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Background of the Study

Nowadays online buying and selling have become important part of many people's lives. Virtual sores
allow people to shop from the comfort of their homes without the pressure of a salesperson. Online
marketplaces provide a new and more comment venue for exchang vinuity all types or goods and
services. Bo businesses and customers have embraced online sales as a cheaper and more convenient
way to shop. Still, just like anything associated with the Iremes, there are benefits and changes
asociated with shopping online (Mon 2020) According to Lara (2019), online selling to on top of the line
of bes can help dah the use of texamlogy particularly unselling In this way, social

a big factor and help to purchase online. The sadects don't need to go out and hangos made for the
oustandi traffic and stream walking the calls and by the things they need Posting, advertising and having
a numerous followers and friends are kind of social media soat big bely

Online selling has become new trend of shopping nowadays and is quickly.

coming an important part of a style. The to wide v metres by pe and e-commerce age of maler, online
selling us ben mussive growline yo Young people randers have been the majority shoppers in online and
thus the study finds out the effect impact of this young propõe neards din selling

With the gmwing age of the mom and the increasing trend of people the

meet to shopping adverting cut at the mics of the mum secting temet is by far the mon ammating cochle
media Online sing or esting is a form of electonic commerce which allows Carmers to directly buy goods
or services from a seller over the internet using a wit bouwer Mobile commerce (or m-commerce)
descnces purchasing from on
retailer's mobile optimized online site or app

On top of this, online selling is very intial and useful ma. That is why the ds, particularly she wair high
schont was very inown and ronnier for mem choose this kind of technology. It's influennal because this
make shopping expertence

With convenor and aftonte They don't need to wriggle the male anxiety, the

problem where to look for the perfect thing they want and of course, the process transporting the goods
back to those pectully weity and bulky. Di mis kind of business, you just have to browse, choose and click
and then pay to be delivered night at your doorstep that is why they go for this kind of convenience.
Some other

student even thinks or do the same ching because this is their little way to help their

pants and money to

The researches comiend knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of Cetine selling in the
students. Avantages of E-Commerce are the following Fest, i always upe, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Csacs cake pun lies whe they are, at any time of day, with the runniness it home delivery, Second, it fe

competitive prees Thin, ensures a faster and set store management. Tasks te

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