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Reflective writing

Lecture One: Intros Class

Introducing myself in the Intros class has been a great experience for me. As someone who is
generally reserved, I often struggle to share personal information with others. However, this class
has taught me the importance of self-expression and the value of sharing my goals and
perspectives with others.
Prior to taking this class, I often felt isolated and disconnected from my peers. I struggled to find
common ground with those around me, which made me feel like I didn't belong. However, after
sharing my personal hobbies with the class, I was surprised to find that many of my classmates
had similar hobbies and could relate to what I had been through. This realization helped me to
feel more connected to the group and gave me a newfound sense of belonging.
Additionally, this class has taught me the importance of active listening. In the past, I was guilty
of only half-listening to others while I waited for my turn to speak. However, after hearing the
personal aims of my classmates, I realized the importance of truly listening and being present in
the moment. I learned that everyone has a story to tell, and by actively listening, I can gain a
greater appreciation for the unique experiences of others.
In conclusion, the Intros class has been a transformative experience for me. Through sharing my
personal story, actively listening to others, and reflecting on my own experiences, I have gained
a greater appreciation for the diversity of thought and experiences that exist in the world. I am
grateful for the opportunity to have taken this class and look forward to continuing to grow and
learn in the future.

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