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Age of ignorance:

- “There is nothing but our life of this world; we live and die and nothing but time annihilates us.”
- “Say: He will give life to them Who brought them into existence first.”
- “What sort of prophet is he that eats and goes about in the market.”
- “We do not worship them save so that they may bring us nearer to Allah” (regarding
worshipping idols)
- “And if you ask them who has created the heavens and the earth, and made the sun and the
moon subservient? They will cry out ‘Allah’. Then wither are they going?”
- “And when they sail in boats they sincerely solicit the aid of Allah, but when He brings them
safely to the land, behold! They ascribe others (with Him)

Birth and Upbringing:

- “Lord! And raise a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thine verses, and
teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify them, indeed Thou art the Mighty, the Wise”
- Holy Prophet: “Indeed I am the most perfect Arab among you, I am from the Quraish and my
language is the language of Banu Saad”
- “Fatima binte Asad was more than my mother who kept her own children waiting while she fed
me, and kept her own children cold while she gave me warm clothes.”
- Buhaira: “If the Jews found out what I have seen, I’m afraid they will try to harm him. For sure
this child is to have a great eminence”
- Holy Prophet: “Allah has sent no messenger who was not a shepherd, Musa was a shepherd,
Dawood was also a shepherd”

Reconstruction of Ka’abah and fixing of Black Stone:

- “I have a suggestion, let us wait till tomorrow and see who shall enter the Masjid-ul-Haram first
in the morning; then let him decide”
- “This is Ameen, the trustworthy has come.”

Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin:

- Hazrat Sa’ad: “I was a partner of Muhammad in business. I always found him very honest in his
dealings; he never picked up quarrels, nor made any false statement.”


- Warqa bin Naufil: “I know about him, it seems to me that he has all the qualities, attributes,
characteristics and potentialities of the messengers of God. He might, in fact, be destined to
become one of them in the times to come.”

Call to Prophethood:
- 1st Revelation: “Read in the name of thy Lord. Who created, Created man out of a clot of
congealed blood. Proclaim and thy Lord is Most Bountiful. He Who taught the use of the pen.
Taught man that which he knew not.”
- “O Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah and I am Angel Jibrael”
- Warqa bin Naufil: “This is Namus that Allah sent to Moses. I wish I were younger. I wish I could
live up to the time when your people would turn you out.”
- Warqa bin Naufil: “Anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was
treated with hostility; if I should be alive until that day then I would support you strongly.”

Early Preaching and Early Converts:

- “O thou wrapped up (in a mantle)
Arise and deliver thy warning
And thy Lord do thou magnify”

- “And warn thy near relations”

- “O sons of Abdul Muttalib! I have brought for you the best blessings of this world and of the
next, and I am appointed by my Lord to call you unto Him. Therefore who amongst you will help
me in this cause, in order that he should be my friend, my advisor and my deputy?”
- Hazrat Ali: “Though my eyes are sore, my legs are thin and I am the youngest among all present
here, I will help you O Prophet of Allah”

- “Expound openly to what thou art has commanded. And turn away from those who join false
gods with Allah”

Persecutions faced by the Holy Prophet and his pious companions:

- Quraish: “Either forbid your nephew to condemn our gods or withdraw from his favour so that
we can set him right.”
- Abu Talib: “These leaders want you not to condemn their gods nor will they condemn your
Allah”. The Holy Prophet responded: “O my uncle, why shouldn’t I invite them to a better thing
than what they have?”
- Quraish: “If you want wealth we give that much wealth that you would become the richest, if
you want leadership we make you our Chief, if you are under a spell of any Jinn we can cure you,
if you want the fairest girl to marry we arrange that also, but we request you to stop
condemning our gods.”
- Quraish: “Take Ammara; a handsome boy, and hand over Muhammad to us so that we can kill
him.” Abu Talib responded, “You want me to take care of your son and give my nephew to be
- Abu Talib (to the Prophet): “Be merciful to me and to yourself and don’t force me to do a thing
for which I am helpless.”
- “O my uncle! If they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand and ask me to
stop preaching the word of God to the people. I will never accept what they say. I shall persist in
it until Allah enables me to discharge it fully or I shall perish in the attempt.”
- Abu Talib: “O nephew, keep on saying that you say, By Allah, I will not hand over you to

Migration to Abyssinia:

- “And Allah’s Earth is spacious.”

- “And those who became fugitives for Allah’s sake, verily we shall give them good abode in the
world, and the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew”
- Amr ibn al-Aas: “Your Highness, these people have abandoned the religion we have always
followed in Mecca, but they have not even become Christians like you”
- Najashi: “No, by God, I will not give them up. Those who have come to ask for my protection,
settled in my country, and chosen me rather than others shall not be betrayed. I will summon
them and ask them about what these two men have said. If the Muslims are as the meccans say,
I will give them up and send them back to their own people. But if the Meccans have lied, I will
protect the Muslims.”
- Jafar: “O king, we were ignorant, corrupt, idolators and cruel. One person from us Hazrat
Muhammad (S.A.W.) told us about One Allah, about right and wrong, about legal and illegal,
about equality between rich and poor.”
- Najashi: These words have surely come from God. What Jesus and Muhammad, the Messengers
of Allah have brought, come from the same source.”

Social Boycott:

- Quraish: “Either you will hand over Muhammad to us so that we can kill him or we will besiege
the Muslims and Banu Hashim and will not allow them to have any social or economic relations
with rest of Arabs till you people die of hunger.”
- “I have been informed by Allah that the agreement of the Quraish has been eaten up by insects,
and that no writing is left therein except the name of Allah.”
- Abu Jahl: “Abu Talib is coming. It’s seems he is tired and wants to hand over Muhammad to us.
Thus the boycott would end to the satisfaction of us all. Let us keep silent and hear what he
wants to say.”
- Abu TALIB: “My son says that the agreement which you had written has been eaten up by
insects, and nothing remains therein but the name of Allah. Now look at that paper. If what my
son says is correct, then you must end your injustice and high-handedness, and if the news is
wrong, we will admit that you were right and we were wrong.”

Visit to Taif:

- “O Allah! I make my complaint unto you regarding the feebleness of my strength, the
insignificance of my devices, and my humiliation in the sight of people. O You, the Most Merciful
One. You are the Lord of the oppressed. You are my Lord. To whom would you entrust my
affairs? To a stranger who would scowl at me? Or to an enemy who would control me? If you
are not displeased with me, then I do not care, but an ease bestowed by you would be more
accommodating to me. I seek refuge in the light of your countenance, from the pouncing of Your
anger, or the coming of your wrath. I seek your pardon in order that you may be pleased with
me. There is no power nor strength except in You.”

Isra and Miraaj:

- “I sat up and he took hold of my arm. I stood beside him and he brought me to the door of the
mosque where there was a white animal for me to ride, Buraaq.”
- “Glory be to Him, who carried His servant from the Holy Mosque to the Far distant place of
worship, the Neighborhood which we have blessed, so that we might show him some of our
signs. He, only He is the All-Hearing, the All-seeing”
- Angel Jibrael: “You have now to step down from the Buraaq and move to the place which no
one has entered before you. If I were to continue with you I would be annihilated by the
Greatness of Light.”
- “Then he drew near and came down till he was at a distance of two bow lengths or even nearer,
and He revealed to His slave that which He revealed. The heart did not lie in seeing what it saw”
- “Muhammad, you are a Messenger to my servents as all messengers, whenever you want to be
in the same state as you are now, make your Prayers, and I shall open this state for you.”
- Angel Jibrael: “You have been rightly guided and so will your people be.”
- Hazrat Abu Bakr: “By Allah, if Muhammad himself has said so then it is true. Remember, the
Prophet tells us that the word of Allah comes to him directly from the heavens to earth at any
hour by day or night, and we believe him.”

Pledges of Aqabah:

- Hazrat Abbas: “Do you understand that the Quraish of Mecca are arch enemies of Muhammad.
When you pledge alliance to him, bear in mind that it may be extremely difficult and demanding
to keep it. To enter into a pact with Muhammad is to invite red and black wars. Whatever you
decide to do, think well beforehand about the consequences, otherwise leave the situation as it
- “Will you support me to your best in the propogation of the true religion if I immigrate to your
city. Will you support me and my companions as you support your family members?”
- “O Prophet of Allah! Tell us for our satisfaction that you will not ever leave us” the Prophet
replied, “No, my life and death will be with you.”
- “If you permit, we could show the excellence of our swordship to the Meccans as early as
tomorrow.” The Prophet replied, “No I do not have permission to enter into a battle yet.”
- “As Isa ibn Maryam had chosen twelve disciples for him, I also appoint twelve of you to go to the
people of Madinah and preach Islam to them. In Mecca I shall do this work myself.”

Migration to Yathrib:
- “And when the unbelievers plot against thee, to confine thee, or kill thee, or drive thee out, they
were plotting. But Allah was also plotting; and Allah is the best of plotters.”
- “And we have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered
them over so that they do not see.”
- “I have been instructed to emigrate and so I will leave for Madinah tonight.”
- “Mecca! You are the dearest to me of all places, but your people do not let me live here.”
- “Be not sad or afraid, for Allah is surely with us.”
- “Leave the way for the camel. It is under command of Allah. It shall go wherever Allah directs it.”



- Surah Jumma: “O you who believe! When you are called to congregational prayer, hasten to the
remembrance of God and leave off trade. That is better for you, if you but knew.”
- “The mosque whose foundation had been lain on righteousness from the very first day is worthy
that you may stand therein. Therein are people who desire to be well purified, and Allah loves
the pure.”
- “And as for the first and the foremost of the Muhajireen, and the Ansar, and those who
followed suit in good deeds, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and Allah
has prepared for them gardens watered by running streams, therein dwelling forever; that is a
supreme triumph.”


- “(Remember) when He caused drowsiness to fall upon you as a security from Him, and sent
down upon you water from the cloud, so that He might thereby purify you and take away from
you the uncleanness of Satan, so that He might fortes your hearts and make you footsteps
thereby firm.”
- Holy Prophet: “O Lord! Forget not Thy promise of assistance. O Lord! If this little band of men
were to perish, there will be none left to offer worship unto Thee.”
- “Recall when you sought aid from your Lord, and He answered you: “I will assist you with a
thousand angels following one another.” And Allah only gave it as a good news, so your hearts
might thereby be at ease; and victory is only from Allah, surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.”


- “If he died or was slain, will you turn back on your heels.”
- “And reckon not those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead; nay, they are alive and are
sustained by their Lord”

- “When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes turned
dull and the hearts rose up to the throats, you began to think diverse thoughts about Allah.
There, the believers were tried and they were shaken a tremendous shaking.”
- “Verily our houses are exposed, and they were not exposed, they only desired to flee away.”
- “O ye who believe! Remember the bounty of Allah unto you when came upon you the hosts. So
We sent against them a strong wind and hosts that ye saw not; And Allah is seeing all what you


- “And you shall certainly hear from those who have been given the Book before you, and those
who are polytheists much annoying talk, but if you remain patient and guard (yourselves against
evil), surely this is one of the matters of great resolve.”
- “Say: O people of the Book, come to a word that is common between us and you; that we shall
not worship any but Allah and we shall associate nothing with him, and that some of us shall not
take others for gods except Allah, but if they turn back then say: Bear witness that we are


- “Those who have been given the Book before know him as they know their own sons”
- “Those to whom we have granted the Book before rejoice in what is sent down to you.”
- “Should anyone argue with you concerning him, after the knowledge that has come down to
you, say: Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and
your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse upon the liars.”


- “Indeed, God was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to thee under the
tree. And He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down His tranquility upon them and
rewarded them with a near victory.”


- Holy Prophet: “If Zaid is killed then Jafar bin Abi Talib will be the commander. If he too is killed
then Abdullah ibn Rawaha will command the army. And if he is killed then the Muslims should
select someone as their commander.”
- Jews: “If he is a true Prophet, none of these three will remain alive.”


- Holy Prophet: “Whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe. Whoever locks his door is safe.
Whoever enters the masjid is safe”
- Holy Prophet: “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished; verily falsehood is destined to
- “O people! Surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you into nations and
tribes so that you may identify one another. Surely, the most honorable of you with Allah is the
one who’s the most pious. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.”
- Holy Prophet: “O descendants of Quraish! How do you think I should act towards you?” Quraish
responded, “With kindness and pity, gracious brother and nephew”
- Holy Prophet: “I will speak to you as Yusef spoke unto his brothers; “There is no reproach
against you today; God will forgive. He is the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate.”


- “Allah has helped you on many occasions including the day of Hunayn. When you were happy
with the number of your men who proved to be of no help to you and the whole vast earth
seemed to have no place to hide you and you turned back in retreat.”
- Holy Prophet: “O Muslims! I am here! I am the Prophet of God, and no one dare doubt my word.
I am Muhammad, the son of Abdul Muttalib.”
- Hazrat Abbas: “O ye Muhajireen and O ye Ansar. O ye victors of Badr and men of the Tree of the
Fealty! Where are you going? The Messenger of Allah is here. Come back to him!”



- “Did He not find you in need and make you free from want?”
- “The love of Khadija is given to me by Allah Almighty”
- Prophet: “She hailed my mission at a time when everyone howled against it”


- Zurnah: “Hazrat Muhammad comes from a respectable family and is a perfect gentleman and
that any father would feel proud in marrying their daughter to him.”
- Ayesha: “Never did I find a woman more loving to me than Sawdah bint Zurnah. I wish I could be
exactly like her.”
- “They used to perform pilgrimage except for Zainab bint Jahsh and Sawdah bint Zurnah who
used to say, “By Allah we never mounted a she-camel after we heard that from the Messenger
of Allah.”


- “When I got to the age of understanding my parents were already Muslims”

- “Why did not the believers- men and women, when you heard of the affairs, think well of their
people and say “This is an obvious lie.”
- Imam Zahri: “Ayesha was the greatest scholar among all the people and very eminent scholars
used to enquire from her”
- Abu Musa Ashari: “We never faced any difficulty in a problem for which we consulted Hazrat
- “How soon indeed have you forgotten the sunnah of your Prophet. And these, his hairs, a shirt
and sandal have yet not perished!”


- Holy Prophet: “I tell you of a husband for Hafsa better than Uthman, and of a wife for Uthman
better than Hafsa”
- Hazrat Abu Bakr: “When you offered Hafsa’s hand to me I kept quiet as the Prophet Muhammad
had already expressed to me his intention of marrying her. I could neither accept your offer nor
disclose the Prophet Muhammad’s secret I, therefore kept quiet. If the Prophet Muhammad had
changed his mind I would have gladly married her.”
- Angel Jibrael: “Allah wants you to take Hafsa back for she is fasting often and spending the
nights in Salat, and also Allah wants it for Hazrat Umar’s sake.”
- Hazrat Ayesha: “She was the only one from among the Prophet’s wives who equaled me in her
status with regard to the Holy Prophet.”


- Umme Salama: “O Prophet of Allah! I have quite a few children with me and I am very sensitive
by nature. Moreover, people are in Mecca, and their permission for getting remarried is
- Holy Prophet: “Allah will look after your children and your sensitiveness will vanish in due
course. None of your people will dislike the proposed marriage.”
- Ayesha: “Umme Salama was famous for her beauty. Once I contrived to see her. I found her
much more beautiful than I had heard. I mentioned this to Hafsa who said, “In my opinion she is
not as beautiful as the people say.”


- Zainab: “I can not say anything until I have consulted my Allah.”



- Abul Aas bin Rabee: “By Allah, I have nothing against your father and nothing is dearer to me
than following the same path with you. But I hate that people would say that I have
disappointed my clan by disbelieving in the gods of my ancestors in order to please my wife. Can
you please excuse me?”
- Holy Prophet: “If you can release her captive to her, and return her property to her, do so.”


- Abu Lahab: “I am going to reject you unless you have divorced Muhammad’s daughters”


- Holy Prophet: “Fatima is a part of me; whoever enrages her has enraged me.”



- Holy Prophet: “You are a knowledgeable youth”

- Ibn Masood: “Indeed, the companions of the Prophet have known that I am the most learned
about the Holy Quran. By Allah, the One that none has the right to be worshipped but He, none
of the chapter of the Holy Quran was revealed but I know where was it revealed, and about
what a verse was revealed. Had I known that there is someone who is more learned about the
Quran than myself, and that his whereabouts can be reached by riding a camel, I would have
come to him.”
- “If anyone likes to recite the Holy Quran as fresh as it had descended, then he must recite it on
the reading of Abdullah bin Masood.”
- Abu Musa Ashari: “I and my younger brother had come from Yemen. Then we came to live with
the Prophet. We thought that Ibn Masood was one of the family of the Prophet because he and
his mother frequently went in and out of the house of the Prophet. Due to the intense
frequency in his meetings with the Prophet, no wonder his habits were strongly influenced by
the sunnah of the Prophet, until Hudzaifah said, “I have never seen anyone whose gestures and
behavior were more akin to the Prophet than Ibn Masood”’
- Hazrat Umar: “Indeed, these two are the chosen ones from among the companions of the
Prophet. Therefore, take examples from them.”


- Zaid: “When I was presented to the Holy Prophet he was informed that I had then memorized
17 chapters of the Holy Quran. In order to test me he asked me to recite some of these. I recited
Surah Qaf and he rewarded me with his kind words.”’
- Holy Prophet: “I am not satisfied with what the Jews write or read for me. I fear mischief from
them in misreading or miswriting, I desire you to learn the Jewish language.”
- Zaid: “In fifteen days I had mastered Hebrew and after that started doing all such work for the
Holy Prophet.”
- Zaid: “I swear to God that had they asked me to move a mountain it would have been easier
than that task assigned to me.”
- Abu Hurairah: “Today the scholar of this ummah has died.”


- Holy Prophet: “O Ubbay bin kaab, I have been commanded to show or lay open the Quran to
you.” Ubbay: “O Messenger of God, have I been mentioned by name?” Holy Prophet, “Yes, by
your own name and genealogy in the highest heavens”
- “Say: He (Allah) has the power to send calamities upon you, from above and below, or to cover
you in confusion with party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance each from the other.”


- Khalid: “I will keep these forever with me as a relic so that they may help me in becoming
victorious in battles.”



- “If you do not aid the Prophet, Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved turned
him out of Mecca, as one of two, when they were in the cave and said to his companion, “Do
not grieve, indeed Allah is with us.” And Allah sent down his tranquility on him and supported
them with angels you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while
the word of Allah, that is the highest. And Allah is exalted in Might and Wise.”
- Holy Prophet: “Abu Bakr, what did you leave for your family?” Abu Bakr, “Allah and His Prophet
are enough for me.”


- Umar: “I have stopped because I am tired, not out of pity for you.”
- Saad bin Abi Waqaas: “You had better take care of your own family first. Your sister and brother
in law have both accepted Islam.”
- Fatimah: “Do whatever you like, we are determined to die as Muslims.”
- Fatimah: “You cannot touch it unless you take a bath and make yourself clean”
- Surah TaHa: “Lo! I even I, am Allah. There is no god save Me. So serve me and establish Salat for
my remembrance.”
- Umar: “Surely this is the word of Allah. Take me to Muhammad!”
- Khabbab: “O Umar! Glad tidings to you. It seems as if the prayer of the Holy Prophet, which he
said last night has been answered in your favour. He had prayed to Allah to strengthen Islam
with either Umar ibn Khattab or Umar ibn Hisham, whomsoever Thou pleaseth.”
- Abdullah bin Masood: “Umar’s conversion to Islam was a great triumph, his emigration to
Madinah was a tremendous reinforcement and his accession to Caliphate a great blessing for
the Muslims.”


- Holy Prophet: “Uthman is the first man of my Ummah to migrate with his family”
- Holy Prophet: “Nothing will do any harm to Uthman from this day, whatever he does.”
- Holy Prophet: “Uthman is the most modest of my companions”
- Uthman: “Grave is the first stage among all the stages of the Hereafter. If a person is successful
there, he would be successful on the Day of Judgement too. If a person faces difficulty in the
grave, other stages become difficult for him too.”
Holy Prophet: “Perhaps Allah will clothe you with a shirt Uthman. And if your people want you
to take it off, do not take it off for them.”
- Uthman: “The messenger of Allah made a covenant with me, and I will show endurance in
adhering to it.”


- Ali: “When Allah created me He did not consult my father, so why should I consult my father to
serve Allah?”
- Holy Prophet: “Who shall join me in the cause of Almighty Allah?” Ali responded, “Though my
eyes are sore, my legs are thin and I am the youngest among all present here, I will stand by you,
O Messenger of Allah.”
- Holy Prophet: “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate.”


- Holy Prophet: “Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in Paradise.”

- Talha: “How can a man think of his Lord and Sustainer when he goes to sleep with his wealth in
his house?”
- Companion: “I accompanied Talha bin Obaidullah on journeys and stayed with him at home, and
I have never found anyone more generous with money, with clothes and with food than him.”
- Holy Prophet: “Whoever is pleased to see a man still walking on earth and had completed his
span of life, let him look at Talha bin Obaidullah.”
- Abu Bakr: “That day, that entire day belonged to Talha.”


- Holy Prophet: “Talha and Zubair would be my neighbors in Paradise”

- “You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day making friendships with
those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons
or brothers or kindred. For such He has written faith in their hearts and strengthened them with
Ruh from Himself.”


- Saad: “My mother if you had a hundred lives in your body and each one of those hundred lives
were to leave your body in front of my eyes, even then I would not recant and give up my faith
in Islam. It is your wish whether you want to eat or not, as for me, I will not leave my Propet.”
- If they press you to join with Me another about whom you have no knowledge, do not obey
them at all. However, treat them kindly in the world.”
- “O Allah, answer Saad when he supplicates Thee.”


- Quraish threats:
1. “You should not help your nephew as he speaks against us”
2. “Take Ammara; a handsome boy, and hand over Muhammad to us so that we can kill him.”
3. “Leave the support of Hazrat Muhammad or we will fight against you”
- Abu Talib: “You want me to take care of your son Ammarah and give my nephew to be killed”
- Holy Prophet: “If they place the sun in my right hand and the moon on my left hand and ask me
to stop preaching the word of God to the people I will never accept what they say. I shall persist
in it until Allah enables me to discharge it fully, or I shall perish in the attempt”


- Abu Ayub: “Convey my salaams to the Muslim armies and say to them: “Abu Ayub urges you to
penetrate deeply into the territory of the enemy as far as you can go, that you should carry him
with you and that you should bury him under your feet at the walls of Constantinople.”


- “Abu Zarr walks on the earth with the piety of Isa bin Maryam.”
- Holy Prophet: “May Allah have mercy on Abu Zarr! He spends his life all alone. Death will single
him out and on the Day of Resurrection he shall stand up all alone.”


- “Will you insult him when I am of his religion and say what he says? Hit me back if you can.”
- Abu Jahl: “Leave Abu Umara alone, for by God, I have insulted his nephew deeply.”

- Holy Prophet: “I do not know which event makes me happier, the arrival of Jaffar or the
conquest of Khyber.”
- “The most generous to all the people to the poor was Jaffar bin Abi Talib”

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