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University Of Technology

Laser engineering & optoelectronics

Alternating current circuits laboratory

Laser engineer
Evening study
Alternating current circuits laboratory


Transient Response of R.L. Circuit

‫ الحسن بشار وليد‬-:‫االسم‬

-A- -: ‫الكروب‬

-:‫المشرف النضري‬
-:‫المشرف العملي‬

The circuit should be connected as shown in fig. (7) -1

The A.C. oscillator should be adjusted to 8 Vp.p & 140Hz, -2
.with R1=1K, L=400mH, and R2=100 ohm

?What is the meaning of transient-1


a transient refers to a sudden and temporary change in voltage or

current that occurs in a circuit in response to a change in the circuit's
input or output. Transients in AC circuits can be caused by a variety of
factors, such as lightning strikes, sudden changes in load, or switching
operations. Transients in AC circuits are also known as "surges" or
"spikes", and they can cause damage to sensitive electronic devices or
equipment if they are not properly protected. Therefore, it is important to
use surge protection devices such as surge protectors or voltage
regulators to limit the amplitude of transient voltages and protect against
.potential damage to electronic equipment

2-What is the statement of Lenz?


The statement of Lenz's Law in AC circuits can be described as

follows: "An induced electromotive force (EMF) in a conductor
in an AC circuit will always generate a current that produces a
magnetic field that opposes the change in the magnetic field that
caused it." This means that the direction of the induced current
in an AC circuit will always be such that it produces a magnetic
field that opposes the change in the external magnetic field that
caused it. This principle is used in the design of transformers
and other AC devices, where the magnetic fields need to be
controlled and regulated.

3-Define time constant (τ) for (R-L) cct. ?


The time constant (τ) for an (R-L) circuit is a measure of the rate
at which energy is stored or released in the circuit. It is defined
as the ratio of the inductance (L) to the resistance (R) in the
circuit, and it is expressed in units of time (usually seconds).
The formula for calculating the time constant (τ) of an (R-L)
circuit is: τ = L / R where τ is the time constant, L is the
inductance of the circuit (in henries), and R is the resistance of
the circuit (in ohms). The time constant represents the time it
takes for the current in the circuit to reach approximately 63.2%
of its final steady-state value after a sudden change in voltage or
current. It is an important parameter for analyzing the behavior
of (R-L) circuits, particularly in transient analysis, such as
..during the charging or discharging of an inductor

?Comment on your results -4


he experiment aims to investigate the response behavior of an R-

L circuit under transient conditions. This type of experiment can
be useful in understanding the behavior of inductive circuits and
can be applied in various electrical engineering applications,
such as power electronics and motor control. The experiment
uses basic electrical components such as a signal function
generator, oscilloscope, resistors, and inductors to simulate and
observe the transient response of the R-L circuit. The theory
provided gives an overview of the concepts of resistance,
reactance, and impedance, which are essential in understanding
the behavior of electrical circuits. Overall, this experiment
seems like a practical and informative way to study the response
behavior of R-L circuits, and it could provide valuable insights
.into the principles of electrical engineering

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