Guidelines For The Essay Writing and Oral Delivery

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Pre-final Tasks


* Written Essay (to be submitted in hard copy) - 30pts.

* Oral Delivery (to be submitted as video presentation in Google classroom - 20pts.

I. Group Essay Writing


1. Group yourselves by 4s.

Then, choose your group moderator who will oversee the completion of the
group task with every member working towards it.
Since this is teamwork, the grade of one is the grade of all.

2. Each group is assigned a type of essay to compose: Expository, Descriptive,

Narrative, or Persuasive.

3. As a group, you are to write your assigned type of essay dealing with any topic
related to your current field of study: Computer Engineering or Mechanical

In case the group is mixed with students who pursue courses other than what
the rest in the group pursue, a general topic on Education will be acceptable.

Be reminded that your essay should be original. Copy-pasted material can easily be detected
by an app checker and will automatically give the group a score of ‘0’ which means ‘failure’.

4. Once you have decided on a topic, construct a thesis statement so that your
essay will focus only on a specific aspect of the topic.

Example (for Expository):

*Topic: Civil Engineering (what about CE; what is it you want to talk about?)
*Thesis Statement: The study of Civil Engineering requires high mathematical skills. (this
statement must be a complete sentence and usually in declarative form)
*Outline (this will provide an overview of what will be contained in the essay and how the
ideas are to be organized):
I. Introduction
A. Backgrounder (this may be about the current situation of CE as a course; it must
be brief, may be no more than one paragraph)
B. General definition of Civil Engineering (as a field of study)
C. Presentation of the Thesis Statement
II. The Body
A. Qualities of a good Civil Engineer (make sure an aptitude in Math is mentioned
here since this is what you want to talk about in your topic)
B. List (with corresponding descriptions) of all Math subjects in a CE curriculum
C. Reasons why one who wishes to take CE as a course must have high mathematical
skills in Math (this may include explanations about what a professional engineer
does that highly involves the skill in Math)
III. Conclusion
A. Summary of the important points discussed in the whole essay
B. A restatement of the essay’s Thesis Statement (although differently worded, the
essence remains)
Note: The labelings A, B, C, etc. represent ideas grouped by paragraphs. Take note also that
Descriptive and Persuasive essays are different from Expository but not entirely so that it would
still be best to prepare something similar above to enable you to write your essay in an organized

For the Narrative essay, you’re going to need a Theme so that when your group begins to
compose a story, you will be able to identify a conflict that will provide tension to your story and
determine how the complication will be unraveled until a final solution is presented that will either
happily or tragically end the story.
Example (for Narrative):
*Theme: Mother’s love: A mother’s love is unconditional.
*Title (Be creative with this)
*Plot (instead of an Outline which applies more to Expository, Descriptive, and Persuasive essays,
you prepare the story plot: Exposition, Complication or Rising Action, Climax,

Denouement or Falling Action, and Resolution or End of Story- read more about
these in the module)

5. Write your essay in no less than 700 words. Your group may wish to go beyond 700 words
but just make sure that your essay will not be too long as going beyond 10 pages.

6. Submit a hard copy of your group essay:

*Type on long bond paper with a proper title at the upper-center part
Ex. Civil Engineering and Math
An Expository Essay
*Use 12 font-sized Times New Roman/Aerial/Calibri/Georgia font type
*Observe double spacing and proper margins
*Write the complete name of each group member starting with the family name followed by the
first name and then the middle initial.
*Arrange the names in alphabetical order (from a-z).
*Type these names on the upper left corner of the paper just below the title of your essay.
Civil Engineering and Math
An Expository Essay

Adams, Bryan C.
Beiber, Justin K. > no spacing bet. lines
Carey, Mariah N.
Swift, Taylor U.

______________________________. > double spacing bet. lines for editing

7. Deadline for submission is March 28, 2023 (Tuesday) during class period.
II. Group Essay Oral Presentation


1. This is the same groupings in the written essay.

2. Prepare your written essay for oral delivery. Add the usual greetings and closing you would
normally hear in speeches.
Ex. (for greetings) “Our distinguished guest of honor, ____, ladies and gentlemen, a
jolly good afternoon!”

(for closing) “And that is our talk about Civil Engineering and Math. We hope
you learned many things. Thank you.”

Be reminded that you do not need to include the greeting and closing in the written essay
that you are required to submit. These are only for the oral delivery of your essay.

3. Divide your essay with the greeting and closing according to the number of members in
your group. Assign each member a part of the essay for oral delivery.

4. Video yourselves delivering your assigned part. Make sure that there is a smooth transition
from one speaker to the next until the end of the speech.

5. All members in the group are required to have a speaking part otherwise he/she forfeits the
score for this task.

6. Speakers are not allowed to be seen on camera reading from a manuscript. They should
have either memorized their part or simply read occasionally from a prepared ‘idiot card’ in
front of them.
Speakers are encouraged to look at the camera most of the time to make the viewers feel
that the speaker on the screen is personally having a casual conversation with them.

7. You may take either a full or half-body shot whichever you think is best as long as your
hand gestures and other bodily movements can be seen by the viewers.
You may walk to and fro while speaking provided that the camera can follow you smoothly.

8. Background music is not allowed.

9. Speakers are encouraged to be professionally dressed in front of the camera. Wear your best
semi-formal or business attire when delivering your speech.

10. Deadline for submission is on March 28, 2023 (Tuesday) until 11:00 P.M.
Submit your video in the submission box/folder that will be opened in the google

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