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A computer is a programmable electronic • First Generation type computers used

device that accepts data and performs (slow , inefficient and expensive):
operations on that data.
• Vacuum tubes
• Input—entering data into the
• Punched cards
• Machine languages
• Processing—performing operations on
the data. •
• Output—presenting the results. • 2nd Generation computers, using
Transistors, and Low Level Languages.
• Storage—saving data, programs, or
output for future use. • 3rd Generation computers, using
Integrated Circuits, Compilers and High
• The computer as we know it is a fairly
Level Languages.
recent invention.

• The history of computers is often
referred to as generations, from pre- • Modern day computers 4th Generation
computers and early computers (before computers; using sophisticated
1945) to fifth generation computers electronic gadgets and the MICROCHIP
(now and the future). invented by INTEL in 1971.
• Each new generation is characterized by • 5th Generation computers will work
a major technological under artificial Intelligence.
developmentStarted using counting
stones and channel precursor of the •
ABACUS, a counting instrument • major manufacturers of modern day
invented by the Babylonians computers:
• By 1971, Charles Babbage had designed • IBM, WANG, HEWLETT PACKARD, DCD,
two computing machines: NEC, EPHSON, CALCOMP, APPLE,
solve polynomial equations by the MAXDATA, OLIVETTI, APOLLO, DEC,
method of differences. ASUS, SONY and VAX .


general purpose computing device. • Education,
• Nonetheless, their design gave the basis • Health,
of modern day computers
• Commerce,
• an input device
• Science,
• a processor
• Agriculture,
• a storage facility
• Transport,
• an output device
• Communication and in other industries • Communication devices allow the user
to communicate with others and access
Computers can do work very fast, thus
resulting in increase in productivity. • SOFTWARE; The programs or
instructions used to tell the computer
• Computers are more accurate in
hardware what to do.
performing repetitive work.
• System software allows a computer to
• Work performed with a computer can
operate and run application software.
be neat and beautifully presented.
• Application software performs specific
• Information can be stored safely and in
tasks or applications.
a small space with a computer.
• NB:
• Information can be retrieved more
easily with a computer. • Data = raw, unorganized facts.

• Computers are now less expensive • Can be in the form of text, graphics,
audio, or video.
COMPUTER • Information = data that has been
processed into a useful form.
• Hardware: The physical parts of a
computer • Types of Computers or Computer
• Internal hardware is located within the
main box (system unit) of the computer. • The most basic differences between
computer systems are size and use.
• External hardware is located outside
the system unit and plug into • Mobile devices/Computing devices
connectors called ports located on the refer to smaller and mobile computers.
exterior of the system unit. E.g. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA);
Smartphones; Wearable Computers;
• An input device is used to input data
and Smart Card (e.g. personal ID card
into the computer.
or MyKad like credit card).
• A processing device performs
• Workstations/Microcomputer:
calculations and comparisons necessary
smallest computer, desktop or
for processing. The main processing
personal computer, inexpensive.
device is the central processing unit
(CPU). • Workstations are powerful single user
computers and run intensive scientific
• An output device presents the results to
and engineering applications such as
the user.
engineering design, medical imaging,
• Storage devices (Primary and scientific visualization and 3D
secondary storage devices) are used to animation.
save data, programs or output.
• Microcomputers are the most popular
single user computers
• Desktop Personal Computer (PC); to form a
• Thin-client systems; and Laptop
• Notebook Computers.
• Tablet Computers PERSONAL COMPUTER.

• Minicomputer: Moderate sized • 3 basic components of computer

computer. Used when a desktop hardware: processors, memory, I/O
computer is not powerful enough to technologies
do the job. One minicomputer can be
• Input Devices
used by more than one person at a
time. • Devices used to send data,
information or instructions into the
• Used to accomplish specific tasks such
as process control and for scientific
and engineering applications • Output Devices

Mainframe: Large computer, fast • Devices or equipment that display the

processing speeds and can process processed data
billions of data per second. Several
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
people can use one mainframe
computer at a time. • The CPU performs all the instructions
given to the computer (processes the
Used by large enterprises running
applications like university students’
information systems, corporate payroll • Storage Unit /Memory (RAM, ROM,
systems and airline reservation systems Cache, Hard disk and flash Drives)
Supercomputer: Computer built to • The storage unit stores data.
minimize distance between points for
very fast operation. It is used for • The CPU and the Storage unit are
extremely complicated computations. contained in a rectangular shaped box
called the system unit.
E.g. aerospace, automotive, military
and scientific applications, although its TWO TYPES OF MICROPROCESSOR
use in commercial application (Fujitsu CHIPS: CISC Chip: Microprocessors that
FX1, Hitachi SR2201, etc.) are commonly used are the Complex
Instruction Set Computing (CISC) chip.
• SUPER COMPUTERS : Used for This technology has been popularised
applications that have extraordinary by Intel, and has become the basis of
demands for processing power. its microprocessors. This chip design
has been used very widely, and many
• Offer very fast speeds and extreme
programmes have been written
degrees of accuracy.
specifically for this type.
• Commonly created today by
connecting hundreds of
smaller computers
RISC Chip: This type of computer chip It is also a method of storing non-
uses the approach of Reduced volatile data, information, and
Instruction Set Computing (RISC), instructions outside the computer.
which involves less instruction. Its
design is simpler and cheaper than the
Two types
CISC chip. This chip is used mostly
inside high-powered microcomputers. 1. Non-Impact Printers (printing element
does not touch the paper)
• Ink-Jet Printer: The ink-jet printer
Primary and Secondary storage devices
calculating the location of each dot
• Two types of primary storage: RAM and "shoots" the ink. colour printouts
(Random Access Memory) and ROM possible
(Read Only Memory).Two types of
• Laser: It’s noted for producing a page
semiconductor RAM are: Dynamic RAM
of text at a time by laser beam scan
(DRAM); and Static RAM (SRAM). This
onto a photoactive plate building up
Located inside the computer, stores
an image of the printed page. The
data and instruction
plate is dusted with toner that sticks to
• Examples of ROM the exposed areas. Paper is then
placed in contact with the plate,
• PROM (Programmable ROM);
transferring the image to the paper. A
• EPROM (Erasable and Programmable final heat bonding seals the toner to
ROM); and the paper: very high quality colour
printouts are possible. 2. Impact
• EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Printers
Programmable ROM).
• Dot matrix & Daisy wheel. Their
• Primary storage stores three types of difference is in the quality of output.
information: Dot matrix printers form characters
1. Data to be processed by the CPU; from individual dots whereas a daisy
wheel printer imprints fully-formed
2. Instructions for the CPU; and characters, much like a typewriter. The
3. Operating System. dot matrix is the more versatile of the
two. Both printers impact the paper
Secondary storage through a ribbon to transfer ink to the
paper by the hitting element. Dot
Three different types of secondary
matrix use 9 to 24 individual pins. Both
are one colour printers.
magnetic media,
• Plotter
optical media and
• Modem
flash memory.
• Speaker
COMPONENTS OF THE COMPUTER During the process of computation, the
SYSTEM Central Processing Unit (CPU); instruction will be taken by the CPU
from the primary storage one by one.
(i) Control Unit, and
(ii) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
(b) Primary Storage or Main Memory is
• Interfacing connotes setting up of
located inside the SU.
communication parameters as well as
types: the cable connection. Cables from the
input or output devices can be
RAM: E.g. Dynamic RAM (DRAM); and connected to the system unit through a
Static RAM (SRAM)) serial port or a parallel port at the back
ROM: E.g. PROM (Programmable of the system unit.
ROM), EPROM (Erasable and • Serial port: one bit at a time
Programmable ROM), and EEPROM
(Electrically Erasable and • Parallel port: 8 bits or a byte
Programmable ROM).
• Normally, Parallel ports are made up of
cache memory: It is a high-speed 25 pins while serial port is 9 pins.
memory that is used to temporarily
• The hardware devices connected to the
store blocks of data taken from RAM
system unit box are referred to as
or ROM. Cache memory is a place
computer peripheral.
closer to the CPU, and thus it is faster

(c) Secondary Storage: Located outside

the SU;
• Computer software is any written
Types: instruction that instructs the computer
to perform a specific task.
magnetic media
• System software: This is the type of
Optical media
software that acts as intermediaries
flash memory between the hardware and the
application software. System software
(d) Input and Output Peripherals. includes operating systems, Language
NB: translators, utility programs and
performance monitors.
The main role of a computer hardware
is to do computation. The computation • For instance, Operating system
is done by executing a set of instruction supervises the overall operation of a
(which is normally called a computer computer system. The main function of
program) stored in the primary storage an operating system is to provide a
of the computer system. virtual machine that is easier to use and
hide all the complexity of the
underlying computer hardware.
• This virtual machine environment is: Multithreading—the ability to process
multiple threads within a program at
• Providing an interface between the user
one time.
and the computer hardware; thus, when
a user uses a computer system, he is not Time-sharing—technique for multiple
really interacting with the computer programs to share processing on a
hardware, but rather he is interacting rotating basis.
with the operating system.
Multiprocessing—the ability to use
• Oss Manage all the computer resources multiple CPUs to process multiple jobs.
such as CPU, primary storage,
Parallel processing—the ability to use
secondary storage and Input-Output
multiple CPUs to process a single job
• E. g. of OSs:
Co-processing—utilizing special
• MS-DOS, processors for specialized chores (e.g.
math coprocessor).
• Windows,
Two ways to Interact with an Operating
• UNIX/Linux (UNIX is a dominant
operating system on high-end
workstations and servers, LINUX is 1. Command Line Interface (CLI): In CLI
mostly for PCs), user interface, commands are given by
typing the text.
2. Graphical User Interface (GUI): In GUI
• Apple Macintosh
user interface, commands are given by
FUNCTIONS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS pointing at icons or menus provided by
the system.
– Booting the computer and
configuring devices. The main function of a compiler is to
convert programs written in high-level
– Interfacing with users. languages into the machine language.
– Managing and monitoring
resources and jobs.
Machine language is a language that is
– File management. understood by the CPU. It is based on
– Security. binary codes.
• Processing Techniques for Increased SYSTEM UTILITIES
• Main role: Support the operation,
Multitasking—the ability of an management and users of a computer
operating system to work with more system. Examples:
than one program (task) at a time.
– Disk checker: it scans for errors
in a disk in order to check the
integrity of the disk.
– System performance monitor: it The person who is responsible for
monitors the performance of developing computer software is called
processes in the computer software engineer or developer or
system, for instance, processing computer programmer.
time and memory space utilised
Computer network—a collection of
by a process.
computers and other hardware
Anti-virus software: The main role of connected together to share data,
anti-virus is to identify, neutralise and hardware, software, programs, and
eliminate virus. facilitate electronic communication.

APPLICATION SOFTWARE 5 Components of data communication

• Application software provides the tools
to perform particular tasks on a PC, • Message: The piece of information to
such as writing a letter, processing be communicated.
orders, playing games, composing an e-
• Sender: The device that sends the
mail, and so forth or
• .
• Receiver: The device that receives the
Examples message.

• Word processors e.g., Word Perfect, • Medium: The transmission medium is

AmiPro, Word Star, MS Word etc. the physical path by which a message
travels from a sender to a receiver.
• Spreadsheet e.g. LOTUS 123, Aseasy,
MS Excel etc • Protocol: A set of rules that represents
an agreement between the
• Database e.g. Dbase III Plus, Dbase IV,
communicating devices.
MS Access etc.
• A message is a piece of information to
• Graphic e.g. Corel Draw, Canvass, MS
be transmitted from the sender to the
PowerPoint, MS Publisher etc
destination. E.g. files, e-mail messages
• Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) e.g. and web pages. $$$$ examples of
AutoCAD etc sender and receiver.

• Specialized software e.g. Surpac,

Datmine etc

• computer aided design software,

students’ information system, payroll
system and games software

Note: The process of writing a

computer software is called
• Message can be transmitted in the form
of documents, pictures, videos or
• This message is represented and stored
in the form of binary data, which
3. Distributed data processing and
cannot be transmitted directly through
client/server systems
a medium.

• Rather, they need to be converted into

specific signals, depending on the type 4. Enhanced communications:
of medium, for example, for Telecommunication networks provide
transmitting data through a co-axial the ability to communicate through
cable, we need to convert the data into Email, Bulletin Boards, Blogs, Instant
electrical signals. Messaging, Wikis, and
5. Marketing outreach: Businesses may
• The set of rules and procedures
share data with consumers to advertise
governing data transmission from one
or sell their products through a
layer to another is called the protocol.
corporate web integrations.
• The International Standard Organisation
(ISO) has defined an Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model.
Wireless phones
• This model has seven layers, each
having its own well-defined functions Cellular phones
and protocols.
Satellite phones

Paging and messaging

Global positioning systems (GPSs)

Satellite radio

• Online conferencing (online meetings)

– Videoconferencing

– Web conferencing
– Collaborative computing
Sharing of technology resources. E.g.
Printers • Telecommuting

• Telemedicine

2. Sharing of data such as text, pictures,

and video

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