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Inglés Nivel I

No se incluyen respuestas a las actividades abiertas tales como
“EXPRESS YOURSELF y BEFORE READING” porque dependen de las
experiencias de los/las alumnos/as.

En algunas actividades, las respuestas son a modo de ejemplo

porque seguramente van a variar. Consultá a tu profesor/a.

Section 1

Pag. 68
a) Write true or false. Then transfer the corresponding letter to
the boxes below.

1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F, 7. T.

v i c t o r y

Pag. 68
b) What about exams at UNLaM? Is the procedure for exams as
strict as the procedure at Bristol University?

1. Some instructors/lecturers are more flexible than others.

Pag. 70
a) Read the following definitions and complete the gaps with one
item from the Vocabulary building section.

1. invigilator, 2. multiple choice, 3. mock exam, 4. retake, 5. a fail,

6. a crib sheet, 7. ungraded, 8. rubrics.

b) Complete the following sentences with an appropriate modal

Inglés Nivel I

verb. Sometimes more than one option is possible but with

different meaning. There are extra verbs.

1. must/ should, 2. can/should, 3. will (probably), 4. should, 5. will.

Pag. 71
c) Answer the following questions about you.

1. I can play the guitar.

2. I should ask a peer or my tutor.
3. I will surely go to the beach.
4. We can’t eat or drink.
5. There might be a train station at UNLaM.
6. I have to check my e-mails. It’s my job.
7. I should study hard.
8. We mustn’t use the cellphone.

Section 2

Pag. 76
Answer the following questions.

1. You can organize yourself better.

2. Because you can’t concentrate.
3. Yes, it is. It is always useful to have all your lectures notes.
4. You should arrive early.
5. Of course, we should re-read the exam carefully for any errors or

Pag. 77
a) Complete the definitions with one item from the Vocabulary
Building section.

1. a study planner, 2. assessment, 3. survive exams, 4. cram, 5. in/at

one sitting, 6. handouts, 7. allocate one’s time, 8. approach, 9. attempt,
10. read … through.

Inglés Nivel I

Pag. 78
b) Match the following columns.

1-b, 2e, 3-d, 4-c, 5-a.

c) Imagine an exam context for these utterances and mark the

appropriate function of the imperative in each case.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b.

Pag. 79
d)You are with your classmate. Reply to him/her by making
suggestions or giving advice. (La entonación es un elemento vital para
demostrar la actidud del hablante)

1. Organise your time.

2. Don’t study on your own.
3. Do what you can.
4. Ask your instructor for more practice.
5. Follow a study planner.

e) What warnings will you give to the following statements? (La

entonación es vital para demostrar que son advertencias)

1. Read the instructions carefully first.

2. Don’t leave unanswered questions.
3. Design a study planner or else…
4. Don’t cram for the exam.
5. Don’t stay up all the night.

Pag. 80
Answer the following questions.

1. It takes place in Bagdad.

2. One is a merchant, the other is his servant, and the third character is
3. The servant experiences the conflict that he will meet Death.
4. Cause: The servant is afraid of Death and wants to escape from her.

Inglés Nivel I

Effect: The servant will go where Death will “precisely”meet him.

The servant can’t run away from death/his destiny.
5. I think that the servant will die in Samarra because Death says so to
his master.

Pag. 81
Giving arguments
a) Rank the five characters from the most offensive to the least

No hay un orden correcto.

b) How was this activity? Easy? Hard? What kinds of things

went into your decision?

Esta actividad es muy personal.

Pag. 82
c) Give arguments about the behaviour of each of the five
characters. Who had the worst behaviour? Who had the highest
responsibility? Justify your arguments. Use expressions from
Modules 1 & 2.

There are two main problems here: betrayal and abuse of power. In
my view, betrayal is worse than abuse, because you hurt a person who
loves you or has confidence in you.

Log in and watch the video entitled An Engineering Exam – A
prank at the University of Toronto. Then, answer the questions

Esta actividad se corrige en clase.


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