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Janitorial Script

Toll Free: 855-935-3630

Hello, May I speak to the person in charge of your office cleaning?

Great! This is Jason with Janitor For Business, we are a local Janitorial Company and the reason of
my call is, we will have one of our sales manager in your area next week and we are checking if he
could stop by for a short 5 to 10 minutes visit just to give you a free estimate for your office cleaning

Are you available any day next week? Like Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday? Would you be available in
the morning or afternoon?

Before we finish, I just have a few quick questions for you, So, how you are getting your office
cleaning done at this moment? Is it in-house or outsourced?

If Outsourced

1. Alright and how many times a week do they clean your office?
2. Awesome, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how would you currently rate your level
of satisfaction with them?
3. Okay great, can you give me any rough idea what can be the size (square footage) of your
office/ business place/ restaurant/ facility?

Go on with Regular closing questions…..

If In-House

1. Great! Are you actively seeking an outside company to clean your office, if you get a good price
within your budget?
2. If Yes! Good to hear, so How many times per week are you planning to get the cleaning done?
3. Okay great, can you give me any rough idea what can be the size (square footage) of your
office/ business place/ restaurant/ facility?

Go on with Regular closing questions…..

Regular Closing Questions

Let me verify some of your information;
Can you spell out your First and last name, so that our sales manager can address you properly?
Can I have your Job Title, please?
Correct me if I’m wrong, I have your business name as ………………. (ABC LLC), And your business
address here as ……………. (123 Xyz road), is it correct?
Can I have your alternative number? If No, do you have any extension?
Lastly, we will send you an email confirmation, can you spell out your e-mail address please?

Lastly, will you be the one who will meet with our sales representative next week......... Day at
……………AM/PM (mention the date, day and time) or should we expect somebody else?
Client: Nope, it would be my assistant.
Agent: All-right, how do you spell out his/her First & Last name? What’s his/her job title? (Make sure u
get both of their name)

AGENT: Great! Our appointment will be on next week ............... (mention the date, day and time)
Thank you so much for your time. Have a nice day
Frequently Asked Questions

1. We already have a janitorial company/ We are all set/ we are happy with current company?
Oh, I understand but we do not mind being used as a backup. As I have mentioned our representative
would simply just be providing you with a free proposal in case your current company starts to perform
less than your expectations. So would next (day) of next week at 10 o’clock good for you?

2. He is in meeting, not in office, busy right now

Okay, can I have the name of the decision maker and what is his job title, may I know.

3. We have in-house cleaning, don’t need any other company.

Well, I understand but there is always a maintenance cost plus cleaning materials cost to bear when
you do in house cleaning. It is always better to leave it to professional janitorial company.

4. What kind of Service you guys provide as a Janitorial Cleaning Company?

# We do the basic cleaning like we Take out the trash, clean the bathrooms, Sweep and Mop the floor
and dust off the entire office one time per week or more.
# We also do floor maintenance which includes: Striping and waxing the floors, carpet shampooing and
ceramic tile scrubs

5. Do you guys provide the office supplies?

Ans.: To be honest we don’t. we will only provide the basic or regular cleaning like we Take out the
trash, clean the bathrooms, Sweep and Mop the floor and dust off the entire office one time per week.
# we also do floor maintenance which includes: Striping and waxing the floors, carpet shampooing and
ceramic tile scrubs.

6. What’s the name of your Representative?

Ans.: Check Appointment Schedule_ All City Janitorial.

7. Can you give me rough idea how much the estimate would be? / Can you fax/email me the
Ans.: To be honest with you, it totally depends on the size of your office I mean the number of rooms
you have and the total area of your office. In order to do so, our sales manager will be in your office
for 5-10 minutes and take a look at the size of your office and give you the free-estimate about your
cleaning needs.
8. Agent: Can I speak to the person in-charge of office cleaning?
Client: You can talk to me/I can help you with that.
Agent: Are you authorized to take decision on office cleaning?

9. Where is your office?

Agent: We are based in (the city appears on the appointment Schedule)

10. Agent: Are you actively seeking an outside company to clean your office?
Client: Yea May be.
Agent: Great, if the price and other conditions are ok you will go for it right? (If its yes then ask: how
many times he/she needs cleaning in a week. If its 1x/week or less then inform them our monthly
minimum Charge which is $250) If its more then 1x/week, no need to mention the price.
Say like this “Just to inform you our minimum monthly charge is $250.That’s ok with
you, right?

11. Agent: Are you actively seeking an outside company to clean your office?
Client: Nope
Agent: Alright then bye. (Hang up the phone nicely)

12. Are you guys gonna directly show up or call me before the appointment?
Ans: Yes, we will give you a reminder by an email confirmation.

13. Do you guys send your own management or you guys have franchisee there like Jani king?
Ans: Yes, we will send our own management.
1. We just do not do DROP-OFF of the proposal in the office. Our Rep needs to have a quick walk-
through to better survey the area and provide the best proposal. If the Cx mentions about giving out
business card or requesting us to leave the proposal on front desk, Please, understand that they only
want DROP-OFF which we never do.

2. If you find the receptionist saying, its, done through corporate office hang up the phone politely.

3. If you find the receptionist saying a. it’s with the building/rent/property manager/property
management/building owner

b. If some how you find that the company is with Apartment Complex OR Condominiums, Just
tell them “we only quote for the office cleaning and for common areas, is that ok with you?

How you can find that: if the company name like these
1. Xyz Properties
2. Xyz Housing
3. Xyz Home
4. Xyz Realty
5. Xyz Real Estate
6. Xyz Apartments
7. Xyz Tower
8. Xyz Building

(In few cases, if customer agrees, we can set appointment for this kind of business if Client don’t
have any DNC on Apartment business)

5. There are 4 ways US Companies are getting their Office Cleaning done:
1. In-house Cleaning crew/stuff/people
2. Outside Company
3. Done by Corporate Office
4. Done by Building management/Building owner.

Note: We only do when they have the first two. And We avoid the last two of them.

6. We don’t work with govt. offices: US Post Office and the like. No way possible.
(In few cases, if customer agrees, we can set appointment for this kind of business if Client don’t
have any DNC on Gov. offices)?

7. We don’t work with bar or restaurant as well. If you find someone is so interested to receive quote
ask them “do you need the quote for office or for bar/restaurant only? If its office go ahead and set the
appointment. But if it’s for Bar/Restaurant, hang up the politely.
(In few cases, if customer agrees, we can set appointment for this kind of business if Client don’t
have any DNC on Restaurant/ Bar)?

8. During setting appointments if you find that it’s a different person will meet our Sales Manager on
the appointment day, you need to ask for both of their name. First ask for the name of the guy you
are speaking with and then ask for the name of the guy will meet our manager. Remember, you must
get the name of the guys you are speaking with.
Monthly Minimum Charge
1. If the current frequency is less the 1x/week less (1x/Month or 2x/month) tell them “our minimum
frequency is 1x/week and the month min charge for that is $250 a month “ask them if they are
interested in 1x/week Cleaning or not. go like this. “so, would you be interested in 1x/week
cleaning” If it’s yes then go ahead. But If No then better hang up the phone.

2. If the client mentions that their office is small, we need to mention the monthly min. charge of

$250 for 1x/week Cleaning. Doesn’t matter even if their current frequency is more than 1x/week or
they are active seeking more than 1x/week tell them like this: “Let me tell you , Our monthly charge
for 1x/week cleaning is $250, is that ok with you?”

Types of Cleaning of Commercial Businesses

There are four options for the type of janitorial service a company can have:

1. Outsourced - The cleaning is done by a current cleaning company that they hire. Here are some of
the phrases used to convey that this type of service is in use:
· "We have a company for that"
· "Yes, we have a cleaning company"
· "We have someone who comes in and cleans"

2. In-House - The cleaning is done by their own employees or maintenance department. Some of the
phrases used to convey that this type of service is in use:
· “We take care that”
· “Yeah it’s a relative that does that”
· “We take care of our own space”

3. Building Management - The cleaning of the office is handled or included in the lease agreement for
the office. Here are some of the phrases used to convey that this type of service is in use:
· “We’re just leasing the office and it’s provided”
· “The building handles that”
· “The owner of the building does that”
· “That’s included in our rent”

4. Corporate Office - The corporate office/headquarters designate the cleaning company that will
handle the individual offices, or is the only entity authorized to schedule cleaning for the offices. Here are
some of the phrases used to convey that this type of service is in use:
· “That’s all handled through our corporate office”
· “We don’t control that. We're told who’s going to clean for us.”
· “You will have to call our corporate office for that”

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