CH-03 (Amplitude Modulation)

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Communication Systems

[Ch – 03]

Instructor: Engr. Furqan Haider

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Wireless Propagation
• Ground wave propagation
• Sky wave propagation
• Line of sight propagation

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Wireless Propagation
(Ground Wave)

• The best-known example of ground wave communication

is AM radio.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Wireless Propagation
(Sky Wave)

• Sky wave propagation is used for international broadcasts such as BBC

and Voice of America.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Wireless Propagation
(Line of Sight)

• Above 30 MHz, neither ground wave nor sky wave

propagation modes operate, and communication
must be by line of sight.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Block Diagram of a Communication

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

• MODULATION: A process by which Amplitude /
Frequency / Phase of a carrier signal are varied in
accordance with the modulating wave.

• Modulating wave: the information bearing wave, the

message wave, m(t)
• Modulated Wave: the resultant wave of the modulation
process. s(t)
• Carrier Wave: the wave, whose Amplitude / Frequency /
Phase is varied. c(t)
• s(t) = m(t)c(t)

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Why Modulate?
1. Ease of Radiation (small antenna size)
2. Frequency translation to different frequency bands
for the purpose of “Multiplexing”.
3. To avoid bands with noise and interference.
4. To counter the effects of “Atmospherics”.
5. Availability of equipment in the market to operate
in some particular band.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
• AMPLITUDE MODULATION: A process by which
Amplitude of a carrier signal is varied about a mean
value, linearly in accordance with the baseband
modulating wave.

• Modulating wave: the information bearing wave, the

message wave, m(t)
• Modulated Wave: the resultant wave of the modulation
process. s(t)
• Carrier Wave: the wave, whose Amplitude / Frequency /
Phase is varied. c(t)

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation

Double SideBand Suppressed SideBand

Double Amplitude Single Vestigial

Sideband – Modulation Sideband Sideband
Suppressed (DSB – With Modulation Modulation
Carrier Carrier)

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
•Message wave – m(t) = cos(2πfmt)
•Carrier Wave – c(t) = Accos(2πfct)
•Modulated Wave – s(t)

• s(t) = c(t)m(t)
• s(t) = Accos(2πfct)cos(2πfmt)

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• How s(t) looks like ?

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Frequency Domain

• Observe – Bandwidth is now 2W (i.e. info. amount is same but doubled)

• But remember, there is no specific frequency component at ‘fc’
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
•Message wave – m(t) = cos(2πfmt)
•Carrier Wave – c(t) = Accos(2πfct)
•Modulated Wave – s(t)

• s(t) = c(t) + kam(t)c(t)

• s(t) = Accos(2πfct) + kam(t) Accos(2πfct)
• s(t) = Ac [1+kam(t)] cos(2πfct)
• ka is the ‘amplitude sensitivity’ – a constant
• Envelope
e(t)= Ac[1+kam(t)]
• Solve s(t) down to additive frequency components.

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Envelope does not exist in reality, it is the trace of the
peaks of the periodic sinusoids of the modulated wave.
• Envelope of s(t) should have same shape as of m(t). For
this two conditions need to be satisfied.
1. |kam(t)|< 1 (this condition ensures that e(t) is always a
positive function.)
if violated, s(t) gets overmodulated.
2. fc >> W (where ‘W’ is the highest frequency component
of m(t).)
if violated, sidebands will overlap (aliasing).

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)

|kam(t)|< 1 |kam(t)|> 1

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Frequency Domain

• Observe – Bandwidth is now 2W

• But remember, there are impulses at frequency component ‘fc’
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
s(t) Filter
z(t) y(t) = m(t)


• z(t) = s(t) 2cos(2πfct) = c(t) m(t) 2cos(2πfct)

• z(t) = Ac m(t) 2cos2(2πfct)
• z(t) = Ac m(t) + Ac m(t) cos(2π2fct)
• Z(f) = Ac M(f) + (Ac/2)[M(f-2fc)+M(f+2fc)]
• 1st term is extracted by the LowPass Filter
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• During Modulation at Transmitter end, we forced the
envelope e(t) to get the shape similar to m(t).
• In DSB – WC case, we do not recover m(t), rather we
detect the envelope e(t) of the received amplitude
modulated wave s(t).
• So demodulation of DSB-WC will be studied in detail
in Envelope Detector section.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
ST =Total Transmitted Power ST =Total Transmitted Power
Sc =Carrier Signal Power Sc =Carrier Signal Power
Sm =Message Signal Power Sm =Message Signal Power
ST = ScSm ST = Sc + ScSm
•DSB – WC shows
Power inefficiency.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Ring Modulator (to generate DSB – SC Modulated wave)

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• m(t)=Any message signal

• c(t) = square wave


• s(t)= m(t) c(t)


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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Provided that we have fc > W, we use bandpass filter of mid-
frequency ‘fc ‘ and bandwidth ‘2W’ to select the desired pair
of sidebands around the carrier frequency fc .
• The bandpass filter in the ring modulator will only allow the
spectral components around fc to pass through, and those at
odd harmonics will be removed.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Switching Modulator


AM / s(t) Suppressed by
bandpass filter
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• g(t) here is a periodic pulse train of period=1/fc

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems
Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Coherent Detector

• Lowpass filter here will give me the second term.

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Output of the lowpass filter

• Constraints in Coherent Detector:

• Phase and frequency of the local oscillator (at Rx.)
should be in sync. with the phase and frequency of
the carrier used at Tx. End.
• also called Synchronous Demodulation

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
• Phase error:
• If φ = 0, vo(t) has maximum value.
• If φ = π/2, vo(t) becomes zero, which ultimately destroys our
m(t). We call this Quadrature Null Effect of the coherent
• Thus the phase error in the Rx. local oscillator causes the
detector output to be attenuated by a factor equal to cos(φ).
• So a practical synchronous receiver system requires an
expensive equipment.
• This resulting system complexity is the price that must be paid
for suppressing the carrier wave to save transmitter power.
• Remember : for DSB – SC (ST = ScSm )
for DSB – AM (ST = Sc + ScSm )

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3)
Amplitude Modulation

3.3 DSB – SC 3.2 Amplitude Modulation

(DSB - AM)

1. Modulation (Time- 1. Modulation (Time-

domain Analysis) domain Analysis)
2. Frequency-Domain 2. Frequency-Domain
Analysis Analysis
3. Demodulation 3. Demodulation
4. Power Analysis 4. Power Analysis
5. Modulation Circuit – 5. Modulation Circuit –
Ring Modulator Switching Modulator
6. Demodulation Circuit 6. Demodulation Circuit –
– Coherent Detector Non-coherent Detector
(Envelope Detector)
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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Envelope Detector


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Amplitude Modulation (Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Envelope Detector

Input to Envelope

The Envelope
Detection Process.

The output of
Envelope Detector

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Envelope Detector
1. fc should be high enough so that the next cycle of the sinusoid appears
quickly so that the capacitor ‘C’ gets charged quickly. To this thing sure we
need to keep the charging constant ‘Ƭc’ to be much much lesser than the
period ‘Tc’ of the carrier signal.

2. On the other hand, discharging of C must be slow, so that the envelope

remain smooth. This is ensured by keeping ‘Ƭd’ much much higher than

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Amplitude Modulation
(Article 3.2 & 3.3) – Envelope Detector
2. 2nd condition continues: Discharging should not be too slow,
that it results in clipping of the original message signal m(t).
To counter this ‘Ƭd’ should not be higher than ‘Tw – the
time period of the highest frequency component present in
the signal’. So 2nd condition for successful and smooth
envelope detection is:

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

1. Easy generation & demodulation of AM signals.
2. AM system is relatively cheap to build.

1. Amplitude Modulation is wasteful of Power.
(sending a pilot along with the modulated wave).
2. Amplitude Modulation is wasteful of Bandwidth.
(necessary information is in a single sideband, but we
transmit both the sidebands).

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

1. To save Power: we have the option of using DSB-SC
technique. i.e. suppressing the carrier.
2. To save Bandwidth: we can suppress any one sideband of the
modulated signal, either USB or LSB, which results in 2 more
modulation techniques namely:
i. Single-Sideband (SSB) Modulation
ii. Vestigial-Sideband (VSB) Modulation

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

Costas Receiver
• Practical synchronous receiver system.

• Patented by John Costas

• This is the complex circuitry we were talking about to

retrieve our DSB – SC modulated signal. As tradeoff
to this complexity, we were saving our power by
suppressing the pilot carrier.

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Costas Receiver



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Costas Receiver – Coherent Demodulator




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Costas Receiver – Phase Lock Circuit




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Costas Receiver
• Operation: Local oscillator signal is at the same
phase as the carrier wave Accos(2πfct) used to
generate the DSB – SC wave. Under these conditions,
we observe that the I – channel output contains the
desired demodulated signal m(t), whereas the Q –
channel output is zero due to the quadrature null
effect of the Q – channel.

• Error in phase: will result in Donald Duck voice effect.

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Costas Receiver

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3.4 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing
• If you recall, in DSB – SC demodulation, if your local
carrier is out-of-phase with the transmitted carrier,
we lose m(t).
• In worst case scenario, at θ=π /2, we get ‘zero’ as the
output of demodulation process.
• We convert this Disadvantage into an Advantage by
doing Quadrature –Carrier Multiplexing.

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

3.4 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing

• Multiplexing: to send multiple messages simultaneously.

• Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing: amplitude modulation

scheme that enables two DSB – SC modulated waves
with independent message signals to occupy the same
channel bandwidth (i.e. same frequency channel) yet still
be separated at the receiver.
• Possible only, if perfect synchronization is ensured
between Tx. And Rx. A disadvantage.
• But bandwidth is efficiently utilized, which is an

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

3.4 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing
• QCM Transmitter:

• spectral contents
of both the signals
m1(t) and m2(t) are
• QCM represents
two waveforms
modulated onto the
same carrier.

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3.4 Quadrature-Carrier Multiplexing
• QCM Receiver:

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3.5 Suppressed-Sideband Modulation

Amplitude Modulation

Double SideBand Suppressed SideBand

Double Amplitude Single Vestigial

Sideband – Modulation Sideband Sideband
Suppressed (DSB – With Modulation Modulation
Carrier Carrier)

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

3.5 Suppressed-Sideband Modulation
• Motivation: same information contents are
transmitted in the lower and upper sidebands, so,
only one sideband needs to be transmitted.

• Bandwidth efficient technique: by doing so, we will

be able to save half of our bandwidth 2W.

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3.5 Suppressed-Sideband Modulation
• SSB: is for signals with energy gap at origin.

• VSB: is for signals that do not have energy gap at


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Single-Sideband Modulation
• Easy to generate.
• Expensive due to equipment cost required for sharp
filters and synchronous demodulation.

• Modulation:
1. Generate a DSB-SC modulated signal.
2. Eliminate any one sideband by using band-pass
filter for the other sideband.

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Single-Sideband Modulation

DSB – SC Spectrum

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Single-Sideband Modulation

• Suppose, we wish to transmit USB only.

• We need band-pass filter of following characteristics:
1. The desired sideband should lie inside the passband of the filter.
2. Filter should have sharp cut-off at (fc + fa) and (fc + fb).

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Single-Sideband Modulation
• SSB Spectrum (USB)

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Single-Sideband Modulation
• Demodulation:
• It requires Coherent Detection / Synchronous
Demodulation, which is often obtained by one of two
1. Transmitting a low power pilot in addition to the
selected sideband.
2. Using highly stable oscillators in both Tx. And Rx.
For generating the carrier frequency.

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Vestigial-Sideband Modulation
• Along with the one sideband, we transmit a vestige
or trace of the other sideband also.

• Motivation for VSB:

Separation of sidebands is feasible, as no sharp filters
are required

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Vestigial-Sideband Modulation
• VSB – Modulation:

• Here u(t) is DSB – SC modulated signal.

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Vestigial-Sideband Modulation
• VSB – Demodulation:

• VSB technique requires the same DSB – SC coherent


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Vestigial-Sideband Modulation
• The problem, we wish to address is: What should be
the spectral characteristics of VSB filter H(f)? So that
vo(t) is proportional to m(t).

• VSB filter should satisfy the following condition:

H(f-fc) + H(f+fc) = 1

• This condition is achievable by controlling the roll-

off-factor of the VSB filter.

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3.7 Frequency Translation
• Also referred as:
• Frequency changing
• Mixing
• Heterodyning

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3.7 Frequency Translation

• Suppose we wish to translate frequency f1 of signal

s1(t) to a new value which is f2.
• What should be the value of fl ?

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3.7 Frequency Translation
• the relation among the three frequencies is set as:

• If f2 > f1 :
fl = f2 – f1

• If f1 > f2 :
fl = f1 – f2

DEE, NUST College of E & ME Communication Systems

• The term multiplex has its roots in the Latin words multi
(many) and plex (fold).
• Multiplexing – simultaneous transmission of multiple signals
on a single medium
– More efficient use of transmission medium
• Traditional multiplexing comes in several varieties:

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Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
• Separation of the whole spectrum into smaller frequency bands
– A channel gets a certain band of the spectrum for the whole
– Advantages:
• no dynamic coordination necessary
• works also for analog signals
– Disadvantages:
• waste of bandwidth if the traffic is distributed unevenly
• guard spaces

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Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

– Frequency Division Multiplexing – FDM

• Frequency is shared amongst the users sharing the link

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Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
• A channel gets the whole spectrum for a certain amount of time
• Advantages:
– only one carrier in the
medium at any time
– throughput high even
for many users
• Disadvantages:
– precise

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Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)

– Time Division Multiplexing – TDM

• Time is shared amongst the users sharing the link

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FDM 4 users




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End Problem

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