly
resistance. To test the responses of the CPEs for iodide as the deposition time increased from 0 to 10 min, while
ions, the unmodified CPE and the modified CPE were the increase slowed down after 10 min. The interaction
immersed and predeposited in a pH 7.0 buffer solution sites between the iodide ion and the active sites of the
containing the iodide ions. These were rinsed with electrode surface should be saturated after 10 min.
deionized water and transferred into a 0.1 M KNO3 When the deposition time was longer than 20 min, the
solution after the dipping procedure. While the CV removal of iodide ions deposited on the electrode was
recorded for (b) the unmodified CPE, showed no redox not completed. This indicates that the iodide ion de-
J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23 21

posited during a long period had penetrated into the

electrode surface and combined strongly with the
modifier. Therefore, in all subsequent work, an accu-
mulation time of 10 min was used.
Fig. 4(C) shows the variation of the oxidation peak
current in CV as a function of the deposition tempera-
ture. The CPE (40% w/w) was dipped into a 1.0× 10 − 5
M iodide solution for 10 min at all temperatures. As
the temperatures of the preconcentration solution in-
creased from 15 to 35°C, the anodic current of the
iodide ion increased. The maximum peak current was
obtained at 35°C. At temperatures over 35°C, the peak
current decreased, which may be due to the dissolution
of electrode surfaces at higher temperatures. Thus, the
experiment was run at 25°C during all the deposition
The peak current changed also according to the pH
of the deposition solutions (see Fig. 4(D)). Here, the
chemical deposition was done under the same condi-
tions (1.0 × 10 − 5 M of the iodide ion containing solu-
tion for 10 min at 25°C). At pHB5.0 and \10.0, the
oxidation peaks were smaller than those obtained in the Fig. 5. A calibration plot (B) and differential pulse voltammograms
(A) for iodide ion with 40% Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex-modified elec-
pH range 5.0–10.0. This may be due to the enhanced trodes following 30 min stirring in iodide ion solutions. The concen-
signal-to-noise in a pH range that iodide and/or the trations of solutions: (a) 1.0 ×10 − 6 M; (b) 5.0×10 − 7 M; (c)
copper complex exist as a neutral species. The response 1.0 ×10 − 7 M; (d) 5.0 ×10 − 8 M and (e) 2.5 × 10 − 8 M. (pH: 7.0,
was most sensitive for the iodide ion at pH 7.0. There- scan rate: 5 mV s − 1, pulse height: 0.025 V, pulse width: 0.05 s,
condition voltage: +0.2 V, condition time: 1 min, condition temp:
fore, all subsequent experiments were taken in a phos-

phate buffer solution of pH 7.0. In summary, the

optimum conditions for the analysis of iodide ions were
attained as follows: deposition solution of pH 7.0;
composition of CPE of 40% (w/w); deposition time of
10 min; and deposition temperature of 25°C. In the CV,
the scan rate was fixed at 100 mV s − 1 with consider-
ation of the sensitivity, although the current increased
as the scan rate increased.
Various ions were examined to investigate the inter-
ference in determination of iodide ions. Cl − , Br − ,
SCN − , CN − , C2O24 − , ClO4− , S2O23 − , NO2− , SO24 − and
S2 − ions present by ten-fold excess in the test solutions
did not interfere with the determination of the iodide
ions. The influences of thiosulfate ion had some nega-
tive effect on the magnitude of the oxidation peak
current. The shape and peak potential of CVs recorded
in the presence of interfering ions was the same as those
CVs without foreign ions, except that the peak heights
become smaller than those in the absence of foreign
ions. After immersing for 10 min the modified CPE into
a pH 7.0 phosphate buffer solution containing 1.0×
10 − 5 M iodide and thiosulfate ions, anodic voltam-
mograms for the ions were recorded in a blank
Fig. 4. The effect of (A) the electrode composition; (B) the deposition
electrolyte solution. The oxidation peak height of io-
time, (C) the deposition temperature and (D) pH of the deposition
solution on the peak current of the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 -modified elec- dide was reduced in the presence of the equimolar
trode. The concentration of iodide ion was 1.0 ×10 − 5 M. (deposition thiosulfate ion to about 10% of the one in the absence
time: 10 min, deposition temp.: 25°C, pH: 7.0, scan rate: 100 mV s − 1) of thiosulfate ions. This may have occurred because of
22 J.-S. Yeom et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 463 (1999) 16–23

Table 1 paste electrode modified with the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 com-

Data for the calibration plot derived from the iodide solution
plex. The oxidation peak potential of iodide ions, which
Sample Concentration S.D./% exchanged with nitrate ions in the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 com-
plex, was + 0.54 V. The optimum conditions for the
Certified/ppb Observed/ppb analysis of iodide were investigated using cyclic voltam-
metry. The optimum conditions for the determination
Iodide 55 51 93.1
of iodide were as follows: deposition solution of pH 7.0;
composition of CPE of 40% (w/w); deposition time of
10 min; and deposition temperature of 25°C. The detec-
a competitive reaction between iodide and thiosulfate tion limit adopted from differential pulse voltammetry
ions on the active sites of the copper complex. This was 1.0 × 10 − 8 M for iodide, and the relative standard
indicates that thiosulfate ions hindered the reaction deviation was 9 3.5% for 2.5 ×10 − 8 M iodide ion. The
between iodide and the Cu(Qui)(NO3)2 complex. oxidation current of the iodide ions was reduced by ca.
At the analysis condition optimized from the cyclic 10% in the presence of thiosulfate ion.
voltammetric results, we obtained the calibration plot
for the analysis of the iodide ion (not shown) and
determined the detection limit. The detection limit was Acknowledgements
taken as the concentration that the magnitude of the
analytical signal was twice that of the one recorded for This research was supported by Grant 96-0501-05-
the background. Here, the least square analysis of the 01-3 from the Korean Science and Engineering
result was described by the equation of I/mA =197.8+ Foundation.
35.1(log ([I − ]/mol l − 1)), and the correlation coefficient
was 0.993 (not shown). The detection limit was 1.0×
10 − 6 M. Based on the CV experiment, DPV was under-
taken to obtain the calibration plot in a lower
concentration. Fig. 5(A) shows differential pulse [1] R.W. Murray, in: A.J. Bard (Ed.), Electroanalytical Chemistry,
voltammograms of the standard iodide ion solution vol. 13, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984, p. 191.
(pH 7.0) with a 40% CPE. The deposition time and the [2] R.W. Murray (Ed.), Molecular Design of Electrode Surfaces,
scan rate were 10 min and 5 mV s − 1, respectively. Fig. Vol. 22, Wiley, New York, 1992.
[3] H.D. Abruna, Coord. Chem. Rev. 86 (1988) 135.
5(B) shows the calibration plot obtained from the data
[4] J. Janata, M. Josowicz, M. DeVancy, Anal. Chem. 66 (1994)
of Fig. 5(A) yielding a logarithmic response. The linear 207R.
response ranges for the determination of iodide ions [5] J. Janata, Anal. Chem. 64 (1992) 196R.
were in the order of 10 − 6 – 10 − 8 M, using DPV. Least [6] J. Wang, Anal. Chem. 65 (1993) 450B.
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