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Professional Philosophy Statement

John Wooden once said: “A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a

life.” These powerfully written words have been a guiding force in my professional philosophy. I

believe that changing a life starts with being in service to others, which is why I am pursuing

education and coaching. These special roles are not simply about teaching class content or

winning a championship, but about serving others like Christ did. Being a servant leader is about

leading with heart, modeling selflessness, and cultivating an environment that is caring and


As a young child, I found myself making poor decisions and being negatively influenced

by those around me. I was headed down the wrong path, but it only took a few educators and

coaches to change the trajectory of my future. It only took a few adults to have an honest

conversation with me that brought me to where I am today. I was not the easiest student to work

with. However, my own challenges have helped me to better understand that all students learn

differently, so it is imperative to incorporate different types of learning methods like allowing

individuals to discover and learn more about themselves. Most importantly, I want to help others

find their purpose in life. As a Christian, finding one’s purpose can be a hard concept for many

students that have so many different options to choose from. As an educator and coach, not only

will I work to guide my team, but first and foremost, will be guiding and mentoring young folks

to think beyond themselves and see themselves as a part of something bigger. Each student

brings with them a unique story and gift that I want to embrace whole-heartedly – even for the

most challenging students like I was. To be a follower of Christ is to understand that grace

proceeds our actions, so I will be a professional who does not judge, but rather shows grace to all

regardless of the circumstance.

My professional philosophy embodies some of the most notable characteristics of Christ.

To serve others with an open heart, to help others understand that they are here for a bigger

purpose, and to show grace to all without judgment. The influence that an educator and coach

has on young lives can truly make a difference, and one day, I hope to be an impactful leader to

all those who are looking up to me, so that they too may regard me as someone who changed

even one life.

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