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Houston SED - Ship Equipment

assess design plans and data for the below listed product. This assessment is a representation by the
Bureau as to the degree of compliance the design exhibits with applicable sections of the Rules. This
assessment does not waive unit certification or classification procedures required
products to be installed in ABS classed vessels or facilities. This certificate, by itself?does not reflect
that the product is Type Approved. The scope and limitations of this assessment are detailed on the
pages attached to this certificate. It will remain valid for five years from the date of issue or until the
Rules or specifications used in the assessment are revised (whichever occurs first).

PRODUCT: Synthetic Repair Compounds & Resins

MODEL: Pump and Compressor Repairs - Procedure Code BEL-PCR-100

ABS RULE: 2005 Steel Vessel Rules 1-1-417.7, 4-3-215.17.4

OTI-~ERSTANDARD: Manufacturer's standards and practices;

ans P. Haendler

Engineering Type Approval Co-ordinator

NOTE: Thls certificate ev~dencercornpilance w ~ t hone or more of t h e Rules, Gu~dei,standards or other crlteria of American Bureau o f Sh~ppingor a
statutory, mdurtrml or manufacturer's standard and Is mued solely for the use of the Bureau, 1t5iomrn!ttees, Itr cllentr or other authorized entltter. Any
s~gnificanrchanges t o the aforement~onedproduct w t h o u t ABS approval wtil result ~nthis c e l f ~ f ~ c a tbecomlng
e null and void Thir certificate is governed
by the terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof.

TX 05105 5099A
LTR 1000
Bureau of Shipping and is issued solely for be conducted in accordance with the rules of
the use of ABS, its committees, clients or other the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. The
'The issuance and interpretation o r this authorized entities. The validity, applicability and arbitrators may grant any relief, other than
certificate is subject to the terms and conditions interpretation of a certificate issued under the punitive damages, which they, or a majority of
o r the Request for Product Type Approval and terms o r or in contemplation of the Agreement them, deem just and equitable and within the
Agreement which are hereby incorporated by is govcrncd by the Rules and standards of scope of the agrcement of the parties, including,
reference. American Bureau of Shipping who shall remain but not limited to, specific performance. Awards
the sole judge thereof. Nothing contained in this made in pursuance to this clause may include
certificate or any report issued in contemplation costs including a reasonable allowance for
of this certificate shall be deemed to relieve any attorney's fees and judgment may be entered
Design Assessment is representation by ABS as designer, builder, owner, manufacturer, seller, upon any award made hereunder in any court
to t h r structural and mechanical fitness for a supplier, repairer, operalor or other entity of having jurisdiction. ABS and clienl hereby
particular use or service in accordance with its any warranty express or implied nor to create mutually waive any and all claims to punitive
Rules and standards. The Rules of American any interest, righl, claim or benefit in any damages in any forum.
Bureau of Shipping are not meant as a third party. It is understood and agreed that
substitute Tor the independent judgement of nothing expressed hcrein is intended or shall Client shall be required to notify ABS within
professional designers, naval architects and be construed to give any person, firm or thirty (30) days of the commencement of any
marinr engineers nor as a substitute for the corporation, other than the parties hereto, arb~trationbetween it and third parties which
quality control procedures of shipbuilders, any right, remedy or claim hereunder or any may concern ABS' work in connection with this
engine builders, steel makers, suppliers, provisions herein contained; all provisions hereof Agreement and shall afford ABS an opportunily,
manufacturers and sellers of marine vessels, are for the sole and exclusive benefit of the at ABS' sole option, to participate in the
materials, machinery or equipment. ABS being a parties hereto. arbitration.
technical society can only act through Surveyors
or others who are believed by it t o be skilled and
competent. ABS represents solely to the vessel ABS makes n o representations beyond those Any statutes of limitation notwithstanding,
Owner or other client (hereinafter "Client") of contained herein and in (he provisions of the Client expressly agrees for itself and its affiliated
ABS that when assigning class it will use due Agreement regarding its reports, statements, companies that its right to bring or to assert
diligence in the development of Rules, Guides, plan review, surveys, certificates or other against ABS any and all claims, demands or
and standards and in using normally applied services. proceedings whether in arbitration or otherwise
testing standards, procedures and techniques shall be waived unless (a) notice is received by
as called for by thc Rules, Guides, standards ABS within thirty (30) days after Client or its
or other criteria of ABS for the purpose of affiliates had notice of or should reasonably
The party to whom this certificate is issued, and have been expected to have had notice of the
assigning and maintaining class. ABS further
his assignee and successor in interest, agrec to basis ror such claims; and (b) arbitration or
represents to the Client of ABS that its
indemniry and hold harmless ABS from and legal proceedings, if any, based on such claims
certificates and reports evidence compliance only
against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, or demands of whatever nature are commenced
with one or more of the Rules, Guides, standards
or actions for damages, including legal fees, within one (1) year of the date of such notice
or other crileria of ABS in accordance with
to persons or olher legal entities and property, to ABS.
the terms o r such certificate or report. Under
tangible, intangible, or otherwise which may be
no circumstances whatsoever arc these represen-
brought against ABS incidental to, arising out
tations to be deemed to relate to any third
of or in connection with Lhe work done, services
party. The combined liability of American Bureau
performed or material to be furnished undrr this
certificate, except for those claims caused solely of Shipping, its officers, employees, agents or
and completely by the negligence of ABS, its subcontractors for any loss, claim, or damage
Any of the following events will cause agents, employers, officers, directors or sub- arising from negligent performance or non-
immediate suspension of the certificate contractors. performance of any services under this
o r design assessment unless the change is Agreement, of from breach of any implied or
submitted to ABS for a new review express warranty of workmanlike performance in
a) Redesign of the product or products connection with the services, or from any other
covered by this certificate. Any and all diffcrences and disputes of whatso- reason, to any person, corporation, partnership,
evrr nature arising out of this agreement shall business entity, sovereign, country or nation,
b) Substantial change in management
organization; be put to arbitration in the City of New York shall be limited to the grealer of a) $100,000 or
pursuant t o thc laws relating t o the arbitration b) an amount equal Lo ten (10) times the sum
c) Failure to pay ABS fees.
there in forcr, before a board of three persons, actually paid for the services alleged to be
AND LIABILITY consisting of one arbitrator to be appointed deficient.
by ABS, one by Client, and one by the two so
It is understood and agreed that thc Certificate chosen. The decision of any two of the three The limitation of liability may be increased
of Design Review (hereinafter referred to as on any point or points shall be final. Until such up to an amount twenty-five (25)times that
"certificate") issued as part or the services time as the arbilrators finally close the hearings sum paid for services upon receipt of Client's
rendered under the Agreement is a represen- either party shall have the right by written written request at or before the time of
tation only that the vessel, structure, item of notice served on the arbitrators and on an performance of service and upon payment
material, equipment or machinery or any other officer of the other party to specify further by Client of an additional fee of $10.00 for
item covered by a certificate has met one or disputes or difference under this Agreement for every $1,000.00 increase in the limitation.
more of the Rules or Standards of American hearing and determination. The arbitration is to
TX 05/05 509QA
LTR 1000
2000 N W 88 Court
Americas Gateway Park
Florida 33 172
United States of America
Telephone: 305-594-4994
Fax: 305-599-1 140

Belzona Synthetic Repair Compound - Application Procedurers o f Belzona 1 1 1 1 (Super Metal), Belzona 112 1 (XL
Metal), Belzona 13 1 1 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal), Belzona 1341 (Super Metal-Glide)


Service Restrictions:
lJnit Certification is required for this product.1) Surveyor to be contacted prior to commencing preparations for use
of any Belzona product, in order to obtain the Surveyor's acceptance for the specific application. 2) Surveyor to
attend application planning meeting for specific project, together with Bel~onaTechnical Consultant and Application
Team. 3) Surveyor to attend upon completion of the surface blast (when applicable). 4) Surveyor to attend upon
completion of surface cleaning as specified and immediately prior to application of the Belzona product. At that
time Surveyor will also confirm proper mix. 5) If Belzona release agent is to be enlployed (i.e. Belzona 941 l),
Surveyor to confirm proper application of the release agent prior to installation of the part in question. 6) Surveyor
to attend upon completion of final machining and/or surface finishing. Please see the attached "pdf' for a copy of the
application procedures.


This producti~llodelis covered under Product Design Assessment (PDA) Certificate # 00-HS144403Pl1-PDA, dated
29iSepi2005. This PDA Certificate expires Sep of 2010. It will remain valid for the 5 years from date of issue or
until the Rules or specifications used in the assessment are revised (wliichever occurs first).

2005 Steel Vessel Rules 1- 1-417.7, 4-3-215.17.4

Manufacturer's standards and practices

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