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TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................
1.1 Background.........................................................................
1.2 Research Question..............................................................
1.3 Writing Purpose.................................................................
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.....................................................................
2.1Conceptual Framework......................................................
2.2 Result A Discussion...........................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................................
3.1 Conclusion.......................................................................
Nowadays we live in the midle of political issues in indonesia, as we know there are a lot of
political actors that do a violence in the world of politic, for example like they more imphasize they
own self and they own party, they did not care anymore to citizen, this kind of politic actor always do
their own power of bureaucracy to the wrong act, for the example like they do a corruption, they
think if they have a power in bureaucracy they can do anything that they want, they can steal citizen
money for their own interest, but the sad thing that you should know about this, indonesia is the
most 90 rank corrupted country from 176 country in the world with score CPI 36, this reseacrh was
did by international transparacy instittute (6, Liputan, 2017), whereas indonesia has KPK to against
the corruption in indonesia, but in the fact they thruly do their own job as KPK but why there are still
a lot of corruption case in indonesia? This is a legendary question that we always heard in indonesia,
it seems that the political actor try to avoid that statement, they return accuse Agus Rahardjo as the
leader of kpk do a corruption act (, 2017). We have a lot of political problem that
already did by some (not all) political actors, this success to make indonesia more worst than the
previous time, because politic always related for all aspect in our daily life such as our life cost, our
rent cost and etc, and also something that made this situation more worst is a bad perspective from
our citizen towards that politic aspecially for the actor of politic, they did not know yet about politic
anymore, so as we know all citizen also has a big impact for political event in every single bit region,
good citizen will express a good politic.

But in the midle of that problem, we still have an amazing political actor that always do his
or her own work as a good public servant, they always give a good services to their citizen,
sometimes they did not care about him/herself, they always thinking the citizen welfare, they not
only have a good mission and vision, they also act it in the real life, they make their territory better
and always be better than previous situation,they always relieze their promise to all citizen, usually
the good political actor like this doesnt want to call with a leader, they just want to called with a
servant, because they think they are not a leader, they think they are a servant for their citizen, he is
Basuki Tjahja Purnama called with ahok, so this is why i put this tittle here.

Why does Ahok called as an amazing public servant?

1).To open all indonesian citizen mind about political system and political actor in indonesia, That we
have still an amazing public servant like ahok.

2).To open mind indonesian citizen that to realize a goverment policy we need a good cooperation
between the actor of goverment and the citizen.
1.all service activities undertaken by public service providers as an effort to meet the needs of
recipients of services, as well as in the implementation of the provisions of legislation. Following the
definition above, public services can be defined as a series of activities in order to meet the needs of
services in accordance with legislation. (no.63, Kepmenpan, 2003)

2. public service is the provision of services either by the government, private parties on behalf of
the government or private parties to the public, with or without payment to meet the needs and or
interests of the community. (Hardiansyah, 2011 : 11)

3. a form of domination based on personal abilities capable of encouraging or inviting others to act
on the basis of acceptance by the group, and having the appropriate special skills for a particular
situation (Young, 2003)

According sociology perspective, we will start to analysis the problem that i already explain
in the first page), in nowadays we face an extreme political world in indonesia, according from some
issues that already happened in our country aspecially in jakarta, as we know maybe almost all
indonesian citizen just focusing on electing governor in jakarta on february 5 2017, whereas
indonesia has 7 provinces will hold gubernatorial elections, 18 cities and 76 counties held a
mayoral / regent election (Farhansyah, 2017), there is something that success to make almost all
indonesian citizen to focusing on jakarta election governor, there is competittion betwen three
candidates, that is:

- Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana Murni

- Basuki Tjahaja Purnama-Djarot Saiful Hidaya

- Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno

That are three candidate on election event february 15 2017, whereas the winner of that
election is Anies – Sandi.

but as we know Basuki Tjahja Purnama (ahok) was being a vice governor on the
previous period and jokowi for the jakarta governor, after that jokowi try to be a candidate of
indonesian president and finally ahok was being a DKI governor, he was given a big
progress for jakarta, he has a better policy for jakarta, and he can reliez his promise for
jakarta. Ahok lead jakarta with firmly, from sociology perspective we can assume that this
way (ahok style) to lead jakarta with firmly has a big impact to relieze his program and policy,
he can influence jakarta citizen (not all) to follow his program and policy, he can decrease a
corruption act as far as he can, he leads jakarta with “ceplas-ceplos” style, he always
committed himself to anyone who violated the constitution ,so citizen can give a value that
ahok is a honest governor and also he leads Jakarta by looking directly at the fact, he turn to
the citizen to see how the situation there, and what is a better step and policy that he should
make to fix that situation, so citizen assume that ahok is a good governor with seeing live
about citizen complaint,but not all jakarta citizen give a good response to ahok, some of
people assume that ahok is bad to lead jakarta, they assume that ahok has too much
imaging to get lot of citizen care, some of people say ahok did not do anything for jakarta,
some times they persuade other people to make other people doesnt believe with ahok
policy with religion issues, from sociology perspective this called with social influence, i will
explain some goverment policy from ahok that success to make jakarta better

1.Combating Corruption with converting cash transactions into electronic money transactions
and limiting cash withdrawals to civil servants.

Before jokowi and ahok leads jakarta, there are lot of corruption case in jakarta, start
from the urban village staff, lurah, to the head of the service in the Jakarta Provincial
Government, several of them stumbled on corruption cases. There are at least 10 that are
revealed. The corruption was allegedly committed during the leadership of the governor
before Jokowi, Fauzi Bowo alias Foke. (Liputan6, 2013). Indonesian has 17 years to
reformation and KKN (corruption colution nepotion) still exist anymore, so Basuki Tjahja
Purnama has a policy to change the transaction from cash transaction to the electronik
transaction or E-money. Ahok sure, corruption can be eliminated by changing the
transaction from cash to e-money (e-money). But He realized, if the system is implemented,
there will be strong resistance from corruptors. Because, e-money transactions easily
tracked. (Wanda Indana, 2015), not only that program, ahok has another program to
combatting the corruption like limiting cash withdrawals to civil servants, he limiting until 25
million rupiah, Veronica Tan's husband is planning to reduce the nominal amount of cash
withdrawal for the civil servants of DKI under the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP). "It
should, all of Indonesia, everyone can not pull cash beyond a one-time UMP," he said.
When e-money transactions have been implemented throughout Indonesia. Ahok sure, KKN
practice will be reduced drastically. "With transactions through the account, who can you find
out, for example, you want to bribe Rp 1 billion later withdraw the money how? Suspected
later," said Ahok. (Wanda Indana, 2015). Efforts to eradicate corruption have resulted in
Ahok being awarded the Bung Hatta Anti Corruption award in 2013. As Ahok's intention to
clean up all Jakarta government bureaucrats from corrupt practices, Ahok is never absent
each year to report wealth reports to the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi
Pemberantasan Korupsi / KPK). In addition, Ahok also openly expend expenditures from his
salary on the site Then, applying LHKPN program to all DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government officials, limits the amount of money that can be drawn daily by the city
government civil servants, and realizes the non-cash transactions system in the Jakarta
Provincial Government. Ahok-Djarot has been running non-cash transactions in terms of
wage payments of casual workers (PHL), salaries of civil servants (PNS), payment of levy of
street vendors (PKL), levies of apartment owners, and Jakarta Smart Card (KJP).
(TristiaTtambun, 2017). This is an example from ahok program that successfully realized in
jakarta, they make some policy to limits the corruption move in jakarta, Ahok said
"Corruption is the root of all the problems in this country." To solve this, we have to dare to
transparency, " (BeritaSatu, 2016) ,for the example like convert cash payments into
electronic payments, this kind of policy will decrease the corruption act in indonesia. Ahok
said "In essence, create a system, so that everything can be measured, so when I become
Governor of DKI, I make a One Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) system, all transactions
must be online and not cash” (, 2016). From the sociology perspective
towards goverment policy is we can see this problem can solved by ahok with his policy, he
succesfully to compress the number of corruption in jakarta, and jakarta citizen should be
proud because of this good governance system, ahok is clearly explain about the program
and relieze his program it self, and this prove that not all political actor do a felony in the
world of politic and bureaucrachy, we still have an amazing public servant like ahok.

As we know there is no perfect governor in this world, every single bit public servant
ever made a failure of their policy, same as ahok, not all his program is going to be fine, he
has a program that he can not finish it, i mean he did not finish yet, for the example like;

2.Traffic Jam in Jakarta

The traffic jam in jakarta is the legendary problem, everyday every month and every
year jakarta citizen feeling this problem, whereas ahok lead jakarta, traffic jam in jakarta still
exist dan maybe more worst than the praveous time, this is because ahok decide to build
infrastructure in jakarta and sure this can make traffic jam in jakarta more worst than before.
ahok deliberately make Jakarta more jammed because according to him this is a logical risk
that must be accepted to get good development, Ahok said "I was given two choices. First,
the development is fast, but the jam can be up to 80 percent. Both the old development with
a 30 percent crash calculation, " (Liputan6, 2017) , so he decide to take the first option and
make jakarta more traffic jam than before,Ahok said "Because I think let it jam 80 percent at
that time, but the construction of 1-2 years. Instead of 10 years of development but every
year hundreds of thousands of vehicles and transportation increase, which makes sense, "
(Liputan6, 2017). So i think this is a big progress to jakarta from ahok, the brieve to risk his
position to make jakarta more traffic jam and just for fasting developing infastructure in
jakarta, ahok brieve to express new goverment policy, This is the example of ahok program
that still on progress and this is did not finish yet, this is why there are some groups who
hate ahok, usually they use this reason to droping ahok, but i think this kind of reason is a
chellenge, i mean not only depend the governor, the citizen has a big impact for this
problem, we know that every policy has a goals to make the the citizen feel so welfare, but if
just only the governor that do this policy, the welfare of citizen can not be relieze, the citizen
should follow the policy also and try to make it better, for the example to solve traffic jam in
jakarta they (citizen) can using a public transportation, that can make jakarta more longer
than before, and maybe after the citizen do that thing, that policy to solve the traffic jam in
jakarta can relieze it self, so we can conclude that there are should have a good kooperate
between the goverment and the citizen to solve every problem that they have.

in sociology perspective we can called it with prestige, level of public prestige in

jakarta to using public transportation still on higher number, they assume that to using a
private transportation is better than using a public transportation, they want to looking so rich
with using a private transportation, whereas using a public transportation can help to solve
this problem but some of jakarta citizen still decide to using private transportation.


the conclusion is that ahok succeeded in making Jakarta better than before, he
success to solve the corruption problem in jakarta with elecktronik transaction or E-Money,
and also to avoid the corruption he do a limiting cash withdrawals to civil servants so they
can control for the maximum money withdrawal for PNS, he can solve this jakarta legendary
problem during he leads jakarta, he can prove that jakarta still has a new hope to combating
the corruption case.

although there are some unresolved programs that make the situation worse,like
traffic jam in jakarta, but there are separate reasons for the unfinished program, he do this
for make jakarta better than before and to build the infrastructure of jakarta more faster than
another governor that ever lead jakarta before, he dont care if the traffic jam will getting more
worse, he just focusing to build the infrastructure in jakarta more fast and make jakarta
citizen can enjoy the infrastructure as soon as possible without waiting for a long time, but it
is also a challenge for the citizens of Jakarta to always support and follow the policy of
government, always do a good cooperation between the goverment and the citizen, because
every goverment policy has a better purpose.


6, Liputan. (2017, July). Ini Peringkat Korupsi di Indonesia Dari 172 Negara di Dunia.

BeritaSatu. (2016, December 6). Ahok: Berantas Korupsi dengan Membuat Sistem Transparan. (2016, Desember 6). Ahok: Berantas Korupsi dengan Membuat Sistem Transparan. (2017, september Thursday). Tuduh Ketua KPK Korupsi, Laporkan Saja, Tak Usah
Konfrensi Pers.

Farhansyah. (2017). Fokus Pada Pilkada Serentak : Bukan Hanya Fokus Pada Jakarta. SIPerubahan
suara indonesia untuk perubahan.

Hardiansyah. (2011 : 11). Materi Pelayanan Publik : Teori Pelayanan Publik Menurut Para Ahli.

Liputan6. (2013, oktober 25). Jokowi-Ahok Bersih-bersih Korupsi DKI.

Liputan6. (2017, april 14). Demi Pembangunan Jakarta Ahok Rela Disebut Penyebab Macet.

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Wanda Indana. (2015, May 21). cara ahok memberantas korupsi.

Wanda Indana. (2015, May 21). Cara Ahok Memberantas Korupsi. MetroTV News.

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