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Astalis Training Academy / 2022



Financial Closing Process ............................................................................................................... 2

Importance of the Financial Closing Process ............................................................................... 2

Carrying out the Financial Closing Process in Companies ........................................................... 2

Financial Closing Process Questionnaire ...................................................................................... 3

Financial Closing Process Checklist ...............................................................................................4


Financial Closing Process

Financial closing process is a essential process in the business world. It involves the collection
and processing of financial information to create accurate financial statements that represent
the financial position of a company at a particular point in time. I will try to explain the
importance of the financial closing process, how it is carried out in companies, and the benefits
it brings to organizations.

Importance of the Financial Closing Process

The financial closing process is critical to the success of any business. It is the process of
ensuring that all financial transactions are accurately recorded and reported in a company's
financial statements. The financial statements are used by investors, creditors, and other
stakeholders to evaluate the financial health of a company. The financial closing process helps
to ensure that the financial statements are accurate and reliable, which in turn helps to build
trust with stakeholders.

The financial closing process is also important for compliance purposes. Companies are
required to file financial statements with regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). These financial statements must be accurate and comply with
the accounting standards set by the regulatory bodies. The financial closing process helps
companies ensure that their financial statements comply with these standards and

Carrying out the Financial Closing Process in Companies

The financial closing process involves several steps that must be carried out in a specific order.
The first step is to collect all financial data, including receipts, invoices, and bank statements.
This data must then be organized and recorded in the company's accounting system. The


accounting system must be able to generate financial statements, such as balance sheets,
income statements, and cash flow statements.

Once the financial data has been recorded in the accounting system, the next step is to
reconcile the accounts. This involves comparing the balances in the accounting system to the
balances in the bank statements and other financial records. Any discrepancies must be
investigated and corrected before the financial statements can be prepared.

The final step in the financial closing process is to prepare the financial statements. The
financial statements must be accurate, reliable, and comply with the accounting standards set
by regulatory bodies. The financial statements must also be reviewed and approved by the
company's management team before they are released to stakeholders.

Financial Closing Process Questionnaire

The financial closing process questionnaire is a tool used to assess and evaluate the
effectiveness of a company's financial close process. The financial close process is the process
of finalizing a company's financial statements for a specific period, such as a quarter or a year.
This process involves activities such as reconciling accounts, reviewing transactions, and
making adjustments to ensure that the financial statements are accurate and complete.

The questionnaire typically includes a series of questions that cover different aspects of the
financial close process, such as the timeline for closing the books, the accuracy and
completeness of the financial statements, the effectiveness of internal controls, and the
overall efficiency of the process. The questionnaire is designed to identify areas where
improvements can be made and to help management understand how well the financial close
process is working.

The financial close process questionnaire can be used by internal auditors, external auditors,
or other stakeholders, such as board members or investors, to evaluate the quality of a


company's financial close process. By using this tool, companies can identify areas for
improvement and take steps to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their financial

Financial Closing Process Checklist

1. Are all bank reconciliations completed and reconciled to the general ledger?

2. Are all journal entries reviewed and approved by appropriate levels of management?

3. Are all accruals and deferrals recorded accurately and in a timely manner?

4. Are all revenue and expense transactions recorded in the correct period?

5. Are all balance sheet accounts reconciled and reviewed for accuracy?

6. Are all intercompany transactions properly eliminated and reconciled?

7. Are all fixed assets and depreciation recorded accurately and in accordance with
company policy?

8. Are all payroll transactions recorded accurately and in compliance with all applicable
laws and regulations?

9. Are all taxes recorded accurately and in compliance with all applicable laws and

10. Are all inventory transactions recorded accurately and in compliance with company

11. Are all prepaid expenses and other assets recorded accurately and in compliance with
company policy?

12. Are all liabilities recorded accurately and in compliance with all applicable laws and


13. Are all foreign currency transactions accurately recorded and properly accounted for?

14. Are all lease accounting transactions recorded accurately and in compliance with
accounting standards?

15. Are all debt transactions recorded accurately and in compliance with accounting

16. Are all financial statement disclosures accurate and complete?

17. Are all financial statement footnotes accurate and complete?

18. Are all financial ratios calculated and analyzed to ensure accuracy?

19. Are all internal control procedures followed and tested for effectiveness?

20. Are all SOX controls properly documented and tested?

21. Are all significant variances from budget or prior period explained and analyzed?

22. Are all cash transactions properly recorded and reconciled?

23. Are all accounts payable transactions properly recorded and reconciled?

24. Are all accounts receivable transactions properly recorded and reconciled?

25. Are all investments properly recorded and valued in accordance with accounting

26. Are all debt covenants and restrictions complied with and properly disclosed?

27. Are all hedging transactions properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

28. Are all stock-based compensation transactions properly recorded and disclosed in
accordance with accounting standards?


29. Are all equity transactions properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

30. Are all related party transactions properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

31. Are all intangible assets properly recorded and valued in accordance with accounting

32. Are all impairment tests properly performed and documented in accordance with
accounting standards?

33. Are all contingencies properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with accounting

34. Are all pension and other post-retirement benefit transactions properly recorded and
disclosed in accordance with accounting standards?

35. Are all government grant transactions properly recorded and disclosed in accordance
with accounting standards?

36. Are all deferred tax assets and liabilities properly recorded and disclosed in accordance
with accounting standards?

37. Are all derivative transactions properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

38. Are all equity method investments properly accounted for in accordance with
accounting standards?

39. Are all non-controlling interests properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?


40. Are all business combinations properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

41. Are all impairment losses properly recorded and disclosed in accordance with
accounting standards?

42. Are all changes in accounting policies or estimates properly disclosed and accounted

43. Are all subsequent events properly disclosed and accounted for?

44. Are all legal and regulatory compliance requirements properly addressed and disclosed
in the financial statements?

45. Are all environmental and other social responsibility matters properly disclosed and
accounted for?

46. Are all major capital projects and expenditures properly accounted for and disclosed in
the financial statements?

47. Are all significant contractual obligations properly disclosed and accounted for in the
financial statements?

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