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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AFGHANISTAN AF P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
ALBANIA AL N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
ALGERIA DZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

ANGOLA AO P Animals and animal products where there is an epizootic 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Animals; remains and animal products 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Banknotes and coins and securities payable to any currency 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Books of national literary property; when they are counterfeit editions in a 27 May 2020
foreign country
ANGOLA AO P Boxes which having the same mark; form a single volume containing several 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Casters (roulettes) and other games prohibited by law 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Chlorofluorocarbon-CFCs materials 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Cigarettes and compositions for giving tobacco; perfumes or special tastes 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Coffee imitations with coffee designation 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Counterfeit goods or imitation goods 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Denatured pure alcohol imported only according to the standards of the 27 May 2020
legislation in force
ANGOLA AO R Devices; electronic radios; transceivers and accessories 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Distillation still and respective parts 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Distilled beverages containing essences or products considered harmful 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Dogs; cats and other pets 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Electric cables 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Explosives and pyrotechnics 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Explosives used in the mining industry; Paper used for smoking in rolls and 27 May 2020
materials for cigarette butts
ANGOLA AO P Food products not satisfying the conditions established in the law or having a 27 May 2020
poor state of preservation
ANGOLA AO P Food substances containing sacancia 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Goods produced or manufactured with copyright infringement 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Goods produced or produced with violation of industrial property rights 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Goods which may be confused with goods used by the defense; security and 27 May 2020
internal order bodies; by reason of their nature; characteristics; functions and
ANGOLA AO R Goods without country of origin label 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Imitations of national postage formulas 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Manufactured boxes used as packaging for products other than mineral oils 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Medicine whose labels contain the active substances that compose it 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Medicines and foodstuffs harmful to public health 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Pharmaceutical specialties which import requires authorization from the 27 May 2020
Ministry of Health
ANGOLA AO P Plants and parts of plants from regions affected by phylloxera or other 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Plants; roots; tubers; bulbs; branches; stakes; oils; buds; frios and seeds 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Playing cards 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions T/#!/servicos/aduaneiros/procedimentos-
ANGOLA AO R Poison or poisonous substances and drugs; narcotics or preparations 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Pornographic texts; publications and objects 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Postage stamps and tax stamps imported only by the state 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Refined petroleum products on the subsidized market 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Rough; polished or cut diamonds 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Sanaria and similar sweetening products; imported only with the authorization 27 May 2020
of the Ministry of Health
ANGOLA AO P Sexual stimulus drink or pills; photos; books; prints; movies; drawings and prints 27 May 2020

ANGOLA AO R Species of fish for aquaculture and quilapia type fish 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Subversive propaganda material; for example: Books; DVDs and CDs containing 27 May 2020
music; pictures or other information
ANGOLA AO P Used batteries 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Used vehicle engines 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO P Used vehicle tires 27 May 2020
ANGOLA AO R Weapons and ammunition 27 May 2020
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA AG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions procedures/goods-requiring-import-
ARGENTINA AR P Fresh and frozen fish products and fresh and frozen vegatable products Res. Nº 12/92 (SS), 30200 71099 9 August 2022
Art.1º 03.02;
ARGENTINA AR P The entry into the Provinces of Jujuy; Salta;Tucuman and Catamarca of citrus Res. Nº 657/93 (SAGyP) 60210 60220 0602.10.00; 0602.20.00; 08.05; 9 August 2022
plants and/or their parts (buds; fruits; etc.) is prohibited; whatever their origin. 1209.99.00.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ARGENTINA AR P Live cattle; genetic material (semen; ova and embryos) and animal products; of Res. Nº 429/90 10200 51199 9 August 2022
the bovine; ovine and caprine species. (SAGyP), Art° 1

01.02 ; 01.04; 02.01; 02.02; 02.04;

0206.10.00; 0206.21.00; 0206.22.00;
0206.29.10; 0206.29.90; 0206.80.00;
0206.90.00; 0210.20.00; 0210.99.20;
0210.99.90; 04.01; 04.02; 04.03; 04.04;
04.05; 04.06; 0504.00.11; 0504.00.12;
0504.00.19; 0504.00.90; 0511.10.00;
0511.99.10; 0511.99.20; 0511.99.99.
ARGENTINA AR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions onal/
ARMENIA AM P Alcoholic beverages from trademarks registered in the Republic of Armenia and 1 January 2016
subject to labeling; but not labeled.
ARMENIA AM P All kinds of wastes; except those having the positive conclusion of the Ministry 1 January 2016
of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia and wastes imported on the
basis of the permission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the
Republic of Armenia.
ARMENIA AM P Expired goods 1 January 2016
ARMENIA AM P Items representing historic; cultural and archeological values 1 January 2016
ARMENIA AM R Live wild animals Permission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. 1 January 2016

ARMENIA AM P Materials containing a secret of state 1 January 2016

ARMENIA AM R Medicines and medicinal preparations Import certificate issued by the Ministry of Health Protection of the Republic of 1 January 2016
Armenia. This action does not cover: a) live vaccines; sera and diagnostic means;
used in the field of veterinary medicine; b) those medicines and/or medicinal
preparations imported in to the Republic of Armenia and exported from hte
Republic of Armenia; which are meant for the treatment or private use of a person
leaving abroad or arriving from abroad and which do not exceed the quantity 10
titles; three consumer packages from each one; unless the corresponding
documentation motivates the need in a larger quantity for the treatment; c)
medicines and/or medicinal preparations imported into the Republic of Armenia by
the representatives of international organizations in the Republic of Armenia;
foreign diplomatic and consular representatives; the staff thereof and members of
the families living together with the staff thereof; used for personal needs.

ARMENIA AM P Not-iodized edible salt for use in food 1 January 2016

ARMENIA AM R Plants The import; export; re-exports and transit transportation of plants; plant production 1 January 2016
and items under regulation is carried out upon the availability of the plant sanitary
certificate issued by the State Food Security Service at the Ministry of Agriculture of
the Republic of Armenia.
ARMENIA AM P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
ARMENIA AM R Wild plants Permission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. 1 January 2016

ARMENIA AM P Wood 1 January 2016

ARUBA AW P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 19 May 2020
AUSTRALIA AU P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Items of any kind containing bullion or bank notes.
Article VIII/IX
AUSTRALIA AU P Items containing valuables such as jewellery, precious metals, precious or semi- UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
precious stones, securities, coins or any form of negotiable financial instrument. Article VIII/IX

AUSTRALIA AU R Agricultural machinery/Tools Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022

AUSTRALIA AU P A wide range of food; plant and animal products; including the use of such 26 April 2017
products (such as straw and other plant materials) in the packing of parcels. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Almond Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 20081940 20081940 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Allspice (pimenta) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 9042180 9042180 5 September 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Alcoholic beverages are not subject to the durty free threshold of AUD 1000 31 May 2019
and will incur duty and taxes. Where value exceeds AUD 1000; an Import exporting-and-manufacturing/prohibited-
Declaration is required. If the duty and GST on the alcohol products is not paid goods/list-of-items
within 30 days of the payment advice; the goods may be returned to sender.

AUSTRALIA AU R Animal Equipment Used veterinary equipment requires treatment on arrival with the appropriate 17 December 2019
disinfection treatment or gamma irradiation at 50 kGray. Please verify Australian b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Animal hormones Import permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to 5 August 2022
Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

AUSTRALIA AU R Animal products Majority of pet products require an import permit. Please verify Australian import 24 January 2021
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Animal Tissues/Fluids/Urine/Faeces Import permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to 24 January 2021
Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Antler/Bone/Horn Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Apple Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Apricot Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Aquaculture feed and aquatic meals Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Asparagus Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 070920 070920 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Avocado Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0804 0804 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Banana Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Banana leaf/fibre Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 August 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Barley Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 1003 1003 5 August 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Bark Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 140190 140499 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Beans Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 070820 070820 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Bean seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 5 August 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Bee products Bee products present a biosecurity risk due to the possibility of the presence of 24 January 2021
exotic bee pests such as Varroa mites. In addition, products that contain bee- b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
collected pollen could also introduce plant diseases. Please verify Australian import
conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Betel nut Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 August 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Blueberry Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 August 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Black fungus (Auricularia) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 07123200 07123200 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Birds nest Bird's nest products MUST meet the conditions for retorted goods. Unretorted 17 December 2019
products will be destroyed as they do not meet import requirements. Please verify b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Birdseed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Bonsai Live plants are prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Brazil nut Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0801 0801 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Broccoli/Cauliflower/Cabbage Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Butter Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0405 0405 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Camping equipment Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Carrot Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Cardamon Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0908 0908 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Cashew Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0801 0801 5 September 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Celery Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Celery seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 12099120 12099120 5 August 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Cheese Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Charcoal; wood pellets; briquettes and firewood Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 440100 440199 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Cherry Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Chestnut Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Chickpeas Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 7089005 7089005 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Cinnamon Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 09061100 09061100 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Citrus peel/pomander/leaf Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Cloves Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0907 0907 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Coconut Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0801 0801 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Coffee bean Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Coffee Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 090100 090190 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Coir/Coconut fibre Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Coir peat Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Confectionary Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Conifer foliage Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Cooked items (biscuits; breads; pastries; cakes) cheesecakes; mooncakes Import permit may be required. Mooncakes containing meat or meat-based 24 January 2021
ingredients are prohibited. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU P Coriander seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 0909 0909 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Cranberry Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 8104000 8104000 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Crustacean Fresh seafood is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 0306 0306 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Culture Media/Lab Reagents Import permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to 24 January 2021
Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Cucurbit seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU P Cumin seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 0909 0909 5 August 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Cut flowers Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 060300 060390 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Daily based sweets Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Dates Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0804 0804 5 September 2022

Page 4 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Dairy products Dairy products are prohibited into Australia from 040100 041000 24 January 2021
FMD-infected countries. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing ty-trade/pests-diseases-
to Australia. weeds/animal/fmdt
AUSTRALIA AU R Deer products Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Dried chillies/capsicum Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 0904 0904 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Dried - Herb products other than for human consumption Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Dried fruit Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Duruka/Fijian Asparagus Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 70920 70920 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Egg products Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 040800 040899 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Egg shells Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Eggs Raw eggs cannot be imported via the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 040700 040790 24 January 2021
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Etrog Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0805 0805 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Faba bean Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Feathers Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 050500 050590 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU P Fennel seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 0909 0909 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Fertilisers Most fertiliser require an import permit. Please verify Australian import conditions 24 January 2021
before mailing to Australia. oods/fertiliser
AUSTRALIA AU R Figs Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0804 0804 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Fin fish (non-salmonidae) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Fin fish (salmonidae) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Firearms and weapons including BB guns and paintball markers; firearm parts; Australia has stringent requirements around the importation of firearms or 26 April 2017
firearm accessories; firearm magazines; imitation firearms weapons. This includes BB guns and paintball markers; firearm parts; firearm oh/Firearms-and-weapons
accessories; firearm magazines; and imitation firearms. Permission to import must
also be issued by the relevant permit issuing body.
AUSTRALIA AU R Fish roe and caviar Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 160400 160499 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Fish viscera (including fish maw) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Flour Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Footwear - Contaminated Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Fresh meat Fresh meat is prohibited through the mail pathway. 020100 021099 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU P From 1 July 2019; all tobacco products; including cigarettes and loose leaf UPU Circular 2019.101 240000 249999 28 January 2021
tobacco; are deemed a ‘prohibited import’. This affects all tobacco products exporting-and-manufacturing/prohibited-
except chewing tobacco and oral snuff in amounts up to 1.5kg and cigars. goods/categories/tobacco

AUSTRALIA AU R Fruit Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 080100 081499 24 January 2021
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Ganoderma Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Garlic Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0703 0703 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Genetic material Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Ginger Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 0910 0910 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Gingko Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Ginseng Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Glue - Animal derived Import permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to 24 January 2021
Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Grains Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Grape vine Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Grapefruit Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 80540 80540 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Grapes Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Grass seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Ground or whole - Peppercorns and pepper Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 090400 090499 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Guava Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0804 0804 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

AUSTRALIA AU P Hatching eggs Hatching eggs is prohibited through the mail pathway. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Hazelnut Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0802 0802 5 September 2022

AUSTRALIA AU R Heat bag/pillow Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Hemp seed and hemp products Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 120799 120799 1207.99.03.20 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Herbarium specimens Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Herbs/Spices Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 091000 091099 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Hides/skins Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 410100 411599 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU P High Value Goods (including bullion and bank notes) Australia does not accept postal items of any kind containing bullion or bank notes. 31 May 2019
In addition; it does not accept registered items for delivery in Australia; or items in exporting-and-manufacturing/prohibited-
transit à découvert; containing valuables such as jewellery; precious metals; goods/list-of-items
precious or semi-precious stones; securities; coins or any form of negotiable
financial instrument. It declines all liability for items posted which are not in
compliance with this reservation.

AUSTRALIA AU R Honey/Honeycomb Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Human therapeutics and medicines Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Human Tissues/Fluids/Urine/Faeces There are restrictions on shipment and handling of these types of products. Please 17 December 2019
verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Human vaccines Import permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to 300220 300220 24 January 2021
Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Hunting equipment Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Items that are explosive; highly flammable; radioactive or otherwise dangerous. 17 December 2019

AUSTRALIA AU P Kava (Piper methysticum) Any amount of kava imported by post or air cargo; requires a permit. Permits for 26 April 2017
the use of Kava by individuals for recreational/cultural purposes are no longer issued dance-import-application-kava

AUSTRALIA AU R Kiwifruit Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Laboratory material There are restrictions on shipment and handling of these types of products. Please 24 January 2021
verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Legumes Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Lemon Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 80550 80550 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Lentils Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 7089015 7089015 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Lettuce Fresh vegetables is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

Page 6 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Lettuce seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 120991 120991 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Lily bulbs Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 6011045 6011045 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Lime Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 80550 80550 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Lithium batteries Lithium Batteries with the exception of those permitted under the UPU Acts are 26 April 2017
prohibited from entry in to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU P Live animals Live animals are prohibited through the mail pathway. 010100 010699 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Live plants Phytosanitary requirements. Please verify Australian import conditions before 17 December 2019
mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Lychee Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 2008993500 2008993500 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Maize/corn Fresh vegetables is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 1005 1005 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Mandarin Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 08052100 08052100 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Mango Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0804 0804 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Mayonnaise/Egg based sauces Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Meat and meat products Fresh meat is prohibited through the mail pathway (excluding from NZ). Many meat 24 January 2021
products require in import permit. Meat products containing beef, lamb and pork b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
are prohibited into Australia from FMD-infected countries.Please verify Australian
import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Meat floss (excluding pork) Meat products containing beef, lamb and pork are prohibited into Australia from 020100 021099 24 January 2021
FMD-infected countries. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Meat jerky/biltong (excluding pork) Meat products containing beef, lamb an pork are prohibited into Australia from 020100 021099 24 January 2021
FMD-infected countries. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Melon seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 12077000 12077000 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Micro-organisms Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019

AUSTRALIA AU R Millet Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 1008 1008 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Milk Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 040100 040390 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Mixed herbs/spices Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Mooncakes Must be commercially manufactured and commercially packaged. Mooncakes 24 January 2021
containing meat are prohibited. Please verify Australian import conditions before b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Monkey head mushroom Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Moss/Lichen Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0604 0604 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Mud/clay Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU P Mung beans, cowpeas Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 07082020 07082020 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
AUSTRALIA AU R Mushroom/Fungi retorted,
Fresh blanched,
vegetables roasted, through
prohibited fried, boiled, puffed
the mail or pasteurised
pathway. goods,
Please verify and
Australian beetle/urgent-actions 071080 071080 0710.80.20 28 January 2021
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Mustard stick Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022

AUSTRALIA AU R Nectarine Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Noodles Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Nutmeg Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0908 0908 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Nuts Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Oats Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 1004 1004 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Okra Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Olives Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Onion Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

Page 7 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Orange Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Other Animal Products - Biological Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Other Biologicals Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Oysters Fresh seafood is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Pea seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 07131010 07131010 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Peat Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 270300 270300 2703.00.00 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Peach Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Peanut Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 1202 1202 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Pear Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Peas Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Pecan Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 20081925 20081925 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Persimmon Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0810700000 0810700000 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Pet fish food Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Pet food and treats Majority of pet food and treats require an import permit. Please verify Australian 17 December 2019
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Pigeon Pea Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 071360 071360 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Pine nut/seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Pineapple Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 0804 0804 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Pistachio Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 20081930 20081930 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Pine cone Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Plant material (roots; bulbs; cuttings; rootstock; corms) Phytosanitary requirements. Please verify Australian import conditions before 060100 060390 24 January 2021
mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Plant products Phytosanitary requirements. Please verify Australian import conditions before 28 January 2021
mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 31 May 2019
prohibitions exporting-and-manufacturing/prohibited-

AUSTRALIA AU R Plum Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Pomegranate Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Popping corn Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 100590 100590 1005.90.4040 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Pork Most pork and products containing pork are not permitted to be imported as they 020100 021099 24 January 2021
are considered to pose a high biosecurity risk. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU P Pork floss Commercially imported pork and pork products for human consumption must be 020100 021099 24 January 2021
retorted (e.g. canned) or cured under very specific conditions to inactivate viruses; ods/food
or be sourced from disease-free countries that have been approved by the
AUSTRALIA AU P Pork jerky/biltong Jerky; biltong and other small goods containing pork; are not permitted to be 020100 021099 24 January 2021
imported as they are considered to pose a high biosecurity risk. ods/food
AUSTRALIA AU P Pork salami/sausages Jerky; biltong and other small goods containing pork; are not permitted to be 020100 021099 24 January 2021
imported as they are considered to pose a high biosecurity risk. ods/food
AUSTRALIA AU R Potato Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 0701 0701 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Potpourri Subject to mandatory treatment on arrival. Please verify Australian import 17 December 2019
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

Page 8 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Powdered milk/dairy Dairy products are prohibited into Australia from FMD-infected countries. Please 040210 040299 24 January 2021
verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Prawn based food products Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 030636 030636 0306.36.00 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Prawns Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 030600 030699 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Protein powders and body building supplements Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Prune Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 081320 081320 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Pumpkin Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 0709.93 0709.93 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Pumpkin seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 120991 120991 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Quince Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Raw seeds for human consumption Only permitted species may be imported. Please verify Australian import conditions UPU Circular 2020.139 15 October 2020
before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

AUSTRALIA AU P Rice Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 100600 100790 24 January 2021
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted; blanched; roasted; fried; boiled; puffed or pasteurised goods; and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.
AUSTRALIA AU R Saddle Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 420100 420100 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Safflower seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 12076000 12076000 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Sand and articles containing sand Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 250500 250599 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Sawdust and wood chips Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 440100 440199 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Sea monkey/Brine shrimp Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Seafood (excluding prawns or shrimp) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 030100 030899 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Seed Curios/Ornaments Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Seed for sowing Only permitted species may be imported. Please verify Australian import conditions UPU Circular 2020.139 15 October 2020
before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Sesame seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Shamrock Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Shells Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Slippery elm bark Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.
AUSTRALIA AU R Soil and articles containing soil Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU P Soybean Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 120190 120190 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.

AUSTRALIA AU R Specimens - Archaeological Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Specimens - Preserved and fixed - Animal and human Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019

AUSTRALIA AU R Specimens - Trophies; articles and handicrafts - Animal Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Starter Cultures Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Stock feed including additives Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Strawberry Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 081010 081010 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Sugar cane Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 12129300 12129300 5 September 2022

Page 9 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRALIA AU R Sultana Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 0806201020 0806201020 5 September 2022

AUSTRALIA AU R Sunflower seed Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 12060000 12060000 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Sweet potato/Kumera Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 071420 071420 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Straw Subject to mandatory treatment on arrival. Please verify Australian import 17 December 2019
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Tamarind Fresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import 08134080 08134080 5 September 2022
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

AUSTRALIA AU R Taro/Taro leaves Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Tea Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 090200 090240 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Test Kits/ELISA Kits Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 17 December 2019
AUSTRALIA AU R Tomato Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 070200 070200 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Traditional Medicine Mixed Origin Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Traditional Medicines Animal Origin Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Truffles Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 07095910 07095910 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Used shoes Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Used clothing Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Vegetables Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 070100 071499 24 January 2021
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Veterinary therapeutics and medicines Majority of pet products require an import permit. Please verify Australian import 24 January 2021
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Veterinary therapeutics and vaccines Majority of pet products require an import permit. Please verify Australian import 300230 300230 3002.30.00 24 January 2021
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Walnut Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU P Wheat Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that 1001 1001 5 September 2022
are thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as diseases-weeds/plant/khapra-
retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and beetle/urgent-actions
commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived
from vegetables or seed.
AUSTRALIA AU R White fungus (Tremella) Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 07123300 07123300 5 September 2022
AUSTRALIA AU R Wooden articles Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. 440100 442199 24 January 2021
AUSTRALIA AU R Wreaths Subject to mandatory treatment on arrival. Please verify Australian import 17 December 2019
conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRALIA AU R Zucchini Fresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian 5 September 2022
import conditions before mailing to Australia. b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/
AUSTRIA AT P All postal items subject to veterinary or phytosanitary inspection by border 1 January 2016
control agents. Furthermore; the following goods are also subject to
phytosanitary inspection: living plants (also tissue cultures; pollen for
AUSTRIA AT R pollination;
FFP2 scions; cuttings;
masks conforming to ENetc.);
149 seeds; fruits
and other and vegetables
filtering half masks (FFP) that Must fulfil the following criteria:::1. CE marking: ::- The CE marking; indicating the 630700 630799 15 March 2021
conform to similar standards for masks as respiratory protective devices to conformity of a product; shall be followed by the identification number of the ational/covid-19/FAQ-corona-
protect against particles (e.g. KN95; N95; GB 2626-2006; KP95; DS2; DL2; BIS P2; notified body in control of quality assurance. ::- The CE marking shall be affixed massnahmen/Import-von-PSA-waehrend-
etc.) are considered by EU legislation as personal protective equipment and are visibly; legibly and indelibly on each FFP2 mask. ::2. Each FFP2 mask must be Covid.html
subject to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 accompanied by instructions for their usage in German language::3. EU declaration
of conformity in German:::- Manufacturers must ensure that each FFP2 mask is
accompanied either by a copy of the EU declaration of conformity in German
language or by the internet address at which the EU declaration of conformity can
be accessed.::- The EU declaration of conformity must include the following
information:::* Name and address of the manufacturer and; where applicable; his
authorised representative;::* Description of the PPE (product; type; batch or serial
number);::* Object of the declaration (identification of PPE allowing traceability;
where necessary for the identification of the PPE; a colour image of sufficient clarity
may be included);::* Declaration of conformity with the relevant Union
harmonisation legislation (PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425)::

Page 10 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

AUSTRIA AT P Firearms; parts and accessories thereof; replica::firearms and articles made to This prohibition includes goods according to the following chapters of the 930100 939900 93; 95; 97 10 May 2021
resemble firearms. Harmonized System (HS): Chapter 93-Weapons and ammunition; parts and
accessories thereof; Chapter 95 - Toy guns; Chapter 97 - weapons and antiques over
100 years.::
AUSTRIA AT P Letter-post items containing bees; leeches; silkworms; parasites; destroyers of 1 January 2016
noxious insects intended for the control of those insects; and flies of the family
Drosophilidae for biomedical research.
AUSTRIA AT P Marijuana; hemp leaves; hempseed or products containing cannabidiol (CBD) or Circular 2018.59 22 March 2021
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
AUSTRIA AT P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions s.html
AUSTRIA AT R Shipments containing human remains (including ashes) will only be accepted if Applicable from 1 October 2022 10 August 2022
they are sent as insured parcels following article 18 of the UPU convention and
article 18-001 of the Regulations.
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Items containing coins, banknotes, credit notes or any securities payable to bearer, 25 August 2022
cheques, precious metals, whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels and UPU Convention Protocol
other valuable articles or foreign currency. Article VIII/IX
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Biological and infectious substances 871200 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ R Cigarette Maximum 3 boxes 2403; 2402; 2401; 3004 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Coins; banknotes; or traveller’s cheques 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Equipment for issuing money and postal signs 847290 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Firearms and ammunitions; all articles for military purpose; explosive 930100 930700 1 January 2016
substances; military equipment
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Human organs and tissues 051199; 300190 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Inflammable substances 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Items which nature of contents or packing present any danger to postal 1 January 2016
officials; soil; damage or spoil other mail or postal equipment
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Materials for technology of narcotics; psychotropic poisonous; explosive 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Materials humiliating human honor and dignity; national and religious feelings 1 January 2016

AZERBAIJAN AZ P Materials propagandizing and advertising pornography; violence; terrorism 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ R Medicine applied in veterinary; veterinary facilities; plants; raw materials of When the official permission of the Phytosanitarian Control of Veterinary Office of 300230 1 January 2016
animal and plant origin the Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Agriculture is available
AZERBAIJAN AZ R Medicines Amount necessary for personal use 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Mercury; chemical reagents and acids 280540 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Narcotics and psychotropic substances; facilities for their use 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Perishable food products 0402; 0403; 2008; 2106; 2007; 0401; 1 January 2016
2303; 2105; 2005; 2104; 2202; 2004;
2103; 2003; 2102; 2002; 2101; 0409;
0406; 2309; 0404; 2308; 0405; 2001;
1602; 1701; 1601; 1522; 1520; 0410;
1101; 3004; 1806; 1905; 1904; 1804;
1903; 1704; 1605; 1902; 1901; 1604;
1703; 1702
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Poisonous and toxic substances 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ P Radioactive substances 284400 284500 1 January 2016
AZERBAIJAN AZ R Strong drinks Maximum 3 litres 220300 220800 1 January 2016
BAHAMAS BS P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BAHRAIN BH P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BANGLADESH BD P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BANGLADESH BD P Registered letters; parcels and EMS items containing bearer cheques; bank 1 January 2016
drafts; credit cards; cash and foreign currency.
BARBADOS BB P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions ms
BELARUS BY P Alcohol; ethyl spirit; beer 220300 220800 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY R All cosmetic products and oral hygiene products. Personal hygiene items for Import and circulation of goods is carried out in the presence of a document 330100 330700 1 January 2016
children and adults: subjects for children under 3 years old; the items on the confirming their safety.
hygienic care of the child.
BELARUS BY P All kinds of fresh; frozen; salted or smoked molluscs; fish and crustaceans. 030100 030800 1 January 2016
Perishable goods.
BELARUS BY P All kinds of weapon (parts); cartridges for them (their parts); items structurally 930100 930700 1 January 2016
similar to the civil and service weapons
BELARUS BY P All tobacco products and smoking mixtures. 240100 240300 1 January 2016

Page 11 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BELARUS BY P Bodies and (or) human tissue; blood and its components. Ozone-depleting 382471 382478 300190; 2844; 2845; 290314; 290319; 1 January 2016
substances. Hazardous waste. Plant; natural; synthetic alkaloids and their salts; 290339; 290371; 290372; 290373;
simple and complex essential matters . 290374; 290375; 290376; 290377; 290379

BELARUS BY R Cereals for consumption; fodder and technical crops; rye; wheat; barley; oats; International veterinary certificate signed by the state veterinarian of the exporting 2001; 1008; 2306; 2008; 1104; 2303; 1 January 2016
maize; rice; cereal sorghum; buckwheat and other grasses. country testifying the welfare of administrative territory (country; state; province; 2302; 1103; 1102; 1002; 2101; 1806;
etc.) regarding infectious animal diseases. 1904; 1704; 1901; 2308
BELARUS BY P Chronometer in the case and bracelets of precious metals 9103; 9106; 9104; 9105 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY R Coffee; tea; maté and spices. Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 090100 091000 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."
BELARUS BY R Collections of insects being anticrop agents and images of inflicted damages. Permission of the State Veterinary Inspectorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and 1 January 2016
Food of the Republic of Belarus
BELARUS BY P Commemorative coins of precious metals sent by individuals. Gems in any state; 710200 710500 7118 1 January 2016
natural diamonds; except for jewelry.
BELARUS BY P Cultural values sent to individuals for personal use. 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Down and feathers made in Switzerland. Hair; hunting trophies made in the 050100; 0502; 050510; 051199 1 January 2016
Russian Federation. Down and feathers made in Italy.
BELARUS BY P Drug products and vitamins containing narcotic and psychotropic substances 300300 300400 1 January 2016
and their precursors
BELARUS BY P Earth and stones. 250500 252100 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Equipment; special devices for provocations; damage and with paralytic effect. 9304 1 January 2016
Imitators of firearms; shooting blanks. Aerosol cans containing irritating gas;
nerve agents and pathogenic gas.
BELARUS BY R Fertilizer of animal or vegetable origin. Compliance to veterinary and sanitary rules and requirements: - receptacles and 3101 1 January 2016
packaging material should be disposable and meet hygienic requirements.
BELARUS BY R Fodder and fodder additives of animal origin; including of poultry and fish Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 230100 230900 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."
BELARUS BY R Foods produced using genetically modified (transgenic) organisms; including Import and circulation of goods is carried out in the presence of a document 020100 021000 1 January 2016
genetically modified organisms. confirming their safety.
BELARUS BY R Foreign currency; payment documents in foreign currency; certificated Conveyance is allowed only in insured letters. 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
securities in foreign currency.
BELARUS BY R Fresh and dried fruits and vegetables. Hazelnuts; fresh and dried fruits. Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 070100 081400 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."
BELARUS BY P Fresh or frozen; dried or smoked meat of bovines; mammals; poultry; sheep and 1602; 0204; 1601; 0304; 0205; 0202; 1 January 2016
other animals. Perishable goods. 0511; 0203; 2301; 0201; 0210; 0307;
0208; 0308; 1605; 0305; 1604; 0306; 0207

BELARUS BY P Hatching eggs; poultry meat and products of its processing; all poultry products; 040711; 040719; 0207; 021099 1 January 2016
feed and feed additives of animal origin. Perishable goods.
BELARUS BY R Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; rare Admissible for conveyance when having the permission of the Ministry of Public 280100 285300 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or isotopes; finished medicinal products Health.
containing the compounds of radioactive elements or isotopes.
BELARUS BY R Light distillates; petroleum (medical white) oil; other oils. Admissible for conveyance when having the permission of the Ministry of Public 2710 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Live animals. Live poultry. 010100 010600 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Metallic threads of gold or gold threads 560500 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Nuclear materials; radioactive substances. Hazardous waste. Ozone-depleting 382471 382478 2844; 2845; 290314; 290319; 290339; 1 January 2016
substances. 290371; 290372; 290373; 290374;
290375; 290376; 290377; 290379
BELARUS BY P Ozone-depleting substances. 382471 382478 290314; 290319; 290339; 290371; 1 January 2016
290372; 290373; 290374; 290375;
290376; 290377; 290379
BELARUS BY P Photographic and cinematographic films; undeveloped photographic plates; 370100 370600 1 January 2016
photographic paper.
BELARUS BY P Plant protection products prohibited for import into the customs territory of 271091;271099;290381;290382;290389;2 1 January 2016
the Customs Union within the Annexes A and B of the Stockholm Convention on 90392;290399;290490;290930;290950;29
Persistent Organic Pollutants; May 22; 2001. 1040;291090;291470;293299;380850;380
BELARUS BY P Plants and fungi containing narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances and their 060100 060400 1 January 2016
precursors in any state; including fruits; seeds and spores.
BELARUS BY P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BELARUS BY P Poisonous substances 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY R Postage stamps; fiscal stamps; cancelled prepayment forms; including First Day Sending of stamps is allowed only in the purpose of philatelic exchange. 970400 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Precious metals and their compounds. 710600 711200 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Print and audiovisual materials; and other data storage media containing 490100 491100 8523 1 January 2016
information that may harm the political and economic interests of the republic;
its public safety; health and morals of the citizens. Belarusian rubles and
certificated securities in Belarusian rubles.
BELARUS BY P Products containing explosive and toxic substances. Poisonous substances 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY R Raw cocoa beans and broken beans. Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 1801 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."
BELARUS BY R Raw sugar. Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 1701 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BELARUS BY P Rawhides and raw intestines; hair; hunting trophies; produced in the Russian 050400 050700 970500 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY P Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling. Silk thread. Silkworm gut. 500100 1 January 2016
BELARUS BY R Tapioca and tapioca substitutes. Carrying out of control and presence of the Belgoskarantin's stamp "Location in the 190300 1 January 2016
territory of the Republic of Belarus is permitted."
BELARUS BY R Uniforms; equipment and attributes of military units and paramilitary Presence of a license or permit issued by the State Military-Industrial Committee; 610322; 610323; 610329; 610422; 1 January 2016
organizations of Belarus. and other documents; determined by international treaties of the Republic of 610423; 610429; 620322; 620323;
Belarus and the Belarusian legislation. 620329; 620421; 620422; 620423; 620429

BELARUS BY P Waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for industrial purposes; 7204; 7404; 7503; 7602; 7802; 7902; 1 January 2016
including blanks and semi-finished products sent to the Republic of Belarus by 8002; 810197; 810297; 810330; 810420;
individuals 810530; 8106; 810730; 810830; 810930;
811020; 8111; 811213; 811222; 811252;
811292; 811300
BELARUS BY P Wastes of production and consumption that can not be recycled or used in the 1 January 2016
Republic of Belarus
BELGIUM BE P 3;4-methylenedioxyphenylpropane-2-one; isafrole (cis+trans); peperonal; 293290 293290 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P All commercial shipments (B2C) containing any form of tobacco (cigars; 1 January 2016
cigarettes; rolling tobacco; etc.
BELGIUM BE P All live animals; with the exception of bees; leeches and silkworms 010121 010639 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Alternative tobacco such as electronic and vapour cigarettes that contain 26 April 2017
nicotine; etc.; excepting when they do not contain nicotine.
BELGIUM BE R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 150110 152200 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes regulations.::Foodstuffs of animal origin are subject to health authority inspection

BELGIUM BE P Anthranilic acid. 292243 292243 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Arms; parts and accessories thereof Import of weapons is subject to public security inspection 930100 930700 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 610100 611790 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 620100 621790 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Articles of iron and steel 730100 732690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar CITES; Species protected under the Washington Convention 420100 420600 1 January 2016
containers;::articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut)
BELGIUM BE N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 680100 681599 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Bank notes; beare bonds Only if insured 490700 490700 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Batteries of any kind Except for lithium batteries installed in equipment 850600 850790 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Bees; leeches and silkworms Importation is subject to veterinary inspection 010641 010690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Beverages; spirits and vinegar The importation of alcoholic beverages is free from customs charges; for non- 220110 220900 1 January 2016
commercial shipments between natural persons for the folowing amounts:::- Non
sparkling wines: maximum 2 l;::- All other alcoholic beverages with an alcohol
content of maximum 22%: maximum 1 l.::- Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol
content of 24% and more are not allowed in postal shipments.
BELGIUM BE P Birds carcases Dead wild birds (even stuffed) native to the Benelux countries; their eggs (even 020890 020890 1 January 2016
blown eggs and egg shells); chicks and feathers.
BELGIUM BE P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines; missiles and similar munitions of war and 930690 930690 1 January 2016
parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts
thereof; including shot and cartridge wads
BELGIUM BE R Carpets and other textile floor coverings Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 570100 570500 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Ceramic products 690100 691490 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Cereals The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 100110 100890 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Clocks and watches and parts thereof 910100 911490 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Coal tar distilates 270600 270600 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Cocoa and cocoa preparations Articles admitted without conditions 180100 180690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Coffee; tea; maté and spices The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 090111 091091 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Coin It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 711800 711890 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE P Colouring matter Postal ban 320300 320650 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Copper and articles thereof 740100 741999 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Cork and articles of cork 450100 450400 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Cotton Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 520100 521225 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Dairy produce; birds eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Importation is subject to health authority inspection 040110 041000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included
BELGIUM BE P Deodorant and anti-perspirant sprays 330720 330720 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Edible fuit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons Importation is subject to health inspection and can also be subject ::to 080111 081400 1 January 2016
phytosanitary inspection. ::The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to
compliance with labelling regulations.
BELGIUM BE R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Importation is subject to health inspection and can also be subject ::to 070110 071490 1 January 2016
phytosanitary inspection. ::The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to
compliance with labelling regulations.
BELGIUM BE R Electrical equipment and components designed for use with a voltage rating of Low voltage directive - certificate of conformity - CE marking Directive 2014/35/EU 1 January 2016
between 50 and 1000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 V for
direct current
BELGIUM BE N Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and 850100 854890 1 January 2016
reprocucers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts
and accesories of such articles

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BELGIUM BE R Ephedrine; ergometrine; ergotamine; lysergic acid. Pseudoephedrine. All these products are subject to legislation on precursors. See Part II; § 4. 293941 293959 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 360100 360690 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
BELGIUM BE R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Importation is subject to health authority inspection (maximum of 20kg) 030111 030890 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 640100 640690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Furniture; bedding; mattresses; mattress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 940100 940100 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings; not elsewhere specified or included;
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated buildings

BELGIUM BE R Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof CITES; Species protected under the Washington Convention 430110 430390 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Game The importation of game is subject to the compliance with the hunting legistlation. 020810 020890 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Glass and glassware 700100 702000 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Headgear and parts thereof 650100 650600 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 280429 280429 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 590100 591190 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use
BELGIUM BE P Indecent publications 490300 490300 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Iron and steel 720100 722990 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE P Ivory an products made of ivory 960110 960190 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Knitted or crocheted fabrics Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 600100 600690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts The importation is subject to quality inspection 130120 130239 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Lead and articles thereof 780100 780600 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Lithium batteries A maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries; installed in 850650 850650 1 January 2016
equipment;::shall be admitted in letter-post items and parcels under the following
conditions:::- For a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell; the lithium content shall not
be more than 1 g; and for a lithium ion cell; the Watt-hour rating shall not be more
than 20 Wh.::- For a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery; the aggregate lithium
content shall not be more than 2 g; and for a lithium ion battery; the Watt-hour
rating shall not be more than 100 Wh; Lithium ion batteries subject to this provision
shall be marked with the Watt-hour rating on the outside case.::- Cells and batteries
when installed in equipment shall be protected from damage and short circuit; and
the equipment shall be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental
activation; when lithium batteries are installed in equipment; they shall be packed
in strong outer packagings constructed of suitable material of adequate strength
and design in relation to the packaging’s capacity and its intended use unless the
batteries are afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are
contained.::- Each cell or battery shall be of the type proven to meet the
requirements of each test in United Nations Manual of Tests and Criteria; Part III;
subsection 38.3.

BELGIUM BE R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Importation is subject to health inspection and can also be subject to phytosanitary 060110 060499 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage inspection
BELGIUM BE R Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-made textile materials Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 540100 540834 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Man-made staple fibres Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 550100 551694 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware 460100 460200 1 January 2016
and wickerwork
BELGIUM BE R Meat and edible meat offal Foodstuffs of animal origin are subject to health authority inspection.::Only allowed 020110 021099 1 January 2016
from EU and EFTA origins.::The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to
compliance with labelling regulations.
BELGIUM BE P Methane 271111 271111 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE N Miscellaneous articles of base metal 830100 831190 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Miscellaneous edible preparations The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 210111 210690 1 January 2016
regulations.::Foodstuffs of animal origin are subject ot health authority inspection;

BELGIUM BE N Miscellaneous manufactured articles 960200 961900 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382471 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
BELGIUM BE N Musical instruments; parts and accessories thereof 920100 920999 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Naphthalene 270740 270740 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Newspapers using the chain principle or any other similar procedure 490100 490200 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Nickel and articles thereof 750100 750890 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof 840100 848790 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BELGIUM BE R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial The importation is subject to quality inspection; moreover; ::certain seeds are 120110 121490 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N or medicinal
Optical; plants; ::straw
photographic; and fodder measuring; checking; precision;
cinematographic; subject to phytosanitary inspection. 900100 903300 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts ans accessories thereof
BELGIUM BE N Ores; slag and ash Articles admitted without conditions 260111 262190 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Organic chemicals The importation of narcotics is subject to authorization from the ::Ministry of Public 290110 294200 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 630100 631090 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 530100 531100 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard 480100 482300 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Petroleum distillates 270700 270700 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Pharmaceutical products Authorized only for pharmaceutical agencies (pharmacies) as addressees; ::and not 300120 300691 1 January 2016
for private individuals without perscription
BELGIUM BE P Photographic or cinematographic goods Illegal/indecent photos and films 370400 370690 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Piperidine. 293332 293332 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions accises/particuliers/colis
BELGIUM BE P Polycarbonate infant feeding bottles containing Bisphenol A 390740 390740 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Poplar plants and cuttings; vine shoots Importation is subject to seed and seedling inspection 060210 060220 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 710100 711620 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch of milk; pastrycooks' products The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 190110 190590 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Preparations of vegetables; fruit; nuts or other parts of plants The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 200110 200990 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 670100 670429 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair
BELGIUM BE R Preperation of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 160100 160569 1 January 2016
invertebrates regulations.::Foodstuffs of animal origin are subject to health authority
inspection.::Only allowed from EU and EFTA origins.
BELGIUM BE P Printed matter relating entirely or partly to foreign lotteries or lotteries not 491191 491191 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Importation is subject to health vetinary inspection 050100 051199 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Products of the milling industry; malt; starches;inulin; wheat gluten The importation of pre-packed foodstuff is subject to compliance ::with labelling 110100 110900 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Propane 271112 271112 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Pulp of wood or of not fibrous cellulose material; was and scrap of paperboard 470100 470700 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE P Radioactive materials Postal ban 284410 284450 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Raw Hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather CITES; Species protected under the Washington Convention 410120 411520 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Raw Hides; pelts; skins etc with offensive odours 410120 410399 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder The importation is subject to quality inspection 230110 230990 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Rubber and articles thereof 400100 401700 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Salt; sulphur; earths ans stone; plastering materials; lime and cement Articles admitted without conditions 250100 253090 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE P Shale oil 271410 271410 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Silk Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 501000 500790 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 580100 581100 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Sugars and sugar confectionery Articles admitted without conditions 170112 170490 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Tableware; kitchenware made of plastic Presentation of certificate - primary aromatic amines and formaldehyde controls 392410 392410 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes No commercial shipments 240110 240399 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts thereof of 820100 821599 1 January 2016
base metal
BELGIUM BE R Toys; games and sports requisites;parts and accessorier thereof The importation of toys is subject to compliance with labelling regulations. 950300 950300 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 660100 660390 1 January 2016
parts thereof
BELGIUM BE P Vacuum-sealed paint tins Postal ban 320810 321000 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE N Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or Articles admitted without conditions 140110 140490 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Wadding; felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twin; cordage; ropes and cables Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 560100 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof
BELGIUM BE R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal Certain woods are subject to heatlh authority inspection 440110 442190 1 January 2016
BELGIUM BE R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric Some textile products are the subject of economic measures 510100 511300 1 January 2016

Page 15 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BELGIUM BE R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques Stuffed birds; empty eggs (see birds carcasses) 970500 970500 1 January 2016

BELGIUM BE R Free magazines, commercial mailings and catalogues wrapped in plastic may no This rule concerns all addresses in the two following postcode ranges: from 1300 up 20 June 2022
longer be distributed to addresses in part of Belgium as from 1st of January 2023 to and including 1499, as well as from 4000 up to and including 7999

BELIZE BZ P guns and firearms 27 February 2020

BELIZE BZ P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BELIZE BZ P weed 6 March 2020
BELIZE BZ P weed 1 April 2020

BENIN BJ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
BERMUDA BM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions restricted-goods
BHUTAN BT P 1;1;1-trichloroethane or methyl chloroform 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT R 1;1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)
BHUTAN BT R 1-chloro-1;1-difluoroethane Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)
BHUTAN BT P Agar/Agaru: Aquilaria malaccensis 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Antiques (100 years or more) 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Astemizole 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT P Bhreeng-gee re-dza: Panx pseudo ginseng 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT P Bromochlorodifluromethane 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P Bromochloromethane 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P Bromodifluoromethane 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Bromotrifluromethane 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P CFC-12 / HFC-152a 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT R Chlorodifluoroethanes Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)

BHUTAN BT R Chlorodifluoromethane Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)
BHUTAN BT P Chloropentafluoroethane 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT R Chlorotetrafluoroethanes Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)
BHUTAN BT P Chlorotrifluoromethane 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT R Cigarettes; Bidis; Cigars/other tobacco products Tobacco products must be imported in limited quantities for personal consumption Tobacco Control Act of 4 June 2021
and meet the requirements of the Tobacco Control Act of Bhutan 2010. Bhutan 2010; 2012;

BHUTAN BT P Cisapride 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT R Cordycep Sinensis Must obtain export certificate for export of cordyceps 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT P Dibromotetrafluroethanes 4 June 2021

Page 16 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BHUTAN BT P Dichlorodifluoromethane 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT R Dichlorofluoroethanes Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)

BHUTAN BT R Dichloropentafluoropropanes Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)

BHUTAN BT P Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT R Dichlorotrifluoroethanes Obtain prior permit from National Environment Commission (NEC) & Department of 4 June 2021
Revenue and Customs (DRC)
BHUTAN BT P Eucalyptus sp. 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT R Firearms and Ammunitions The procurement of ammunition for the authorised firearms shall be arranged by Fire Arms and 4 June 2021
the Licensing Authority. Ammunition Act of
Bhutan; 1990
BHUTAN BT R Fresh fruit & vegetables Mandatory to have import permits 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT R Gold; Silver; Coins; Any currency Quantities limit prescribed by MoF shall require prior approval of Royal Monetary 4 June 2021
Authority (RMA) as per Foreign Exchange Refulations; 2013
BHUTAN BT P HC-290/HCFC-22/HFC-152a 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P HCFC-22 / CFC-115 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P HCFC-22 / HCFC-124/HCFC-142b 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P HCFC-22/HFC-143a/HFC-125 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P HCFC-22/HFC-152a/HCFC-124 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Kirang shing: Taxus baccata 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT P Methyl bromide (or Bromomethane) 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT R Narcotic drugs with medicinal value Trade with prior approval from Drug Regulatory Authority & Bhutan Narcotics Narcotic Drugs; 4 June 2021
Control Agency Psychotropic
Substances and
Substance Abuse Act of
Bhutan; 2015
BHUTAN BT P Narcotic drugs with no medicinal value 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Numesulide 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT P Pang-gen metog: Gentiana crassuloides 3 June 2022

BHUTAN BT P Phenylpropanolamine 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT R Plant pests A quarantine plant pest or a notifiable plant pest is prohibited except by special 12 May 2016
permit issued by BAFRA
BHUTAN BT R Plant products Require import permit. For export must require Phytosanitary certificate (PSC) of 1 January 2016
plant and plant products
BHUTAN BT P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 4 June 2021

Page 17 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BHUTAN BT P Pornographic material Bhutan Penal Code of 4 June 2021


BHUTAN BT R Precursor chemicals Trade with prior approval from Drug Regulatory Authority & Bhutan Narcotics Narcotic Drugs; 4 June 2021
Control Agency Psychotropic
Substances and
Substance Abuse Act of
Bhutan; 2015
BHUTAN BT R Psychotropic substances with medicinal value Trade with prior approval from Drug Regulatory Authority & Bhutan Narcotics Narcotic Drugs; 4 June 2021
Control Agency Psychotropic
Substances and
Substance Abuse Act of
Bhutan; 2015

BHUTAN BT P Psychotropic substances with no medicinal value 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P R-22/R-152a (25/75) 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P R-22/R-600a/R-142b (55/04/41) 4 June 2021
BHUTAN BT P Rofecoxib 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT P Snow down lily: Lyoydia yunnanensis 3 June 2022

BHUTAN BT P Soil Prohibited except under special conditions (for research purpose) 1 January 2016
BHUTAN BT R Solvents and Inhalants Trade with prior approval from Drug Regulatory Authority & Bhutan Narcotics Narcotic Drugs; 4 June 2021
Control Agency Psychotropic
Substances and
Substance Abuse Act of
Bhutan; 2015
BHUTAN BT P Terfenadine 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT P Tetrachloromethane or carbon tetrachloride 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P Trichlorofluoromethane 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P Trichlorotrifluoroethanes 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT P Tsher-ngeon: Meconopsis grandis 1 January 2016

BHUTAN BT P Valdecoxib 4 June 2021

BHUTAN BT R Valuable Cultural Items Prior approval and seal issued by Department of Culture The Movable Cultural 4 June 2021
Property Act of Bhutan;

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BHUTAN BT R Wireless; Remote sensing and Broadcasting Equipments; All communication Obtain prior approval from Bhutan Infocomm & Media Authority 4 June 2021

BOLIVIA BO P Ads imitating coins and banknotes; postage stamps or other tax values; (except 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
nimismatic and philatelic catalogs)

BOLIVIA BO P Animals infected with diseases 010100 010600 1 January 2016

BOLIVIA BO P Clothes; garment and used rags without a health certificate from the country of 630900 1 January 2016
origin (except luggage)
BOLIVIA BO P Food articles and drinks in a state of decomposition that are adulterated or that 230100 230900 51199 1 January 2016
contain substances harmful to health
BOLIVIA BO P Foreign lottery tickets. 491199 1 January 2016
BOLIVIA BO P Packaging; labels; tags; labels and other means of identifying merchandise; with 3919; 3923; 392690; 481730; 4819; 1 January 2016
national or foreign brand; unless they are registered in the country and are 482110; 482390
imported exclusively by the manufacturers or their duly authorized
BOLIVIA BO P Pharmaceutical specialties and composition medications and formulas not 300100 300600 1 January 2016
registered in the country and those established in the legal regime for the
control of narcocytes and dangerous substances
BOLIVIA BO P Plants; furts; seeds and other plant products that contain harmful germs or 060100 060400 1 January 2016
parasites or that are declared harmful by the authorities of the Ministry of Rural
and Agricultural Affairs.
BOLIVIA BO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
BOLIVIA BO P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII
BOLIVIA BO P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P (Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof; 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Animal origin products and apiary products for human nutrition Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Anti-parasite products for agricultural use For the purpose of import; it is necessary to enclose the certificates of the Entity 1 January 2016
Ministry (Sanitary findings); Entity Ministry (Market inspection) and Entity Ministry
(Phytosanitary findings).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Articles of iron and steel; Copper and articles thereof; ; Aluminium and articles 1 January 2016
thereof; cermets; articles thereof; Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks
of base metal; parts thereof of base metal;

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Bees; leeches and silkworms Import is permitted provided that a health certificate has been obtained from 1 January 2016
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary
Medicine Office of B&H.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Beverages; spirits and vinegar For the purpose of import; it is necessary to enclose the certificates of the Entity 1 January 2016
Ministries (Sanitary findings) and Entity Ministry (Market inspection).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Books; brochures; newspapers; printed matter They are subject to conditions regulated by International agreements 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Cereals and flour; vegetable oils and fats; cocoa; products based on cereals; consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
starch; sugar and products based on sugar; pastry; products based on from these requirements
vegetables; fruits and other parts of plants; and other foodstuff.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Cereals and Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Clocks and watches and parts thereof; 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Cocoa and cocoa preparations 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Coins and securities Regulated by currency regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Cork and articles of cork 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Cosmetics and toilet products Consignments for personal usage in quantity intended for home usage are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations). Certificates of Entity Ministry (Sanitary findings and market
inspection) are required for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Dairy products; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Edible vegetables; fruits; coffee; tea; spices and salt Fresh easily perishable vegetables. Consignments for individuals; in quantity 1 January 2016
intended for home usage; are excluded from these requirements). Following
certificates are required for the import: certificate from Entity ministries1 (sanitary
findings) and from Entity ministry2 (market inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and 1 January 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts
and accessories of such articles;

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Essential oils and resinoids; parfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain Explosives; pyrotechnic products; wixks; pyrotechnic alloys; certain combustible 1 January 2016
combustible preparations preparations.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Fertilizers Certificates issued by Entity Ministry (market inspection and phytosanitary findings) 1 January 2016
must be obtained for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Live fish and crustaceans and other aquatic invertebrates 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles; Headgear and parts 1 January 2016
thereof; Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-
crops and parts thereof).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Furniture; bedding; matresses; matress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lightening fittings; not elsewhere specified or included;
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; fabricated buildings;

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; rare- Radioactive residues and particles; 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Iron and steel 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Items intended for personal use made of precious metals and other materials consignments for personal usage in quantity intended for home usage are excluded 1 January 2016
(glass; ceramic; wood; etc. eg. spoons; knives; plates); imitation jewelry; human from these regulations).
hair and wigs; wind instruments; contact lenses

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Resins; vegetable saps and extracts containing narcotics. For resins; vegetable saps 1 January 2016
and extracts containing narcotics

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Lead and articles thereof 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Machines for games; toys Toys may be imported on production of a health certificate (sanitary findings)issued 1 January 2016
by Entity Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware 1 January 2016
and wickerwork
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Measuring instruments May be imported only with the approval of Entity Ministry. 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Meat and edible meat offal Fresh meat 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous Inflammable substances 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Mineral products (Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Miscellaneous articles of base metal. 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Miscellaneous edible preparations 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Narcotics Narcotics and psychotropic substances; plants and parts of plants; extracts and 1 January 2016
resins containing dangerous drugs are permitted to be imported if Ministry of
Foreign Trade issued a license and if Entity Agency for Drugs made its agreement
for import. (For all further information on these regulations apply to this Ministry).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Nickel and articles thereof 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial Poppy; cannabis and coke leaves for individuals 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical
instruments; parts and assecorries thereof (Musical instruments; parts and
asseccories of such articles).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Ores; slag and ash 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Organic chemicals Inflammable substances; narcotis and psychotropic substances for individuals 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Other base metals 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Pharmaceutical products Pharmaceutical products (medicines; vaccines and the like - consignments of 1 January 2016
medicines for private usage of individuals are excluded from these regulations) a)
for human medicine; licenses from Entity Ministry and Entity Drug Agency are
required. b) for veterinary usage; a license from Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary Dept.- is required.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Photographic or cinematographic goods 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Plants and plant products Live plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental 1 January 2016
foliage.Consignments containing plants or their parts (seeds; seedlings; rhizomes;
bulbs; tubers; etc) that may contain pests or parasites are subject to obligatory
sanitary inspection performed by phytosanitary authorities at the frontier.
Importing consignments of plants have to be accompanied by a health certificate
issued by a competent authority for the protection of plants in the country of
origin. General phytosanitary control provisions must be supplemented by special
provisions sometimes relating to the origin of where the consignment has come
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Plastics and articles thereof Different forms of celluloid 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Precious metals and articles thereof If intended to sale; a license from authorized Entity bureau is required. 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Preparations of meat; fish or crustaceans or other aquatic invertebrates 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Preparations of vegetables; fruit; nuts or other parts of plants 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing Bosnian currency notes (BAM) 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts; typescripts and plans
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Pulp of wood or of other fibrius cellulose material; waste and scarp of paper or 1 January 2016
paperboard; paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds; Vechiles other than
railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and asseccories thereof; Aircraft;
spacecraft; and parts thereof; Ships; boats and floating structures).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Raw hides and skins; leather; furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and 1 January 2016
harness; travel goods; handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut
(other than silkworm gut)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Rubber and articles thereof Consignments for personal usage in quantity intended for home usage are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations). For import of hygienic and pharmaceutical products of
rubber; a certificate from Entity Ministry (Sanitary findings) is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Seeds For the purpose of import; it is necessary to insert a phytosanitary findings issued 1 January 2016
by the Entity Ministry.3Edible seeds; oleaginous fruits; vegetable saps; extracts and
concentrates can be imported if the certificates are issued by the following
authorities: Entity Ministries1 (Sanitary findings) and Entity Ministry2 (Market
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Silk; Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric; Cotton; 1 January 2016
Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn; Man-
made filaments; Man-made staple fibres; Wadding; felt and non-wovens;
special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables and articles thereof; Carpets and
other textile floor coverings; Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace;
tapestries; trimmings; embroidery; mpregnated; coated; covered or laminated
textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use; Knitted or
crocheted fabrics; Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted (not
knitted) or crocheted; Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and
worn articles; rags
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Substance harmful for the ozone A licensee from Entity Ministry is needed. 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Sugars and sugar confectionery 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Tanning or dyeing exstracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes; pigments and 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Tin and articles thereof 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes For the purpose of import; it is necessary to enclose the certificates of the Entity 1 January 2016
Ministry (Sanitary findings); Entity Ministry (Market inspection) and Entity Ministry
(Phytosanitary findings).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and asseccories thereof; Miscellaneous 1 January 2016
manufactured articles).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Vegetable products Live trees and other plants; bulbs and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Weapons and ammunition It is necessary to insert the license issued by Ministry of Foreign Trade and 1 January 2016
Economics of Bosnia and Herzegovina accompanied by the agreement of Ministry of
Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of
Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Works of art; collector's pieces and antiques 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Zinc and articles thereof 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).Following certificates are required for
import:a) concerning health accuracy (sanitary findings);b) concerning quality
(market inspection);Animal products for animal nutrition or for other purposes
(consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage are excluded
from these requirements).A certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina – Veterinary Medicine Office – is
necessary for import; as well as a certificate from the Ministry of one of twoexisting
entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the Ministry of one of two existing
entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof Ammunition; shotgun cartridges; bombs and the like are prohibited. Weapons are 1 January 2016
accepted conditionally. It is necessary to insert the license issued by the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economics of Bosnia and Herzegovina;accompanied by the
agreement of the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Ministryof Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Articles of iron or steel; Copper and articles thereof; Aluminium and articles Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
thereof; Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
thereof of base metal; issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut); Furskins and
artificial fur; manufactures thereof
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Bees; leeches and silkworms Import is permitted provided that a health certificate has been obtained from 1 January 2016
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary
Medicine Office of B&H.The following certificates are required for import:a)
concerning health accuracy (sanitary findings)b) concerning quality (market
inspection)Animal products for animal nutrition or for other purposes
(consignments for individuals; in quantities intended for home use areexcluded
from these requirements). A certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina – Veterinary Medicine Office – is
necessary for import; as well as a certificate from the Ministry of one of twoexisting
entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the Ministry of one of two existing
entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Ceramic products; Glass and glassware Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Cereals and Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Clocks and watches and parts thereof 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate from Entity ministries1 (sanitary findings) and from Entity ministry2
(market inspection).

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Dairy products; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included (sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons Fresh; easily perishable fruits are prohibited. Consignments for individuals; in 1 January 2016
quantities intended for home use; are excluded from these requirements. The
followingcertificates are required for import: certificate from the appropriate
Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and from the appropriateMinistry2 (Market
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Fresh; easily perishable vegetables are prohibited.Consignments for individuals; in 1 January 2016
quantities intended for home use; are excluded from these requirements. The
followingcertificates are required for import: certificate from the appropriate
Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and from the appropriateMinistry2 (Market

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and 1 January 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts
and accessories of such articles;
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Essential oils and resinoids; parfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. Certificates from the appropriate Ministry (Sanitary Findings
and Market Inspection) are required for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Fertilizers Certificates issued by Entity Ministry (market inspection and phytosanitary findings) 1 January 2016
must be obtained for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Live fish and crustaceans and other aquatic invertebrates are prohibited 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles; Headgear and parts 1 January 2016
thereof; Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-
crops and parts thereof;
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Furniture; bedding; matresses; matress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lightening fittings; not elsewhere specified or included;
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; fabricated buildings

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; rare- Radioactive residues and particles are prohibited. Radioactive substances used for 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes medical and technological purposes are conditionally accepted. Pharmaceutical
products (medicines; vaccines and the like – consignments of medicines for the
private use of individualsare excluded from these regulations):a) for human
medicine; licenses from the appropriate Ministry and the appropriate Drug Agency
are required;b) for veterinary use; a license from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina –Veterinary Department – is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Iron and steel; Nickel and articles thereof; Lead and articles thereof; Zinc and 1 January 2016
articles thereof; Tin and articles thereof; Other base metals; cermets; articles
thereof; Miscellaneous articles of base metal
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Resins; vegetable saps and extracts containing narcotics are prohibited. For the 1 January 2016
purpose of import; it is necessary to insert a phytosanitary findings certificate
issued by the appropriate Ministry.3Edible seeds; oleaginous fruits; vegetable saps;
extracts and concentrates can be imported if the certificates are issuedby the
following authorities: the appropriate Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry2 (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Live animals All live animals; except bees; leeches and silkworms are prohibited 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Live plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage foliage.Consignments containing plants or their parts (seeds; seedlings; rhizomes;
bulbs; tubers; etc) that may contain pests or parasites are subject to obligatory
sanitary inspection performed by phytosanitary authorities at the frontier.
Importing consignments of plants have to be accompanied by a health certificate
issued by a competent authority for the protection of plants in the country of
origin. General phytosanitary control provisions must be supplemented by special
provisions sometimes relating to the origin of where the consignment has come
from.For details of these regulations; apply to the address of the appropriate
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Meat and edible meat offal Fresh meat is prohibited 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous Inflammable substances are prohibited. 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Miscellaneous chemical products Pesticides are accepted conditionally. For the purpose of import; it is necessary to 1 January 2016
enclose the certificates of the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings;
MarketInspection and Phytosanitary Findings). Reagents and other products with
high-level reactivity are accepted conditionally. Pharmaceutical products
(medicines; vaccines and the like – consignments of medicines for the private use of
individualsare excluded from these regulations):a) for human medicine; licenses
from the appropriate Ministry and the appropriate Drug Agency are required;b) for
veterinary use; a license from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina –Veterinary Department – is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Miscellaneous manufactured articles Tooth brushes; cosmetic brushes and hygienic brushes are accepted conditionally. 1 January 2016
Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded
from these regulations.A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles Accordions and similar instruments; Other wind musical instruments are accepted 1 January 2016
conditionally. Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use
are excluded from these regulations.A sanitary findings certificate on health
accuracy has to be issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; Precious metals and Imitation jewellery and Coin are accepted conditionally. 1 January 2016
metals clad withprecious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded
from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof May be imported only with the approval of the appropriate Ministry. 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial Poppy; cannabis and coke leaves for individuals are prohibited. For the purpose of 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder import; it is necessary to insert a phytosanitary findings certificate issued by the
appropriate Ministry.3Edible seeds; oleaginous fruits; vegetable saps; extracts and
concentrates can be imported if the certificates are issuedby the following
authorities: the appropriate Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and the appropriate
Ministry2 (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; Contact lenses are accepted conditionally. Consignments for personal use in 1 January 2016
medical or surgicalinstruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof quantities intended for home use are excluded from these regulations.A sanitary
findings certificate on health accuracy has to be issued by the appropriate Ministry.
Measuring instruments and apparatus are accepted conditionally. May be imported
only with the approval of the appropriate Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Ores; slag and ash 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Organic chemicals Inflammable substances; narcotis and psychotropic substances for individuals are 1 January 2016
prohibited. Narcotics and psychotropic substances are accepted conditionally.
Plants and parts of plants; extracts and resins containing dangerous drugs are
permitted to be imported if Ministry of Foreign Trade issued a license and if Entity
Agency for Drugs made its agreement for import. (For all further information on
these regulations apply to this Ministry). Substances that harm the ozone are
accepted conditionally. A license is needed from the appropriate Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Pharmaceutical products Human and animal blood and preparations thereof and Medicaments are 1 January 2016
prohibited. Pharmaceutical products (medicines; vaccines and the like -
consignments of medicines for private usage of individuals are excluded from these
regulations) a) for human medicine; licenses from Entity Ministry and Entity Drug
Agency are required. b) for veterinary usage; a license from Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary Dept.- is
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Photographic or cinematographic goods 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Plastics and articles thereof Cellulose and its chemical derivatives; Tubes; pipes and hoses; Plates; sheets; film; 1 January 2016
foil and strip; of plastics are prohibited.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Preparations of meat; fish or crustaceans or other aquatic invertebrates Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair; from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing Bosnian currency notes (BAM) are prohibited. Bank notes and securities are 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts; typescripts and plans accepted conditionally. Regulated by currency regulations of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Printed matters are accepted conditionally. Subject to conditions
regulated by international agreements.

Page 25 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of paper or 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds; Vechiles other than
railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and asseccories thereof; Aircraft;
spacecraft; and parts thereof; Ships; boats and floating structures
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Rubber and articles thereof Consignments for personal usage in quantity intended for home usage are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. For import of hygienic and pharmaceutical products of
rubber; a certificate from Entity Ministry (Sanitary findings) is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Silk; Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric; Cotton; 1 January 2016
Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn; Man-
made filaments; strip and the like of man-made textile materials; Man-made
staple fibres; Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage;
ropes and cables and articlesthereof; Carpets and other textile floor coverings;
Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings;
embroidery; Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile
articles of a kind suitable forindustrial use; Knitted or crocheted fabrics; Articles
of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted; Articles of apparel
and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted; Other made-up textile
articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags;

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring from these regulations. Certificates from the appropriate Ministry (Sanitary Findings
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and and Market Inspection) are required for import.
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Sugars and sugar confectionery; Cocoa and cocoa preparations; Preparations of Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products; Preparations of vegetables; from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
fruit; nuts or other parts of plants; Miscellaneous edible preparations; certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
Beverages; spirits and vinegar; appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Tanning or dyeing exstracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes; pigments and 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes For the purpose of import; it is necessary to enclose the certificates of the Entity 1 January 2016
Ministry (Sanitary findings); Entity Ministry (Market inspection) and Entity Ministry
(Phytosanitary findings).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof Toys may be imported on production of a health certificate (Sanitary Findings) 1 January 2016
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; Cork and articles of cork; 1 January 2016
Manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware
and wickerwork
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 1 January 2016

Page 26 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).Following certificates are required for
import:a) concerning health accuracy (sanitary findings);b) concerning quality
(market inspection);Animal products for animal nutrition or for other purposes
(consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage are excluded
from these requirements).A certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina – Veterinary Medicine Office – is
necessary for import; as well as a certificate from the Ministry of one of twoexisting
entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the Ministry of one of two existing
entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof Ammunition; shotgun cartridges; bombs and the like are prohibited. Weapons are 1 January 2016
accepted conditionally. It is necessary to insert the license issued by the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economics of Bosnia and Herzegovina;accompanied by the
agreement of the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Ministryof Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Articles of iron or steel; Copper and articles thereof; Aluminium and articles Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
thereof; Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
thereof of base metal; issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut); Furskins and
artificial fur; manufactures thereof
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Bees; leeches and silkworms Import is permitted provided that a health certificate has been obtained from 1 January 2016
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary
Medicine Office of B&H.The following certificates are required for import:a)
concerning health accuracy (sanitary findings)b) concerning quality (market
inspection)Animal products for animal nutrition or for other purposes
(consignments for individuals; in quantities intended for home use areexcluded
from these requirements). A certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina – Veterinary Medicine Office – is
necessary for import; as well as a certificate from the Ministry of one of twoexisting
entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the Ministry of one of two existing
entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Ceramic products; Glass and glassware Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Cereals and Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Clocks and watches and parts thereof 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate from Entity ministries1 (sanitary findings) and from Entity ministry2
(market inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Dairy products; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included (sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons animaleasily
Fresh; nutrition or for other
perishable fruitspurposes (consignments
are prohibited. for individuals;
Consignments in quantity
for individuals; in 1 January 2016
quantities intended for home use; are excluded from these requirements. The
followingcertificates are required for import: certificate from the appropriate
Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and from the appropriateMinistry2 (Market
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Fresh; easily perishable vegetables are prohibited.Consignments for individuals; in 1 January 2016
quantities intended for home use; are excluded from these requirements. The
followingcertificates are required for import: certificate from the appropriate
Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and from the appropriateMinistry2 (Market
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and 1 January 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts
and accessories of such articles;
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Essential oils and resinoids; parfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. Certificates from the appropriate Ministry (Sanitary Findings
and Market Inspection) are required for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Fertilizers Certificates issued by Entity Ministry (market inspection and phytosanitary findings) 1 January 2016
must be obtained for import.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Live fish and crustaceans and other aquatic invertebrates are prohibited 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles; Headgear and parts 1 January 2016
thereof; Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-
crops and parts thereof;

Page 27 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Furniture; bedding; matresses; matress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lightening fittings; not elsewhere specified or included;
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; fabricated buildings

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; rare- Radioactive residues and particles are prohibited. Radioactive substances used for 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes medical and technological purposes are conditionally accepted. Pharmaceutical
products (medicines; vaccines and the like – consignments of medicines for the
private use of individualsare excluded from these regulations):a) for human
medicine; licenses from the appropriate Ministry and the appropriate Drug Agency
are required;b) for veterinary use; a license from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina –Veterinary Department – is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Iron and steel; Nickel and articles thereof; Lead and articles thereof; Zinc and 1 January 2016
articles thereof; Tin and articles thereof; Other base metals; cermets; articles
thereof; Miscellaneous articles of base metal
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Resins; vegetable saps and extracts containing narcotics are prohibited. For the 1 January 2016
purpose of import; it is necessary to insert a phytosanitary findings certificate
issued by the appropriate Ministry.3Edible seeds; oleaginous fruits; vegetable saps;
extracts and concentrates can be imported if the certificates are issuedby the
following authorities: the appropriate Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry2 (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA P Live animals All live animals; except bees; leeches and silkworms are prohibited 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Live plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage foliage.Consignments containing plants or their parts (seeds; seedlings; rhizomes;
bulbs; tubers; etc) that may contain pests or parasites are subject to obligatory
sanitary inspection performed by phytosanitary authorities at the frontier.
Importing consignments of plants have to be accompanied by a health certificate
issued by a competent authority for the protection of plants in the country of
origin. General phytosanitary control provisions must be supplemented by special
provisions sometimes relating to the origin of where the consignment has come
from.For details of these regulations; apply to the address of the appropriate
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Meat and edible meat offal Fresh meat is prohibited 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous Inflammable substances are prohibited. 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Miscellaneous chemical products Pesticides are accepted conditionally. For the purpose of import; it is necessary to 1 January 2016
enclose the certificates of the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings;
MarketInspection and Phytosanitary Findings). Reagents and other products with
high-level reactivity are accepted conditionally. Pharmaceutical products
(medicines; vaccines and the like – consignments of medicines for the private use of
individualsare excluded from these regulations):a) for human medicine; licenses
from the appropriate Ministry and the appropriate Drug Agency are required;b) for
veterinary use; a license from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina –Veterinary Department – is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Miscellaneous manufactured articles Tooth brushes; cosmetic brushes and hygienic brushes are accepted conditionally. 1 January 2016
Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded
from these regulations.A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles Accordions and similar instruments; Other wind musical instruments are accepted 1 January 2016
conditionally. Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use
are excluded from these regulations.A sanitary findings certificate on health
accuracy has to be issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; Precious metals and Imitation jewellery and Coin are accepted conditionally. 1 January 2016
metals clad withprecious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded
from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof May be imported only with the approval of the appropriate Ministry. 1 January 2016

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial Poppy; cannabis and coke leaves for individuals are prohibited. For the purpose of 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder import; it is necessary to insert a phytosanitary findings certificate issued by the
appropriate Ministry.3Edible seeds; oleaginous fruits; vegetable saps; extracts and
concentrates can be imported if the certificates are issuedby the following
authorities: the appropriate Ministries1 (Sanitary Findings) and the appropriate
Ministry2 (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; Contact lenses are accepted conditionally. Consignments for personal use in 1 January 2016
medical or surgicalinstruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof quantities intended for home use are excluded from these regulations.A sanitary
findings certificate on health accuracy has to be issued by the appropriate Ministry.
Measuring instruments and apparatus are accepted conditionally. May be imported
only with the approval of the appropriate Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Ores; slag and ash 1 January 2016

Page 28 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Organic chemicals Inflammable substances; narcotis and psychotropic substances for individuals are 1 January 2016
prohibited. Narcotics and psychotropic substances are accepted conditionally.
Plants and parts of plants; extracts and resins containing dangerous drugs are
permitted to be imported if Ministry of Foreign Trade issued a license and if Entity
Agency for Drugs made its agreement for import. (For all further information on
these regulations apply to this Ministry). Substances that harm the ozone are
accepted conditionally. A license is needed from the appropriate Ministry.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Pharmaceutical products Human and animal blood and preparations thereof and Medicaments are 1 January 2016
prohibited. Pharmaceutical products (medicines; vaccines and the like -
consignments of medicines for private usage of individuals are excluded from these
regulations) a) for human medicine; licenses from Entity Ministry and Entity Drug
Agency are required. b) for veterinary usage; a license from Ministry of Foreign
Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Veterinary Dept.- is
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Photographic or cinematographic goods 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Plastics and articles thereof Cellulose and its chemical derivatives; Tubes; pipes and hoses; Plates; sheets; film; 1 January 2016
foil and strip; of plastics are prohibited.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Preparations of meat; fish or crustaceans or other aquatic invertebrates Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair; from these regulations. A sanitary findings certificate on health accuracy has to be
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing Bosnian currency notes (BAM) are prohibited. Bank notes and securities are 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts; typescripts and plans accepted conditionally. Regulated by currency regulations of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Printed matters are accepted conditionally. Subject to conditions
regulated by international agreements.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of paper or 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds; Vechiles other than
railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and asseccories thereof; Aircraft;
spacecraft; and parts thereof; Ships; boats and floating structures
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder Following certificates are required for import:a) concerning health accuracy 1 January 2016
(sanitary findings);b) concerning quality (market inspection);Animal products for
animal nutrition or for other purposes (consignments for individuals; in quantity
intended for home usage are excluded from these requirements).A certificate from
the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs of Bosnia andHerzegovina –
Veterinary Medicine Office – is necessary for import; as well as a certificate from
the Ministry of one of twoexisting entities1 (Veterinary) and a certificate from the
Ministry of one of two existing entities2 (Trade).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Rubber and articles thereof Consignments for personal usage in quantity intended for home usage are excluded 1 January 2016
from these regulations. For import of hygienic and pharmaceutical products of
rubber; a certificate from Entity Ministry (Sanitary findings) is required.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).

Page 29 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Silk; Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric; Cotton; 1 January 2016
Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn; Man-
made filaments; strip and the like of man-made textile materials; Man-made
staple fibres; Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage;
ropes and cables and articlesthereof; Carpets and other textile floor coverings;
Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings;
embroidery; Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile
articles of a kind suitable forindustrial use; Knitted or crocheted fabrics; Articles
of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted; Articles of apparel
and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted; Other made-up textile
articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags;

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating Consignments for personal use in quantities intended for home use are excluded 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Sugars and sugar confectionery; Cocoa and cocoa preparations; Preparations of Consignments for individuals; in quantity intended for home usage; are excluded 1 January 2016
cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products; Preparations of vegetables; from these requirements). Following certificates are required for the import:
fruit; nuts or other parts of plants; Miscellaneous edible preparations; certificate issued by the appropriate Ministries (Sanitary Findings) and the
Beverages; spirits and vinegar; appropriate Ministry (Market Inspection).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Tanning or dyeing exstracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes; pigments and 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes For the purpose of import; it is necessary to enclose the certificates of the Entity 1 January 2016
Ministry (Sanitary findings); Entity Ministry (Market inspection) and Entity Ministry
(Phytosanitary findings).
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA R Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof Toys may be imported on production of a health certificate (Sanitary Findings) 1 January 2016
issued by the appropriate Ministry.
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 1 January 2016
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; Cork and articles of cork; 1 January 2016
Manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware
and wickerwork
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA N Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW P Firearms and Ammunition 930100 930700 9301-9307 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW P Human Remains (including ashes) 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW P Illegal narcotic substances 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW R Intoxicating Bevarages; Spirits and Vinegar Licensed brewers are allowed to imported intoxicating liquors into Botswana. Only 220200 220900 1 January 2016
alcohol with an alcohol content of 24%; by volume
BOTSWANA BW R Lithium Batteries Unless Packaged according to UPU regulations § Article 120.3 of Parcel Post Manual 850650; 850760 1 January 2016

BOTSWANA BW R Meat and meat consumebles Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Botswana. 020100 021000 1 January 2016

BOTSWANA BW R Medical Drugs Unless in prescription quantities and packaged correctly 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
BOTSWANA BW P Radioactive Materials 284400 284500 1 January 2016
BOTSWANA BW R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Tobacco products must be imported in limited quantities for personal consumption 240100 240300 1 January 2016
and meet the Customes requirements
BOTSWANA BW P Untreated Animal Fur and skins 440100 440300 4301 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Insured parcels containing coins and currency notes in circulation, as well as any UPU Convention 25 August 2022
securities payable to bearer. Protocol Article IX
BRAZIL BR P Albuminoidal substances 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof; of precious 1 January 2016
metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
BRAZIL BR P Articles of jewellery and parts thereof; of precious metal or of metal clad with 1 January 2016
precious metal.
BRAZIL BR P Articles of natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones (natural; 1 January 2016
synthetic or reconstructed).
BRAZIL BR P Base metals clad with silver; not further worked than semi-manufactured. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Base metals or silver; clad with gold; not further worked than semi- 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Base metals; silver or gold; clad with platinum; not further worked than semi- 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Beverages; spirits and vinegar 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Calatysts in the form of wire cloth or grill; of platinum. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Candles and similar articles 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Cellulose nitrates (including collodions) 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Cigarette lighters and other lighters; whether or not mechanical or electrical; 1 January 2016
and parts thereof other than flints and wicks.
BRAZIL BR P Coins 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Containers for compressed or liquefied gas; or iron or steel. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Cosmetics or toilet preparations 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Dental preparations with a basis of plaster 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BRAZIL BR P Dental waxes 1 January 2016

BRAZIL BR P Diamonds; whether or not worked; but not mounted or set. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Dyes; pigments and other colouring matter 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Electric accumulators; including separators thereof; whether or not rectangular 1 January 2016
(including square) (lead-acid; or a kind used for starting piston engines; other
lead-acid accumulators; nickel-cadmium; nickel-iron; other).
BRAZIL BR P Enzymes 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Essential oils and resinoids 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Glues 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured 1 January 2016
forms; or in powder form.
BRAZIL BR P Inks 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Lithium batteries and cells in all categories of outbound mail items. Therefore; undelivered or missent items or items sent in either open or closed UPU Circular 2020.160 28 January 2021
transit items containing lithium batteries and cells will be treated as items wrongly
admitted under UPU Convention article 19.8 and handled in accordance with the
national legislation. These restrictions do not apply to airline
transfers/transhipments. In accordance with article 19-002 of the Convention
Regulations; items containing admissible lithium batteries with Brazil as the final
destination will be delivered following customs clearance.
BRAZIL BR P Magnesium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or 1 January 2016
prophylactic uses; put up in measured doses (including those in the form of
transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for retail sale.
BRAZIL BR P Mineral or chemical fertilisers; nitrogenous. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Mineral products 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Modelling pastes 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Modified starches 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Organic chemicals 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Paint and varnishes 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Pearls; natural or cultured; whether or not worked or graded but not strung; 1 January 2016
mounted or set; pearls; natural or cultured; temporarily strung for convenience
of transport.
BRAZIL BR P Perfume 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Platinum; unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms; or in powder form. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions ao/aduaneira
BRAZIL BR P Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones; whether or 1 January 2016
not worked or graded but not strung; mounted or set.
BRAZIL BR P Prepared foodstuffs 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Primary cells and primary batteries (manganese dioxide; mercuric oxide; silver 1 January 2016
oxide; lithium; air-zinc and other).
BRAZIL BR P Products of the chemical or allied industries 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Putty and other mastics 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Seeds The sending of seeds requires approval from the Brazilian Agriculture Department – UPU Circular 2020.142 15 October 2020
Ministério da Agricultura; Pecuária e Abastecimento::(MAPA) – The link to request permission to import and::export
agricultural items is:
BRAZIL BR P Silver (included silver plated with gold or platinum); unwrought or in semi- 1 January 2016
manufactured forms; or in powder form.

BRAZIL BR P Small packets; postal parcels or EMS items containing alcoholic beverages. 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
BRAZIL BR P Tanning or dyeing extracts 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Tannins and their derivatives 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 1 January 2016
BRAZIL BR P Ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones; 1 January 2016
temporarily strung for convenience of transport.

BRAZIL BR P Unused postage; revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the 1 January 2016
country in which they have; or will have; a recognized face value; stamp-
impressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock; share or bond certificates
and similar documents of title.
BRAZIL BR P Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other 1 January 2016
waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds; or a
kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal.
BRAZIL BR P Ordinary, registered or insured mail containing coins, bank notes in circulation or UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
securities of any kind payable to bearer. Article VIII
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P 292229 292239 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Alcoholic liquors Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Any living plants or materials Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016

Page 31 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Any radioactive materials Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Calcium carbide. 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Carbonic acid 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Ch'ow Ko Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Cigarettes without health warning written on their packages 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Crops 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Currency notes 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Drugs 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Explosives 360100 360200 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Fabric of tissue consisting of any fibre whatsoever and of any other article 1 January 2016
whatsoever which fibre or tissue of other article bear the imprint of any
currency note; bank note or coin which are; or have at any time been; issued of
currently in use in any country whatsoever.
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Fire crackets (known as double bangers) 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Flammables 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Gold 7112; 7111; 7108 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Ground sulphur 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Hazardous materials 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Iodic potassium 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P JAVA sparrows (padda oryzivora) 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Koyoh or Koyok Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Liow Ko Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Live cattle and birds Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Local domestic pigs exported from thailand 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Lottery 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Magnesium cloride; technical 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Magnesium sulfate; natural 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Obscene items and materials 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Opium; morphine; cocaine; phsychotherapy materials such as LSD; DEI; DMT; 1 January 2016
DOM; mescaline; barbiturates and Amorbarbital
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Persian glue Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Pin schedule; fruit machines; slot machines and any other schedule or machines Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
of a like nature whether involving an element of change or not
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions pProh-RestictionGoods.aspx
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Poh Ka; Poh Kah; or Poh Kau Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Poisons and deleterious drugs Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Poisons and poisonous substances 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Rice paddy and the products thereof Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P SALK polio vaccine 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Separated skimmed or filled milk Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Sharp objects 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Sodium chloride 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Sugar; salt and converted timber Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN R Used (including reconditioned) motorcars; motorcycle; lorries; onmibuses; Approval of the controller of Customs 1 January 2016
including mini buses; tractor and trailers
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN P Weapons; arms and ammunitions 1 January 2016
BULGARIA BG P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions en/home
BURKINA FASO BF R Aerosol and coil insecticides Sanitary quality control 380891 380891 380891 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Aerosols other than those used for medical purposes Special authorization to import 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Alcoholic beverages (may be considered psychotropic or dangerous substances) 220300 220899 1 January 2016

BURKINA FASO BF R All materials likely to contain organisms Phytosanitary certificate 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R All products of plant or animal origin Phytosanitary certificate 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Beers Sanitary quality control 220300 220300 220300 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Bleach Sanitary quality control 340200 340299 3402 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines (explosive devices) 930600 930699 9306 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Canned food of animal origin; fish or vegetable Sanitary quality control 160100 160599 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Carbide National certificate of conformity 382430 382490 2849; 382430; 382490 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Cigarettes Sanitary quality control 240220 240220 240220 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Coins Import declaration 490700 490700 7118; 490700 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Cookies and Confectionery Sanitary quality control 190500 190599 1905 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Cooking salts Sanitary quality control 250100 250199 2501 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Corn Sanitary quality control 100100 100199 1001 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Cubes and aromas for seasoning Sanitary quality control 210690 210690 210690 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF N dangerous for crops (soil; compost; manure; etc.) 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Desiccated plants (straw; hay; fodder; etc.) Phytosanitary certificate 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Diesel fuel. Kerosene. Fuel oil. Essence. Solvents Special authorization to import 271012 271020 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R edible vegetable oils Sanitary quality control 150600 151599 151620; 1517; 1518 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Electric cells and batteries National certificate of conformity 850600 850799 8506; 8507 1 January 2016

Page 32 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

BURKINA FASO BF R Fabrics National certificate of conformity 500700 600699 5007; 5111; 5112; 5113; 5208; 5209; 1 January 2016
5210; 5211; 5212; 5309; 5310; 5311;
5407; 5408; 5512; 5513; 5514; 5515;
5516; 5801; 5802; 5803; 5804; 5805;
5806; 5809; 5901; 5902; 5903; 5906;
5911; 6001; 6002; 6003; 6004; 6005; 6006

BURKINA FASO BF R Fairy (CFC 12) Special authorization to import 290377 290377 290377 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Fire arms Special authorization to import 930200 930499 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Fire extinguishers Special authorization to import 842410 842410 3813; 842410 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Fire extinguishers with risk of explosion 842410 842410 3813; 842410 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Fireworks; signaling rockets; sparklers 360400 360499 3604 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Fishery products other than seafood (fresh fish); Sanitary quality control 030300 030899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Flammable items (lighters) Special authorization to import 961300 961399 9613 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF N Flowers; fruit etc ... 060100 081499 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Food coloring Sanitary quality control 210690 210690 210690 1 January 2016

BURKINA FASO BF R Food for animals Sanitary quality control 230900 230999 2309 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Fresh and smoked fish Sanitary quality control 030200 030899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Gemstones; jewelry; gold-silver or other precious metals Import declaration 710200 711899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R granulated sugars in powder or in pieces Sanitary quality control 170100 170199 1701 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Industrial fatty alcohols (flammable or dangerous) Special authorization to import 382300 382399 3823 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Juice Sanitary quality control 200900 200999 2009 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Liqueurs and alcohols Sanitary quality control 220300 220899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Living animals 010100 010699 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Matches Special authorization to import 360500 360599 3605 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Mayonnaises; mustards; butters and margarines Sanitary quality control 040510 040510 040510; 1517; 2103 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Medicines. Medicinal tinctures Special authorization to import 300200 300499 1 January 2016

BURKINA FASO BF R Milks and dairy products Sanitary quality control 040100 040699 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Pasta and couscous Sanitary quality control 190200 190299 1902 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Pesticides other than aerosol insecticides Sanitary quality control 380800 380899 3808 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Petroleum oil (lubricant) National certificate of conformity 271000 271099 2710 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Plants or parts of plants (seeds; tubers; cuttings; Phytosanitary certificate 060100 060499 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Polyethylene and polypropylene bags National certificate of conformity 392321 392329 392321; 392329 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Raw cereals Sanitary quality control 100100 100899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF N Smoked fish 030500 030899 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Soaps; cosmetics and perfumery Sanitary quality control 330200 340199 3401; 3302; 3303; 3304; 3305; 3306; 3307 1 January 2016

BURKINA FASO BF R Sweet carbonated drinks Sanitary quality control 220200 220299 2202 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Teas and coffees Sanitary quality control 090100 090299 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Thinners and strippers for paints or varnishes Special authorization to import 381400 381400 381400 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Tickets; travellers cheques Import declaration 490700 490700 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Tomato concentrates Sanitary quality control 200290 200290 200290 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Toothpastes Sanitary quality control 330610 330610 330610 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Toys and articles for board games National certificate of conformity 950300 950399 9503 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Unsweetened drinking water and carbonated drinks Sanitary quality control 220100 220199 2201 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Vinegars Sanitary quality control 220900 220900 220900 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Weighing and measuring apparatus and instruments National certificate of conformity 842300 842399 8423 1 January 2016

BURKINA FASO BF R Wheat or wheat flour Sanitary quality control 100100 110199 1001; 1101 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF P Wicks; primers; fulminate capsules; (including toys); :: igniters; detonators 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Wines Sanitary quality control 220400 220599 1 January 2016
BURKINA FASO BF R Yeasts and baking aids Sanitary quality control 210200 210299 2102 1 January 2016

BURUNDI BI P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
CAMBODIA KH N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions clearance-procedures/prohibited-and-

Page 33 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CAMEROON CM P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and http://www.douanescustoms- 000000 999999 13 May 2020

CANADA CA P Actinobacullus mallei; if alive. Coccidiodes immitis; if alive. Francisella 300290 300290 1 January 2016
(Pasteurella); if alive. Tularensis; if alive. Herpes virus simiae. Junin virus.
Lassa virus. Machupo virus. Marburg virus. Pseudomonas pseudomallei; if
alive. Tick-borne viruses. Variola; major and minor (virus). Yersenia
(Pasteurella) pestic; if alive.
CANADA CA P Actinobacullus mallei; if dead. Coccidiodes immitis; if dead. Francisella 210220 210220 1 January 2016
(Pasteurella); if dead. Tularensis; if dead. Pseudomonas pseudomallei; if dead.
Yersenia (Pasteurella) pestic; if dead.
CANADA CA R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 610000 619999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 620000 629999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 490700 490700 1 January 2016

CANADA CA P Batteries of any kind (including Lithium batteries currently) 850600 850799 1 January 2016

CANADA CA P Berberis; Mohania and Mahberberis. Rhammus. Corylus (hazel; cob; filbert) 140400 140400 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Birds' eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked. Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and 040700 040700 26 July 2019
International Trade
CANADA CA P Blood; human. Blood; animal. 300210 300210 1 January 2016
CANADA CA P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines (explosive devices) 930690 930690 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Carpets and other textile floor coverings Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 570000 579999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Coin It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 711800 711899 1 January 2016

CANADA CA R Cotton Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 520000 529999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA P Cotton; burnt fibre. Cotton; wet 140420 140420 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons An Inspection certificate; indicating minimum Canadian import requirements for Department of Foreign Affairs and 080000 089999 1 January 2016
quality; labelling; and packaging are met International Trade
CANADA CA R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers An Inspection certificate; indicating minimum Canadian import requirements for Department of Foreign Affairs and 070000 079999 1 January 2016
quality; labelling; and packaging are met International Trade
CANADA CA R Elm plants; elm products with bark There may be plant protection requirements such as phytosanitary certificates or 060000 069999 1 January 2016
import permits for specific commodities imported from certain countries. For /importe.shtml
further info; please contact the CFIA Import Service Centre.
CANADA CA P Encephalitis viruses. 300220 300220 1 January 2016
CANADA CA P Ethyl alcohol 220700 220700 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Some transport guidelines need to be followed. Poisonous creatures are prohibited. Cites 030100 030899 26 July 2019

CANADA CA P Fish meal 230100 230199 1 January 2016

CANADA CA P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 280429 280429 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics: textile articles of a Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 590000 599999 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Intoxicating beverages Only licensed distillers are allowed to imported intoxicating liquors into Canada. CBSA Memorandum D5-1-4 220300 220899 1 January 2016
Only alcohol with an alcohol content of 24%; by volume; or less can be sent to
Canada in the mail.
CANADA CA R Knitted or crocheted fabrics Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 600000 609999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA P Live Animals 010000 019999 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Man-made filaments: strip and the like of man-made textile materials Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 540000 549999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Man-made staple fibres Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 550000 559999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Meat and edible meat offal Item subject to tariff rate quota and may require an import permit to enter Import Prohibitions and Requirements 020100 021099 26 July 2019
Canada.::::Meat and edible meat offal with offensive odors; insufficient packing and for Food; Plants Animals & Related
labeling is strictly prohibited.:::: Products:::www.cbsa-
1-1-eng.html::::::Import Prohibitions and
Requirements for Importers of Aquatic

Page 34 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CANADA CA R Medicines. Tinctures; medicinal. Narcotics; controlled and restricted drugs may only be imported or exported by a Health Canada 300300 300499 1 January 2016
pharmaceutical manufacturer or distributor or other person licensed by the
Minister of National Health and Welfare. The importer/owner or exporter must
possess a valid permit; issued by the Health Canada; for the shipment concerned.

CANADA CA R Milk and cream; concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and 040210 040299 1 January 2016
matter. International Trade
CANADA CA R Milk and cream; not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and 040110 040130 1 January 2016
sweetening matter. International Trade
CANADA CA P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382483 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
CANADA CA R Other made up textile articles: sets: worn clothing and worn textile articles: rags Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 630000 639999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Other vegetable textile fibres: paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 530000 539999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and https://www.cbsa- 000000 999999 13 May 2020
CANADA CA R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 710100 711699 1 January 2016

CANADA CA R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten Only enriched flour is acceptable for importation into Canada. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 110000 119999 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Provitamins; vitamins and hormones Provitamins; vitamins and hormones may only be imported or exported by a Health Canada 293600 293799 1 January 2016
pharmaceutical manufacturer or distributor or other person licensed by the
Minister of National Health and Welfare. The importer/owner or exporter must
possess a valid permit; issued by the Health Canada; for the shipment concerned.

CANADA CA P Raw Hides; pelts; skins etc with offensive odours 410100 410399 1 January 2016
CANADA CA R Silk Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 500000 509999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Special woven fabrics: tufted textile fabrics: lace: tapestries: trimmings: Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 580000 589999 1 January 2016
embroidery Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. See Part II; § 2.5. Tobacco products must be imported in limited quantities for personal consumption Tobacco Act 240100 240399 1 January 2016
and meet the requirements of the Canada Border Services Agency’s enforcement of
the Tobacco Act.
CANADA CA R Wadding; felt and nonwovens: special yarns: twin; cordage; ropes and cables Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 560000 569999 1 January 2016
and articles thereof Canada International Trade
CANADA CA R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair: horsehair yarn and woven fabric Please verify Canadian Import permit requirements before mailing any textile to Department of Foreign Affairs and 510000 519999 1 January 2016
Canada International Trade
CAPE VERDE CV P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions das-alfandegas
CANADA CA R Honey Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 40900 40900 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Maple syrup and products Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 170220 170220 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Confectionery Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 170100 170490 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Non-alcoholic beverages Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 220100 220900 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Dried herbs and spices Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 90400 91099 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Baked goods Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 190500 190590 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Grain derived foods; cereal Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 100100 100890 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Coffee and tea Importers require a Safe Food for Canadians licence. Canadian Food Inspection Agency 90100 90300 4 August 2022
CANADA CA R Cannabis; including products containing cannabidiol (CBD) or Under the Cannabis Act, a valid permit or exemption issued by Health Canada is CBSA Memorandum D19-9-2 60290 300490 4 August 2022
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) required for any importation of cannabis.
CAYMAN ISLANDS KY R Cannabis Oil Importer must have a prescription from a medical officer registered in the Cayman 6 November 2017
CAYMAN ISLANDS KY R Human Remains Importation Permit Required 24 May 2018
CAYMAN ISLANDS KY R Plants Import Permit Required 060100 060400 3 May 2018
CAYMAN ISLANDS KY P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
CAYMAN ISLANDS KY R Restriction 31 May 2019
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CF P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
CHILE CL P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 24 May 2018
prohibitions frecuentes-importaciones/aduana/2007-

CHILE CL R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products prepared edible Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 150110 152200 9 July 2020
fats: animal or vegetable waxes
CHILE CL P Animal skins 410120 411520 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Antiques (can break up or are fragile) 970110 970600 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Arms and ammunition: parts and accessories thereof Requires authorization of the Direccion General Nacional 930110 930700 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Asbestos in any form 252410 252490 9 July 2020

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CHILE CL R Beverages; spirits and vinegar requires authorization of the Servicio agricola ganadero 220110 220900 9 July 2020

CHILE CL R Carpets and other textile floor coverings Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 570110 570500 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Cereals Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 100111 100890 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Chloropicrin; liquid 3 May 2018
CHILE CL R Cocoa and cocoa preparations Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 180100 180690 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 090111 091099 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Cork and articles of cork Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 450110 450490 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Cotton Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 520100 521225 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Counterfeit merchandise 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Dairy produce: birds eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin; not Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 040110 041000 9 July 2020
elsewhere specified or included
CHILE CL R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 080111 081400 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 070110 071490 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Elements or fertile; fissile or radioactive materials; radioactive substances; Requires authorization of the Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear 284410 284450 9 July 2020
devices or tools that generate ionizing radiation
CHILE CL R Fertilizers and pesticides Requires authorization of the Servicio agricola ganadero 310100 310500 3808 9 July 2020

CHILE CL R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero : 030110 031089 9 July 2020

CHILE CL R Fishery products Requires authorization of the Subsecretaria de pesca 030100 030800 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Lac: gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 130120 130239 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Live trees and other plants: bulbs; roots and the like: cut flowers and Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 060110 060490 9 July 2020
ornamental foliage
CHILE CL R Manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials: basketware Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 460121 460290 9 July 2020
and wickerwork
CHILE CL R Meat and edible meat offal Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero and the Subsecretaria de pesca 020110 021099 9 July 2020

CHILE CL P Merchandise that are hazardous to animals for agriculture or human health 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Miscellaneous edible preparations Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 210111 210690 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances causing dependence. Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Narcotics products 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits: miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruits: industrial Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 120110 121490 9 July 2020
or medicinal plants: straw and fodder
CHILE CL R Other vegetable textile fibers: paper yarn and woven fabric of paper yarn Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 530110 531100 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Paper and paperboard: articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 480100 482390 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Pharmaceutical products Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 300120 300692 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Pornography 491199 491199 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk: bakers' wares Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 190110 190590 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 160100 160569 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Preparations of vegetables; fruit; nuts or other parts of plants Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 200110 200990 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 050110 051199 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 110100 110900 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material: waste and scrap of paper or Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 470100 470790 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Radio equipment. Require prior authorization for use of transmission bandwidth Requires authorization of the Subsecretaria de telecomunicaciones 852500 852700 9 July 2020

CHILE CL R Residues and waste from the food industries: prepared animal feed Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 230110 230990 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Soil samples 680690; 253090 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Species of wild fauna and flora under the CITES Convention Defined authority in accordance with Article IX of the Convention 010611 020690 010129;010130;010190;010239;010290;0 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Sugars and sugar confectionery Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 170112 170490 9 July 2020

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CHILE CL R The inbound of cement that can be used in making resistance elements of Prior to customs clearance must submit certificate of quality issued by a Lab 381600 381600 9 July 2020
public works and buildings. Technician Quality Control Construction; registered in the official register
Laboratory Technician Construction Quality Control of the Ministerio de vivienda y
CHILE CL R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 240110 240399 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Toxic industrial waste 3825 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Toxics substances or dangerous for the health. Requires authorization of the Control Alimentos 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Used car 870210 870590 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Used motorcycles 871110 871190 9 July 2020
CHILE CL P Used tires and retreaded 870870 870870 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Vegetable plaiting materials: vegetable products not elsewhere specified or Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 140110 140490 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Vegetal products and merchandise have dangerous character for the vegetables. Requires authorization of the Servicio agricola ganadero 9 July 2020

CHILE CL R Wadding; felt and nonwovens: special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 560121 560900 9 July 2020
and articles thereof
CHILE CL R Waste and waste batteries and accumulators: Waste zinc; lead; antimony; Requires authorization of the Servicio de Salud 382541; 382549; 810197; 810297; 9 July 2020
beryllium; cadmium; chromium; organic solvents. 810330; 810420; 810530; 8106; 810730;
810830; 810930; 811020; 8111; 811213;
811222; 811252; 811292; 811300; 8548
CHILE CL R Wood and articles of wood: wood charcoal Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 440110 442190 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair: horsehair yarn and woven fabric Requires authorization of Servicio agricola ganadero 510111 511300 9 July 2020
CHILE CL R Written or audiovisual material on martial arts for teaching; without limitation; Requires authorization of the Direccion General Nacional 4901; 4902; 4903; 8523 9 July 2020
whatever the person; property or entity conducting the operation.

CHILE CL P Lithium cells and batteries alone 19 November 2021

CHILE CL P Lithium batteries disconnected from their equipment 19 November 2021
CHILE CL P Flammable liquids (eg perfume or nail polish). 19 November 2021
CHILE CL P Generic content claims (eg gifts or hygiene products) 19 November 2021
CHINA CN P Animal carcasses; animal specimens and animal-derived waste 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Animal-derived feedstuffs (including meat meal; bone meal; fish meal; whey 1 January 2016
powder; blood meal and other single feedstuff); animal-derived Chinese
medicinal materials; and animal-derived fertilizer.
CHINA CN P Animal-derived milk and milk products; including raw milk; fresh milk; yogurt; 1 January 2016
animal-derived cream; butter; cheese and other dairy products
CHINA CN P Articles infringing upon intellectual property rights; and counterfeit and shoddy 1.Articles infringing upon intellectual property rights: such as books and 31 October 2017
products audiovisual products infringing upon patent rights; trademark rights or copyrights;
etc.   2. Counterfeit and shoddy products: such as counterfeit and shoddy food;
medicines; children products; electronic products; cosmetics; textiles; etc.

CHINA CN P Articles prohibited for entry and exit Such as food; medicines or other articles that are harmful to the health of humans 31 October 2017
and livestock; from epidemic stricken areas or capable of spreading diseases;
documents; files and other articles that involve state secrets.
CHINA CN P Biological; chemical; biochemical products; contagious and infectious substances Such as germ; anthrax; parasite; excreta; medical waste; skeleton; animal organ; UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
limb; hide not tanned; animal bone not medicated; etc.
CHINA CN P Compressed gases; liquefied gases and their containers (lighters; hairsprays; 1. Flammable gases: such as hydrogen; methane; ethane; butane; natural gas; UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
aerosols;::etc.); liquefied petroleum gas; ethylene; propylene; acetylene; lighter; etc.   2. Toxic
gases: such as carbonic oxide; nitric oxide; chlorine; etc.   3. Explosive;
asphyxiating or combustion-supporting gases: such as compressed oxygen;
nitrogen; helium; neon; aerosol; etc.
CHINA CN P Controlled tools. Prohibited knives and edged weapons; crossbows; defensive  1.Controlled knives: such as dagger; fluted scraper; spring knife with self-lock UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
chemical dispensers::(mace; pepper spray; tear gas; etc.); electric stun guns; etc. device (switchblade); other similar sharp knife with single; double edges or three
squares etc.   2. Others: such as crossbow; aerosol CS irritant projector; tear gas
gun; electric stunner etc.
CHINA CN P Corrosive substances Sulfuric acid; nitric acid; hydrochloric acid; storage battery; sodium hydroxide; 31 October 2017
potassium hydroxide; etc.
CHINA CN P Cubilose (except canned cubilose) 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Drugs and drug paraphernalia; narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs not being 1. Drugs; narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs: such as opium (including the shell. 31 October 2017
used for legitimate purposes; and precursor chemicals not being used for flower; bud and leaf of a poppy); morphine; heroin; cocaine; marijuana;
legitimate purposes methamphetamine (the “ice”); ketamine; methcathinone; amphetamine; caffeine
sodium benzoate; etc.   2. Precursor chemicals: such as heliotropin; safrole;
sassafras oil; ephedrine; pseudoephedrine; hydroxylamine; o ketone; phenylacetic
acid; bromophenylethylketone; acetic oxide; methylbenzene; acetone etc.   3.
Drug paraphernalia: such as bongs; etc.
CHINA CN P Eggs and egg products; including fresh egg; preserved egg;salted egg; liquid egg; 1 January 2016
egg shell; mayonnaise and other egg products
CHINA CN P Endangered wild animals as well as their products Such as ivory; tiger bone; rhinoceros horn and their products; etc. 31 October 2017
CHINA CN P Explosives (fireworks; blasting equipment; etc.); 1. Demolition equipment and materials; such as: dynamite; detonator; blasting fuse; UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
detonating cord; blasting agent; etc.   2. Firecrackers and fireworks: products of
firecrackers and fireworks in various forms; as well as black powder; issue order
paper; ignition harness; etc.   3. Others: such as propellant; propellant powder;
nitro-cotton; electric igniter; etc.
CHINA CN P Fat and grease; hides; hairs; hooves; bones; and horns and their products 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Firearms and firearm components (including replica firearms); UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019

CHINA CN P Flammable liquids (and solids; and spontaneous combustion materials) Such as gasoline; diesel; kerosene; tung oil; acetone; diethyl ether; oil paint; raw UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
lacquer; benzene; ethyl alcohol; rosin oil; etc.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CHINA CN P Flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion and substances 1. Flammable solids: such as red phosphorus; sulphur; aluminium powder; flashlight UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019
liable to spontaneous combustion when wet powder; solid alcohol; matchstick; activated carbon; etc.   2. Substances liable to
spontaneous combustion: such as yellow phosphorus; white phosphorus;
nitrocellulose (film included); titanium powder; etc.   3. Substances liable to
spontaneous combustion when wet: such as metallic sodium; potassium; lithium;
zinc powder; magnesium powder; calcium carbide; sodium cyanide; potassium
cyanide; etc.
CHINA CN P Fresh fruits; vegetables 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Genetically modified biomaterials 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Guns (including imitations and major components) and ammunition 1.Guns (including imitations and major components): such as pistol; rifle; 31 October 2017
submachine gun; baton gun; air gun; hunting gun; sports gun; narcotic injection
gun; steel ball gun; teargas gun etc.   2. Ammunition (including imitations): such
as bullet; bomb; grenade; rocket bomb; flare; incendiary bomb; smoke bomb
(grenade); signal flare; teargas grenade; poison-gas bomb; landmine; antitank
grenade; cannonball; gun powder; etc.
CHINA CN P Illegal publications; printed matters; audiovisual products and other Books; publications; pictures; photos; audiovisual products that contain reactionary 31 October 2017
propaganda materials contents; contents inciting nationality hatred; undermining state unity; destroying
social stability and propagating evil cults and religious extremism; or obscene
contents; etc.
CHINA CN P Illegally forged articles Such as counterfeit or altered currency; certificate and official seal; etc. 31 October 2017
CHINA CN P Microbial strains; virus strains and other animal and plants pathogens; pests 1 January 2016
and other harmful organisms; cells; organs and tissues; blood and blood
products and other biological materials
CHINA CN P Organic cultivation media 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Other animals; plants and their products and other quarantine objects 1 January 2016
prohibited from entering China.
CHINA CN P Other articles Articles listed in the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals; the Table of the Names of 31 October 2017
Explosives for Civilian Use; Directory of Dangerous Chemicals prone to Explosion;
the Classification and Variety Catalogue of Precursor Chemicals and the List of the
People's Republic of China of Articles Prohibited from Entry and Exit; pathogenic
microorganisms belonging to Category I and II listed in the Directory of Pathogenic
Microbes Capable of Spreading from Person to Person; other articles that are
prohibited from mailing and delivery by other laws or administrative regulations; or
by the State Council or relevant department under the State Council.

CHINA CN P Oxidizing agents and peroxides Such as permanganate; perchlorate; hydrogen oxide; sodium peroxide; potassium 31 October 2017
peroxide; lead peroxide; chlorate; bromate; nitrate; hydrogen peroxide; etc.

CHINA CN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions de?c=e6fb7440-5df2-4e87-bf92-
CHINA CN P Radioactive materials and substances Such as uranium; cobalt; radium; plutonium; etc. UPU IB Circular 2018.71 18 March 2019

CHINA CN P Raw or cooked meat (including viscera) and its products; aquatic animal 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Seeds (seedlings); nursery stocks and other propagating plant materials 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Soil 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Specialized espionage equipment Hidden eavesdropping equipment; secret photographing equipment; burst 31 October 2017
transceiver; one-time pod for cipher code; secret writing devices; and electronic
monitoring and intercept equipment for gathering intelligence; etc.
CHINA CN P Tobacco leaves (except cut tobacco) 1 January 2016
CHINA CN P Toxic substances Such as arsenic; white arsenic; mercuride; thallide; cyanide; selenium powder; 31 October 2017
phenol; mercury; highly toxic pesticide; etc.
CHINA CN P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII/IX
CHINA CN P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII/IX
COLOMBIA CO P Cash; coins; banknotes; moulds for banknotes; pieces of paper representing real UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
banknotes; bearer bonds; coinage machines. Other articles of value::such as
platinum; gold or silver; whether manufactured or not; precious stones::and
other valuable articles
COLOMBIA CO P Corrosive liquids and poisonous substances; fats; coloring powders and similar UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
COLOMBIA CO P Counterfeit and pirated articles. UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019

COLOMBIA CO P Dead animals; not stuffed; excepting bees; leeches and silkworms. Also UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
excepted are parasites and destructors of harmful insects exchanged among
recognized scientific institutions.

COLOMBIA CO P Documents that look like real and personal correspondence exchanged by UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
persons that are not the sender and the addressee (or persons living with them)
of the postal item.

Page 38 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

COLOMBIA CO P Explosive; radioactive; flammable or hazardous materials such as weapons; UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
ammunition; war materials of all kinds; fireworks; detonating fuses; rockets;
firecrackers; among others.
COLOMBIA CO P Live animals UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019

COLOMBIA CO P Narcotics and psychotropic substances; including but not limited to opium; UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
morphine;::cocaine and marijuana. This restriction does not apply to items for
medical::or scientific purposes to countries that admit them under such
COLOMBIA CO P Objets that; by their nature or packaging; may be prove hazardous for the UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019
health of postal employees and customers. Articles that may stain or
deteriorate other postal items; postal equipment and facilities and property
belonging to third parties.
COLOMBIA CO P Obscene or immoral articles UPU IB Circular 2018.55 18 March 2019

Platinum; gold or silver (raw or manufactured). Precious stones and precious art 1 January 2016
Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
COLOMBIA CO P Pornographic material and material offensive to moral and/or public dignity 1 January 2016
COMOROS KM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
CONGO CG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
CD OFPTHE Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
COSTA RICA CR P Animal fur 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Banknotes and coins 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Corrosive materials 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Explosives 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Firearms and parts thereof or ammunition 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Flammable liquids; compressed gas 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Fuels 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Ivory 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Jewelry; metals and precious stones 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Live animals; except for leeches; bees and butterfly cocoons. 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Narcotics (illegal drugs) 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Narcotics; psychoactive substances and other illicit substances are prohibited Circular 2018.17 18 March 2019

COSTA RICA CR P Other articles and materials prohibited in postal items; in accordance with the 1 January 2016
Acts of the Univeral Postal Union
COSTA RICA CR P Oxidizing; toxic and/or infectious substances 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions 5-preguntas-frecuentes-aduanas-
COSTA RICA CR P Pornographic material 1 January 2016
COSTA RICA CR P Radioactive materials 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Ammunitions 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI P Drugs 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Explosive materials 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Firearms 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Flour 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI P Human organs 24 June 2019
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Ivory 1 January 2016
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Medicine 12 June 2019
COTE D'IVOIRE CI P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 3 July 2019
COTE D'IVOIRE CI R Sugar 1 January 2016
CROATIA HR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
CUBA CU P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions ml
CUBA CU P update 20 October 2017
CUBA CU P Items containing coins, banknotes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
bearer, cheques. Article VIII/IX
CUBA CU P Precious metals and stones, jewels or other valuable articles, or any kind of UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
document, goods or object. Article VIII/IX
CUBA CU P Items subject to customs duty. UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article VIII/IX
CURACAO CW P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
CYPRUS CY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions toms.nsf/All/0D56470143C54886C22572B

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Albuminoidal substances: modified starches: glues: enzymes Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 350000 359999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible Item is under import quota. 150000 159999 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetables waxes
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Articles of iron and steel Item is under import quota. 730000 739999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Beverages; spirits and vinegar Item is under import quota. 220000 229999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines; missiles and similar munitions of war and 930600 930699 1 January 2016
parts thereof: cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts
thereof; including shot and cartridge wads
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Cereals Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 100000 109999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Cigarette lighters and other lighters; whether or not mechanical or electrical; Transport conditions of IATA. 961300 961399 1 January 2016
and parts tehreof other than flints and wicks
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R CITES (designated animal and plant species - categories A; B; C) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 31 May 2019
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Coffee; tea; mate and spices Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 090000 099999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Dairy produce; bird´s eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Veterinary goods are subject to a veterinary check. An official veterinary health 040000 049999 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included certificate needed.
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 080000 089999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 070000 079999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof: sound recorders and Item is under import quota. 850000 859999 1 January 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts
and accessories of such articles
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Essential oils and resinoids: perfumery; cosmetics or toilet preparations Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 330000 339999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloys: certain Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 360000 369999 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Fertilisers Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 310000 319999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Veterinary goods are subject to a veterinary check. An official veterinary health 030000 039999 1 January 2016
certificate needed.
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Imports of personal consignments of products of animal origin: Milk powder for Commission Regulation (ES) No 206/2009 of 5 March 2009 31 May 2019
infants; infant and special nutrition and special nutrition required for medical
reasons - up to a limit of 2kg. Consignments from Croatia; Greenland; Faroe
Islands and Iceland - allowed up to 10 kg. It does not apply to shipments from
Andorra; Liechtenstein; Norway; San Marino and Switzerland.

CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Imports of personal consignments of products of animal origin: Pet food Commission Regulation (ES) No 206/2009 of 5 March 2012 31 May 2019
required for medical reasons - up to a limit of 2 kg. Consignments from Croatia;
Greenland; Faroe Islands and Iceland - allowed up to 10 kg. It does not apply to
shipments from Andorra; Liechtenstein; Norway; San Marino and Switzerland.

CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 280000 289999 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Lac: gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 130000 139999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Live Animals Veterinary goods are subject to a veterinary check. An official veterinary health 010000 019999 1 January 2016
certificate needed.
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Live trees and other plants: bulbs; roots and the like: cut flowers and Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 060000 069999 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage 21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Meat and edible meat offal Veterinary goods are subject to a veterinary check. An official veterinary health 020000 029999 1 January 2016
certificate needed.
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Military weapons; other tham revolvers; pistols and the arms of heading You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930100 930199 1 January 2016
import (issued by the Czech Police).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation: bituminous Item is under import quota. 270000 279999 1 January 2016
substances: mineral waxes
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Miscellaneous chemical products Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 380000 389999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Natural or cultured pearls; prcesious or semiprecious stones; precious metals; Item is under import quota. 710000 719999 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof: imitation Jewellery: coin

CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits: miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit: industril Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 120000 129999 1 January 2016
and medicinal plants: straw and fodder 21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Organic chemicals Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 290000 299999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Other arms (for example spring; air or gas guns and pistols; truncheons); You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930400 930499 1 January 2016
excluding those of heading 93.07 import (issued by the Czech Police).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Other base metals: cermets: articles thereof Item is under import quota. 810000 819999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930300 930399 1 January 2016
charge (for example sporting shotguns and rifles; muzzle-loading firearms; very import (issued by the Czech Police).
pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares; pistols and
revolvers for firing blank ammunition; captive-bolt humane killers; linethrowing
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Parts and accessories of articles of headings 93.01 to 93.04 You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930500 930599 1 January 2016
import (issued by the Czech Police).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Pharmaceutical products Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 300000 309999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Plastics and articles thereof Item is under import quota. 390000 399999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions /Pages/default.aspx

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

CZECH REPUBLIC CZ P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Veterinary goods are subject to a veterinary check. An official veterinary health 050000 059999 1 January 2016
certificate needed.
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 110000 119999 1 January 2016
21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather CITES 410000 419999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Revolvers and pistols; other than those of heading 93.03 or 93.04 You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930200 930299 1 January 2016
import (issued by the Czech Police).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 340000 349999 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing and scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Swords; cutlasses; bayonets; lances and similar arms and parts thereof and You will have to produce an arms accompanying document from the country of 930700 930799 1 January 2016
scabbards and sheaths therefor import (issued by the Czech Police).
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Tanning or dyeing extracts: tannins and their derivates: dyes; pigments and Conditions of the Act No. 689/2007 Coll. 320000 329999 1 January 2016
other colouring matter: paints and varnishes: putty and other mastics: inks
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Textiles and textile articles Item is under import quota. 500000 639999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Conditions set out by articles 25 to 27 of the Council Regulation (EEC) 1186/2009 240000 249999 1 January 2016
CZECH REPUBLIC CZ R Vegetable plaiting materials: vegetable products not elsewhere specified or Phyto - Neccesary to arrange with the State Phytosanitary Administration; (sections 140000 149999 1 January 2016
included 21 to 27 of the Act No. 326/2004 Coll.; on phytosanitary care).
DENMARK DK R Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Alcohol and wines may be brought in only by firms which have obtained permits 1 January 2016
from the customs service. However; alcohol and wines may be imported in
small quantities for private persons without special permission. Importation in
letter-post items is permitted only if the items are accompanied by the customs
label CN 22.

DENMARK DK R Alkaloids. See Vegetable products; Opium entry above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P All live animals; except bees and leeches; parasites and destroyers of noxious 1 January 2016
insects. Live animals prohibited as imports are also prohibited in transit.

DENMARK DK R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes
DENMARK DK R Anti-parasite products for agricultural use 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted. See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted. See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Articles of iron and steel 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut)
DENMARK DK R Base metals and articles of base metal 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Beverages; spirits and vinegar 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R black currants; red currants; gooseberries; guavas; jambolans; kakis; mangos; 1 January 2016
passion fruits; pears; quinces; rose apples and stone fruits originating in
countries outside Europe.
DENMARK DK P Bone-meal; blood meal and powdered meat; as well as mixtures of foodstuffs 1 January 2016
containing these substances.
DENMARK DK R Carpets and other textile floor coverings. See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Casein; albumins; gelatin; peptones. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Cereals* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Children's picture; drawing or colouring books; Transfers (decalcomanias). 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Chlorides. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Clocks and watches and parts thereof 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Cocoa and cocoa preparations 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Coffee; tea; maté and spices* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Cotton. See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Earth and sepiolit 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
DENMARK DK P Explosives; pyrotechnics; matches; etc. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Fats. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Fertilisers 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Fertilisers 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Flours; meals and pellets of fish. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Food preparations. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Footwear; headgear; umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; See Live animals; animal products; General note above; for the following three 1 January 2016
whips; riding crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and articles made headings ##
therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair.
DENMARK DK R For ammonium chloride; a surveillance document from the Danish Agency for 1 January 2016
Trade and Industry may be required.
DENMARK DK R For animal and vegetable fats and oils; veterinary inspection or certificate of 1 January 2016
origin may be required.
DENMARK DK R For articles of this kind a product safety certificate from the National Consumer 1 January 2016
Agency of Denmark may be required.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

DENMARK DK R For articles of this kind; veterinary inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For cocoa preparations in packages with a net weight of more than 2 kg; 1 January 2016
veterinary inspection may be required.
DENMARK DK R For earth and sepiolit; plant inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For grape juice a certificate of origin may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For importation of clothes manufactured in certain countries an import licence 1 January 2016
from the Danish Agency for Trade and Industry may be required.
DENMARK DK R For paints; a product safety certificate from the National Consumer Agency of 1 January 2016
Denmark may be required.
DENMARK DK R For Peat plant inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For plasticine; a product safety certificate from the National Consumer Agency 1 January 2016
of Denmark may be required.
DENMARK DK R For products of this kind; plant inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For products of this kind; veterinary inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For products of this kind; veterinary inspection may be required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For soup and bouillon; ice for consumption; concentrated protein; treacle and 1 January 2016
syrup; veterinary inspection or certificate of origin may be required.
DENMARK DK R For the following categories of fresh fruit; a plant health certificate 1 January 2016
(phytosanitary certificate) is required: Oranges; kumquats and dwarf lemons
originating in countries outside the European Union; apples; bilberries;
cherimoyas; cowberries; cranberries;
DENMARK DK R For these products; a surveillance document from the Danish Agency for Trade 1 January 2016
and Industry may be required.
DENMARK DK R For these products; an import licence from the Ministry of Justice may be 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R For wood and articles of wood from the following trees; a plant health 1 January 2016
certificate (phytosanitary certificate) is required: Coniferous trees; plane tree
and sweet chestnut originating in countries outside the European Union or; for
some species; outside Europe; oak and sugar maple originating in North
America; poplar originating in America. Further information is available from
the Plant Directorate.
DENMARK DK R For wood and articles of wood from the following trees; a plant health 1 January 2016
certificate (phytosanitary certificate) is required: Coniferous trees; plane tree
and sweet chestnut originating in countries outside the European Union or; for
some species; outside Europe; oak and sugar maple originating in North
America; poplar originating in America. Further information is available from
the Plant Directorate.
DENMARK DK R Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Glands and other organs. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Grape juice. See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Honeycombs (natural and artificial). 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Importation of cigarettes; cigarette papers; cigars; whiffs and smoking tobacco 1 January 2016
in letter-post items is permitted only if the items are accompanied by the
customs label CN 22.
DENMARK DK R Importation of narcotics and psychotropic substances is not permitted without 1 January 2016
an import licence from the Danish Medicines Agency (e.g. opium; morphine;
cocaine and other narcotics subject to international control; also amphetamine;
DENMARK DK R Importation of potatoes is not admitted without an import licence from the 1 January 2016
Plant Directorate in each instance.
DENMARK DK R Importation of products of this kind is admitted only with a permit from the 1 January 2016
National Agency of Environmental Protection.
DENMARK DK R Importation of raw hides; including salted and dried hides; is admitted only with 1 January 2016
an import licence from the Veterinary and Food Administration.
DENMARK DK R Importation of the following products is prohibited: Fish-meal; herring-meal 1 January 2016
and other fishing products used as fodder or fertilizer; including dried fish; as
well as any mixture composed wholly or in part of these goods (except from fish
oils); crustaceans; shell-fish; echinoderms; etc; in dried state; whether ground
or not; as well as any mixture composed wholly or partly of these goods.
However; the Veterinary and Food Administration may permit the import of the
articles in question under certain conditions.
DENMARK DK R Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a See General note # above 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use.
DENMARK DK R In some cases plant inspection is required. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
DENMARK DK P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
DENMARK DK R Iron and steel 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Knitted or crocheted fabrics. See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Knives of any kind with a blade length of more than 12 cm UPU Circular 2021.74 31 August 2021
DENMARK DK R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts* 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK P Leaf-mould; compost and animal fertilizer. 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK P Lighters in which the heat required for lighting is produced by means of a 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Live animals See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Live animals; animal products 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

DENMARK DK P Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage
DENMARK DK R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage*
DENMARK DK R Man-made filaments. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Man-made staple fibres. . See General note # above. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Maté is admitted only with a product safety certificate from the National 1 January 2016
Consumer Agency of Denmark.
DENMARK DK R Maté. * 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Meat and edible meat offal See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Meat products from monkeys of all species. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Medicaments. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R mescalin; methamphetamine; methyl phenidade; phenimetralin and products 1 January 2016
containing such substances).
DENMARK DK R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes
DENMARK DK R Mineral or Chemical Fertilisers. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Mineral products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Miscellaneous chemical products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Miscellaneous edible preparations 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Modelling pastes 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin

DENMARK DK R Nuts. 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder*
DENMARK DK R Opium. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical
instruments; parts and accessories thereof
DENMARK DK R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof
DENMARK DK R Organic chemicals 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Other made-up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; See General note # above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Paints 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Peat. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Pharmaceutical products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Pharmaceutical products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Photographic developers. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Photographic or cinematographic products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Plants and parts thereof (including seeds and fruits) for the manufacture of 1 January 2016
perfumes; pharmaceutical products; insecticides; fungicides or the like are
admitted only with a product safety certificate from the National Consumer
Agency of Denmark.
DENMARK DK R Plants. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Plants; parts of plants; flower bulbs and tubers are admitted for import 1 January 2016
provided that they have been submitted to inspection on the land in which they
are growing; and that they are accompanied by a plant health certificate
(phytosanitary certificate) stating that inspection of the consignment being
exported has also been carried out.
DENMARK DK P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
DENMARK DK P Poisonous fish and products of the following species: Tetraodontidae; Molidae; 1 January 2016
Diodontidae and Canthigasteridae.
DENMARK DK R Potatoes* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic See Live animals; animal products; General note; Meat and edible meat offal; and 1 January 2016
invertebrates. Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates entries above

DENMARK DK R Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Preparations used in animal feeding. See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair.
DENMARK DK P Prepared foodstuffs; beverages; spirits and vinegar; tobacco and manufactured 1 January 2016
tobacco substitutes
DENMARK DK R Prepared foodstuffs; beverages; spirits and vinegar; tobacco and manufactured 1 January 2016
tobacco substitutes
DENMARK DK R Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts; typescripts and plans
DENMARK DK P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016

Page 43 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

DENMARK DK P Products of the chemical or allied industries 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK R Products of the chemical or allied industries 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material; waste and scrap of paper or 1 January 2016
paperboard; paper and paperboard and articles thereof

DENMARK DK P Radioactive materials. 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK R Raw hides 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Raw hides and skins; leather; furskins and articles thereof; saddlery and See Live animals; animal products; General note above for all products in this 1 January 2016
harness; travel goods; handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut section #
(other than silk-worm gut).
DENMARK DK R Regardless of this prohibition; the importation of PCB/PCT/Substitute 1 January 2016
substances for research and test purposes is allowed.
DENMARK DK R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Ships; boats and floating structures 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Silk. See General note # above. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
DENMARK DK R Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; See General note # above. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Spirituous beverages. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Stuffed pasta; Couscous. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Sweet biscuits. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Synthetic organic dyes fluorescent bleaching agents 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes; pigments and 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks

DENMARK DK R Textiles and textile articles General note # 1 January 2016

DENMARK DK R The importation of medicines and medicaments for commercial purpose is 1 January 2016
subject to permission having been given to the import firm by the Danish
Medicines Agency. It is not allowed to import medicines and medicaments for
private individuals’ personal use as mail items from non-EU/EEA countries;
unless an exemption has been granted by the Danish Medicines Agency.

DENMARK DK R The sale and importation of PCB/PCT/Substitute substances are prohibited. PCB 1 January 2016
is polychlorinated biphenyl and preparations containing more than 0.005 PCB in
percentage by weight. PCT is polychlorinated terphenyland preparations
DENMARK DK R containing more than 0.005 PCT in percentage by weight. Substitute substances
Tobacco 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 1 January 2016
parts thereof.
DENMARK DK R Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Vegetable products see Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Vegetable products.* 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Vehicles; aircraft; vessels and associated transport equipment 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Vehicles; other than railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and accessories 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables See General note # above 1 January 2016
and articles thereof.
DENMARK DK P Waters. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Waxes. See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK P Weapons and parts thereof. Ammunition and materials for the manufacture of 31 August 2021
ammunition. Applicable to all weapons; including but not limited to:firearms;
gun barrels; gun breeches; air rifles; airsoft guns; bladed weapons with a:blade
length of more than 12 cm; switchblade knives; push daggers; thrusting
and:stabbing weapons; as well as knuckledusters; truncheons; clubs and other
DENMARK DK P Wines. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal See Live animals; animal products; General note above 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; 1 January 2016
manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware
and wickerwork.
DENMARK DK R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric. 1 January 2016
DENMARK DK R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques 1 January 2016
DJIBOUTI DJ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions 06-15-13-52-18/textes-legislatifs-et-

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

DOMINICA DM P Aerosols or lithium batteries UPU IB Circular 18 March 2019

DOMINICA DM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions 2/mercancias-prohibidas-y-restringidas/

ECUADOR EC P Alcoholic beverages 220300 220999 27 May 2020

ECUADOR EC P Animals 010100 010699 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Antiques (fragile or brittle) 970600 970699 9706 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Asbestos 252400 252499 2524 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Cellular and Mobile Phones 851712 851712 851712 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Clothing Footwear and used textiles (more than 4 KG and 400 USD) 500100 650799 630900 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Clothing; Shoes and Textiles - Second Import in the year or FOB over 500 USD IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 500100 650700 630900 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Coins; Currency 490700 490700 490700; 7118 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Confectionary(Sanitary Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 170400 180699 1704; 1806 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Cosmetics (Sanitary Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 330400 330499 3304 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Creams and products for the skin (Health Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 330499 330499 330499 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Dangerous goods 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Decoders 852550 852560 852550; 852560 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Firearms; edged weapons and compressed air weapons (except for paintball) 930100 930799 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Food for human and animal consumption (Sanitary Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION TO 040100 230399 0402; 0403; 2008; 2106; 2007; 0401; 27 May 2020
CUSTOMS DECLARATION) 2303; 2105; 2005; 2104; 2202; 2004;
2103; 2003; 2102; 2002; 2101; 0409;
0406; 2309; 0404; 2308; 0405; 2001;
1602; 1701; 1601; 1522; 1520; 0410;
1101; 3004; 1806; 1905; 1904; 1804;
1903; 1704; 1605; 1902; 1901; 1604;
1703; 1702
ECUADOR EC P Fur 430100 430499 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Hair products (Sanitary Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 330500 330599 3305 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Hazardous or combustible material (according to IATA regulations) 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Human remains; including ashes 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Ivory 050710 050710 50710 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Jewelry; metals or precious stones 710200 711799 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Medicine (Health Record or Prescription / Medical history) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 300300 300499 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Narcotic products (illegal) 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Perfumes (Health Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 330300 330300 330300 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Pornography 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Raw Metal 720100 811399 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC P Used or remanufactured vehicle parts 870100 871699 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Vitamin Supplements (Health Registry) IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 210690 210690 210690 27 May 2020
ECUADOR EC R Weapons [Pocket knives; knives; air pistols] (Permission from the Joint IMPORT NOT ALLOWED (REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO CUSTOMS 930100 930799 27 May 2020
Command of the Armed Forces) DECLARATION)
EGYPT EG P Asbestos in all its forms 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Assay & weights are subject to the Administration of Assay & Weights; but electricity meters are 1 January 2016
subject to Ministry of Electricity and Energy
EGYPT EG P Brake Linings made of asbestos 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Cars 1 January 2016

EGYPT EG P Chickens offals 1 January 2016

EGYPT EG R Communications devices ( Mobile - Ipad -…..etc) 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Dangerous petroleum substances and wastes which is traded under license as 1 January 2016
(Chlorine; chromic acid; Alacelin oxide; lead carbonate; lead nitrate; Mercury
EGYPT EG R Devices regulate the body energy 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Glasses and Watches 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG P Honey 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG P Indescent materials 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Lamps with relative capabilities 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Monuments 1 January 2016

Page 45 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

EGYPT EG P Narcotic substances such as drugs and cocaine ... etc. 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Ornamental Fish 1 January 2016

EGYPT EG R Parts; equipment and aerosol products except products used in medicine 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG N Personal clothes 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG N Personal used devices;…………..etc 1 January 2016

EGYPT EG P Pesticides and chemicals like DDT 1 January 2016

EGYPT EG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Reptiles 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG P Sixth chloride gasoline 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Vechiles parts and spare parts except bodies parts 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Waste resulting from the contamination of industrial pollution control 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG R Wastes that contain organic or inorganic substances such as waste acidic 1 January 2016
EGYPT EG P Alarm clocks with a camera 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Cash money (banknotes and coins) 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Cheques (including travellers’ cheques) 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Electronic cigarettes and their liquids 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Honey or Live honey bees 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Liquids conveyed by air 21 September 2021

EGYPT EG P Lithium batteries conveyed by air 21 September 2021

EGYPT EG P Obscene or immoral articles 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Pens with a camera 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Prohibited or illicit drugs as defined by the International Narcotics Control 21 September 2021
Board (INCB) including narcotics; cannabis/marijuana; and psychoactive
EGYPT EG P Vehicles parts and spare parts except bodies parts 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Watches with a camera 21 September 2021
EGYPT EG P Money in cash; banknotes; coins and other valuable articles are totally 21 December 2021
prohibited to be inserted in registered or insured items
EGYPT EG P Electronic Payment Cards 7 June 2022
EGYPT EG P Military clothes and military equipment. 9 August 2022
EL SALVADOR SV N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions l/PMH/Temas/Operaciones_Aduaneras/C
ESTONIA EE R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible Particular products are subject to veterinary control 150100 150600 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetable waxes
ESTONIA EE R Arms and ammunition: parts and accessories thereof import of munition is prohibited 9306: Arms allowed with special permit from the 930100 930700 1 January 2016
Estonian Police and Border Guard Board or with special permit of strategic goods
ESTONIA EE R Cereals Allowed only certified seeds from particular countries 100100 100800 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Part of products are subject to veterinary control 090100 091000 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE R Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin; not Dairy products and eggs are prohibited. Allowed up to 2 kg; from the Faroe Islands; 040100 041000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included Greenland and Iceland allowed up to 10 kg (except perishable foodstuffs)

ESTONIA EE R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Permitted if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate and by passing plant 070100 071400 1 January 2016
quarantine control. Without phytosanitary certificate allowed up to 3 kg of citrus
fruits; up to 5 kg of fruit and vegetables.
ESTONIA EE P Explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloys: certain Prohibited 3601 propellent owders: prepared expolsives 3602: pyrotechnic articles 360100 360600 1 January 2016
combustible preparations 3604
ESTONIA EE R Fertilisers Compulsory registration in the register of fertilisers and document on the content 310100 310500 1 January 2016
of fertiliser. Without registration is allowed up to 50 kg or 10 l; microfertilizer up to
0;5 kg or 0;5 l and bacterial fertilizer up tp 0;05 kg
ESTONIA EE R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Allowed up to 20 kg; from the Faroe Islands and Iceland allowed in reasonable 030100 030800 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE R Furskins The specimens of endangered species may be imported only when accompanied by 430100 430200 1 January 2016
appropriate CITES permit
ESTONIA EE P Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- Prohibited radioactive elements 2844 280100 285300 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
ESTONIA EE R Live animals From non-EU countries may be imported only bees; silkworms and bloodsuckers. 010100 010600 1 January 2016
On the arrival from non-EU countries should veterinary control be prior made in the
BIP of other member state.
ESTONIA EE R Live trees and other plants: bulbs; roots and the like: cut flowers and Permitted if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate and by passing plant 060100 060400 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage quarantine control. Without phytosanitary certificate allowed up to 5 plant (incl.
Trees and bushes); 20 cut flowers or sprays; 5 house plants; up to 2 kg of flower
ESTONIA EE R Meat and edible meat offal Perishable foodstuffs are prohibited; also private person consignments (except 020100 021000 1 January 2016
meat and milk products from the Faroe Islands; Iceland and Greenland. As Post is
not recognised checkpoint veterinary control in case of commercial quantity be
made in the BIP of some other memer state; compulsory is CVED document.

Page 46 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ESTONIA EE R Narcotics Allowed with special permit of the State Agency of Medicines 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE R Narcotics and psychotropic medicaments Allowed with special permit of the State Agency of Medicines. Prohibited blood and 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
blood fractions. Narcotics and psychotropic medicaments 84161;284330;284390;290230;290551;29
ESTONIA EE N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions client/travelling-moving-
ESTONIA EE R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic Perishable foodstuffs are prohibited; also private person consignments (except 160100 160500 1 January 2016
invertebrates (TN084) meat and milk products from the Faroe Islands; Iceland and Greenland. As Post is
not recognised checkpoint veterinary control in case of commercial quantity be
made in the BIP of some other memer state; compulsory is CVED document.
ESTONIA EE R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Products of animal origin are prohibited; except up to 2 kg; from the Faroe Islands; 050100 051100 1 January 2016
Greenland and Iceland allowed up to 10 kg (except perishable foodstuffs). Species
under protection of CITES are allowed only with CITES permissions.

ESTONIA EE R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten (TN084) Particular products are subject to veterinary control 110100 110900 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE P Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather import of raw skins is prohibited 410100 410300 1 January 2016
ESTONIA EE R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques Export permit is needed for exportation of cultural goods 970100 970600 1 January 2016
ETHIOPIA ET P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
FIJI FJ P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
FINLAND FI P Acetic acid. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Alcohol National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health 24 May 2018
FINLAND FI P Asbestos 24 May 2018
FINLAND FI R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques; securities Only as insured postal items 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Blood; human. Blood; animal. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Calcium carbide. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Chemicals Finnish Safety and Chemicals agency 24 May 2018
FINLAND FI R Coins; money in general Only as insured postal items 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Cotton; burnt fibre. Cotton; wet 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Counterfeit and pirated products 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Diethyl ether. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Encephalitis viruses. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Ethyl alcohol 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Firearms; ammunition; gas pistols and devices intended for firing gas cartridges 1 January 2016
or items that are confusingly similar. These items include replicas of guns and
explosives; dummy rounds for practice; firearms that have been made
inoperable; air guns and airsoft weapons which are replicas of firearms.

FINLAND FI P Fish meal 1 January 2016

FINLAND FI P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI R Intoxicating beverages Customs declaration mandatory 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI R Live or dead animals Bees; leeches and silk-worms can be sent. In addition; flies of the family 010000 019999 1 January 2016
Drosophilidae for biomedical research can be exchanged in international letters
between officially recognized institutions.
FINLAND FI P Live plants 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Meat and edible meat offal 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI P Medicines. Tinctures; medicinal. Finnish Medicine Agency 24 May 2018
FINLAND FI P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
FINLAND FI R Narcotics; e.g. LSD; morphine; cocaine; cannabis products; opium For medical or for scientific purposes only 1 January 2016

FINLAND FI P Perishable food items Finnish Food Safety 24 May 2018
FINLAND FI P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

FINLAND FI R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals (wrought or Only as insured postal items 1 January 2016
unwrought) and other valuables
FINLAND FI P Raw Hides; pelts; skins etc with offensive odours 1 January 2016
FINLAND FI R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Customs declaration mandatory 24 May 2018
FRANCE FR P Banknotes 1 January 2016
FRANCE FR P Coins that are current and legal tender in France 1 January 2016
FRANCE FR N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
FRANCE FR P Active yeasts 210210 210210 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Agar-agar 130231 130231 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Air conditioning machines; comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for 841500 841599 1 November 2021
changing the temperature and humidity; including those machines in which the
humidity cannot be separately regulated.
FRANCE FR P Aircraft; spacecraft; and parts thereof 880000 880521 880000; 880100; 880200; 880300; 1 November 2021
880400; 880521
FRANCE FR P Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 350000 359999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Aluminium and articles thereof 760000 761699 760000; 760200; 761400; 761699 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 930000 939999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Articles of iron or steel 730000 732399 731210; 731290; 732391; 732392; 1 November 2021
732393; 732394; 732399
FRANCE FR P Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials. 680400 680400 680400; 680500; 680600; 680610; 1 November 2021
680690; 680900; 680911; 680919
FRANCE FR P Automatic goods-vending machines (for example; postage stamp; cigarette; 847621 847690 847621; 847681; 847690 1 November 2021
food or beverage machines); including money-changing machines
FRANCE FR P Banknotes 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus 853110 853110 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Cereals 100000 109999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Cigars; cheroots; cigarillos and cigarettes; of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes. 240200 240200 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Coins that are current and legal tender in France 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Copper and articles thereof 740000 741300 740400; 740500; 740610; 740620; 1 November 2021
740811; 740819; 740821; 740822;
740829; 741300
FRANCE FR P Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not 40000 49999 1 November 2021
elsewhere specified or included.
FRANCE FR P Dry-cleaning machines 845110 845110 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons. 80000 89999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons. 80000 89999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers. 70000 79999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 360000 369999 1 November 2021
combustible preparations
FRANCE FR P Extracts; essences and concentrates of tea or maté; and preparations with a 210120 210120 1 November 2021
basis of these extracts; essences or concentrates or with a basis of tea or maté

FRANCE FR P Fertilisers 310000 310590 310000; 310100; 310200; 310420; 1 November 2021
310510; 310590
FRANCE FR P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 30000 39999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included. 210600 210600 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Fruit; nuts and other edible parts of plants; otherwise prepared or preserved; 200800 200800 1 November 2021
whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit;
not elsewhere specified or included.
FRANCE FR P Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof. 430000 430390 430100; 430219; 430220; 430230; 1 November 2021
430310; 430390
FRANCE FR P Ginger; saffron; turmeric (curcuma); thyme; bay leaves; curry and other spices 91099 91099 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Glass fibres (including glass wool) and articles thereof (for example; yarn; 701911 701990 1 November 2021
woven fabrics)
FRANCE FR P Grape juice (including grape must) 200961 200961 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Grape juice (including grape must) 200969 200969 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Ice cream and other edible ice; whether or not containing cocoa 210500 210500 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms; dead 210220 210220 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 280000 280000 1 November 2021
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
FRANCE FR P Iron and steel 720000 722990 720400; 721790; 722300; 722990 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Lac; naral gums; resins; gum-resins and oleoresins (for example; balsams) 130190 130190 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Lead and articles thereof 780000 789999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Lightning arresters; voltage limiters and surge suppressors 853540 853540 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Live animals 10000 19999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Machinery for liquefying air or other gases 841960 841960 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Meat and edible meat offal 20000 29999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous 270000 279999 1 November 2021
substances; mineral waxes
FRANCE FR P Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; 710110 711600 710110; 710121; 710300; 710700; 1 November 2021
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin. 710900; 711100; 711300; 711400; 711600

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

FRANCE FR P Nickel and articles thereof 750000 750890 750000; 750300; 750521; 750522; 750890 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial 120000 129999 1 November 2021
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder.
FRANCE FR P Opium 130211 130211 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; 901320 903190 901320; 901410; 901480; 901490; 1 November 2021
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof. 901510; 901890; 902610; 902720;
902750; 902780; 902910; 902920;
903010; 903020; 903039; 903040;
903089; 903110; 903120; 903190
FRANCE FR P Ores; slag and ash 260000 269999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Organic chemicals 290000 294200 290300; 290420; 290499; 290551; 1 November 2021
290559; 290891; 290892; 290899;
290919; 290930; 291040; 291050;
291090; 291431; 291471; 291479;
291529; 291734; 291811; 291812;
291814; 291815; 291816; 291817;
291818; 291819; 291990; 292090;
292129; 292142; 292143; 292144;
292146; 292149; 292151; 292159;
292200; 292400; 292500; 293600;
293900; 294120; 294190; 294200
FRANCE FR P Other base metals; cermets; and articles thereof 810000 811300 810000; 810100; 810200; 810300; 1 November 2021
810600; 810700; 810800; 811000;
811200; 811300
FRANCE FR P Other machinery 847780 847780 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; 240300 240300 1 November 2021
“homogenised” or “reconstituted” tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences
FRANCE FR P Other mucilages and thickeners; whether or not modified; derived from 130239 130239 1 November 2021
vegetable products
FRANCE FR P Other paints and varnishes (including enamels; lacquers and distempers); 321000 321000 1 November 2021
prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather
FRANCE FR P Other plates; sheets; film; foil and strip; of plastic 392111 392119 392111; 392112; 392113; 392114; 392119 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by using vinegar or 200400 200400 1 November 2021
acetic acid; frozen.
FRANCE FR P Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by using vinegar or 200500 200500 1 November 2021
acetic acid; frozen.
FRANCE FR P Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic 320800 320890 1 November 2021
polymers or chemically modified natural polymers; dispersed or dissolved in a
non-aqueous medium; solutions as defined in Note 4 to this Chapter
FRANCE FR P Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic 320900 320990 1 November 2021
polymers or chemically modified natural polymers; dispersed or dissolved in an
aqueous medium.
FRANCE FR P Pectic substances; pectinates and pectates 130220 130220 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Perfumes and toilet waters 330300 330300 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Pharmaceutical products 300000 309999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Pigments (including metallic powders and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous 321290 321290 1 November 2021
media; in liquid or paste form; of a kind used in the manufacture of paints
(including enamels); stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter put up in
FRANCE FR N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 0 999999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Precious metals 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastry cooks' products 190000 199999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic 160000 169999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Preparations with a basis of extracts; essences or concentrates or with a basis 210112 210112 1 November 2021
of coffee
FRANCE FR P Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and 382499 382499 1 November 2021
preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of
mixtures of natural products); not elsewhere specified or included
FRANCE FR P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included. 50000 59999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten. 110000 119999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or 860000 860700 860000; 860100; 860200; 860300; 1 November 2021
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including 860400; 860500; 860600; 860700
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds
FRANCE FR P Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather 410000 419999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Refrigerators; freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment; electric or 841800 841899 1 November 2021
other; heat pumps other than air-conditioning machines of heading 84.15.
FRANCE FR P Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder. 230000 230000 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement. 250000 253000 250100; 250200; 250300; 250400; 1 November 2021
250500; 250600; 250700; 250800;
250900; 251000; 251100; 251200;
251300; 251400; 251500; 251600;
251700; 251800; 251900; 252010;
252100; 252400; 252500; 252600;
252800; 252900; 253000

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

FRANCE FR P Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; 210390 210390 1 November 2021
mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard
FRANCE FR P Ships; boats and floating structures 890000 890610 890000; 890100; 890200; 890391; 1 November 2021
890392; 890400; 890500; 890610
FRANCE FR P Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food 210400 210400 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Tin and articles thereof 800000 800700 800000; 800200; 800300; 800700 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Vanilla neither crushed nor ground 90500 90500 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included 140490 140490 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Vegetables; fruit; nuts and other edible parts of plants; prepared or preserved 200100 200100 1 November 2021
by vinegar or acetic acid
FRANCE FR P Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock and parts and accessories 870100 871600 870100; 870200; 870300; 870400; 1 November 2021
thereof. 870500; 870800; 870900; 871600
FRANCE FR P Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal); whether or not agglomerated 440210 440210 1 November 2021
of bamboo
FRANCE FR P Worked ivory and articles of ivory 960100 960100 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques 970000 979999 1 November 2021
FRANCE FR P Zinc and articles thereof 790000 790700 790000; 790200; 790300; 790400; 790700 1 November 2021

FRANCE FR P Precious metals 1 January 2016

FRANCE FR P Items containing goods in cases where these items do not comply with its national Article 19.3 UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
regulations, or international regulations, or technical and packing instructions for air Article VIII
FRENCH POLYNESIA PF P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and http://www.polynesie- 000000 999999 19 May 2020
GABON GA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions voyageur
GEORGIA GE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
GERMANY DE R Aircraft parts Import License 880000 880599 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Alcoholic beverages; beer Additional documentation necessary for importaion of beer 220300 220600 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Animal or vegetable fats and oils Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Ministry of Health 150000 159999 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Antibiotics Antibiotics may only be imported by pharmaceutical companies or pharmacies or Pharmaceutical 294100 294299 31 May 2019
others with license Surveillance Authority
GERMANY DE R Apparel and clothing accessories Commission Regulation 610100 650799 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Articles made of base metals ( dual use goods and goods for torture ) Anti torture measures and surveillance of dual use goods Council Regulation 732600 811299 1 January 2016
Regulation EC No
GERMANY DE R Articles made of tropical woods Importcontrol - CITES Ministery of 441900 442199 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Articles of leather Importcontrol - CITES:::: Commission Regulation 420000 420599 31 May 2019
338/97::Ministery of

GERMANY DE R Baby carriages Commission Directive 871500 871599 1 January 2016

GERMANY DE P Batteries of any kind. Deutsche Post will continue to prohibit lithium batteries This applies to all categories of items and to both outbound and inbound UPU Circular 2019.047 850600 850799 26 May 2020
and cells in mail shipments. international mail; including open and closed transit mail. It does not apply to
airline transfer/transhipments.
GERMANY DE P Blood; human. Blood; animal. 300210 300299 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Childcare articles presentation of certificate - phtalate controls Commission Directive 401490 401490 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE P Coins 711800 711899 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Computer and Computerparts EU certificate of conformity.::CE marking informations. Commission Regulation 847100 847399 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Edible Vegetables; fruits; nuts; cereals; coffee; malt There may be plant protection requirements such as phytosanitary certificates or Department of Food 070000 129999 31 May 2019
import permits for specific commodities imported from certain countries. Control
GERMANY DE R Electronic Cigarettes 854370 854370 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Electronical articals and machines EU certificate of conformity ::CE marking informations Commission Regulation 850000 859999 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE P Ethyl alcohol 220700 220899 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Commission Decision 030000 039999 31 May 2019 2007/275/EC and
Council Directive
97/78/EC::Ministry of
GERMANY DE R Fodder Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Ministry of Health 230900 239999 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Food supplements such as pills; capsules; tablets and powder Most food supplements are considered as medicaments by domestic law. An Directive 210600 210690 31 May 2019
Approval and Certificate is necessary for food supplements and dietary products 2002/46/EC::Departme
nt of Food Control

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GERMANY DE R Furskins Importcontrol - CITES and prohibition for cat and dog furs Commission Regulation 430200 430399 31 May 2019
of Environment

GERMANY DE R Glands and other organs for therapeutic uses May only be imported by companies with license Pharmaceutical 300000 300210 31 May 2019
Surveillance Authority
GERMANY DE P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 280429 280429 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE P Ivory and products made of ivory 960100 960199 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts and other vegetable Washington Convention Controls 130000 149999 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Lamps of any kind Low voltage directive - certificate of conformity Directive 940500 940599 31 May 2019
marking informations
GERMANY DE R Leather not from equine animals Importcontrol - CITES Commission Regulation 410710 410799 31 May 2019
338/97::Ministery of

GERMANY DE R Meat and edible meat offal Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate Commission Decision 020000 029999 31 May 2019
2007/275/EC and
Council Directive
97/78/EC::List of
regional Vet.Control
GERMANY DE R Medical Instruments and parts EU certificate of conformity Commission Regulation 901800 902299 31 May 2019
No. 93/42::CE marking

GERMANY DE R Milk; Cheese; Butter; Birds eggs; Natural honey Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate Commission Decision 040000 049999 31 May 2019
2007/275/EC and
Council Directive
97/78/EC::List of
regional Vet.Control
GERMANY DE P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382499 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
GERMANY DE R Optical Instruments; Laser and parts EU certificate of conformity Commission Regulation 900600 901799 31 May 2019
765/2008::CE marking

GERMANY DE R Other products of animal origin Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Commission Decision 050000 059999 31 May 2019 2007/275/EC and
Council Directive
97/78/EC::Ministry of
GERMANY DE R Pharmaceuticals; Medicines May only be imported by companies with license Pharmaceutical 300300 300499 31 May 2019
Surveillance Authority
GERMANY DE N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions individuals/Postal_consignments_internet
GERMANY DE R Precious stones; jewels; gold; silver; platinum; others 710100 711699 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE P Preparations for fire extinguishers 381300 381399 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Preparations of meat or fish Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Ministry of Health 160000 169999 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Prepared foodstuff Antidumpingmeasures for certain origin countries are possible 180000 209999 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Prints with propaganda; racism; porographic; violence. 490100 491199 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Provitamins; vitamins and hormones; alcaloids; glycosides Provitamins; vitamins and hormones may only be imported by pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical 293600 293999 31 May 2019
companies or pharmacies or others with license Surveillance Authority
GERMANY DE R Raw Furskins Importcontrol - CITES Commission Regulation 430100 430199 31 May 2019
338/97::Ministery of

GERMANY DE R Shoes made of leather from endangered species ( i.e.croco ) Importcontrol - CITES Commission Regulation 640000 640599 31 May 2019
338/97::Ministery of

GERMANY DE R Sugars and sugar confectionery Import Control Certificate necessary Council Regulation 170000 179999 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Tableware; kitchenware made of plastic presentation of certificate - polyamide controls Commission Regulation 392410 392410 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. Raw tobacco may only be imported with license; Cigarettes and Cigar packaging 240000 249999 1 January 2016
must be duly stamped with fiscal stamps
GERMANY DE R Toys Directive 2005/84/EC 950100 950399 1 January 2016
GERMANY DE P Uranium ores and Thorium ores 261200 261299 1 January 2016

Page 51 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GERMANY DE R Vegetable products; plants; flowers and seeds There may be plant protection requirements such as phytosanitary certificates or UPU IB Circular 060000 069999 15 September 2020
import permits for specific commodities imported from certain countries. 2020.108;::Ministry of
::::International postal items containing phytosanitary goods (plants or seeds) Agriculture;::European
which::originate from outside the EU and are addressed to Germany must be Union (EU)::regulations
accompanied::by a health certificate. Plants lacking such a certificate are no longer (2017/625 and
permitted for::importation into Germany or the other EU countries. Furthermore; 2016/2031) relating to
every type of seed::needs a phytosanitary certificate for import issued by the the importation of
country of origin:: plants and seeds

GERMANY DE R Waste from food industry; e.g. fish meal Veterinary Control; Common Veterinary Entry Document; Animal Health Certificate https://www.bundesgesundheitsministeri Ministry of Health 230100 230899 31 May 2019
GERMANY DE R Watch straps made of leather from endangered species Importcontrol - CITES Commission Regulation 911390 911399 31 May 2019
338/97::Ministery of

GERMANY DE P Weapons; Guns; Revolvers; bombs; grenades; cartridges; ammunition; swords; 930000 939999 1 January 2016
bayonets and parts and accessories
GHANA GH P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Insured parcels containing coins and currency notes in circulation Article IX
GHANA GH R All communication equipment National Communication Authority 851700 853100 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Arms and ammunition Permit Ministry of Interior 930100 930700 1 January 2016
GHANA GH P Bombs; grenades 9306 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Cinematography films 3706 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Condensed or evaporated milk containing less than 8% by weight of milk fat 402 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Dried or milk powder containing less than 26% by weight of milk fat 040210 040299 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Drugs Ministry of Health Certificate 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
GHANA GH P Explosives 360100 360200 0911;291411;291412;291431;291524;291 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Gambling machines Ministry of Agriculture 950430; 950490 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Gold coins current in the United Kingdom Licence from Ministry of Finance 7112; 7111; 7108 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Handcuffs Licence from Ministry of Interior 732690 1 January 2016
GHANA GH P Liquids and oils 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Live plants and animals Ministry of Agriculture 010100 010600 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Machines for duplicating keys Licence from Ministry of Finance 846190 1 January 2016
GHANA GH R Mercury Ministry of Trade; Inspector of mines 280540 1 January 2016
GHANA GH P Narcotics. Any postal items containing narcotics; psychotropic substances or Prohibited items discovered in postal items will be treated as wrongly admitted as UPU Circular 2019.208 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 26 May 2020
any other substances referred to in article 19 of the UPU Convention are outlined in article 19 of the UPU Convention; and will be dealt with according to 84161;284330;284390;290230;290551;29
prohibited in Ghana. national regulations. 0911;291411;291412;291431;291524;291
GHANA GH R Nets and traps for animals Ministry of Agriculture 732391; 732392; 732393; 732399; 1 January 2016
380899; 5608
GHANA GH P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
GHANA GH R Rough or uncut diamonds Licence from Ministry of Finance 7102 1 January 2016
GHANA GH P The insertion of currency in uninsured or insured postal items is prohibited Any such prohibited items discovered in postal items will be considered “wrongly UPU Circular 2019.62 27 May 2020
under the national laws of Ghana admitted” and treated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention
GIBRALTAR GI P Aerosols 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Alcoholic Berages (above 24% ABV) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Alcoholic Beverages (below 24% or less) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Ammunition 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Animal furs and skins 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Asbestos 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Balloons filled with non-flammable gas 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Batteries - Lithium metal/alloy batteries contained in equipment (eg 1 January 2016
rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices)
GIBRALTAR GI R Batteries - new alkaline metail; nickel metal hurdride (NiMH); nickel cadmium 1 January 2016
(NiCd) and zinc-air (including D;C;9V;AA;AAA and AAA alkaline metal batteries)

GIBRALTAR GI P Batteries - new and use lithium ion and lithium polymer 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Batteries - new and used lithium metail and lithium alloy 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Batteries - new wet; non-spillable (eg sealed lead acide batteries; absorbed 1 January 2016
glass mat and gel cell batteries)
GIBRALTAR GI P Batteries classified as dangerous goods and certain used batteries - refer to 1 January 2016
Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO)
GIBRALTAR GI P Biological substances (including blood and urine. Category B (UN3373) as 1 January 2016
classified in the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO)
GIBRALTAR GI R Christmas Crackers 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Clinical and medical waste (including contaminated dressings; bandages and 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Commercial Plant Imports 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Controlled drugs and narcotics (including cannabis; cocaine; heroin; LSD; opium 1 January 2016
and amyl nitrate)

Page 52 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GIBRALTAR GI R Copins; plantinum; gold or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewels 1 January 2016
and other valuable articles
GIBRALTAR GI P Corrosives (including dyes; acids; corrosive pain and rust removers; caustic 1 January 2016
soda; mercury and gallium metail)
GIBRALTAR GI P Counterfeit currency; bank notes and stamps (including any false instrument or 1 January 2016
copy of a false instrument within the meaning of section 5 of the Forgery and
Counterfeiting Act 1981)
GIBRALTAR GI R Cultural Goods 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Dry Ice (eg UN1845 when used as a coolant for UN3373 or for other perishable 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Electronic items containin any batteries exceeding 100Wh 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Electronic items sent with lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Electronic items sent with lithium metal and lithium alloy batteries 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Electronic items sent with new alkaline metal; nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or 1 January 2016
nickel cadmim (NiCd) batteries
GIBRALTAR GI R Endangered species - dead (eg stuffed) - this includes parts or derivatives of 1 January 2016
these specifies such as blood; vory; caviar; bones; teetch; furs; timber; plumage
and leather goods.
GIBRALTAR GI P Environmental waste (9including used batteries and used engine oil) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Explosives (including fireworks; flares; blasting caps; Christmas cracker snaps 1 January 2016
and party poppers)
GIBRALTAR GI R Feed and Food imports - including oil seeds 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Flammable liquids (including petroleum; lighter fluid; certaina dhseives; solvent- 1 January 2016
based paints; wood varnish; enamels; acetone and all nail varnish removers:
also see Alcoholic beverages; Perfumes and aftershaves and Nail varnish)

GIBRALTAR GI P Flammable solids (including magnesium; potassium; sodium; zinc powder and 1 January 2016
fire lighters)
GIBRALTAR GI P Frozen water (including packs of ice) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Gases (including flammable; non-flammable; toxi and compressed gases; new 1 January 2016
and used gas cylinders; butane; ethan; propane; refills for lighters; fire
extinguishers and scua tanks: also see Aerosols and Lighters)
GIBRALTAR GI P Goods made in foreign prisons (except those imported for a non-commercial 1 January 2016
purpose; of a kind not manufactures in the IK; or those in transit)
GIBRALTAR GI R Guns for sporting use (Guns intended for sporting purposes - includting Section 1 January 2016
1 & 2 firearms; low-powered air weapons and their component parts - may be
sent in compliance with UK law subject to any applicable controls on the
possession or export of firearms)
GIBRALTAR GI P Human or animal remains (including ashes) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Infectious substances and pathogens (UN2814 or UN2900) as classified in the 1 January 2016
latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous
Goods by Air (ICAO)
GIBRALTAR GI R Lighters (new and unused empty lighters) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Lighters and refills containing flammable liquid or gas including butane; petrol 1 January 2016
cigar and cigarette lighters: also see Aerosols; Flammable liquids and gases)

GIBRALTAR GI P Liquids over 1 litre (containing liquids not classified as dangerous goods) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Lithium ion/polymer batteries contained within equipment (eg rechargeable 1 January 2016
batteries found in electronic devices)
GIBRALTAR GI P Live animals and reptiles (including snakes; mice and rodents) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Live creatures classified as dangerous within the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1 January 2016
1972; including certain venomous spiders)
GIBRALTAR GI R Live creatures; insects and invertebrates (including bees; caterpillars; 1 January 2016
cockroaches; crickets; destroyers of noxious pests; earthworms; fish fry and
eggs; leeches and other parasites; lugworms; maggots; mealworms; pupae and
chrysaldes; rag worms; silkworms; spiders and stick insects)
GIBRALTAR GI P Lottery tickets 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Magnestised material - with a magnetic field strength of 0.418A/metre or more 1 January 2016
at a distance of 4.6 metres from the outside of the package (including certain
Public Address systems)
GIBRALTAR GI R Magnestised material (other than those that are prohibited - including loud 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Matches (including safety matches) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Nail varnish; polish and gel 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Obscene publications and unlawful indecemt images 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Oxidising materials and organic peroxides (including disinfectants; nitrates and 1 January 2016
hair dyes or colourants containing peroxide)
GIBRALTAR GI R Paints wood stains and enamels - water-based 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Paints; wood varnishes and enamels - solvent-based 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Perfume and aftershave (including eau du parfum and eau de toilette but 1 January 2016
excluding non-flammable perfumed creams; gels; oils or lotions)
GIBRALTAR GI P Perishables (including flowers; fresh fruit; vegetables and frozen or chilled 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Pesticides (including weed killer and any chemical used to kill pests and insects; 1 January 2016
such as fly sprays)

Page 53 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GIBRALTAR GI P Poisons; toxic liquids; solids or gasses (including substances that are liable to 1 January 2016
cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact; such as arsenic;
beryllium; cyanide; fluorine; rat poison)
GIBRALTAR GI R Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes - (non- 1 January 2016
toxic and non-flammable)
GIBRALTAR GI P Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes (toxic; 1 January 2016
flmmable; or toxic and flammable)
GIBRALTAR GI P Radioactive material and samples classified as dangerous goods in the latest 1 January 2016
edition od the technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods
by Air (ICAO) such as luminous dials from aircraft
GIBRALTAR GI R Radioactive material and samples not classified as dangerous goods in the latest 1 January 2016
edition od the technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods
by Air (ICAO) such as samples of granite rock
GIBRALTAR GI R Sharp objects and instruments (including scissors and kitchen knives or utensils) 1 January 2016

GIBRALTAR GI P Tickets and related advertisement for illegal lotteries 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI R Vaccines 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Waste; dirt; filth or refuse (including household waste) 1 January 2016
GIBRALTAR GI P Weapons (inlcuding Section 5 firearms; CS gas and pepper sprays; flick knives; 1 January 2016
tasers and stun guns)
GIBRALTAR GI R Worked ivory; bone; tortoiseshell; horn; antlers; mother of pearl and other 1 January 2016
animal carving material and articles of these materials (including articles
obtained by moulding; works of art; colelctors pieces and antiques)
GREECE GR R Aircraft; spacecraft and parts thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE 880100 880500 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Albuminoidal substances: modified starches: glues: enzymes VETERINARY CONTROLS 350100 350700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Aluminium and articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE 760100 761600 1 January 2016
PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible VETERINARY CONTROLS (REG.136/2004); IMPORT CONTROLS ON SEALS 150100 152200 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetable waxes (REG.737/2010); RESTRICTIONS FOR ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM JAPAN
GREECE GR R Arms and ammunition: parts and accessories thereof CONTROLS ON MILITARY GOODS; NO IMPORT OF TORTURE GOODS; EMBARGO 930100 930700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS PRODUCTS; 610100 611700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS PRODUCTS; 620100 621700 1 January 2016

GREECE GR R Articles of iron and steel DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE 730100 732600 1 January 2016
GOODS; (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Articles of leather: saddlery and harness: travel goods; handbags and similar IMPORT CONTROLS ON SEALS PRODUCTS (REG.737/2010); NO IMPORT OF CAT AND 420100 420600 1 January 2016
containers:articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) DOG FURS
GREECE GR R Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials DUAL USE CONTROLS ; EMBARGO; RESTRICTIONS ON DANGEROUS CHEMICAL 680100 681500 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Beverages; spirits and vinegar RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTS (AGR REG.514/2008) 220100 220900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Carpets and other textile floor coverings NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; CITES 570100 570500 1 January 2016
AGREX REG.514/2008)
GREECE GR R Clocks and watches and parts thereof CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; CITES CONTROLS; NO IMPORT OF CATS OR DOGS 910100 911400 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Cocoa and cocoa preparations PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; NO IMPORTS OF GOODS WHICH INCLUDE BETEL 180100 180600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Coffee; tea; maté and spices PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 090100 091000 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Copper and articles thereof DUAL USE; (EMBARGO); CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008) 740100 741900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin; not VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 040100 041000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM JAPAN (REG.996/2012)
GREECE GR R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 080100 081400 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 070100 071400 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof: sound recorders and NO IMPORT OF TORTURE GOODS (REG.1236/05); DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; 850100 854800 1 January 2016
reproducers:and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006); CONTROLS OF

GREECE GR R Essential oils and resinoids: perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations CITES CONTROLS; RESTRICTIONS FOR ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM JAPAN 330100 330700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloys: certain CONTROLS ON MILITARY PRODUCTS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF 360100 360600 1 January 2016
combustible preparations PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GREECE GR R Fertilisers VETERINARY CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON PRODUTCS SAFETY (REG.765/2008) 310100 310500 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquantic invertebrates VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON ILLEGAL FISHING 030100 030800 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Footwear; gaiters and the like: parts of such articles NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS PRODUCTS; 640100 640600 1 January 2016

GREECE GR R Furniture; bedding; mattresses; mattress supports; cushions and similar stuffed CONTROLS ON TORTURE GOODS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; 940100 940600 1 January 2016
furnishings:lamps and lighting fittings not elsewhere specified or included: CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006); NO IMPORT OF
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like: prefabricated buildings CATS OR DOGS FURS; CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)

GREECE GR R Furskins and artificial fur: manufactures thereof VETERINARY CONTROLS; IMPORT CONTROLS ON SEALS PRODUCTS (REG.737/2010); 430100 430400 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Glass and glassware DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS 700100 702000 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Headgear and parts thereof NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS PRODUCTS; 650100 650700 1 January 2016

GREECE GR R Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics: textile articles of a EMBARGO;CONTROLS ON DUAL USE 590100 591100 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use
GREECE GR R Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 280100 285300 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes CONTROLS ON DANGEROUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS (REG. 689/08); CONTROLS ON
GREECE GR R Iron and steel EMBARGO ;CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008) 720100 722900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Knitted or crocheted fabrics NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; CITES CONTROLS 600100 600600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Lac: gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; RESTRICTIONS FOR ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM 130100 130200 1 January 2016
JAPAN (REG.996/2012)
GREECE GR R Lead and articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON MILITARY GOODS; CONTROLS ON 780100 780600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Live animals VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 010100 010600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Live trees and other plants: bulbs; roots and the like: cut flowers and PHYTOSANITARY CONROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); 060100 060400 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage
GREECE GR R Man-made filaments: strip and the like of man-made textile materials EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON DUAL USE 540100 540800 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Man-made staple fibres EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON DUAL USE 550100 551600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Meat and edible meat offal VETERINARY CONTROLS; IMPORT CONROLS FOR SEALS (REG.737/2010); CITES 020100 021000 1 January 2016
JAPAN (REG.996/2012)
GREECE GR R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation: bituminous EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON DUAL USE; CONTROLS ON DANGEROUS CHEMICAL 270100 271600 1 January 2016
substances: mineral waxes PRODUCTS (REG. 689/08)
GREECE GR R Miscellaneous articles of base metal NO IMPORT OF TORTURE GOODS (REG.1236/05); EMBARGO 830100 831100 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Miscellaneous chemical products CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 380100 382600 1 January 2016

GREECE GR R Miscellaneous edible preparations NO IMPORTS OF GOODS WHICH INCLUDE BETEL LEAVES; RESTRICTIONS FOR 210100 210600 1 January 2016
(AGREX REG.514/2008)
GREECE GR R Miscellaneous manufactured articles NO IMPORT OF CATS OR DOGS FURS; CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; CITES 960100 961900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Musical instruments: parts and accessories of such articles CITES CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF 920100 920900 1 January 2016
PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; CONTROLS ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE OF DIAMONDS (KIBERLY); EMBARGO; CITES 710100 711800 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof: imitation jewellery: Coin CONTROLS

GREECE GR R Nickel and articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS 750100 750800 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances: parts thereof NO IMPORT OF TORTURE GOODS (REG.1236/05); DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; 840100 848700 1 January 2016
PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits: miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit: industrial PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; VETERINARY CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON PLANTS; 120100 121400 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants: straw and fodder RESTRICTIONS FOR ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM JAPAN (REG.996/2012);
GREECE GR R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON TORTURE GOODS; CONTROLS ON 900100 903300 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus: parts and accessories thereof SAFETY OF PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
MERCURY (?REG.1102/08)
GREECE GR R Organic chemicals CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 290100 294200 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GREECE GR R Other base metals: cermets: articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON MILITARY GOODS; CONTROLS ON 810100 811300 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Other made up textile articles: sets:worn clothing and worn textile articles:rags CITES CONTROLS; EMBARGO 630100 631000 1 January 2016

GREECE GR R Paper and paperboard: articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS (REG.116/09) 480100 482300 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Pharmaceutical products VETERINARY CONTROLS (REG.136/2004); CONTROLS ON SEALS PRODUCTS 300100 300600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Photographic or cinematographic products CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS (REG.116/2009); EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON 370100 370700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Plastics and articles thereof CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 390100 392600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006); CONTROLS ON 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions CISnet/
GREECE GR R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk: pastrycooks' products PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; VETERINARY CONTROLS; NO IMPORTS OF GOODS 190100 190500 1 January 2016
FROM JAPAN (REG.996/2012)
GREECE GR R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic VETERINARY CONTROLS (REG.136/2004); CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); IMPORT 160100 160500 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; VETERINARY CONTROLS; NO IMPORTS OF GOODS 200100 200900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down: artificial VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS; NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS; 670100 670400 1 January 2016
flowers: articles of human hair EMBARGO
GREECE GR R Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing EMBARGO); CONTROLS ON DUAL USE 490100 491100 1 January 2016
industry: manuscripts; typescripts and plans
GREECE GR R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); RESTRICTIONS FOR 050100 051100 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; RESTRICTIONS FOR ANIMAL FOOD AND FOOD FROM 110100 110900 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof: railway or DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE 860100 860900 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof: mechanical (including OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); CONTROLS ON SAFETY OF PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds
GREECE GR R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS; IMPORT CONTROLS ON SEALS 410100 411500 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Residues and waste from the food industries: prepared animal fodder VETERINARY CONTROLS (REG.136/2004); CITES CONTROLS (REG.338/97); IMPORT 230100 230900 1 January 2016
(AGR?? REG.514/2008)
GREECE GR R Rubber and articles thereof EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON DUAL USE 400100 401700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Salt: sulphur: earths and stone: plastering materials: lime and cement CONTROLS ON DANGEROUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS (REG. 689/08); CONTROLS ON 250100 253000 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Ships; boats and floating structures DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE 890100 890800 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 340100 340700 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes: polishing or scouring CONTROLS ON DANGEROUS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS (REG. 689/08); DUAL USE
preparations; candles and similar articles;modelling pastes; dental waxes and CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006);
dental preparations with a basis of plaster CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS (REG.737/2010); EMBARGO
GREECE GR R Special woven fabrics: tufted textile fabrics: lace: tapestries: trimmings: CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS; CITES CONTROLS 580100 581100 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Sugars and sugar confectionery NO IMPORT OF GOODS WHICH INCLUDE BETEL LEAVES ; RESTRICTIONS FOR 170100 170400 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Tanning or dyeing extracts: tannins and their derivatives: dyes; pigments and CONTROLS ON PRODUCTS WHICH DESTROY THE OZONE LAYER (REG.1005/09); 320100 321500 1 January 2016
other colouring matter: paints and varnishes: putty and other mastics: inks CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006); EMBARGO

GREECE GR R Tin and articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON MILITARY GOODS; CONTROLS ON 800100 800700 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal: parts thereof of NO IMPORT OF TORTURE GOODS (REG.1236/05) 820100 821500 1 January 2016
base metal
GREECE GR R Toys; games and sports requisites: parts and accessories thereof CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE GASES (REG.842/2006); NO IMPORT OF 950100 950800 1 January 2016
PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and CONTROLS ON IMPORT OF SEALS PRODUCTS; CITES CONTROLS; EMBARGO 660100 660300 1 January 2016
parts thereof
GREECE GR R Vegetable plaiting materials: vegetable products not elsewhere specified or PHYTOSANITARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS; INCREASED CONTROLS ON FOOD 140100 140400 1 January 2016
included (REG.669/2009)
GREECE GR R Vehicles; other than railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and accessories DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON FLUORINATED GREENHOUSE 870100 871600 1 January 2016
PRODUCTS (REG.765/2008)
GREECE GR R Wadding; felt and non-wovens: special yarns: twine; cordage; ropes and cables CONTROLS ON DUAL USE; NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS 560100 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof
GREECE GR R Wood and articles of wood: wood charcoal CITES CONTROLS; CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS (REG.116/09); CONTROLS ON 440100 442100 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair: horsehair yarn and woven fabric VETERINARY CONTROLS; CITES CONTROLS; NO IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FURS 510100 511300 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GREECE GR R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques CONTROLS ON CULTURAL GOODS 970100 970600 1 January 2016
GREECE GR R Zinc and articles thereof DUAL USE CONTROLS; EMBARGO; CONTROLS ON MILITARY GOODS; CONTROLS ON 790100 790700 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD R Guns; Ammunition Import permit from Police/Ministry of National Security 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD P Military coloured Clothing (Camouflaged clothing) 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD R Plants Import permit from Ministry of Agriculture 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD P Pornographic Matter 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD P Sex Toys 1 January 2016
GRENADA GD P War Toys; (Toy guns; Water guns; etc.) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P 1; 1; 1 -trichloroethane. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Acedic Acid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P acetone 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Acetonitrile. Bromobenzyl cyanide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Acetylene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Alcoholic drinks 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Aluminum containers (if pressurized) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ammonia nitrates. Strontium nitrate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ammonium hydroxide 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ammonium nitrate 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Anhydrous ammonia 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Aniline oil; liquid 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Antifreeze preparations 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Arsenic 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Articles of flammable materials (lighters) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Banknotes; paper money ; travel cards 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Batteries of any kind 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Benzene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Benzoyl Acetyl Peroxide. Chlorobenzoyl peroxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Benzoyl peroxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Bituminous shale oil. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Blood; human. The blood; animals. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Brake fluid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Bromoacetone. Chloroacetophenone. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Bulk or Ground Coffee The export is made through the authorization of Agexport and import under the; 1 January 2016
customs conditions of Guatemala
GUATEMALA GT P Butane. Heptane. Hexane. Octane Pentane. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Butanol. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P calcium 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P calcium chlorate 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Carbide Cancium. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Carbon dioxide . Dry ice. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Carbon disulfide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P carbon tetrachloride 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Cardamom The export is made through the authorization of Agexport and import under the; 1 January 2016
customs conditions of Guatemala
GUATEMALA GT R Carpets and other textile floor coverings With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Cash; currency checks It is prohibited to insert this type of material in mailings Artículo 15 iniciso 6 Convenio Postal 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Caustic potash. Potassium hydroxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Cellulose nitrates (flammable) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chlorine 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chlorobenzene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chloroform. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chlorophenates. Picric acid. trinitrophenol 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chloropicrin; liquid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Chlorosilanes. Cyanogen. Cyanogen bromide. Cyanogen chloride. Thiophosgene. 1 January 2016

GUATEMALA GT P Chlorosulfonic acid. 1 January 2016

GUATEMALA GT P Chromic acid . 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Coal tar distillates. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Compound antiknock (gasoline additive). 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Compressed gases and aerosols (eg fire extinguishers; aerosols; butane for gas 1 January 2016
cookers; gas blanket or gas lanterns; even if empty; spray deodorants; no
GUATEMALA GT P Containers for compressed or liquefied gas (if pressurized) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Cotton; burnt fiber. Cotton; wet 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Creosote. Naphtha. (flammable) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Cresol. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Desensitized nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin in alcohol; desensitized. Tetraethyl 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Diacetyl peroxide. Diphosgene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Diesel fuel. Kerosene. Fuel oil. Gasoline . Solvents. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Diphenylchlorarsine. Lewisite. Methyldichloroarsine. Phenyldichlorasine; liquid. 1 January 2016
Lead tetraethyl. Vinyl trichlorosilane.
GUATEMALA GT R Discontinuous artificial fibers With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GUATEMALA GT P Dissected animals 1 January 2016

GUATEMALA GT P Drying preparations 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Dyes 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Edible Fruit and Fruit Samples Previous authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture; Livestock and Food; 1 January 2016
describing the expiration date and Agexport
GUATEMALA GT P Elements that emit ionizing radiation used in nuclear medicine or in industry.? 1 January 2016
(Barium -133; Cobalt-55; Iodine-123; Indium-111.)
GUATEMALA GT P Enamels 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Encephalitis virus. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P ethyl acetate 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P ethyl alcohol 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ethyl ether. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ethylene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Explosion extinguishers. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P fire extinguishers 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Firearms; parts of firearm or ammunition 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Fireworks; flares; sparklers 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P fish flour 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Flammable gases; non-flammable and toxic (compressed oxygen; nitrogen; 1 January 2016
aerosols; methane)
GUATEMALA GT P Furniture strippers; enamel; Colorant 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Glasses; crystals; frames (glasses) among other optical articles; except those 1 January 2016
cases duly justified by an ophthalmologist medical professional
GUATEMALA GT P Glues and adhesives; flammable. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Gunpowder (gunpowder; flash powder etc ...) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Hair spray (if flammable) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Handicrafts With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Human remains included in ashes 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Hydrochloric acid. Muriatic acid . 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Hydrofluoric acid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Hydrogen cyanide. Hydrocyanic acid. Hydrogen sulfide. Perchloric acid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P hydrogen peroxide 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Impregnated; coated; coated or laminated fabrics; technical textile articles for With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
industrial uses Guatemala
GUATEMALA GT P Industrial fatty alcohols (flammable or dangerous) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; disinfectants. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Isocyanates. Methyl isocyanate. Dilsocyanate toluene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Isopropyl alcohol. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Lacquer bases or shavings and wet. Paint and paint related products. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P LEATHERS; skins; etc; with bad smells 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Lighters 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Liquid oxygen. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Liquid substances that; at specified temperatures; emit flammable vapors 1 January 2016
(Alcohols; aldehydes; gasoline; a? Cpm; t? Hinner)
GUATEMALA GT P Live or dead animals 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P magnesium 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Magnets 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P maneb 293020 293020 293020 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Match . 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P matches; matches 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Medication or medicine They are not considered dangerous goods; but they may be subject to government 1 January 2016
laws; in some cases they must be accompanied by a medical prescription and the
purchase invoice.
GUATEMALA GT P mercury 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Mercury fulminate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methane 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methanol (wood alcohol) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methyl bromide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methyl chloride. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methyl ethyl ketone. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Methylene chloride 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Military equipment 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Mixtures containing halogenated methane derivatives; ethane or propane. 1 January 2016
Prepared solvents containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated biphenuls; PCBs ;
polycholrinated terphenyls (dangerous and / or flammable)
GUATEMALA GT P Mustard gas. Mercaptans (thiols) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Naphthalene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Nitric acid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Nitrobenzen. Tetranitromethane. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Nitrogen peroxide. Nitrogen tetroxide. Nitrous oxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Nitrogen. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R non-woven fabric; special yarns; double; twine; ropes and cordage and articles With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
thereof Guatemala

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GUATEMALA GT R Other textile articles; games; clothes and rags; rags With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Paint or varnish removers / thinners. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Paraformaldehyde 291260 291260 291260 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Parathion. Methyl paration mixture. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Perchloric acid. Hydrogen bromide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Perfumes (alcohol-based; flammable) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Perishable food products 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Permanganates. Potassium permanganate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Petroleum distillates. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Phenol. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Phenylcarbylamine chloride. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Phosgene. Sulfur dioxide. Thionyl chloride. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Phosphine. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Phosphoric acid. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Pine oil. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions amites-o-
GUATEMALA GT P Pornography. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Portable electronic devices (cameras; mobile phones and portable equipment) 1 January 2016

GUATEMALA GT P Potassium nitrate. 1 January 2016

GUATEMALA GT P Potassium perchlorate. Sodium permanganate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Potassium peroxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Precious stones; jewelry; gold; silver or other precious metals It is prohibited to insert this type of material in mailings Artículo 15 iniciso 6 Convenio Postal 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Prepared explosives (dynamite) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Propane. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Propylene oxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Provitamins; vitamins With prior medical description and invoice for purchase 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Pumps; grenades; topedoes; mines (explosive devices) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Pyridine 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Radioisotope cardiac pacemaker containing lithium battery 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Rags; saturated with a flammable substance. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Silane. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Silver nitrite. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Sodium chlorite 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Sodium nitrate 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Special fabrics; Textile surfaces with tufted hair; lace; tapestries; garnishes; With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
embroidery Guatemala
GUATEMALA GT P strychnine 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Styrene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Substances or objects that present a risk of mass explosion or fire. (Grenades; 1 January 2016
ammunition; incendiary material; gunpowder; fireworks; light signals; lighter
fluids; among others.)
GUATEMALA GT P Substances that can cause illness or cause death. (Cyanide; Chlorine; Potassium 1 January 2016
fluoroacetate; Bacteria; Fungi; Viruses.)
GUATEMALA GT P Substances that can give off oxygen; cause combustion or react with other 1 January 2016
substances (compressed oxygen; hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide);
benzoyl peroxide.
GUATEMALA GT P Substances that can undergo spontaneous combustion and solids that react 1 January 2016
with water. (Phosphorus; sodium; lithium; potassium; cotton without? Proc?
Es? Ar.)
GUATEMALA GT P Substances that due to their chemical action can create tissue or surface 1 January 2016
damage.? (Acids and alkalis: sulfuric acid; hydrochloric; sodium hydroxide;
formaldehyde; liquid batteries; hypochlorite.)
GUATEMALA GT P Sulfuric acid. Vitriol; vitriol oil. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Synthetic or artificial filaments; strips and the like; of synthetic or artificial With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
textile material Guatemala
GUATEMALA GT P Tetraethyl pyrophosphate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Tetrahydrofuran. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P The alkylbenzenes. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P The caustic soda. Sodium hydroxide. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P tin chloride 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P tobacco and tobacco products 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Toluene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Trichlorethylene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Turpentine. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P urea nitrate 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Valeric acid (pentanoic) 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn and woven fabric of paper yarn With import and export permit from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT R Vegetables; plants; estate Previous authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture; Livestock and Food and; 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

GUATEMALA GT P Vehicles or parts; motorcycles; dry ice or any item that works with flammable 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Vinyl chloride 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Vinyl fluoride. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Wet batteries; mercury and hydrochloric acid 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Wicks; detonating capsules (including toys); ignition equipment; detonators 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Wood preservatives; fillers; the stain. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Xylene. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Zinc and ammonium nitrite. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Zirconium picramate. 1 January 2016
GUATEMALA GT P Zirconium powder. Zirconium waste. 1 January 2016
GUINEA GN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
GUINEA-BISSAU GW P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and https://www.aeroporto- 000000 999999 19 May 2020
GUYANA GY R Any printed matter: which in the opinion of the Minister of the time being 490100 491100 1 January 2016
defence of Guyana; public safety and public order.
GUYANA GY R Arms and ammunition 930100 930700 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Base or counterfeit coin of any country 711890 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Cinematograph films 3706 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Cocaine ; heroin; cannabis sativa (known as indian hemp or bhang) 130190; 130219; 293911; 293991; 530210 1 January 2016

GUYANA GY P Coin legally current in Guyana of any money purporting to be such; not being of 7118 1 January 2016
the established standard weight and fineness
GUYANA GY R Exotic species of fish except in accordance the term of a licence granted by the 301 1 January 2016
chief Agricultural Office
GUYANA GY P Fictitious stamps 4907; 9704 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Food unfit for consumption 020100 021000 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Goods 010100 970500 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Goods the importation of which is regulated by any other law of Guyana except 1 January 2016
in accordance with such law.
GUYANA GY R Goods which bear a design in imitation of ant currency or bank notes or coin in 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
common ude in Guyana oe elsewhere unless with the approval of the
GUYANA GY P Goods without necessary indication 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Indecent or obscene prints; paintings; photographs; books; cards; lithographic 490100 491100 9701; 9702 1 January 2016
or other engravings or any other indecent or obscene articles
GUYANA GY P Infected cattle; sheep or other animals; or carcasses therefore; and hides; skins; 010100 010600 0502; 0504; 0505; 0506; 0507; 0508; 1 January 2016
horns; hoofs or any other part of cattle or other animals which may be 0510; 0511
prohibited in order to prevent the introduction or spread of any communicable
GUYANA GY P Matches containing white (yellow) phosphorous 3604; 3605 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Motor cars and light commercial vehicles; including minibuses; vanettes; pick- 8703 1 January 2016
up trucks; land rovers and similar class of vehicles imported bt a Guyanese
returning home or a person importing or receiving
GUYANA GY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Prepared opium and pipes 293911; 293919; 961400 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY P Shaving brushes 960329 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Spirits (not being liqueurs; cordials; perfumed spirits or medical spirits or 2204; 2205;2207; 220820; 220830; 1 January 2016
medical spirits) and wine; unless specfically reported as such; and unless in 220840; 220850; 220860; 220890
aircraft; or in ships of twenty sever; decimal three zerom (20.30)
GUYANA GY R Tabacco;cigars; cigarillos or cigarettes 240100 240300 1 January 2016
GUYANA GY R Tobacco extracts; essences or other concentration of tabacco; or any admixture 2403 1 January 2016
thereof; tabacco stalks and tabacco stalk flour
HAITI HT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)VA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions anstate/en/stato-e-governo/struttura-

HONDURAS HN P 1;1;1;1-trichloroethane 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Acetone 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Acetonitrile. Bromobenzyl cyanide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Acetyl and benzoyl peroxide. Chlorobenzoyl peroxide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Acetylene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Alcoholic beverages (can be considered as psychotropic or dangerous 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Alkylbenzenes 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Aluminum containers (if pressurized) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ammonium hydroxide 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

HONDURAS HN P Ammonium nitrate 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Ammonium nitrate. Strontium nitrate. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Anhydrous ammonia 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Antifreeze solutions 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Arsenic 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Banknotes; travelers checks 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Batteries 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Benzene 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Benzoyl peroxide 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Brake fluid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Bromoacetone. Chloroacetophenone. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Butane. Heptane. Hexane. Octane. Pentane. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Butanol 290513 290513 290513 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Calcium 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Calcium carbide 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Calcium chlorate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Carbon dioxide. Dry ice. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Carbon disulfide 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Carbon tetrachloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Caustic potash. Potassium hydroxide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Caustic soda. Sodium hydroxide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Cellulose nitrates (flammable) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Chlorine 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Chlorobenzene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Chloroform 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Chlorophenates. Picric acid. Trinitrophenol. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Chlorosilanes. Cyanogen. Cyanogen bromide. Cyanogen bromide. Thiophosgene. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Chlorosulfuric acid 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Chromic acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Cleaners; enamels; furniture dyes 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Coal tar distillates 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Coins 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Containers for compressed or liquefied gas (if pressurized) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Creosote. Naphtha (flammable materials). 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Cresol 290712 290712 290712 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Diacetyl peroxide. Diphosgene. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Diesel. Kerosene. Fuel oil. Naphtha. Solvents 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Diphenyl amino arsine chloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Drying preparations 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Dyes 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Enamels 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Esoteric product 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ethanoic acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ethyl acetate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ethyl ether 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ethylene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Extinguishers with risk of explosion 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Fire extinguishers. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Fireworks; flares; sparklers 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Formaldehyde 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Glues and adhesives; flammable 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Hairsprays (if flammable) 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

HONDURAS HN P Helium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Hydrochloric acid. Muriatic acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Hydrofluoric acid 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Hydrogen cyanide. Hydrocyanic acid. Hydrogen sulfide. Perchloric acid. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Hydrogen peroxide 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Industrial fatty alcohols (flammable or dangerous) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P ink 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; disinfectants. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Isocyanates. Methyl isocyanate. Toluene diisocyanate. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Isopropanol 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Items made of flammable materials (lighters) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Lighters 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Liquid aniline 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Liquid base for lacquers or wet lacquer. Peintures et matières apparentées aux 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Liquid chloropicrin 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P liquids that do not go in their original container 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Live animals 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Low quality detergents 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Magnesium 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Match 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Matches or matches 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Medicines. Medicinal tinctures 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Mercury 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Mercury fulminate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methane 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methanol (wood alcohol) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methyl bromide 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methyl chloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methyl ethyl ketone 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Methylene chloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Milk powder 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Mixtures containing halogenated methane derivatives; ethane or propane. 1 January 2016
Mixtures and preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenyls; dangerous and flammable polychlorinated biphenyls and
HONDURAS HN P Naphthalene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Nitric acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Nitrobenzene. Tetranitromethane. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Nitrogen 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen tetroxide. Nitrous oxide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Nitroglycerin desensitized. Nitroglycerin in alcoholic solution; desensitized. 1 January 2016
Tetraethyl dithionopyrophosphate.
HONDURAS HN P Octane (gasoline additive) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Oxygen. Liquid oxygen. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Paraformaldehyde 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Parathion. Méthylparation mix. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Pentachlorophenol 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Perchloric acid. Hydrogen bromide. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Perfumes (alcohol-based; flammable) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Permanganate. Potassium permanganate. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Petroleum distillates 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Phenol 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Phenyl carbilamino chloride 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

HONDURAS HN P Phosgene. Sulfur dioxide. Thionyl chloride. 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Phosphine 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Phosphoric acid 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Pine oil 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
HONDURAS HN P Potassium nitrate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Potassium perchlorate. Sodium permanganate. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Potassium peroxide 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN R Precious stones; jewelry; gold; silver or other precious metals Se necesita un permiso especial departamento de aduanas y Banco 1 January 2016
Central de Honduras
HONDURAS HN P Prepared explosives (dynamite) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Preservative articles for wood; fillers; dyes 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Propane 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Propeller (black powder; flash powder; etc) 1 January 2016

HONDURAS HN P Propylene's OXID 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Pumps; grenades; torpedoes; mines (explosive devices). 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Pyridine 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Pyrophosphate tetraethyl 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Rags used and soaked with flammable substances 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Shale 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Silane 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Silver nitrite 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Sodium chlorite 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Sodium nitrate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN R some kind of canned product permiso especial; Ministerio de Serna 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Strychnine 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Styrene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Sulfuric acid. Vitriol. Vitriol oil. 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Tetrahydrofuran 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Thinners and paint or varnish strippers 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Tin chloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Toluene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Trichlorethylene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Turpentine 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Urea nitrate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Valeric acid (pentanoic acid) 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Vinyl chloride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Vinyl fluoride 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Whitening products 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Wicks; primers; fulmina capsules (including toys); ignition equipment; 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Xylene 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Zinc ammonium nitrite 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Zirconium picramate 1 January 2016
HONDURAS HN P Zirconium powder. Zirconium rubble. 1 January 2016
HONG KONG HK N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions dex.html
HONG KONG HK P Postal items containing lithium cells and batteries for its outbound international 1 January 2016
mail. This applies to both air and surface modes; including mail in transit.

HUNGARY HU R arms; ammunition; gas guns and alarm guns inert or dissembled condition; with the authorization of the relevant police force 930100 930700 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU R Articles that may be carried on special conditions and exemptions related to ADR 1 January 2016
limited and exemted quantities by ADR
HUNGARY HU P counterfeit goods 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU R cremation ashes must be insured item; with the authorization of the relevant authority; double 1 January 2016
waterfproof packaging; with the inscription: cremation ashes
HUNGARY HU R dangerous articles that pose danger to public safety (eg. sharp objects) under special conditions; double packaging; with edge protector 930700 930700 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU P Dangerous goods defined in Act CX of 2013 on the announcement of and 284400 284400 1 January 2016
certain issues of the application in Hungary of Annexes A and B to the European
Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
(hereinafter referred to as ADR) - Class 1 Explosive substances and articles and
Class 7 Radioactive materials

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

HUNGARY HU P Dangerous goods forbidden for transport by air under any circumstances 270000 299999 27;28;29;38 4 April 2017
defined in ICAO Technical Instructions (Doc 9284) -Any article or substance
which; as presented for transport; is liable to explode; dangerously react;
produce a flame or dangerous evolution of heat or dangerous emission of toxic;
corrosive or flammable gases or vapours under conditions normally
encountered in transport
HUNGARY HU P dangerous waste materials 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU R furniture under special conditions; double packaging 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU P illicit narcotics and psychotropic substances according to OICS; INCB 1 January 2016
HUNGARY HU P live or dead animals or secretions or substances from animal organisms (e.g. 010000 039900 4 April 2017
excrement) except for the following: uninsured letter-mail items or postal
parcels in which bees; crickets; leeches and silkworms; parasites of and
organisms that kill noxious insects are sent by officially recognised institutes to
each other for the purpose of examining such insects and animals. Drosophila
strains (fruit flies) for the purpose of biomedical research may be sent by post
in letter-mail items (except for items posted with the insured additional service)
between officially recognised institutions.
HUNGARY HU P medicines not licensed in Hungary 300100 300600 3001;3004;3006 4 April 2017
HUNGARY HU P Phytosanitary goods (plants or seeds) that originate from outside the EU and The competent authority will accept a phytosanitary certificate only if it fulfils the eur- UPU Circular 2021.12 28 January 2021
are addressed to Hungary must be accompanied by a health certificate. Plants following requirements: – it is issued in at least one of the official languages of the
lacking such a certificate are no longer permitted for importation into Hungary EU; – it is addressed to the national plant protection organization of an EU member
or other EU countries. Furthermore; all types of seed require a phytosanitary state; and – it has been issued no more than 14 days before the date on which the
certificate for import; issued by the country of origin. plants; plant products or other objects covered by it have left the country in which
it was issued.
HUNGARY HU R plants; vegetables and products of vegetable origins subject to phytosanitary restrictions;with "Fragile" indication 070000 109900 4 April 2017
HUNGARY HU N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS N Aircraft; spacecraft; and parts thereof 880100 880529 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Albuminoidal substances; Modified starches; Glues; Enzymes 350100 350790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Aluminum and articles thereof 760100 761699 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Ammonia Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 281410 281420 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Animal fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 150100 150600 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 150100 152200 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes. Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof The import of firearms; ammunition; and parts of such; including bombs; grenades 930100 930700 1 January 2016
and other weapons is subject to the authorization of the Police. Transport by post
of firing caps and loaded metal cartridges for portable firearms; non-explosive
elements of artillery fuses and matches; is not allowed. It is prohibited to import
harmful articles; i.e. articles which are designed or may be altered in such a way
that they may be used for violent purposes; and which have no main practical
ICELAND IS N Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted 610100 611790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted 620100 621790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Articles of iron or steel The import of firearms; ammunition; and parts of such; including bombs; grenades 730100 732690 1 January 2016
and other weapons is subject to the authorization of the Police. Transport by post
of firing caps and loaded metal cartridges for portable firearms; non-explosive
elements of artillery fuses and matches; is not allowed. It is prohibited to import
harmful articles; i.e. articles which are designed or may be altered in such a way
that they may be used for violent purposes; and which have no main practical
ICELAND IS R Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar Used riding gear must be accompanied by a Disinfection Certificate and is subject to 420100 420600 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) authorisation by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
ICELAND IS R Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 680100 681599 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Artificial and processed waxes Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 340490 340490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R As fodder and for fodder production Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 110100 110430 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R As fodder and for fodder production Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 110620 110620 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Asbestos fibres and mixtures mainly made of asbestos Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 681280 681299 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Benzene Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 270710 270710 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Benzene Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 290220 290220 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Beverages containing milk Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 220290 220290 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R BEVERAGES; SPIRITS AND VINEGAR Importer of alchoholic beverages must be 20 years old. Licence is required for 220100 220900 1 January 2016
commercial import.
ICELAND IS R Boats and ships Icelandic Maritime Administration 890101 890106 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS R Bombs; grenades; topedoes; mines (explosive devices) National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 930690 930690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Boron; tellurium Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 280450 280450 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Brakes and clutches containing asbestos Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 870830 870830 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Bromides and bromide oxides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282751 282751 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Buta-1;3-diene and isoprene Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 290124 290124 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 290123 290123 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Calcium Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 252100 252100 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Carpets and other textile floor coverings 570100 570500 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Ceramic products 690100 691490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Cereals All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 100100 100890 1 January 2016
unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Charger for ammunition National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 847989 847989 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Chemical contraceptive based on hormones Icelandic Medicines Agency 300660 300660 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Chlorine; fluorine and bromine Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 280110 280130 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Clocks and watches and parts thereof 910100 911490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Clutches and parts containing asbestos Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 870893 870893 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Cocoa and cocoa preparations 180100 180690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Coffee; teas; maté and spices 090100 091099 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Composite food preparations containing seafood Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 210420 210420 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Coniferous wood with bark for hoopwood and poles Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 440410 440410 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Copper and articles thereof 740100 741999 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Cork and articles of cork 450100 450490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Cotton 520100 521225 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Dairy produce; Birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 040100 041000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence. Further information can be obtained from the Environment
Agency of Iceland.
ICELAND IS N Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons 080100 081400 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Edible products of animal origin Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Environment Agency of Iceland 040110 041000 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 070100 071490 1 January 2016
unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence. Further information can be obtained
ICELAND IS R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and fromimport
The the Environment Agency ofi.e.
of radio equipment; Iceland.
all types of equipment for the purpose of 850100 854890 1 January 2016
reproducers; Television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts wireless transmission; or reception of information (such as speech; navigation
and accessories of such articles signals; etc.) for instance walkie-talkies; remote controls; wireless telephones; etc.;
must comply with all relevant requirements and shall bear the EC conformity
marking. The EC comformity marking shall be affixed under the responsibility of the
manufacturer; his authorised representative within the European Economical Area
or the person responsible for placing the apparatus on the market. Radio
equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment shall be accompanied by a
valid identification number.
ICELAND IS N Essential oils and resinoids; Perfumery; Cosmetic or toilet preparations 330100 330790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Explosives Fireworks; etc. National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 360100 360490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Explosives; Pyrotechnic products; Matches; Pyrophoric alloys; Certain National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 360100 360690 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
ICELAND IS R Fertiliser Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 310100 310599 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Fire extinguishers containing halon or CFCs Environment Agency of Iceland 842410 842410 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Firewood with bark Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 440110 440110 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Fish and aquatic and marine animals Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Directorate of Fisheries 030111 030811 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 030100 030799 1 January 2016
Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence. Further information can be obtained from the Icelandic
Directorate of Fisheries.

ICELAND IS R Fishssoups Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 210410 210410 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Fluoride; fluorosilicates; fluoroaluminates and other complex fluoride salts Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282612 282690 1 January 2016
except natriumhexafluoroaluminate Iceland
ICELAND IS R Fodder and seed products Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 100111 100590 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 640100 640699 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Friction material made of asbestos Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 681320 681320 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Frozen prepared vegetables containing meat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 200490 200490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Furniture; bedding; mattresses; mattress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 940100 940600 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings; not elsewhere specified or included;
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated building

ICELAND IS N Glass and glassware 700100 702000 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Halogenated derivatives Ministry for the Enviroment and Natural Resources; Environment Agency of http://www.umhverfisraduneyti.iswww.u 382471 382479 1 January 2016
Iceland; Icelandic Medicines Agency
ICELAND IS R Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons except trichloroetylene; Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 290314 290399 1 January 2016
tetrachloroetylene; chlorobenzene; o-dichlorobenzene and p-dichlorobenzene Iceland

ICELAND IS R Handcuffs and replications of weapons National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 732690 732690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Headgear and parts thereof 650100 650700 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282510 282510 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Hydrides; nitrides; azides. silicides and borides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 285000 285000 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) Ministry of Welfare 280610 280610 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Icecream Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 210500 210500 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a 590100 591190 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use
ICELAND IS R Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 285210 285290 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; disinfectants Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 380850 380899 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Iodides and iodide oxides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282760 282760 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Iron and Steel 720100 722990 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Knifes and blades with blades longer then 12 cm; except kitchen knifes and tools National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 821110 821195 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS N Knitted or crocheted fabrics 600100 600690 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Items of opium; morphine; cocaine and other narcotics may be sent as a parcel for 130100 130239 1 January 2016
medical or scientific purposes; but only if imported by companies who have
obtained a special permit for this purpose from the Icelandic Medicines Agency. A
special import licence from the Icelandic Medicines Agency is required for each
item prior to customs clearance. Narcotics can only be sent as parcels or as
registered items.
ICELAND IS R Lac; other Ministry of Welfare 130190 130190 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Lead and articles thereof 780100 780600 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Live Animals Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Environment Agency of Iceland 010121 010690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Live or dead plants and trees Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Environment Agency of Iceland 060110 060490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 060100 060499 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage. unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence. Further information can be obtained
from the Environment Agency of Iceland.
ICELAND IS R Mainly food containing plant nuclei and meat content Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 210690 210690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Mainly pasta containing meat; fish and seafood filling Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 190220 190240 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Man-made filaments; Strip and the like of man-made textile materials 540100 540834 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Man-made staple fibres 550100 551694 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Manufacturers of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware 460100 460290 1 January 2016
and wickerwork.
ICELAND IS R Meat and edible meat offal Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Environment Agency of Iceland 020110 021099 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Mineral Fuels; Mineral oils and products of their distillation; Bituminous Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 270100 271600 1 January 2016
substances; Mineral waxes Iceland
ICELAND IS N Miscellaneous articles of base metal 830100 831190 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Miscellaneous edible preparations The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 210100 210690 1 January 2016
Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS N Miscellaneous manufactured articles 960100 961900 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Mixtures and pastes containing meat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 190120 190120 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Molasses for animal feeding purposes Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 170390 170390 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS N Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 920100 920999 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS N Natural or cultured pearls; Precious or semi-precious stones; Precious metals; 710100 711890 1 January 2016
Metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; Imitation jewellery; Coin

ICELAND IS N Nickel and articles thereof 750100 750890 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Nitrides except of potassium Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283410 283429 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Nitrogen Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 280430 280430 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Nuclear reactors; Boilers; Machinery and Mechanical appliances; Parts thereof Environment Agency of Iceland 840100 848790 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Of sodium Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283110 283110 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 120100 121490 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence. Items of opium; morphine; cocaine
and other narcotics may be sent as a parcel for medical or scientific purposes; but
only if imported by companies who have obtained a special permit for this purpose
from the Icelandic Medicines Agency. A special import licence from the Icelandic
Medicines Agency is required for each item prior to customs clearance. Narcotics
can only be sent as parcels or as registered items.

ICELAND IS R Opium Ministry of Welfare 130211 130211 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Optical; photographic; cinematorgraphis; measuring; checking; precision; Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority 900100 902220 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof
ICELAND IS N Ores; slag and ash 260100 262190 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Organs; medicines and organic products Icelandic Medicines Agency 300120 300490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283699 283699 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283719 283719 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283990 283990 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282590 282590 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other Ministry of Welfare 130219 130219 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other calcium hypochlorite Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282890 282890 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other carbides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284990 284990 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Other chlorides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 282739 282739 1 January 2016

ICELAND IS R Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284150 284150 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other compounds; amalgams Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284390 284390 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other inorganic compounds Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 285300 285300 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other made up textile articles; Sets; Worn clothing and worn textile articles; Used clothes must be accompanied by a Disinfection Certificate and is subject to 630100 631090 1 January 2016
Rags authorisation by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
ICELAND IS R Other refrigerants Ministry for the Enviroment and Natural Resources; Environment Agency of http://www.umhverfisraduneyti.iswww.u 382490 382490 1 January 2016
Iceland; Icelandic Medicines Agency
ICELAND IS R Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284290 284290 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS R Other sulphates Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283329 283329 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Other variations of xylen Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 290290 290290 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn 530100 531100 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard 480100 482390 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Peat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 270300 270300 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Pharmaceutical products Items of opium; morphine; cocaine and other narcotics may be sent as a parcel for 300100 300692 1 January 2016
medical or scientific purposes; but only if imported by companies who have
obtained a special permit for this purpose from the Icelandic Medicines Agency. A
special import licence from the Icelandic Medicines Agency is required for each
item prior to customs clearance. Narcotics can only be sent as parcels or as
registered items.
ICELAND IS R Phosphides Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284800 284800 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 283510 283510 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Phosphorus Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 280470 280470 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Photographic or cinematographic goods 370100 370790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering; brazing or welding powders Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 381010 381010 1 January 2016
and pastes consisting of metal and other materials Iceland
ICELAND IS R Pies; f.ex. Pizzas containing meat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 190590 190590 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Plants or parts of plants used primarily in perfumery; in pharmacy or for Ministry of Welfare; Icelandic Medicine Agency 121130 121190 1 January 2016
Prevention and eradication of the insect; fungus or similar purposes; fresh or
dried; whether or not cut; crushed or powdered
ICELAND IS N Plastics and articles thereof 390100 392690 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Potassium permanganate Ministry of Welfare; Icelandic Medicine Agency 284161 284161 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Potatoes; fresh or chilled Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 070110 070190 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers Ministry for the Enviroment and Natural Resources; Environment Agency of http://www.umhverfisraduneyti.iswww.u 381300 381300 1 January 2016
Iceland; Icelandic Medicines Agency
ICELAND IS R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 190100 190590 1 January 2016
Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Directorate of Fisheries 160100 160569 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 200100 200990 1 January 2016
Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence.
ICELAND IS N Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 670100 670490 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair
ICELAND IS R Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal with Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 190430 190430 1 January 2016
meat filling

ICELAND IS R Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal with Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 190490 190490 1 January 2016
meat filling
ICELAND IS R Prepared vegetable sauces containing meat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 210390 210390 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Prepared vegetables containing meat Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 200599 200599 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing 490100 491199 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts typescripts and plans
ICELAND IS R Products containing asbestos Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 681140 681140 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority; Environment Agency of Iceland 050210 051199 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 110100 110900 1 January 2016
unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence.
ICELAND IS N Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material; waste and scrap of paper or 470100 470790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Radio remote control Post and Telecom Administration in Iceland 852692 852692 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Radioactive elements; isotopes and compounds Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 284440 284440 1 January 2016
Iceland; Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority
ICELAND IS R Radiography or radiotherapy apparatus Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority 902221 902229 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or 860100 860900 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds
ICELAND IS R Raw furskins Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 430110 430190 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS R Raw hides and skins Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 410120 410390 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Residues and waste from the food industries Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 230110 230990 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder The import of animals and animal products is subject to authorization by the 230100 230990 1 January 2016
Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. Further information can be obtained from
the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority. According to the Washington
Convention (CITES); trading in threatened species of animals is prohibited or may
require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Rough wood with bark Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 440320 440399 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Rubber and articles thereof 400100 401700 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Salt for fodder Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 250100 250100 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Seed products Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 100710 100790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Seed products Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 100810 100890 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Seeds; fruit and spores; of a kind used for sowing Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 120910 120999 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS P Ships; boats and floating structures 890100 890800 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Silk 500100 500790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Soap; Organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland 340100 340700 1 January 2016
preparations; Artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes
ICELAND IS R Soil Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 253090 250390 1 January 2016
Iceland; Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority
ICELAND IS N Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; 580100 581100 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority 284450 284450 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Straw and other for fodder production Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 121300 121300 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Sugars and sugar confectionery The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 170100 170490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Sulphuric acid; oleum Ministry of Welfare 280700 280700 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Swedes; mangolds; fodder roots; hay; lucerne ( alfalfa ); clover; sainfoin; forage Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 121410 121490 1 January 2016
kale; lupines; vetches & similar products
ICELAND IS R Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 871000 871000 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Tanning or dyeing extracts; Tannins and their derivatives; Dyes; Pigments; and 320100 321590 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; Paints and varnishes; Putty and other mastics; Inks

ICELAND IS R Telephones and telephone equipment Post and Telecom Administration in Iceland 851711 851770 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Tin and articles thereof 800100 800700 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Import of Tobacco and tobacco articles for commercial purposes may only be done The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company 240100 240399 1 January 2016
by licenced importers. of Iceland
ICELAND IS P Toluene 290230 290230 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS P Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts thereof of It is prohibited to import harmful articles; i.e. articles which are designed or may be 820100 821599 1 January 2016
base metal altered in such a way that they may be used for violent purposes; and which have
no main practical purpose.
ICELAND IS R Toys containing lead Environment Agency of Iceland 950300 950300 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof Used fishing gear must be accompanied by a Disinfection Certificate and is subject 950300 950300 1 January 2016
to authorisation by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
ICELAND IS R Transmission apparatus for radio broadcasting Post and Telecom Administration in Iceland 852550 852560 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Travelling circuses and travelling menageries Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 950810 950890 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 660100 660390 1 January 2016
parts thereof
ICELAND IS R Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse Import of Tobacco and tobacco articles for commercial purposes may only be done The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company 240110 240399 1 January 2016
by licenced importers. of Iceland
ICELAND IS R Unwrought powders of beryllium Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland; Enviroment Agency of 811212 811213 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used agricultural machines and equipment Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 843210 843680 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used agricultural trailers Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 871619 871639 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used clothes Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 630900 630900 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used fishing equipment Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 950710 950790 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used Rags Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 631010 631090 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used saddlery; harness and whips Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 420100 420100 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Used tractor Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 870110 870190 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 140100 140490 1 January 2016
included unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Vegetable products Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 140490 140490 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS N Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables 560100 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof
ICELAND IS R Weapons National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 970500 970500 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Wine of fresh grapes; including fortified wines; grape must other than that of Licenses required for commercial import The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company 220410 220430 1 January 2016
heading no.20.09 of Iceland

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ICELAND IS R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal All plants and parts thereof for cultivation or intended for multiplication and 440100 442190 1 January 2016
unwashed vegetables with roots must be accompanied by a Health Certificate. The
Certificate must; in certain cases; be approved by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary
Authority before import customs clearance. The import of wood and articles of
wood is subject to authorization by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority.
According to the Washington Convention (CITES) trading in threatened species of
plants is prohibited or may require a licence.
ICELAND IS R Wood chips with bark for animal bedding Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 440131 440131 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Wool - animal hair (untreated) Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 510111 510540 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority 510100 511300 1 January 2016
ICELAND IS R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques The import of firearms; ammunition; and parts of such; including bombs; grenades 970100 970600 1 January 2016
and other weapons is subject to the authorization of the Police. Transport by post
of firing caps and loaded metal cartridges for portable firearms; non-explosive
elements of artillery fuses and matches; is not allowed. It is prohibited to import
harmful articles; i.e. articles which are designed or may be altered in such a way
that they may be used for violent purposes; and which have no main practical
ICELAND IS N Zinc and articles thereof 790100 790700 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Margarine Of Animal Origin 15171010 15171010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R 1;2 Dichlorotetra-fluoroethane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034410 29034410 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R 1-Amino-4-Methyl piperazine 29335940 29335940 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Acetic anhydride 291524 291524 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Aeroplanes and other aircraft; of an unladen weight exceeding 15000 kg 880240 880240 28 January 2021
INDIA IN R Aeroplanes and other aircraft; of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg but not 088023 088023 1 January 2016
exceeding 15000 kg
INDIA IN R Aeroplanes and other aircraft; of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg 088022 088022 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Agar oil Import will be subject to the provisions of Convention of International Trade in 33013010 33013010 1 January 2016
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES).
INDIA IN R Agarwood Import will be subject to the provisions of Convention of International Trade in 12119080 12119080 1 January 2016
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES).
INDIA IN R Alfentanil (INN); anileridine(INN); bezitramide (INN); bromazepam (INN); 293333 293333 1 January 2016
difenoxin(INN); diphenoxylate (INN); dipipanone(INN); fentanyl (INN); keto
bemidone (INN); methylphenidate (INN); pentazocine (INN); pethidine(INN);
pethidine intermediate A; phencyclindine (INN) (PCP); phenoperidine (INN);
pipradrol (INN); piritramide (INN); propiram (INN) and trimeperidine (INN; salts
INDIA IN R All dutiable articles; imported by a passenger or a member of a crew in his As provided under Customs and Baggage Rules by saving clause 3(1)(h) of Foreign 098030 098030 1 January 2016
baggage Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in Certain Cases)Order; 1993
INDIA IN R All other consumable stores excluding fuel; lubricating oil; alcoholic drinks and Subject to value limit of Rs. 2000(c.i.f) and other conditions as specified in clause 098059 098059 1 January 2016
tobacco products 3(1); (i) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in Certain
Cases)Order; 1993.
INDIA IN R Allobarbital (INN); amobarbital (INN); barbital (INN); butalbital (INN); 293353 293353 1 January 2016
butobarbital (INN); cyclobarbital (INN); methylphenobarbital (INN);
pentobarbital (INN); secbutabarbital (INN); secobarbital (INN); and vinylbital
(INN); salts thereof
INDIA IN R Allyl isothiocyanate 29309080 29309080 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Alprazolam (INN); camazepam (INN) chloridiazepoxide (INN); clonazepam (INN); 293391 293391 1 January 2016
clorazepate; delorazepam (INN); diazepam (INN); estazolam (INN); ethyl
loflazepate (INN); flurazepam (INN); halazepam (INN); lorazepam (INN);
lorametazepam (INN)mazindol (INN); nimetazepam (INN); midazolam (INN);
nimetazepam (INN); nitrazepam (INN); nordazepam (INN); oxazepam (INN);
pinazepam (INN); prazepam (INN); pyrovalerone (INN); tamazepam (INN);
tetrazepam (INN) and triazolam (INN); salts thereof
INDIA IN R Aluminum dross 26204010 26204010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Ambergris; castoreum; civet and musk; cantharides; bile; whether or not dried; 05100091 5100091 1 January 2016
glands of wild animals
INDIA IN R Amfepramone(INN);methadone(INN) and normethadone(INN);salts thereof 292231 292231 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Amfetamine (INN);benzfetamine-Dexamfetamine (INN); etilamfetamine(INN); 292146 292146 1 January 2016
Fencamfamin(INN); Lefetamine(INN); Levamfetamine (INN);mefenorex(INN)
and phentermine(INN); salts thereof
INDIA IN R Aminorex (INN); brotizolam (INN); clotiazepam (INN); claxazolam (INN); 293491 293491 1 January 2016
dextromoramide (INN); haloxazolam (INN); ketazolam (INN); mesocarb (INN);
oxazolam (INN); pemoline (INN); phendimetrazine (INN); phenmetrazine (INN)
and sufentanil (INN); salts thereof
INDIA IN R Amosite (Fibre raw; beaten or washed or graded to length) Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on 25249024 25249024 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Amosite (flakes or Powder) Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on 25249034 25249034 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Amosite (In rock form) Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on 25249014 25249014 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Animal dung 31010091 31010091 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Animal excreta 31010092 31010092 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Animal fats and oils and their fractions 15161000 15161000 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN P Animal or Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions; boiled; oxidised; 15180040 15180040 1 January 2016
dehydrated; sulphurised; blown; polymerised by heat in Vacuum or in inert gas
or otherwise chemically modified; excluding those of heading 1516 : inedible
mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils of this Chapter; not
elsewhere specified or included -Other
INDIA IN P Animal rennet 35071091 35071091 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Articles of apparel and clothing accessories Of wild animals covered under Wild 43031010 43031010 1 January 2016
Life Protection Act;1972
INDIA IN R Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste 026211 026211 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Asses 01011020 1011020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Asses; Mules and hinnies livestock 01019020 1019020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bajra-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10082021 10082021 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Balloons Goods classified as sports goods or equipment shall however be allowed to be 88010020 88010020 1 January 2016
imported freely.
INDIA IN R Bank notes Import by banks and dealers authorised by RBI will not require a licence by DGFT. 49070020 49070020 1 January 2016
Other condition of RBI will apply.
INDIA IN R Bank; bond and cheque paper 48025840 48025840 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bank; bond and cheque paper 48025550 48025550 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bank; bond and cheque paper 48025650 48025650 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bank; bond and cheque paper 48025750 48025750 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Barley-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10030010 10030010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Battert wastes; namely the following;Scrap drained/dry while intact; lead 85481020 85481020 1 January 2016
batteries covered by ISRI; Code word Rains;Scrap wet whole intact lead
batteries covered by ISRI; Code word Rink; Scrap industrial intact lead cells
covered by ISRI Code word Rono; Scrap whole intact industrial lead batteries
covered by ISRI Code word Roper; Edison batteries covered by ISRI Code word
INDIA IN R Battery scrap; namely the following: Lead battery plates covered by ISRI; Code 85481010 85481010 1 January 2016
word Rails Battery lugs covered by ISRI;Code word Rakes

INDIA IN R Bees and other insects; not elsewhere included or specified Subject to Import Licensing Note No. 6 of the chapter. Import of Wild Animals 01069010 1069010 1 January 2016
(including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act;
1972 is prohibited.

INDIA IN R Birds eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked of the species gallus and ducks 04070020 4070020 1 January 2016
other than for hatching

INDIA IN R Birds eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked of the species gallus domesticus 04070010 4070010 1 January 2016
and ducks for hatching
INDIA IN R Birds of prey Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 106300 106300 1 January 2016
Life (Protection) Act; 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN P Bladders & stomachs of Wild animals 05040051 5040051 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Blasting powder 36010010 36010010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bluefin tunas(Thunnus thynnus) 301940 301940 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Bone grist :Of wild animals 05061021 5061021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Bone meal Of wild animals 05069011 5069011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Boneless (chilled) 201300 201300 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Boneless(frozen) 202300 202300 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Bones; horn cones & parts thereof; not crushed:Of wild animals 05061041 5061041 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Bones; including horn-cores; crushed: Of wild animals 05061011 5061011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bovine semen 511100 511100 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Brass dross Import of ashes and residue containing mainly copper is permitted viz. Spent 26203010 26203010 1 January 2016
cleaned metal catalyst containing zinc.
INDIA IN R Bromochlorodifluoro-Methane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034610 29034610 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Bromotrifluoro-methane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034620 29034620 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Buckwheat-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10081010 10081010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Buffaloes; adult and calves 01021030 1021030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Buffaloes; adults and calves 01029020 1029020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bulls; adult 01029010 1029010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Bulls; adult 01021010 1021010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cactus Import will be subject to the provisions of Convention of International Trade in 06022020 6022020 1 January 2016
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES).
INDIA IN R Canary seed-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10083010 10083010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 – Tetrachloromethane) Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 290314 290314 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Carcasses and half-carcasses(chilled) 201100 201100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Carcasses and half-carcasses(frozen) 202100 202100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Carp 301900 301900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cartridges 093062 093062 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cathine (INN) and its salts 293943 293943 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cellulose plastic waste film as such cellulose acetate plasticised 39159075 39159075 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose acetate film scrap non plasticised 39159074 39159074 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose nitrates film scrap non- plasticised 39159072 39159072 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cellulose plastic waste such as cellulose nitrates plasticised 39159073 39159073 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Chemical products containing ozone depleting substances 38247110 38247110 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Chemical products containing ozone depleting substances 38247910 38247910 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Chicory plants and roots Other Import permitted for sowing or planting without a licence in accordance with 06012090 6012090 1 January 2016
import permit granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India)
Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Chlorohepta-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034527 29034527 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Chloropenta fluoroethane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034420 29034420 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Chlorotrifluoro-methane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034511 29034511 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Clinical waste 038253 038253 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon (INN) 293372 293372 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Coca leaf (pants & parts) 012113 012113 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cocaine; ecgonine; levometamfetamin; metamfetamine(INN); metamfetamine 293991 293991 1 January 2016
racemate;salts; esters and other derivatives thereof
INDIA IN R Combustible preparations 36069010 36069010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Communication jamming equipments Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85255040 85255040 1 January 2016
however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Concentrates of poppy straw; buprenorphine (INN); codeine; dihydrococodeine 293911 293911 1 January 2016
(INN); ethylmorphine; etorphine (INN); heroin; hydrocodone (INN);
hydromorphone (INN); morphine; nicomorphine (INN); oxycodone (INN);
oxymorphone (INN); pholcodine (INN); thebacon (INN) and thebaine; salts
INDIA IN R Containing antimony ; beryllium; cadmium ; chromium or their mixtures 026209 026209 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R containing arsenic mercury ; thallium or their mixture of a kind used for the 026206 026206 1 January 2016
extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical
INDIA IN R Containing explosives electrically ignited; non-ordnance 36030051 36030051 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) polychlorinated terphenyls Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on 027109 027109 1 January 2016
(PCTs)or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Converted slag (scull) of blast furnace 26190010 26190010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Copper oxychloride 38082050 38082050 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Cotton- Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12072010 12072010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Cotton rags Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the 63101020 63101020 1 January 2016
condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs
Public Notice or Trade Notice.
INDIA IN R Cotton rags 63109020 63109020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Cows; adult 01021020 1021020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Crude or roughly trimmed 025161 025161 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Currency note paper 48025760 48025760 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Currency note paper 48025660 48025660 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Currency note paper 48025560 48025560 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R D.D.T. (excluding D D.T. of heading 29 03 62) 38081017 38081017 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R DDT-Technical 75 Wdp 29036221 29036221 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Degras 15220010 15220010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Detonating fuses 36030020 36030020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Dextropropoxyphene(INN) and its salts 292214 292214 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Dibromotetra-fluoroethanes Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034630 29034630 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Dichlorodifluoro methane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 290342 290342 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Dichlorohexa-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034526 29034526 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Direction finding equipment 85269130 85269130 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Direction measuring equipment 85269110 85269110 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R DNPT (Dinitroso penta-methylene tetramine) 36069093 36069093 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Drugs and medicines Subject to value limit of Rs. 2000(c.i.f)and other conditions as specified in clause 098041 098041 1 January 2016
3(1); (i) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in Certain
Cases)Order; 1993.
INDIA IN R Durum wheat-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 10011010 10011010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plants;
Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone -Other 25152090 25152090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Edible affal of swine; fresh or chilled 206300 206300 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Edible products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included of Wild 04100010 4100010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Eels (Anguilla spp.) 301900 301900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Electrical Energy Import subject to license to be issued by DGFT in consultation with Ministry of 271600 271600 1 January 2016
External Affairs; Ministry of Power and Department of Commerce; Government of
India. However; import from SEZ will be ‘Free’.
INDIA IN R Empty or discharged cartridges of all bores and sizes 72042110 72042110 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Empty or discharged cartridges of all bores and sizes 72042910 72042910 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Empty or discharged cartridges of all bores and sizes 74040011 74040011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Empty or discharged cartridges of all bores and sizes 74040021 74040021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ephedrine alkaloids 29394110 29394110 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ephedrine hydrochloride 29394120 29394120 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ethchlorvynol (INN) 290551 290551 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ethinamate (INN) 292424 292424 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Fats and Oils and their fractions of marine mammals 15043000 15043000 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Fats; unrendered (excluding Mutton Tallow) 15020020 15020020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Feathers of a kind used for stuffing; down of wild birds 05051010 5051010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fenetylline (INN) and its salts 293951 293951 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fenproporex (INN) and its salts methadone (INN) intermediate (4-cyano-2- 292630 292630 1 January 2016
Dimethy lamino-4; 4-diphenylbutane)
INDIA IN R Ferro-cerium; in all forms 36069091 36069091 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fireworks 036041 036041 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fish Body Oil (Crude) 15042010 15042010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Fish nails 05119110 5119110 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Fish tails 05119120 5119120 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Flour; meal; powder of sago 11062010 11062010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R For buses; lorries and earth moving equipment including bigger size vehicles 40122010 40122010 1 January 2016
and light commercial vehicles
INDIA IN R For communication jamming equipment Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85299020 85299020 1 January 2016
however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.
INDIA IN R For communication Jamming equipment(Dish Antenna) Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85291011 85291011 1 January 2016
however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.
INDIA IN R For communication jamming equipment(Other Aerials/Antenna:) Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85291022 85291022 1 January 2016
however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R For communication jamming equipment(Other) Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85291092 85291092 1 January 2016
however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.
INDIA IN R For Mine blasting 36030011 36030011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R For passenger automobile vehicles; including two wheelers; three wheelers and 40122020 40122020 1 January 2016
personal type vehicles
INDIA IN R For two wheeler 40121910 40121910 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus Grand parent stock of poultry is; however; freely importable. 105100 105100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus 105940 105940 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Frozen semen other than bovine embryo 05119991 5119991 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Frozen semen other than bovine embryo Of wild life 05119992 5119992 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Fuel elements (cartridges); non-irradiated Radio-active materials is permitted to be imported on the recommendation of 084013 084013 1 January 2016
Department of Atomic Energy.
INDIA IN R Ginger:Fresh 09101010 9101010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Gliders and hang Gliders Goods classified as sports goods or equipment shall however be allowed to be 88010010 88010010 1 January 2016
imported freely.
INDIA IN R Glutethimide (INN) 292512 292512 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Goats 104200 104200 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Goods of a kind known as “Hazardous Wastes” 38249036 38249036 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Grain Sorghum-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10070010 10070010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Groundnut-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12021091 12021091 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Gun powder 36010020 36010020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Gunny cuttings 63101030 63101030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Guts of cattle for natural food casings 05040010 5040010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Guts of other animals for natural food casings of wild animals 05040031 5040031 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Guts other than for natural food castings of wild animals 05040041 5040041 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Halogenated 038254 038254 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane halogenated only with Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034910 29034910 1 January 2016
flourine and chlorine (HCFCS) to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Hard zinc spelter 026201 026201 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Heavy water (deuterium oxide) Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 028451 028451 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Helicopters-Of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg 088021 088021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Helicopters-Of an unladen weight not exceeding 2000 kg 088021 088021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Heptachlorodi-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034521 29034521 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Hexachlorodi-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034522 29034522 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Horses 01011010 1011010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Horses for Polo 01019010 1019010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R HPS- Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12021010 12021010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN P Imitation lard of animal origin 15179030 15179030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Industrial explosives 36020010 36020010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Ivory powder and waste 05071020 5071020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Ivory 05071010 5071010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Jawar-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 10082011 10082011 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plants;
Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Jojoba seed Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12119015 12119015 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Kuth Root Import will be subject to the provisions of Convention of International Trade in 12119046 12119046 1 January 2016
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES) and Wildlife (Protection) Act
INDIA IN P Lard Stearin; Lard Oil; Oleostearin; Oleo-Oil and Tallow Oil; not emulsified or 15030000 15030000 1 January 2016
mixed or otherwise prepared
INDIA IN R Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges 026202 026202 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Levorphanol (INN) and its salts 293341 293341 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Linseed-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (4) below. Import permitted for 12040010 12040010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plant Quarantine (Regulation of
Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Livers 206200 206200 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Loprazolam (INN); mecloqualone (INN); methaqualone (INN) and zipeprol 293355 293355 1 January 2016
(INN); salts thereof
INDIA IN R Machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation; and parts thereof 084012 084012 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Mainly containing organic constituents 038256 038256 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Maize(corn)Seed Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 010051 010051 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its salts 293352 293352 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Marble and travertine -Blocks Import of marble will be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular No.12 25151210 25151210 1 January 2016
(RE-08)/2004-2009 date 27.06.2008; Policy Circular No.13 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated
30.6.2008; Policy Circular No.20(RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 16.07.2008; Policy Circular
No.25 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 08.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 28 (RE-2008)/2004-
09 dated 20.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 65 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26.02.09 and
Policy Circular No. 67 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 2.03.09
INDIA IN R Marble and travertine -Crude or roughly trimmed Import of marble will be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular No.12 025151 025151 1 January 2016
(RE-08)/2004-2009 date 27.06.2008; Policy Circular No.13 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated
30.6.2008; Policy Circular No.20(RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 16.07.2008; Policy Circular
No.25 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 08.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 28 (RE-2008)/2004-
09 dated 20.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 65 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26.02.09 and
Policy Circular No. 67 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 2.03.09
INDIA IN R Marble and travertine -Other Import of marble will be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular No.12 25151290 25151290 1 January 2016
(RE-08)/2004-2009 date 27.06.2008; Policy Circular No.13 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated
30.6.2008; Policy Circular No.20(RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 16.07.2008; Policy Circular
No.25 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 08.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 28 (RE-2008)/2004-
09 dated 20.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 65 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26.02.09 and
Policy Circular No. 67 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 2.03.09
INDIA IN R Marble and travertine -Slabs Import of marble will be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular No.12 25151220 25151220 1 January 2016
(RE-08)/2004-2009 date 27.06.2008; Policy Circular No.13 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated
30.6.2008; Policy Circular No.20(RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 16.07.2008; Policy Circular
No.25 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 08.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 28 (RE-2008)/2004-
09 dated 20.08.2008; Policy Circular No. 65 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 26.02.09 and
Policy Circular No. 67 (RE-2008)/2004-09 dated 2.03.09
INDIA IN R Marine radio communication equipment Not permitted to be imported except against a licence to be issued by the WPC 85256012 85256012 1 January 2016
wing of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
INDIA IN R Meat of bovine animals 210200 210200 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R meat; meat offal or blood -Of bovine animals 016025 016025 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Meprobamate (INN) 292411 292411 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Merely cut; by sawing or otherwise; into blocks or slabs of a rectangular 025161 025161 1 January 2016
(including square) shape
INDIA IN R Meslin-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10019031 10019031 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN P Microbial rennet: Animal rennet 35071011 35071011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Monetary 071082 071082 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Municipal waste 038251 038251 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Mustard-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12075010 12075010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN P Mutton Tallow 15020010 15020010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys; dispersions(including cermets); Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 028441 028441 1 January 2016
ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium
INDIA IN P Neats Foot Oil and fats from bone or waste 15060010 15060010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Newsprint; in rolls or sheets Glazed 48010010 48010010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Newsprint; in rolls or sheets Other 48010090 48010090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Nicotinic acid & nicotinamide (niacinamide/ niacine) 29362920 29362920 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Niobium tantalum ores and concentrates Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 26159020 26159020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Non directional beacon 85269140 85269140 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Non-ordnance 36030031 36030031 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Non-ordnance 36030041 36030041 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Nuclear fuels not elsewhere included or specified Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28459010 28459010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Nuclear reactors 084011 084011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Oats-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10040010 10040010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Of a kind used on aircraft 040121 040121 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of a kind used on buses or lorries (i) Import of retreaded tyres for buses; lorries and earth moving equipment 040121 040121 1 January 2016
including bigger size vehicles and light commercial vehicles is permitted freely if the
per tyres c.i.f value is US $175 and above. (ii) Import of retreaded tyres for
passenger automobile vehicles including two wheelers; three wheelers and
personal type vehicles is permitted freely if the per tyre c.i.f. value is US $ 25 and

Page 75 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Of a kind used on Motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) (i) Import of retreaded tyres for buses; lorries and earth moving equipment 040121 040121 1 January 2016
including bigger size vehicles and light commercial vehicles is permitted freely if the
per tyres c.i.f value is US $175 and above. (ii) Import of retreaded tyres for
passenger automobile vehicles including two wheelers; three wheelers and
personal type vehicles is permitted freely if the per tyre c.i.f. value is US $ 25 and
INDIA IN R Of acrylic polymers and methyacrylic co-polymers 39159030 39159030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of alkyds and polyesters 39159041 39159041 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of aminoplast 39159062 39159062 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of bovine animals; fresh or chilled 206100 206100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of co-polymers of vinyl acetate 39159021 39159021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of co-polymers of vinyl chloride 39153010 39153010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of epoxide resins 39159049 39159049 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of military weapons of heading 9301 093059 093059 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of phenoplast 39159061 39159061 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of Polyamides 39159050 39159050 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of polymers of ethylene 039151 039151 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of polymers of styrene 039152 039152 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of polypropylene 39159010 39159010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of polyurethanes 39159063 39159063 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of regenerated cellulose 39159071 39159071 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Of revolvers or pistols 093051 093051 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Opium 013021 013021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ornamental Fish 301100 301100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Ossein :Of wild animals 05061031 5061031 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other 15220090 15220090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093062 093062 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093069 093069 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093059 093059 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093039 093039 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093019 093019 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Allowed for import under saving clause 3(1) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from 97050090 97050090 1 January 2016
Application of Rules in Certain Cases)Order; 1993; read with Customs Notification
157 dated 28.03.90.
INDIA IN R Other Subject to value limit of Rs. 2000(c.i.f)and other conditions as specified in clause 098049 098049 1 January 2016
3(1); (i) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in Certain
Cases)Order; 1993.
INDIA IN R Other 96019090 96019090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 74040029 74040029 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other However; import of Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver and Differential 85269190 85269190 1 January 2016
Global Positioning System (DGPS) Receiver is free.
INDIA IN R Other 85255090 85255090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Goods classified as sports goods or equipment shall however be allowed to be 88010090 88010090 1 January 2016
imported freely.
INDIA IN R Other 085489 085489 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 093011 093011 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05040039 5040039 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05040049 5040049 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05040059 5040059 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 301900 301900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 04070090 4070090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05119999 5119999 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05119190 5119190 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 05119929 5119929 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 04100090 4100090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 701900 701900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 12119019 12119019 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 25169090 25169090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 025174 025174 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28459090 28459090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034490 29034490 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other Import of spent cleaned metal catalyst containing nickel is permitted without a 026209 026209 1 January 2016
licence to units registered with Ministry of Environment and Forest; Government of
INDIA IN R Other 027109 027109 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 026219 026219 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443029 28443029 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 39159090 39159090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 39153090 39153090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 39159029 39159029 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 038256 038256 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 038259 038259 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 038254 038254 1 January 2016

Page 76 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Other 40121990 40121990 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Other 63101090 63101090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 63109090 63109090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 49070090 49070090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 48026990 48026990 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36030049 36030049 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36030059 36030059 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36030039 36030039 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36030019 36030019 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36049090 36049090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36050090 36050090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 293959 293959 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36020090 36020090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 36010090 36010090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034990 29034990 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034590 29034590 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R other 290559 290559 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 29036229 29036229 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 206200 206200 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Subject to Import Licensing Note No. 6 of the chapter. Import of Wild Animals 106300 106300 1 January 2016
(including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act;
1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 01069090 1069090 1 January 2016
Life (Protection) Act 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other Grand parent stock of poultry is; however; freely importable. 105100 105100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 106100 106100 1 January 2016
Life (Protection) Act; 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other 105900 105900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 01041090 1041090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 01021090 1021090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 01029090 1029090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 01011090 1011090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other 01019090 1019090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other - articles of iron or steel Forged or stamped; but not further worked: 73269099 73269099 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other (Seeds; fruit and spores) Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12099990 12099990 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003. However; import of
Pomegranate seeds will be free.
INDIA IN R Other (slag; ash residues containing aluminium) 26204090 26204090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other (slag; ash residues containing lead mainly) 026202 026202 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other (slag; ash; residues containing arsenic; metals or their compounds Import of zinc ash and zinc skimmings permitted.( Zinc skimmings containing zinc 026201 026201 1 January 2016
65% and above; lead and cadmium less than 1.25% and 0.1% respectively).
INDIA IN R Other (zinc waste and scrap) Import of the following kinds of zinc skimmings is permitted without a licence to 79020090 79020090 1 January 2016
units registered with Ministry of Environment and Forest; Government of India; on
actual user basis upto the annual quantity limits indicated in the registration
INDIA IN P Other :Of wild animals 05069091 5069091 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other animal fats and oils and their fractions; whether or not refined; but not 15060090 15060090 1 January 2016
chemically modified
INDIA IN P Other animal rennet 35071099 35071099 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R OTHER ARMS (FOR EXAMPLE; SPRING; AIR OR GAS GUNS AND PISTOLS; However; import of 0.177 bore air guns and air pistols registered with Rifle Clubs or 093040 093040 1 January 2016
TRUNCHEONS); EXCLUDING THOSE OF HEADING 9307 District/State/ National Rifles Association. Free import of 0.177 bore air guns and air
pistols will also be allowed to National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) for
supplying the same to the eligible State Rifle Association / Clubs and to the eligible
shooters. NRAI shall be required to keep appropriate account of the imported
INDIA IN P Other articles of fur skin Of wild animals covered under Wild Life Protection 43039010 43039010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Cartridges and parts thereof 093063 093063 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other cereals -Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10089010 10089010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Other cuts with bone in(frozen) 202200 202200 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere specified or included 35071019 35071019 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other fats and oils and their fractions of fish; other than liver oils 15042090 15042090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other Fats and Oils and their fractions; of fish or marine mammals; whether or 15041099 15041099 1 January 2016
not refined; but not chemically modified

Page 77 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN P Other Fats of Bovine animals; Sheep or Goats; other than those of Heading 1503 15020090 15020090 1 January 2016

INDIA IN P Other feather (excluding for stuffing purpose): of wild birds 05059021 5059021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other fish waste 05119130 5119130 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Other meat and edible meat offal; fresh; chilled or frozen Of wild animals 02089010 2089010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other Of copper alloys: Import of the following types of copper scrap is permitted without a licence to 74040019 74040019 1 January 2016
units registered with Ministry of Environment and Forest; Government of India:
Copper wire covered under ISRI code “Druid”; Jelly filled copper cables.
INDIA IN R Other perhalogenated derivatives Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 290347 290347 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Other satellite communication equipment Not permitted to be imported except against a licence to be issued by the WPC 85256092 85256092 1 January 2016
wing of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
INDIA IN R Other sporting hunting or target shooting shotguns; including combination 093032 093032 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other sporting; hunting or target-shooting rifles 093033 093033 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other waste and scrap 85481090 85481090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other waste and scrap 76020090 76020090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other((slag; ash residues containing copper) Import of ashes and residue containing mainly copper is permitted viz. Spent 26203090 26203090 1 January 2016
cleaned metal catalyst containing zinc.
INDIA IN R Other(lead waste and scrap) 78020090 78020090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other(Magnesium) 81042090 81042090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other(Nickel waste and scrap) 75030090 75030090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other(slag;dross) 26190090 26190090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Other(Tin) 80020090 80020090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Others 36069099 36069099 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Pakur stone 25169010 25169010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48025850 48025850 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48026260 48026260 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48026960 48026960 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48025570 48025570 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48025670 48025670 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Paper for security printing; currency paper; stamp paper 48025770 48025770 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Parts of Nuclear reactors 084014 084014 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Passive night vision goggles 90049010 90049010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Pebbles; gravel of marble 025174 025174 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Pentachloro fluoroethane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034512 29034512 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Pentachlorotri-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034523 29034523 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN P Pig fat; free of lean meat and poultry fat; not rendered or otherwise extracted; 02090000 2090000 1 January 2016
fresh; chilled; frozen; salted; in brine; dried or smoked
INDIA IN P Pig Fats (including Lard) and Poultry fat; other than that of Heading 0209 or 15010000 15010000 1 January 2016
INDIA IN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Poly Brominated Biphenyls Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC procedure of Rotterdam convention on 34049031 34049031 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Poly Brominated Biphenyls;Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls; Poly Chlorinated Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC Procedure of Rotterdam Convention on 38249035 38249035 1 January 2016
Terphenyls; Crocidolite Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC procedure of Rotterdam convention on 34049032 34049032 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Poly Chlorinated Terphenyls Import is restricted in terms of Interim PIC procedure of Rotterdam convention on 34049033 34049033 1 January 2016
Prior Informed Consent procedure for hazardous chemicals and pesticides.
INDIA IN R Poppy 09109926 9109926 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Poppy straw 012114 012114 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Potatoes; fresh or chilled Seed Import permitted for sowing or planting without a licence in accordance with a 701100 701100 1 January 2016
import permit granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India)
Order; 2003.
INDIA IN P Powder and waste of feathers or parts of feathers: of wild birds 05059031 5059031 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Prepared or preserved meat; fish and vegetables; dairy products; soup; lard; Subject to value limit of Rs. 2000(c.i.f) and other conditions as specified in clause 098051 098051 1 January 2016
fresh fruits 3(1); (i) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from Application of Rules in Certain
Cases)Order; 1993.
INDIA IN R Primates Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 106100 106100 1 January 2016
Life (Protection) Act; 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts 293942 293942 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Psittaciformes (including parrots; parakeets; macaws and cockatoos) Subject to Import Licensing Note No. 6 of the chapter. Import of Wild Animals 106300 106300 1 January 2016
(including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act;
1972 is prohibited.

Page 78 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Pure bred breeding animals 103100 103100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Pure-line Stock Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 01069020 1069020 1 January 2016
Life (Protection) Act 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Pyrophoric alloys; in all forms 36069092 36069092 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Radar apparatus 085261 085261 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Radio broadcast transmitter Not permitted to be imported except against a licence to be issued by the WPC 85255010 85255010 1 January 2016
wing of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
INDIA IN R Radio remote control apparatus 085269 085269 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of sub- Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 028444 028444 1 January 2016
headings 2844 10;2844 20 or 2844 30; alloys; dispersions(including cermets);
ceramic products amixtures containing these elements; isotopes or compounds;
radioactive residues
INDIA IN R Ragi (Finger Millet)-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 10082031 10082031 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plants;
Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN P Rendered or solvent extraction fats 15020030 15020030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Reptiles (including snakes and turtles) Subject to Import Licensing Note No. 6 of the chapter. Import of Wild Animals 106200 106200 1 January 2016
(including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act;
1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R REVOLVERS AND PISTOLS; OTHER THAN THOSE OF heading 9303 OR 9304 093020 093020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R RF (Radio Frequency) power amplifiers and noise generators for communication Department of Central Government may be permitted to import against licence 85438991 85438991 1 January 2016
jamming equipment; static/mobile/manportable however; import by any other category of importers is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Rice in husk Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10061010 10061010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Rocket launchers ; flame throwers; grenade launchers; torpedo tubes and 093012 093012 1 January 2016
similar projectors
INDIA IN R Roots and tubers of dried leguminous vegetables 11062090 11062090 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Rye-Of seed quality Import subject to conditions at Licensing note (2) below. Import permitted for 10020010 10020010 1 January 2016
sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development; 1988 and
in accordance with import permit granted under Plants; Fruits and Seeds
(Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Safety matches 36050010 36050010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Sandal Wood Import of Sandal Wood will be subject to the conditions laid down in Policy Circular 44039922 44039922 1 January 2016
No. 1 (RE-06) / 2004-09 dated 7.4.2006 as amended from time to time.
INDIA IN R Sandstone 025162 025162 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R seeds of badian: Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09091021 9091021 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of coriander: Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09092010 9092010 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of anise Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09091011 9091011 1 January 2016
granted under Plants Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R seeds of caraway: Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09094010 9094010 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of Cumin; black Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09093011 9093011 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of Cumin; other than black: Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09093021 9093021 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of Fennel Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09095011 9095011 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R seeds of Juniper berries: Import permitted for sowing without a licence in accordance with import permit 09095021 9095021 1 January 2016
granted under Plants; Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.

INDIA IN R Seeds; fruit and spores -Of pea Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12099140 12099140 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Self-propelled(Artillery weapons) 093011 093011 1 January 2016

Page 79 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Serpentina Roots (Rauvolfia serpentina and other species of rauvolfia) Import will be subject to the provisions of Convention of International Trade in 12119044 12119044 1 January 2016
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES).
INDIA IN R Sesamum -Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12074010 12074010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Sewage sludge 038252 038252 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Sheep including lamb for breeding purpose 01041010 1041010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Ship signals 36049010 36049010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Sinews and tendons Of wild life 05119921 5119921 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Skins and other parts : Of wild birds 05059091 5059091 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Slate; whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut; by sawing or otherwise; 025140 025140 1 January 2016
into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
INDIA IN P Soap Stocks 15220020 15220020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) 301950 301950 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Soyabeans-Of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 12010010 12010010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Spacecraft (including satellites) and suborbital and spacecraft launch vehicles 088026 088026 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 284450 284450 1 January 2016

INDIA IN P Sperm Oil 15042030 15042030 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Stone boulders 25169020 25169020 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Stuffed animals and birds (taxidermy) Allowed for import under saving clause 3(1) of Foreign Trade (Exemption from 97050010 97050010 1 January 2016
Application of Rules in Certain Cases)Order; 1993; read with Customs Notification
157 dated 28.03.90.
INDIA IN R Sugar beet seed Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 012091 012091 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Imports into India) Order; 2003.
INDIA IN R Synthetic rags Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the 63109040 63109040 1 January 2016
condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs
Public Notice or Trade Notice.
INDIA IN R Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles; motorised; whether or not fitted 087100 087100 1 January 2016
with weapons; and parts of such vehicle
INDIA IN P Telephone sets; including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless (i) Import of ‘Mobile Handsets’ (classified under ITC (HS) Code ‘8517’ ) without 851700 851700 1 January 2016
networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice; images or International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) No. or with all Zeroes IMEI is
other data; including apparatus for communication in a wired or prohibited.
wireless network (such as a local or wide area network); other than
transmission or reception apparatus of heading 8443; 8525; 8527 or 8528.
INDIA IN P Telephone sets; including telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless (ii) Import of ‘CDMA mobile phones’ (classified under ITC (HS) Code ‘8517’ ) without 851700 851700 1 January 2016
networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice; images or Electronic Serial Number (ESN) / Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) or with all
other data; including apparatus for communication in a wired or Zeroes as ESN / MEID is prohibited.
wireless network (such as a local or wide area network); other than
transmission or reception apparatus of heading 8443; 8525; 8527 or 8528.
INDIA IN R Telescopic sights for fitting to arms 90131010 90131010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Tetrachlorodi-fluoroethane Heptachlorodi-fluoropropane; Hexachlorodi- Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034513 29034513 1 January 2016
fluoropropane; Pentachlorotri-fluoropropane; Tetrachlorotetra-fluoropropane; to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
Trichloropenta-fluoropropane; Dichlorohexa-fluoropropane; Chlorohepta- countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
fluoropropane General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.

Page 80 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Tetrachlorotetra-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034524 29034524 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Tetra-ethyl Lead 29310030 29310030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) 293295 293295 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Thorium hydroxide Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443022 28443022 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Thorium nitrate Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443023 28443023 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Thorium ores and concentrates (like Monazite sand/ore) Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 026122 026122 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Thorium oxide Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443021 28443021 1 January 2016
INDIA IN P Tiger-Cat skins 43021940 43021940 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Tilidine (INN) and its salts 292244 292244 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Tongues 206200 206200 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Trichloroethane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29031920 29031920 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Trichlorofluoro methane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 290341 290341 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Trichloropenta-fluoropropane Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 29034525 29034525 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Montreal Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Trichlorotrifluoroethanes Import is permitted by actual users against a licence from a country which is a party 290343 290343 1 January 2016
to the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. List of
countries which are parties to the Monitor Protocol will be notified by Director
General of Foreign Trade from time to time. However import from countries; which
are not parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Trout ( Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus 301900 301900 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
INDIA IN R Turkeys Grand parent stock of poultry is; however; freely importable. 105100 105100 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Turtle eggs and salanganes’ nests (birds’ nests) 04100020 4100020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R TV broadcast transmitter Not permitted to be imported except against a licence to be issued by the WPC 85255020 85255020 1 January 2016
wing of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
INDIA IN R Unused postage; revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the 49070010 49070010 1 January 2016
country in which they have; or will have; a recognized face value
INDIA IN R Unwrought; waste and scrap; powders 081129 081129 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Uranium depleted in U235 and or thorium and their alloys; unwrought or Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443010 28443010 1 January 2016
wrought and compounds thereof Compounds of thorium or of uranium
depleted in U235:
INDIA IN R Uranium enriched in U235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 028442 028442 1 January 2016
alloys; dispersions(including cermets); ceramic products and mixtures
containing uranium enriched in U235; plutonium or compounds of these
INDIA IN R Uranium ores and concentrates Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 026121 026121 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R VHF omni range equipment 85269150 85269150 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Warships 89061090 89061090 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Waste and scrap of bismuth and bismuth alloys; including bismuth powder 81060020 81060020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap of cermets 81130020 81130020 1 January 2016

INDIA IN R Waste and scrap of manganese base alloys 81110020 81110020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap of uranium depleted in U235 or of thorium Import subject to Atomic Energy Act; 1962 and Rules there under. 28443030 28443030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Antimony) 081102 081102 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Beryllium) 081121 081121 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(cadmium) 081073 081073 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Chromium) 081122 081122 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Cobalt) 081053 081053 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Molybdenum) 081029 081029 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Tantalum) 081033 081033 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Thallium) 081125 081125 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Titanium) 081083 081083 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Tungsten) 081019 081019 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste and scrap(Zirconium) 081093 081093 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste Pharmaceuticals 030069 030069 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Waste; parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and Import of used rubber tyres with one cut in bead wire and import of used rubber 040040 040040 1 January 2016
granules obtained there from. tubes cut in two pieces; however; is free.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

INDIA IN R Wastes of metal picking liquors; hydraulic fluids; brake fluids and anti-freeze 038255 038255 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Weighing 50 Kg or more 103900 103900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Weighing less than 50 Kg. 103900 103900 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Whales; dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order cetacea); manatees and Import of Wild Animals (including their parts and products) as defined in the Wild 106100 106100 1 January 2016
dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) Life (Protection) Act; 1972 is prohibited.
INDIA IN R Wheat of seed quality Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed 10019010 10019010 1 January 2016
Development; 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plants;
Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of import into India) Order; 1989.
INDIA IN R Woolen rags 63101010 63101010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Woolen rags Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the 63109010 63109010 1 January 2016
condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs
Public Notice or Trade Notice.
INDIA IN R Worked bone (excluding whale bone) and articles thereof 96019030 96019030 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Worked horn; coral and other animal carving material and articles thereof 96019040 96019040 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Worked mother of pearl and articles thereof 96019020 96019020 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Worked tortoise-shell and articles thereof 96019010 96019010 1 January 2016
INDIA IN R Worn Clothing and other worn articles Units in the Special Economic zone will be allowed to sell worn clothing in the 630900 630900 1 January 2016
Domestic Tariff Area to the extent of 15% of the cif value of imports made in the
previous year.
INDONESIA ID P Air conditioning machine using Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and 9 June 2022
Hydrochlorofluorocarbon 22 (HCFC-22) whether or not containing. 8415 841582
INDONESIA ID P Carboxyamide; amide and carbonic acid substance 2924 292419 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID R Combination of printer; copier and color fax machine 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID R Computer tablet 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Firearms and ammunitions; all articles for military purpose; explosive 9 June 2022
substances; military equipment.
INDONESIA ID P Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons 2903 290381 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Inflammable substances 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID R Lithium batteries 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Live animals. Live poultry. 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P 9 June 2022
Materials propagandizing and advertising pornography; violence and terrorism.
INDONESIA ID P Mercury sfigmomanomete 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Mercury thermometer 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID R Mineral fertilizers or chemical fertilizers; containing nitrogen. Ammonium 9 June 2022
nitrate; whether or not in aqueous solution.
INDONESIA ID P Mixture subtance containing one or more of the following substances: 9 June 2022
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); aldrin; toxaphene; chlordane; dieldrin; endrin;
heptaldor; mirex; hexachlorobenzene.
INDONESIA ID R Natural uranium and its compounds 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Ozone-depleting substances 2903 290377 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 9 June 2022
prohibitions. V2/index.html 000000 999999
INDONESIA ID R Rum and other alcohols obtained by distillation of fermented cane sugar 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID R Second-hand secondary lithium battery which cannot be used properly 9 June 2022
(because it is faulty or non-rechargeable); in one piece; used in a car;
motorcycle or other battery-based electric motor vehicle
INDONESIA ID R Shrimp Penaeus Vanamae 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Used Bags; sacks and used clothes 6305 6309 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Used goods 9 June 2022
INDONESIA ID P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 19 May 2020
prohibitions V2/index.html 000000 999999
INDONESIA ID P Items containing coins, bank notes, cheques, postage stamps, foreign currency, or any UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
kind of securities payable to bearer. Article VIII
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P All kind of live and dead Animals 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P All Kinds of Gambling Tools 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Arms and Ammunition; parts and accessories therof 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Cultural products; Books; Magazaines; DVDs According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidence 1 January 2016

IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Drugs and psychotropic substances 1 January 2016

IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Electrical Machinary and communication equipment According to The terms and Conditions of Communication Regulatory 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Explosives and flammable Goods 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Food and perishable food 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Military Equipments and Article Thereof According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Defence 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Mineral and Chemical Products According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Industry; Mine and Trade 1 January 2016

IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Obscene or pornographic material; Magazines and Articals Thereof 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic products According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Ministry of Health and 1 January 2016
Medical Education
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Plants and plants products According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Agriculture 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Precious Stones; Metals and Articals Thereof 1 January 2016
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR R Work of Art; Collectors' pieces and Antiques According to The terms and Conditions of Ministry of Cultural Heritage; Handicrafts 1 January 2016
and Tourism
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Items containing articles contrary to the principles of the Islamic religion. Article VIII/IX
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P UPU Convention 25 August 2022
Items (ordinary, registered or insured) containing coins, bank notes, travellers’ cheques. Protocol Article VIII/IX
IRAN; ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR P Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels or other UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Article VIII/IX
IRAQ IQ N Cameras; mobile telephones or laptop computers may now be sent Circular 2018.28 18 March 2019
IRAQ IQ P Coins 7118 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ P Electric bicycle 8711 1 January 2016

IRAQ IQ P Electric wheel chair 871310 1 January 2016

IRAQ IQ P Home generator 850100 850200 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ P Platinum;gold or silver; whether manufactured or not 710600 711200 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ P Precious stones; jewels or other valuable articles 710200 710400 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ P Toy's Remote control 950300 1 January 2016
IRAQ IQ P 25 August 2022
Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol
cheques. Article VIII/IX
IRAQ IQ P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels or other UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Article VIII/IX
IRELAND IE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions traders-and-agents/importing-and-
ISRAEL IL P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions s/TaxesCustomsLobby.aspx
ITALY IT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and https://www.agenziadoganemonopoli.go 000000 999999 1 January 2016

JAMAICA JM R Alcohol in Bulk Spirit Pool Permit Trade Board (TB) - Ministry of Commerce 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM P All publications of the Lawrence Scott and Company of Chicago; in United States 1 January 2016
of America; relating to divination; magic; cultism or supernatural arts
JAMAICA JM P All publications of the Red Star Publishing Company of Chicago in the United 1 January 2016
States of America; relating to divination; magic; cultism or supernatural arts
JAMAICA JM R Coconut derivatives: oil; producing seeds; oils; soaps Permit Coconut Industry Board 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM P Coin-base or counterfeit of any country 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Firearms and accessories; explosives; fireworks; swords Permit / License to import Trade Board (TB) - Ministry of Commerce 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Fruit; vegetables; plants and plant products Phyto Sanitary Certificate / Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Ground provision Phyto Sanitary Certificate / Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Human remains KSAC Permit 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM P Indecent an obsene prints; paintings; photographs; cinematograph; films; 1 January 2016
lithographs; engravings; books; cards or writtenn communications or any
indecent or obscene articles similar to or not any parcels; packages or packets;
having thereon; or on the cover thereof; any words; marks or marks or design
which are grossly offensive.
JAMAICA JM R Mild powder License Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Milk based products License Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Motor vehicles License Trade Board (TB) - Ministry of Commerce 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Pesticides Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 3808 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Pharmaceuticals; chemicals; herbal teas PSD Certificate Ministry of Health (MOH) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

JAMAICA JM R Radios (Two-way) Licence/Approval Spectrum Management Authority 1 January 2016

JAMAICA JM R Red peas Phyto Sanitary Certificate / Permit Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 1 January 2016
JAMAICA JM R Sugar License Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 170100 170200 1 January 2016
JAPAN JP P Ammunition 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

JAPAN JP P Any mail items containing plants sent::to Japan must be inspected by the In addition; senders should note the following points:::1) Confirmation of import UPU Circular 2020.152 28 January 2021
Ministry of Agriculture; Forestry and Fisheries of::Japan; regardless of the conditions: senders should confirm the applicable import::conditions; as provided in
number of items or the purpose of the plants (e.g. commercial; research; the Ministry of Agriculture; Forestry and Fisheries database::available at
personal consumption). The import conditions
applicable to plants depend on the exporting country and the plants::in
question.::::2) Attachment of inspection certificate: an inspection certificate issued
by the plant::quarantine authority of the exporting country must be attached to the
mail item.::Depending on the exporting country and the plants in question;
clearance for import::will not be granted unless special notes are included on the
inspection certificate.::Senders are asked to provide the inspection certificate inside
the mail item or to::attach it to the outside of the mail item.::3) Import in parcels or
small packets only: the import of plants by mail is limited to::parcels and small
packets only.::4) Label recommendation: it is recommended that a label be affixed
to the outer::packaging of mail items; bearing the wording “Contains plants”;
“Requires plant::inspection”; “Plants”; “Plant seeds” or similar.

JAPAN JP P Articles of which the transport or transmission is prohibited by laws and 1 January 2016
ordinances such as Indecent drawings (Criminal Law); marijuana (Cannabis
Control Law); narcotics drugs (Stimulants Control Law); etc.
JAPAN JP P Combustible gases. Butane; propane; acetylene; vinyl chloride monomer and 1 January 2016
other combustible gases.
JAPAN JP P Explosive materials. Gunpowder. Nitrates and smoke gunpowder consisting 1 January 2016
mainly thereof (black powder and ammon powder for hunting or mining; etc.)
Nitrocellulose and smokeless gunpowder consisting mainly thereof (smokeless
JAPAN JP P gunpowder
Explosive for hunting;
materials. etc.).agents;
Ignition Smokeless
flashgunpowder consisting
agents; flame agents; mainly of
smoke agents 1 January 2016
and thermite.
JAPAN JP P Explosives. Fulminates (mercury fulminate) and lead nitride; as well as initiators 1 January 2016
consisting mainly thereof.
JAPAN JP P Explosives. Nitrates; chlorates and perchlorates; as well as explosives consisting 1 January 2016
mainly thereof (ammonuim nitrate explosives; potassium chlorate explosives;
Carlit; etc.).
JAPAN JP P Explosives. Nitric ester (nitrocotton; starch nitrate; pentaerythritol tetranitrate; 1 January 2016
etc.); as well as mixtures consisting mainly thereof.
JAPAN JP P Firearms; parts and accessories thereof 1 January 2016
JAPAN JP P Flammable materials other than those referred to in the preceeding item as 1 January 2016
follows: 1. Paint; bonding agents and other products consisting mainly of
petroleum; etc. (petroleum ether; gasoline; petroleum benzim; oil separated
from natural gas; shale oil; coal liquid; etc. with a flash point of 30°C or lower)
(lacquer; rubber cement; asphalt primer; etc.). 2. Alcohols (including methanol;
butanol and denaturated alcohol); as well as perfumes and cosmetics; liquor
and other products with an alcohol content of 60% or more. 3. Collodion;
solvent naphtha (coal-tar naphtha); oil of turpentine; camphor; pine oil and
crosote oil.
JAPAN JP P Flammable materials with a flash point of 30°C or lower. 1 January 2016
JAPAN JP P Ignitable materials. Ignitable alloys; reduced iron; reduced nickel; potassium 1 January 2016
permanganate; yellow phosphorus; red phosphorus; phosphorus sulfide;
matches; metallic potassium; metallic sodium; magnesium powder; aluminium
powder; brass powder; zinc powder; copper powder; quicklime; peroxides (lead
peroxide; sodium peroxide; barium peroxide; potassium peroxide; etc.); carbide;
lime phosphide and hydrosulfite.
JAPAN JP R In response to recent serious incidents caused by African swine fever in East Animal Quarantine Service; Ministry of Agriculture; Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) UPU Circulars 15 October 2020
Asia; the Animal Quarantine Service of Japan has strengthened import 11-1; Hara-machi; Isogo-ku; Yokohama-city; Kanagawa; Japan Tel: +81 45 751 59 23 ort.html:: 2020.129; 2019.92
inspection of meat and meat products. No person may import the following Fax: +81 45 754 17 29 E-mail: ::::
items in accordance with the Act on Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases
Control: – Any meat and meat products which are from or via an import
prohibition area (; – Any
meat and meat products without an inspection certificate issued by a
government agency of the exporting country. ::::In addition; in order to
effectively prevent the incursion of contagious::diseases into Japan; the MAFF
has amended the aforementioned Act to reinforce the::legal authority of animal
quarantine officers and increase the penalties for violation of::import
quarantine provisions; as follows:::1 Animal quarantine officers are authorized
to dispose of illegal animal products::found upon inspection of international
parcels;::2 The fines for violation of import quarantine provisions; such as
bringing illegal::animal products into Japan; have been raised. Those applicable
to individuals::have been raised from up to 1;000;000 JPY to up to 3;000;000
JPY; and those::applicable to corporate bodies from up to 1;000;000 JPY to up
to 50;000;000 JPY.::Please note that this article also applies with regard to
illegal animal products::imported through international parcels.::These articles
entered into force on 1 July 2020.

JAPAN JP R Japan no longer allows the importation of any plants by mail or by hand unless Any plant lacking the required certificate will be destroyed in accordance with UPU Circular 2019.17 27 May 2020
they are accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the national plant national legislation df/pc_en-2.pdf
protection organization of the exporting country.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

JAPAN JP P Living disease-organisms or articles considered as containing or carrying such 1 January 2016
agents (excluding those dispatched by government or public offices; institutes
for bacteriological examination; doctors or veterinary surgeons); etc.; provided
for in Article 2 of Quarantine Law; and Article 31 of Tuberculosis Control Law.

JAPAN JP P Narcotics and psychotropic substances. It is forbidden to send narcotic drugs; Unless the items are addressed to an appropriate organization that has been UPU Circular 2019.207 26 May 2020
psychotropic substances and other illegal substances prohibited by the officially authorized to possess them.
destination country in all categories of postal items.::Moreover; Japan strictly
prohibits the import of firearms and their components; accessories and
ammunition; as well as narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances and the like.

JAPAN JP P Nitro compounds (trinitrobenzene; trinitrotoluene; picric acid; 1 January 2016

trinitrochlorbenzene; tetryl; trinitroanisole; hexanitrodiphenylamine;
trimethylene;trinitroamine; etc;); as well as mixtures consisting mainly thereof.

JAPAN JP P Nitroglycerin and nitroglycol; as well as explosives consisting mainly thereof 1 January 2016
(various dynamites; etc.).
JAPAN JP P Other explosive materials. Metacrylic acid methyl ester; clorites and products 1 January 2016
consisting mainly thereof.
JAPAN JP N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions ary/prohibit.htm
JAPAN JP P Poison; powerful drugs; powerful substances; provided for in Pharmaceutical 1 January 2016
Affairs Law; Article 52 of the Detailed Regulations of Pharmaceutical Affairs
Law; Article 2 of the Poisonous and Deleterious; and Substances Control Law
and the Appendix.
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Amino monofluoroacetate and products containing it 1 January 2016
(fussol. Etc.)

JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Dietyhlparanitrophenylthiophosphate and products 1 January 2016

containing it (parathion; Folidor; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Dimethyl-(diethylamido-1-chlorcrotonyl)-phosphate and 1 January 2016
products containing it (phosphamidon; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Dimethylethylmercapteothylphosphate and products 1 January 2016
containing it (methil demetone; metasystox; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Dimethylparanitrophenylthiophosphate and products 1 January 2016
containing it (methyl parathion; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Monofluoroacetic acid; monofluoroacetate; as well as 1 January 2016
products containing them (sodium monofluoroacetate; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Octamethyl pyrophosphoramide and products containing 1 January 2016
it (shradan; OMPA; postoxill; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Products containing alminum phosphide and a 1 January 2016
decomposition accelerator thereof (phostxin; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Tetraalkyl lead (tetraethyl lead; tetramethyl lead; etc and 1 January 2016
products containint it.
JAPAN JP P Poisonous materials. Tetraethylpyrophosphate and products containing it 1 January 2016
(TEPP; Nikkarin P; etc.)
JAPAN JP P Poisonous or malodorous gases or materials that emit steam. Poisonous gases 1 January 2016
(mustard gas; lewisite; adamsite; etc.); dimethyl sulfite; anhydrous aluminum
chloride; chlorbenzene; chlorbenzil; chloracetyl; chloropicrin; brom; brombenzil;
phosphorus pentachloride; sulfur chloride; tin chloride; sulfuryl chloride;
acrolein; titanium tetrachloride and silicon tetrachloride.
JAPAN JP P Poisonous or powerful drugs or other powerful substances (excluding those 1 January 2016
dispatched by government or public offices; doctors; dentists; veterinary
surgeons; pharmacists or other persons authorized to deal with poinsonous or
powerful substances.
JAPAN JP P Pyrotechnics. Live cartridges; blanks; cartridges; cartridge increments; 1 January 2016
detonators; fuses; canon primers; blasting fuses; detonating fuses; fireworks;
toy fireworks and other pyrotechnics using gunpoweder or explosives.
JAPAN JP P Strong acids. Fuming sulfuric acid; sulfuric anhydride; sulfuric acid; fuming nitric 1 January 2016
acid; nitric acid; phosphoric anhydride (phosphorus pentoxide); chlorsulfonic
acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrocholir acid and formic acid.

JAPAN JP P Strong oxidizing materials; such as hydrogen peroxide water (20% or more). 1 January 2016
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Aerosols Admitted with Restrictions laid out in website 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Alcoholic Beverages below 70% ABV 12 August 2022
Must follow pakaging guidelines. Volume should not exceed 1 litre per item. /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Alcoholic Beverages above 70% ABV 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Ammunition 12 August 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

JERSEY (BoT) JE R Asbestos Admitted with Restrictions laid out in website 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Balloons filled with non-flammable gas Admitted with Restrictions laid out in website 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Batteries - New alkaline metal, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
(NiCd) /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Batteries - New and used lithium ion and lithium polymer Not sent with or contained in equipment 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Batteries - Lithium ion/polymer sent with or contained in equipment Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Batteries - New and used lithium metal and lithium alloy Not sent with or contained in equipment 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Batteries - Lithium metal/alloy sent with or contained in equipment Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Batteries - new wet, non-spillable. Sealed lead acid batteries, absorbed glass Must comply with Special Provision 238 of the UN and follow packaging and 12 August 2022
mat and gel cell quantity quidelines /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
batteries for example 020.pdf
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Batteries - Wet spillable lead acid/lead alkaline. E.G. Car Batteries 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Batteries classified as dangerous goods and certain used batteries 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Batteries - Lithium ion/polymer/metal/alloy when not sent with, or contained 12 August 2022
in/connected to an electronic device /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Biological Substances - Category B Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines. And may only be sent in certain 12 August 2022
conditions. /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Christmas Crackers Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Clinical and medical waste 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Controlled drugs and narcotics 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Corrosives 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Counterfeit currency, bank notes and postage stamps Except for old out of tender denominations for collectable purposes 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Dry ice 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Electronic items - Sent with new alkaline metal, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Electronic items sent with lithium metal and lithium alloy batteries Where the Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
battery is not connected to/contained in the device /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Electronic items containing any batteries exceeding 100Wh 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Environmental waste 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Explosives 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Flammable liquids and solids See website for exemption detail and definitions 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Frozen water 12 August 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

JERSEY (BoT) JE P Gases 12 August 2022

JERSEY (BoT) JE P Glass See website for detail and definitions 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Goods made in foreign prisons 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Guns for sporting use Admitted with restrictions and definitions laid out in website 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Human or animal samples Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines. And may only be sent in certain 12 August 2022
conditions. /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Human or animal remains 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Infectious substances and pathogens 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R New and used empty lighters Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Lighters or refills containing flammable liquid or gas including used butane and 12 August 2022
petrol cigar and cigarette lighters /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Liquids See website for detail and definitions 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Live animals and reptiles Including snakes, mice and rodents, except certain insects. 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Live creatures, insects and invertebrates Must follow packaging guidelines and definitions laid out on website 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Live creatures, insects and invertebrates classified as dangerous within the 12 August 2022
Dangerous Wild Animals Act /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Lottery tickets UK and Jersey tickets only are permitted. Must follow packaging guidelines. 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Magnetised material. Other than those that are prohibited. Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Magnetised material with a magnetic field strength of 0.418A/m or more at a 12 August 2022
distance of 4.6m from the outside of the package /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Matches Including safety and windproof matches 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Mobile Phones Must follow packaging and insurance guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Nail varnish, polish and gel (solvent and water based) Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Obscene publications and unlawful indecent images 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Oxidising materials and organic peroxides 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Wood varnishes and enamels - solvent-based 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Paints, wood stains and enamels - water-based Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Perfume and aftershave Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Perishables Must follow packaging guidelines and requirements 12 August 2022

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

JERSEY (BoT) JE P Poisons, toxic liquids, solids or gases 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes (non- Must follow packaging and quantity guidelines. Can only be sent under certain 12 August 2022
toxic and non-flammable) conditions. Medicines classified as flammable, toxic or flammable and toxic are /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
prohibited. 020.pdf
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Radioactive material and samples not classified as dangerous goods as stated in Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of /guide_to_prohibited_restricted_goods_2
Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation 020.pdf
Organisation (ICAO) such as samples of granite rock.
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Sharp objects Must follow packaging guidelines 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Tickets and related advertisements for illegal lotteries 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE R Vaccines Must follow packaging guidelines. And may only be sent in certain conditions. 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Waste, dirt, filth or refuse. Barring those sent for analysis. Must follow packaging guidelines. And may only be sent in certain conditions. 12 August 2022
JERSEY (BoT) JE P Weapons
JORDAN JO P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions px
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Items containing coins, banknotes, credit notes or any securities payable to bearer, 25 August 2022
cheques, precious metals, whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels and UPU Convention Protocol
other valuable articles or foreign currency. Article VIII/IX
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Alcoholic beverages; ethanol; beer 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P All types of tobacco products and smoking mixes 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P All types of weapons (or their parts); ammunition (or its parts); products which 1 January 2016
are similar to civilian or service weapons
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Civilian or service weapons (or their parts); ammunition (or its parts) 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Civilian or service weapons (or their parts); ammunition (or its parts) 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Collections and collectibles on mineralogy and paleontology 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Cultural valuables 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Cultural valuables 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Documents of the national archives; originals of archive documents 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Encoding (cryptographic) means 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and waste 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Hazardous waste 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Human organs and (or) tissues; blood and its components 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Information on mineral resources 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Information on printed; audiovisual and other information media 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Limited quantities of narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances in the form of 1 January 2016
medicines for personal use for health purposes and with the relevant
documents; and their precursors as well as precursos in the amount allowed by
the national legislations of the Customs Union member states
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Living animals; except for bees; leeches and silkworms 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Minerals (natural unprocessed stones) 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances and their precursors except for 1 January 2016
narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the limited quantities in the
form of medicines for personal use for health purposes and with the relevant
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Narcotic drugs; psychotropic substances and their precursors; including in the 1 January 2016
form of medicines
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Other goods banned from sending by the Acts of the Universal Postal Union and 1 January 2016
customs laws of the Customs Union (Republic of Belarus Republic of
Kazahkstan and Russian Federstion)
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Over 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco or a set of these products 1 January 2016
weighing over 250g per one person over 18
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Over 5 liters of ethanol and alcoholic products by a person over 18 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Ozone depleting substances 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Ozone depleting substances 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Ozone depleting substances 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Perishable goods 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Plant protection agents prohibited for import to the territory of the Customs 1 January 2016
Union which fall within Annex A and B of the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants signed in Stockholm on May 22; 2001.

KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Plants in any form or condition; seeds 1 January 2016

KAZAKHSTAN KZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Poisonous substances that are not precursos of narcotic drugs 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Precious stones in any form or condition; natural diamonds; except for jewelry 1 January 2016

KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Radioactive materials 1 January 2016

KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Radio-electronic means and (or) civilian high frequency devices; including built- 1 January 2016
in devices or devices that make part of other goods
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Rare and endangered species of wild plants and animals; their parts and (or) 1 January 2016
derivatives included in the endangered species lists of the Republic of Belarus;
the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Raw precious metals; scrap and waste of precious metals; ore and concentrates 1 January 2016
of precious metals and raw commodities containing precious metals

KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Special undercover surveillance and intelligence gathering equipment 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Tools for fishing (catching) of water biological resources 1 January 2016
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Wild herbs (plants; parts of plants; seeds; fruits); the export of over three items 1 January 2016
of each type is restricted
KAZAKHSTAN KZ P Wild living animals and some wild plants (except for hunting and fishing 1 January 2016
trophies); the export of over three items of each type is restricted
KAZAKHSTAN KZ R Wild plants and animals falling within the Convention on the International 1 January 2016
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 3 March 1973
KENYA KE P Agricultural Chemicals:: 2.4 - T:: Aldrin:: Caplafol:: Chlordirneform:: 1 January 2016
Chlorobenxilate:: DDT:: Dieldrin:: 1.2 - Dibroacethanel (EDB):: Flouroacelamide::
HCH:: Hiplanchlor:: Hoscachlorobenzene:: Lindone:: Mercury compounds::
Monocrolophs (certain formulations):: Methamidophos:: Phospharrmion::
Methyl - parathion:: Parathion
KENYA KE P All goods the importation of which is for the time being prohibited under this 1 January 2016
Act; or by any written law for the time being in force in the Partner State.
KENYA KE R All goods the importation of which is for the time being regulated under this 1 January 2016
Act by any written law for the time being in force in the Partner State.
KENYA KE R All psychotropic drugs under international control. 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
KENYA KE P All soaps and cosmetic products containing mercury. 330400 330700 3401; 3402 1 January 2016
KENYA KE P Any article made without proper authority with the Armorial Ensigns or Court of 1 January 2016
Arms of a Partner State or having such Ensigns or Arms so closely resembling
them as to be calculated to deceive.
KENYA KE R Armoured fighting vehicles under heading No 8710 of the Customs 871000 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Arms and ammunition specified under Chapter 93 of the Customs 930100 930700 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Bone; tortoise shell; horn; antlers; coral; mother-of pearl and other animal 0506; 0507; 0508; 9601; 9602 1 January 2016
carving material; and articles of these materials (including articles obtained by
KENYA KE R Bows; arrows; fencing foils or toys under Chapter 95 of the Customs 930700; 9503; 950691; 950699 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Collector s pieces or antiques of guns and ammunition under heading No 9705 9705; 9706 1 January 2016
or 9706 of the Customs Nomenclature.
KENYA KE R Commercial casings (Second hand tyres). 401211 401220 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Coral and similar materials; unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise 508 1 January 2016
worked shells of molasses; crustaceans or echinoderms and cattle-bone;
unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape powder and waste thereof.

KENYA KE P Distilled beverages containing essential oils or chemical products; which are 2206; 2106; 2205; 2204; 2203; 2103; 1 January 2016
injurious to health; including thijone; star arise; benzoic aldehyde; salicyclic 2202; 2201; 2208
esters; hyssop and absinthe. Provided that nothing in this paragraph contained
shall apply to Anise and Anisette•liquers containing not more than 0.1 per
centum of oil of anise and distillates from either pimpinella anisum or the star
arise allicium verum.
KENYA KE R Endangered Species of World Flora and Fauna and their products in accordance 010611 020690 010129;010130;010190;010239;010290;0 1 January 2016
with CITES March 1973 and amendments thereof. 10391;010392;010410;010420;030111;03
KENYA KE P False money and counterfeit currency notes and coins and any money not being 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
of the established standard in weight or fineness.
KENYA KE R Genetically modified products. 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Goods specified under Chapter 36 of the Customs Nomenclature (for example; 360100 360600 1 January 2016
percuassion caps; detonators; signalling flares).
KENYA KE P Hazardous wastes and their disposal as provided for under the base 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Historical artefacts. 970500 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Horn; rhinoceros; unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape 507 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

KENYA KE P Industrial Chemicals::Crocidolite::Polychlorominatel biphenyls 1 January 2016

(PBB)::Polyuchorinted Biphenyls (PCB)::Polychlororinated Terphyenyls
(PCT)::Tris (2.3 dibromopropyl) phosphate::Methylbromide (to be phased out in
accordance with the Montreal Protocol by 2007).::Counterfeit goods of all kinds

KENYA KE R Ivory powder and waste. 50710 1 January 2016

KENYA KE R Ivory; elephant unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. 507 1 January 2016
KENYA KE P Matches in the manufacture of which white phosphorous has been employed. 3604; 3605 1 January 2016

KENYA KE P Narcotic drugs under international control. 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Natural sponges of animal origin. 51199 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Non-indigenous species of fish or egg of progeny. 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Ossein and bones treated with acid. 50610 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Other bones and horn - cores; unworked defatted; simply prepared (but not cut 50690 1 January 2016
to shape) degelatinized; powder and waste of these products.
KENYA KE R Other ivory unworked or simply prepared but cut to shape. 507 1 January 2016
KENYA KE P Outbound and inbound international letter-post and parcel-post items 1 January 2016
containing arms; especially firearms or parts thereof; imitation arms or
ammunition. This also means that such articles are not accepted in
international letter-post or parcel-post items sent via Kenya in closed or open
KENYA KE R Ozone Depleting Substances under the Montreal Protocol (1987) and the 382471 382478 290314; 290319; 290339; 290371; 1 January 2016
Vienna Convention (1985). 290372; 290373; 290374; 290375;
290376; 290377; 290379
KENYA KE R Parts of guns and ammunition; of base metal (Section XV of the Harmonised 730200 730700 392490; 7325; 7326; 7419; 7508; 7616; 1 January 2016
Commodity Description and Coding System); or similar goods of plastics under 7806; 7907; 8007; 9305
Chapter 39 of the Customs Nomenclature.
KENYA KE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
KENYA KE P Pornographic materials in all kinds of media; indecent or obscene; printed 490100 491100 1 January 2016
paintings; books; cards; lithographs or other engravings; and any other indecent
or obscene articles.
KENYA KE R Postal franking machines except and in accordance with the terms of a written 847090 1 January 2016
permit granted by a competent authority of the Partner State.
KENYA KE R Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors. 284450 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Teeth; hippopotamus; unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape. 507 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Telescope sights or other optical devices suitable for use with arms; unless 9005 1 January 2016
mounted on a firearm or presented with the firearm on which they are
designed to be mounted under Chapter 90 of the Customs Nomenclature.
KENYA KE P The following Agricultural and Industrial Chemicals: 1 January 2016
KENYA KE R Tortoise shell; whalebone and whalebone hair; horns; antlers; hoovers; nail; 507 1 January 2016
claws and beaks; unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape; powder
and waste of these products.
KENYA KE R Traps capable of killing or capturing any game animal except and in accordance 1 January 2016
with the terms of a written permit granted by the Partner State.
KENYA KE R Unwrought precious metals and precious stones. 7102; 7103;710691; 710812; 711011; 1 January 2016
711021; 711031; 711041
KENYA KE P Used tyres for light Commercial vehicles and passenger cars. 401211; 401212; 401219 1 January 2016

KENYA KE R Worked ivory and articles of ivory. 960110 1 January 2016


P OF Articles from states and areas affected with infectious disease 1 January 2016
P OF Guns; bullets; explosives and military supplies; a murderous weapons and 1 January 2016
radioactive materials.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated


P OF Medicines without labels or usages with their components and uses 1 January 2016


P OF Military binoculars or telescope amplifying more than 10 times; tele-cameras. 1 January 2016


P OF Other items which are prohibited for a certain period of time 1 January 2016


P OF Poisons; narcotic; powerful medicine; poisonous chemicals. 1 January 2016
P OF Printed materials and their copies or their manuscripts; stereotypes; films ; 1 January 2016
photos; USBs; computer files; art paintings; handicrafts and sculptures which
would give bad influences for of political; economical and cultural
developments and maintenance of social laws and regulations of the nation


P OF Products made in the trade-forbidden states and areas 1 January 2016


P OF Seeds of tobacco and tobacco leaves 1 January 2016


P OF Telephones (with or without wires); mobile phones and their parts; wireless 1 January 2016
apparatuses and their parts; GPS; wireless radios (not for foreigners); and other
electronic products prohibited by the state.
KOREA; REPUBLIC OF KR P (Fruits and plants) Fruits (including plum; pomelo; longan; mango); raw pepper; 10 May 2021
jujube; seeds; etc.

KOREA; REPUBLIC OF KR P (Livestock products) Dried beef products; dried pork products; chicken meat 10 May 2021
products; sausage; milk products (including aayyn); etc.

KOREA; REPUBLIC OF KR P Hazardous chemicals; such as nicotine concentrate or undiluted nicotine Mail containing such chemicals will be returned or destroyed according to internal UPU Circular 2017.28 18 March 2019
solution. regulations without prior notice.

KOREA; REPUBLIC OF KR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions .do

UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022

Dem.People's Rep. Of Korea KP P
Coins, bank notes, securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques. Article VIII
Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention 25 August 2022
Dem.People's Rep. Of Korea KP P
or other valuable articles. Protocol Article VIII
KUWAIT KW P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
KYRGYZSTAN KG P Items (ordinary, registered, insured, small packets) containing coins, currency notes or UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques. Article VIII
KYRGYZSTAN KG P Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels or other UPU Convention 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Protocol Article VIII

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

KYRGYZSTAN KG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016


LA P Alcohols 2207; 2208 1 January 2016


LA P Bank notes 490700 1 January 2016


LA P chemical 280100 294200 1 January 2016


LA P coins 7118 1 January 2016


LA P Dugs 1 January 2016
LA P Explosives 360100 360200 1 January 2016


LA P gold 7112; 7111; 7108 1 January 2016


LA P Indecency 1 January 2016


LA P jewelry 711300 711700 1 January 2016


LA P lammable liquids 1 January 2016
LA P liquid 1 January 2016
LA P liquids for medical examinations 1 January 2016
LA P pharmaceutical product 300100 300600 1 January 2016
LA P platinum 7110; 7112 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated


LA P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020


LA P poisons 1 January 2016


LA P silver 7112; 7111; 7106; 7109 1 January 2016


LA P Coffee 26 November 2021
LA P Traveler check 490700 1 January 2016
LATVIA LV P It is forbidden to send narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; and other UPU Circular 2019.138 26 May 2020
illegal substances prohibited by Latvia; in all categories of postal items (inbound
and outbound).
LATVIA LV N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
LATVIA LV P 25 August 2022

Ordinary, registered or insured mail containing coins, bank notes, securities payable to
bearer, travellers’ cheques, and foreign currency.

UPU Convention Protocol

Article VIII/IX
LEBANON LB R Alcoholic beverages and spirits Permit Office of Cheat Suppression 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R All types of cereals (wheat; rice; barley; oat; etc) and corn Laboratory test 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R All types of flour Permit Office of Cheat Suppression 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Anise seeds; coriander; doriander seeds; cumin; carum; turmenic (curcuma); Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
crushed curry

LEBANON LB R Antennae and satellite dishes Prior Permit The Minister of Telecommunications 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB P Antiques 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Aquatic invertebrates: dried or salted; flours; meals and pellets of aquatic Medical certificate or permit 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Aquatic invertebrates: dried or salted; flours; meals and pellets of aquatic When imported from the People's Republic of China 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Artificial genital organs 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Banana plants Prior import authorization or permit Directorate for Agricultural Resources 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Birds feathers Medical certificate Veterinary Quarantine 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Bulletproof helmets Prior license The Ministry of Economy and Trade 1 January 2016
after the approval of the Ministry of
National Defense (Lebanese Army
Command) and of the Council of

LEBANON LB R Bulletproof vests Prior license Ministry of Economy and Trade 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Canned food Permit Office of Cheat Suppression 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Cartridge wads and ammunition License Ministry of Economy and Trade 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Chemical known as Carter Retov 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Cheques and bank documents 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Chili red pepper (whole and crushed) Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB P Cigarette lighters and other gas lighters 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Citamins; including vitamins produced for purposes other than medicine Permit Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Cocoa powder; chocolate and foods containing chocolate Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Coins 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Cosmetics and hair dyes containing toxic components Permit Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Cosmetics containing alcohols Transportation license Indirect Taxes Bureau 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Cream powder Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Credit cards 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Crustaceans: dried or salted; cooked by steaming or by boiling in water; flours; When imported from the People's Republic of China 1 January 2016
meals and pellets of crustaceans unfit for final consumption

LEBANON LB R Crustaceans: dried or salted; cooked by steaming or by boiling in water; flours; Medical certificate or permit 1 January 2016
meals and pellets of crustaceans unfit for final consumption

LEBANON LB R Dappled textile Authorization Lebanese Army Command 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB R Dentistry equipment and tools Permit Lebanese Dental Association 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Detergents Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Diapers Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Dried fruit Quality evaluation certification 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Electrical and electronic appliances Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Electronic cigarettes 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Electronic nargiles 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Enzymes 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Etorphine 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Fax machines and other multifunctional machines including fax Authorization Ministry of Telecommunications 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Fresh avocados 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Fresh dates 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Fresh figs 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Fresh fruit 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Fresh milk and milk ready to use in products containing milk as an essential Laboratory test 1 January 2016
ingredient and UHT milk

LEBANON LB R Frozen peas; green beans; onions. Dried onions. Prior import authorization or permit Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Fruit palm trees 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB R Fruit trees of any kind and parts thereof Prior import authorization or permit 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Gold; silver and platinun; as well as precious stones and pieces of jewelry 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Greek honey (Attiki brand) Medical certificate from country of origin proving that it is fit for consumption and a 1 January 2016
laboratory test

LEBANON LB R Green coffee not decaffeinated Laboratory test Agricultural Quarantine 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Guts; bladders and stomachs of anicals: salted or smoked unfit for final Medical certificate or permit Veterinary Quarantine 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Honey 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Hormones Permit Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Horns; whistles; sirens and alarms that have a separate engine and can be used 1 January 2016
in cars; bicycles and otehr vehicles
LEBANON LB R Humidifiers and dehumidifiers Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Items (and parts thereof) for military purposes Prior License The Ministry of Economy and Trade after 1 January 2016
the approval of the Lebanese Army
Command and of the Council of Ministers

LEBANON LB P Items containing asbestos 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Items containing drugs; inflammable items; harardous items and outrageous 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Items that can be; by their nature or due to their packaging; dangerous for 1 January 2016
employees or that can pollute or damage parcels
LEBANON LB R Kashk Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Knives and other cold weapons Prior license Ministry of Economy and Trade 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Laser devices Permit Sanitary Engineering Service 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Liquid milk 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Liquid vitamins; powdered vitamins 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Medical instruments Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Medicinal herbs and plants; dietary products; vitamins; minerals and food Prior license Ministry of Health 1 January 2016
supplements of a pharmaceutical nature

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB R Milk Quality evaluation certification 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Milk made for babies over 6 months in bottles with a maximum net weight of Permit Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016
500g. (With the exception of the importations of the Red Cross and UNRWA; in
accordance with the decrees 471 and 1714 issued by the Ministry of Health on
12.01.77 and 12.02.77.)

LEBANON LB R Milk made for newborns in bottles with a maximum net weight of 500g. (With Authorization Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016
the exception of the importations of the Red Cross and UNRWA; in accordance
with the decrees 471 and 1714 issued by the Ministry of Health on 12.01.77 and
LEBANON LB P Mollusks: dried or salted unfit for final consumption When imported from the People's Republic of China 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Mollusks: dried or salted unfit for final consumption Medical certificate or permit 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Natural rose water Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Natural silk waste. Cotton waste. Permit Ministry of Environment 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Nutmeg (whole and crushed) Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Olive oil bar soaps Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Packaged coffee Laboratory test Agricultural Quarantine 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Passports Permit General Directorate of General Security 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Perfume 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Pharmaceutical products Permit Drugs' Import-Export Department 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Plants (shoots and buds) of citrus; pomaceous; olives and almonds prepared to License. Certificate of origin. Agricultural health certificate Ministry of Agriculture 1 January 2016
be planted
LEBANON LB N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Postal clearance machines Authorization Ministry of Post and Telecommunications 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Powdered milk Medical certificate or permit Veterinary Quarantine 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Powdered milk (bottled in a country that is not its country of origin) with a fat Meducak certufucate Veterinary Quarantine 1 January 2016
concentration of not more than 1.5% by weight
LEBANON LB R Pressure monitors Permit Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Protective masks used during wars Prior license Ministry of Economy and Trade 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Proteins extracted from mild (globulin) 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Red pepper 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Salted guts from Sudan Medical certificate 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Salted guts from the Brazilian state of Parana 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Shoots of fruit trees Prior import authorization or permit Directorate for Agricultural Resources 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Skins and other parts of birds Permit Veterinary Quarantine 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Spaghetti Packaging requirements 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Special liquids for electronic nargiles 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Stamp printers Authorization Ministry of Finance 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Static converters; battery chargers; batteries; lithium batteries Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Sweetened powdered and condensed milk Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Table napkins Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Textile for pavilions; tents and outdoor Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Textiles for military badges Authorization Lebanese Army Command 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R Tobacco Packaging requirements 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Treated and untreated sludge; as well as any material made from solid and 1 January 2016
liquid sewage
LEBANON LB P Treated cork waste 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P U-40 insulin 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB P Used laser devices 1 January 2016

LEBANON LB R Walnuts; almonds; hazelnuts; cashews; peanuts and dried fruits that will be Laboratory test 1 January 2016
picked out or treated before using them for consumption or as food ingredients

LEBANON LB R Waste and scraps of paper and cardboard mainly made of mechanical paste in Permit Ministry of Environment 1 January 2016
their pulp (like newspapers; magazines and other publications)
LEBANON LB R Waste and scraps of unbleached paper and kraft cardboard; paper or Permit Ministry of Environment 1 January 2016
corrugated cardboard
LEBANON LB R Waste and scraps of unbleached paper and other cardboard mainly made of Permit Ministry of Environment 1 January 2016
uncolored bleached chemical paste in their pulp
LEBANON LB P Waste from industrical; agricultural and mineral production 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB R White pepper (whole and crushed) Quality evaluation certification Industrial Research Institute 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Wood from conifers; fir trees; junipers; cypress and cedar tress (with barks) 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P Worn clothing 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LEBANON LB R X-ray scanners and parts thereof Prior authorization Ministry of Health 1 January 2016
LEBANON LB P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Coins, bank notes, securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques. Article VIII
LEBANON LB P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
LEBANON LB P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Coins, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques.
Article IX
LEBANON LB P Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones or other UPU Convention 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Protocol Article IX
LEBANON LB P Liquids or easily liquefiable elements or articles made of glass or similar or fragile UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
articles. Article IX
LESOTHO LS N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
LIBERIA LR N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P All live animals 010100 010600 0301; 0302 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P Aluminium and articles thereof 760100 761600 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P Antimony and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 811010 811090 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Apples; pears and quinces; fresh Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 080810 080840 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Apricots; cherries; peaches (including nectarines); plums and sloes; fresh Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 080910 080940 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Arms and parts and accessories thereof 930100 930700 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Bananas; including plantains; fresh or dried Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 803 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Barley Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 100390 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Beer and alcoholic beverages Ethyl alcohol; spirits and liqueurs; other beverages of high alcoholic strength - 1 220300 220800 1 January 2016
litre Wines - 2 litres Champagne - 2 litres Beer - 5
litres The quantity indicated above may not be sent for
persons under 16 years of age
LITHUANIA LT P Beryllium; chromium; germanium; vanadium; gallium; hafnium; indium; niobium 8112 1 January 2016
(columbium); rhenium and thallium; and articles of these metals; including
waste and scrap

LITHUANIA LT P Bismuth and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 810600 1 January 2016

Page 99 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Bran; sharps and other residues; whether or not in the form of pellets; derived Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 2302 1 January 2016
from the sifting; milling or other working of cereals or of leguminous plants: imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
preparations of a kind used in animal feeding Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Buckwheat; millet and canary seed: Italian millet and canary feed: other cereals Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1008 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Cabbages; cauliflowers; kale; kohlrabi and other edible brassicas; fresh or frozen Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 0704; 071080 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Cadmium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8107 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Carrots; turnips; salad beetroot; celeriac; radishes and similar edible roots; fresh Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 706 1 January 2016
or chilled imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
LITHUANIA LT R Cereal flours other than that of wheat and meslin Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1105 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
LITHUANIA LT R Cereal grains otherwise worked; germ of cereals; whole; rolled; flaked or ground Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1104 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Cereal groats; meal and pellets Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1103 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Cereal straw and husks; unprepared; whether or not chopped; ground; pressed Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 121300 1 January 2016
or in the form of pellets imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Cermets and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 811300 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa (not more than 0.5 Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1806 1 January 2016
kilogrammes of chocolate or other food products containing cocoa) imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Citrus fruit; fresh or dried Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 805 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
LITHUANIA LT P Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy: cobalt and 8105 1 January 2016
articles thereof; including waste and scrap

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Cocoa beans; whole or broken; raw or roasted Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 180100 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Cocoa shells; husks; skins and other cocoa waste Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 180200 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Coconuts; Brazil nuts; fresh or dried; whether or not shelled or peeled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 801 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Coffee; whether or not roasted or decaffeinated: coffee husks and skins: coffee Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 901 1 January 2016
substitutes containing coffee imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological; botanical; mineralogical; Articles of cultural value; antiques and raw amber may not be imported or exported 970500 1 January 2016
anatomical; historical; archaeological; palaeontological; ethnographic or without the autorization of the Cultural Artefact Protection Service of the Ministry
numismatic interest of the Interior
LITHUANIA LT P Copper and articles thereof 740100 741900 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Cucumbers and gherkins; fresh or chilled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 70700 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Cut flowers and flower buds for bouquets or other ornamental purposes; fresh; The importation of plant products into Lithuania and their transportation in transit 603 1 January 2016
dried; bleached; dyed; impregnated or otherwise prepared. are subject to presentation of a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting
country; such products being subject to quarantine inspection. For the importation
of the goods it is necessary to submit a quarantine permit issued by the Lithuanian
Plant Quarantine Inspection Service in which the four-digit Identification codes
must be shown in accordance with the arrangement of the Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System. The customs clearance of postal items containing
plant products is carried out in the presence of experts from the Plant Quarantine
Inspection Service. After quarantine inspection the postal item is marked with a
sorting stamp impression showing the word "LITHUANIA"; sheaves of wheat and
serpents. Plants; vegetable products and other articles vvhich may contain
dangerous organisms are allowed for import only if authorized by the Plant
Protection Service. Not more than 15 packets of flower and plant seeds (except
seeds of leguminous vegetables) may be imported in postal items without a
quarantine permit or a phytosanitary certificate. Legal entities and private
individuals may send in postal items only with a phytosanitary certificate seeds;
seedlings; shoots; germs; live insects; disease-causing agents of vegetable origin;
and soil. Scientific research institutes; botanical gardens and other scientific
research and teaching establishments operating exchange programmes may send
small specimens of seeds; seedlings; shoots and germs without a phytosanitary
certificate if the packaging of the postal item bears a stamp.

Page 101 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Dates; figs; pineapples; avocados; mangoes and mangosteens; fresh or dried Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 804 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Densified wood; in blocks; plates; strips or profile shapes Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 441300 1 January 2016
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Dried leguminous vegetables; shelled; whether or not skinned or split Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 713 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Dried vegetables; whole; cut; sliced; broken or in powder; but not further Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 712 1 January 2016
prepared imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Explosive and combustible materials and other dangerous materials 360690 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates produced non- 030100 030800 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Flax; raw or processed but not spun: flax tow and waste (including yarn waste Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 5301 1 January 2016
and garnetted stock) spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Flour; meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables; sago or of roots or Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1106 1 January 2016
tubers imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Flours of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits; other than that of mustard Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1208 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 102 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Foliage; branches and other parts of plants; without flowers or flower buds; and The importation of plant products into Lithuania and their transportation in transit 604 1 January 2016
grasses; mosses and lichens; for bouquets or other ornamental purposes; fresh; are subject to presentation of a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting
dried; bleached; dyed; impregnated or otherwise prepared country; such products being subject to quarantine inspection. For the importation
of the goods it is necessary to submit a quarantine permit issued by the Lithuanian
Plant Quarantine Inspection Service in which the four-digit Identification codes
must be shown in accordance with the arrangement of the Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System. The customs clearance of postal items containing
plant products is carried out in the presence of experts from the Plant Quarantine
Inspection Service. After quarantine inspection the postal item is marked with a
sorting stamp impression showing the word "LITHUANIA"; sheaves of wheat and
serpents. Plants; vegetable products and other articles vvhich may contain
dangerous organisms are allowed for import only if authorized by the Plant
Protection Service. Not more than 15 packets of flower and plant seeds (except
seeds of leguminous vegetables) may be imported in postal items without a
quarantine permit or a phytosanitary certificate. Legal entities and private
individuals may send in postal items only with a phytosanitary certificate seeds;
seedlings; shoots; germs; live insects; disease-causing agents of vegetable origin;
and soil. Scientific research institutes; botanical gardens and other scientific
research and teaching establishments operating exchange programmes may send
small specimens of seeds; seedlings; shoots and germs without a phytosanitary
certificate if the packaging of the postal item bears a stamp.

LITHUANIA LT R Foreign and national currency; securities; travellers' cheques; stock; share or Prohibited to import or export in ordinary postal items 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
bond certificates
LITHUANIA LT R Fruit; dried; other than mentioned previously; mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 081310 081350 1 January 2016
this chapter imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Fuel wood; in logs; in billets; in twigs; in faggots or in similar forms: wood in Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4401 1 January 2016
chips or particles: sawdust and wood waste and scrap; whether or not spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
agglomerated in logs; briquettes; pellets or similar forms authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Ginger; saffron; turmeric (curcuma); thyme; bay leaves: curry and other spices Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 910 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Ground-nuts; not roasted or otherwise cooked; whether or not shelled or Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1202 1 January 2016
broken imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
LITHUANIA LT R Hoopwood: split poles: piles; pickets and stakes of wood; pointed but not sawn Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4404 1 January 2016
lengthwise: wooden sticks; roughly trimmed but not turned; bent or otherwise spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
worked; suitable for the manufacture of walking-sticks; umbrellas; tool handles authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
or the like: chipwood and the like products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Hop cones; fresh or dried; whether or not ground; powdered or in the form of Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 121010; 121020 1 January 2016
pellets imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Lead and articles thereof 780100 780600 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Leguminous vegetables; shelled or unshelled; fresh or chilled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 708 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
LITHUANIA LT R Lettuce and chicory; fresh or chilled spread weeds and
Non-industrially plant pests
produced may notand
foodstuffs be raw
imported or exported
materials of animalwithout
origin may not be 705 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 103 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Linseed; whether or not broken Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 120400 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Live plants (including their roots); cuttings and slips: mushroom spawn The importation of plant products into Lithuania and their transportation in transit 060100 060400 1 January 2016
are subject to presentation of a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting
country; such products being subject to quarantine inspection. For the importation
of the goods it is necessary to submit a quarantine permit issued by the Lithuanian
Plant Quarantine Inspection Service in which the four-digit Identification codes
must be shown in accordance with the arrangement of the Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System. The customs clearance of postal items containing
plant products is carried out in the presence of experts from the Plant Quarantine
Inspection Service. After quarantine inspection the postal item is marked with a
sorting stamp impression showing the word "LITHUANIA"; sheaves of wheat and
serpents. Plants; vegetable products and other articles vvhich may contain
dangerous organisms are allowed for import only if authorized by the Plant
Protection Service. Not more than 15 packets of flower and plant seeds (except
seeds of leguminous vegetables) may be imported in postal items without a
quarantine permit or a phytosanitary certificate. Legal entities and private
individuals may send in postal items only with a phytosanitary certificate seeds;
seedlings; shoots; germs; live insects; disease-causing agents of vegetable origin;
and soil. Scientific research institutes; botanical gardens and other scientific
research and teaching establishments operating exchange programmes may send
small specimens of seeds; seedlings; shoots and germs without a phytosanitary
certificate if the packaging of the postal item bears a stamp.

LITHUANIA LT R Locust beans; seaweeds and other algae; sugar beet and sugar cane; fresh or Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 121221 121299 1 January 2016
dried; whether or not ground: fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
products of a kind used mainly for human consumption; not elsewhere Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
specified or included spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Magnesium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8104 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Maize (corn) Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1005 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Malt; whether or not roasted Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1107; 2101; 0901 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Manganese and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8111 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Manioc; arrowroot; salep; Jerusalem artichokes; sweet potatoes and similar Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 071410 071490 1 January 2016
roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content; fresh; chilled; frozen or imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
dried; whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Maté Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 2101; 0903 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 104 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT P Meat and edible meat offal produced non-industrially 020100 021000 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas); fresh Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 807 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Military and police ammunition; technical means for police anti-criminal Category B; C and D firearms; ammunition; various categories of collectors' 9306 1 January 2016
protection and control and for use in police training firearms; parts thereof; police ammunition; special surveillance and security
equipment; crime-fighting instruments (eguipment); civilian pyrotechnic articles
may only be sent with authorization from the Police Department of the Ministry of
Home Affairs.
LITHUANIA LT P Milk and dairy produce; birds' eggs; edible products of animal origin produced 040100 041000 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P Molybdenum and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8102 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Mushrooms and truffles; prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 2003 1 January 2016
acetic acid imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Narcotic substances 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT P Narcotics and toxic substances 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Natural cork; raw or simply prepared: waste cork: crushed; granulated or Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4501 1 January 2016
ground cork spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT P Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; Prohibited to import or export in ordinary postal items: for precious metals and 710100 711200 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof: imitation jewellery: coin jewels; articles made thereof a certificate of quality and a permit from the Hallmark
Inspection Service are obligatory; except for private individuals who may send
precious metais and jewels vveighing no more than 25 grammes in total

LITHUANIA LT P Nickel and articles thereof 750100 750800 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Oats Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1004 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 105 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Onions; bulbs; tubers; rhizomes; dormant; in growth or in flower; chicory plants The importation of plant products into Lithuania and their transportation in transit 703 1 January 2016
and roots; are subject to presentation of a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting
country; such products being subject to quarantine inspection. For the importation
of the goods it is necessary to submit a quarantine permit issued by the Lithuanian
Plant Quarantine Inspection Service in which the four-digit Identification codes
must be shown in accordance with the arrangement of the Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System. The customs clearance of postal items containing
plant products is carried out in the presence of experts from the Plant Quarantine
Inspection Service. After quarantine inspection the postal item is marked with a
sorting stamp impression showing the word "LITHUANIA"; sheaves of wheat and
serpents. Plants; vegetable products and other articles vvhich may contain
dangerous organisms are allowed for import only if authorized by the Plant
Protection Service. Not more than 15 packets of flower and plant seeds (except
seeds of leguminous vegetables) may be imported in postal items without a
quarantine permit or a phytosanitary certificate. Legal entities and private
individuals may send in postal items only with a phytosanitary certificate seeds;
seedlings; shoots; germs; live insects; disease-causing agents of vegetable origin;
and soil. Scientific research institutes; botanical gardens and other scientific
research and teaching establishments operating exchange programmes may send
small specimens of seeds; seedlings; shoots and germs without a phytosanitary
certificate if the packaging of the postal item bears a stamp.

LITHUANIA LT R Onions; shallots; leeks and other alliaceous vegetables; fresh or chilled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 703 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Other fruit; fresh (berries) Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 081010 801040 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Other nuts; fresh or dried; whether or not shelled or peeled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 802 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; whether or not broken Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1207 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Packing cases; boxes; crates; drums and similar packings; of wood: cable-drums Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4415 1 January 2016
of wood: pallets; box pallets and other load boards; of wood: pallet collars of spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
wood authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Peat (including peat litter); whether or not agglomerated Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 2530; 2703; 6806 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Perfumes and toilet waters Not more than 50 grammes of perfume or 0.25 litres of eau de toilette 330300 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials; whether or not assembled into Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4601 1 January 2016
strips: plaiting materials; plaits and similar products of plaiting materials; bound spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
together in parallel strands or woven; in sheet form; whether or not being authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
finished articles (for example; mats; matting; screens) products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 106 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) of a kind used primarily in Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1211 1 January 2016
perfumery; in pharmacy or for insecticidal; fungicidal or similar purposes; fresh imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
or dried; whether or not cut; crushed or powdered Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions ribojimai/bendra#en
LITHUANIA LT R Potatoes; fresh or chilled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 701 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Printed books; publications and albums containing obscene or immoral 490100 491100 1 January 2016
inscriptions or pictures
LITHUANIA LT P Radioactive materials and radioactive waste 284400 284500 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Radioelectronic apparatus and electrical equipment which may emit radio waves Only with a permit from the Telecommunications Inspectorate 852500 852700 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4406 1 January 2016
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Rape seeds; whether or not broken Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1205 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Rice Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1006 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Seeds of anise; badian; fennel; coriander; cumin or caraway: juniper berries Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 909 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Seeds; fruits and spores; of a kind used for sowing Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1209 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Soya beans; whether or not broken Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1201 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Sugar Not to exceed 1 kilogramme 170100 170200 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT R Sunflower seeds; whether or not broken Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 120600 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 107 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Swedes; mangolds; fodder roots; hay; lucerne (alfalfa); clover; sainfoin; forage Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1214 1 January 2016
kale; lupines; vetches and similar forage products; whether or not in the form of imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
pellets Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Tantalum and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8103 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Tea; whether or not flavoured Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 902 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT P Tin and articles thereof 800100 800700 1 January 2016

LITHUANIA LT P Titanium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8108 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Limited importation. It is permitted to send 200 cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco; or 240100 240300 1 January 2016
an assortment of these products the gross vveight of vvhich does not exceed 250 g

LITHUANIA LT R Tomatoes; fresh or chilled Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 70200 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R True hemp (Cannabis sativa G.); raw or processed but not spun: tow and waste Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 5302 1 January 2016
of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT P Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 8101 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT R Vegetable materials of a kind used as stuffing or as padding; whether or not put Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 140490 1 January 2016
up as a layer with or without supporting material imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Vegetable materials of a kind used for plaiting Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1401 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
LITHUANIA LT R Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily in brooms or in brushes (for Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 140110 140190 1 January 2016
example; broomcorn; piassava; couch-grass and istle); whether or not in hanks imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
or bundles Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example; by sulphur dioxide gas; in Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 711 1 January 2016
brine; in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions); but unsuitable in imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
that state for immediate consumption Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Watch straps; watch bands and watch bracelets; and parts thereof; of precious Prohibited to import or export in ordinary postal items 911310; 911320 1 January 2016
metal or of metal clad with precious metal
LITHUANIA LT R Watch straps; watch bands and watch bracelets; of base metal; whether or not Prohibited to import or export in ordinary postal items 911310; 911320 1 January 2016
gold- or silver-plated
LITHUANIA LT R Wheat and meslin Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 1001 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

Page 108 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

LITHUANIA LT R Wheat or meslin flour Non-industrially produced foodstuffs and raw materials of animal origin may not be 110100 1 January 2016
imported or exported without authorization from the National Veterinary Service.
Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may
spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.

LITHUANIA LT R Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring; not assembled) Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4409 1 January 2016
continuously shaped (tongued; grooved; rebated; chamfered; V-jointed; spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
beaded; molded; rounded or the like) along any of its edges or faces; whether authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
or not planed; sanded or finger-jointed products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Wood in the rough; whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood; or roughly Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4403 1 January 2016
squared spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT R Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise; sliced or peeled; whether or not planed; Plants and products of vegetable origin that may give rise to infections or may 4407 1 January 2016
sanded or finger-jointed; of a thickness exceeding 6 mm spread weeds and plant pests may not be imported or exported without
authorization from the Plant Quarantine Inspection Service. Plants; vegetable
products and other articles vvhich may contain dangerous organisms are allowed
for import only if authorized by the Plant Protection Service.
LITHUANIA LT P Zinc and articles thereof 790100 790700 1 January 2016
LITHUANIA LT P Zirconium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 1 January 2016
LUXEMBOURG LU N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MACAO MO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions 1.html#customs1_2

MACAO MO P The designated operator of MACAO; CHINA; Macao Post and UPU Circular 2019.13 27 May 2020
Telecommunications Bureau; would like to inform designated operators of UPU
member countries that it does not accept postal items containing lithium cells
and batteries for its inbound international mail. This applies to both air and
surface mails; including mail in transit. Designated operators are therefore
asked not to send mail shipments that contain lithium cells and batteries to
MADAGASCAR MG P Compressed gases: lighter fuels; compressed-air tanks; gas burners; butane gas; 1 January 2016
sprays; fire extinguishers.
MADAGASCAR MG P Corrosives: acids; batteries; mercury. 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Dry ice 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Electronic equipment; such as video cameras; walkie-talkies; GPS devices; radio- 1 January 2016
controlled toys; digital cameras; scanning devices; mobile phones; MP3 and
MP4 layers; Bluetooth devices; smartphones; electric shavers; power drills;
tablets; portable DVD players; electronic measuring equipment.
MADAGASCAR MG P Explosive materials: fireworks; firecrackers; ammunition; gunpowder; flares; 1 January 2016
distress rockets.
MADAGASCAR MG P Flammable substances: matches; charcoal. 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Lithium cells and batteries 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Magnetized goods 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Oxidizers: peroxides; bleaching powders. 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MADAGASCAR MG P Products containing liquids: cigarette lighters; paints; glues; cosmetics 1 January 2016
(perfumes; manicure products; nail-polish removers; etc.)

MADAGASCAR MG P Radioactive substances: uranium. 1 January 2016

MADAGASCAR MG P Toxic and infectious substances: pesticides; insecticides; agricultural chemicals; 1 January 2016
mercury compounds; bacteria; viruses.
MALAWI MW R Caned glass and plastic bottled non-alcoholic drinks exceeding three cases IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Canned and bottled alcoholic drinks exceeding three cases IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021

Page 109 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MALAWI MW R Fish whether frozen; dried or live and eggs and spawn thereof IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Fruit and vegetables (fresh and preserved); including lettuce; cabbage; IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
cauliflower; rape; turnips; fresh beans; fresh peas; green pepper; fresh chillies; ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
garlic; onions; carrots; beetroots; radishes; tomatoes; egg plants; Irish or sweet 2018)
potatoes; bananas; mangoes; pineapples
MALAWI MW R Grain of any variety including rice; barley; beans and groundnuts in all forms IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
including meals; flours and residues ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
MALAWI MW R Hides and skins in processed and non processed form EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Implements of war (other than arm and ammunition);atomic energy materials EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
of strategic value; and items of primary strategic significance used in the ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
production of arms and ammunition and other implements of war; including 2018)
the following _Beryllium; Cobalt; Tantalum; Uranium; Lithium; Columbite;
Thorium; Germanium; Titanium; Nickel; and Any materials containing such
materials and such metals
MALAWI MW R Live poultry; day old chicks; undressed and dressed poultry IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Maize including: Dried maize on and off the cob; Crushed maize; Samp; Maize IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
grits; Maize cones; Hominy chop; Maize offals; or Processed maize meal with or ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
without additives 2018)
MALAWI MW R Maize including: Dried maize on and off the cob; Crushed maize; Samp; Maize EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
grits; Maize cones; Hominy chop; Maize offals; or Processed maize meal with or ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
without additives 2018)
MALAWI MW R Oil seeds and residues from oil seeds EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Plastics products – below 60 microns IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MALAWI MW R Rice including; Rice meal Rice bran; and Rice residues EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Second hand clothes exceeding one bale. Underwear (pants; bras) - Strictly not IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
to be imported. ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF

Page 110 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MALAWI MW R Second hand items including; (a) Kitchen utensils; and (b) Refrigerators IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAWI MW R Soap including a)Laundry bar soap; and b)Powdered detergent (loosely IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
packaged detergent powdered soap weighing more than 15kgs) ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
MALAWI MW R The following gemstones in the unmanufactured state: Corundum; Garnet; EXPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. SECOND SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
Quartz; Tourmaline; Turquoise; Beryl; Zircon; Jade; Olivine; Feldspar; Topaz; ACT (ACT NO. 15 OF
Opal; Chrysobery; Spine; and lazurite 2018)
MALAWI MW R Wild animals; wild animal trophies and wild animal products IMPORT LICENCE REQUIRED. FIRST SCHEDULE CONTROL OF GOODS 11 January 2021
MALAYSIA MY P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
MALDIVES MV N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MALI ML N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Aerosols not for personal grooming or medicinal purposes Including spray paints; lacquers; solvents; air fresheners; oven cleaners; etc. 1 January 2016
Aerosols for personal grooming or medicinal
purposes are allowed in Malta (including deodorants; body sprays; hair sprays;
shaving and hair removal creams; asthma inhalers etc.) but subject to packaging
volume; quantity and labelling restrictions.
MALTA MT R Alcoholic beverages and liquids (24% ABV or less) Including beer; lager; wine and champagne. 2203; 2204; 2205; 2206; 2208 1 January 2016
Wrap in polythene and seal with tape. Surround with absorbent material such as
newspaper and sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from breakage.
Volume should not exceed 1 litre per item. Mark as ‘FRAGILE’ when sending glass
bottles. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer
MALTA MT R Alcoholic beverages and liquids (more than 24% ABV but not more than 70% Including whisky; vodka and most spirits and liqueurs. 2207; 2208 1 January 2016
ABV) The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner; such as a
sealed polythene bag. Surround with absorbent material and sufficient cushioning
material to protect each item from breakage. Volume must not exceed 1 litre per
item. No more than two items can be sent in any one package. Mark as ‘FRAGILE’
when sending glass bottles. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly
visible on the outer packaging.
These items must be presented at a Post Office® counter.
Alcoholic Beverages and Liquids with an alcohol
content greater than 70% ABV are prohibited.
MALTA MT P Ammunition Except lead pellets and other airgun and airsoft projectiles. 9306 1 January 2016
MALTA MT R Batteries - lithium ion/polymer batteries conatined in/connected to an Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in 850650; 850760 1 January 2016
electronic device equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package.
Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery.
Cells and batteries must be
protected against short circuit.
The Equipment containing sent with cells or
batteries must be packed in strong rigid packaging and must be secured against
movement within the outer packaging and packed to prevent accidental activation.

MALTA MT R Batteries - new alkaline metal; nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium Including D; C; 9V; AA; AAA and AAAA alkaline batteries. Must be new and sent 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
(NiCd) unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with cushioning material e.g.
bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the
outer packaging.
MALTA MT R Batteries - wet non-spillable Sealed lead acid batteries; absorbed glass mat and gel cell batteries. 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
Batteries must comply with Special Provision 238 of the
UN Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; Model Regulations
(please check with the manufacturer or distributor).
No more than one battery in any one package. Maximum weight
1.5kg. Item must be protected against short circuit (by the effective insulation of
exposed terminals) and securely pacakaged.
MALTA MT P Clinical and medical waste For example contaminated dressings; bandages and needles. 382530 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Controlled drugs and narcotics Including cannablis; cocaine; heroin; LSD; opium and amyl nitrate. 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016

Page 111 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MALTA MT P Corrosive substances Substances which can cause severe damage to living tissue; other freight or 1 January 2016
transport by its chemical action are prohibited including aluminium chloride; caustic
soda; corrosive cleaning fluid; dyes; acids; corrosive paint and rust removers;
mercury and gallium metal.
MALTA MT R Counterfeit currency and stamps Restricted to copies of old denominations or pre decimalisation postage stamps 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
which are now obsolete and worthless except for collectable value and cannot be
passed as tender. Any false instrument or copy
of a false instrument (within the meaning of section 5 of the Forgery and
Counterfeiting Act 1981) is prohibited.
MALTA MT P Counterfeit currency; bank notes and postage stamps Including any false instrument; or copy of a false instrument (within the meaning of 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
section 5 of the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981) except copies of old
denominations; which are now obsolete and worthless except for collectable value
and cannot be passed as tender.
MALTA MT P Dry ice 281121 1 January 2016
MALTA MT R Electronic items – sent with lithium metal/alloy batteries contained Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries installed in 850100 854800 1 January 2016
in/connected to the device equipment. The maximum net quantity of cells or batteries is 5kg per package. The
lithium content must not be more than 1g per cell or 2g per battery.
MALTA MT P Electronic items containing any batteries exceeding 100Wh Including some high performance laptops and power tools. 850100 854800 1 January 2016
MALTA MT R Electronic items sent with new alkaline metal; nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with 850100 854800 1 January 2016
nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries sufficient cushioning material to protect each item from damage.
MALTA MT P Environmental waste Including used batteries and used engine oil. 3825 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Explosives Any chemical compound; mixture or device capable of producing an explosive or 360100 360200 1 January 2016
pyrotechnic effect with substantial instantaneous release of heat and gas is
prohibited e.g. ammunition; blasting caps; Christmas cracker snaps; fireworks;
flares; fuses; igniters; nitro-glycerine and party poppers.
MALTA MT P Flammable liquids This includes mixtures of liquids or liquids containing solids in solution or 1 January 2016
suspension which give off a flammable vapour and includes acetone; benzene;
cleaning compounds; lighter fuel; paint thinners and removers; petroleum; solvents;
varnishes; enamels and nail varnish removers.
MALTA MT P Flammable solids Solid materials which are liable to cause fire by friction; absorption of water; 1 January 2016
spontaneous chemical changes or retained heat from manufacturing or processing;
or which can be readily ignited and burn vigorously e.g. adhesives; calcium carbide;
cellulose nitrate products; fire lighters; matches; metallic magnesium; nitro-
cellulose based film; phosphorous; potassium; sodium; sodium hydride; zinc
powder; zirconium hydride.
MALTA MT P Frozen water Including packs of ice. 220190 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Gases Gases that are compressed; liquefied or dissolved under pressure; permanent gases 1 January 2016
which cannot be liquefied at ambient temperatures; liquefied gases which become
liquid under pressure at ambient temperatures; dissolved gases which are dissolved
under pressure in a solvent. 1. All flammable
compressed gases are prohibited e.g. blowlamps: butane: lighters and refills
containing flammable liquid or gas: ethane: gas cylinders for camping stoves:
hydrogen: methane and propane. 2. All toxic
compressed gases are prohibited e.g. chlorine: fluorine etc.
3. All non-flammable compressed gases are
prohibited e.g. air bags: scuba tanks; carbon dioxide: fire extinguishers: neon and
MALTA MT R Guns & Weapons for sporting use Guns intended for sporting purposes - (e.g. hunting rifles and shotguns) firearms; 930200 930400 1 January 2016
low-powered air weapons and their component parts - may be sent in compliance
with the law and subject to domestic controls on the possession of firearms.
Antiques; deactivated and imitation firearms are also permitted. When sending
deactivated firearms include proof of deactivation.
Items that appear to be prohibited weapons may
be subject to additional checks and delays.
The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer
MALTA MT P Infectious substances Category A Infectious Substances are prohibited e.g. Ebola; Anthrax; Foot and 1 January 2016
Mouth disease as detailed in the latest edition of the International Civil Aviation
organization's (ICAO) Technical Instructions.
MALTA MT R Lighters New and unused empty lighters may be sent unopened in their original retail 9613 1 January 2016
packaging. Lighters and refills containing
flammable liquid or gas (including used butane; petrol cigar and cigarette lighters)
are prohibited.
MALTA MT P Lighters (used) and refills containing flammable liquid or gas Including used butane; petrol cigar and cigarette lighters. 9613 1 January 2016
New and unused lighters may be sent unopened in their original retail packaging.

MALTA MT P Living creatures; animals and reptiles Except certain insects 010100 010600 1 January 2016

Page 112 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MALTA MT R Living creatures; insects and invertebrates Including bees; caterpillars; cockroaches; crickets; destroyers of noxious pests; 010100 010600 1 January 2016
earthworms; fish fry and eggs; leeches and other parasites; lugworms; maggots;
mealworms; pupae and chrysalides; rag worms; silkworms; spiders and stick insects.
Must be boxed and packaged to protect
the creatures; our staff and our customers from harm. The use a priority service to
sending such creatures is highly recommended. Items must be clearly marked
address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.
Dead insects; sent as collectables; are also allowed.
Live animals and reptiles are prohibited; as are any creatures
or insects classified as dangerous within the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
(including certain venomous spiders
MALTA MT R Magnetised materials Should be wrapped in soft packaging at least 2cm thick around each item. The 850511 850519 1 January 2016
sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.
Magnetised material with a magnetic field strength of
0.418A/m or more at a distance of 4.6m from the outside of the package are
MALTA MT P Magnetised materials Magnetised material with a magnetic field strength of 0.418A/m or more at a 850511 850519 1 January 2016
distance of 4.6m from the outside of the package.
MALTA MT P Matches Including safety matches and windproof matches. 3604; 3605 1 January 2016
MALTA MT R Nail varnish; polish and gel (solvent and water-based) Volume per item must not exceed 30ml. No more than four bottles of nail varnish 330430 1 January 2016
can be sent in any one package. Bottles of nail varnish must be placed in strong
outer packaging and be so packed; secured or cushioned in such a way that they
cannot break; be punctured or leak their contents into the outer packaging.

MALTA MT P Obscene publications and unlawful indecent images Including obscene or extreme pornography. 490100 491100 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Oxidising materials and organic peroxides These are substances such as disinfectants that may cause or contribute to 281129; 281530; 281610; 281640; 1 January 2016
combustion of other substances. They may also be liable to explosive 281700; 282590; 284700; 290960;
decomposition; react dangerously with other substances and injure health e.g. 291590; 291620; 291632; 291639;
bromides; chlorates; components of fibreglass repair kits; disinfectants; nitrates; 291719; 291720; 300490; 382490
per chlorates; permanganates and peroxides; including hair dyes and colourants
containing peroxide.
MALTA MT R Perfumes and aftershaves Including eau de parfum; eau de toilette and alcohol-free perfumes; but excluding 330300; 330710 1 January 2016
non-flammable perfumed creams; gels; oils or lotions.
Volume per item must not exceed 150ml. No more than four
perfumes or aftershaves can be sent in any one package. The perfume or aftershave
must be within its original retail packaging and then placed in strong outer
packaging. The inner packagings must be packed; secured or cushioned to prevent
breakage or leakage of their contents into the outer packaging.
MALTA MT R Perishable items Including flowers; fresh fruit; vegetables and frozen or chilled foodstuffs. 1 January 2016
Should be able to withstand a journey of up to 48
hours. The use of a priority service to send such items is highly recomended. Must
be suitably sealed to prevent leakage or tainting of other items such as in sealed
vacuum packs. Must be packed in a strong corrugated board box or purpose
designed polystyrene pack. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly
visible on the outer packaging.
Frozen water and dry ice are prohibited.
MALTA MT P Pesticides Including weed killer and any chemical that is used to kill pests and insects such as 3808 1 January 2016
fly sprays.
MALTA MT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Poisonous; toxic liquids; solids or gases Including substances that are liable to cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled 1 January 2016
or by skin contact; such as arsenic; beryllium; cyanide; fluorine; rat poison.

MALTA MT R Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific purposes May only be sent by; or at the specific request of; a qualified medical practitioner; 300300 300400 1 January 2016
registered dental practitioner; veterinary surgeon; registered nurse or a recognised
laboratory or institution.
MALTA MT R Radioactive material and samples that are not classified as dangerous goods in Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender's name and return 284400 284500 1 January 2016
the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.
Dangerous Goods by Air published by the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) such as samples of granite rock.
MALTA MT P Radioactive materials Radioactive materials and samples that are classified as radioactive using Table 2-12 284400 284500 1 January 2016
of the latest edition of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Technical
Instructions e.g. fissile material (uranium 235; etc); radioactive waste material;
thorium or uranium ores and luminous dials from aircraft.
MALTA MT R Sharp objects Sharp objects like knives; kitchen utensils and gardening tools may only be posted if 1 January 2016
they are packaged appropriately so that they are no risk to employees; other postal
items or recipients.
Wrap heavy cardboard around sharp edges and points; strong enough to
ensure that the contents do not pierce the outer packaging. Wrap each item with
cushioning material. Place in a suitable outer container such as a padded envelope.
The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer
MALTA MT P Solvent-based paints; wood varnishes and enamels Including gloss paint. 3208 1 January 2016
MALTA MT P Tickets and related advertisements for illegal lotteries 491199 1 January 2016

Page 113 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MALTA MT R Vaccines May only be sent by; or at the specific request of; a qualified medical practitioner; 300290; 300230; 300220 1 January 2016
registered dental practitioner; veterinary surgeon; registered nurse or a recognised
laboratory or institution.
Package in a safe and secure manner.
MALTA MT P Waste; dirt; filth or refuse Including household waste or rubbish. 1 January 2016
MALTA MT R Water-based paints; wood varnishes and enamels The items must be securely closed and placed in a leak-proof liner; such as a sealed 3209; 3213 1 January 2016
polythene bag; so that any inadvertent leakage is contained within the outer
packaging. Surround with absorbent material such as newspaper and sufficient
cushioning material to protect each item from damage. Volume per item should not
exceed 150ml. No more than four items can be sent in any one package. The
sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

MAURITANIA MR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
MAURITIUS MU N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions dRestricted.pdf
MEXICO MX P AC. Valproico and its salts; Naproxen; salbutamol sulphates; hydantoin; SECOFI quotas / SSA Permit 294100 294199 1 January 2016
dyptridamol; Bensimadosol and its salts; Dozol Chloride; penicillanic acid; miso-sanitario-de-importacion-de-
furosemid; vitamin B12 or benzil penicillin; sodium; potassium; ampicillin and materias-primas-para-la-elaboracion-de-
its salts; sodium dichlorophenylmethyllisoxalipenicillin; cephalexyn medicamentos-con-registro-
monohydrates; amichacyne; and it salts; cefadroxyl; all organic flouchlorinated sanitario/COFEPRIS688
compounds. All organic chemical products for pharmaceutical use are subject to
an SSA Permit being issued.
MEXICO MX P Aircraft; spacecraft; and parts thereof 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes. Dextrin; modified 350100 350799 1 January 2016
starches; Casein and derivatives; plant protein albumins; Hyaloronized papain; programas/permiso-sanitario-de-
pepsin; tripsin; bromelyn and others enzymes and mixtures thereof. importacion-de-insumos-para-la-salud-
MEXICO MX P Aluminum and articles thereof; aluminum ingots scrap and waste; pressure quotas / N.O.M. 760100 761511 1 January 2016
cookers programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Animal fats and oils; animal wax; vegetable fats and oils (sunflower and olive) SECOFI quotas 152100 152199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible SECOFI quotas 150100 150199 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes; Lard /
MEXICO MX P Arms and ammunition; parts and accesories thereof; All types of weapons. SECOFI / SEDENA 930100 930799 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Articles of apparel and clothing accesories not knited and crocheted All articles subject to quotas and marking and labelling conditions. 620111 621090 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Articles of apparel and clothing accesories; knitted or crocheted All articles subject to quotas and marking and labelling conditions. 610110 611790 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Articles of Iron or steel; Cylindrical casks or barrels; gas cookers N.O.M. pdf 730700 732591 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar The importation of all these products is subject to marking and labelling rules. 420100 420199 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk worm gut). os/productos-prohibidos?state=published

MEXICO MX P Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Base metals anr articles of base metal; Iron and steel All these products are subject to quotas 720700 722899 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Beverages; spirits ans vinegar; Wines and Champagne; cognac; brandy whiskey; Estimated prices / N.O.M. 220400 220899 1 January 2016
rum. Spirits and other. /
MEXICO MX P Carpets and other textile floor coverings 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Ceramic Products; Floor tiles and facing tiles. Toilet bowls of over 6-litre quotas / N.O.M. 690800 691299 1 January 2016
capacity and other bathroom equipement. -sanitario-de-importacion-de-
MEXICO MX P Cereals Wheat; barley; maize; millet. SECOFI quotas 100108 100899 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Clocks and watches and parts thereof 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Cocoa and cocoa preparations; various forms of cocoa SECOFI quotas 180100 180199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Cocoa in whole or broken beans; raw or grilled 180500 180599 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Coffee; Tea; maté and spices; All products 090100 090199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Colour or black and white transfers sold in envelopes or packets; even if 490800 490899 1 January 2016
accompanied by chewing gum; sweets or any other type of article; containing ment/file/197578/Marcos_conceptuales_
drawings; figures or illustrations that depict childhood in an insulting or y_diagno_sticos_con_perspectiva_de_der
ridiculous manner and promote violence; self destruction or any other for of echos_humanos__ge_nero__proteccio_n
antisocial behaviour; known as Garbage Pail Kids; which may be printed by any _integral_de_la_infancia_y_enfoque_dife
company or commercial entity. rencial_y_especializado.pdf

Page 114 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MEXICO MX P Contents of difficult identification in the form of powders; liquids or Trade Rule Exchange 3.7.1. SAT 1 January 2016
pharmaceutical formulas (pills; troches; pills; capsules; granules and dragees) p?codigo=5545378&fecha=30/11/2018

MEXICO MX P Copal. Raw or in powder; alcoholic and other SECOFI quotas 130100 130299 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Copper and articles thereof; copper alloy offcuts and waste. Pipes. Quotas 740400 741129 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Cork and articles of cork. 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Cotton not carded or combed; with or without seeds. Majority quotas 520100 521299 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Crude oils; lubricant oils and greases. SECOFI quotas 270900 270999 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Daiy Products; bird eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not 040110 040199 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included ; Milk and lactic products; bird´s eggs os/productos-prohibidos?state=published

MEXICO MX P Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons; All products; potatoes and SECOFI quotas 080114 081499 1 January 2016
beans; except for seeds. Grapes. /
MEXICO MX P Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers; All products; potatoes and SECOFI quotas 070114 071499 1 January 2016
beans; except for seeds. /
MEXICO MX P Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and All articles subject to quotas; A few to N.O.M. and estimated process. 850148 854890 1 January 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts miso-previo-para-importar-maquinaria-y-
and accesories of such articles. Used acumulators. equipo-para-cumplir-con-obligaciones-
MEXICO MX P Electronic cigarettes 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Essential Oils and resinoids; perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations. 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Explosives; Pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain Article 41; 4 d. Washington Convention 360100 360199 1 January 2016
combustibles preparations. Explosive; inflammable and other dangerous programas/permiso-extraordinario-para-
materials. la-importacion-y-o-exportacion-de-
MEXICO MX P Fertilizers 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Firewood; coniferous wood or logs; untreated wood; planks over or equal to 6 440100 440399 1 January 2016
mm. Thick; planks minor or equal 6 mm thick. tos/importacion-de-madera-aserrada-
MEXICO MX P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates; Predatory fish Article 41 4 Washington Convention 030207 030799 1 January 2016
at the alevin stage; young and adult. os/productos-prohibidos?state=published

MEXICO MX P Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles All articles subject to quotas and marking and labelling conditions. 640106 640699 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Furniture; bedding mattresses; mattress suports; cushions and similar stuffed All articles subject to quotas 940500 940539 1 January 2016
furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings; not elsewhere specified or included; programas/certificado-de-menaje-de-
illuminated signs; illuminated name - plates and the like; pefabricated buildings. casa-8024

MEXICO MX P Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof. All products. The importation The importation of all these products is subject to marking and labelling rules. 430100 430499 1 January 2016
of clothing and fur is subject to marking and label rules. ment/file/50755/A408.pdf
MEXICO MX P Glass and glassware; Transparent frosted glass; glass fibre waste and residues quotas 700500 701919 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Headgear and parts thereof; firemen´s military and other helmets. N.O.M. 650600 650619 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use ment/file/30961/inf_espec_FICHA_Permi
MEXICO MX P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; or rare- pdf 280401 285099 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or isotopes. Thallium sulphate. programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Knitted or crocheted fabrics 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts; Marijuana preparation Canabis indica 130100 130299 1 January 2016
for moking /
MEXICO MX P Lead and articles thereof: Lead scraps and waste 780200 780299 1 January 2016

Page 115 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MEXICO MX P Literary property protected in Mexico; in the form of obscene; immoral or 491100 491199 1 January 2016
subversive writings; drawings and signs. Works reimprinted abroad in violation ment/file/288337/publicaciones_dof_pap
of literary copyright legislation in Mexico; Foreign lottery tickets; without prior elbond__18122017.pdf
authorization from the Ministry of the Interior.
MEXICO MX P Live Animals/All animals except Bees; leeches and silkworms 010600 010699 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Live trees and other plant; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental 060104 060199 1 January 2016
foliage; All Products. Foliage; leaves. /
MEXICO MX P Machinery and mechanical appliances; electrical equipment; parts thereof; SECOFI; Quotas; N.O.M. 840700 847190 1 January 2016
sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and miso-previo-para-importar-maquinaria-y-
reproducers; and parts and accessories of such articles. Nuclear Reactors; equipo-para-cumplir-con-obligaciones-
boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Parts of comerciales-en-mercados-
combustion engines; Parts of used pumps; parts of trailer-type cement mixers; internacionales/SE677
Parts of refrigerators; parts of extinguishers; parts of used cranes; parts of
kitchen appliances; parts of used computers; Parts of valves; others.
MEXICO MX P Man-made filaments Quotas for all articles 540108 540199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Man-made staple fibres Quotas for all articles 550100 551694 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Manufactures of straw; of esparto or other plaiting materials; basketware and 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Meat and edible meat offal SECOFI quotas 020110 020199 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their destillation; bituminous Article 41 4d 1989 Washington convention 270700 270999 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes: Explosive inflammable and or other dangerous programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
materials. previos
MEXICO MX P Mineral Products; salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and 252400 252499 1 January 2016
cement. Asbestos in powder or layers; and residues programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Miscellaneous articles of base metal 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Miscellaneous chemicall products; Activated coal and clays; anticoagulant 380200 380499 1 January 2016
solutions; Fuller´s earth; residual products from the chemicall industry or others. programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Miscellaneous Edible preparations; Coffee extracts; essences and concentrates SECOFI quotas 210100 210699 1 January 2016
and their preparations. /
MEXICO MX P Miscellaneous manufactured articles All articles subject to quotas 960700 960999 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Musical Intruments; parts and acesories of such articles 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; Importation prohibites 711400 711419 1 January 2016
metal clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation of jewerly; coins / ment/file/227657/Prontuario_2017.pdf
MEXICO MX R New measures prohibit items in powder form; pharmaceutical products (pills; UPU Circular 2019.124 26 May 2020
troches; tablets; granules; capsules and lozenges); and whey or serum proteins programas/registrossanitarios-89343
of animal origin. In addition; importers of food supplements require a licence in
the form of a health certificate issued by the Government of Mexico.

MEXICO MX P Nickel and articles thereof 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Obscene and immoral articles 490811 490899 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneou grains; seeds and fruit; industrial SECOFI quotas 120114 121499 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder; Poppy Seeds. Marijuana /

MEXICO MX P Optical; Photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; Article 41; 4 d. Washington Convention ; N.O.M. Ministry Health authorization 900900 902910 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accesories thereof; miso-sanitario-de-importacion-de-
massage appliances and prostheses. Obscene and immoral articles. dispositivos-medicos-para-uso-

Page 116 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MEXICO MX P Ores; slag and ash; Iron and steel waste; waste from galvanization; used 262100 262199 1 January 2016
catalysts; resifues from lead refining; ash programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Organic chemicals. Hexachlorine; hexahydrate; dimetanoaphthene; Article 41 4b 1989 Washington convention 293000 290319 1 January 2016
heptachlorine; tetrahydrometaindene; epoxy hexachloride; miso-de-importacion-de-sustancias-
hydroendodimetanoaphtalene; dichlotropromophentylmethy; N-allyglutamic toxicas/COFEPRIS729
imidoacid; phenylthiophosphonate; diacetylmorphone. Narcotics and
psychotropic substances.
MEXICO MX P Other base materials; cerments; articles thereof 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rads All subject to quotas SECOFI 630110 631090 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Other printed matter; includin images; prints and colour or black and white 491100 491199 1 January 2016
photographs; sold in envelopes or packets; even if accompanied by chewing ment/file/197578/Marcos_conceptuales_
gum or sweets or any other type of article; containing drawings; figure y_diagno_sticos_con_perspectiva_de_der
illustrations that depic childhood in an insulting or ridiculous manner and echos_humanos__ge_nero__proteccio_n
promote violence; self-destruction or any other form of antisocial behaviour; _integral_de_la_infancia_y_enfoque_dife
known as Garbage Pail Kids; which may be printed by any company or rencial_y_especializado.pdf
commercial entity.
MEXICO MX P Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn Quotas for all articles 530100 531199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or paperboard; semi- 480400 481899 1 January 2016
bleached kraft paper and paperboard; polyethylene-coated wrapping paper and ment/file/288337/publicaciones_dof_pap
flooring: quotas. Babie´s diapers: estimated pices elbond__18122017.pdf

MEXICO MX P Pharmaceutical Producs. Vaccines against foot and mouth dicease. Canabis Article 23; Washington Convention 1 January 2016
indica preparations; acetylmorphine preparations; samples of tissue; blood; etc; miso-de-importacion-de-sustancias-
from contagious matter; a permitt is required for all pharmaceuticall products toxicas/COFEPRIS729
for human medicine and for all veterinarian medicine.

MEXICO MX P Photographic or Cinemathic goods 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof; Non toxic 391300 391599 1 January 2016
polysaccharide; plasma substitute (dextran). Residue and waste of ethylin; programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
styrene; PVC; Methyl methacrylate and others previos
MEXICO MX P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 21 June 2019
prohibitions tal/index.html#!/
MEXICO MX P Preparations of Cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks´ products. Vegetable Estimated prices 190100 190299 1 January 2016
products for diabetics; Pasta. /
MEXICO MX P Preparations of vegetables; fuit; nuts or other parts of plants; Homogeneized 200700 200799 1 January 2016
preparations; citrus preparations; compotes and jams for diabetics and others. /

MEXICO MX P Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair.
MEXICO MX P Prepared foodstuffs; beverages; spirits and vinegar; tobacco and 160100 160199 1 January 2016
manufacturated tobacco substitutes; preparations of meat; or fish or of /
crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates

MEXICO MX P Prepared Meats; hams; shoulder of hams; cooked or pieces of pork flesh; 160200 160299 1 January 2016
cooked entrails; other blood-based preparations /
MEXICO MX P Products from the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat; gluten. SECOFI quotas 110300 110720 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included; Feathers; horns; 050210 051199 1 January 2016
ivory os/productos-prohibidos?state=published

MEXICO MX P Proteins derived from milk whey or products derived from animal milk Trade Rule Exchange 3.7.1. SAT 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Pulp of wood or of other fibrous celluylose material; waste and scap of paper or 470300 470399 1 January 2016
paperboard; sulphated chemical wood past tos/importacion-de-madera-aserrada-

Page 117 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MEXICO MX P Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stocks and parts thereof; railway or 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including
electro mechanical) traffic signaling equipment of all kinds.

MEXICO MX P Raw and untreated lactose; with a nitrogen content of less than 2% 170200 170299 1 January 2016

MEXICO MX P Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather; Raw hides of bovine and 410100 410199 1 January 2016
equine animals; sheep or lambs; and swine; goats and kids; reptiles and others: os/productos-prohibidos?state=published
pretanned or tanned and finishhed; offcuts and waste
MEXICO MX P Raw tobacco and residues and other 240300 240399 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Red or amorphous phosphorus; nitrous oxide; caesium; lithium carbonate; 137; SECOFI quotas 280401 285099 1 January 2016
cobalt radoiactive and others; programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder; food for 230900 230999 1 January 2016
dogs or cats; food for fowls; straws; preparations; sugared forage; food for /
aquarium and other fish
MEXICO MX P Rubber and articles thereof; latex gutta; macaranduba; waste; used tires; SECOFI quotas 400100 401511 1 January 2016
condoms; sinthethic rubber; new tires; surgical gloves programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Ships; boats and floating structures 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Silk: Silk: Estimated Prices Estimated prices 500307 500399 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Soap; organic surface active agents; washing preparations; lubricating 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polising or scouring programas/permiso-sanitario-de-
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and importacion-de-insumos-para-la-salud-
dental preparations with a basis of plaster. tramites
MEXICO MX P Soya proteins concentrates; milk protein derivates; pudding and gelatine 210690 210699 1 January 2016
powders for diabetics /
MEXICO MX P Special woven fabrics; tuften textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; Quotas 580300 580320 1 January 2016
embroidery; Gauze backing ment/file/30961/inf_espec_FICHA_Permi
MEXICO MX P Sugar and sugar confectionery; Sugars in solid state 170100 170199 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Tanning or dyeing extracts; tanning and their derivatives; dyes; pigments and 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; paints and varnishes ; putty other mastics; inks programas/permiso-sanitario-de-
MEXICO MX P Tin and articles thereof 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Tobacco and manufacturated tobacco substitutes; Tobacco cigars; cigarettes SECOFI quotas 240100 240199 1 January 2016
and homogeneized tobacco cia-sanitaria-para-importadores-o-
MEXICO MX P Tools and implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts thereof of All articles subject to quotas. 820300 820699 1 January 2016
base metal programas/siicex-transparencia-permisos-
MEXICO MX P Toys; games and sport requisites; parts and accesories thereof; Dolls for Article 41 ;4 Washington Convention. 950100 950899 1 January 2016
obscene or immoral purposes
MEXICO MX P Turtle eggs; meat; pelts; shell and any of it´s derivates / products SAT 1 January 2016
MEXICO MX P Umbrellas; sum umbrellas; walking sticks; seat sticks; whips; riding-crops and 1 January 2016
parts thereof.
MEXICO MX P Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 140300 140499 1 January 2016
included /
MEXICO MX P Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock; and parts and accesories SECOFI / SEDENA 870100 871699 1 January 2016
thereof programas/comercializacion-de-armas
MEXICO MX P Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables 1 January 2016
and articles thereof
MEXICO MX P Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoil; cork and articles of cork; 440100 440399 1 January 2016
manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware tos/importacion-de-madera-aserrada-
and wicker work. Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoil nueva
MEXICO MX P Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric or rabbit or 510200 510299 1 January 2016
hare and others ment/file/30961/inf_espec_FICHA_Permi
MEXICO MX P Works of art; collector´s pieces and antiques All Articles prohibited 970500 970599 1 January 2016

Page 118 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MEXICO MX P Zinc and articles thereof 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Items containing bank notes in circulation, securities (cheques) of any kind payable to UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
bearer or foreign currency. Article VIII/IX
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Albuminoidal substances: modified starches: glues: enzymes is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 350100 350700 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 150100 150600 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetable waxes Products of Animal Origin
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Arms and ammunition: parts and accessories thereof 930100 930700 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 3 pcs. 610100 611700 630900 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Articles of leather: saddlery and harness: travel goods; handbags and similar Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 3 pcs. 420100 420600 1 January 2016
containers:articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut)
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials is required permit from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry 680100 681500 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques only as insured items 490700; 7118 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Bees and leeches transport conditions are established by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and 010641; 010690 1 January 2016
Industry Food

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Beverages; spirits and vinegar Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges: –Wines of 220100 220900 1 January 2016
fresh grapes; including fortified winesspirits; liqueurs and other spirituous
beverages : 2 litres per parcel: –Malt Beer: 5 litres per parcel.

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Carpets and other textile floor coverings 570100 570500 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Ceramic products 610100 691400 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Cereals is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 100100 100800 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Clocks and watches and parts thereof Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 3 pcs. 910100 911400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Cocoa and cocoa preparations 180100 180600 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Coffee; tea; maté and spices 090100 091000 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Cork and articles of cork is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 450100 450400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Cotton 520100 520300 60290 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin; not is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 040100 041000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included Products of Animal Origin
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Edible fruit: peel of citrus fruit or melons is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 080100 081400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Essential oils and resinoids: perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations 330100 330700 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloys: certain 360100 360600 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Fertilisers require an Import permit to enter Moldova 310100 310500 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 030100 030800 1 January 2016
Products of Animal Origin
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Footwear; gaiters and the like: parts of such articles Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 2 pairs. 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Furniture; bedding; mattresses; mattress supports; cushions and similar stuffed 940100 940600 1 January 2016
furnishings: lamps and lighting fittings not elsewhere specified or included:
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like: prefabricated buildings

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Furskins and artificial fur: manufactures thereof Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 1 pcs. 430100 430400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Glass and glassware 700100 702000 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Green plants; grass and seedlings 060100 060400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country. Opium in particular 130100 130200 1 January 2016
requires an authorization from Pharmacy Department of the Ministry of Health
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Headgear and parts thereof 650100 650700 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 280100 285300 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Knitted or crocheted fabrics 600100 600600 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Live animals; except bees and leeches 010100 010500 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Live plants and products of floriculture; except green plants; grass and seedlings is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 060100 060400 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Meat and edible meat offal require an Import permit to enter Moldova (may be imported only by legal persons) 020100 021000 1 January 2016

Page 119 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation: bituminous is required permit from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry 270100 271600 1 January 2016
substances: mineral waxes
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Miscellaneous edible preparations is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 210100 210600 1 January 2016
Products of Animal Origin and/or is required phytosanitary certificate
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Musical instruments: parts and accessories of such articles 920100 920900 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones; precious metals; only as insured items 710100 711200 1 January 2016
metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof: imitation jewellery: coin

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Nuclear reactors; boilers; machinery and mechanical appliances: parts thereof 840100 848700 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits: miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit: industrial is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 120100 121400 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants: straw and fodder
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; is required an authotization from Ministry of Health 900100 903300 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus: parts and accessories thereof
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Organic chemicals 290100 294200 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Other made-up textile articles: sets: worn clothing and worn textile articles: rags Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges 3 pcs. 630900 1 January 2016

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Pharmaceutical products Items containing medicines for personal use in quantities required for a course of 300100 300600 1 January 2016
treatment are permitted where the addressee has obtained authorization from the
Ministry of Health of Moldova
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Photographic apparatus and video camera natural person can import only 1 piece per parcel 900610 900659 852580; 900710 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Plastics and articles thereof 390100 392600 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Postal items containing software or technical devices specially developed; 1 January 2016
manufactured; programmed or adapted to intercept secret information.
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Potatoes and other vegetables; herbs; edible roots and tubers infected with 070100 071400 1 January 2016
parasites which are considered to be detrimental to the crops.
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals imported by legal persons authorized and intended for commercial or production 710200 711200 1 January 2016
activities; whose value does not exceed the sum of 100;000 euros
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk: patisserie products is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 190100 190500 1 January 2016
Products of Animal Origin and/or is required phytosanitary certificate
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 160100 160500 1 January 2016
invertebrates Products of Animal Origin
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants 200100 200900 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down: artificial is required the agreement of Sanitary-Veterinary Agency for the Security of 670100 670400 1 January 2016
flowers: articles of human hair Products of Animal Origin
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing 490100 491100 1 January 2016
industry: manuscripts;typescripts and plans
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten A phytosanitary certificate from the origin country is required 110100 110900 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD P Publications that are maleficent for young people; contravene to public order or 490100 491100 1 January 2016
immoral obscene articles
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Residues and waste from the food industries: prepared animal fodder A phytosanitary certificate from the origin country is required 230100 230900 51199 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Rubber and articles thereof 400100 401700 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Silk 500100 500300 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating 340100 340700 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles;modelling pastes; dental waxes and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Special woven fabrics: tufted textile fabrics: lace: tapestries: trimmings: 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Sugars and sugar confectionery 170100 170400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Tape radio; auto radio tape recorders; audio players natural person can import only 1 piece per parcel 851981; 851989; 852713; 852721 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Natural persons have the right to import free from Customs charges: -Cigars: 50 pcs 240100 240300 1 January 2016
per parcel: -Cigarettes of tobacco or of tobacco alternatives-200 pcs per parcel

MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Toys; games and sports requisites: parts and accessories thereof 950300 950700 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus for radiophony cell natural person can import only 2 pcs per parcel 8517 1 January 2016
(cell phone)
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 660100 660300 1 January 2016
parts thereof
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Vegetable plaiting materials: vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 140100 140400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Vegetables; onion; garlic is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 070100 140400 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Wadding; felt and non-wovens: special yarns: twine; cordage; ropes and cables 560100 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Wood and articles of wood: wood charcoal is required phytosanitary certificate from the origin country 440100 442100 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD N Wool; fine or coarse animal hair: horsehair yarn and woven fabric 510100 511300 1 January 2016
MOLDOVA; REPUBLIC OF MD R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques is required from natural persons to present an authorization issued by the 970100 970600 1 January 2016
competent authority from origin country or an authorization issued by the Ministry
of Culture of Moldova
MONACO MC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MONGOLIA MN P Ordinary, registered or insured mail/parcel containing coins, bank notes, securities UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
payable to bearer and travellers’ cheques. Article VIII/IX
MONGOLIA MN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

Page 120 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

MONTENEGRO ME N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions ministration
MOROCCO MA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Alcoholic beverages 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Cigarettes 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Counterfait articles 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Distilled alcoholic beverages containing essences or chemical products known 1 January 2016
to be harmful like absinthe; benzoic aldehyde; badia; illicit ethers; hyssop and
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Harmful foodstuff that cannot be reused for other purposes 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Imitations of Mozambique's postal philately 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Medical drugs and foodstuff harmful for public health 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Money (coins and notes) 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances other than those imported for 1 January 2016
hospital uses
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Other merchandise whose import is explicitely prohibited by special legislation 1 January 2016

MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions Tariff
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Pornographic material and material offensive to moral and/or public dignity 1 January 2016
MOZAMBIQUE MZ P Weapons 1 January 2016
MYANMAR MM P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Valuable articles Article Article IX
MYANMAR MM R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 490700; 7118 1 January 2016

MYANMAR MM R Coin It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 7118 1 January 2016

MYANMAR MM P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 1 January 2016

MYANMAR MM P It is prohibited to send any type of postal item to Myanmar containing illicit or UPU IB Circular 18 March 2019
controlled substances such as marijuana; MDMA tablets and Ecstasy tablets. 2018.176

MYANMAR MM P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
MYANMAR MM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
MYANMAR MM R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 710200 711200 1 January 2016

MYANMAR MM P Article 19.6 UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022

Items containing the valuable articles. Article VIII
NAMIBIA NA P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
NEPAL NP P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII
NEPAL NP P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
NEPAL NP N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
NEPAL NP P Registered or insured items containing currency notes or coins. Except by special agreement to that effect. UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article VIII
NETHERLANDS NL N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions connect/bldcontenten/belastingdienst/in
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ACYCLIC ALCOHOLS AND THEIR HALOGENATED DERIVATIVES; SULPHONATED; Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 290500 290500 2905 1 January 2016
NITRATED OR NITROSATED heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R AMINE COMPOUNDS Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 292100 292100 2921 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R AMINO COMPOUNDS WITH OXYGENATED FUNCTIONS Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 292100 292100 2921 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R AMMONIUM NITRATE; EVEN IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION Any preparation containing more than 80% NH4 NO3 by weight is considered to be 310240 310240 310240 1 January 2016
a Class 4 explosive substance within the meaning of Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954
and is subject to the provisions of this Order (import authorization issued by
DIMENC) - Order No. 677 of March 23; 1989 on import control; Trade; the
conservation and use of ammonium nitrate.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ANALOGUE OR DIGITAL TELEMEASURE CHAIN Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 1 January 2016
issued by the OPT
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ANTISERUMS; OTHER BLOOD FRACTIONS AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS; S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300210 300210 300210 1 January 2016
EVEN MODIFIED OR OBTAINED BY CHANNEL B medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R APPLIED OR FLAKED BEANS OF CEREAL; BARLEY DEST.TO TRANSF. FROM AND License or quota any origin / provenance 110412 110419 1 January 2016

Page 121 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R ARTICLES FOR FIREWORKS Articles for fireworks; firecrackers and other fireworks for entertainment are subject 360100 360600 1 January 2016
to the presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by
the Mines Department.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R BARLEY OTHERS FOR PROCESSING IN SALE AND ANIMAL FEED AS IS License or quota any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Bell buoys and beacons Loss finding beacons and beacons are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 890700 890700 8907 1 January 2016
03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC R BOMBS; GRENADES; TORPEDOES; MINES; MISSILES; CARTRIDGES AND OTHER The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 930600 930600 9306 1 January 2016
AMMUNITION AND PROJECTILES; AND ... specific import authorization issued by the Directorate of Regulation and General
Administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Order No. 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998)
NEW CALEDONIA NC R BUOYS AND SIGNALS Loss finding beacons and radiobeacons are subject to the presentation of an AAI 890700 890700 8907 1 January 2016
(Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CAPSICUM OR PIMENTA TYPE PEPPERS; DRIED OR CRUSHED OR SPRAYED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090421 090422 090421; 090422 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CARBOXYAMIDE-BASED COMPOUNDS: AMID-BASED COMPOUNDS OF Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 292400 292400 2924 1 January 2016
CARBONIC ACID heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CARBOXYIMIDE-BASED COMPOUNDS (INCLUDING SACCHARIN AND ITS SALTS) Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 292500 292500 2925 1 January 2016
OR IMINE-BASED COMPOUNDS heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CEREALS Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 100100 100800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CHEMICAL CONTRACEPTIVE PREP. BASED ON HORMONES; OTHER PRODUCTS Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones; other products of TD n ° 300660 300660 300660 1 January 2016
OF 29.37 OR SPERMIC 2937 or spermicides are subject to presentation of an AAI (Decree n ° 03-1587 /
GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by DASS NC. <br> Pharmaceutical specialties are not
concerned for human use which has been the subject of a marketing authorization
issued by the French Health Products Safety Agency or by the European Medicines
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CIGARS AND CIGARILLOS CONTAINING TOBACCO FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE (1) Subject to the authorization of the Customs Administration and with the sale 240210 240210 240210 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R COFFEE SHELLS AND FILMS; COFFEE SUBSTITUTES CONTAINING COFFEE ... Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090190 090190 90190 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CONDOMS Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 401410 401410 401410 1 January 2016
issued by the DASS - with the exception of male condoms for which the importer
justifies their compliance with standards NF EN 600 or NF S97-031
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CONSTANT WEIGHING WEIGHTS AND WEIGHING OR DOSING SCALES AND Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842300 842300 8423 1 January 2016
WEIGHTS issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CORTICO-SURRENAL HORMONES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES: OTHER (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 293721 293721 293721 1 January 2016
the veterinary service
NEW CALEDONIA NC R CORTISONE; HYDROCORTISONE; PREDNISONE (DEHYDROCORTISONE) AND (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 293721 293721 293721 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R DECAFFEINATED NON-ROASTED COFFEE Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090112 090112 90112 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R DIAGNOSTIC OR LABORATORY REAGENTS ON ANY MEDIUM AND DIAGNOSTIC Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on all prepared diagnostic and laboratory 382200 382200 382200 1 January 2016
OR LABORA REAGENTS ... reagents and supports; even presented on a medium; other than TD 3002 or 3006:
certified reference materials - for pharmaceutical use; biological or medical - are
subject to presentation of an AAI (Decree n ° 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued
by the DASS NC. <br> Reagents for uses other than that of medical biology are not
concerned nor those registered with the French Health Products Safety Agency or
CE marked.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R DOUBLE SALTS AND MIXTURES OF CALCIUM NITRATE AND AMMONIUM Any preparation containing more than 80% NH4 NO3 by weight is considered to be 310260 310260 310260 1 January 2016
NITRATE a Class 4 explosive substance within the meaning of Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954
and is subject to the provisions of this Order (import authorization issued by
DIMENC) - Order No. 677 of March 23; 1989 on import control; Trade; the
conservation and use of ammonium nitrate.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ESTROGENS AND PROGESTOGENS (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 293723 293723 293723 1 January 2016
the veterinary service
NEW CALEDONIA NC P EX TD 96019000 MOTHER-OF-PEARL KNIFE SLEEVES TGI PF RATE (4%) DEL NO The import and export for commercial purposes of sea turtles and all parts or 960190 960190 960190 1 January 2016
263 OF 10/19/2001 products obtained from these animals is prohibited (Extract from deliberation n ° 17
dated 16.07.1985)
NEW CALEDONIA NC R EXTRACTS FROM GLANDS OR OTHER ORGANS OR THEIR SECRETIONS S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300120 300120 300120 1 January 2016
medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R FLOUR AND AGGLOMERATES IN THE FORM OF PELLETS FROM LUZERNE Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 121410 121410 121410 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R GINGER Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 091011 091012 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P GINGER; SAFFRON; TURMERIC; THYME; BAY LEAVES; CURRY AND OTHER SPICES Imports suspended any origin / provenance 090100 090100 901 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R GLANDS AND OTHER ORGANS FOR OPOTHERAPIC USES; IN THE DRIED STATE; Glands and other organs for therapeutic use; in the dried state; even sprayed; 300100 300100 3001 1 January 2016
EVEN SPRAY: EXTRACTS ... extracts; for therapeutic use; glands or other organs or their secretions: heparin and
its salts: other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or
prophylactic purposes NDCA - for veterinary use - are subject to the presentation of
an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by SIVAP
NEW CALEDONIA NC R GLANDS AND OTHER ORGANS FOR OPOTHERAPIC USES; IN THE DRIED STATE; Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for human or 300100 300100 3001 1 January 2016
EVEN SPRAY: EXTRACTS ... laboratory use in TD No. 3001 which have been the subject of a marketing
authorization issued by the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products or by
the European Medicines Agency
NEW CALEDONIA NC R GLANDS AND OTHER ORGANS FOR OPOTHERAPIC USES; IN THE DRIED STATE; Glands and other organs for therapeutic use; in the dried state; even sprayed; 300100 300100 3001 1 January 2016
EVEN SPRAY: EXTRACTS … extracts; for therapeutic use; glands or other organs or their secretions: heparin and
its salts: other human or animal substances prepared for therapeutic or
S (1): Importspurposes NDCAand
of hormones - for human
other or laboratory
glandular use -ofare
substances subject
animal to the
origin or their 300100 300100 3001 1 January 2016
medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate PIG FATS (INCLUDING SAINDOUX) AND POULTRY FATS OTHER THAN THOSE OF 010100 970600 1 January 2016
02.09 O ...
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate FATS OF BOVINE SPECIES; SHEEP OR GOAT; OTHER THAN THOSE OF N ° 15.03 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate FATS AND OILS AND THEIR FRACTIONS; FISH OR MARINE MAMMALS; EVEN 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate MEAT PREPARATIONS; FISH OR CRUSTACEANS; MOLLUSCS OR OTHER AQUATIC 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate Cocoa beans and broken beans; CRUDE OR ROASTED 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate SHELLS; FILMS AND OTHER COCOA WASTE 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate FLOURS; POWDERS AND AGGLOMERATES IN THE FORM OF PELLETS; MEAT; OFFAL; 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate STUFFED PASTA (EVEN BAKED OR OTHERWISE PREPARED) 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate RAW HIDES AND SKINS OF CATTLE (INCLUDING BUFFALS) OR HORSES (FRESH; OR 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate RAW SKINS OF SHEEP (FRESH; OR SALTED; DRIED; LIME; PICKLED OR OTHERWISE 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate OTHER RAW HIDES AND SKINS (FRESH; OR SALTED; DRY; LIME; PICKLE OR 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate CASES; CAISSETTES; CAGEOTS; CYLINDERS AND SIMILAR PACKAGING; WOODEN: 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate NATURAL SANDS OF ALL KINDS; EVEN COLORFUL; EXCLUDING METALLIC SANDS IN 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate - RAW OR IN IRREGULAR PIECES; INCLUDING CRUSHED PIERRE PONCE (PIERRE PON 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate CAILLOUX; GRAVELS; CONCRETE STONES; GENERAL TYPES. USEFUL FOR CONCRETE 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate NON CALCINEE OR SINTERED DOLOMIA; SAID "RAW" 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate GYPSUM; ANHYDRITE 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate PEAT (INCLUDING PIT FOR LITTER); EVEN AGGLOMERATED 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate HORMONES; PROSTAGLANDINS; THROMBOXANES AND LEUCOTRIENS; NATURAL 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate OPIUM ALKALOIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES; SALTS OF ... POPPY STRAW 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate ANTIBIOTICS 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate FERTILIZERS OF ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE ORIGIN; EVEN MIXED BETWEEN THEM OR 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate WAFFLE WAX EMBOSSED FOR BEEHIVES 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate COLLECTIONS AND SPECIMENS FOR ZOOLOGY COLLECTIONS; BOTANICAL; 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate PREPARATIONS OF THE TYPES USED FOR ANIMAL FEEDING 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate WOOL; NON CARDEESNI COMBED - EN SUINT; INCLUDING BACK-WASHED WOOL: 010100 970600 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R GUM LACQUER: GUMS; RESINS; GUM-RESINS AND OLEOREINS (BALMS; FOR Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 130100 130200 1 January 2016
EXAMPLE); NATURAL heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HALOGEN DERIVATIVES OF CORTICO- SURRENAL HORMONES (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 293722 293722 293722 1 January 2016
the veterinary service
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HEPARIN AND ITS SALTS; HUMAN OR ANIMAL SUBSTANCES PREPARED FOR S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300100 300100 3001 1 January 2016
THERAPEUTIC PURPOSES. medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROATOMA (S) OF NITROGEN ONLY Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 293300 293300 2933 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH HETEROATOMA (S) OF OXYGEN ONLY Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 293200 293200 2932 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HORMONES OF THE PREVIOUS LOBE OF HYPOPHYSIS AND THE LIKE; AND THEIR (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 300120 300190 1 January 2016
DERIVATIVES the veterinary service

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R HORMONES; PROSTAGLANDINS; THROMBOXANES AND LEUCOTRIENS; Hormones natural or reproduced by synthesis: their derivatives used mainly as 293750 293750 293750 1 January 2016
NATURAL OR REPRODUCED BY SYNTHESIS: THE ... hormones: other steroids used mainly as hormones - for human or laboratory use -
are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order n ° 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003)
issued by DASS NC
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HUMAN BLOOD: ANIMAL BLOOD PREPARED FOR THERAPEUTIC USES; Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic uses; prophylactic or 300290 300290 300290 1 January 2016
PROPHYLACTICS OR DIAGNOSIS ... diagnostic: antisera; other blood fractions; modified immunological products; even
obtained by biotechnological means: vaccines; toxins; cultures of microorganisms
(excluding yeasts) and similar products - for human use - are subject to the
presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by DASS NC

NEW CALEDONIA NC R HUMAN BLOOD: ANIMAL BLOOD PREPARED FOR THERAPEUTIC USES; Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic uses; prophylactic or 300290 300290 300290 1 January 2016
PROPHYLACTICS OR DIAGNOSIS ... diagnostic: antisera; other blood fractions; modified immunological products; even
obtained by biotechnological means: vaccines; toxins; cultures of micro-organisms
(excluding yeasts) and similar products - for veterinary use - are subject to the
presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by SIVAP

NEW CALEDONIA NC R HUMAN BLOOD: ANIMAL BLOOD PREPARED FOR THERAPEUTIC USES; Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; reagents for uses other than that of 300290 300290 300290 1 January 2016
PROPHYLACTICS OR DIAGNOSIS ... medical biology; or those registered with the French Health Products Safety Agency
or bearing the CE marking.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HUMAN BLOOD: ANIMAL BLOOD PREPARED FOR THERAPEUTIC USES; Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for human or 300290 300290 300290 1 January 2016
PROPHYLACTICS OR DIAGNOSIS ... laboratory use and stable products prepared industrially; which constitute
medicinal products derived from blood which have been the subject of a marketing
authorization issued by the French Agency for the Sanitary Safety of Health
Products or by the European Medicines Agency
NEW CALEDONIA NC R HUMAN BLOOD; PREPARED ANIMAL BLOOD FOR THERAPY ....; TOXINS; MICRO- S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300290 300290 300290 1 January 2016
GOLD CULTURES medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R IDEM POSITION 25232910 - ORIGIN EU Products subject to presentation of an AAI issued by DIMENC; with the exception of 1 January 2016
imported cements presented in packaging weighing 10 kg or less
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance A) IN THE FORM OF FOAM 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance DD) OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance B) IN POWDER FORM 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 1.1) BODY REPELLENT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREP. SOFT. LINEN COND. RETAIL SALE PRESENTED IN FLAC. OR RECHARG. NOT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREP.ASSOUP.LINGE.COND.SALE DETAIL PRESENTED IN BOTTLES OR 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREPA.ASSOUP.LINGE.COND.DETE DE RETAIL OTHERWISE PRESENTED 1 January 2016



NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER SOFTENING PREPARATIONS FOR OTHERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BG) FOOD FOR OTHER ANIMALS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER NON-MEDICINAL COMPOSITE FOODS; BULK 1 January 2016


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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER NON-MEDICINAL COMPOSITE FOODS; OTHERWISE COND. OTHER 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 2.2.2) OTHER 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance ALVEOLAR PRODUCTS IN POLYURETHANES OTHERWISE PRESENT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BAGS; BAGS; POUCHES AND CORNETS OF ETHYLENE POLYMERS; OTHER SINGLE- 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BAGS; BAGS ... ETHYLENE POLYMERS; OTHERS: GARBAGE BAGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BAGS; BAGS; POUCHES AND CORNETS OF ETHYLENE POLYMERS; OTHERS: OTHERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance SINGLE VACUUM BAGS NON-PRINTED STORAGE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FOOTWEAR WITH OUTER SOLE AND RUBBER TOP ...- SHOE WITH TOP WITH STRAPS 1 January 2016


NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FOOTWEAR WITH OUTER SOLE IN RUBBER..A) FOOTWEAR WITH THE TOP MADE OF 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FOOTWEAR WITH OUTER SOLE IN RUBBER OR PLASTICS: OTHER SHOES; OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance B) OTHERS IN DENIM FABRIC 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NOT COMPLEXED; at FOND PLAT; BROWN OR WHITE; PRINTED; WITH OR WITHOUT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER ICE CREAMS AVAILABLE IN BOTTLES WITH A CAPACITY> 1 L - DISPENSE SHUE 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FLOURS; POWDERS AND AGGL. IN THE FORM OF PELLETS; MEAT OR MEAT OFFAL. 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance TOILET PAPER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance DIFFERENT HANDKERCHIEFS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHERWISE TOWELS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NAPKINS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER ADDED SUGAR WATERS AND OTHER FLAVORED SWEETENERS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance ICE CREAMS CONTAINING COCOA PRESENTED IN BINS CONTAINING> 1L AND <OR = 1 January 2016
A 2L
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING MEAT OF A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance ATMOSPHERE AIR FRESHENER; OTHERS; LESS THAN 1 L OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 2) OTHER SOAPS OF A WEIGHT GREATER OR EQUAL TO 200 G 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance HOUSEHOLD SOAP X .... 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREPARATIONS EXCLUSIVELY FOR HAND DISHWARE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance AMONIA DETERGENT PREPARATIONS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance MULTI-PURPOSE DEPRECENTS ... PRESENTED IN BOTTLES AND REFILLS; NOT 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance MULTI-PURPOSE DETERGENT PREPARATIONS .... OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREPARATIONS EXCLUSIVELY FOR HANDWARE 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PREP.DETERG.MULTI-USES ... NON-CONCENTRATED EMPLOYMENT READY TO USE 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance MULTI-PURPOSE DETERGENT PREPARATIONS ... DISHWASHER USE OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER CHOCOLATES III- MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BEANS WITH SAUSAGES WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL WHITE BEANS CONTAINING MORE THAN 250G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL WHITE BEANS WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL WHITE BEANS OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance WHITE BEANS WITH TOMATO CONTAINING MORE THAN 250 G AND LESS THAN 5 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance WHITE BEANS WITH TOMATO CONTAINING 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance WHITE BEANS WITH TOMATOES OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance SHRIMPS NOT PRESENTED IN A HERMETIC CONTAINER 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL FLAGEOLETS WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL RED BEANS CONTAINING MORE THAN 250G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL RED BEANS WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL RED BEANS OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING SAUSAGES WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NON-FILLED LENSES WITH A NATURAL CAPACITY EXCEEDING 250 G AND LESS THAN 1 January 2016
5 KG
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NON-FILLED LENSES WITH A NATURAL CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance LENSES NOT FILLED WITH NATURAL OTHERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance LENS WITH GOOSE GREASE; CONTAINING MORE THAN 250 G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance LENSES WITH GOOSE FAT WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER GOOSE LENS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL CHICKPEAS WITH A CAPACITY OVER 250G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance NATURAL CHICKPEAS WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance CHICK PEAS IN NATURAL OTHERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance CHICKPEA; OTHER; CONTAINING MORE THAN A250 G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance CHICKPEA; OTHER; WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance CHICKPEA; OTHER OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER DUCK CASSOULETS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER SWINE SPECIES GOOSE CASSOULETS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER CASSOULETS CONTAINING DRIED VEGETABLES 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance PEPPER JELLY BEEF; CORNED BEEF 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER CASSOULETS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BEAN SAUSAGES 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance LENTIL SAUSAGES 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER PREPARATIONS BASED ON THESE PRODUCTS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance VARIOUS ITEMS HOLLOW WHITE CHOCOLATE MOLDS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance BAKED SUGAR CONFECTIONERY NOT OTHERWISE PRESENTED 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER PRESENT CHEWING PASTA 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 2.4) JELLY GUMS 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 1 WEIGHT BAKER STICKS <= 5 G 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance TASTING SQUARES OF 1 WEIGHT> 5G AND <= 10G 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance SNACKS OF 1 WEIGHT> 10G AND <= 25G 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 2) BOUDOIRS; CHAMPAGNE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 3) COCONUT COOKIES 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance 4) MADELEINE YELLOW DOUGH BISCUITS; CAKE; CAT'S TONGUE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER ADDED SWEETENER COOKIES; CHAMPAGNE BUCKETS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER ADDED SWEETENER COOKIES; COCONUT COOKIES 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER BISCUITS WITH ADDED MERINGUAL SWEETENERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance OTHER BISCUITS ... MADELEINE; CAKE; CAT'S TONGUE; FOUR QUARTERS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance SAUSAGES .. OTHER THAN POULTRY RAW FRESH REFRIGERATED OR FROZEN; 1 January 2016
SMOKING; Sausages

NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended any origin / provenance SAUSAGES; Sausages other than fresh raw poultry; chilled or frozen; not smoked; 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union COCOA-CONTAINING ICE CREAMS IN BOTTLE> 250MLET <= 1 L - DISPENSE SHUE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union ICE CREAM CONTAINING COCOA PACKS - DISPENSE SHUE 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union OTHER ICE CREAMS PRESENTED IN BINS; SORBET OF A CAPACITY OVER 250 ML AND 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union OTHER ICE CREAMS PRESENTED IN BINS; SORBET OF A CAPACITY EXCEEDING 700 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union OTHER ICE CREAMS PRESENTED IN CORNETS OR CONES - DISPENSE SHUE 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union OTHER ICE CREAMS AVAILABLE IN STICKS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union CONSUMER ICE CREAMS; OTHER; FROZEN FRUITS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union CONSUMER ICE CREAMS; OTHER. OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union OTHER ICE CREAMS PRESENTED IN BINS CONTAINING> 250 ML AND <= 1 L - 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union SHIRTS AND SHIRTS; KNITTED OR CROCHETED; FOR MEN OR BOYS - COTTON 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union SHIRTS AND SHIRTS; KNITTED OR CROCHETED; FOR MEN OR BOYS - SYNTHETIC OR 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union SHIRTS AND SHIRTS; KNITTED OR CROCHETED; FOR MEN OR BOYS - OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Imports suspended outside the European Union B) OTHERS IN DENIM FABRIC 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P Imports suspended outside the European Union HOUSEHOLD CANDLES 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R INSECTICIDES; ANTI-REDUCERS; FUNGICIDES; HERBICIDES; GERMINATION Insecticides; anti-rodents; fungicides; herbicides; germination inhibitors and plant 380800 380800 3808 1 January 2016
INHIBITORS AND REGULATORS OF ... growth regulators; for agricultural use are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order
No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by SIVAP
NEW CALEDONIA NC R INSULIN AND ITS SALTS (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 273712 273712 273712 1 January 2016
the veterinary service

Page 127 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEAN BEANS; CONTAINING CONFIT MEAT CASSOULETS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEANS WITH SAUSAGES OF A CAPACITY GREATER THAN 250G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance V. OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance DUCK CASSOULET WITH CONFIT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance SAUSAGES AND SAUSAGES FOR CANNING EXEMPTED FROM TCPPL 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance SAUSAGES AND SAUSAGES FOR CANOPY EXEMPTED FROM TCPPL 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance NATURAL WHITE BOUDINS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance OTHER WHITE BOUDINS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance FOOD PREPARATIONS BASED ON PRODUCTS OF 16-01; CASSOULETS WITH CONFIT 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance WHOLE OR PIECES OF FISH; EX. CHOPPED FISH: TUNA; NATURAL 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance CONFIT GOOSE CASSOULET 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING OTHER SAUSAGES 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance LENSES FILLED; OTHER; CONTAINING MORE THAN 250 G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance LENSES FILLED; OTHER; WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance LENSES FILLED; OTHER OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEANS; GRAINS; OTHERS; OTHERS CONTAINING MORE THAN 250 G AND LESS THAN 1 January 2016
5 KG
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEAN BEANS; OTHERS; OTHERS WITH A CAPACITY OF 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEAN BEANS; OTHERS; OTHER OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING MEAT WITH A CAPACITY OF MORE THAN 250 G AND 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC P License or quota any origin / provenance OTHER NATURAL FLAGEOLETS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance PREP.DITE "WHITE CHOCOLATE": PRESENTED IN STICKS; SHELVES AND PLATES OF 1 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance NATURAL FLAGEOLETS WITH A CAPACITY ABOVE 250G AND LESS THAN 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance OTHER SAUSAGE BEANS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEANS; GRAIN CONT. OF MEAT OTHER WITH A CONTENT OF MORE THAN 250G 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEANS IN GRAINS CONT. OF MEAT: OTHERS OF A CONTAINER EQUAL TO 5 KGS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance BEAN BEANS CONTAINING MEAT OTHER: OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance B - OTHER FURNISHED ARTICLES 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance UNCOOKED OR STUFFED PASTA CONTAINING EGGS: OTHER 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance UNCOOKED OR STUFFED PASTA ... OTHERS: OTHERS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING OTHER MEAT 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance FILLED LENSES CONTAINING SAUSAGES WITH A CAPACITY OVER 250 G AND LESS 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance ARTIFICIAL RONCES; TORSADES; BARBELESOU NOT IN WIRE OR STEEL 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance OTHER MESH AND MESH; ZINC SINGLE TORSION MESH 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance NEW MESH MESH MESH <= 1; 50 M 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES AND TUY.NON REF .. IN NON-CROSSLINKED ETHYLENE POLYM; THICK 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES AND TUY.NON REF. IN ETHYLENE POLYM; NOT CROSS-LINKED; THICK. 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES AND TUY. NOT REINFORCED ... IN NON CROSSLINKED ETHYLENE 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES ET TUY.NON REF ... POLYM.VINYL CHLORIDE; THICK <OU = A0; 25MM; 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES AND TUY.NON REF .. POLYMERS OF VINYL CHLORIDE OF 1 THICK. <OU = 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R License or quota any origin / provenance AUT.TUBES AND TUY.NON REF.POLYMERS OF DEVINYL CHLORIDE OF 1 THICK. <OU 1 January 2016
= A0; 25MM: OTHERS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R LIGHT BUOYS AND BEACONS Loss finding beacons and radiobeacons are subject to the presentation of an AAI 890700 890700 8907 1 January 2016
(Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 902610 902820 902610; 902820 1 January 2016
LIQUID METERS issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R Mate Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090300 090300 2101; 0903 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Medicines (excluding the products of headings 3002; 3005 and 3006) consisting of 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... products mixed together; prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes; but
neither presented in dosage form; neither packaged for retail sale - for human or
laboratory use - are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of
12.06.2003) issued by DASS NC

Page 128 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Medicines (excluding the products of headings 3002; 3005 and 3006) consisting of 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... products mixed together; prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes; but
neither presented in dosage form; neither packaged for retail sale - for veterinary
use - are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003)
issued by SIVAP
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for human or 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... laboratory use in TD No. 3003 which have been the subject of a marketing
authorization issued by the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products or by
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for veterinary 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... use in TD No. 3003 which have been the subject of a marketing authorization issued
by the National Center for Veterinary and Food Studies or by the European
Medicines Agency; with the exception of drugs from TD No. 3003.20.00 containing
hormones or other products from TD No. 2937 and drugs from TD No. 3003.40.00

NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Medicines (excluding the products of headings 3002; 3005 and 3006) consisting of 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... products mixed together or not mixed; prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic
purposes; presented in dosage form or packaged for retail sale - for human or
laboratory use - are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of
12.06.2003) issued by DASS NC
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Medicines (excluding the products of headings 3002; 3005 and 3006) consisting of 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... products mixed together or not mixed; prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic
purposes; presented in dosage form or packaged for retail sale - for veterinary use -
are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003)
issued by SIVAP
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for human or 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... laboratory use in TD n ° 3004 which have been the subject of a marketing
authorization issued by the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products or by
the European Medicines Agency in except for drugs classified as narcotic
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MEDICINES (EXCLUDING PRODUCTS OF HEADINGS 30.02; 30.05 OR 30.06) Are not subject to presentation of an AAI; pharmaceutical specialties for veterinary 300400 300400 3004 1 January 2016
CONSTITUTED BY PRODUCTS ... use of TD n ° 3004 which have been the subject of a marketing authorization issued
by the National Center for Veterinary and Food Studies or by the European
Medicines Agency; with the exception of drugs from TD No. 3004.20.00 containing
hormones or other products from TD No. 2937 and drugs from TD No. 3004.32.00
and 3004.40.00
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MIXTURES OF AMMONIUM NITRATE AND CALCIUM CARBONATE OR OTHER Any preparation containing more than 80% NH4 NO3 by weight is considered to be 310240 310240 310240 1 January 2016
INORGANIC MATERIALS a Class 4 explosive substance within the meaning of Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954
and is subject to the provisions of this Order (import authorization issued by
DIMENC) - Order No. 677 of March 23; 1989 on import control; Trade; the
conservation and use of ammonium nitrate.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R MOORING BUOYS AND BEACONS Loss finding beacons and radiobeacons are subject to the presentation of an AAI 890700 890700 8907 1 January 2016
(Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR

NEW CALEDONIA NC R NETS MADE FOR FISHING IN SYNTHETIC OR ARTIFICIAL TEXTILE MATERIALS Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 560811 560811 560811 1 January 2016
issued by Maritime Affairs
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NEW MESH NETS; IN TABLECLOTHS OR PIECES; OBTAINED FROM THREADS; Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 560800 560800 5608 1 January 2016
ROPES OR CO issued by Maritime Affairs
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NITRATES: FROM POTASSIUM Potassium nitrates and other nitrates used in the preparation of explosive products 283421 283421 283421 1 January 2016
subject to the presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003)
The by the
import of mining service
explosives and explosives igniting devices is subject to the issue of a 283421 283421 283421 1 January 2016
prior import authorization issued by the industry management; New Caledonia
Mines and Energy (DIMENC) - Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954 regulating
manufacturing; import; the conversation; alienation; transport and use of
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NITRATES: OTHERS Potassium nitrates and other nitrates used in the preparation of explosive products 310290 310290 310290 1 January 2016
subject to the presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003)
issued by the mining service
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NITRILE-FUNCTIONAL COMPOUNDS Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 292600 292600 2926 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NITRITES Products for pharmaceutical or medical use subject to presentation of an AAI (Order 274200 360200 2834; 2742; 3102; 3105; 3602 1 January 2016
No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the DASS NC
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NON ROASTED NON DECAFFEINATED ARABICA COFFEE Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090111 090111 90111 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NON ROASTED NON DECAFFEINATED COFFEE OTHERS Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090111 090111 90111 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NON ROASTED NON DECAFFEINATED COFFEE ROBUSTA Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090111 090111 90111 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R NON-GRILLED PEANUTS OR OTHERWISE COOKED; SAME SHELLED OR CRUSHED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 200811 200811 200811 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R NUCLEIC ACIDS AND THEIR SALTS; OF DEFINED CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION OR Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 293400 293400 2934 1 January 2016
NOT: OTHER HETERO COMPOUNDS ... heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OAT FOR PROCESSING AND PROVIDING ANIMAL FEED IN THE STATE License or quota any origin / provenance 230990 230990 230990 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OPACIFIERS FOR RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS; DIAGNOSTIC REAGENTS Opacifying preparations for radiographic examinations: diagnostic reagents 300630 300630 300630 1 January 2016
DESIGNED TO BE E designed to be used on the patient are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No.
03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the DASS NC. <br> Are not not concerned
with pharmaceutical specialties for human use which have been the subject of a
marketing authorization issued by the French Agency for the Safety of Health
Products or by the European Medicines Agency.

Page 129 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 1 January 2016
issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 1 January 2016
specific import authorization issued by the directorate of regulation and general
administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Decree n ° 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998).
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER (1) imports of hormones for veterinary use are subject to the prior health visa of 1 January 2016
the veterinary service
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER ARTICLES AND DEVICES OF OTHER PROSTHESES Internal breast prostheses pre-filled with silicone are subject to presentation of an 902100 902100 9021 1 January 2016
AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the DASS NC.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER BLEACHED RICE; EVEN POLISHED OR LONG GRAIN ICE CREAM License or quota any origin / provenance 100600 100600 1006 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER BUOYS AND BEACONS Loss finding beacons and radiobeacons are subject to the presentation of an AAI 890700 890700 8907 1 January 2016
(Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC P OTHER BUT INTENDED FOR PROCESSING IN SALE AND ANIMAL FEED AS IS Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER BUT OTHERS UNDER CONTROL OF A SPECIFIC DESTINATION OTHER Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 121200 121200 1212 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P OTHER BUT OTHERS UNDER CONTROL OF A SPECIFIC DESTINATION OTHER Imports suspended any origin / provenance 110220 110220 110220 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER DURUM WHEAT FOR WHEAT PROCESSING Other special quota 100100 100100 1001 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER DURUM WHEAT FOR WHEAT PROCESSING License or quota any origin / provenance 100100 100100 1001 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER ENTERTAINMENT DEVICES Articles for fireworks; firecrackers and other fireworks for entertainment are subject 360410 360410 360410 1 January 2016
to the presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by
the Mines Department.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER FIREARMS AND SIMILAR DEVICES USING POWDER BLASTING (RIFLES The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 930200 930400 1 January 2016
AND RIFLE ... specific import authorization issued by the directorate of regulation and general
administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Decree n ° 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998).

NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER MILLED RICE; EVEN POLISHED OR ROUND GRAIN ICE CREAM License or quota any origin / provenance 100600 100600 1006 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER TOBACCO AND TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES; EXTRACTS AND TOBACCO (1) Subject to the authorization of the Customs Administration and with the sale 240300 240300 2403 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER TOBACCO AND TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES; EXTRACTS AND TOBACCO (1) Subject to the authorization of the Customs Administration and with the sale 240220 240220 240220 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER WEIGHING APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS: OTHER Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842300 842300 8423 1 January 2016
issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER WEIGHING APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS: WITH A WEIGHT NOT Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842381 842381 842381 1 January 2016
EXCEEDING 30 KG issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER WEIGHING APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS: WITH AN EXCESS OF 30 KG Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842382 842382 842382 1 January 2016
BUT NOT EXCEEDING 5. issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHER WHEAT (WHEAT) INTENDED FOR PROCESSING AND ANIMAL FEEDING IN License or quota any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P OTHER WORKED GRAINS OF BUT FOR SALE AND ANIMAL FEEDING IN E Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P OTHER WORKED OAT GRAINS FOR PROSENDED TRANSEN AND ANIMAL FEED IN Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P OTHER WORKING GRAINS OF CEREALS; BARLEY DEST.ALA TRANSFER FOR SALE Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230990 230990 230990 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHERS; OTHERS FOR THE PROCESSING OF THE MILLING INDUSTRY License or quota any origin / provenance 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R OTHERS; OTHERS INTENDED FOR PROCESSING IN SALE AND ANIMAL FEED AS IS License or quota any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF ARTICLES OF N ° 93.01 TO 93.04 The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 930500 930500 9305 1 January 2016
specific import authorization issued by the directorate of regulation and general
administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Decree n ° 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998).
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PEPPER (OF THE PIPER TYPE): NOT GRINDED OR SPRAYED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090411 090411 90411 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PLANT ALKALOIDS; NATURAL OR REPRODUCED BY SYNTHESIS; THEIR SALTS; Other plants; juices; narcotic extracts and products falling within customs headings: 293800 283900 1 January 2016
THEIR ETHERS; THEIR ESTERS ... ex 1211: ex 1301: ex 1302: ex 2905: ex 2921: ex 2922: ex 2924: ex 2925: ex 2926: ex
2932: ex 2933 and ex 2934 whose import is subject upon prior issuance of an official
import certificate numbered and endorsed by the DASS NC are exempt from the
procedure of administrative import authorization
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PLANT ALKALOIDS; NATURAL OR REPRODUCED BY SYNTHESIS; THEIR SALTS; Vegetable alkaloids; natural or reproduced by synthesis; their salts; their ethers; 293800 283900 1 January 2016
THEIR ETHERS; THEIR ESTERS ... their esters and other derivatives are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No.
03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the DASS NC

Page 130 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R PLANT MATERIALS OF SPECIES MAINLY USED IN BASKETWORK OR SPARTERRY Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 460100 460200 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PLANTS; PARTS OF PLANTS; SEEDS AND FRUITS OF SPECIES USED MAINLY IN Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 121100 121100 1211 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PLANTS; PARTS OF PLANTS; SEEDS AND FRUITS OF SPECIES USED MAINLY IN Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 121100 121100 1211 1 January 2016
FRAGRANCES… heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R POPPY STRAW Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 121140 121140 121140 1 January 2016
heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PREPARED EXPLOSIVES; OTHER THAN PROPULSIVE POWDERS Products subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) 360200 360200 3602 1 January 2016
issued by the Mines Department. <br> Products imported on behalf of the French
Army are exempt from the procedure of the Administrative Import Authorization.

NEW CALEDONIA NC R PREPARED EXPLOSIVES; OTHER THAN PROPULSIVE POWDERS. The import of explosives and explosives igniting devices is subject to the issue of a 360200 360200 3602 1 January 2016
prior import authorization issued by the industry management; New Caledonia
Mines and Energy (DIMENC) - Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954 regulating
manufacturing; import; the conversation; alienation; transport and use of
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PRES.CHAP.PRODUCTS PRESENTED EITHER IN SHELVES OR SIMPLE FORMAT; Any preparation containing more than 80% NH4 NO3 by weight is considered to be 1 January 2016
EITHER IN PACK ... EXCEDA a Class 4 explosive substance within the meaning of Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954
and is subject to the provisions of this Order (import authorization issued by
DIMENC) - Order No. 677 of March 23; 1989 on import control; Trade; the
conservation and use of ammonium nitrate.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R PUMPS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF FUELS OR LUBRICANTS; UTILITY TYPES. IN Pumps comprising a measuring device for the distribution of fuels or lubricants; of 841300 841300 8413 1 January 2016
STAT the types used in service stations or garages are subject to the presentation of an
AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the Mining Service
NEW CALEDONIA NC R RADIO SENSING AND RADIOMETERING (RADAR) APPARATUS; Radionavigation and radiosonde devices (radar; DGPS); radio navigation devices and 852600 852600 8526 1 January 2016
RADIONAVIGATION APPARATUS AND APPARATUS ... radio remote control devices are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-
1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the MPT-HCR. <br> With the exception of the
GPS receivers of the global system localization by satellite (Global Positioning
System) of TD n ° 8526.91.00
NEW CALEDONIA NC R RADIOACTIVE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES (INCLUDING Radioactive chemical elements and isotopes (including fissile or fertile chemical 284400 284500 1 January 2016
CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND ISOT ... elements and isotopes) and their compounds: mixtures and residues containing
these products; subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of
12.06.2003) issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R RAW CEREALS AND STRAWS; EVEN CHOPPED; GROUND; PRESSED OR Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 121300 121300 121300 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R REAGENTS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF BLOOD GROUPS OR FACTORS Reagents intended for the determination of groups or blood factors are subject to 382200 382200 382200 1 January 2016
presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by DASS NC.
<br> Other reagents are not concerned than that of medical biology or those
registered with the French Agency for the Health Safety of Health Products or
bearing the CE marking.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R REVOLVERS AND PISTOLS; OTHER THAN THOSE OF N ° 93.03 OR 93.04 The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 930200 930200 9302 1 January 2016
specific import authorization issued by the directorate of regulation and general
administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Decree n ° 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998).
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ROASTED COFFEE NOT DECAFFEINATED; GROUND; OTHERWISE PRESENT License or quota any origin / provenance 090111 090111 90111 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R ROASTED COFFEE UNDECAFEINED IN BEANS License or quota any origin / provenance 090121 090121 90121 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SAFFRON Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 091020 091020 91020 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SCALES SENSITIVE TO A WEIGHT OF 5 CG OR LESS; WITH OR WITHOUT WEIGHT. Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 901600 901600 901600 1 January 2016
issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SCALES; INCLUDING PESE-BABIES; HOUSEHOLD SCALES Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842310 842310 842310 1 January 2016
issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SECURITY BITS: DETONATING CORDS: FULMINANT PRIMERS AND CAPSULES: The import of explosives and explosives igniting devices is subject to the issue of a 360300 360300 360300 1 January 2016
IGNITERS: DETONATOR ... prior import authorization issued by the industry management; New Caledonia
Mines and Energy (DIMENC) - Order No. 546 of April 17; 1954 regulating
manufacturing; import; the conversation; alienation; transport and use of
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SECURITY BITS: DETONATING CORDS: FULMINANT PRIMERS AND CAPSULES: Safety fuses: detonating cords: primers and fulminant capsules: igniters: electric 360300 360300 360300 1 January 2016
IGNITERS: DETONATOR ... detonators - except primers and accessories intended for the manufacture of
ammunition - are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order No. 03-1587 / GNC of
12.06. 2003) issued by the Mines Department. <br> Products imported on behalf of
the French Army are exempt from the Administrative Import Authorization
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SEEDS; FRUITS AND SPORES TO BE SEEDED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 120900 120900 1209 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SMOKING OR SNAP TOBACCO; ON BEHALF OF THE INDIVIDUAL; PERSONAL USE (1) Subject to the authorization of the Customs Administration and with the sale 240399 240399 240399 1 January 2016
(5KGS / PERSON) AT ban.
NEW CALEDONIA NC P SORGHO WITH GRAINS OTHER DESTINATIONS FOR PROCESSING IN SALE Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC P SORGHO WITH GRAINS OTHER INTENDED FOR ANIMAL FEED AS IS Imports suspended any origin / provenance 230800 230800 230800 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SOY BEANS; EVEN CRUSHED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 120100 120100 1201 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SUGARS AND PLANT EXTRACTS: PECTIC MATERIALS; PECTINATES AND Importing plants; juices; extracts and other narcotic products falling under this 130200 130200 1302 1 January 2016
PECTATES: AGAR-AGAR AND OTHER MUC ... heading are subject to AAI issued by DASS
NEW CALEDONIA NC R SUN-FLOWER SEEDS; EVEN CRUSHED Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 120600 120600 1206 1 January 2016

Page 131 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW CALEDONIA NC R TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 851950 851950 851950 1 January 2016
issued by the OPT
NEW CALEDONIA NC R TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINES THAT CANNOT RECORD Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 851950 851950 851950 1 January 2016
issued by the OPT
NEW CALEDONIA NC R TOBACCO SMOKING EVEN CONTAINING TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES ON BEHALF OF (1) Subject to the authorization of the Customs Administration and with the sale 240300 240300 2403 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R TRANSMISSION DEVICES Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 852500 852500 8525 1 January 2016
issued by the MPT-HCR
NEW CALEDONIA NC R TRANSMITTING APPARATUS INCORPORATING RECEIVING APPARATUS: Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 852560 852560 852560 1 January 2016
Goods the MPT-HCR
subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 091030 091030 91030 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R TURNS OR PRODUCTION COUNTERS; TAXIMETERS; TRAVEL TOTALIZERS; Taximeters (or horokilometric meters) are subject to presentation of an AAI (Order 902910 902910 902910 1 January 2016
PODOME No. 03-1587 / GNC of 12.06.2003) issued by the Mines Department.
NEW CALEDONIA NC P TURTLE SCALES; WHALE FANS OR AUT.MAMM.CORNS; WOOD ... RAW OR (RP1) The import and export for commercial purposes of sea turtles and of all the 050700 050700 507 1 January 2016
SIMP.PREP; POWDER parts or any products obtained from these animals is prohibited (extract from
deliberation n ° 17 of January 16; 1985)
NEW CALEDONIA NC R USER TELEPHONE SETS; INCLUDING TELEPHONES FOR CELLULAR NETWORKS Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 851700 851700 8517 1 January 2016
AND OTHER ... issued by the OPT - including telecommunication devices by carrier current data
transmission; (modem and modem cards integrated into another device such as
microcomputers; digital TV decoder; etc.)
NEW CALEDONIA NC R VACCINES FOR HUMAN MEDICINE S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300220 300220 300220 1 January 2016
medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
NEW CALEDONIA NC R VACCINES FOR VETERINARY MEDICINE S (1): Imports of hormones and other glandular substances of animal origin or their 300230 300230 300230 1 January 2016
medicinal preparations; sera; vaccines; virus; toxins and other similar products for
veterinary use; are subject to the prior health visa of the veterinary service. Imports
of sera; vaccines; toxins and other products similar to veterinary use are subject to
the prior approval of the veterinary service.
NEW CALEDONIA NC R VANILLA Goods subject to the presentation of a sanitary or phytosanitary certificate 090500 090500 905 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R VANILLA. License or quota any origin / provenance 090500 090500 905 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R WAR WEAPONS; OTHER THAN REVOLVERS; PISTOLS AND BLADED WEAPONS The arms and ammunition of the 4th; 5th; 7th and 8th category are subject to a 930100 930600 9301; 9306 1 January 2016
specific import authorization issued by the directorate of regulation and general
administration (DIRAG) of the High Commission of the Republic in New Caledonia
(Decree n ° 1135 of May 4; 1982 modified relating to the application of Decree No.
268 of January 28; 1982; published in the full version of the JONC and updated on
May 19; 1998).
NEW CALEDONIA NC R WEIGHT FOR ALL BALANCES; PARTS OF WEIGHING APPARATUS OR Products subject to presentation of an Administrative Import Authorization (AAI) 842300 842300 8423 1 January 2016
INSTRUMENTS issued by the mines department
NEW CALEDONIA NC R WHEAT OR METE FLOUR WITH 1 EXTRAC RATE OF 60% OR MORE: OTHER License or quota any origin / provenance 110100 110100 1101 1 January 2016
NEW CALEDONIA NC R WHEAT OR METE FLOUR WITH 1 EXTRAC RATE. 60% OR MORE IN PACKS OF 2 License or quota any origin / provenance 110100 110100 1101 1 January 2016

NEW CALEDONIA NC R WHEAT OR WHEAT FLOUR WITH 1 EXTRAC RATE INF. 60% IN PACKS OF 2 KGS O License or quota any origin / provenance 110100 110100 1101 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Acid 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Adhesive products (containing flammable liquid) 350610 350699 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Aerosol cans (e.g. Hairspray) 761300; 330530 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Aerosol sprays containing: Carbon tetrachloride; Halons 1211; 1301 and 2402 Permits are required Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) 8413; 8424; 9503; 6909; 9616; 8515; 2903 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Air bags (car) 870895 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Alarm devices (gas or battery powered) 853010 853190 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Alcohol (more than 5 litrers or more than 70% by volume) 2207 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R All HBFCs (all hydrobromoflurocarbons) Permits are required EPA 290379; 382473 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R All HCFCs (all hydrochloroflurocarbons) Permits are required EPA 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Alumunium powder 760310 760320 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ambergris; castoreum; civet and must - cantharides- bile; whether or not dried - 51000 1 January 2016
glands and other animal products used in the in the preparation of
pharmaceutical products; fresh; chilled; frozen or otherwise provisionally
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ammonia-based products 310221 310280 382490 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ammunition 9306 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Animal fodder (prepared) 230910 230990 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Antibiotics - penicillins and their derivatives; streptomycins and their derivaties; 300410; 300420 1 January 2016
tetracyclines and their derivatives: Chloramphenicols and its derivatives;
Erythromycin and its derivatives
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Anti-freeze 382000 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Anti-personnel mines 930690 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Antique or collectible or any painting; sculpture or other work of art 970100 970300 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Arms and related materials of all types including weapons and ammunition and 930100 930700 1 January 2016
spare parts for these goods: and nuclear weapon; missile or enrichment-related
goods from Iran
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Arms and related materials of all types including weapons; ammunition; military 930100 930700 1 January 2016
vehicles and equipment or paramilitary equipment; including spare parts for
any such goods from Libya

Page 132 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Arms and related materials of all types; including weapons and ammunition and 930100 930700 1 January 2016
spare parts for such goods from Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Articles of human hair 670300; 670420 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Artificial flowers 6702 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Asbestos in its raw fibrous state 2524 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Baby walkers Must be labelled appropriately in accordance with the Product Safety Standards 940151 940180 1 January 2016
(Baby Walkers) Regulations 2001

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Barometers 9025; 9031 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Base metals and articles of base metal 720100 831100 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Batteries (car or wet cell) Permits are required for used batteries EPA 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Batteries made from lithium Some exceptions apply. New or used to be marked/packaged as Dangerous Goods 850650; 850760 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Battery contained in any appliances Batteries must be removed and packaged separately 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Battery fluid 382490 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Beverages; spirits and vinegar 220100 220900 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Bicycles Bicycles must comply with the product safety standard requirments Trading Standards Ministry of Business 871200 1 January 2016
Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Birds; bees; dairy and plant products 040100 041000 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Blasting caps 360300 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Bleach 3402 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Books; magazines; video recordings; films; computer disks; sound recordings 490100 491100 8523 1 January 2016
and so on; that are objectionable within the meaning of the Films; Videos; and
Publications Classification Act 1993
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Brake Fluid 271019; 381900 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Bullets 9306 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Bullion 7110; 7112; 7111; 7106; 7109; 7108 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Butane 290110 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Camphor 291429 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Candles containing lead in their wicks; candle wicks contaning lead Unsafe Goods notice for candles with lead in wick and candlewicks containing lead Trading Standards MBIE 3406; 3808; 9405 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Cannabis utensils such bongs; hash pipes; hookahs and certain roach clips and UPU IB Circular 2018.84 961400 18 March 2019
methamphetamine pipes.::::Cannabis and methamphetamine smoking utensils;
cannabis seeds; etc.;
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Caps for starting guns or toy guns 360300 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Carbon paper 4809 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Carbon tetrachloride Permits are required EPA 290314 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Cash; currency or vouchers/ gift cards 4907; 852352; 491199; 711890 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Caustic soda 281511; 281512 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R CFCs (all Chloroflurocarbons) Permits are required EPA 290377; 382471 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Chainsaws Unsafe goods notice for chainsaws without a chainbrake. Trading Standards MBIE 846781; 846722 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Charcoal 440290; 440210 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Chemical 280100 294200 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Chemical weapons and a range of chemicals that may be used in the 281119;281210;284440;284590;285300;2 1 January 2016
manufacture of chemical weapons 90339;290490;290519;291819;292090;29
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Children's crayons; water colours; finger paints Products must comply with the mandatory safety standards EPA 3213; 960910; 960990 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Children's goods: childrens'nightwear; children's toys; cots Products must comply with the mandatory safety standards Trading Standards; MBIE 610721 610729 9503; 940320; 940350; 940370; 940381; 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Chlorates 2842; 3808; 2829 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Chlorines 280110 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Christmas crackers 950510 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Cigarette lighters: all disposable lighters; refillable cigarette lighters with a Product safety standard requires: Cigarette lighters must comply with the child Trading Standards MBIE 961310 961380 1 January 2016
Customs value less than NZ$3.50 resistant requirements of the American Consumer Product Safety Standard for
Cigarette Lighters

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Cleaning maerials (liquid or powder) 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Cloned and hybrid human embryos 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Cluster munitions Approval from the MFAT is required under the Cluster Munitions Prohibition Act Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9306 1 January 2016
2009 to import cluster munitions

Page 133 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Compressed air 285300 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Coral and similar materials; unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise 508 1 January 2016
worked - shells of molluscs; crustaceans or echinoderms and cuttle-bone etc.
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Dead animals 020100 021000 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Deodorant (aerosols) 330720 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Diamonds from Cote d'Ivoire 7102 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Disinfectants 380894 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Drugs (unless in prescription quantities): controlled drugs such as cocaine; 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
canabis 84161;284330;284390;290230;290551;29
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Dry ice 281121 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and Prior approval is required for the importation of certain types of radiotelephony MBIE 850100 854800 1 January 2016
reproducers: television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and part equipment and for CB radios; cordless telephones and cellular telephone
and accessories of such articles
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Endangered; threatened and exploited species 010611 020690 010129;010130;010190;010239;010290;0 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Essential oils (e.g. Eucalyptus; tea tree) 330129 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloy: certain 360100 360600 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fertilisers 310100 310500 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fibreglass repair kits 3902; 3903; 3915; 3904; 3905; 3907; 1 January 2016
3911; 3901

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fire extinguishers containing or designed to use halons 8424 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fire lighters 360690 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Firearms; parts of firearms and restricted weapons (e.g: mace; pepper sprays; UPU IB Circular 930100 930700 26 May 2020
stun guns; mines; grenades and certain airguns)::::Prohibited knives and 2018.84 ::UPU IB
edged/offensive weapons (knuckle dusters; flick knives;::butterfly knives; Circular 2019.54
swordsticks); crossbows; defensive chemical dispensers (mace;::pepper spray;
tear gas; etc.); electric stun guns; etc.;
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fireworks 360410 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P First aid kits 300650 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates: southern 030100 030800 1 January 2016
bluefin tuna: trout and trout products: antarctic toothfish and patagonian

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Flammable liquids and solids 1 January 2016

Page 134 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Flint lighters 961380 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Food - every article whose sale in New Zealand would be an offence against the Permission in writing is required from the Ministry of Primary Industries Ministry of Primary Industries 020100 021000 1 January 2016
Food Act 1981
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Foodstuffs (prepared) 150100 210600 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Furs and skins (untreated) 4101; 4102; 4103; 4301 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Gas (e.g. Propane; butane; hydrogen; helium) 2711 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Gas Cylinders (e.g. Camping gas cylinders - full or empty) 7310; 761290 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Generators (fuel powered) 8502 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Glue (e.g. Flammable; quick drying) 350100 350600 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Grenades EPA 9306 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Hair colouring/ bleaches 330530; 330590 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Hair or bristle from animals including goods which incorporate hair or bristle 502 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Hairspray 330530 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Halons Permits are required EPA 290376 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Headgear and parts thereof Sharp-edged and pointed articles must be packed in accordance with New Zealand 650100 650700 1 January 2016
Post's requirements
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Hot water bottles Hot water bottles must comply with the unsafe goods notice requirements. Trading Standards MBIE 392410; 401490; 732393; 732394; 1 January 2016
732399; 761510
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Human remains; human bones and other human tissues 051199; 300190 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ice machines 8418 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Igniters 360300 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Indecent goods 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Inorganic chemicals: organic or inorganic compounds of precious meals; or rare- 280100 285300 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides 3808 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Iranian goods Registration is required with the MFAT 010100 970600 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Iraqi cultural property; ie. Items of archeological; historical; cultural; rare 9701; 9702; 9703; 9705; 9706 1 January 2016
scietific and religious importance illegally removed from the Iraq National
Museum and the other locations in Iraq
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ivory; tortoise-shell; whalebone and whalebone hair; horns; antlers; hooves; 9601; 0507 1 January 2016
nails; claws and beak etc
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Jewellery; watches; precious metals or stones 710100 711700 9101; 9102 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Kerosene 271019 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Knives (with the exception of any folding pocket knives) with a blade less than 930700 1 January 2016
10 cm in length; any knife that: - is designed for ease of concealment on the
person: or - has a double-edged blade that is designed or suitable for stabbing
NEW ZEALAND NZ P or throwing
Knives having(asa opposed
blade thattoiscutting):
- is athe
knife of that
handle kinds known
or sheath by theasforce
of 821193 1 January 2016
gravity or the application of centrifugal force; and that when released is locked
in place by means of a button; spring; lever or other device - sometimes known
as a 'gravity knife' or 'butterfly knife'.
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Knives having a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a 821193 1 January 2016
button; spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife -
sometimes known as 'flick knife' or 'flick gun'
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Knuckledusters 930400 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Laser pointers: hand held high power 901320 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Laundry detergents 3402 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Lead in children's toys Childrens'toys must comply with the unsafe goods notice requirments in relation to Trading Standards MBIE 9503 1 January 2016
lead content.
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Lighter fluid 271111 271119 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Liquid nitrogen 280430 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Liquids not otherwise classfied as dangerous Must be packaged in a way to ensure no leakage or breakage of the container NZ Post 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Live animals; animal products 010100 021000 1 January 2016

Page 135 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Magnetic material Unsafe goods notice for Small High Powered Magnets. Trading Standards MBIE 850511 850519 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Magnets Unsafe goods notice for Small High Powered Magnets. Places restriction based on Trading Standards MBIE 8505 1 January 2016
size; magnetic strength and quantity.
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Marine mammals 10612 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Medicines 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Medicines containing pseudoephedrine; UPU IB Circular 2018.84 18 March 2019

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Methamphetamine utensils 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Methyl bromide Permits are required EPA 3808; 2903 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Methyl chloroform Permits are required EPA 290319 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous 270100 271600 1 January 2016
substances: mineral waxes
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Mineral products 250100 271600 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Miscellaneous chemical products 380100 382600 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Miscellaneous manufactured articles 960100 961900 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Mobile phones: Used mobile phones must comply with Basel Convention Used mobile phones must either have test documentation or a Basel permit EPA 851712 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Money; coins; bank notes or any other forms of currency; counterfeit or 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Motor fuels 271012 271099 382600 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Multi-purpose ladders Multipurpose ladders must comply with the unsafe goods notice requirements Trading Standards MBIE 392690; 442190; 732690; 761699 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Munitions 9306 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Nail polish and nail polish remover 330430 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Noxious substance or thing 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Objectionable material (such as obscene and immoral articles) contained on UPU IB Circular 2018.84 18 March 2019
items like videotapes; films; records; CD-ROMs and in publications.

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ores; slag and ash 260100 262000 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Organic chemicals 290100 294200 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Oven cleaners (containing caustic soda) 3402 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Oxidising substances 281129; 281530; 281610; 281640; 1 January 2016
281700; 282590; 284700; 290960;
291590; 291620; 291632; 291639;
291719; 291720; 300490; 382490
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Oxygen cylinders; including compressed air 280440 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Ozone depleting substances 382471 382478 290314; 290319; 290339; 290371; 1 January 2016
290372; 290373; 290374; 290375;
290376; 290377; 290379
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Paint (oil based) 3207; 3208; 3210; 3213 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Party poppers 9505 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Pearls (Natural or cultured) 7101 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Perfume (including aftershave; cologne) 330300; 330710 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Perishable items 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Peroxides 281129; 281530; 281610; 281640; 1 January 2016
281700; 282590; 284700; 290960;
291590; 291620; 291632; 291639;
291719; 291720; 300490; 382490
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) covered by the Stockholm Convention; eg. Current list of NZ POPs 271091;271099;290381;290382;290389;2 1 January 2016
Aldrin; DDT; dieldrin; endrin; PCBs 90392;290399;290490;290930;290950;29
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Petrol 271012 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Pharmaceutical products 300100 300600 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Phosphorus 280470 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ R Pistol Crossbows Pistol Crossbows must comply with the Unsafe goods notice requirements. Trading Standards MBIE 950699 1 January 2016

Page 136 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Plant material (e.g. seeds; bouquets; conifer sprigs; Christmas cards with seeds; Circular 2017.138 18 March 2019
pot pourri); – Trees including pine/spruce (e.g. Christmas wreaths; pine cones
and wood chips); – Animal products (e.g. honey; meat); – Fresh food (e.g.
chestnuts; citrus); – Wooden items and products.
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Plastic solvent 2207; 2208; 2530; 2707; 2710; 2901; 1 January 2016
2902; 2903; 2914; 2924; 3301; 3606;
3805; 3901; 3902; 3903; 3904; 3905;
3906; 3907; 3908; 3909; 3910; 3911;
3912; 3913; 3914; 3915; 6805; 6806; 9705

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Poisons (e.g. Cyanide; lead; arsenic) 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Polish 3405 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Polyester resin kits 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Potpourri 330749 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Precious metals; metals clad with precious metals and articles thereof; imitation 710600 711800 1 January 2016
jewellery; coins; banknotes or any other form of currency
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Precious or semi-precious stones 710200 710400 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down 670100 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Products of the chemical or allied industries 280100 382600 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Propane 382471 382478 271112 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Propellant powders 360100 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Psychoactive substances 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material: waste and scrap of paper or 470100 470700 1 January 2016
paperboard: paper and paperboard and articles thereof
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Radioactive substances 284400 284500 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Residual products of the chemical or allied industries; not elsewhere specified 3825 1 January 2016
or included: municipal waste: sewage
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Residues and waste from the food industries 230100 230900 51199 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Rough diamonds 7102 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Rubber hot water bottles 401699 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Safety fuses 360300 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ R Seeds Biosecurity controls and food safety controls Ministry for Primary Industries 0909; 2306; 2008; 1212; 2103; 1211; 1 January 2016
0701; 1404; 1008; 1206; 1007; 1205;
1006; 1204; 1522; 1005; 1004; 1202;
1003; 1201; 1002; 1001; 1806; 1209;
1208; 1207
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Shock absorbers (gas or compressed air) 860791; 870880; 871410 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Signals; distress 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Signals; smoke 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Sodium 280511 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Solvents 3814 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Sparklers EPA 360490 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Stun guns; tasers and stun batons 9301; 9304 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Sulphuric acid 280700 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Swimming pool chemicals 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Swordsticks 930700 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Tea tree oil 330129 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Textile dyes 3203; 3204; 3809 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Theatrical flares 360490 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Thermometers (mercury) 9025; 9031 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes This prohibition does not apply to cigars;::cigarillos; water-pipes; chewing tobacco; UPU IB Circular 2020.83 240100 240399 9 June 2020
snuff and snus; which may still be imported. ::From 1 July 2020; the Customs and
Excise (Tobacco) Amendment Act; requires all importers of manufactured tobacco
products; tobacco leaf and tobacco refuse to have a permit issued by the NZCS. Any
non-exempt manufactured tobacco products; leaf or refuse imported without a
permit will be seized and destroyed.

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Toner (e.g. Photocopier toner; toner cartridges) 370790 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Toxic 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Toy detonating caps 360300 1 January 2016
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Travelers cheques; deeds; negotiable instruments (including any bearer 490700; 491199 1 January 2016
security; bill of exchange or uncrossed cheque); bonds or shares; credit or bank
cards; tickets for any games of chance
NEW ZEALAND NZ P Turpentine 380510 1 January 2016

Page 137 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Umbrellas; Walking-sticks 660100 660200 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Unused stamps 490700; 970400 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Varnish (e.g. Removers; thinners) 3208; 3210; 3209 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Vegetable products 070100 140400 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Watches 910100 910200 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Weapons of mass destruction; ballistic-related goods including chemicals; 1 January 2016
biological agents; plant and animal pathogens nuclear material; equipment and
technology and missiles from Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North
Weapons; including bows; crossbows and arrows; harpoons; guns; spear guns; 930100 930700 1 January 2016
sling shots and catapults

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Weed killers 380893 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 440100 442100 1 January 2016

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork: manufactures of straw: or esparto or 440100 460200 1 January 2016
of other plaiting materials: basketware and wickerwork

NEW ZEALAND NZ P Zinc powder 7903 1 January 2016

NICARAGUA NI N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

NIGER NE N Animal meet 1 January 2016

NIGER NE P Combustible materials 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Corrosive materials 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Dangerous goods 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Explosives 1 January 2016
NIGER NE N Fabrics 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Flammable liquids 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Flammable solids 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Gases 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Infectious materials 1 January 2016
NIGER NE N Meat and edible offal 1 January 2016
NIGER NE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions direction-services/administration-
NIGER NE P Toxic materials 1 January 2016

NIGER NE N Vegetable products 1 January 2016

NIGER NE N Works of art 1 January 2016
NIGERIA NG P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020

NORTH MACEDONIA MK P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 11 January 2021

NORWAY NO R Arms; munitions etc. The importation of firearms; ammunition and parts of such; including bombs; 930100 930700 1 January 2016
grenades and other military equipment is subject to the authorization of the Police.
There are some exemptions from this restriction - contact the Norwegian Police for
further information.::Transport by post of firing caps and loaded metal cartridges
for portable firearms; non-explosive elements of artillery fuses and matches; is not
NORWAY NO P Articles of asbestos or containing asbestos 681140; 681280; 681291; 681292; 1 January 2016
681293; 681299

NORWAY NO R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured postal items. 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO R Batteries A maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries; installed in equipment; is 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
accepted in postal items on condition that international demands concerning
testing; packaging etc. are met.

Page 138 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

NORWAY NO R Beverages; spirits and vinegar Private individuals may import beer; wine; spirits and other alcoholic beverages for 220100 220900 1 January 2016
private use without applying for permission.::In order to import alcoholic beverages html?id=421
you must be over 18 years of age. For spirits or other beverages above 22% alcohol
NORWAY NO P CITES - endangered plant or animal species byisvolume;
It you must
not permitted to be overor
import 20export
years of age.::Only
products thatregistered
contain orwholesalers or of
are composed 010611 020690 010129;010130;010190;010239;010290;0 1 January 2016
endangered plant or animal species without a special permit.::More information on 10391;010392;010410;010420;030111;03
endangered animal and plant species and how to apply for a permit is available 0119;030192;030199;030326;030493;030
from the Norwegian Environment Agency.:: 510;030520;030531;030539;030544;0305
NORWAY NO P Counterfeit articles of all types of goods 1 January 2016

NORWAY NO P Electro-shock weapons; pepper spray and similar products; flick-knives; 930200 930500 1 January 2016
stilettos; knuckledusters and other particularly dangerous articles that may be
used in acts of violence
NORWAY NO P Exposives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; combustible 360100 360600 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates For information and further details; please refer to the Directorate of Fisheries 030100 030800 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO P Live Animals Bees; leeches; silk worms and flies of the family Drosophilidae for biomedical 010100 010600 1 January 2016
reaearch exchnaged between officially recognised institutions are admitted lish/
conditionally. Please refer to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority
NORWAY NO R Meat and edible meat offal The import of animals and animal products is prohibited subject to authorisation by 020100 021000 1 January 2016
the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Furthe rinformation and a list of exceptions lish/
to this regulation can be obtained frm the aforementioned authority.

NORWAY NO R Medicines; food supplements and other pharmaceutical products The import of animals and animal products is prohibited subject to authorisation by 300100 300600 2106 1 January 2016
the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Furthe rinformation and a list of exceptions lish/::
to this regulation can be obtained frm the aforementioned authority.
NORWAY NO R Milk and cream; not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other Food containing animal components; ie meat; plucks ; blood; eggs; milk or dried 0401; 0407 1 January 2016
sweetening matter. Birds' eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked. milk is subject to authorisation by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority lish/
NORWAY NO P Perfumes (alcohol based; flammable)::Hair lacquers (if flammable)::Glue and 1 January 2016
adhesives; flammable.
NORWAY NO P Photographic or cinematographic goods The importation of immoral pornographic publications; pictures; films and videos 370100 370700 9006; 9007 1 January 2016
for distribution is prohibited. Whether or not pornographic matter is illegal will be
decided by the Police.
NORWAY NO R Plants and plant products; vegetables; fruit; nuts and berries etc. For information and further details; please refer to the Norwegian Food Safety 060100 091000 1 January 2016
Authority lish/
NORWAY NO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO R Precious stones; jewels; gold; silver or other precious metals; coins It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured postal items. 710200 711800 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO R Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: inulin: wheat gluten 110100 110900 1 January 2016
NORWAY NO R Products regarded as medicinal products or false medicinal products Proof within 10 days that the products are legitimate and may be legally imported. 1 January 2016
From 1 October 2015 onwards; the following requirements apply for legal import of
medicinal products to Norway: 1. The medicinal product must have Norwegian
marketing authorization; and the text on the item must be written in Norwegian. 2
Only products that are non-prescription medicinal products in Norway may be
imported. 3 The medicinal products may be imported only from countries within
the European Economic Area. 4. The medicinal products must be for personal
medical use. 5. The amount imported may not exceed three months of normal or
prescribed use. 6. The medicinal products may not be imported by persons under
the age of 18. 7. The medicinal products must be legally acquired in the country of
purchase. 8. The medicinal products may not be for veterinary medicine or for
animal use.
NORWAY NO R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. . Tobacco products must be imported in limited quantities for personal consumption. 240100 240300 1 January 2016
::The import of snuff is restricted: please refer to the Norwegian Directorate of /default.aspx
Health for futher details::
OMAN OM P Medicines of any sort Unless they are accompanied by a medical prescription issued by a competent UPU Convention 25 August 2022
official authority. Protocol Article IX
OMAN OM P Fire-extinguishing products or chemical liquids. UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article IX
OMAN OM P Articles contrary to the principles of the Islamic religion. UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article IX
OMAN OM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions esw/
PAKISTAN PK R Air pistols; their parts and slugs Importable by Pakistan Sports Boards; Provincial Sports Boards; National Rifle 930400 930690 1 January 2016
Association; Rifle Associations of armed forces and recognized or specialized
sporting clubs; subject to the procedure to be notified by the Federal Government

Page 139 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PAKISTAN PK P Alcoholic beverages and spirits (excluding ethyl alcohol of industrial grade); 220300 220800 1 January 2016
including brewing and distilling dregs and waste; wine lees and argol.
PAKISTAN PK R All edible products Import into Pakistan shall be subject to the conditions that (i) It must be fit for 02;03;04;05;07;08;09;10;15;16;17;18;19;2 1 January 2016
human consumption: (ii) They shall be free of any ‘haram’ element or ingredients: 0;21;22
(iii) Edible products shall have at least 50% (fifty per cent) of the shelf life;
calculated from the date of filing of Import General Manifest (IGM): (iv) Where
conditions at (iii) above are not printed on the packing; certificate issued by the
Manufacturers or Principals in respect of these conditions shall be accepted by
Customs Authorities: (v) That; in case of meat; it was obtained from ‘hala’l animals
and slaughtered in accordance with the Islamic injunctions: (vi) Import of edible oil
in bulk quantity shall be on landed weight and quality basis.
PAKISTAN PK R All equipment used for reception; broadcast and distribution of Satellite signals Import shall be allowed into the country only after obtaining specific 852500 852900 1 January 2016
pertaining to the field of electronic media such as Satellite Dishes; Decoders permission/NOC from the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)
Receivers; Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG); Encoder; Modulator; High
Power Amplifier (HPA); Integrated Digital Receiver (IRD); Broadband Global
Access Network (B-GAN); LNA (Low Noise Amplifier); LNB (Low Noise Block);
Camera with Satellite Transmission Facility; Digital Head end; etc.”

PAKISTAN PK R All species of plants and parts thereof; whether living or deed; stems; branches; Can be imported into Pakistan subject to compliance of Phytosanitary reuirements 0601; 0602; 0603; 0604 1 January 2016
tubers; bubs; corns; stock; bud-wopd; layers; slips; suckers; green scum on and drawing of samples and testing quality by Department of Plant Protection and
stagnant pool; leaves fruits rhizomes etc. Feederl Seed Certification Agency of Ministry of National Food Security and
Research; Governmentr of Pakistan

PAKISTAN PK P Allyl-isothio-cyanate. 293090 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Ammunition and parts of ammunition; excluding ammunition for weapons of 9306 1 January 2016
non-prohibited bores and cartridges for riveting or similar tools.
PAKISTAN PK P Anti-Islamic; obscene or subversive literature. 490100 491100 28 January 2021
PAKISTAN PK P Any edible product not fit for human consumption 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Any goods containing ingredients or parts which may be repugnant to the 010100 970600 1 January 2016
injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy
Prophet (Peace be upon him); including pigs; hogs; boars and swine; and their
products and by-products.
PAKISTAN PK R Arms and Ammunition not otherwise banned Importable in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Federal Government 930100 930700 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Arms of prohibited bores (including semi-automatic rifles of 7.62 mm and rifles 930100 930700 1 January 2016
of 8 mm to 9 mm bores) and arms of calibers higher than 0.22 bore rifles.

PAKISTAN PK R Arsenic and Arsenic compound Importable by industrial consumers who have valid licenses issued by the 280480 1 January 2016
concerned Environment Protection Agency/ Department under PEPA 1997.
PAKISTAN PK R Asbestos Import of asbestos of chrysotile type is allowed subject to :- Specification:-Colour- 2524 1 January 2016
white to Grey: and Density 2.4 g/cm3 to 2.6 g/cm3 (Conditions:- Certificate from
the exporter confirming that type of asbestos being exported is chrysotile asbestos
with the above specifications. The importers of asbestos will clearly mention the
type of the asbestos being imported in the import documents.

PAKISTAN PK R Auto pilot kits Import shall be allowed only in favour of authorized agencies/departments subject 1 January 2016
to NOC from Ministry of Defense
PAKISTAN PK R Barrel blanks for recoilless rifles; guns and mortars; and other parts and Importable by units authorized to manufacture arms 9305 1 January 2016
accessories of arms.
PAKISTAN PK R Betel nuts (Areca) Can be imported into Pakistan producing Phytosanitary certificate issued by the 80280 1 January 2016
competent authorities of the country of origin confirming that the exported goods
are free from infestation; and are fit for human consumption.
PAKISTAN PK P Caffeine citrate 293930 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Cannabis resins and balsams. 130190 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Cigarette making paper. Importable only by the Cigarette manufacturers registered with the Federal board 4813 1 January 2016
of Revenue and Government of AJK.
PAKISTAN PK R Cigars; cheroots; cigars and cigarettes of tobacco or of tobacco subsitutes Packets should carry the warning "Smoking is injurious to health" 2402 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Cinematograph film wholly or partly exposed or developed in any Pakistani or 3706 1 January 2016
Indian language; with or without a sound track and depicting Pakistani or Indian
way of living either silent or dubbed; or in which leading roles have been played
by Pakistani or Indian actors or actresses.
PAKISTAN PK P Clothing (of asbestos). 6812 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Cocoa leaves; poppy straw and cannabis herbs. 121130; 121140; 121190 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Concentrate of poppy straw: extracts and tinctures of cannabis. 1302; 2939 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Cotton Seed Import in to Pakistan is subject to prior approval of the Ministry of National Food 120721; 120729 1 January 2016
Security & Research; Government of Pakistan

Page 140 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PAKISTAN PK R Crude palm oil Importable by manufacture having valid license and registration from Paksitan 151110 1 January 2016
Standard Qulity Control Authority. Commerial improters importing bulk crude palm
oil for storage are subject to sfeguard mechanism notified by the Federal Board of
PAKISTAN PK R Drugs and medicines (allopathic). (i) Import shall be permissible strictly according to registration of drugs under 300300 300400 1 January 2016
section 7 of the Drugs Act; 1976 (XXXI of 1976); subject to the condition that the
drugs shall have at least 75% of the shelf life calculated from the date of filing of
“Import General Manifest” (IGM); as per provisions of Customs Act; 1969(IV of
1969); excepting those drugs specifically allowed by the Director General; Ministry
of Health; Government of Pakistan. (ii) All imported packaged medicines or drugs
shall display the name and prescription material of imported medicines/drugs in
accordance with the Drugs (labeling and packaging) Rules; 1986 of Ministry of
PAKISTAN PK R Dyes Importable subject to certificate from the suppliers that the dyes are neither based 3206; 3204; 3203; 3212 1 January 2016
on benzidine; nor contain any contents thereof.
PAKISTAN PK P Dyes containing benzidine 3206; 3204; 3203; 3212 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Fireworks. 360410 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Fish and fishry products Entry into Pakistan is subject to quareantine requirement of Marine and Fishery 030100 030800 1 January 2016
Department of Ministry of National Food Security and Research; Governmentr of

PAKISTAN PK R Food colors Food colours shall be allowed subject to production of certificate from the 210690 1 January 2016
Government of the exporting country that it is in use or registered in that country;
and carrying fair and true labeling
PAKISTAN PK R Fresh and Dry fruits Entry is allowed subject to production of aflatoxin report to the effectr that the 070100 081400 1 January 2016
consignment is free from any pests/disease; to be certified by Department of
Plants Protection; Ministry of National Food Security & Research; Government of
PAKISTAN PK P Furskins and manufactures thereof; other than raw furskins and tanned or 430200 430400 1 January 2016
dressed furskins of sheep; lambs; rabbits; goats; kids thereof; calf and other
animal fur not internationally prohibited .
PAKISTAN PK P Gambling equipment. 9504 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Goods (including their containers) bearing any obscene pictures; writings; 9503; 7325; 4205; 4206; 6901; 6307; 1 January 2016
inscriptions or visible representations. 6903; 8102; 8105; 8106; 8103; 4421;
8104; 3926; 4016; 7326; 4017; 9706;
7806; 6914; 8112; 8110; 8111; 9601;
9602; 7020; 6807; 6806; 6809; 6808;
8505; 8109; 4303; 4304; 8108; 6803;
4503; 7419; 4504; 4823; 6802; 7616;
8007; 7116; 7115; 7907; 6810; 6812;
6811; 6814; 4911; 6815; 7508
PAKISTAN PK P Goods (including their containers) bearing any words or inscription of a 1 January 2016
religious connotation; the use or disposal of which may injure the religious
feelings of any sect; class or group of people in Pakistan.
PAKISTAN PK P Hazardous wastes as defined and classified in the Basel Convention. 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Hospital waste of all kind; used sewerage pipes and used chemical containers. 3825 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Insulin preparations and syringes in 40 I.U. strength. 293712; 300331; 300431; 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Live Animals Items subject to quarantine requirement of Animal Quarantne Department of 1 January 2016
Ministry of National Food Security & Research Government of Pakistan. Entry into
Pakistan of wild life species shall be allowed only after obtaining NOC from National
Council for Conservation of Wild Life (NCCW)
PAKISTAN PK R Live Animals Items subject to quarantine requirement of Animal Quarantne Department of 1 January 2016
Ministry of National Food Security & Research Government of Pakistan. Entry into
Pakistan of wild life species shall be allowed only after obtaining NOC from National
Council for Conservation of Wild Life (NCCW)
PAKISTAN PK R Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds including atlases; wall Importable subject to the condition that these define the territories of Pakistan; the 4905 1 January 2016
maps; topographical plans and globes; printed. status of Jammu and Kashmir and the status of the states of Junagarh. Manavader
and Mangrol; in accordance with the maps published by the Department of Survey
of Pakistan.
PAKISTAN PK R Misprinted plastic/paper scrap having brand of edible products. Importable only in completely “cut into pieces” form so that no piece contains the 1 January 2016
complete brand name
PAKISTAN PK P Obscene or immoral articles is prohibited. This includes sex toys and related Pakistan Post requests that designated operators issue the necessary instructions UPU Circular 2020.193 28 January 2021
items and guidance to postal staff; and inform their customers of this prohibition. If such
items are received; they will be treated as wrongly admitted under Convention
article 19 and; as per subsection 8.1 thereof; they will not be forwarded; delivered
or returned to origin.
PAKISTAN PK P Opium. 130211 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Other (benzidine and its derivatives). 292159 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Other (fire arms and similar devices which operate by firing of an explosive 9303 1 January 2016
charge); excluding ring blaster tools / boulder ballistic guns / riveting tools.
PAKISTAN PK P Other (pyrotechnic articles) 3604 1 January 2016

Page 141 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PAKISTAN PK P Other arms (for example; spring guns; air pistols and truncheons) 9304 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Paraphence-tole carbamide and 5-Nitro-2 proxy-aniline in both tablet and 292141 1 January 2016
powder or crystalline forms.
PAKISTAN PK R Parts and accessories of arms and ammunition non-prohibited bores Importable; irrespective of import status; by duly sanctioned export oriented units 9305 1 January 2016
for manufacturing of arms and ammunition meant for 100% export. Customs
Authorities will ensure that all requirements for manufacture-cum-export are met.

PAKISTAN PK R Pharmaceutical (allopathic) raw material of pharmaceutical grade in the form of Import shall be allowed to pharmaceutical industries holding valid pharmaceutical 1 January 2016
unprocessed ingredients. manufacturing license in accordance with the provisions of Drugs (Imports and
Exports) Rules; 1976 subject to the condition that pharmaceutical (allopathic) raw
PAKISTAN PK P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and materials are of pharmaceutical grade and shall have at least 75% of the shelf life 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions basics/51149/131168
PAKISTAN PK P Pressure horns and parts thereof. 847989; 8530 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Red Chillies (Whole) Importable into Pakitan subject to production of aflatoxin report to the effect that 70960 1 January 2016
the consignment is free from any pests/diseases; to be certified by the Department
of Plants Protection; Ministry of National Food Security & Research; Government of
PAKISTAN PK P Retreaded tyres. 4012 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Revolvers and pistols of prohibited bores and of calibers higher than 0.46 inches 930200 930400 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Security Paper. Importable on the recommendation of Security Printing Corporation of Pakistan 4810; 4811; 4821; 4823 1 January 2016
(Pvt) Limited and only against specific orders: provided that Pakistan Security
Papers certifies that it is not able to meet the requirement from its stock and gives
NOC for imports.
PAKISTAN PK P Stolen goods 010100 970600 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Sugarcane sees; banana and suckers; vegetable seed postatoes; oil seeds; Importable into Pakistan subject to quality testing by Federal Seed Crtification 060110; 060120; 070110; 100111; 1 January 2016
flower seeds and other field crop seeds including Tubers; Rhizomes; Roots; Agency and Department of Plant Protection and Feederl Seed Certification Agency 100210; 100310; 100410; 100510;
Cuttings; etc. of Ministry of National Food Security and Research; Governmentr of Pakistan. Entry 100710; 100821; 100830; 120110;
into Pakistan of rice seeds is subject to strict quarantine measures. Opium poppy 120230; 120300; 120400; 120510;
seeds are allowed to be imposted into Pakitan from those countries only where it 120590; 120600;120710;120721; 120730;
legally produced. 120740; 120750; 120760; 120770;
120791; 120910; 120921; 120922;
120923; 120924; 120925; 120929;
120930; 120991;120999; 121120; 121130;
121140; 121190
PAKISTAN PK R Toys for infant Importable subject to certification from the exporting countries that the toys 950300 1 January 2016
imported shall be in accordance with the international standards and are free from
hazardous: toxic elements.
PAKISTAN PK P Translation of the Holy Quran without Arabic text 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Used lubricating; hydraulic; transformer oils and similar oils or waste oils. 271091; 271099 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Used pneumatic tyres 401220 1 January 2016

PAKISTAN PK P Used vegetable ghee and cooking oil 151800 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK P Vetches (whole grain; split or any other form 120929; 120999; 121490 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Waste and scrap (excluding waste and scrap of second hand or used tyres) in Importable incompletely “cut into pieces” condition. 401700 1 January 2016
the form of plates; sheets; rubber coated canvas and rubber belting.
PAKISTAN PK R Waste and scrap of exchausted batteries or automobiles Import of such scrap shall be allowed only in favour of industrial consumers only for 8548 1 January 2016
their own use subject to the condition that importer shall furnish to Customs
Authorities (a) a certificate from the concerned Federal or Provincial Environment
Protection Agency that they have adequate manufacturing facility capable of
handling hazardous wastes in accordance with the provision of Basel Convention:
and (b) permission or authorization specifying quantitative entitlement for the
import of waste and scrap of electric accumulators issued by the or concerned
Federal/Provincial Environment Protection Agency.
PAKISTAN PK P Weapons 930100 930700 1 January 2016
PAKISTAN PK R Wheet Importation is subject to the specifications notified by the Ministry of National Food 1001 1 January 2016
Security & Research; Government of Pakistan from timt eo time and subject to pre-
shipment inspection by approved PSI agencies.
PAKISTAN PK P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII
PAKISTAN PK P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
PALESTINIAN TERRITORY PS P Batteries - new and use lithium ion and lithium polymer 850650 854810 25 August 2022
PALESTINIAN TERRITORY PS P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020

PANAMA PA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
PARAGUAY PY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
PERU PE P All kinds of spray 1 January 2016

Page 142 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PERU PE R Animals; multiplication material; products and by-products of animal origin and 010100 010600 0501; 0502; 0504; 0506; 0507; 0508; 1 January 2016
insects of beneficial value (bees) 0510; 0511
PERU PE R Artworks; replicas or books older than 100 years: Assuming that all pre-Hispanic 970100 970600 1 January 2016
movable cultural property; viceregal and some of the republican period are
PERU PE R cultural heritage
Biological of the nation (non-exportable goods)
products 051110 051199 300210; 300290 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Books; journals; maps; notebooks; kiskettes; CDs; videocassettes; plans or any 490100 491100 8523 1 January 2016
other material in which the limits of Peru are represented or referenced
PERU PE R Chemical pesticides for agricultural use; including technical grade active 3808 1 January 2016
ingredients and commercial formulations
PERU PE R Chemical products and supplies that; directly or indirectly; could be used to 130190; 130219; 293911; 293991; 530210 1 January 2016
make basic cocaine paste; crude morphine base; morphine base and heroin.
PERU PE P Colonies; perfumes 330300 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Derived from hydrocarbons. 382471 382478 2844; 2845; 290314; 290319; 290339; 1 January 2016
290371; 290372; 290373; 290374;
290375; 290376; 290377; 290379

PERU PE R Disinfectants and pesticides for domestic use and pesticides for use in public 3808 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Equipment for radio transmitting stations in general 851761 851769 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Finished veterinary products (pharmaceuticals; biologicals; diagnostic kits and 300230; 3005; 300670 1 January 2016
other) foods; additives and premixes

PERU PE R Galenic and natural therapeutic pharmaceuticals (including blood derivatives): 300100 300600 3401 1 January 2016
cosmetic and similar products; supplies; surgical and dental instruments and
equipment for medical use; sanitary products and personal and domestic
PERU PE P Garment (clothing and footwear used for commercial purposes) 630900 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Goods for the operation of casino games; read-only memories of gaming 9504 1 January 2016
programs for these machines and other games of chance.
PERU PE P Heroin 2939 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Hydrobilogical resource intended for ornamental purposes 0301; 0306; 0307; 0308 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Hydrobiological resources destined for ornamental purposes 0301; 0306; 0307; 0308 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Hydrobiological resources for research; recreation or cultural diffusion 0301; 0306; 0307; 0308 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Hydrobiological resources for research; recreation; cultural diffusion and those 0301; 0306; 0307; 0308 1 January 2016
intended for ornamental purposes

PERU PE R Hydrobiological species in their different biological stages for aquaculture 0301; 0306; 0307; 0308 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Industrialized food and beverages - including hydrobiological resources for 0402; 0403; 2008; 2106; 2007; 0401; 1 January 2016
human consumption. (Sweeteners and Food Supplements) 2303; 2105; 2005; 2104; 2202; 2004;
2103; 2003; 2102; 2002; 2101; 0409;
0406; 2309; 0404; 2308; 0405; 2001;
1602; 1701; 1601; 1522; 1520; 0410;
1101; 3004; 1806; 1905; 1904; 1804;
1903; 1704; 1605; 1902; 1901; 1604;
1703; 1702
PERU PE N Lithium batteries; liquids or aerosols UPU IB Circular 2018.84 18 March 2019

PERU PE R Narcotic substances; psychotropic and precursors; or medications that contain 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
them 84161;284330;284390;290230;290551;29

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PERU PE R New sources of lonizing radiation; used orepowered; under any modality; 284400 284500 1 January 2016
including donations; for medical purposes; dental; industrial research;
marketing or others.
PERU PE R Ozone-depleting substances 382471 382478 290314; 290319; 290339; 290371; 1 January 2016
290372; 290373; 290374; 290375;
290376; 290377; 290379
PERU PE P Pisco 220820 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Plants; vegetable products; animal products and by-products of animal origin. 010100 030800 1 January 2016

PERU PE N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions anera/mercanciasrestringidas/
PERU PE R Replica objects of archaeological cultural property and artistic works that do not 970100 970600 1 January 2016
belong to the cultural heritage of the nation.
PERU PE R Residues or waste; whatever its origin or material state; intended for recycling; 1 January 2016
reuse or recovery.
PERU PE R Telecommunications equipment or devices (cell phones; etc.) 8517 1 January 2016
PERU PE R Used Medical Equipment - Reported or Used that does not require repowering. 901800 902200 1 January 2016

PERU PE P Used tires 4012 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Vegetable products 140100 140400 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Vehicle tires 401100 401200 1 January 2016

PERU PE R Weapons; ammunition; explosives and related articles for civilian use (also 930100 930700 1 January 2016
include pyrotechnic articles).
PERU PE R Wild flora and fauna (including any living or dead animal or plant and any easily 010100 030800 1 January 2016
identifiable part or derivative of these)
PERU PE R Zinc carbon batteries and batteries 850600 850700 1 January 2016
PHILIPPINES PH R All dangerous drugs; controlled precursors and essential chemicals; and other Subject to the regulations of the Dangerous Drugs Board and the Philippine Drug 1 January 2016
silimar or analogous substances Enforcement Agency
PHILIPPINES PH P Any type of postal item to the Philippines containing khat leaves. While khat Circular 2018.31 18 March 2019
leaves are not included in the list of dangerous drugs and/or controlled
precursors and essential chemicals under the Republic Act 9165; otherwise
known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002; nor in the list of
controlled substances of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs; the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency advises that they are a regulated item;
given that they contain cathinone and cathine; which are dangerous drugs.
Consequently; PHLPOST informs designated operators that any postal items
containing khat leaves sent to the Philippines will be disposed of or destroyed
in accordance with the UPU Acts (article 19.8.1 of the Convention)
PHILIPPINES PH R Assorted cosmetics Maximum weight: 1 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Bar soap Maximum weight: 2 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Childcare articles Maximum weight: 5 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Fresh or frozen unprocessed foods; including fresh fruit; frozen meat and fresh Prior clearance from the relevant agency of the Department of Agriculture 1 January 2016
fish; even in quantities for personal use
PHILIPPINES PH R Household hazardous substances (e.g. detergent; fabric conditioners/softeners; Maximum weight: 5 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
dishwashing liquids) declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.

PHILIPPINES PH R Household urban pesticides Prior Food and Drug Administration clearance 1 January 2016
PHILIPPINES PH R In-vitro diagnostic products (exception: in-vitro diagnostic kits used as 1 piece of each type. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether declared 1 January 2016
maintenance test strips; which are sold by pack; can be up to 100 pieces) or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the Department
of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Lipstick Maximum quantity 10 pieces. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Lotion Maximum weight: 2 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Medical devices (exception: medical devices used as maintenance; such as 1 piece of each type. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether declared 1 January 2016
insulin needles and lancets; which are sold by pack; ca be up to 100 pieces) or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the Department
of Health is required.

Page 144 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

PHILIPPINES PH R Over-the-counter drugs Maximum weight: 50 g. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Perfume Maximum quantity 5 pieces. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.

PHILIPPINES PH R Processed food (including cooked food) Maximum weight: 10 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Shampoo Maximum weight: 2 kg. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Toys Maximum quantity 10 pieces. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; whether 1 January 2016
declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or the
Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Vitamins; supplements and other health supplements intended as maintenance Maximum weight: 500 g in total. For personal use. Beyond the specified limit; 1 January 2016
whether declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or
the Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH R Wines/liquor Maximum 2 bottles but not exceeding 1.5 litres. Beyond the specified limit; 1 January 2016
whether declared or undeclared; clearance from the Federal Drug Administration or
the Department of Health is required.
PHILIPPINES PH P Any kind of letter post/parcel (ordinary, registered or insured) containing coins, UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques. Article VIII/IX
PHILIPPINES PH P Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones or other UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Article VIII/IX
PHILIPPINES PH P Liquids or easily liquefiable elements or articles made of glass or similar or fragile UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
articles. Article IX
POLAND PL N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions s/basic-information

PORTUGAL PT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions html/index.html
QATAR QA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions hp
ROMANIA RO P Agriculture chemical products 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Alcoholic products > 70%. 2207; 2208 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible With sanitar veterinary certificate. 150100 150600 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetable waxes
ROMANIA RO R Antibiotics with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture: only 294110 294190 300410; 300420 1 January 2016
legal persons may import.
ROMANIA RO P antiknock preps & other additives for mineral oils (including gasoline) or for 381111 381190 1 January 2016
other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils

ROMANIA RO P ARMS AND AMMUNITION (includind replica): PARTS AND ACCESORIES THEREOF 930100 930700 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials With a certificate / ANCEX import license or a declaration on own responsibility 680100 681500 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Artificial intestines made of proteins or cellulose materials 1 January 2016

Page 145 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ROMANIA RO P Bacteria 2102; 3002 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Bees; leeches; silkworms: parasites and destroyers of noxious insects for the With a certificate; license or a document from the Ministry of Agriculture/ a 010641; 010690; 010649 1 January 2016
control of those insects and exchanged between officially recognised certificate; license or a document allowed by CITES.
ROMANIA RO R BEVERAGES; SPIRITS & VINEGAR Quantity admited only for personal use - 1litre of spirit beverages or 2 litres of wine 220100 220900 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Ceramic products With a certificate / ANCEX import license or a declaration on own responsibility 610100 691400 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R COCOA & COCOA PREPARATIONS With the agreement of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. 180100 180600 1 January 2016
This department issues and sends to the importer in writing the veterinary import
permit and the veterinary health certificate for import. These documents are also
sent to the veterinary police department from Customs. Please verify Romanian
Import permit requirements before mailing to Romania
ROMANIA RO R COFFEE; TEA; MATE & SPICES With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. 090100 091000 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Copper 740100 740500 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Corn Imported seeds must be accompanied by the following documents: documents of 110200 110300 071040; 1005 1 January 2016
authenticity and quality: phytosanitary quarantine certificate issued by the
authorities from the country of origin: import permit for vegetable products that
are subject to a phytosanitary quarantine regime; issued by the State Inspectorate
for Phytosanitary Quarantine.
ROMANIA RO P Counterfeits of legal tender notes; consolidated banknotes and fictitious 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R DAIRY; EGGS; HONEY; & ED. PRODUCTS Products of animal origin must be accompanied by veterinary health certificates 040100 041000 1 January 2016
issued by a veterinary doctor of state attesting that the conditions of the Veterinary
Department of the Ministry of Agriculture are fulfilled (these products may be
ROMANIA RO P Dry ice 281121 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R ED. PREP. OF MEAT; FISH; CRUSTACEANS; ETC For preparations of meat: collagen is not admitted in proportions higher than 20% 020100 021099 1 January 2016
of the total pro-tein content; and additions to these products (soya flour; starch;
ROMANIA RO R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons sodium
With chloride; nitrates;
phytosanitary phos-phates)
certificate must
/Certificate be listed; with their quantities; on the
CITES. 080100 081400 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R EDIBLE VEGETABLES With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. 070100 071400 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Ethyl alcohol: alcoholic products > 24% and < 70%. 2207; 2208 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R FISH & CRUSTACEANS With a certificate; license or a document from the Ministry of Agriculture/ a 030100 030800 1 January 2016
certificate; license or a CITES certificate.
ROMANIA RO P Flares 360490 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Germanium 811292; 811299 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Glass and glassware With a certificate / ANCEX import license or a declaration on own responsibility 700100 702000 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R Hormones; natural or reproduced through synthesis: their derivatives used with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture: only 3004; 3003; 2937 1 January 2016
mainly as hormones: other steroids legal persons may import.
ROMANIA RO P Indecent or obscene books 490100 490300 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Indecent or obscene cards. 490900; 4911 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Indecent or obscene photographs. 4911 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Isotopes sources 284400 284500 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R Jewels and others With a certificate / ANPC import license or a declaration on own responsibility. 711300 711700 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO N LIVE TREES & OTHER PLANTS With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. 060100 060400 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Magnetized materials 850511 850519 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R MAN-MADE STAPLE FIBERS; INC. YARNS ETC. With CITES certificate; licence 550100 551600 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R MANU. OF STRAW; ESPARTO; OR OTHER PLAITING MATERIALS; BASKETWARE With certificate CITES; licence 460100 460200 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Manuscripts; typescripts and plans With author rights contract (according with the national law of intellectual rights) 490400 490600 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R MEAT & EDIBLE MEAT OFFAL Poultry carcasses and meat cut in pieces are admitted only individually packed and 020100 021000 1 January 2016
protected in pasteboard boxes with a permit issued by the Veterinary Department
of the Ministry of Agriculture - may be imported only by legal persons.

ROMANIA RO P Mercury compounds 280540 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R MILLING INDUSTRY PRODUCTS With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. 110100 110900 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ROMANIA RO R MISC. EDIBLE PREPARATIONS With the agreement of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. 210100 210600 1 January 2016
This department issues and sends to the importer in writing the veterinary import
permit and the veterinary health certificate for import. These documents are also
sent to the veterinary police department from Customs. Please verify Romanian
Import permit requirements before mailing to Romania
ROMANIA RO P mixed alkylbenzenes & mixed alkylnaphthalene nesoi 381700 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R modeling pastes for child etc; dental impr comp etc with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health: only legal persons may import such 340700 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Natural pearls; precious and semiprecious stones; similar With a certificate / ANPC import license or a declaration on own responsibility. It 710100 710400 1 January 2016
shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items.

ROMANIA RO P Nickel 750100 750400 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Nuclear materials 284400 284500 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R OIL SEEDS/MISC. GRAINS/MED. PLANTS/STRAW Imported seeds must be accompanied by the following documents: certificates of 120100 121400 1 January 2016
authenticity and quality: certificate of phytosanitary quarantine issued by the
authorities of the country of origin: import permit for products of vegetable origin
that are subject to the phytosanitary quarantine regime issued by the State
Inspectorate for Phytosanitary Quarantine.
ROMANIA RO P organic composite solvents & thinners; nesoi 3814; 3824 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R organic surf-act agents; preps & cleaning preps according to the agreement issued by the Preventive Medical Department; only 340100 340200 1 January 2016
legal persons may import these products.
ROMANIA RO R Other organic compounds with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture: only 294000 294200 1 January 2016
legal persons may import.

ROMANIA RO R PAPER & PAPERBOARD; ARTICLES OF PAPER PULP With certificate CITES; licence 480100 482300 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Perfumes and toilet waters Quantity admited only for personal use – 50ml perfume or 250ml toilet water 330300 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Pesticide 3808 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS Accepted as imports only with the agreement of the Ministry of Health. 300100 300600 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020

ROMANIA RO R Precious metals; objects plated with With a certificate / ANPC import license or a declaration on own responsibility. 710600 711800 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P prep & charges for fire-extinguishers etc 381300 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ROMANIA RO P prepared culture media for devel of microorganisms 382100 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down: artificial With a certificate / ANCEX import license or a declaration on own responsibility 670100 670400 1 January 2016
flowers: articles of human hair
ROMANIA RO R PREPS OF VEGS; FRUITS; NUTS; ETC. With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. Please verify Romanian Import 200100 200900 1 January 2016
permit requirements before mailing to Romania
ROMANIA RO R PREPS. OF CEREALS; FLOUR; STARCH OR MILK With phytosanitary certificate /Certificate CITES. Please verify Romanian Import 190100 190500 1 January 2016
permit requirements before mailing to Romania

ROMANIA RO R PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN Other kinds of animal products may be imported only by legal persons; with the 020100 051100 1 January 2016
agreement of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. This
department issues and sends to the importer in writing the veterinary import
permit and the veterinary health certificate for import. These documents are also
sent to the veterinary police department from Customs and to the veterinary
departments from the regions that the beneficiary of these imports.
ROMANIA RO R PULP OF WOOD; WASTE & SCRAP OF PAPER With certificate CITES; licence 470100 470700 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R Raw furskins may be imported only by legal persons with a permit issued by the Ministry of 4301 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Raw leather may be imported only by legal persons with a permit issued by the Ministry of 410100 410600 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Residual lye wash 382490 1 January 2016


ROMANIA RO R Saps and vegetable extracts Must be accompanied by the following documents: certificates of authenticity and 130100 130200 1 January 2016
quality: certificate of phytosanitary quarantine issued by the authorities of the
country of origin: import permit for products of vegetable origin that are subject to

ROMANIA RO R soap; organic surf-act prep for soap use; bars etc according to the agreement issued by the Preventive Medical Department; only 3401 1 January 2016
legal persons may import these products.

ROMANIA RO P Sprays of any kind (including deodorants) 330720 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R SUGARS & SUGAR CONFECTIONERY With the agreement of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. 170100 170400 1 January 2016
This department issues and sends to the importer in writing the veterinary import
permit and the veterinary health certificate for import. These documents are also
sent to the veterinary police department from Customs. Please verify Romanian
Import permit requirements before mailing to Romania
ROMANIA RO R Sulphonamides with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health: only legal persons may import. 293500 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Tars 270600 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO P Textile fabrics impregnated with nitroglycerin covered in plastic 5903 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO R TOBACCO & MANUF. TOBACCO SUBSTITUTES Quantity admited only for personal use – 50 cigarettes; or 25 cigars; or 50g pipe 240100 240300 1 January 2016
ROMANIA RO P Toys for children under 36 month 950300 1 January 2016

Page 148 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ROMANIA RO P Viruses 300290 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R Vitamins with a permit issued by the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Agriculture: only 3004; 3003; 2936 1 January 2016
legal persons may import.

ROMANIA RO R WADDING; FELT & NONWOVENS; SPECIAL YARNS; TWINE; CORDAGE; ROPES & With CITES certificate; licence 560100 560900 1 January 2016

ROMANIA RO R WOOD & ARTICLES OF WOOD; WOOD CHARCOAL With certificate CITES; licence 440100 442100 1 January 2016


ROMANIA RO R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques Goods having cultural; historical or artistic value are subject to a written declaration 970100 970600 1 January 2016
in case of temporary importation: they cannot be taken out of the country without
special permission from the Ministry of Culture.
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Alcoholic beverages; ethanol; beer 220300 220890 3 May 2018

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P all types of tobacco products and smoking mixes 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Ammunition hand grenades; rocketry; torpedoes; mines; triggering devices; 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Apparatus and equipment for photo labs. Can not be classified as articles for personal use 901000 901000 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Articles and substances which have a mass casualty explosion hazard (trotyl; 1 January 2016
tetranitropentaerytrite; nitroglycerine; etc.).

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Banknotes; monetory objects; travellers checks The Russian Federation shall not accept items (registered; insured) containing 1 January 2016
current banknotes; securities (checks) to the bearer or foreign currency (art. VII; p.
16; art VIII; p. 13 of the Final protocol of the Universal postal convention; Doha
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Central heating boilers Can not be classified as articles for personal use 840310 840310 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Combustible gases (gas lighters; compressed and liquified gases (propane; 51&catid=5:2008-10-20- 1 January 2016
hydrogen; butane); varnishes and deodorants; etc.);
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Combustible liquids (gasoline; kerosene; acetone; paints; solvents; sealants; 1 January 2016
perfume; nail varnishes; etc.).
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Combustible solids (any metal powders; matches; firework sparklers; etc.). 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Corrosives (caustic potassium; mercury; accumulators; electrolytes; etc.). 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Cultural valuables 1 January 2016

Page 149 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R IC engines; except for engines for vessels. Can not be classified as articles for personal use 840700 840700 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Incombustible gases (compressed and liquified cooled gases (air; carbon 1 January 2016
dioxide; nitrogen; oxygen); etc.)
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Infectious materials 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Instruments; apparatus and models for demonstrational purposes Can not be classified as articles for personal use 902300 902300 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Medical; surgical; stomatologic or veterinary furniture;barber's chairs and Can not be classified as articles for personal use 940200 940200 1 January 2016
comparable chairs; parts ex.php?option=com_co

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Mowers (except for the lawn-mowers; mowers for parks or athletic fields); Can not be classified as articles for personal use 843320 843390 4 April 2017
haymaking machinery; harvesting machines and threshing machines (devices); ex.php?option=com_co
straw and hay press bailer machines; machines for cleaning; sorting or grading ntent&view=article&id=
eggs; fruit or other agricultural produce. 56:2011-09-15-09-17-

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Obscene and immoral articles 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Organic peroxides (tert-butil hydroperoxide; some hardening agents; etc.). 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Other goods banned from sending by the Acts of the Universal Postal Union and 1 January 2016
customs laws of the Customs Union ex.php?option=com_co

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Oxidizers (ammonia-saltpeter fertilizer; ammonium nitrate; calcium chlorate; ?; 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Perishable goods 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions com_content&view=article&id=1686&Ite
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Potentially pathogenic and pathogenic organisms 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Precious stones in any form or condition; natural diamonds; except for jewelry 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Radioactive materials 1 January 2016


RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Radioactive materials 1 January 2016

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Substances generating combustible gas (calcium carbide; sodium; etc.). 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Substances which are capable of posing a risk of fire (gunpowder; fireworks; 1 January 2016
pyrotechnics; construction cartridges; caps; pyrotechnic squibs; etc.).
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Substances which are liable to spontaneous combustion (napalm; white and 1 January 2016
yellow phosphorus; etc.).

Page 150 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Sun tanning booths Can not be classified as articles for personal use 8543705101 8543705501 8543705101;8543705501 4 April 2017

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R The games activated by coins; banknotes; bank cards; slugs or similar means of Can not be classified as articles for personal use 950430 950430 1 January 2016
payment ex.php?option=com_co

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Toxic and superpotent substances Government decree 3 May 2018
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU P Toxic materials 1 January 2016
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Tractors; special purpose motor vehicles; except for those used for Can not be classified as articles for personal use 870100 870900 4 April 2017
transportation of goods or passengers; industrial purpose self-propelled ex.php?option=com_co
vehicles not equipped with lifting or loading devices ntent&view=article&id=

RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU R Vessels; boats and floating structures; except for the yachts and other Can not be classified as articles for personal use 890000 899900 4 April 2017
watercrafts for leisure and sport; rowing boats and canoe. ex.php?option=com_co

Items containing bank notes in circulation, securities (cheques) of any kind payable to UPU Convention Protocol
bearer or foreign currency. Article VIII/IX
RWANDA RW N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R All goods which if sold would be liable to forfeiture under the Marks; Collective 1 January 2016
Marks and Trade Names Act; Cap. 18.22; and also all goods of foreign
manufacture bearing any name or trade mark or purporting to bear the name or
trade mark of any manufacturer; dealer or trader in Saint Christopher and
Nevis; unless such trade name or 96 Cap 20.04 Customs (Control and
Management) Act Laws of Saint Christopher and Nevis trade mark is
accompanied b a specific indication of the country in which the goods were
made or produced.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P All publications; articles or other matters associated with black magic; secret 1 January 2016
magic; obeah; witchcraft or other magical arts and occultism.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Any goods whatsoever which bear the Coat of Arms or the Flag of Saint 1 January 2016
Christopher and Nevis or any facsimile imitation or represent thereof; unless
with the approval of the Minister responsible for National Security.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Any goods whatsoever which ber a design in imitation of any currency or bank 1 January 2016
notes or coin in common use in Saint Christopher and Nevis or elsewhere with
the approval of the Comptroller of Customs.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Any pistol or other apparatus in the form of a stylographic pen or pencil capable 1 January 2016
of firing any kind of shots or cartdridge whatsoever or any cartdridge containing
tear gas.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Articles or food intended for human consumption declared by the competent 1 January 2016
public health authority to be unfit for such purpose.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Base or counterfeit or currency notes from any country 1 January 2016

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Cannabis sativa; including parts of the plant; cannabis indica; choras; ganja or 1 January 2016
any preparation or mixture of cannabis; choras or ganja; unless under licence
from the Chief Medical Officer.

Page 151 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Coin or currency notes legally current in Saint Christopher and Nevis or any 1 January 2016
money purporting to be such; not being of the established standard in weight.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Explosives; unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Fictious stamps or any die; plate; instrument or materials capable of making 1 January 2016
anyy such stamps.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Firearms and ammunitions including any lethal barrelled weapon from which 1 January 2016
any shot; bullet or missile can be disharged or noxious fumes or liquid can be
emmitted or any component part of any such weapon or any accessory to such
weapon designed or adapted to dimish the noise or other flash caused by firing
such weapon unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of Police.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Flick knives; gravity knives; black jack; bludgeon; switch knives with flying 1 January 2016
blades; dagger or any sword; knife or any instrument having a blade ending up
in a sharp point; which is not primarily designed for use in a profession; craft or
business or for domestic use.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Goods; the importation of which is regulated by any other enactment unless in 1 January 2016
accordance with such enactment.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Goods; the impportation of which is prohibited by an other enactment. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Handcuff of any type unless with the written permission of the Commissioner of 1 January 2016

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Indecent or obscene prints; paintings; photographs; books; cards; lithographic 1 January 2016
or other engravings; phonograph records; videos or any other indecent articles
or matter.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Laser pointers. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Matches which contain white or yellow phosphorus. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances including controlled drugs unless 1 January 2016
under licence from the Chief Medical Officer.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Night scope binoculars and similar night vision instruments or apparatus of a 1 January 2016
kind generally used by the Armed Forces; Para Military and other law
enforcement agencies; unless with the written permission of the Minister
responsible for National Security.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Ozone depleting substances to be restricted under the Montreal Protocol on 1 January 2016
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; 1987 and specified under Annexes A
to E; unless under licence from the Minister responsible for the Environment.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Pepper spray and mace; unless with the written permission of the 1 January 2016
Commissioner of Police.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Prepared opium and pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the 1 January 2016
smoking of opium or other narcotic drugs for smoking.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Prepartions of opium or other narcotic drugs for smoking. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Radio and television transmitting equipment; including walkie talkies unless 1 January 2016
under licence from the Minister of Communications.

Page 152 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Rare and threatened species of animals or plants; (including whales; elephants; 1 January 2016
flamingos; parrots; turtles; tortoises; black coral; tree ferns and orchids); their
products and derivatives; (including ivory neclaces; carvings and rings; fur coat
of protected species; turtle shell combs; necklaces; braclets; and black coral
jewellery); whose international trade is regulated by the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES) unless such goods are
accompanied b the appropriate permits signed b the CITES authorities in the
country o exportation or importation.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Sedious publications; articles; prints; phonographic records or video. 1 January 2016
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN P Shock baton and stun guns. 1 January 2016

SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Tear gas or any ingredient which may produce what is commonly known as tear 1 January 2016
gas or tear smoke unless with the written authority of the Minister responsible
for National Security.
SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN R Uniforms or clothing including camouflage clothing used by the Saint 1 January 2016
Christopher and Nevis Defence Force or closely resembling the uniform or
clothing used by the Police or the Defence Force; unless with written
permission of the Commissioner of Police.
SAINT LUCIA LC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

SAMOA WS N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

SAN MARINO SM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE ST P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions rio
SAUDI ARABIA SA R Mobile signal boosters/mobile repeaters Individuals or non-licensed mobile telecommunication service providers are not 851769 851769 29 June 2021
allowed to receive or send these devices
SAUDI ARABIA SA R No medicines; pharmaceutical or plant-based products and foodstuffs for General Food and Medicine::Authority of Saudi Arabia are as follows:::3292; UPU Circular 2019.192 26 May 2020
medical purposes will be accepted by post without prior authorization from the Northern Ring Road – Al-Nafl St::Riyadh 13312 – 6288::SAUDI ARABIA::Tel: +9661
General Food and Medicine Authority of Saudi Arabia. 275 9222::Fax: +9661 275 7238::E-mail:

SAUDI ARABIA SA P Perfume 1 January 2016

SAUDI ARABIA SA P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020

SAUDI ARABIA SA P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII
SAUDI ARABIA SA P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
SAUDI ARABIA SA Parcels containing coins, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
travellers’ cheques. Article IX
SAUDI ARABIA SA Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones or other UPU Convention 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Protocol Article IX

SAUDI ARABIA SA Parcels containing medicines. Unless they are accompanied by a medical prescription issued by a competent official UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
authority. Article IX
SAUDI ARABIA UPU Convention 25 August 2022
Protocol Article IX

Products designed for extinguishing fires, chemical liquids or articles contrary to the
principles of the Islamic religion.
SENEGAL SN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SERBIA RS N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions spx
SEYCHELLES SC R Aeronautical radio equipment (hand held and fixed) 4 August 2022

Page 153 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SEYCHELLES SC R Alcoholic beverages 220300 220890 2203.0011 to 2208.9029 4 August 2022

SEYCHELLES SC P All drugs listed under the Misuse of Drugs Act,2016 (Act 5 of 2016) (1) Acetorphine, (2) Betameprodine. 4 August 2022
(3) Acetylmethadol. (4) Betamethadol.
(5) Allylprodine. (6) Betaprodine.
(7) Alphacetylmethadol (8) Bezitramide.
(9) Alphameprodine Bufotenine.
(10) Alphamethadol. (Cannabinol, except where contained in cannabis or cannabis
(11) Alphaprodine. (l2) Cannabinol derivatives.
(13) 2-amino-1-(2, dimethoxy-4-tetrahydro-6,-methyl) phenylpropane. (14)
15) Anileridine. (16) Coca leaf
(17) Benzethidine. (18) Cocaine.
19) Benzylmorphine (20)-benzylmorphine). (21) Codoxime.
(22) Betacetylmethadol. (23) Desomorphine.
(24) Dextromoramide. (25) Hydroxypethidine.
(26) Diamorphine. (27) Isomethadone.
(28) Diampromide. (29) Ketobemidone.
(30) Diethylthiambutene.
(31) Difenoxin. (az) Levomethorphan.
(32) Dihydromorphine. (ba) Levomoramide.
(33) Dihydrodesoxymorphine, commonly known as Krokodil (bb)
(ae) Dimenoxadole. (bc) Levorphanol.
(af) Dimepheptanol (bd) Lysergamide.
(ag) 3-(1,2-dimenthylheptyl)-1-hydroxyl-7, 8, 9, 10 6,9-trimethyl-6-Hdibenzo [b, d]
pyan. (be) Lysergide and other N-alkyl derivatives of lysergamide.
(ah) Dimethylthiambutene. (bf) Mescaline.
SEYCHELLES SC R Animals and animal by products not treated Human hair 050100 050199 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Anti-knock preparations based on lead compounds. 381111 381111 3811.11 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Arms and ammunitions Knuckle dusters 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Articles of asbestos-cement 681140 681140 6811.4 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Asbestos 252410 252490 2524.1000 to 2524.9000 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Balloons Balloons of Plastic, Balloons of Vulcanised rubber, Toys containing balloons 4016.9510, 9505.9010, 9503,0010 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Biodegradable plastic and other articles of biodegradable plastic As per the Environment Protection (Restriction on manufacturing, 4 August 2022
Importation, distribution and sale of Plastic bags) Regulations, 2017

SEYCHELLES SC R Birds’ eggs and other edible products of animals origin Bird eggs in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked 040711 040790 0407.1100 to 0407.9000 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Birds’ eggs not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by 040811 040899 4 August 2022
boiling in water.

0408.1100 to 0408.9900
SEYCHELLES SC R Bones and horn-cores unworked defatted, simply prepared, treated with acid or 050610 050690 4 August 2022
degelatinised. 0506.1000 to 0506.9000

SEYCHELLES SC P Chemical and pesticides containing organochlorine banned under the 4 August 2022
Stockholm Convention, including Aldrin, Toxaphene. Dichloro diphenyl trichloro
ethane (DDT). Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endrine, Hexachlorobenzene (HCB),
Heptachlor, Mirex, Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
SEYCHELLES SC R Citizen band (CB) radio equipment 4 August 2022

SEYCHELLES SC R Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise 050800 050899 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC P Counterfeit currencies Any coins, bank and currency notes including bearer negotiable instruments not 4 August 2022
genuine but resembling or apparently intended to resemble or pass for genuine
coins or bank and currency notes; and includes genuine coin or bank and currency
notes prepared or altered so as to pass for coin or bank and currency notes of a
higher denomination.

SEYCHELLES SC R Edible products of animal origin not elsewhere specified or included. 0410 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Electronic Cigarette Electronic cigarettes including e-liquids and cartridges 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Endangered species, Any species specified under the convention on Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, 050710 050790 0507.1000 to 0507.9000 4 August 2022
International trade in Endangered species (CITIES) claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape; powder and
waste of these products.
SEYCHELLES SC P Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos or with a basis of 681280 681299 6812.8000 to 6812.9990 4 August 2022
asbestos and magnesium carbonate ( for example clothing, paper and blankets
inducing fire blankets)

Page 154 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SEYCHELLES SC P Fur skin and artificial fur manufactures thereof 430110 430400 4 August 2022

4301.1000 to 4304.0000
SEYCHELLES SC P Furskins, hide and skins of animals Raw hides and skin of other animals ( other than fur skins) 410120 410692 4101.2000 to 4106.9200 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Goods specified in Subheading Note 1 to Chapter 38, Subheading 3808.61 to 380852 380869 3808.5200 to 3808.6900 4 August 2022
3808.69 cover only goods of heading 38.08.
SEYCHELLES SC R Non- Plastic straws In accordance with the Environment Protection Act, 2016 ( Act 18 of 2016) 4 August 2022

SEYCHELLES SC P Non- tobacco Products Any non- tobacco product which resembles a tobacco product (including sweets, 4 August 2022
snacks, and toys) as per the National Tobacco Control Act 2009, excluding electronic
cigarettes and its e -liquids and cartridges.
SEYCHELLES SC R Pharmaceutical and Vetennary products Products of the Chemical and Allied Industries 280000 289999 Chapter 28 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Pharmaceutical products (example gland and organs, human blood; animal 300120 300490 3001.2000 to 4 August 2022
blood) and other of medicaments. 3004.9000

SEYCHELLES SC R Pharmaceutical products specified in Note 4 of Chapter 30 of Customs 300610 300670 3006.1000 to 4 August 2022
Management (Tariff and Classification of Goods) Regulations, 2018 3006.7000

SEYCHELLES SC R Plant and Plant products All plants covered under the Plant Protection Regulations 2017. (S.I 17 of 2007) 060110 060490 0601.1000 to 0604.9090 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Plastic bags As per the First schedule of the Environment Protection (Restriction on 4 August 2022
manufacturing, importation distribution and sale of plastic bags) Regulations, 2017

SEYCHELLES SC P Plastic Straws In accordance with the Environment Protection Act, 2016 ( Act 18 of 2016 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC R Plastic utensils and Polystyrene boxes As per the Environment Protection Act (Restriction on Importation, 4 August 2022
distribution and sale of Plastic utensils and Polystyrene boxes) Regulations, 2017
SEYCHELLES SC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 0 99 4 August 2022
prohibitions ( SI41 0f 20190)
SEYCHELLES SC R Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) access network equipment (GSM (2G), 4 August 2022
UMTS (3G), LTE (4G, etc.)
SEYCHELLES SC R Radars 852610 852691 8526.1000, 8526.9100 4 August 2022
Police radar detector, Radio navigational apparatus
SEYCHELLES SC R Radio communication equipment Broadcasting or Telecommunication Jamming equipment. Land Mobile Radio 4 August 2022
equipment (Private Mobile Radios (PMR) Walkie Talkies (hand held md fixed) and
base stations)
SEYCHELLES SC R Satellite dishes (residential (personal) & commercial use) receive only. Very 852910 852910 8529.1010 to 4 August 2022
Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) equipment - transmit and receive 8529.104

SEYCHELLES SC R Skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, feathers and parts of 050510 050590 0505.1000 to 0505.9000 4 August 2022
SEYCHELLES SC N The importation of Restricted Goods are subjected to a written prior approval 4 August 2022
of the competent authority.
SEYCHELLES SC R Tobacco Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 240000 249999 Chapter 24 4 August 2022

SEYCHELLES SC P Toxic chemicals 4 August 2022

SEYCHELLES SC R Worked ivory, bone, tortoise -shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother of pearl and 960110 960190 9601.1000 to 9601.9000 4 August 2022
other animal carving materials, and articles of these materials (including articles
obtained by moulding)
SIERRA LEONE SL N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SINGAPORE SG P Seditious and treasonable materials 1 January 2016
SINGAPORE SG R Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Certificate 1 January 2016
SINGAPORE SG R Toy walkie-talkies Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Certificate 1 January 2016
SINT MAARTEN SX P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 26 May 2020
prohibitions ent/JUS/Customs/Pages/default.aspx
SLOVAKIA SK R Acetone For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 291411 291411 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic. For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK R Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes Commercial import requires a CITES permission for glands and extracts of organs 350203 350700 4 April 2017
listed in CITES. For import of products made up of veterinary or animal material; it is
necessary to submit a veterinary or phytosanitary certificate.

Page 155 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SLOVAKIA SK R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products Import of animal fats and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats and animal 150410 152190 1 January 2016
waxes subject to the authorization of the National Veterinary Administration of the
country of origin as well as the veterinary authorization of the National Veterinary
Administration of the Slovak Republic.Import of vegetal fats and oils and their
cleavage products subject to the phytosanitary certification as well as the
certification of quality. Moreover; import for commercial or non-commercial
purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES permissions.

SLOVAKIA SK R Arsenic. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 280480 280480 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic. For import of radioactive isotopes; it is necessary
to submit the authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic. Biochemical products or their compounds intended for agricultural use
shall be subject to phytosanitary control.
SLOVAKIA SK R Articles of combustible materials (lighters) Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic and the declaration of conformity of producer or
importer. Import for non-commercial purposes prohibited; excluding the matches
and capsules for children pistols which can be posted in non-air-items.
SLOVAKIA SK R Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar Import of commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of Economy 420211 420211 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) of the Slovak Republic and the declaration of conformity for the school bags;
coverings and furniture and the protective working means or the certificate from
the National Testing Institute as well as the CITES permission for CITES-listed
products. Import for non-commercial purposes subject to the CITES permission for
CITES-listed products.
SLOVAKIA SK R Bank notes; currency notes; traveller's cheques It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 1 January 2016

SLOVAKIA SK R Base metals and articles of base metal Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence form the Ministry of 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic; the declaration of conformity or certificate from
the National Testing Institute and the CITES permission for CITES-listed
products.For waste import; it is required to submit the authorization from the
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.
SLOVAKIA SK R Bees; leeches; silkworms; parasites and destroyers of noxious insects intended Import for commercial purposes subject to the veterinary authorization and the 016000 016000 1 January 2016
for the control of those insects and exchanged officially recognized institutions; veterinary certificate as well as the certificate of quality; import for non-commercial
flies of the family Drosophilidae for biomedical research exchanged between purposes (personal consumption) shall meet certain transport requirements
officially recognized institutions (temperature-controlled transportation; packaging weight; etc.). Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Benzene. For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 290220 290220 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic. For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK R Birds´ eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin (including milk; Import for commercial purposes subject to the veterinary authorization and the 040110 040900 1 January 2016
cream; baby´s milk; whey; butter; chees; quark; etc.) veterinary certificate as well as the certificate of quality; import for non-commercial
purposes (personal consumption) shall meet certain transport requirements
(temperature-controlled transportation; packaging weight; etc.). Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Carbon tetrachloride For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 290314 290314 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic.For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK R Cereals and products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 100110 110108 1 January 2016
certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) does not require the phytosanitary certification.Moreover; import for
commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK P Chicory roots (Cichorium intybus sativum) 121299 121299 1 January 2016
SLOVAKIA SK R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 090121 090420 1 January 2016
certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) does not require the phytosanitary certification. Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Coin It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 1 January 2016

SLOVAKIA SK R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 080111 081400 1 January 2016
certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) shall meet the national regulations.Moreover; import for commercial
or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES permissions.

SLOVAKIA SK R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers (including potatoes; tomatoes; Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 070110 071110 1 January 2016
onion; vegetables; etc.) certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) shall meet the national regulations. Moreover; import for commercial
or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES permissions.

Page 156 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SLOVAKIA SK R Ethyl alcohol. Spirits with an alcohol content of less than 80 %. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 220710 220890 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic as well as the certificate from the National Testing
Institute.Import for non-commercial purposes generally allows 1 l of spirits and 2 l
of wine per person.
SLOVAKIA SK R Fertilisers (animal or vegetable fertilisers; mineral or chemical fertilisers; Import of chemical products such as insecticides; herbicides; fungicides; etc.; for 310100 310100 1 January 2016
nitrogenous) non-commercial purposes subject to: - a phytosanitary control (for biochemical
preparations or compounds intended for agricultural use); - an authorization from
the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic (for products manufactured
with animal excrements). Products containing substances harmful to the Earth's
ozone layer are prohibited from importation.
SLOVAKIA SK R Fish and crustaceans; mollucs and other invertebrates Import for commercial purposes subject to the veterinary authorization and the 030110 030799 1 January 2016
veterinary certificate as well as the certificate of quality; import for non-commercial
purposes (personal consumption) shall meet certain transport requirements
(temperature-controlled transportation; packaging weight; etc.).Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof Import of commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of Economy 430110 430400 1 January 2016
of the Slovak Republic and the declaration of conformity for the school bags;
coverings and furniture and the protective working means or the certificate from
the National Testing Institute as well as the CITES permission for CITES-listed
products. Import for non-commercial purposes subject to the CITES permission for
CITES-listed products.
SLOVAKIA SK P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 1 January 2016
SLOVAKIA SK R Hydrochloric acid. Muriatic acid. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 280610 280610 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic. For import of radioactive isotopes; it is necessary
to submit the authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic. Biochemical products or their compounds intended for agricultural use
shall be subject to phytosanitary control.
SLOVAKIA SK R Hydrofluoric acid. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 281111 281111 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic. For import of radioactive isotopes; it is necessary
to submit the authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic. Biochemical products or their compounds intended for agricultural use
shall be subject to phytosanitary control.
SLOVAKIA SK R Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; disinfectants. Products containing substances harmful to the Earth's ozone layer requires the 1 January 2016
authorization of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. For waste import;
it is necessary to submit an authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the
Slovak Republic.
SLOVAKIA SK R Intoxicating beverages Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic as well as the certificate from the National Testing
Institute.Import for non-commercial purposes generally allows 1 l of spirits and 2 l
of wine per person.
SLOVAKIA SK R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 130211 130219 1 January 2016
certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) does not require the phytosanitary certification.Moreover; import for
commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
permissions as well as the import of narcotics and psychotropic substances shall be
permitted only with the authorization of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak
SLOVAKIA SK P Live Animals All live animals; except animals admitted conditionally (restricted for import) 010000 019999 1 January 2016
SLOVAKIA SK R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certification and 060210 060491 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal consumption) shall meet
certain transport requirements (weight; quantity; etc.).Moreover; import for
commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Meat of poultry; rabbits; frogs; pigeons; whales; sharks (dogfish); reindeed; etc.; Import for commercial purposes subject to the veterinary authorization and the 020810 020890 1 January 2016
fresh; chilled or frozen veterinary certificate as well as the certificate of quality; import for non-commercial
purposes (personal consumption) shall meet certain transport requirements
(temperature-controlled transportation; packaging weight; etc.).Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Mineral products (including salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; Import for commercial purposes subject to Customs CITES permissions. For waste 250100 271600 1 January 2016
cement; lime; ores; slag; ash; mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their import; it is necessary to submit to Customs an import authorization from the
distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes) Ministry of Environment.Non-commercial import shall be permitted only for
packaged products ready to use; with an indication of the contents by the producer.
Edible salt is admitted only in the producer's original packing.
SLOVAKIA SK P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
SLOVAKIA SK R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneuos grains; seeds and fruit; industrial Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 120210 121299 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
consumption) does not require the phytosanitary certification.Moreover; import for
commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations Commercial import requires a CITES permission for glands and extracts of organs 1 January 2016
listed in CITES. For non-commercial import by post; the following restrictions shall
be set: 50g of perfume 0.25 l of eau de toilette

Page 157 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SLOVAKIA SK R Permanganates. Potassium permanganate. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 284161 284161 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic. For import of radioactive isotopes; it is necessary
to submit the authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic. Biochemical products or their compounds intended for agricultural use
shall be subject to phytosanitary control.
SLOVAKIA SK R Pharmaceutical products (including glands and other organs for organo- The import for commercial purposes requires a CITES permission for glands and 300110 300190 1 January 2016
therapeutic uses; dried; whether or not powdered; extracts thereof) extracts of organs listed in CITES. For non-commercial importation; only
medicaments not containing narcotics or psychotropic substances may be imported
for personal use. Medicaments containing narcotics and psychotropic substances
for personal use are permitted on the base of the authorization of the Ministry of
Health of Slovakia or on the base of the confirmation of the attending physician
that the importer is user of this drug.
SLOVAKIA SK R Phosphorus. Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 280470 280470 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic. For import of radioactive isotopes; it is necessary
to submit the authorization from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic. Biochemical products or their compounds intended for agricultural use
shall be subject to phytosanitary control.
SLOVAKIA SK R Photographic or cinematographic products Import for commercial purposes subject to a certification from the National Testing 1 January 2016
SLOVAKIA SK R Plastics and articles thereof (polymers of vinyl chloride; waste; parings and Import for commercial purposes requires the certificate from the National Testing 1 January 2016
scrap of plastics; various plastic products; etc.) Institute for plastic products used in building industry and which could be used in a
contact with the foodstuffs and packaging.Products containing substances harmful
to the Earth's ozone layer requires the authorization of Ministry of Environment of
the Slovak Republic. For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization
from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. Import of used articles of
apparel and their accessories; made of rubber shall be prohibited.

SLOVAKIA SK N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions page
SLOVAKIA SK R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 1 January 2016

SLOVAKIA SK R Prepared foodstuffs (including caviar; molluscs; sugar; molasses; cocoa and Import for commercial purposes subject to the phytosanitary certificate as well the 160430 210220 1 January 2016
cocoa preparations; preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks´ certificate of quality and control; import for non-commercial purposes (personal
products; etc.) consumption) does not require the phytosanitary certification.Moreover; import for
commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Products of animal origin (including hair; bristles; ivory; etc.) Import for commercial purposes subject to the veterinary authorization and the 050100 050790 1 January 2016
veterinary certificate as well as the certificate of quality; import for non-commercial
purposes (personal consumption) shall meet certain transport requirements
(temperature-controlled transportation; packaging weight; etc.). Moreover; import
for commercial or non-commercial purposes shall be subject to Customs CITES
SLOVAKIA SK R Propellent powders (gunpowder; flash powder etc…) Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 360106 360106 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic and the declaration of conformity of producer or
importer.Import for non-commercial purposes prohibited; excluding the matches
and capsules for children pistols which can be posted in non-air-items.
SLOVAKIA SK R Provitamins; vitamins and hormons For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 293629 293799 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic. For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK R Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material; waste and scrap of paper or Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 1 January 2016
paperboard; paper and paperboard and articles thereof Economy or the Slovak Republic and the certificate from the National Testing
Institute. For waste import; it is required to submit the authorization from the
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.
SLOVAKIA SK R Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather For animal products; it shall be required the authorization from the National 410109 411000 1 January 2016
Veterinary Administration of the Slovak Republic; the phytosanitary or veterinary
certificate as well as the CITES permission for CITES-listed products. For waste
import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of
Environment of the Slovak Republic.
SLOVAKIA SK R Rubber and articles thereof (waste; parings and scrap of rubber; used Import for commercial purposes requires the certificate from the National Testing 400400 401700 1 January 2016
pneumatic tyres; hard rubber and its products) Institute for plastic products used in building industry and which could be used in a
contact with the foodstuffs and packaging.Products containing substances harmful
to the Earth's ozone layer requires the authorization of Ministry of Environment of
the Slovak Republic. For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization
from the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.Import of used articles of
apparel and their accessories; made of rubber shall be prohibited.

SLOVAKIA SK R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Import for commercial purposes subject to the licence from the Ministry of 240110 240399 1 January 2016
Economy of the Slovak Republic; the certificate from the National Testing Institute
as well as the phytosanitary certificate. For import of tobacco it is necessary to
submit the import authorization from the Ministry of Enviroment of the Slovak

Page 158 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SLOVAKIA SK R Toluene. For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 290230 290230 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic. For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK R Trichloroethylene. For waste import; it is necessary to submit the authorization from the Ministry of 290322 290322 1 January 2016
the Environment of the Slovak Republic. For import of medicaments containing
narcotics and psychotropic substances for non-commercial purposes; it is necessary
to submit the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

SLOVAKIA SK P Used articles of base metal 1 January 2016

SLOVAKIA SK P Used electrical machinery and equipment and part thereof 1 January 2016
SLOVAKIA SK P Used textiles and clothes; including used underwear; hosiery; T-shirts; shirts Prohibition of non-commercial imports of these articles does not apply: i) in the 1 January 2016
and other articles of clothing which come into direct contact with the human case of personal use; ii) in the case of articles that are personal property of an
body and skin; used bedding; used shoes and other used textile articles individual and are imported in; connection with his/her movement from abroad; iii)
in the case of articles for charity. Import of textiles and textile articles (unused)
subject to the licence from the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic; the
veterinary certificate (only for articles under HS Code 50.01); the proof of origin of
the article; the ceritifcation form the National Testing Institute as well as the CITES
permission for CITES-listed products.
SLOVAKIA SK P Used toys Prohibition of non-commercial imports of these articles does not apply: i) in the 1 January 2016
case of personal use; ii) in the case of articles that are personal property of an
individual and are imported in; connection with his/her movement from abroad; iii)
in the case of articles for charity.
SLOVAKIA SK P Used upholstered furniture Prohibition of non-commercial imports of these articles does not apply: i) in the 1 January 2016
case of personal use; ii) in the case of articles that are personal property of an
individual and are imported in; connection with his/her movement from abroad; iii)
in the case of articles for charity.
SLOVAKIA SK R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; Import for commercial purposes subject to the certificate from the National Testing 1 January 2016
manufactures of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting aterials; basketware and Institute; the phytosanitary certificate and the CITES permissions for CITES-listed
wickerwork products. Import for non-commercial purposes subject to the CITES permissions for
CITES-listed products.
SLOVENIA SI N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions ibitions%20and%20restrictions
SOMALIA SO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Arms and ammunition 930100 930700 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Bank notes and coins 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Dangerous chemicals 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Explosives 360100 360200 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Jewelry and precious metals 710100 711700 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Liquids 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Live animals 010100 010600 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Narcotics 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Perishables 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA P Plants 060100 060400 1 January 2016
SOUTH AFRICA ZA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SPAIN ES P Aerosols IATA regulation 842400 842499 8424 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES P All flammable products IATA regulation 380100 382599 3801-3825 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 110100 110999 1101-1109 30 March 2020
fats; animal or vegetable waxes use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 3–5 litres; 3–5 bottles; or 3–5 kg for solid products • Total value of goods
must not exceed 45 EUR • Must be sent from the sender to the recipient without
payment of any kind
SPAIN ES P Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 930100 930799 9301 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES P Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials Various dangerous substances or objects; e.g. asbestos IATA regulation 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Babies garments and clothing accessories Excluding knitted or crocheted; such as hats RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 620900 620999 6209 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Babies garments and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted Excluding hats. RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 611100 611199 6111 30 March 2020

Page 159 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SPAIN ES R Bed linen; table linen; toilet linen and kitchen linen; made up of any textile Excluding floor-cloths; dish-cloths; dusters and similar cleaning cloths RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 630200 630299 6302 30 March 2020
material 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Beverages; spirits and vinegar • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal Health; Commission 220100 220999 2201 and 2209 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those Regulation (EC) No
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not 745/2004
exceed 5–8 litres or 5–8 bottles. • Total value of goods must not exceed 45 EUR •
Must be sent from the sender to the recipient without payment of any kind

SPAIN ES R Bicycles and parts thereof Anti-dumping is a kind of tax imposed by the EU when unfair trade practices are; or 871200 871299 871200 30 March 2020
are suspected to be; taking place. As a result; the products subject to this tax can
vary. Bicycles and parts thereof from China are subject to anti-dumping tax; as
experience shows that these products are imported frequently and the anti-
dumping tax on them is longstanding.
SPAIN ES R Bread; pastry; cakes; biscuits and other bakers wares; whether or not containing Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 190590 190590 190590 30 March 2020
cocoa; communion wafers; empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical Regulation (EC) No
use; sealing wafers and similar products 745/2004
SPAIN ES P Cannabis resin 130190 130190 130190 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Carpets and other textile floor coverings; knotted; whether or not made up RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 570300 570399 5703 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Carpets and other textile floor coverings; of felt; not tufted or flocked; whether RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 570400 570499 5704 30 March 2020
ot not made up 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Cereals • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 100100 100899 100100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 5–10 kg • Total value of goods must not exceed 45 EUR • Must be sent from
the sender to the recipient without payment of any kind

SPAIN ES P Cigarette lighters and other lighters; whether or not mechanical or electrical; Excluding flints and wicks IATA regulation 961300 961399 9613 30 March 2020
and parts thereof; not elsewhere specified or included
SPAIN ES P Cocaine and its derivatives Narcotics 294091 294099 294091-294099 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Coffee; tea; maté and spices • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 090100 091099 90100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 1–2 kg • Total value of goods must not exceed 45 EUR • Must be sent from
the sender to the recipient without payment of any kind

SPAIN ES R Corselettes of any kind of textile material; including elastics and knitted or Excluding girdles made entirely of rubber RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 621210 621220 621210-621220 30 March 2020
crocheted. Girdles and panty-girdles of any kind of textile material; including 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
elastics and knitted or crocheted
SPAIN ES R Dairy produce; birds eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal animal Due to the risk of disease introduction; strict procedures are in place for the import Health; Commission 040100 041099 0401-0410 30 March 2020
origin; not elsewhere specified or included of some animal products into the EU. These procedures do not apply to the Regulation (EC) No
movement of animal products between the 27 EU member states; nor to animal 745/2004
products originating from Andorra; Liechtenstein; Norway; San Marino or
Switzerland. Any animal product that does not meet these standards must be
handed over as soon as it reaches the EU to be officially destroyed. Non-declaration
of any such product may be punishable by a fine or give rise to legal proceedings.

SPAIN ES R Edible fruits and nuts; peel of citrus foot or melons 080100 081499 80100 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Edible vegetables; plants; roots and tubers • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 070100 071499 70100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 5–10 kg • Total value of goods must not exceed 45 EUR • Must be sent from
the sender to the recipient without payment of any kind

SPAIN ES R Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits; or for making Excluding fuses; automatic circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 853690 853690 853690 30 March 2020
connections to or in electrical circuits; for a voltage not exceeding 1;000 volts electrical circuits; relays and other isolating and make-and-break switches; lamp- 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
(excluding fuses; automatic circuit breakers and other apparatus for protecting holders; plugs and sockets
electrical circuits; relays and other isolating and make-and-break switches; lamp-
holders; plugs and sockets)
SPAIN ES P Electro-magnets; permanent magnets and articles intended to become Prohibited; other than for medical use IATA regulation 850500 850599 8505 30 March 2020
permanent magnets after magnetisation; electro-magnetic or permanent
magnet chucks; clamps and similar holding devices; electro-magnetic couplings;
clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic lifting heads; and parts thereof

Page 160 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SPAIN ES R Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations These are not subject to pharmaceutical checks; provided that the exchange is Royal Decree 85/2018; 30 March 2020
between individuals; that no commercial transaction exists and no commercial 7/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-2693.pdf which regulates
intent is detected. This means that the goods are gifts or personal effects; and that cosmetic products -
the quantity and nature do not suggest commercial intent (and are always in Regulation 1223/2009;
compliance with Pharmaceutical Service and AEAT (Spanish Tax Agency) inspectors' on cosmetic products
criteria). For purchases made by physical persons for personal use; the following
must be taken into consideration: - The quantity and nature of the goods must not
suggest a commercial intent (in line with Pharmaceutical Service and AEAT
inspectors' criteria) - The goods must be well labelled; the most crucial piece of
information being the address of a responsible addressee in the EU. In cases where
goods are imported for subsequent sale; the importer must at least be
authorized/registered with AEMPS and the products must be well labelled.
However; there are various exceptions; e.g. if the goods are not labelled but the
importer is authorized by AEMPS to label them according to current legislation; or
that the import is transferred to and received by a third person that is authorized
by/registered with AEMPS...
SPAIN ES P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain IATA regulation 360100 360699 3601-3606 30 March 2020
combustible preparations
SPAIN ES R Fertilisers The main purpose is to avoid the introduction of diseases that could affect flora and 30 March 2020
the propagation thereof. The products concerned are: - Plants: living plants and
living parts of plants; including seeds (nuts; vegetables; tubers; cut flowers;
branches; pollen; etc.) - Plant products: products of plant origin that are
unprocessed or barely processed (raw wood; leaves; etc.) - Chemical products:
designed for agricultural use; e.g. fertilisers; pesticides; insecticides; etc. In such
cases; the need for phytosanitary certificates of origin and destination and any
other documentation (import authorization; phytosanitary passport; etc.) depends
on the type and variety concerned. The scientific name must be known and given to
determine this.
SPAIN ES P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Prohibited if alive Article 19 of the UPU 030100 030199 301 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 210600 210690 210600-210690 30 March 2020
Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics Excluding waterproof footwear of heading 64.01; orthopaedic footwear or skating RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 640200 640299 6402 30 March 2020
boots with ice or roller skates; and also toy footwear 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and upper soles of a material There is a number of articles imported for commercial purposes from third RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 640500 640599 6405 30 March 2020
other than rubber; plastics; leather or textile materials; footwear with outer countries that must be submitted for checks by SOIVRE (Official Service for 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
soles of leather or composition leather and uppers of a material other than Inspecting; Monitoring and Regulating Exports). All importers of merchandise of this
leather or textile materials; footwear with outer soles of wood; cork; rope; card; kind must; either personally or through a representative; make the necessary
fur; fabrics; felt; unwoven fabric; linoleum; raffia; straw; luffa; etc. and uppers arrangements to best comply with the relevant checks; such as providing any
of any material not elsewhere specified or included. requested documents; registers or certificates
SPAIN ES R Footwear with outer soles of rubber; plastics; leather or composition leather Excluding orthopaedic footwear; skating boots with ice or roller skates; and toy RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 640300 640399 6403 30 March 2020
and uppers of leather footwear 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Footwear with outer soles of rubber; plastics; leather or composition leather Excluding toy footwear RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 640400 640499 6404 30 March 2020
and uppers of textile materials (excluding toy footwear) 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Gloves; mittens and mitts made of any textile material Excluding knitted or crocheted; such as babies gloves; mittens and mitts RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 621600 621699 6216 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Gloves; mittens and mitts; knitted or crocheted Excluding those for babies RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 611600 611699 6116 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 130100 130299 130100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 3–5 litres; 3–5 bottles; or 3–5 kg for solid products • Total value of goods
must not exceed 45 EUR • Must be sent from the sender to the recipient without
payment of any kind
SPAIN ES R Ice cream and other edible ice; whether or not containing cocoa Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 210500 210500 210500 30 March 2020
Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Isolating switches and make-or-break switches; for a voltage exceeding 1;000 Excluding relays and circuit breakers RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 853650 853650 853650 30 March 2020
volts 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Knitted or crocheted t-shirts and vests RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 610900 610999 6109 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Lamp-holders; for a voltage not exceeding 1;000 volts RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 853661 853661 853661 30 March 2020

SPAIN ES R Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees There is a number of articles imported for commercial purposes from third RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 940530 940539 940530 30 March 2020
countries that must be submitted for checks by SOIVRE. All importers of 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
merchandise of this kind must; either personally or through a representative; make
the necessary arrangements to best comply with the relevant checks; such as
providing any requested documents; registers or certificates
SPAIN ES P Live animals Except leeches; bees and silk-worms Article 19 of the UPU 010000 019999 010000-019999 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Live plants and floriculture products 060100 060499 60100 30 March 2020

Page 161 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SPAIN ES R Malt extract; food preparations of flour; groats; meal; starch or malt extract; Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 190100 190190 190100-190190 30 March 2020
not containing cocoa or containing less than 40% by weight of cocoa calculated Regulation (EC) No
on a totally defatted bases; not elsewhere specified or included; food 745/2004
preparations of goods of headings 04.01 to 04.04; not containing cocoa or
containing less than 5% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted
basis; not elsewhere specified or included
SPAIN ES R Meat and edible meat offal Due to the risk of disease introduction; strict procedures are in place for the import Health; Commission 020100 021099 0201-0210 30 March 2020
of some animal products into the European Union (EU). These procedures do not Regulation (EC) No
apply to the movement of animal products between the 27 EU member states; nor 745/2004
to animal products originating from Andorra; Liechtenstein; Norway; San Marino or
Switzerland. Any animal product that does not meet these standards must be
handed over as soon as it reaches the EU to be officially destroyed. Non-declaration
of any such product may be punishable by a fine or give rise to legal proceedings.

SPAIN ES R Men's or boys singlets and other vests; underpants; briefs; nightshirts; pyjamas; Excluding knitted or crocheted RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 620700 620799 6207 30 March 2020
bathrobes; dressing gowns and similar articles (excluding knitted or crocheted) 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf

SPAIN ES R Men's or boys swimwear; women's or girls swimwear (excluding knitted or Excluding knitted or crocheted RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 611211 611212 611211-611212 30 March 2020
crocheted) 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Men's or boys underpants; briefs; nightshirts; pyjamas; bathrobes; dressing Vests RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 610700 610799 6107 30 March 2020
gowns and similar articles; knitted or crocheted 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 120100 121499 120100 30 March 2020
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
SPAIN ES P Opium 130211 130211 130211 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Optical; photographic; cinematographic; measuring; checking; precision; Neither physical nor legal persons may import healthcare products unless 30 March 2020
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof authorized by AEMPS. Also; healthcare products must be in compliance with EU
quality standards (CE marking and declaration of conformity)
SPAIN ES R Panty hose; tights; stockings; socks and other hosiery; including for varicose Excluding those for babies RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 611500 611599 6115 30 March 2020
veins; knitted or crocheted (other than for babies) 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Pasta; whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other substances) or Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 190200 190290 190200-190290 30 March 2020
otherwise prepared; such as spaghetti; macaroni; noodles; lasagne; gnocchi; Regulation (EC) No
ravioli; cannelloni; couscous; whether or not prepared 745/2004
SPAIN ES P Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons IATA regulation 271100 271199 2711 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Pharmaceutical products Neither physical nor legal persons may import medication unless authorized by 30 March 2020
AEMPS (Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Products). In certain cases and
in accordance with pharmaceutical inspectors' criteria; physical persons are
permitted to import medication provided that: - they present a prescription signed
by a registered doctor in Spain; - they have not previously imported any medication.

SPAIN ES R Plastics and articles thereof Plastic containers checked for potential seepage of harmful chemical products (such Commission Regulation 30 March 2020
as bisphenol) into the foods they contain. As a rule; products from China require (EU) No 284/2011 of 22
two certificates; while those from all other countries require one. March 2011 -
Commission Regulation
(EU) No 10/2011 of 14
January 2011 on plastic
materials and articles
intended to come into
contact with food

SPAIN ES P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 27 August 2020
prohibitions nternet/en_gb/Inicio/La_Agencia_Tributa
SPAIN ES R Plugs and sockets; for a voltage not exceeding 1;000 volts Excluding lamp-holders RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 853669 853669 853669 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES P Poppy and opium and their derivatives Narcotics 293911 293919 293911-293919 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Health; Commission 050100 051199 0501-0511 30 March 2020
Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 110100 110999 110100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
SPAIN ES R Quilted textile products in the piece; composed of one or more layers of textile goods must
Excluding not suggest
embroidery of that their58.10;
heading importasiswell
for commercial
as bed linenpurposes. • Must
and furnishing not
articles RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 581100 581199 5811 30 March 2020
materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise; 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES P Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes; including fissionable Article 19 of the UPU 284400 284599 2844-2845 30 March 2020
and fertile isotopes and chemical elements and their compounds; mixtures and Convention
residues containing these products; non-radioactive isotopes; their organic or
inorganic compounds; whether or not they have a defined chemical
SPAIN ES P Radioactive material IATA regulation 842100 842199 8421 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder Only fodder for companion animals; chew toys for dogs and meal mixes containing Health; Commission 230900 230999 2309 30 March 2020
meat or milk. Regulation (EC) No

Page 162 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SPAIN ES R Rubberised textile fabrics; Excluding tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides; RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 590600 590699 5906 30 March 2020
polyesters or viscose rayon 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Salsas and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 210300 210390 210300-210390 30 March 2020
mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Soups and broths and preparations therefor; homogenised composite food Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 210400 210490 210400-210490 30 March 2020
preparations Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Sugars and sugar confectionery • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal 170100 170499 1701-1704 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not
exceed 3–5 kg or 3–5 commercial containers • Total value of goods must not exceed
45 EUR • Must be sent from the sender to the recipient without payment of any
SPAIN ES R Swimwear Excluding knitted or crocheted RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 621111 621112 621111-621112 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Table salt (see part II) • Must be occasional • Must contain goods intended exclusively for the personal Health; Commission 250100 250199 250100 30 March 2020
use of the recipient or the recipient's family; and the nature or quantity of those Regulation (EC) No
goods must not suggest that their import is for commercial purposes. • Must not 745/2004
exceed 3–5 kg or 3–5 commercial containers • Total value of goods must not exceed
45 EUR • Must be sent from the sender to the recipient without payment of any
SPAIN ES R Tattoo ink Pharmaceutical check; must have CE marking and composition 321590 321599 3215907090 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Tattoo machine needles Pharmaceutical check 901832 901832 9018321000 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Tattoo machine WITHOUT NEEDLES The customer must confirm in writing that the machine does not have needles so as 854370 854379 85437090999 30 March 2020
not to be considered as for direct use on skin; and Customs will allow it through
following a physical examination. The machine must have the CE marking.

SPAIN ES R Terry towelling and tufted textile fabrics; Excluding narrow fabrics of heading 58.06; as well as carpets and other textile floor RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 580200 580299 5802 30 March 2020
coverings 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES R Textile fabrics impregnated; coated; covered or laminated with poly(vinyl RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 590310 590320 590310-590320 30 March 2020
chloride) or with polyurethane 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES P Thorium Article 19 of the UPU 261220 261220 261220 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Gift mail items sent from one individual to another without any form of payment or Council Regulation 240100 240399 2401-2403 30 March 2020
compensation are permitted provided that the mail item does not contain more (EEC) No 918/83
than 50 cigarettes; or 10 cigars; or 250 grams of tobacco and; of course; the mail
item should have a fully completed CN 22 or CN 23 form attached. Non-commercial
mail items that exceed the above-mentioned quantities will be confiscated or
returned by the Spanish customs authorities.
SPAIN ES R Toys; reduced-size (scale) models and similar recreational models; working or Excluding wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children; and dolls RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 950300 950399 9503 30 March 2020
not; puzzles of all kinds 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
SPAIN ES P Uranium Article 19 of the UPU 261210 261210 261210 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Vegetables prepared or preserved (otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid); Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 200500 200590 200500-200590 30 March 2020
not frozen; other than products of heading 20.06 Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Vegetables prepared or preserved (otherwise than by vinegar or acid); frozen; Only preparations containing meat or milk Health; Commission 200400 200490 200400-200490 30 March 2020
other than products of heading 20.06 Regulation (EC) No
SPAIN ES R Waterproof footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or of plastics; the Excluding orthopaedic footwear; toy footwear or skating boots with ice or roller RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 640100 640199 6401 30 March 2020
uppers of which are neither fixed to the sole nor assembled by stitching; skates attached; shin-guards or similar protective sportswear 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf
riveting; nailing; screwing; plugging or similar processes; nor is it constituted of
different parts fixed by the same means (excluding orthopaedic footwear; toy
footwear or skating boots with ice or roller skates attached; skin-guards or
similar protective sportswear)
SPAIN ES R Women's or girls cotton trousers; bib and brace overalls; breeches and shorts Excluding knitted or crocheted; such as panties and swimwear RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 620462 620463 620462-620463 30 March 2020
SPAIN ES R Women's or girls slips; petticoats; briefs; panties; nightdresses; pyjamas; Excluding T-shirts; vests; brassieres; girdles; corsets and similar articles RD 330 2008 SOIVRE 610800 610899 6108 30 March 2020
negligees; bathrobes; dressing gowns and similar articles; knitted or crocheted 2/pdfs/A14785-14790.pdf

SPAIN ES R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal Any item of plant or animal origin is subject to checks by CITES; whose goal is to 30 March 2020
prevent the illegal trade in protected species. Determining whether a CITES
certificate of origin or destination is required; as the item for import must have a
CITES import certificate before it reaches the EU; is complicated; as it depends on
whether the species in question is protected or not. The scientific name of the
species must be known and given to determine this.
SRI LANKA LK P Anthranillic acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Ethyl ether 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Phenylacetic acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK N (1) Calodendrum capense::(2) Catharanthus roseus::(3) Citrus spp.::(4) 1 January 2016
Fortunella spp.::(5) Poncirus spp.::

SRI LANKA LK P 1-Phenyl-2 Propanone 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P 3;4-Methylenedioxyphenyl 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Acetic Anhydride 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Acetone 1 January 2016

Page 163 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SRI LANKA LK P All sort of Narcotics 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK R Ammunition (including Missiles and Explosives) 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK R Arms of all descriptions 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK R Articles of appeal made up of nay textile fabric (including felt; bonded fibre 1 January 2016
fabrics; tulle of othernot fabrics and lace) and articles of knitted or crocheted
SRI LANKA LK P Cereals 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Chili powder 26 February 2021
SRI LANKA LK P Coffee; tea; maté and spices 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified or included
SRI LANKA LK P Direct import of any plant; plant material; plant product or seed from TROPICAL For fear of introduction of the extremely dangerous South American Leaf blight 1 January 2016
AMERICA (SALB) pathogen of rubber) Permits to import prohibited plants will be given only to es/site/PDF/Forms/general%20procedure
appropriate research institutes of Sri Lanka %20for%20import%20of%20plants3_25.p
SRI LANKA LK P Entire or any part of the following living plants (excluding flowers;fruits; seeds) 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Ephedrine 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Ergometrine 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Ergotamine 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain 1 January 2016
combustible preparations
SRI LANKA LK P Export of antiquities except upon license Antiquities ordinance of Sri Lanka 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Export of mammals; birds; reptiles; amphibians; fishes; corals and invertebrates FAUNA AND FLORA PROTECTION 1 January 2016
without a permit. ORDINANCE of Sri Lanka
SRI LANKA LK P Fish and crustaceans; mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Flower bulbs without fresh roots (excluding canna; Musa spp. and 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK R Foreign Currency or grams 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Fresh fruits of the plants mensioned under the act 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK R Gold including gold coins; bullion and jewellery Schedule F of Customs Ordinance of Sri 1 January 2016
Lanka [Section 146] [Ins by s 82 of Act 83
of 1988.]
SRI LANKA LK P Hydrochloric acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Import of mammals' birds; reptiles; fishes and invertebrate's without permits. 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Import of soil 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
SRI LANKA LK P Isosafrole 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Live Animals and Animal Products 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage
SRI LANKA LK P Lysergic acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Methyl ethyl ketone 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P N-Acetylanthranillic acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Norephedrine 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Ores; slag and ash 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Organic chemicals 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Piperidine 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Piperonal 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Plants used for propagation (excluding seeds) 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Potassium permanganate 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Precursor drugs and chemicals 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Pseudoephedrine 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Psychotropic substances 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Rubber and articles thereof 1 January 2016

SRI LANKA LK P Safrole 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Sulphuric acid 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Toluene 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK P Underground portion and adventitious root of all living plants 1 January 2016
SRI LANKA LK R Woven textile fabrics felt; bonded fibre fabrics or similar bonded yarn fabrics 1 January 2016

STATE OF LIBYA LY P Alcoholic beverages 26 February 2021

Page 164 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

STATE OF LIBYA LY P Bank notes 22 March 2021

STATE OF LIBYA LY P Banking stock 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Currencies 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Drugs 6 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Jewelries 4 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Live animals. 26 February 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Passports 1 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Pharmaceutical 7 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Platinum 2 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Pork 22 March 2021

STATE OF LIBYA LY P Precious stones 3 22 March 2021

STATE OF LIBYA LY P Radioactive materials 5 22 March 2021
STATE OF LIBYA LY P Weapons 8 22 March 2021
SUDAN SD N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SUDAN SD P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
cheques. Article VIII
SUDAN SD P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
or other valuable articles. Article VIII
SUDAN SD P Coins, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ cheques. UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article IX
SUDAN SD P Platinum, gold or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious stones or other UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
valuable articles. Article IX
SUDAN SD P Liquids or easily liquefiable elements or articles made of glass or similar or fragile UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
articles. Article IX
SWAZILAND SZ R Animal or Vegetable fats and oils Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 150110 152200 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Birds' eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked. Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 040711 040899 1 January 2016
Swaziland Dairy Board.
SWAZILAND SZ P Chloroflourocarbons (CFC) containing Hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC) Prohibited 372471 372471 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Chloroflourocarbons (CFC) not containing Hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC) Requires an Import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by Swaziland Environmental 382471 382471 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Coal and other mined products Requires an import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Natural 270111 270120 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 080111 081400 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 070110 071490 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Explosives Requires an Import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by Ministry of Natural 360100 360200 1 January 2016
Resources under the Geology Department
SWAZILAND SZ P Fake currency; bonds and coins Prohibited 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Fertilizer Requires an Import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 310100 310590 1 January 2016
through Malkerns Research Station
SWAZILAND SZ R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 030111 030890 1 January 2016
Ministry of Agriculture.
SWAZILAND SZ R Genetical Modified Organism and GMO products Requires an Import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by Swaziland Environmental 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Guns and Ammunition Requires an Import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by Royal Swazi Police 930110 930690 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ P Hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFC) Prohibited 382473 382478 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Live Animals Requires an import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Agriculture 010000 010690 1 January 2016
- Vetenary Section
SWAZILAND SZ R Live Trees and other plants Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 060110 060490 1 January 2016
Ministry of Agriculture.

SWAZILAND SZ R Maize and Rice Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 100510 100640 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Meat and edible meat offal Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 202011 021099 1 January 2016
Ministry of Agriculture.
SWAZILAND SZ R Milk and cream; concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 040210 040299 1 January 2016
matter. Swaziland Dairy Board.

SWAZILAND SZ R Milk and cream; not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 040110 040150 1 January 2016
sweetening matter. Swaziland Dairy Board.
SWAZILAND SZ R Motor Vehicles (imported from outside SACU) Requires an import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Finance 870110 870590 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ P Narcotics Prohibited 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016

Page 165 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SWAZILAND SZ R Natural honey Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 040900 040900 1 January 2016
Swaziland Dairy Board.
SWAZILAND SZ R Pharmaceutical products Requires an import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Health to a 300120 300692 1 January 2016
qualified medical facility or qualified medical professional governed by the public
SWAZILAND SZ P Pirated copyright goods Prohibited 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ P Pornographic material Prohibited 1 January 2016
SWAZILAND SZ R Products of animal origin Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit issued by the 050100 051199 1 January 2016
Ministry of Agriculture.
SWAZILAND SZ R Products of the milling industry Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 110100 110900 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Wheat and wheaten products Item subject to tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit from NAMBOARD 100111 100199 1 January 2016

SWAZILAND SZ R Wild Animals; Trophy or raw products Requires an import permit to enter Swaziland; issued by the Ministry of Natural 010100 010600 970500 1 January 2016
SWEDEN SE P Alcoholic beverages and alcoholic fluids Postal items of any kind containing alcoholic beverages and/or alcoholic fluids are 220300 220800 3 July 2019
not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Arms and ammunitions; parts and accessories thereof Postal items of any kind containing arms and ammunitions; parts and accessories 930100 930700 23 April 2021
thereof are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Body parts and organs Postal items of any kind containing body parts and organs are not accepted. 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Business clients - Please check the destination customs website for any other 000000 999999 23 April 2021
restrictions and prohibitions mportinggoodstoswedenfromcountriesou
SWEDEN SE P Counterfeit products Postal items of any kind containing counterfeit products are not accepted 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Postal items of any kind containing dairy products; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible 040100 041000 26 April 2021
elsewhere specified or included products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included are not accepted.

SWEDEN SE P Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustle Postal items of any kind containing explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; 360100 360600 23 April 2021
preparation pyrophoric alloys; certain combustle preparation are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Fertilisers Postal items of any kind containing fertilisers are not accepted. 310100 310500 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Postal items of any kind containing fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic 030100 030800 23 April 2021
invertebrate are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE R Food supplements Special conditions apply. Product name must be stated on the CN22/CN23. 1 July 2022
SWEDEN SE P Funeral urns Postal items of any kind containing funeral urns are not accepted. 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Human remains Postal items of any kind containing human remains are not accepted. 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Illegal narcotics/drugs Postal items of any kind containing illegal narcotics/drugs are not accepted. 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Laser pointers Postal items of any kind containing laser pointers are not accepted. 901320 901320 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Live animals Postal items of any kind containing live animals are not accepted. 010100 010600 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Postal items of any kind containing live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots end the 060100 060400 26 April 2021
ornamental foliage like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Meat and edible meat offal Postal items of any kind containing meat and edible meat offal are not accepted. 020100 021000 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Perishables Postal items of any kind containing perishables are not accepted. 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Pharmaceutical products Postal items of any kind containing pharmaceutical products are not accepted. 300100 300400 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Prepared foodstuffs; Miscellaneous edible preparations Postal items of any kind containing miscellaneous edible preparations are not 210100 210600 23 April 2021
SWEDEN SE P Prepared foodstuffs; Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or Postal items of any kind containing preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; 160100 160500 23 April 2021
other aquatic invertebrates. molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Prepared foodstuffs; Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared Postal items of any kind containing residues and waste from the food industries; 230100 230900 23 April 2021
animal fodder prepared animal fodder are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P Private - Please check on the destination customs website; for any other 000000 999999 23 April 2021
restrictions and prohibitions inggoodsinanothercountry.4.311bf4f016e
SWEDEN SE P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Postal items of any kind containing products of animal origin; not elsewhere 050100 051100 23 April 2021
specified or included are not accepted.
SWEDEN SE P New and used car tyres Postal items of any kind containing car tyres are not accepted. 4011 4012 1 July 2022
SWEDEN SE R Tobacco and manufactured tobaco sustitute Special conditions apply. 2401 2404 5 May 2022
SWITZERLAND CH N Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products: prepared edible 150110 152200 1 January 2016
fats: animal or vegetable waxes.
SWITZERLAND CH N Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted. 610120 611790 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; not knitted or crocheted. 620111 621790 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Articles of leather: saddlery and harness: travel goods; handbags and similar Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Veterinary Legislation 420211 420290 7 September 2022
containers: articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) Switzerland.
SWITZERLAND CH N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 680100 681599 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Bank notes; currency notes; traveler's cheques It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 490700 490700 1 January 2016

SWITZERLAND CH P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines (explosive devices) 930690 930690 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Butter Limited to 1000 g from private to private persons. All importation of butter on a 040106 040106 1 January 2016
commercial basis is prohibited.
SWITZERLAND CH R Carpets and other textile floor coverings Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Veterinary Legislation 570110 570500 7 September 2022

Page 166 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SWITZERLAND CH N Ceramic products 690100 690390 1 January 2016

SWITZERLAND CH N Cereals 100111 100810 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Clocks and watches and parts thereof Watch straps combined with blue corals; red corals (Corallium elatius; C. japonicum; Veterinary Legislation 911310 911390 7 September 2022
C. konjoi; C. secundum); black corals; stone corals and other types of corals /
combined with precious metal n/dokumente/archiv/a5/tares_bemerkun
SWITZERLAND CH N Coal tar distillates. 270600 270600 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Cocoa and cocoa preparations 180100 180690 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Coffee; teas; maté and spices 090111 091099 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Copper and articles thereof 740100 741999 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Cork and articles of cork 450110 450490 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Cotton 520100 521225 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Dairy produce: Birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin; not Tolerance 0 - 20kg Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 040110 401000 1 January 2016
elsewhere specified
SWITZERLAND CH N Edible fruit and nuts: peel of citrus fruit or melons 080111 081400 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers requires a permit / Tolerance 20kg / from Lithuania and from countries other than Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 070110 071490 1 January 2016
EU countries: import ban: from Poland: partial import ban: from other EU countries:
passport required
SWITZERLAND CH R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 030111 030199 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Footwear; gaiters and the like: parts of such articles. 640110 640690 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Glass and glassware 700100 702000 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R gums: resins and other vegetable saps and extracts SM if listed in the indexes of narcotics or precursor chemicals published by SM Swissmedic 130211 130211 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Headgear and parts thereof. 650100 650700 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics: textile articles of a 590110 591190 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use.
SWITZERLAND CH N Intoxicating beverages (can be considered psychotropic and hazardous) Swissmedic 220110 220900 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Iron and Steel 720110 722990 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Knitted or crocheted fabrics 600110 600690 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Lead and articles thereof 780110 780600 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Live Animals Only bees; flies of the family Drosophilidae; leeches and parasites Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG 010121 010639 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Live trees and other plants: bulbs; roots and the like: cut flowers and from EU countries: passport required in some cases: from non-EU countries: subject Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 060110 060490 1 January 2016
ornamental foliage. to certification and tax or prohibited in some cases
SWITZERLAND CH N Man-made filaments/ 540110 540834 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Man-made staple fibres 550110 551694 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Manufacturers of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials: basketware 460121 460290 1 January 2016
and wickerwork.
SWITZERLAND CH R Meat and edible meat offal requires a permit / Tolerance 20kg Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG 020110 020910 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Meat and edible meat offal requires a permit / Tolerance 20 kg Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 021091 021099 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Medicines. Tinctures; medicinal. SM if listed in the indexes of narcotics or precursor chemicals published by SM Swissmedic 300390 300390 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Medicines. Tinctures; medicinal. SM if listed in the indexes of narcotics or precursor chemicals published by SM Swissmedic 300450 300490 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Miscellaneous edible preparations 210111 210690 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382483 1 January 2016
Mixtures and preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
SWITZERLAND CH R Narcotics Subject to presentation of a licence from the Federal Public Health Office; which is 293910 293990 1 January 2016
issued only to persons and companies duly authorized by the cantonal health
SWITZERLAND CH N Nickel and articles thereof 750110 750890 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits: miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit: industrial 120110 121490 1 January 2016
or medicinal plants: straw and fodder
SWITZERLAND CH N Optical; photographic; cinematorgraphis; measuring; checking; precision; 900110 903300 1 January 2016
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus: parts and accessories thereof
SWITZERLAND CH N Ores; slag and ash 260111 262110 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Other articles of wood Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Plant Protection and CITES Flora 442190 442190 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn. 530110 531100 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Paper and paperboard: articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard. 480100 482390 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Photographic or cinematographic products 900610 901090 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions html
SWITZERLAND CH R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals and imitations It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. Precious Metals Control 710100 711699 7 September 2022
All goods for which statutory minimum criteria and marking requirements exist
(please also see must be presented to the precious metal control. n/dokumente/archiv/a5/tares_bemerkun
SWITZERLAND CH N Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk: pastrycooks' products 190110 190590 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic Tolerance 0 - 20kg Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG 160100 160569 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants 200110 200990 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down: artificial Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Veterinary Legislation 670100 670100 7 September 2022
flowers: articles of human hair. Switzerland.
SWITZERLAND CH R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included. requires a permit / Tolerance 20 kg Plant Protection and CITES Fauna 050100 051110 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Products of the milling industry: malt: starches: insulin: wheat gluten (only 110100 110900 1 January 2016
enriched flour is acceptable for importation into Canada)

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

SWITZERLAND CH N Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material: waste and scrap of paper or 470100 470790 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH P Radar detectors and driver-alert systems It's prohibited to use devices of this nature as well as to place them on the market 900133 900133 1 January 2016

SWITZERLAND CH R Radioactive substances Subject to authorization from the the Federal Public Health Office; which is granted 284410 284450 1 January 2016
only if the applicant contracts certain obligations and if his enterprise meets legal
SWITZERLAND CH R Raw furskins of fox; wohle; with or without head; tail or paws Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Veterinary Legislation 430160 430190 7 September 2022
SWITZERLAND CH R Raw Hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather. Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Veterinary Legislation 410120 410190 7 September 2022
SWITZERLAND CH N Residues and waste from the food industries: prepared animal fodder. 230110 230910 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Rubber and articles thereof 400110 401700 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Salt: sulphur: earths and stone: plastering materials; lime and cement. Salt monopoly Salt monopoly 250100 250100 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Salt: sulphur: earths and stone: plastering materials; lime and cement. 250200 253090 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Serums; vaccines Subject to presentation of a license from the Federal Public Health Office (human 300210 300210 1 January 2016
medicine) or of a certificate on the special form supplied by the Virology and
Immunology Institute
SWITZERLAND CH N Silk 500100 500790 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Special woven fabrics: tufted textile fabrics: lace: tapestries: trimmings: 580110 581100 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Sugars and sugar confectionery 170112 170490 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Tin and articles thereof 800110 800700 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. 240110 240399 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal: parts thereof of 821490 821599 1 January 2016
base metal
SWITZERLAND CH N Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 660110 660390 1 January 2016
parts thereof.
SWITZERLAND CH N Vegetable plaiting materials: vegetable products not elsewhere specified or 140110 140490 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Wadding; felt and non-wovens: special yarns: twine; cordage; ropes and cables 560121 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof.
SWITZERLAND CH R Wood and articles of wood: wood charcoal Item subject to Tariff Rate Quota: may require an Import permit to enter Plant Protection and CITES Flora 441400 441400 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Wool; fine or coarse animal hair: horsehair yarn and woven fabric 510111 511300 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques cultural property in accordance with the Cultural Property Transfer Act Transfer of Cultural Property 970110 970190 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques cultural property in accordance with the Cultural Property Transfer Act Transfer of Cultural Property 970200 970600 1 January 2016
SWITZERLAND CH N Zinc and articles thereof 790111 790700 1 January 2016
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Anti-knock preparations; oxidation inhibitors; gum inhibitors; viscosity 1 January 2016
improvers; anti-corrosive preparations and other prepared additives; for
mineral oils (including gasoline) or for other liquids used for the same purposes
as mineral oils.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof; of precious 1 January 2016
metal or of metal clad with precious metal.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Articles of jewellery and parts thereof; of precious metal or of metal clad with 1 January 2016
precious metal.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Articles of natural or cultured pearls; precious or semi-precious stones (natural; 1 January 2016
synthetic or reconstructed).
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Base metals clad with silver; not further worked than semi-manufactured. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Base metals or silver; clad with gold; not further worked than semi- 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Base metals; silver or gold; clad with platinum; not further worked than semi- 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Beer made from malt 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Calatysts in the form of wire cloth or grill; of platinum. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Cellulose and its chemical derivatives in primary forms 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Cigarette lighters and other lighters; whether or not mechanical or electrical; 1 January 2016
and parts thereof other than flints and wicks.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Coins 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Containers for compressed or liquefied gas; or iron or steel. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Diamonds; whether or not worked; but not mounted or set. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Electric accumulators; including separators thereof; whether or not rectangular 1 January 2016
(including square) (lead-acid; or a kind used for starting piston engines; other
lead-acid accumulators; nickel-cadmium; nickel-iron; other).
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Fireworks 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured 1 January 2016
forms; or in powder form.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Gum; wood or sulphate turpentine oils 1 January 2016

Page 168 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TAJIKISTAN TJ P Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission; not 1 January 2016
containing or containing less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils
obtained from bituminous minerals
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Industrial fatty alcohols 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- 1 January 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; anti-sprounting products and 1 January 2016
plant-growth regulators; desinfectants and similar products; put up in forms or
packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles (for example; sulphur-
treated bands; wicks and candles; and fly-papers).
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers of a kind used for filling or refilling 1 January 2016
cigarette or similar lighters and of a capacity not exceeding 300 cm3
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Magnesium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Medicaments consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or 1 January 2016
prophylactic uses; put up in measured doses (including those in the form of
transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for retail sale.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Mineral or chemical fertilisers; nitrogenous (Urea; ammonium nitrate; sodium 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Oils and other products ot the distillation of high temperature coal tar; similar 1 January 2016
products in which the weight of the aromatic constituents exceeds that of the
non-aromatic constituents
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Organic composite solvents and thinners; not elsewhere specified or included; 1 January 2016
prepared paint or varnish removers
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Organic surface-active agents (other than soap); surface- active preparations; 1 January 2016
washing preparations (including auxiliary washing preparations) and cleaning
preparations; whether or not containing soap.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic 1 January 2016
polymers or chemically modified natural polymers; dispersed or dissolved in a
non-aqueous medium.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Pearls; natural or cultured; whether or not worked or graded but not strung; 1 January 2016
mounted or set; pearls; natural or cultured; temporarily strung for convenience
of transport.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Perfumes and toilet waters 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Platinum; unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms; or in powder form. 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions n
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Polishes; ceams and similar preparations for the maintenance or wooden 1 January 2016
furniture; floors or other woodwork
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones; whether or 1 January 2016
not worked or graded but not strung; mounted or set.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Preparations and charges for fire-extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Preparations for use on the hair 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and 1 January 2016
preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of
mixtures of natural products).
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Prepared explosives 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Prepared pigments; prepared opacifiers and prepared coulours; vitrifiable 1 January 2016
examels and glazes; engobes (slips); liquid lustres and similar preparations; or a
kind used in the ceramic; enamelling or glass industry; glass frit and other glass;
in the form of powder; granules or flakes.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Primary cells and primary batteries (manganese dioxide; mercuric oxide; silver 1 January 2016
oxide; lithium; air-zinc and other).
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Printing ink; writing or drawing ink and other inks; whether or not concentrated 1 January 2016
or solid.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives; put up for retail sale as glues or 1 January 2016
adhesives; not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Propellent powders 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp; whether or not 1 January 2016
concentrated; desugared or chemically treated; including lignin sulphonates;
but excluding tall oil
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric 1 January 2016
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Silver (included silver plated with gold or platinum); unwrought or in semi- 1 January 2016
manufactured forms; or in powder form.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Sparkling wine; fermented beverages; grape must with fermentation prevented 1 January 2016
or arrested by the addition of alcohol
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Synthetic organic colouring matter; whether or not chemically defined; 1 January 2016
preparations based on synthetic organic colouring matter; synthetic organic
products or a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents or as luminophores;
whether or not chemically defined.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Tar distilled from coal; from lignite or from peat; and other mineral tars; 1 January 2016
whether or not dehydrated or partially distilled; including reconstituted tars
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones; 1 January 2016
temporarily strung for convenience of transport.

Page 169 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TAJIKISTAN TJ P Unused postage; revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the 1 January 2016
country in which they have; or will have; a recognized face value; stamp-
impressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock; share or bond certificates
and similar documents of title.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other 1 January 2016
waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds; or a
kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal.
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; 1 January 2016
brewers' pitch and similar preparations based on rosin; resin acids or on
vegetable pitch
TAJIKISTAN TJ P Zirconium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap 1 January 2016
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 3 June 2022
OF prohibitions.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any explosive, inflammable, dangerous, noxious or deleterious substance, filthy, 3 June 2022
OF sharp instrument not properly protected or any item or thing whatsoever which
is likely to damage other postal items in the course of conveyance or injure any
person handling the item.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Dangerous drugs By insured box or by insured parcel post but only if sent for medical or scientific 3 June 2022
OF purposes to country which admits them when sent for those purposes.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC OFTZ P Drugs and other prohibited narcotic substances 7 June 2022
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any indecent or obscene printing, painting, photograph, lithograph, engraving, 7 June 2022
OF film, book card or any other indecent or obscene item.
OF Any item for export, import or carriage which is prohibited under any law in
force in the United Republic or which, being subject to any restriction imposed
by such law, is transmitted otherwise than in accordance with that restriction.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Live bees, leeches, silk worms, parasites or destroyers of noxious insects used 7 June 2022
By letter post if addressed to officially recognized institutions.
OF for the purpose of controlling those insects.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any item which may not, under the law of the country to which it is addressed, 7 June 2022
OF be imported or transmitted by post.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any item containing or bearing any functions stamp or any counterfeit 7 June 2022
OF impression of a franking machine.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Paper money not crossed for payment solely through post bank For transmission by the inland service by registered letter or registered parcel post; 7 June 2022
OF For transmission by the international service by registered letter post or insured
letter post or insured parcel post.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Jewellery and other valuables 7 June 2022
By registered letter post or insured parcel, or insured box.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any item sent by post in a stamped or embossed envelope wrapper, card forms 7 June 2022
OF or paper in imitation of the one issued under the authority of the Designated
Postal Operator.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any item of such form or color or so made up for transmission by post or is 7 June 2022
OF likely in the opinion of the postal licensee to embarrass the officers of the
organization in dealing with the item.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Deleterious liquids perishable biological substances, or other similar substances. By letter post at the letter rate of postage only if sent for medical examination or 7 June 2022
OF analysis to a recognized medical practitioner or qualified veterinary surgeon.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Inflammable liquids Having a flash point of 32 degrees centigrade or above but lower than 65 degrees 7 June 2022
OF centigrade; maximum amount one litre.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC OFTZ R Radioactive materials Small quantities suitable packed, provided that when made up for the post 7 June 2022
radiation measured at the outside surface of a package does not exceed 10
milliroentgen per 24 hours by letter post at the letter rate of postage.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Any item bearing any stamp or impression of a stamping machine denoting 7 June 2022
OF payment of postage or fee which is imperfect or mutilated or defaced in any
way or across which is written or printed or otherwise impressed.
Any item whereon the payment of any postage or fees purports to be denoted
by any stamp or impression which has been previously used to denote payment
of the postage or fees on any other postal item or any other stamp duty or tax
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Betting advertisements if relating to illegal business; 7 June 2022
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Advertisements and publications relating to the treatment of general diseases If addressed to duly qualified medical practitioners or chemist. 7 June 2022
OF or to any preparation for its prevention, care or relief.
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ R Drugs and other prohibited narcotic substances Except those legally authorized or dispatched for medical or scientific purposes 7 June 2022
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Fortune telling advertisements 7 June 2022
TANZANIA; UNITED REPUBLIC TZ P Sweepstake or lottery tickets, or advertisement or other notice in relation to 7 June 2022
OF sweepstake or lottery other than a lawful sweepstake or lottery.
Any item which infringes trade mark or copy right laws.
THAILAND TH R - - - - Ang Hoon May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24031911 24031911 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042122 22042122 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042922 22042922 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol but not exceeding May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042913 22042913 1 January 2016
23% vol

Page 170 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol but not exceeding May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042113 22042113 1 January 2016
23% vol
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 23% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042114 22042114 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 23% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042914 22042914 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042921 22042921 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042911 22042911 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042121 22042121 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22042111 22042111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - - Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24031919 24031919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - 2 - Ethoxyethyl acetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29153920 29153920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Chewing and sucking tobacco May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24039950 24039950 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24031990 24031990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24039190 24039190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Other manufactured tobacco for the manufacture of cigarettes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24031920 24031920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Other microphones; whether or not with their stands Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85181019 85181019 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - - Other transmission apparatus : - - - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176269 85176269 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - - Other transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus : - - - - May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176259 85176259 1 January 2016
Other Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - - Packed for retail sale May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24039110 24039110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Radio navigational aid apparatus; of a kind for use in civil aircraft; or of a May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85269110 85269110 1 January 2016
kind used solely on sea-going vessels Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - - Snuff; whether or not dry May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 24039940 24039940 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - - Tobacco extracts and essences May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24039910 24039910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290321 290321 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - -1;1;1-Trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29031920 29031920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Arrack or pineapple spirit of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 40% May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089060 22089060 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Arrack or pineapple spirit of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089050 22089050 1 January 2016
40% vol
THAILAND TH R - - Base stations May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 851761 851761 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - Beedies May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24022010 24022010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Bitters and similar beverages of an alcoholic strength exceeding 57% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089080 22089080 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Bitters and similar beverages of an alcoholic strength not exceeding 57% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089070 22089070 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R - - Brandy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22082050 22082050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Burley type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012040 24012040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Burley type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011040 24011040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R -- Chlorodifluoroethanes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290374 290374 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R -- Chlorodifluoromethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290371 290371 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Clove cigarettes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24022020 24022020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Denatured ethyl alcohol; including methylated spirits - - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Mineral Resources 22072019 22072019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R -- Dichlorofluoroethanes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290373 290373 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R -- Dichloropentafluoropropanes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290375 290375 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R -- Dichlorotrifluoroethanes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290372 290372 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Machines for the reception; conversion and transmission or regeneration of May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176299 85176299 1 January 2016
voice; images or other data; including switching and routing apparatus : - - - - Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - Medicated samsu of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 40% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089020 22089020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Medicated samsu of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 40% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089010 22089010 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22043020 22043020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22051020 22051020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22059020 22059020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22059010 22059010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22051010 22051010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22043010 22043010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Oriental type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012030 24012030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other : Beverages; spirits and vinegar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060099 22060099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other : Beverages; spirits and vinegar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089090 22089090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other : Beverages; spirits and vinegar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22082090 22082090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012090 24012090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other rice wine (including medicated rice wine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060091 22060091 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other samsu of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 40% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089040 22089040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other samsu of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 40% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22089030 22089030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other; flue-cured May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012050 24012050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Radar apparatus; ground based; or of a kind for use in civil aircraft; or of a May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85261010 85261010 1 January 2016
kind used solely on sea-going vessels Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - - Virginia type; flue-cured May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011010 24011010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Virginia type; flue-cured May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012010 24012010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Virginia type; other than flue-cured May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24012020 24012020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Virginia type; other than flue-cured May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011020 24011020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Water pipe tobacco specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 240311 240311 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - - Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24022090 24022090 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R - - Radio navigational aid apparatus : - - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85269190 85269190 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - Sake May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060020 22060020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Toddy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060030 22060030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Cider or perry May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060010 22060010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Gin and Geneva May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220850 220850 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Liqueurs and cordials May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220870 220870 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Other; including ale May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22030090 22030090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220840 220840 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Shandy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22060040 22060040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Stout or porter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 22030010 22030010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220710 220710 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Vodka May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220860 220860 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Whiskies May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220830 220830 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Cigars; cheroots and cigarillos; containing tobacco May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 240210 240210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R - Other instruments; appliances and machines : Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 90318090 90318090 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R - Playing cards May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 950440 950440 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R (4-AMINOBUTYL) DIETHOXY METHYL SILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R (R)-1-Chloro-2;3-Epoxypropane; (R-Epichlorohydrin) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291030 291030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R .22 calibre cartridges May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93063011 93063011 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R .22 calibre cartridges May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93063091 93063091 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Industrial Works May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 0.357 inch : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 0.44 inch : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 0-CHLOROBENZALMALONONITRILE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1-(1;3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293292 293292 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;2;3 ? HEXAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 236cb) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;2;3;3 ? HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC-227ca) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;2;3;3;4 - OCTAFLUOROBUTANE (HFC-338mcc) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;3 ? PENTAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 245eb) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;3;3 ? HEXAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 236ea) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2;3;3;3 ? HEPTAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC-227ea) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;2-TETRAFLUOROETHANE (HFC-134) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;3 ? TETRAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 254cb) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;3;3;3 ? HEXAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 236fa) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;1;4;4;4 - HEXAFLUOROBUTANE (HFC-356ffa) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 1;1;1-TRIFLUOROETHANE (HFC-143a) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;2;2;3 ? PENTAFLUOROPROPANE (HFC- 245ca) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;2;2;3;3;4;4 - OCTAFLUOROBUTANE (HFC-338mee) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;2-Trichloroethane (vinyl trichloride; beta-trichloroethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290319 290319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;2-Trichloroethylene (trichloroethylene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290322 290322 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1;3;3;3-PENTAFLUORO-2- (TRIFLUOROMETHYL) -1-PROPENE (PFIB) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;1-DIFLUOROETHANE (HFC-152a) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;2-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)ethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;2-Dichloroethylene (acetylene dichloride; dichloro acetylene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290329 290329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;2-DICHLOROVINYL ETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;2-DINITROBENZENE (o-DINITROBENZENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;3-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-propane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;3-Butadiene; buta-1;3-diene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290124 290124 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;3-DICHLOROACETONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;3-DINITROBENZENE (m-DINITROBENZENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;4-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-butane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;4-DINITROBENZENE (p-DINITROBENZENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;5-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-pentane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1;5-naphthalene diisocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 11.00 mm. (.45) : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 1-Propanaminium; 3-(((hepta decafluorooctyl) sulfonyl)amino)-N;N May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 1-Propanethiol (n-propyl mercaptan) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio) benzothiazole (TCMTB) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293420 293420 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-(THIOCYANOMETHYLTHIO) BENZOTHIAZOLE (TCMTB) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;2 -Dichlorodiethyl ether (1;1 - oxybis-2-chloroethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29091990 29091990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;2'-Bioxirane; diepoxybutane; (butadiene diepoxide; 1;3-butadiene diepoxide; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291090 291090 1 January 2016
1;2:3;4-diepoxy butane)
THAILAND TH R 2;3-Dibromopropan-1-ol; (2;3-Dibromo-1-Propanol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290559 290559 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;3-DINITRO TOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;3-DINITROTOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;4;5-TCP(2;4;5-trichlorophenol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290819 290819 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;4;5-TCP(2;4;5-TRICHLOROPHENOL) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R 2;4;5-TCP(2;4;5-TRICHLOROPHENOL) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;4;6-Trimethylaniline May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292149 292149 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;4-Dinitroaniline (2;4-dinitro phenylamine; 2;4-dinitraniline) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292142 292142 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;5-DINITRO TOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2;5-DINITROTOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-Acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292423 292423 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-BROMOACETOPHENONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-BROMOETHYL ETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-BROMOPROPANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-CHLOROACETOPHENONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-CHLOROETHANOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290559 290559 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-CHLOROETHYL PHENYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 2-Chloroethylchloromethylsulfide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291612 291612 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 2-methyl-5-vinyl pyridine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29333990 29333990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-(para-CHLOROPHENYL)-1;1- DIMETHYLUREA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29242190 29242190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-(Trifluoromethyl)benzenamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292143 292143 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;3-bis(chloromethyl)oxetane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29329990 29329990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;4-dichlorophenyl isocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;4-DINITRO TOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;4-DINITROTOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;5-DINITRO TOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3;5-DINITROTOLUENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-Chloropropanenitrile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-HYDROXY-1-METHYL PIPERIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29333990 29333990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 3-QUINUCLIDONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 4-Aminopropiophenone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292239 292239 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 4-Nitropyridine-1-oxide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29333990 29333990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 4-SULFANILAMIDOSALICYLIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R 5.5 mm. (.22) : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 6.35 mm. (.25) : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 7.65 mm. (.32) : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R 9.00 mm&quot; (.38) : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R ABAMECTIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R acephate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ACEPPHATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acetic acid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291521 291521 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acetic acid > 80% w/w except (lacial acetic) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291521 291521 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acetone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291411 291411 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ACETYL BROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ACETYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159010 29159010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ACETYLENE TETRABROMIDE (1;1;2;2-TETRA BROMOETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acidless sweet oranges May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 08051010 8051010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ACROLEIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29121990 29121990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acrylamide monomer (propenamide monomer) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292419 292419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acrylic acid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291611 291611 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acrylonitrile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292610 292610 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Acrylyl chloride; (Acrylic acid chloride; Acryloyl chloride; Propenoyl chloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291619 291619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Adiponitrile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aerials or antennae of a kind used with apparatus for radio-telephony and radio- May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85177040 85177040 1 January 2016
telegraphy Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Air guns; operating at a pressure of less than 7 kgf/cm2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93040010 93040010 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R ALANINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Alaska Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030475 030475 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Alaska Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030494 030494 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Alaska Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030255 030255 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Alaska Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030367 030367 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030231 030231 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga); frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030341 030341 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Alfentanil (INN); anileridine (INN);bezitramide (INN); bromazepam May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293333 293333 1 January 2016
(INN);difenoxin (INN); diphenoxylate (INN);dipipanone (INN); fentanyl
(INN);ketobemidone(INN); methylphenidate (INN); pentazocine(INN); pethidine

THAILAND TH R Allyl alcohol (2-propen-1-ol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290529 290529 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Allyl chloride (3-chloro-1-propene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290329 290329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aloes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 13021930 13021930 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Alprazolam (INN); camazepam (INN); chlordiazepoxide (INN); clonazepam (INN); May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293391 293391 1 January 2016
clorazepate; delorazepam (INN); diazepam (INN); estazolam (INN); ethyl
loflazepate (INN); fludiazepam (INN); flunitrazepam (INN); flurazepam (INN);
nimetazepam (INN); nitrazepam (INN); nordazepam (INN); oxazepam (INN);
pinazepam (INN); prazepam (INN);
THAILAND TH R AMATOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMERICIUM-241 (Am-241): RADIOACTIVITY IS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMERICIUM-241 /BERYLLIUM (Am-241/Be): May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Amfepramone (INN); methadone (INN) and normethadone (INN); salts thereof May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292231 292231 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Amfetamine (INN); benzfetamine (INN);dexamfetamine (INN); etilamfetamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292146 292146 1 January 2016
(INN); fencamfamin (INN); fetamine andphentermine (INN); salts thereof

THAILAND TH R Aminorex (INN); brotizolam (INN);clotiazepam (INN); cloxazolam May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293491 293491 1 January 2016
(INN);dextromoramide (INN); haloxazolam tazolam(INN); mesocarb (INN);
oxazolam (INN); pemoline (INN); phendimetrazine (INN);phenmetrazine (INN)
THAILAND TH R AMITON ( O;O-DIETHYL S-[2-(DIETHYLAMINO)ETHYL] PHOSPHOROTHIOLATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Amiton : O;O-Diethyl S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl] phosphorothiolate and May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
corresponding alkylated or protonated salts
THAILAND TH R AMITRIPTYLINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292149 292149 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONAL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonia anhydrous May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281410 281410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate(monoammonium phshate)and mixtures May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310540 310540 1 January 2016
there of with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate(diammonium phosphate)

THAILAND TH R Ammonium fluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonium fluorosilicate (ammonium hexafluorosilicate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282690 282690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonium hydroxide > 10% May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281420 281420 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 284170 284170 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM NITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 310230 310230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28299090 28299090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM PICRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMMONIUM PICRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonium sulphate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310221 310221 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ammonium sulphonitrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310290 310290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ampicillin and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29411020 29411020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AMPROLIUM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030242 030242 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ANFO May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Anhydrous butterfat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04059010 4059010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aniline (phenylamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292141 292141 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Anthranilic acid and its salts: May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292243 292243 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Anti HIV/AIDS medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049082 30049082 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Anti-acne creams May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33049920 33049920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Antimony pentafluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ANTIMONY SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28309090 28309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ANTIMONY SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Antimony trifluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ANTIMYCIN A May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 970600 970600 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Antiseptics May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049030 30049030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Antisera and immunological products; whether or not modified or obtained by May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30021030 30021030 1 January 2016
means of biotechnological processes
THAILAND TH R Aqueous distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils suitable for May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33019010 33019010 1 January 2016
medicinal use
THAILAND TH R Aristolochia spp. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 12119019 12119019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Arkshells (bloody cockle) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077120 3077120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ark-shells (bloody cockle) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077110 3077110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Arsenic May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280480 280480 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ARSENIC DISULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281390 281390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Arsenic pentoxide (arsenic oxide; arsenic anhydride; arsenic acid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28111910 28111910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Arsenic trioxide (crude arsenic; white arsenic; arsenious acid; arsenous May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28112990 28112990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ARSENIC TRISULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281390 281390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ARSINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 285000 285000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Asbestos - amosite May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 252490 252490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Asbestos - chrysotile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 252490 252490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Asbestos (crocidolite) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 252410 252410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aspartame May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29242910 29242910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ASPARTIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aspirin powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 291822 291822 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ASULAM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus; Thunnus orientalis) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030235 030235 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus; Thunnus orientalis). May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030345 030345 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030313 030313 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030214 030214 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aureomycin(Chlortetracycline) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294130 294130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Automotive diesel fuel May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101971 27101971 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Aviation spirit; not of a kind used as jet fuel May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101220 27101220 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R AVOPACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bacillus thuringiensis May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R BACITRACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARATOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Barium carbonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 251120 251120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Barium carbonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283660 283660 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM NITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28342990 28342990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM NITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28342990 28342990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM NITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28299090 28299090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BARIUM SULFIDE (BARIUM SULPHIDE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28309090 28309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Barium sulfide (barium sulphide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283090 283090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Barium sulphate; of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30063010 30063010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENSULIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Benzalkonium chloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of industrial works 34021290 34021290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Benzalkonium chloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of industrial works 34029095 34029095 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Benzene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290220 290220 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZENEARSONIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Benzidine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292159 292159 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZILIC ACID (2;2-DIPHENYL-2-HYDROXYACETIC ACID) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291819 291819 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZOL (CONTAINING BENZENE MORE THAN 50% w/w BUT LESS THAN 95% May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 270710 270710 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZOTRICHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZYL BROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Benzyl cyanide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BENZYL IDODIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Beryllium oxide; (Beryllium monoxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282590 282590 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R beta-Propiolactone; (Propanoline; Propiolactone) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293229 293229 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030234 030234 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030344 030344 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Biodiesel and mixtures thereof; not containing or containing less than 70 % by May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of energy business 38260090 38260090 1 January 2016
weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals. - Other

THAILAND TH R BIS(1;2-DICHLOROETHYL) SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-BROMOETHYL)SELENIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-BROMOETHYL)SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-BROMOETHYL)TELLURIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)SULPHONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bis(2-chloroethylthio)methane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bis(2-chloroethylthiomethyl)ether May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-CHLOROPROPYL)SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R bis(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE:di-(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE: DEHP May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29173490 29173490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BIS(2-IODOETHYL)SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R bis(Chloromethyl)ether May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29091990 29091990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BLACK POWDER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BLEOMYCIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Blue - veined cheese and other cheese May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040640 040640 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bluntnose lizardfish (Trachinocephalus myops) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028913 3028913 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Bomeol ( bormeo camphor) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290619 290619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BORAX or SODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE or SODIUM BORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284019 284019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BORAX (SODIUM TETRABORATE DECAHYDRATE; SODIUM BORAX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 284019 284019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Borax pentahydrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284019 284019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Boric acid (boracic acid; o-boric acid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281000 281000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BORIC ACID (BORACIC ACID; o-BORIC ACID) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BORIC ACID (BORACIC ACID; o-BORIC ACID) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Boric acid (boracic acid; o-boric acid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Boron tribromide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Boron trichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Boron trifluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BOTULINAL TOXINS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Botulinal toxins May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R BROMHEXIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292151 292151 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 280130 280130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bromine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280130 280130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOACETIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOACETONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOCHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (HALON 1211) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290376 290376 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOCHLOROMETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bromochloromethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381300 381300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOFORM (TRIBROMOMETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOMETHYL ETHYL KETONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BROMOTRIFLUOROMETHANE (HALON 1301) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290376 290376 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Brown sugar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170114 170114 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Bulbs for propagation May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07031021 7031021 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Buprenorphine(INN); codeine; dihydrocodeine (INN);ethylmorphine; etorphine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29391110 29391110 1 January 2016
(INN); heroin;hydrocodone (INN); hy
THAILAND TH R Butanes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 271113 271113 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Butter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040510 040510 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Buttermilk May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04039010 4039010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Butteroil May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04059020 4059020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R BZ : 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CADMIUM CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28273990 28273990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cadmium cyanide > 1% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283719 283719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cadmium fluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cadmium iodide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282760 282760 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CADMIUM OXIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 282590 282590 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cadmium oxide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282590 282590 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Caffeine and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293930 293930 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Calcined phosphatic fertitilisers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 31039010 31039010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CALCIUM ARSENATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R calcium arsenate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Calcium hypochlorite May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282810 282810 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R calcium nitrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310290 310290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CALIFORNIUM-252 (Cf-252): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cannabis; in cut; crushed or powdered form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 12119011 12119011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cannabis; in other forms May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 12119012 12119012 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cantharides May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Epidemic Act; B.E. 1956 05100010 5100010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CARBENDAZIM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Carbendazim May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CARBENDAZIM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089290 38089290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Carbon disulfide (carbon disulphide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281310 281310 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CARBON MONOXIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28112990 28112990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381300 381300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Carbon tetrachloride(tetracchloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290314 290314 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CARBONYL CHLORIDE (PHOSGENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Carp (Cyprinus carpio; Carassius carassius; Ctenopharyngodon idellus; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030325 030325 1 January 2016
Hypophthalmichthys spp.; Cirrhinus spp.; Mylopharyngodon piceus)
THAILAND TH R Cartridges for rifles or pistols air gun May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930629 930629 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Cartridges for shotgun 12 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930621 930621 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Catfish (Pangasius spp.; Silurus spp.; Clarias spp.; Ictalurus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030462 030462 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cathine (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293943 293943 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CENFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Centrifugal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170114 170114 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CESIUM-137 (Cs-137): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO OR May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chain saws of a power 1 hp or more (without guide bar) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of forestry 846781 846781 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chain saws of a power 1 hp or more with guide bar lengths from 12 inches up. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of forestry 846781 846781 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Champagne May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220410 220410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chapter 85 : Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound May require an Import permit to enter Thailand 1 January 2016
recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and
reproducers; and parts and accessories of such articles
THAILAND TH R Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones; on other products of May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300660 300660 1 January 2016
heading 29.37 or on spermicides
THAILAND TH R Chemically pure sucrose May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17019911 17019911 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlopromazine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293430 293430 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloral hydrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290559 290559 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloramphenicol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloramphenicol palmitate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloramphenicolsodiumsuccinte May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R chloranil May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089290 38089290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLORANIL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLORHEXIDINE SALTS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292529 292529 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLORINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 280110 280110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280110 280110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROACETONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROBENZENE (PHENYL CHLORIDE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290391 290391 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Chlorobenzilate (ISO) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291818 291818 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROBENZILATE (ISO) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085099 38085099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-262) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloroethyl chloroformate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROETHYL RHODANIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-151) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROFLUOROMETHANE (HCFC-31) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-271) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloroform (trichloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290313 290313 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloroform (trichloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290313 290313 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROHEPTAFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-217) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROHEXAFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-226) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROMETHYL METHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROMETHYLCHLOROFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROPENTAFLUOROETHANE (CFC-115) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROPENTAFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-235) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chloropicrin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROPICRIN (TRICHLORONITROMETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROPICRIN (TRICHLORONITROMETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290490 290490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R chloropicrin : Trichloronitromethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089120 38089120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R chloropicrin : Trichloronitromethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089130 38089130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R chloropicrin : Trichloronitromethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorosarin : O-Isopropyl methylphosphonochloridate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorosoman : O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonochloridate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROSULPHONIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 280620 280620 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROTETRAFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-124) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROTETRAFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-244) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-133) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROTRIFLUOROMETHANE(CFC-13) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLOROTRIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-253) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorpheniramine and isoniazid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29333910 29333910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorpyrifos May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29333990 29333990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorpyrifos May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chlorpyrifos May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHLORSULFURON May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chromic acid > 15% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281910 281910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CHROMIUM CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28273990 28273990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Chromium trioxide > 15% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281910 281910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cimetidine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332910 29332910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CIPROFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Clams May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077110 3077110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Clams May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077120 3077120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CLENBUTEROL AND ITS SALTS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CLINAFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293372 293372 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Closed sterile water for inhalation; pharmaceutical grade May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049020 30049020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CNV-8807 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Coalfish (Pollachius virens) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030473 030473 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Coalfish (Pollachius virens) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030365 030365 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Coalfish (Pollachius virens) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030253 030253 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COBALT CARBONYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COBALT-60 (Co-60): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO OR May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030246 030246 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030356 030356 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cocaine and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29399110 29399110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cockles May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077110 3077110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Coconut methyl ester (CME) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of energy business 38260010 38260010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cod (Gadus morhua; Gadus ogac; Gadus macrocephalus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030471 030471 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cod (Gadus morhua; Gadus ogac; Gadus macrocephalus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030363 030363 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cod (Gadus morhua; Gadus ogac; Gadus macrocephalus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030251 030251 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COLCHICINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29399990 29399990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Coldwater shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp.; Crangon crangon) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030616 030616 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COLISTIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Collections and collectors? pieces of zoological; botanical; mineralogical; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 970500 970500 1 January 2016
anatomical; historical; archaeological ; palaeontological; ethnographic
ornumismatic interest.
THAILAND TH R Commercial ammonium carbonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 28369910 28369910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION A-3 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION A-4 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION B May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION B-2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION B-3 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION B-4 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION C May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION C-2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION C-3 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COMPOSITION C-4 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Contact lens or artificial eye solutions May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33079050 33079050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAIN ZINC DIMETHYL DITHIOCARBAMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing 1;1;1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 382476 382476 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing acetylsalicylic acid; paracetamol or dipyrone (INN); of a kind taken May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049051 30049051 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING AMERICIUM-241 (Am-241): RADIOACTIVITY IS GREATER THAN 1 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
GBq (27mCi)
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING AMERICIUM-241 /BERYLLIUM (Am-241/Be): GREATER THAN 0.1 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
GBq (2.7mCi)
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING AMERICIUM-241 /BERYLLIUM (Am-241/Be): TO OR GREATER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 284450 284450 1 January 2016
THAN 0.1 GBq (2.7mCi)
THAILAND TH R Containing amoxicillin (INN) or its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30031010 30031010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing ampicillin (INN) or its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30031020 30031020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing ampicillin; amoxycillin or salts thereof; of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30041016 30041016 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing artemisinin; artesunate or chloroquine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049061 30049061 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing atropine sulphate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044070 30044070 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing bromochlorodifluoromethane; bromotrifluoromethane or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 382472 382472 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing by weight 99% or more lactose; expressed as anhydrous lactose; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170211 170211 1 January 2016
calculated on the dry matter
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING CALIFORNIUM-252 (Cf-252): RADIOACTIVITY IS GREATER THAN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
1.85 GBq (50mCi)
THAILAND TH R Containing carbon tetrachloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 382475 382475 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING CARBONTETRAXHLORIDE; BROMOCHLOROMETHANE OR 1;1;1- May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381400 381400 1 January 2016
Trichloroethane; (methyl chloroform)
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING CESIUM-137 (Cs-137): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO GREATER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
THAN 10 MBq (0.27mCi)
THAILAND TH R Containing chlorpheniramine maleate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049052 30049052 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing cimetidine (INN) or ranitidine (INN) other than for injection May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049094 30049094 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING COBALT-60 (Co-60): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO GREATER THAN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
1 GBq (2mCi)
THAILAND TH R Containing deferoxamine; for injection May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049081 30049081 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing dexamethasone or their derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30043210 30043210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing diclofenac; of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049053 30049053 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing gentamycin; lincomycin; sulfamethoxazole or their derivatives; of a May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042010 30042010 1 January 2016
kind taken orally or in ointment form
THAILAND TH R Containing hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 382473 382473 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing hydrocortisone sodium succinate or fluocinolone acetonide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30043240 30043240 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing insulin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300431 300431 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing insulin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300331 300331 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING IRIDIUM-192 (Ir-192): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO GREATER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
THAN 100 GBq (2;700mCi)
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING METHANE ETHNE OR POPANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381300 381300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing morphine or its derivatives; for May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044010 30044010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing morphine or its derivatives;for May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044010 30044010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing nitrates and phosphates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310551 310551 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing other antibiotics May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300320 300320 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing penicillin G (excluding penicillin G benzathine); phenoxymethyl May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30041015 30041015 1 January 2016
penicillin or salts thereof
THAILAND TH R Containing perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); but not May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 382478 382478 1 January 2016
containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
THAILAND TH R Containing phenobarbital; diazepam or chlorpromazine; other than for injection May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049095 30049095 1 January 2016
or infusion
THAILAND TH R Containing phenobarbital; diazepam or chlorpromazine; other than for injection May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049095 30049095 1 January 2016
or infusion
THAILAND TH R Containing piperazine or mebendazole (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049071 30049071 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing piroxicam (INN) or ibuprofen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049054 30049054 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing primaquine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049062 30049062 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing procaine hydrochloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049041 30049041 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing quinine hydrochloride or dihydroquinine chloride; for injection May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044020 30044020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing quinine or its salts or other antimalarial substances; other than May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044040 30044040 1 January 2016
goods of subheading 3004.40.20 or 3004.40.30
THAILAND TH R Containing quinine sulphate or bisulphate; of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044030 30044030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING RADIUM-226 (Ra-226): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO GREATER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
THAN 30 MBq (0.81mCi)
THAILAND TH R Containing sodium chloride or glucose; for infusion May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049091 30049091 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing sorbitol or salbutamol; for infusion May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049092 30049092 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing sorbitol or salbutamol; in other forms May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049093 30049093 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING STRONTIUM-90 (Sr-90): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL GREATER THAN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
50 MBq (1.35mCi)

THAILAND TH R Containing theophyline; of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044060 30044060 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CONTAINING TOLUENE MORE THAN 75% w/w BUT LESS THAN 95% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 270720 270720 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Containing vitamin A; B or C May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30045091 30045091 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R CONTANINING METHANE ETHANE OR PROPANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381300 381300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Control and adaptor units; including gateways; bridges and routers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176221 85176221 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Cooking wine not exceeding 15 degree May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 21039040 21039040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R COPPER ARSENATE HYDROXIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Copper sulfate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089990 38089990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Copper sulfate (Pentahydrate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283325 283325 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cortisone; hydrocortisone; prednisone (dehydrocortisone) and prednisolone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293721 293721 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cream powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022120 4022120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cream powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022190 4022190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cream powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022920 4022920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cream powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022990 4022990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Crotonaldehyde (2-butenal) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291219 291219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Crypo-toxins May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CRYPO-TOXINS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cupric cyanide > 1% w/w (copper (ii) cyanide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283719 283719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cuprous cyanide > 1% w/w (copper (i) cyanide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283719 283719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cuprous oxide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282550 282550 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Curd May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04061020 4061020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cuttle fish head;frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074910 3074910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cuttle fish;frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074910 3074910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cyanogen (ethanedinitrile; oxalonitrile; dicyan) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 285300 285300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYANOGEN BROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 285300 285300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYANOGEN CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 285300 285300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cyanuric fluoride (2;4;6-trifluoro-s-triazine; 2;4;6-trifluoro-1;3;5-triazine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293369 293369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYCLOHEXIMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cyclohexylamine (hexahydroaniline; amino-cyclohexane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292130 292130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYCLOTETRAMETHYLENE TETRANITRAMINE (HMX) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYCLOTOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYCLOTRIMETHYLENE TRINITRAMINE(RDX) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYCLOTRIMETHYLENE TRINITRAMINE(RDX) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 293369 293369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYPERMETHRIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cypermethrin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R CYPERMETHRIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Cypermethrin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R D- or DL-Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B3 or Vitamin B5) and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293624 293624 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dairy spreads May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040520 040520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DANOFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DAPSONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dazomet May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dazomet May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089990 38089990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DAZOMET May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28085010 28085010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DBX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Decaborane (14) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 285000 285000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DECABROMOBIPHENYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Decabromobiphenyl; Polychlorinated biphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 271091 271091 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DECAFLUOROBUTANE (PFC ? 31) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292214 292214 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DF : Methylphosphonyldifluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R D-glucitol (sorbitol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290544 290544 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate(diammonium phosphate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310530 310530 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIANISIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292229 292229 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIAZODINITROPHENOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diborane; (boron hydride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 285000 285000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIBROMOMETHYL ETHER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290919 290919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIBROMOMETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIBROMOTETRAFLUOROETHANE (HALON 2402) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290376 290376 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLORODIFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-132) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (CFC-12) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-252) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE (HCFC-21) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROFORMOXIME May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROHEXAFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-216) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYL ACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYL CHLOROFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYL ETHER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290919 290919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYL METHYLAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292419 292419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROMETHYLPHENYLSILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROTETRAFLUORETHAN (CFC-114) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROTETRAFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-234) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DICHLOROTRIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-243) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diethyl chlorophosphate; (Diethoxyphosphorus oxychloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291990 291990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R diethyl ethylphosphonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIETHYL PHOSPHITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Diethyl sulphate (ethyl sulphate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIETHYLENEGLYCOL DINITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290949 290949 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIETHYLENEGLYCOL DINITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diethylenetriamine (2;2-diaminodiethylamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292129 292129 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diethylstilbestrol (DES) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29072990 29072990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIFLUORODIETHYL SELENIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIFLUORODIETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIFLUORODIETHYL TELLURIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIFLUOROMETHANE R-32 (HFC-32) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diglycidyl ether May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291090 291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIGOXIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293890 293890 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIIODODIETHYL SELENIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIIODODIETHYL TELLURIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIISOPROPYL FLUOROPHOSPHATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R dimethyl dithicarbonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089290 38089290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R dimethyl methylphosphonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIMETHYL PHOSPHITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dimethyl phosphorochloridothioate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292019 292019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIMETHYL SULPHATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29209010 29209010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dimethyl sulphate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209010 29209010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIMETHYLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292111 292111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIMETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292111 292111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dimethylhydrazine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIMETRIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DIPHENHYDRAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291010 29291010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Diphosphoruspentasultide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281390 281390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dipyrone (analgin) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29331110 29331110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284020 284020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DISULPHUR DECAFLUORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dithiazanine iodide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dithiobiuret May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R diuron May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DODECAFLUOROPENTANE (PFC ? 41) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dogfish and other sharks May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030381 030381 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dogfish and other sharks May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030281 030281 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried chips May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07141011 7141011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried; salted or in brine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062499 3062499 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried; salted or in brine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03071920 3071920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried; salted or in brine; smoked May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03073920 3073920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried; salted or in brine; smoked May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03072920 3072920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Dried; salted or in brine; smoked May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03079920 3079920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DYNAMITE(MILITARY) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R DYNAMITE(STANDARD) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Edb (ethylene dibromide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290339 290339 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Edible offal of swine; fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020630 020630 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Edible offal of swine; frozen - Hide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020649 020649 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Edible offal of swine; frozen - Livers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020641 020641 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Edible offal of swine; frozen - Tendons ; frozen - Entrails ; frozen - Intestines May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020649 020649 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R EDNATOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Eels (Anguilla spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030274 030274 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Eels (Anguilla spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030326 030326 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ENOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ENROFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ephedrine and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293941 293941 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2;3-epoxypropane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291030 291030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ergocalcifrol and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293629 293629 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ergometrine (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293961 293961 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ergometrine (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293961 293961 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ergotamine(INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293962 293962 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ergotamine(INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293962 293962 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294150 294150 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETANIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethambutol and its salts; esters and other derivatives suitable for the May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29221910 29221910 1 January 2016
production of anti-
THAILAND TH R Ethanesulfonyl chloride; 2-chloro-; (2-Chloroethanesulfonyl chloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290490 290490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethanethiol (ethyl mercaptan ; ethyl sulfhydrate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethchlorvynol (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290551 290551 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethinamate (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292424 292424 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl acetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291531 291531 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl acrylate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291612 291612 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 99% vol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Mineral Resources 22072011 22072011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYL BROMOACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl chloride (chloroethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29031190 29031190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYL CHLOROACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291540 291540 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYL CYANOFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292690 292690 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Ethyl ether (ether; diethyl ether; ethyl oxide). May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290911 290911 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYL FLUORIDE (FLUOROETHANE ; HFC-161) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl hexyleneglycol (ethyl hexane diol; ethohexadiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290539 290539 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyl hexyleneglycol (ethyl hexane diol; ethohexadiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYL IODOACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLCHLOROSULPHONATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLDIETHANOLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene chlorohydrin (2-chloroethyl alcohol; chloroethanol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290559 290559 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE (EDB) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene dichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290315 290315 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene dichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085019 38085019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE (ISO) (1;2-DICHLOROETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085010 38085010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLENE DINITRAMINE (EDNA) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (butyl cellosolve) > 75% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290943 290943 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (cellosolve) > 75% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290944 290944 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (methyl cellosolve) > 75% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290944 290944 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene oxide (1;2-epoxyethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291010 291010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylene oxide (1;2-epoxyethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085020 38085020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylenediamine (1;2-diaminoethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292121 292121 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLENEDIAMINE DINITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292121 292121 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLENEDIAMINE DINITRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethyleneimine (aziridine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLHEXYLENEGLYCOL(ETHYLHEXANEDIOL; ETHOHEXADIOL) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLHEXYLENEGLYCOL(ETHYLHEXANEDIOL; ETHOHEXADIOL) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ETHYLIDINE DIACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylidine diacetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ethylphosphonyldifluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Extracts and tinctures of cannabis May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 13021920 13021920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300120 300120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Eye make-up preparations May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330420 330420 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Face or skin creams and lotion May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33049930 33049930 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fenetylline (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293951 293951 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fenproporex (INN) and its salts; methadone (INN) intermediate (4-cyano-2- May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292630 292630 1 January 2016
dimethylamino-4; 4-diphenylbutane)
THAILAND TH R Fenuron May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29242190 29242190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FENURON May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FENURON May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ferbam May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293020 293020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fireworks May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 360410 360410 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R First-aid boxes and kits May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300650 300650 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fish maws May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03057210 3057210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae; Euclichthyidae; Gadidae; Macrouridae; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030495 030495 1 January 2016
Melanonidae; Merlucciidae; Moridae and Muraenolepididae; other than Alaska
Pollack (Theragra chalcogramma)
THAILAND TH R Flat fish (Pleuronectidae; Bothidae; Cynoglossidae; Soleidae; Scophthalmidae May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030483 030483 1 January 2016
and Citharidae)
THAILAND TH R FLEROXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Florphenicol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FLOVOPHOSPHOLIPOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FLUMEQUINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Flumioxazin(ISO) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fluorine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280130 280130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FLUORODICHLOROPROPANE (HCFC-261) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FLUOROSULPHONIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290410 290410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FLUOROURACIL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For antimalarial medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300390 300390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For antimalarial medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300340 300340 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For antimalarial medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044050 30044050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For edible May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 15153090 15153090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For medicines for cancer May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049089 30049089 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For medicines for leprosy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049089 30049089 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For Oriental type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011050 24011050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For Oriental type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011090 24011090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For radio-broadcasting May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 852550 852550 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176261 85176261 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176292 85176292 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R For television May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 852550 852550 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R For Virginia or Burley type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24013010 24013010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R For Virginia or Burley type May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24013090 24013090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Formaldehyde cyanohydrin; (Clycollonitrile; hydroxyacetonitrile) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Formalin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29121110 29121110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Formamide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292419 292419 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Formparanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292529 292529 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fossil May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Mineral Resources 970500 970500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh (unripened or uncured)cheese ;including whey cheese May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04061010 4061010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062230 3062230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062130 3062130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03079120 3079120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03073120 3073120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03075120 3075120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03072120 3072120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062920 3062920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03071120 3071120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062420 3062420 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fresh; chilled or frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03076020 3076020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03075910 3075910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03073910 3073910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03071910 3071910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03072910 3072910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03079910 3079910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03077910 3077910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03078910 3078910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FURALTADONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FURAZOLIDONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Furfural (2-furfuraldehyde) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293212 293212 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R FUSARIO TOXIN T-2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Fusario toxin T-2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R GALLIUM TRICHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28273990 28273990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R GATIFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Gel preparations designed to be used in human or veterinary medicine as a May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300670 300670 1 January 2016
lubricant for parts of the body for surgical operations or physical examinations
or as a coupling agent between the body and medical instruments

THAILAND TH R Ghee May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04059030 4059030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Giant freshwater prawn May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062739 3062739 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Giant river prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061730 3061730 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Giant tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061710 3061710 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Giant tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062731 3062731 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Glucidol (2;3-epoxy-1-propanol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291090 291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Glucose May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17023010 17023010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Glutethimide (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292512 292512 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Glycerol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290545 290545 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R GLYCINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Gogies May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028929 3028929 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Gold cyanide (auric cyanide trihydrate; cyanoauric acid trihydrate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284330 284330 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Gold potassuim cyanide (potassium cyanoaurite; potassium gold cyanide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284330 284330 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Gold sodium cyanide (sodium aurocyanide; sodium cyanoaurite; sodium gold May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284330 284330 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R GREPAFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Guide bar length of 12 inches or more. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of forestry 84679110 84679110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Guide bar length of 12 inches or more. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of forestry 84679190 84679190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030364 030364 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030252 030252 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030472 030472 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Haemoglobin powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30021040 30021040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hair lacquers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330530 330530 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hake (Merluccius spp.; Urophycis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030474 030474 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hake (Merluccius spp.; Urophycis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030254 030254 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hake (Merluccius spp.; Urophycis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030366 030366 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides; Hippoglossus hippoglossus; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030331 030331 1 January 2016
Hippoglossus stenolepis)
THAILAND TH R Halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293722 293722 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Halon1301'Halon 2402'Halon 1211 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381300 381300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HC SMOKE (HEXACHLOROETHANE MIXTURE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEPTACHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-211) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herbal medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049098 30049098 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herbal medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049072 30049072 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herbal medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049063 30049063 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herrings (Clupea harengus; Clupea pallasii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030351 030351 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herrings (Clupea harengus; Clupea pallasii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030241 030241 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Herrings (Clupea harengus; Clupea pallasii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030486 030486 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLORO DIMETHYLOXALATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291711 291711 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROBENZENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290392 290392 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROBENZENE (ISO) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085029 38085029 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290389 290389 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-212) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29031990 29031990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXACHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-221) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R HEXAFLUOROETHANE (FC - 116) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R hexamethylene diisocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 293369 293369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXANITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXANITRO DIPHENYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HEXANITRO DIPHENYLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038927 3038927 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028927 3028927 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HISTIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HN1 : Bis(2-chloroethyl)ethylamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292119 292119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HN2 : Bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292119 292119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HYDRAZOIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28111990 28111990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HYDRAZOIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrochloric acid <36 % w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280610 280610 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrochloric acid > 15% w/w to <36 %w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280610 280610 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen chloride (anhydrous) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280610 280610 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen chloride (refrigerated liquid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280610 280610 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HYDROGEN CYANIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28111990 28111990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen fluoride (anhydrous) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281111 281111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HYDROGEN FLUOURIDE (GAS) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281111 281111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen peroxide > 15% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28470010 28470010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen peroxide > 15% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28470090 28470090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulphide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28111990 28111990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Hydroquinone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290722 290722 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R HYDROXYL TERMINATED POLY BUTADIENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IBUPROFEN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29163990 29163990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IMIPROTHRIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30051010 30051010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In airtight containers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062741 3062741 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In containers of a gross weight of 20 kg or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04021041 4021041 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In containers of gross weight of 20 kg or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04021091 4021091 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In cut; crushed or powdered forms May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 12113010 12113010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In liquid form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04011010 4011010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In liquid form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04012010 4012010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In liquid form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04015010 4015010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In liquid form whether or not condensed May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04031020 4031020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In liquid includiin condensed form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04039090 4039090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In ointment form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042032 30042032 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In ointment form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30041021 30041021 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R In packages of a gross weight May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04062010 4062010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and island mackerel (Rastrelliger May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028915 3028915 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and island mackerel (Rastrelliger May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038915 3038915 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Indian threadfins (Polynemus indicus) and silver grunts (pomadasys argenteus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028926 3028926 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Indian threadfins (Polynemus indicus) and silver grunts (pomadasys argenteus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038926 3038926 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Insulin and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293712 293712 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IODOACETONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291470 291470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IPRONIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IRIDIUM-192 (Ir-192): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 100 GBq May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R IRON PENTACARBONYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Isobutyl mercaptan (2-methyl-1-propanethiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Isobutyronitrile (2-methylpropanenitrile) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ISOLEUCINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R isophorone diisocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Isopropyl chloroformate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ISOPROTERENOL AND ITS SALTS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Isosafrole May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293291 293291 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030355 030355 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030245 030245 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Kerosene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101983 27101983 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lactonitrile; (acetocyanohydrin) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lead arsenate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28429090 28429090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R LEAD AZIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 285000 285000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEAD AZIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lead oxide; mono (litharge; massicot; lead oxide; yellow; plumbous oxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282410 282410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lead oxide; red (plumbo-plumbic oxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282490 282490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lead powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of industrial works 780420 780420 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Lead sesquioxide (lead trioxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284190 284190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEAD STYPHNATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEAD STYPHNATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R lead suboxide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38249099 38249099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEAD THIOCYANATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEUCINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LEVOFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Levorphanol (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293341 293341 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lip make-up preparations May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330410 330410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lithium carbonates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 283691 283691 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lithium hydride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 285000 285000 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LITHIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28299090 28299090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LITHIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062410 3062410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03079110 3079110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03078110 3078110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062910 3062910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03071110 3071110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03073110 3073110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Livers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Foreign Trade 020641 020641 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Livers and roes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030290 030290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lobsters (Homarus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030612 030612 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LOMEFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Longfin mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028912 3028912 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Longfin mojarra (Pentaprion longimanus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038912 3038912 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Loprazolam (INN); mecloqualone (INN);methaqualone (INN) and zipeprol (INN); May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293355 293355 1 January 2016
salts thereof
THAILAND TH R Low aromatic solvents containing by weight less than 1% aromatic content May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101250 27101250 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 271119 271119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Lysergic acid and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293963 293963 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mackerel May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03056910 3056910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mackerel (Scomber scombrus; Scomber australasicus; Scomber japonicus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030354 030354 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mackerel (Scomber scombrus; Scomber australasicus; Scomber japonicus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030244 030244 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MAGNESIUM CARBONATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 28369990 28369990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R m-Aminodimethylaniline (dimethyl-m-phenylenediamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292151 292151 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Manganese (111) phosphate hydrate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28352990 28352990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Manganic oxide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282090 282090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mangrove red snappers (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028918 3028918 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mangrove red snappers (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038918 3038918 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Manicure and pedicure preparation May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330430 330430 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Manioc(cassava) petter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07141019 7141019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Manioc(cassava)roots May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07141099 7141099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mannitol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290543 290543 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MARBOFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Marine fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055920 3055920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Massle-loading firearms May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930310 930310 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R m-Cresol(m-Crysylic acid; 3-Methylphenol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290712 290712 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Meat of bovine animals; fresh or chilled - Boneless - Bullocks and cows May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020130 020130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Meat of bovine animals; frozen - Boneless - Bullocks and cows May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Livestock Development 020230 020230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mebendazole or parbendazole May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339910 29339910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Medicated products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 34011110 34011110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mefenamic acid and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224910 29224910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Menthol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290611 290611 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Meprobamate (INN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292411 292411 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCURIC CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28529090 28529090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCURIC OXIDES May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28529090 28529090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCURIC SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28529090 28529090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCUROUS CHROMATE (MERCURY CHROMATE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28529090 28529090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCURY (11) THIOCYANATE(MERCUIC THIOCYANATE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28529090 28529090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mercury (quick silver; hydrargyrum) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280540 280540 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MERCURY FULMINATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHACROLEIN DIACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methacrylic anhydride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291619 291619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methacryloyl chloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291619 291619 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R methacryloyloxyethyl isocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methanol (methyl alcohol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290511 290511 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methanol (methyl alcohol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290511 290511 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methoxyacetic acid; (2-Methoxyacetic acid; Methyl ether) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291899 291899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R methoxyethyl ether May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290919 290919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl acrylate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291612 291612 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL BENZILATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291819 291819 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL BROMOACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R METHYL CHLORIDE (CHLOROMETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL CHLORIDE (CHLOROMETHANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl chloride; (chloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29031110 29031110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL CHLOROFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL CHLOROSULPHONATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL CYANOFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL DOPA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL FLUORIDE (FLUOROMETHANE ; HFC-41) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl hydrazine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL IODOACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl isobutyl ketone-2-one (methy isobutyketone) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291413 291413 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R methyl isocyanate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291090 29291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl methacrylate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29161410 29161410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYL PHOSPHONYL DICHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl vinyl ketone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291419 291419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methyl-2-chloroacrylate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291619 291619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methylacetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METHYLDIETHANOLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Methylene chloride (methylene dichloride; dichloromethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290312 290312 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R methylphos phenyl dichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METRONIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R METSULFURON May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R METSULFURON-METHYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz to 3;400 Hz; with a diameter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85181011 85181011 1 January 2016
not exceeding 10 mm and a height not exceeding 3 mm; for telecommunication Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Milk in frozen form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04014020 4014020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Milk in liquid form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04014010 4014010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R milk powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022120 4022120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Milk powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022190 4022190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Milk powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022920 4022920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Milk powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022990 4022990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mineral or chemical fertiliders containing the three fertilising elements nitroger May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 31051020 31051020 1 January 2016
phosphorus and potassium
THAILAND TH R Mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310520 310520 1 January 2016
phosphorus and potassium
THAILAND TH R MINOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R mirex May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R mirex May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089130 38089130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R mirex May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R mirex May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089120 38089120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MIREX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290389 290389 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MITOMYCIN C May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calciumncarbonate or other inorganic non- May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310240 310240 1 January 2016
fertilising substances
THAILAND TH R Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310280 310280 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Modems including cable modems and modem cards May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176241 85176241 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of other; leaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101215 27101215 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of other; unleaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101216 27101216 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of RON 90 and above; but below RON 97; leaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101213 27101213 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of RON 90 and above; but below RON 97; unleaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101214 27101214 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of RON 97 and above; leaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101211 27101211 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Motor spirit of RON 97 and above; unleaded May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101212 27101212 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R MOXIFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R m-PHOSPHORIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28092039 28092039 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R m-Phosphoric acid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28092090 28092090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03027310 3027310 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N-(4-HYDROXY-3-METHOXY BENZYL) -8- METHYLNONTRANS-6-ENAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29399990 29399990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N;N-DIISOPROPYL-beta-AMINOETHANOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N;N'-Dimethylacetamide; (acetic acid dimethylamide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292419 292419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N;N'-Di-n-Butyl-1;6-hexanediamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292129 292129 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Naphtha; reformates and other preparations of a kind used for blending into May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101270 27101270 1 January 2016
motor spirits
THAILAND TH R Naphthylamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292145 292145 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nasal-drop medicaments containing naphazoline; xylometazoline or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049096 30049096 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NATURAL BORAX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 252810 252810 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NATURAL BORIC ACID CONTAINING NOT MORE THAN 85% OF BORIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Primary Industries and 252890 252890 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Natural uranium and its compounds May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28441010 28441010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R n-Butyl acetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291533 291533 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R n-Butyl mercaptan (1-butanethiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Neck oranges(King mandarins) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 080520 080520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N-ETHYLACRBAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NICABAZIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Nickel tetracarbonyl May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NICLOSAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29242990 29242990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIDROXYZONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURADENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURALDEZONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURATEL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURFOLINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFUROQUINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFUROXAZIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFUROXIME May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURPIRINAL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURPRAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURTIMOX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURTOINOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIFURZIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIHYDRAZONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nile tilapia May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055990 3055990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nile tilapia May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030431 030431 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nile tilapia May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030271 030271 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nile tilapia meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030493 030493 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NIMORAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nitric acid >15% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280800 280800 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Nitric oxide; (nitrogen monoxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28112990 28112990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROBENZENE (OIL OF MIRBANE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROCELLULOSE OR NITROCELLULOSE WITH ALCOHOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROCELLULOSE OR NITROCELLULOSE WITH ALCOHOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 39122019 39122019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROCYCLOHEXANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROFURANTOIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROFURAZONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nitrogen dioxide (dinitrogen tetroxide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28112990 28112990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROGLYCERINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nitrosodimethylamine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29299090 29299090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROSTARCH May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROSYL BROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROSYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NITROVIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293219 293219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N-Methylacetamide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292419 292419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Non-sterile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29411011 29411011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Norephedrine and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293944 293944 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NORFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NORTRIPTYLINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292149 292149 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030625 030625 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030615 030615 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Not containg added sugar or other sweetening matter May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040291 040291 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N-SULFANILYLSULFANILAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R N-SULfFANILYL-3;4-XYLAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R NUCLEAR POLYHYDROSIS VIRUS (NPV) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Nuclear Polyhydrosis virus; (NPV) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R O-Alkyl (H or ? C10 ; incl. cycloalkyl) O-2-dialkyl (Me; Et; n-Pr or i-Pr)-aminoethyl May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
alkyl (Me; Et; n-Pr or i-Pr) phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or
protonated salts e.g.
THAILAND TH R O-Alkyl (H or ? C10 ; incl. cycloalkyl) S-2-dialkyl (Me; Et; n-Pr or i-Pr)-aminoethyl May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
alkyl (Me; Et; n-Pr or i-Pr)phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or
protonated salts e.g. VX : O-Ethyl S-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl
phosphonothiolate : O-Ethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl)ethyl phosphonothioate :
O-Ethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl)methyl phosphonothioate : O-Ethyl-S-(2-
diisopropylaminoethyl)ethyl phosphonothioate

THAILAND TH R o-Aminodimethylaniline (dimethyl-o-phenylenediamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292151 292151 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R o-Cressol(o-Crysylic acid;2-Methylpenol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290712 290712 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OCTAFLUOROPROPANE (PFC - 218) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OCTOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R O-DIANISIDINE CHLOROSULPHONATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292229 292229 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R o-DICHLOROBENZENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290391 290391 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R o-Dichlorobenzene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R o-DICHLOROBENZENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R o-DICHLOROBENZENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Oestrogens and progestogens May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293723 293723 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind suitable for children; in syrup form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30045010 30045010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30045021 30045021 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind taken orally May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042031 30042031 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind taken orally or in ointment form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042071 30042071 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R of a kind taken orally or in ointment form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042091 30042091 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind used in the food or drink industries May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 32030010 32030010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 401110 401110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a kind used with transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85291092 85291092 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Of a kind user as fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310230 310230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of a width not exceeding 450 mm. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 40112010 40112010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of barium May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28273910 28273910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of cinchona May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 13021930 13021930 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R of fish with a protein contet of less than 60% by weight May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Foreign Trade 23012010 23012010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of liquorice May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 130212 130212 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R of medicaments for the treatment of cancer; HIV/AIDS or other intractable May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30069210 30069210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of metal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 97030010 97030010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of oxygen-function amino-compounds May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29379010 29379010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of swine ; fresh or chilled May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Foreign Trade 020630 020630 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Of wood May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 97030040 97030040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R O-Mustard: Bis(2-chloroethylthioethyl)ether May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R O-NITROBENZYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290490 290490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R o-PHOSPHORIC ACID MORE THAN 25% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28092099 28092099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ORBIFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Original engravings; prints and lithographs. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 970200 970200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ORNIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ORPHENADRINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29221990 29221990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ORYZALIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030259 030259 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03027390 3027390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030239 030239 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028919 3028919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030329 030329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030349 030349 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030339 030339 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030369 030369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061490 3061490 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061790 3061790 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03057290 3057290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03056990 3056990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030549 030549 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03053990 3053990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030489 030489 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030479 030479 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030469 030469 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038922 3038922 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038929 3038929 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062749 3062749 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930629 930629 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93059190 93059190 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93059919 93059919 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93059999 93059999 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930690 930690 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93063019 93063019 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29331190 29331190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29121190 29121190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : (Sole chapter) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 15041090 15041090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040299 040299 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04031090 4031090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04039090 4039090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04059090 4059090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040490 040490 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04062090 4062090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022990 4022990 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022920 4022920 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022190 4022190 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04022120 4022120 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04021099 4021099 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04021049 4021049 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04012090 4012090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04014090 4014090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04015090 4015090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04011090 4011090 1 January 2016
origin; not elsewhere specified or included
THAILAND TH R Other : Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07031029 7031029 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07141099 7141099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 07141019 7141019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Explosives; pyrotechnic products; maches; matches; pyrophoric alloys; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36049090 36049090 1 January 2016
certain coombustible preparations
THAILAND TH R Other : Explosives; pyrotechnic products; maches; matches; pyrophoric alloys; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36030090 36030090 1 January 2016
certain coombustible preparations
THAILAND TH R Other : Fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310290 310290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310490 310490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310559 310559 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310590 310590 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fertilizers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310229 310229 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030229 030229 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28441090 28441090 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28442090 28442090 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28443090 28443090 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444011 28444011 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 284450 284450 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious metals; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444090 28444090 1 January 2016
of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Lac; gums; resins and other vegetables saps and extracts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 13021190 13021190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Mineral fuels; mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101290 27101290 1 January 2016
substances; mineral waxes
THAILAND TH R OTHER : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293719 293719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OTHER : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293629 293629 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170219 170219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170114 170114 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17019911 17019911 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17019919 17019919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17019919 17019919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Sugars and sugar confectionery May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 17019990 17019990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : : Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compunds of precious May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28092099 28092099 1 January 2016
metals; of rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930200 930200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Arms and ammunition ; parts and accessories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930390 930390 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Meat and edible meat offal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Foreign Trade 020649 020649 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 080520 080520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 08051010 8051010 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Other : Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery; cosmetic or toilet preparations May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33061090 33061090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 12113090 12113090 1 January 2016
industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
THAILAND TH R OTHER : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294130 294130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OTHER : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OTHER : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293729 293729 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29379090 29379090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29392090 29392090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29391190 29391190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29411019 29411019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29411090 29411090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Organic chemicals May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293959 293959 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30021090 30021090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300190 300190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30022090 30022090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30041029 30041029 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30041019 30041019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300390 300390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300340 300340 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300340 300340 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300339 300339 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30031090 30031090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30069290 30069290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049099 30049099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049069 30049069 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049079 30049079 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049049 30049049 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049089 30049089 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049059 30049059 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042099 30042099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042079 30042079 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30042039 30042039 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30043290 30043290 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300439 300439 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30045029 30045029 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044090 30044090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044090 30044090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044050 30044050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Pharmaceutical products May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30045099 30045099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24013090 24013090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24013010 24013010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011090 24011090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24011050 24011050 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other : works of art. Collectors' pieces; antiques May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fine art department 970190 970190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other alpha olefins May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101280 27101280 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other and parts thereof; including shot and certridge wads. May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 93040090 93040090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other apparatus for transmission or reception of voice; images or other data; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 851769 851769 1 January 2016
including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as Telecommunications Commission
a local or wide area network) : - - Other
THAILAND TH R Other cheese May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040690 040690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03056910 3056910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055990 3055990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030271 030271 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030324 030324 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028929 3028929 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03027290 3027290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030279 030279 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030499 030499 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030449 030449 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030451 030451 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030459 030459 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other fish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030493 030493 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other for antimalarial medicaments May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30044090 30044090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other machines and apparatus : - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85437090 85437090 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Other Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus keta; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030312 030312 1 January 2016
Oncorhynchus tschawytscha; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Oncorhynchus masou and
Oncorhynchus rhodurus)
THAILAND TH R Other perfumery or cosmetics; including depilatories May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33079040 33079040 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other shrimps and prawns May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062739 3062739 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other solvent spirits May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101260 27101260 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Other sparking wines May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 220410 220410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other sporting; hunting or target-shooting rifels May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930330 930330 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Other sporting; hunting or target-shooting;shotguns;including combination May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of provincial administration 930320 930320 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other Toxins; Toxoids and Antitoxins May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OTHER TOXINS; TOXOIDS AND ANTITOXINS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other transmission apparatus for radio- telephony or radio-telegraphy May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176253 85176253 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Other: : Soap; organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 34011190 34011190 1 January 2016
preparations; artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes; dental waxes and
dental preparations with a basis of plaster
THAILAND TH R Other; in liniment form May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049055 30049055 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other; including natural concentrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293690 293690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other; live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062120 3062120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other; live May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062220 3062220 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Other; of felt or nonwovens; impregnated; coated or covered with soap or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 34011130 34011130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R OXIRANE (ETHYLENE OXIDE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085029 38085029 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Ozone May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280440 280440 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030213 030213 1 January 2016
keta; Oncorhynchus tschawytscha; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Oncorhynchus masou
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus)
THAILAND TH R Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030541 030541 1 January 2016
keta; Oncorhynchus tschawytscha; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Oncorhynchus masou
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus); Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon
(Hucho hucho)
THAILAND TH R Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030481 030481 1 January 2016
keta; Oncorhynchus tschawytscha; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Oncorhynchus masou
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus); Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon
(Hucho hucho)
THAILAND TH R Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030441 030441 1 January 2016
keta; Oncorhynchus tschawytscha; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Oncorhynchus masou
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus); Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon
(Hucho hucho)
THAILAND TH R p-Aminodimethylaniline (dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292151 292151 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R p-Aminosalicylic acid and its salts; esters and other derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225010 29225010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Paper and tissues; impregnated or coated with perfume or cosmetics May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33079030 33079030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Parabolic aerial reflector dishes for direct broadcast multi-media systems and May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85291021 85291021 1 January 2016
parts thereof : - - For television reception Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Parabolic aerial reflector dishes for direct broadcast multi-media systems and May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85291029 85291029 1 January 2016
parts thereof : - - Other Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Paraformaldehyde May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291260 291260 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Paraquat dichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29333990 29333990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R p-Cresol(p-Crysylic acid; 4-Methylphenol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290712 290712 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PEFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PELARGONIC MORPHOLIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-222) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pentachloroethane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290319 290319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLOROFLUOROETHANE (CFC-111) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-231) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pentachlorophenate sodium (pentachlorophenoxide sodium) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290819 290819 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLOROPHENATE SODIUM (PENTACHLOROPHENOXIDE SODIUM) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLOROPHENATE SODIUM (PENTACHLOROPHENOXIDE SODIUM) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pentachlorophenate sodium (pentachlorophenoxide sodium) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pentachlorophenol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290811 290811 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTACHLOROTRIFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-213) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pentadecylamine; (1-pentadecanamine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292119 292119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE(PETN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTAERYTHRITOL TETRANITRATE(PETN) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTAFLUOROETHANE (1;1;1;2;2-PENTAFLUOROETHANE ; HFC-125) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PENTOLITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290323 290323 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Perchloromethylmercaptan May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PERCHOROMETHYL RHODANIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Percussion or detonating caps; igniters; electric; detonators May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36030090 36030090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R PERFLUIDONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Perfumes and toilet waters May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330300 330300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PERMETHRIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Permethrin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PERMETHRIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089199 38089199 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Permethrin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291620 291620 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Personal deodorants and antiperspirants May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330720 330720 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pertussis; measles; meningitis or polio vaccines May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30022020 30022020 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 271020 271020 1 January 2016
and preparations not elsewhere specified or included; containing by weight 70
% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals; these
oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; containing biodiesel; other
than waste oils
THAILAND TH R PFIB : 1;1;3;3;3-Pentafluoro-2-(trifluoromethyl)-1-propene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENACETIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29242990 29242990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENOL (HYDROXY BENZENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 290711 290711 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenol (hydroxy benzene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290711 290711 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENYL EPHRINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenyl glycidyl ether; (2;3-Epoxypropyl phenyl ether; 1;2-Epoxy-3- May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291090 291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenyl hydrazine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenylacetic acid and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 291634 291634 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENYLALANINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENYLCARBYLAMINE CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29299090 29299090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENYLCYANOCHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenylhydrazinium sulfate(2:1) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PHENYLMERCURY ACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenylpropanolamine or Norephedrine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293944 293944 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phenylsilatrane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosgene : Carbonyl dichloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphonic acid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28111990 28111990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus (white or yellow; red; and black) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280470 280470 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus oxychloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus oxychloride (phosphoryl chloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus pentachloride (phosphoric chloride ; phosphoric perchloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus pentoxide > 30% w/w (phosphoric anhydride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280910 280910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus sesquisulfide (tetraphosphorus trisulfide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281390 281390 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Phosphorus trichloride (phosphorus chloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PICRATOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PICRIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PICRIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Picric acid (2; 4; 6-trinitrophenol ; picronitric acid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PICRYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PINACOLONE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 291419 291419 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Piperidine (hexahydropyridine) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293332 293332 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Piperonal May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293293 293293 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030222 030222 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030332 030332 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Plasma protein solutions May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30021010 30021010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions g=en
THAILAND TH R POLYMYXINS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R POLYPHOSPHORIC ACID MORE THAN 40% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28092099 28092099 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Poppy strew May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 121140 121140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Portable receivers for calling; alerting or paging and paging alert devices; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176291 85176291 1 January 2016
including pagers Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R POTASIUM FLUORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium arsenite May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28429090 28429090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R POTASSIUM CHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium cyanide > 1% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283719 283719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium fluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282619 282619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium fluorosilicate (potassium hexafluorosilicate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282690 282690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium hydroxide > 20% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281520 281520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium hydroxide > 20% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281520 281520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 282990 282990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Potassium silver cyanide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284329 284329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pptassium cloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310420 310420 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pptassium sulphate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310430 310430 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Preparations for permanent waving or straightening May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330520 330520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pre-shave; shaving or after-shave preparations May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330710 330710 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R processed cheese not grated or powder May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040630 040630 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives; put up retail sale as glues or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 350610 350610 1 January 2016
adhesives; not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg.
THAILAND TH R Propane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 271112 271112 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Propane; Butane; Propylene; Butylene; Butadiene; In gaseous state May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 271129 271129 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Prophylactic pastes or powders May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 33061010 33061010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Propionitrile May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292690 292690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PROPISOCHLOR May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PROPOXYCARBAZONE; SODIUM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R PROPRANOLOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Propylene oxide; 1;2-Epoxypropane; Methyloxirane May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291020 291020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Propylene; butylene and butadiene; Liquefied May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27111490 27111490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Prostaglandins; thromboxanes and leukotrienes; their derivatives and structural May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293750 293750 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Pseudoephedrine (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293942 293942 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pulvis opii May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 13021110 13021110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Pyrene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29029090 29029090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Quinine and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29392010 29392010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R QUIZALOFOP-P-TEFURYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R R-2;3-Epoxy-1-Propanol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291090 291090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R RACTOPAMINE AND ITS SALTS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Radar apparatus : - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85261090 85261090 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Radio remote control apparatus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 852692 852692 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Radio transmitters and radio receivers of a kind used for simultaneous May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176210 85176210 1 January 2016
interpretation at multilingual conferences Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Radium-226(Ra-226):radioactivity is equal to or May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444011 28444011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH P Raw meat 27 November 2019
THAILAND TH R Red tilapia (Tabtim) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030271 030271 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Reformate containing benzene not exceeding 50% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 270750 270750 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Reformate containing benzene not exceeding 50% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 270750 270750 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Reformate other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 270750 270750 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Rice cookers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 85166010 85166010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R RISTOCETIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp.; Panulirus spp.; Jasus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030611 030611 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Roes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03039020 3039020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Rohu (Labeo rohita); catla (Catla catla)and swamp barb (Puntius chola) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038919 3038919 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Rohu (Labeo rohita); catla (Catla catla)and swamp barb (Puntius chola) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028922 3028922 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R RONIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R RUFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29349990 29349990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Rutoside (rutin) and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293810 293810 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Saccharin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292511 292511 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Safety fuses or detonating fuses May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36030020 36030020 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R SAFROLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38085010 38085010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Safrole May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293294 293294 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Safrole May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293294 293294 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SALBUTAMOL AND ITS SALTS May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29225090 29225090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SALCOMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Salted; in brine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062799 3062799 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SARAFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sardines (Sardina pilchardus; Sardinops spp.); sardinella (Sardinella spp.); May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030353 030353 1 January 2016
brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus)
THAILAND TH R Sardines (Sardina pilchardus; Sardinops spp.); sardinella (Sardinella spp.); May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030243 030243 1 January 2016
brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus)
THAILAND TH R Sarin : O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Savalai hairtails (Lepturacanthus savala); Belanger?s croakers (Johnius May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038914 3038914 1 January 2016
belangerii); Reeve?s croakers (Chrysochir aureus) and bigeye croakers
(Pennahia anea)
THAILAND TH R Savalai hairtails (Lepturacanthus savala); Belanger?s croakers (Johnius May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028914 3028914 1 January 2016
belangerii); Reeve?s croakers (Chrysochir aureus) and bigeye croakers
(Pennahia anea)
THAILAND TH R Saxitoxin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Saxitoxin May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SAXITOXIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SAXITOXIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SCHIESSWOLLE 18 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030284 030284 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030384 030384 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Seabream (Sparidae) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030285 030285 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R sec-BUTYL ACETATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29153990 29153990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R sec-Butyl mercaptan (2-butanethiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SECNIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Selenious acid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28111990 28111990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Selenium oxychloride; (Seleninyl chloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Semicarbazide hydrochloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29280090 29280090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Semi-fuses; elemented cap; signal tubes May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36030010 36030010 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Set top boxes which have a communications function : - - - - Mains operated May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85287111 85287111 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Set top boxes which have a communications function : - - - - Other May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85287119 85287119 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R Shampoos May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 330510 330510 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Shark fins May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030571 030571 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Signalling flares or rockets May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department Of Provincial Administration 36049030 36049030 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R SILLVER FULMINATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SILLVER FULMINATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 284329 284329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Silver barb May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028929 3028929 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Silver pomfrets (Pampus argenteus) and black pomfrets (Parastromatus niger) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028917 3028917 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Silver pomfrets (Pampus argenteus) and black pomfrets (Parastromatus niger) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038917 3038917 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Skipjack or stripebellied bonito May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030343 030343 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Skipjack or stripebellied bonito May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030233 030233 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Slipper lobster May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030619 030619 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Smoked May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03071930 3071930 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Smoked May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074930 3074930 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Snake skin gourami May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055990 3055990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Snakeskin gourami ( Trichogaster pectoralis) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028924 3028924 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Snuff; whether or not dry May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Excise Department 24039940 24039940 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030311 030311 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium borate (sodium borate anhydrous) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284011 284011 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium borate (sodium borate anhydrous) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284019 284019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium chromate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 284150 284150 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium cyanide > 1% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283711 283711 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium fluorosilicate (sodium hexafluorosilicate) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 282690 282690 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium hydroxide (???????) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281511 281511 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium hydroxide > 20% w/w (???????) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281512 281512 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sodium hypochlorite May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28289010 28289010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089490 38089490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SODIUM MOLYBDATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 284170 284170 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SODIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28299010 28299010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SODIUM PERCHLORATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Soft antlers May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Epidemic Act; B.E. 1956 05079010 5079010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Soft shell crabs May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061410 3061410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sole (Solea spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030333 030333 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sole (Solea spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030223 030223 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Soman : O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Somatotropin; its derivatives and structural analogues May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293711 293711 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sour milk May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 04039090 4039090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030236 030236 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030346 030346 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SPARFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Squid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074120 3074120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Squid;dried; salted or in brine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074920 3074920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Squid;frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03074910 3074910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R STAPHYLOCOCCAL ENTEROTOXIN B May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Staphylococcal enterotoxin B May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Medical Services 300290 300290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereof May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294120 294120 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Striped snakehead fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055990 3055990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Striped snakehead fish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030279 030279 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R STRONTIUM-90 (Sr-90): RADIOACTIVITY IS EQUAL TO OR May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28444019 28444019 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Styrene monomer May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290250 290250 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFABENZ May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFABENZAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFABROMOMETHAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFACETAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFACHLOROPYRAZINE SODIUM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFACHLORPYRIDAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFACHRYSOIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFACYTINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFADIAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFADICRAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFADIMETHOXINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFADOXINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAETHIDOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAGUANIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAGUANOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFALENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFALOXIC ACID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMERAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETER May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHIZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHOMIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHOXAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHOXYPYRIDAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETHYLTHIAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMETROLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMIDOCHRYSOLDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAMOXOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R SULFANILAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFANILYLUREA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFANITRAN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAPERINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAPHENAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAPROXYLINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAPYRAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAPYRIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAQUINOXALINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFASALAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFASIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFASOMIZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFASYMAZINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFATHAIZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFATHAIZOLE SUCCINYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFATHIOUREA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFATHOLAMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFAZAMET May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFISOMIDINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFISOXAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFLURAMID May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulfluramid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFOSULFURON May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293500 293500 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFUR DICHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULFUR MONOCHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulfur tetrafluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulfur trioxide (sulfuric anhydride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28112990 28112990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulfuric acid > 50% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280700 280700 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulfuric acid; fuming (oleum) > 50% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 280700 280700 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULPHUR DIOXIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28112920 28112920 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sulphur hexafluoride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281290 281290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R SULPHURYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Superphosphates and calcined phosphatic May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 31051010 31051010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Surimi meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030499 030499 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Sweet oranges May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 08051010 8051010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030247 030247 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030357 030357 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tabacco seeds May require an Import permit to enter Thailand The excise Department 12099990 12099990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Table fans and box fans May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 84145110 84145110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tabun : O-Ethyl N;N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tangerines May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Plant Quarantine Act; B.E. 1964 080520 080520 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TAURINE (2-AMONOETHANESULPHONIC ACID) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292119 292119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TEICOPLANIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 851712 851712 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R TEMAFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29335990 29335990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Terbutryn May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293369 293369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TERBUTRYN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089319 38089319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R tert-Butyl mercaptan (2-methyl-2-propanethiol) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetanus toxoid May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30022010 30022010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29029090 29029090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-232) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLORODIMETHYL SULPHIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLORODINITROETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290490 290490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLORODINITROMETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290490 290490 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29031990 29031990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetrachloroethane; (acetylene tetra chloride; 1;1;2;2-tetrachloroethane) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290319 290319 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROFLUOROETHANE (CFC-112) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-121) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-241) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROTETRAFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-214) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROTETRAFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-214) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRACHLOROTRIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-223) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRADECAFLUOROHEXANE (PFC ? 51) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R tetraethyl lead May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29311020 29311020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetraethyl lead May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381111 381111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRAETHYL TIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRAFLUOROMETHANE (CARBON TETRAFLUORIDE ; PC-14) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293295 293295 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetramethyl lead May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 381111 381111 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetramycin (Oxytetracycline) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294130 294130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRANITRO DIGLYCERIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRANITROCARBAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRANITROCARBAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TETRANITROMETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R TETRANITROMETHANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042090 29042090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tetrapropylene May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101230 27101230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRAZOLYL QUANYL TETRAZENE HYDRATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRYL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292142 292142 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TETRYTOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thallium sulfate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089190 38089190 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THALLIUM SULFATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089119 38089119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thallium sulfate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28332990 28332990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R THALLOUS CARBONATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28369990 28369990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R THALLOUS CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 28273990 28273990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thallous malonate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291719 291719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THERMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THERMITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360100 360100 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIABENDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293410 293410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiabendazole May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293410 293410 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiamphenicol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294140 294140 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiocarbazide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIODIGLYCOL (Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfide) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thioglycolic acid (2-mercaptoacetic acid) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thionyl chloride (sulfurous oxychloride) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 281210 281210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiophenol May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIOPHOSGENE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 285300 285300 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiosemicarbazide May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIOSEMICARBAZONE;INCLUDING ITS SALTS; ESTERS AND OTHER USED IN THE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiourea May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293090 293090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIOUREA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089320 38089320 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R THIOUREA May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089330 38089330 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Thiram May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 293030 293030 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030461 030461 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030323 030323 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.); catfish (Pangasius spp.; Silurus spp.; Clarias spp.; May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 305440 305440 1 January 2016
Ictalurus spp.); carp (Cyprinus carpio; Carassius carassius; Ctenopharyngodon
idellus; Hypophthalmichthys spp.; Cirrhinus spp.; Mylopharyngodon piceus);
eels (Anguilla spp.); Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.)

THAILAND TH R Tilidine (INN) and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 292244 292244 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tin ores and concentrates May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Primary Industries and 260900 260900 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TINIDAZOLE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29332990 29332990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TITANIUM TETRACHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 28293990 28293990 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Toluene > 75% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290230 290230 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TOLUENE-2;4-DI-ISOCYANATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291020 29291020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TOLUENE-2;6-DI-ISOCYANATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29291020 29291020 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030283 030283 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030383 030383 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Torpedo scads (Megalaspis cordyla); spotted sicklefish (Drepane punctata) and May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038916 3038916 1 January 2016
great barracudas (Sphyraena barracuda)
THAILAND TH R Torpedo scads (Megalaspis cordyla); spotted sicklefish (Drepane punctata) and May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028916 3028916 1 January 2016
great barracudas (Sphyraena barracuda)

THAILAND TH R TORPEX May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R trans-1;4-Dichlorobutene-2 May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290329 290329 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R trans-Crotonaldehyde May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291219 291219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Transdermal therapeutic system patches for the treatment of cancer or heart May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 30049010 30049010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Transmission and reception apparatus of a kind used for simultaneous May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176252 85176252 1 January 2016
interpretation at multilingual conferences Telecommunications Commission
THAILAND TH R TRIBUTYL TIN FLUORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLORO(CHLOROMETHYL) SILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRICHLORO(DICHLOROPHENYL) SILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Trichloroacetyl chloride May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLORODIFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-122) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLORODIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-242) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROETHYLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 292119 292119 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROETHYLSILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROFLUOROETHANE (CFC-113) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROFLUOROETHANE (HCFC-131) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE (CFC-11) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-251) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROMETHYL CHLOROFORMATE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29159090 29159090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROMETHYL SULPHENYL CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29309090 29309090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROPENTAFLUOROPROPANE (CFC-215) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290377 290377 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROPHENYLSILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROTETRAFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-224) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROPROPANE (HCFC-233) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290379 290379 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRIDITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIETHANOLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292213 292213 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIETHOXYSILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIETHYL PHOSPHITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Triethylenetetramine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 292129 292129 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIFLUOROETHANE (HFC-143) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIFLUOROMETHANE (CARBON TRIFLUORIDE ; HFC-23) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIMETHYL PHOSPHITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRIMETHYLCHLOROSILANE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Trimethylolpropane phosphite May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29209090 29209090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIMETHYLTIN CHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29319090 29319090 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRIMONITE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRINITRO RESORCINOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R TRINITRO RESORCINOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITROCRESOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITROCRESOL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITROCRESYLATES May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290899 290899 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITRODIPHENYLAMINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITROTOLUENE (TNT) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R TRINITROTOLUENE (TNT) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 29042010 29042010 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R TRITONAL May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 360200 360200 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Trout (Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030314 030314 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
THAILAND TH R Trout (Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030211 030211 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
THAILAND TH R Trout (Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030543 030543 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
THAILAND TH R Trout (Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030442 030442 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
THAILAND TH R Trout (Salmo trutta; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Oncorhynchus clarki; Oncorhynchus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030482 030482 1 January 2016
aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae; Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus
THAILAND TH R TROVAFLOXACIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29339990 29339990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tubes for compact fluorescent lamps May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 85393110 85393110 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tubes for compact fluorescent lamps May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of foreign trade 85393910 85393910 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Tunas (of the genus Thunnus); skipjack or stripebellied bonito (Euthynnus May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030487 030487 1 January 2016
(Katsuwonus) pelamis)
THAILAND TH R Turbots (Psetta maxima) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030224 030224 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Turbots (Psetta maxima) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030334 030334 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Units of automatic data processing machines other than units of heading 84.71 : May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176229 85176229 1 January 2016
- - - - Other Telecommunications Commission

THAILAND TH R Uranium and its compounds; plutonium and its May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28442010 28442010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Uranium and its compounds; thorium and its May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of Atoms for Peace 28443010 28443010 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Urea ;wheter or not in aqueous solution May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of architecture 310210 310210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vaccines for veterinary medicine May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 300230 300230 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R VALIDAMYCIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R VALINE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 29224990 29224990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R VALINOMYCIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R VANCOMYCIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 294190 294190 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 291241 291241 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vinyl acetate May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 291532 291532 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R VINYL BROMIDE (MONOBROMOETHENE) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 29033990 29033990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vinyl bromide monomer (monobromoethene) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Defence Industry Department 290339 290339 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Vitamin A and their derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293621 293621 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

THAILAND TH R Vitamin B1 and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293622 293622 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Vitamin B12 and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293626 293626 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vitamin B2 and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293623 293623 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vitamin B6 and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293625 293625 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vitamin C and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293627 293627 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vitamin D and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293629 293629 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Vitamin E and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293628 293628 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Vitamin H and its derivatives May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293629 293629 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Walking catfish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030324 030324 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Walking catfish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03027290 3027290 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Walking catfish May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03055990 3055990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Walking catfish meat May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030493 030493 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Wallago (Wallago attu) and giant rivercatfish (Sperata seenghala) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03038928 3038928 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Wallago (Wallago attu) and giant rivercatfish (Sperata seenghala) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03028928 3028928 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R WARFARIN May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293220 293220 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R WARFARIN SODIUM May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 293220 293220 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Whey and modified whey whether or not concentrated or containg added sugar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 040410 040410 1 January 2016
or other sweetening matter
THAILAND TH R white oil May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 27101990 27101990 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R white oil or refined petroleum oil May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089130 38089130 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R White spirit May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fuel Act; B.E. 1978 27101240 27101240 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R White sugar May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Food Act; B.E. 1979 170114 170114 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Whiteleg shrimps (Liptopenaeus vannamei) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03061720 3061720 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Whiteleg shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03062732 3062732 1 January 2016

THAILAND TH R Wireless LANs May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Office of The National Broadcasting and 85176251 85176251 1 January 2016
Telecommunications Commission

THAILAND TH R XYLENOL and its salts May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290719 290719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R XYLYL BROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R XYLYLENE DICHLORIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290399 290399 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R XYLYLENE DIBROMIDE May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 290369 290369 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030232 030232 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares); frozen May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 030342 030342 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Yellowtail catfish (Pangasius pangasius) May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Fisheries Act; B.E. 1947 Decree 2004 03027210 3027210 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R Zinc cyanide > 1% w/w May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 283719 283719 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R ZINEB May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089219 38089219 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH R zineb May require an Import permit to enter Thailand Department of Industrial Works 38089290 38089290 1 January 2016
THAILAND TH P Goods bearing counterfeit trademark and copyright 6 July 2022
TIMOR-LESTE TL N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions n
TOGO TG P Banknotes or coins 490700 490700 490700; 7118 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Corrosive substances 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Counterfeit products 9 June 2020
TOGO TG P Drugs in all their forms 300300 300499 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Flammable solids or liquids 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Living animals 010100 010699 1 January 2016

TOGO TG P Objects inscribed on the CITES list (elephant tusks ...) 9 June 2020
TOGO TG P Passport and national identity card 491199 491199 491199 9 June 2020
TOGO TG P Perishable products 9 June 2020
TOGO TG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
TOGO TG P Pornographic objects 9 June 2020
TOGO TG P Radioactive material 284400 284499 2844 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Toxic and contaminating materials 9 June 2020

TOGO TG P Weapons and ammunition 930100 930799 9 June 2020

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TONGA TO N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R All animal species Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 010100 010600 0301; 0302 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R All plant species Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 060100 060400 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Animal oils; fats and greases; unrefined Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 150100 150600 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Any filth 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Any sharp instrument not properly protected 8211; 821220; 821300 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Clays; crushed limestone; boulders; sand; gravel; plastering sand; procellanite; Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 250500 253000 1 January 2016
argillite; oil sand
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Coconut in all forms (excluding coconut oil) Restriction for import items (with an import Licence) 080111 080119 120300; 140490; 230650; 530500; 570220 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Compressed gas – flammable and non-flammable e.g. aerosol products; butane; 271113; 280421; 281121; 290376; 382479 1 January 2016
fire extinguishers

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Copra Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 2306; 1203; 1208 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Coral and other aquatic life Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 508 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Corrosives e.g. cleaning liquid; rust remover; corrosive paint or vanish removers 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Cremated remains Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Currency – coins or paper 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Embryos and artificial insemination material Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 0510; 0511 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Explosives e.g. ammunition; fireworks; igniters; fuses; flares; caps for toy 360100 360600 9306 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Fatty acids and solid residues from the treatment of oils and fats Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 230400 230600 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Fish Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 030100 030800 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Flammable liquids e.g. gasoline; alcohol; flammable paint; varnish removers and 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Flammable solids e.g. matches; cellulose nitrate products; zinc powder; metallic 3604; 3605 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Human Organs Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 051199; 300190 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Illegal drugs and any other substance prohibited by law 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016

Page 199 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Jewellery 711300 711700 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Live poultry Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 105 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Living creatures other than bees; leeches and harmless entomological 010100 010500 1 January 2016
specimens packed correctly
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Material which has anaesthetic; noxious; toxic or other characteristics which 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016
can cause discomfort in the event of leakage
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Medication Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap and Ores Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 260200 261700 2620 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Oilseed cake; meal and other vegetable oil residues Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 230100 230900 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Oilseeds; beans; nuts Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 120100 121400 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Oxidising materials e.g. hair or textile dyes; fibreglass repair kits; bleaching 284700; 291632; 282810; 340220 1 January 2016
powders; disinfectants
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Paper for wrapping tobacco or cigarettes Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 4813 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Perishable foodstuff 0402; 0403; 2008; 2106; 2007; 0401; 1 January 2016
2303; 2105; 2005; 2104; 2202; 2004;
2103; 2003; 2102; 2002; 2101; 0409;
0406; 2309; 0404; 2308; 0405; 2001;
1602; 1701; 1601; 1522; 1520; 0410;
1101; 3004; 1806; 1905; 1904; 1804;
1903; 1704; 1605; 1902; 1901; 1604;
1703; 1702
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions ms-and-excise/importing-and-exporting/

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Poisons; including drugs and medicine – except when packed and transmitted in 1 January 2016
the prescribed manner
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Pornographic material 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT P Radio-active material 284400 284500 1 January 2016

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Vegetable fats Restriction for import items (with an Import Licence) 150700 151500 151620; 1517; 1518 1 January 2016
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT R Works of art; artefacts and archaeological findings Restriction for export items (with an Export Licence) 9701; 9702; 9703; 9705 1 January 2016
TUNISIA TN N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Actinobacullus mallei; if alive. Coccidiodes immitis; if alive. Francisella Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 300290 300290 1 January 2016
(Pasteurella); if alive. Tularensis; if alive. Herpes virus simiae. Junin virus. Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Lassa virus. Machupo virus. Marburg virus. Pseudomonas pseudomallei; if Consignments of Animal Origin). Import permission is required by Ministry of
alive. Tick-borne viruses. Variola; major and minor (virus). Yersenia Economy. Import permission is required by Ministry of Health
(Pasteurella) pestic; if alive. Saxsitoxsin. Ricin. Microorganism cultures
TURKEY TR R Actinobacullus mallei; if dead. Coccidiodes immitis; if dead. Francisella Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 210220 210220 1 January 2016
(Pasteurella); if dead. Tularensis; if dead. Pseudomonas pseudomallei; if dead. Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Yersenia (Pasteurella) pestic; if dead. Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Aircraft; spacecraft; and parts thereof Letter of conformity from Ministry of Transport; Maritime Affairs and 880100 880529 1 January 2016
Communications; General Directorate of Civil Aviation. ya/fpbsk.pdf
TURKEY TR R Albuminoidal substances; Modified starches; Glues; Enzymes Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 350100 350790 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR N Aluminum and articles thereof 760100 761699 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 150100 152200 1 January 2016
fats; animal or vegetable waxes. Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof Permission from Ministry of National Defence 930100 930700 1 January 2016

Page 200 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKEY TR R Articles of apparel and clothing accessories; knitted or crocheted. Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 610100 611790 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf

TURKEY TR N Articles of iron or steel 730100 732690 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods; handbags and similar Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 420100 420600 1 January 2016
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR N Articles of stone; plaster; cement; asbestos; mica or similar materials 680100 681599 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R As a result of new customs legislation; postal items (parcels; EMS and small UPU Circular 2019.048 26 May 2020
packets); especially those containing mobile phones or electronic cigarettes;
will be subject to detailed examination and risk analysis by Turkish Customs.
TURKEY TR R Birds' eggs; in shell; fresh; preserved or cooked. Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 040700 040799 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Bleach preparations Subject to Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) 340220 340220 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Blood; human. Blood; animal. It is required to obtain permission from the Ministry of Health for importation from;10445/kan- 300210 300210 22 March 2021
abroad Human blood and blood products. urunlerinin-ruhsatlandirilmasina-dair-
TURKEY TR R Bombs; grenades; topedoes; mines (explosive devices) Permission from Ministry of National Defence 930690 930690 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Carpets and other textile floor coverings Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 570100 570500 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Cellulose nitrates (flammable) Subject to compliance inspection 391220 391220 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR N Ceramic products 690100 691490 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Cereals Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations.::Subject to official control 100100 100890 22 March 2021
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Import. ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1
TURKEY TR P Chloropicrin; liquid 290490 290490 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Chlorosilanes. Cyanogen. Cyanogen bromide. Cyanogen chloride. Thiophosgene. Since it is included in the annex of Law No. 5564; it is subject to the permission of 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade.
TURKEY TR N Clocks and watches and parts thereof 910100 911490 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Cocoa and cocoa preparations Subject to official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of 180100 180690 22 March 2021
Herbal Food and Feed Import. uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR R Coffee; teas; maté and spices It is prohibited to send postal items via post which are subject to commerce in 090100 091099 22 March 2021
accordance with Customs Legislation and whose value exceed 150 €)::Subject to uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal ceXmlSearch=Bitkisel%20g%C4%B1da%20
Food and Feed Import. ve%20yem::::
TURKEY TR R Coin It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 711800 711890 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR N Copper and articles thereof 740100 741999 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Cork and articles of cork Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations::Subject to official control 450100 450490 22 March 2021
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Import. ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1
TURKEY TR R Cotton Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations 520100 521225 22 March 2021
TURKEY TR R Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin; not Import permission is required; except for instances mentioned in the Regulation on 040100 041000 24 June 2019
elsewhere specified or included the introduction of personal consignments of animal origin into the country. 4308261
TURKEY TR R Diesel fuel. Kerosene. Fuel oil. Gasoline. Solvents. Subject to Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) 271000 271000 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations. ::Subject to official control 080100 081400 22 March 2021
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Import.:: ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1

Page 201 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKEY TR R Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations.::Subject to official control 070100 071490 22 March 2021
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Import. ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1
TURKEY TR R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and Letter of conformity from Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning 850100 854890 1 January 2016
reproducers; Television image and sound recorders and reproducers; and parts ya/fpbns.pdf
and accessories of such articles

TURKEY TR R Encephalitis viruses. For importation from abroad; permission must be obtained from the Ministry of;10478/seriri 300220 300220 22 March 2021
Health. -ve-gidai-taharriyat-ve-tahlilat-yapan-
TURKEY TR R Essential oils and resinoids; Perfumery; Cosmetic or toilet preparations Subject to Cosmetic Regulations. masli-teamuller-aranilan-umuma-mahsus- 330100 330790 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Explosives; Pyrotechnic products; Matches; Pyrophoric alloys; Certain 360100 360690 1 January 2016
combustible preparations

TURKEY TR R Fertilisers Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 310100 310590 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)

TURKEY TR P Fire extinguishers Since it is in the Dangerous Goods Classes and Dangerous Goods List determined by 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade; it is included in the prohibited substances section. 762b40ceae4a/1259fb4b88d434dddeea4

TURKEY TR R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Import permission is required; except for instances mentioned in the Regulation on 030100 030799 24 June 2019
the introduction of personal consignments of animal origin into the country. 4308261
TURKEY TR R Footwear; gaiters and the like; parts of such articles. Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 640100 640699 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR P Furniture; bedding; mattresses; mattress supports; cushions and similar stuffed For importation from abroad; permission must be obtained from the Ministry of 940100 940600 22 March 2021
furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings; not elsewhere specified or included; Health. MevzuatKod=7.5.15023&MevzuatIliski=0
illuminated signs; illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated building &sourceXmlSearch=t%C4%B1bbi%20cihaz
TURKEY TR R Furskins and artificial fur; Manufactures thereof Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 430100 430400 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR N Glass and glassware 700100 702000 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR N Headgear and parts thereof. 650100 650700 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Hellium. Krypton. Neon. Xenon. 280429 280429 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Hydrogen cyanide. Hydrocyanic acid. Hydrogen sulphide. Perchloric acid. Since it is included in the annex of Law No. 5564; it is subject to the permission of 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade.

Page 202 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKEY TR R Impregnated; coated; covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 590100 591190 1 January 2016
kind suitable for industrial use. of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR P Inorganic chemicals; Organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of Permission from the Ministry of Health is required for importation from abroad. 280100 285300 22 March 2021
rare-earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes MevzuatKod=7.5.5542&MevzuatIliski=0

TURKEY TR P Insecticides; rodenticides; fungicides; herbicides; disinfectants. For importation from abroad; permission must be obtained from the Ministry of;10472/halk- 22 March 2021
Health. sagligi-alaninda-haserelere-karsi-ilaclama-
TURKEY TR P Intoxicating beverages Forbidden to send the items via post; which are subject to trade within the 220300 220899 22 March 2021
framework of Customs Legislation and whose value exceeds 150 Euros.::Subject to uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
official inspection within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal ceXmlSearch=Bitkisel%20g%C4%B1da%20
Food and Feed Import. ve%20yem::
TURKEY TR N Iron and Steel 720100 722990 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Isopropyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol. 290512 290512 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Knitted or crocheted fabrics Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 600100 600690 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts It is prohibited to send postal items which are subject to commerce in accordance 130100 130239 22 March 2021
with Customs Legislation and whose value exceed 150 € )::Subject to official control
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed 7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSe
Import. arch=Bitkisel%20g%C4%B1da%20ve%20ye
TURKEY TR N Lead and articles thereof 780100 780600 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Live Animals Import permission is required 010100 010690 24 June 2019
TURKEY TR R Live trees and other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; cut flowers and Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations. 060100 060499 22 March 2021
ornamental foliage. uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR P Magnesium Since it is in the Dangerous Goods Classes and Dangerous Goods List determined by 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade; it is included in the prohibited substances section. 762b40ceae4a/1259fb4b88d434dddeea4
TURKEY TR R Man-made filaments; Strip and the like of man-made textile materials Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 540100 540834 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Man-made staple fibres Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 550100 551694 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf

TURKEY TR N Manufacturers of straw; of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware 460100 460290 1 January 2016
and wickerwork.
TURKEY TR R Meat and edible meat offal Import permission is required; except for instances mentioned in the Regulation on 020100 021099 24 June 2019
the introduction of personal consignments of animal origin into the country. 4308261
TURKEY TR P Medicines. Tinctures; medicinal. For importation from abroad; permission must be obtained from the Ministry of 22 March 2021
Health. MevzuatKod=7.5.4915&MevzuatIliski=0

TURKEY TR P Methanol (wood alcohol). 290511 290511 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Milk and cream; concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 040210 040299 1 January 2016
matter. Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Mineral Fuels; Mineral oils and products of their distillation; Bituminous Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations::(Only 27.03 Peat (including 270100 271600 22 March 2021
substances; Mineral waxes peat debris) (whether agglomerated or not)) Subject to Plant Quarantine Regulation. uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR N Miscellaneous articles of base metal 830100 831190 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Miscellaneous chemical products It is prohibited to send postal items which are subject to commerce in accordance 380100 382590 1 January 2016
with Customs Legislation and whose value exceed 150 € 2012-11.html
TURKEY TR R Miscellaneous edible preparations Subject to official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of 210100 210690 22 March 2021
Herbal Food and Feed Import. uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR R Miscellaneous manufactured articles (HS Code 9603. from bushes or other plant materials in tied 960100 961800 22 March 2021
bundles (with or without a handle) Plant Quarantine Regulation Article-14 uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382483 1 January 2016
Mixturesand preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polycholrinated terphenyls (Hazardous
and/or flammable)
TURKEY TR N Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 920100 920999 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Mustard gas. Mercaptans (Thiols) Import permission is required by Ministry of Economy 293090 293090 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Natural or cultured pearls; Precious or semi-precious stones; Precious metals; It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 710100 711890 1 January 2016
Metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; Imitation jewellery; Coin

TURKEY TR N Nickel and articles thereof 750100 750890 1 January 2016

Page 203 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKEY TR P Nuclear reactors; Boilesr; Machinery and Mechanical appliances; Parts thereof 840100 848790 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains; seeds and fruit; industrial Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 120100 121490 22 March 2021
or medicinal plants; straw and fodder Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Consignments ::of Animal Origin)::Subject to official control within the scope of the ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1
Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed Import. %20Y%C3%B6netmeli%C4%9Fi;
TURKEY TR P Optical; photographic; cinematorgraphis; measuring; checking; precision; For importation from abroad; permission must be obtained from the Ministry of 900100 903300 22 March 2021
medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof Health. MevzuatKod=7.5.15023&MevzuatIliski=0
TURKEY TR N Ores; slag and ash %20y%C3%B6ne 260100 262190 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Organic chemicals Permission from the Ministry of Health is required for importation from abroad. 290100 293999 22 March 2021

TURKEY TR N Other base metals; Cermets; Articles thereof 810100 811300 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Other made up textile articles; Sets; Worn clothing and worn textile articles; Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 630100 631090 1 January 2016
Rags of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn. Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 530100 531100 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR N Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp; of paper or of paperboard. 480100 482390 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Perfumes (alcohol based; flammable) Subject to Cosmetic Regulations. 330300 330300 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Pharmaceutical products 300100 300692 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Phosgene. Sulfur dioxide. Thionyl chloride. Since it is included in the annex of Law No. 5564; it is subject to the permission of 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade.
TURKEY TR N Photographic or cinematographic goods 370100 370790 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Plastics and articles thereof It is subject to official inspection within the scope of the Regulation on Official;https://kms. 390100 392690 22 March 2021
Controls of Herbal Food and Feed Import.
TURKEY TR P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions islemleri/sikca-sorulan-sorular-frequently-

TURKEY TR R Precious stones; jewels; gold silver or other precious metals It shall be prohibited to insert this type of material in uninsured letter-post items. 710100 711699 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products Subject to official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of 190100 190590 22 March 2021
Herbal Food and Feed Import. uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR R Preparations of meat; of fish or of crustaceans; molluscs or other aquatic Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 160100 160590 1 January 2016
invertebrates. Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Preparations of vegetables; fruits; nuts or other parts of plants Subject to official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of 200100 200990 22 March 2021
Herbal Food and Feed Import. uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR N Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial 670100 670490 1 January 2016
flowers; articles of human hair.
TURKEY TR N Printed books; newspapers; pictures and other products of the printing 490100 491199 1 January 2016
industry; manuscripts typescripts and plans

TURKEY TR R Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included. Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 050100 051199 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten (It is prohibited to send postal items which are subject to commerce in accordance 110100 110900 22 March 2021
with Customs Legislation and whose value exceed 150 €)::Subject to official control mevzuatlar/?mlid=1887::https://mevzuat.
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed
Import. 0&MevzuatIliski=0&sourceXmlSearch=Bit

TURKEY TR P Provitamins; vitamins and hormones 293600 293799 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR N Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulose material; waste and scrap of paper or 470100 470790 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Radioactive Substances 284410 284450 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Railway or tramway locomotives; rolling-stock and parts thereof; railway or Receipt of permission from General Directorate of Customs 860100 860900 1 January 2016
tramway track fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (including ya/fpbsm.pdf
electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment of all kinds

Page 204 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKEY TR R Raw Hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather. Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 410100 411520 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder. Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 230100 230990 22 March 2021
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments ::of Animal Origin)::Subject to official control within the scope of the
Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed Import.
TURKEY TR P Rubber and articles thereof 400100 401700 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials; lime and cement. 250100 253090 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Ships; boats and floating structures Receipt of permission from General Directorate of Customs. Letter of conformity 890100 890800 1 January 2016
from Ministry of Transport; Maritime Affairs and Communications ya/fpbsm.pdf
TURKEY TR R Silk Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 500100 500790 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Soap; Organic surface-active agents; washing preparations; lubricating Subject to Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) 340100 340700 1 January 2016
preparations; Artificial waxes; prepared waxes; polishing or scouring
preparations; candles and similar articles; modelling pastes.
TURKEY TR P Sodium thiosulfate. 283230 283230 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 580100 581100 1 January 2016
embroidery. of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Sugars and sugar confectionery Subject to official control within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of 170100 170490 22 March 2021
Herbal Food and Feed Import. uatKod=7.5.15590&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
TURKEY TR P Tanning or dyeing extracts; Tannins and their derivatives; Dyes; Pigments; and 320100 321590 1 January 2016
other colouring matter; Paints and varnishes; Putty and other mastics; Inks

TURKEY TR P Tetrahydrofuran 293211 293211 1 January 2016

TURKEY TR N Tin and articles thereof 800100 800700 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR R Tobacco and maufactured tobacco substitutes. Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations. 240100 240399 22 March 2021
TURKEY TR N Tools; implements; cutlery; spoons and forks; of base metal; parts thereof of 820100 821599 1 January 2016
base metal
TURKEY TR R Toys; games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 950100 950890 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR N Umbrellas; sun umbrellas; walking-sticks; seat-sticks; whips; riding-crops and 660100 660390 1 January 2016
parts thereof.
TURKEY TR R Used Rags; saturated in a flammable substance. Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 631090 631090 1 January 2016
of Imports jp.pdf
TURKEY TR R Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations.::(Starting with 14.04) 140100 140490 22 March 2021
included. uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour

TURKEY TR R Vehicles other than railway of tramway rolling-stock; and parts and accessories Letter of conformity from Ministry of Science; Industry and Technology or from the 870100 871690 1 January 2016
thereof Institutions authorized by the Ministry. ya/fpbss.pdf
TURKEY TR R Wadding; felt and non-wovens; special yarns; twine; cordage; ropes and cables Subject to risk assessment performed by Ministry of Economy General Directorate 560100 560900 1 January 2016
and articles thereof. of Imports jp.pdf

TURKEY TR P Waters Permission from the Ministry of Health is required for importation from abroad. 220100 220290 22 March 2021
TURKEY TR R Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal Subject to Article 14 of Plant Quarantine Regulations.::Subject to official control 440100 442190 22 March 2021
within the scope of the Regulation on Official Controls of Herbal Food and Feed uatKod=7.5.15548&MevzuatIliski=0&sour
Import. ceXmlSearch=bitki%20karantinas%C4%B1
TURKEY TR R Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 510100 511300 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR R Works of art; collectors' pieces and antiques Import permission is required (except the ocassions which are mentioned in the 970100 970600 1 January 2016
Regulation on Regarding Rules About The Introduction Into The Country Personal 2012-11.html
Consignments of Animal Origin)
TURKEY TR N Zinc and articles thereof 790100 790700 1 January 2016
TURKEY TR P Zirconium powder. Zirconium scrap. Since it is in the Dangerous Goods Classes and Dangerous Goods List determined by 22 March 2021
the Ministry of Trade; it is included in the prohibited substances section. 762b40ceae4a/1259fb4b88d434dddeea4
TURKMENISTAN TM P All types of tobacco products and smoking mixes 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

TURKMENISTAN TM P Fireworks; flares 1 January 2016

TURKMENISTAN TM P Ion emission sources 1 January 2016
TURKMENISTAN TM P Lables; tags; plugs; closures made for alcoholic products 1 January 2016
TURKMENISTAN TM P Narghile (kalian); electronic cigarettes 1 January 2016
TURKMENISTAN TM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
TURKMENISTAN TM P Poisons and poisonous substances 1 January 2016
TURKMENISTAN TM P Precursors; and their technology 1 January 2016
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TC N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016

UGANDA UG N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
UKRAINE UA P Animal or vegetable fats and oils; their split products: ready-to-eat fats: animal Raw animal products; fat and wax. It is prohibited to send foods of animal origin 150100 152200 5 September 2016
or vegetable wax without thermal stabilization and original package. All foods must be accompanied
by an international certificate or any other document issued by an authoritative
body of the origin country.
UKRAINE UA P Beverages; spirits and vinegar All kinds of spirits (alcohol drinks). 220400 220800 14 September 2016
UKRAINE UA P Caoutchouc; rubber and articles thereof Teats not marked "Pure Rubber" or with no indication of the manufacturer 401400 401490 1 January 2016
registration number
UKRAINE UA P Cereal crops All kinds of products; including rice. 100100 100800 31 August 2016
UKRAINE UA R Cocoa and cocoa preparations Cocoa and cocoa preparations must be free of harmful quarantine organisms and 180300 180500 14 September 2016
each type of matter shall be packed by a sender in separate package weighing up to
2 kg.

UKRAINE UA R Coffee; tea; maté and spices Coffee; tea; kitchen herbs and spices must be free of harmful quarantine organisms 090100 091000 5 September 2016
and shall be separately packed by the sender in packages up to 2 kg for each.

UKRAINE UA P Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin not Dairy produce. Birds' eggs. Natural honey. Other products. 040100 041000 26 September 2016
elsewhere specified or included
UKRAINE UA P Edible fruit and nuts: citrus peel; melons and gourds peel Fresh fruit and berries. 080100 081000 5 September 2016
UKRAINE UA R Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons The imported items must be free of harmful quarantine organisms and be 080100 081000 26 September 2016
accompanied by certificate of fumigation (original copies);and shall be separately
packed by the sender in packages of up to 2 kg for each.
UKRAINE UA P Edible vegetables; plants; roots and tubers Potatoes; tomatoes; egg plants; peppers; chicory (French endive); lettuce (Lactuca 070100 070214 5 September 2016
sativa); all varieties of cabbages (fresh or chilled) and green vegetables (fresh or
chilled).Other edible vegetables and roots and tubers contaminated by parasites
UKRAINE UA P Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and Specially designed; manufactured; programmed or customized computer programs 851700 853300 26 September 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and devices for secret information capturing addressed to individuals and
and accessories of such articles organizations other than Ukrainian governmental organizations.
UKRAINE UA R Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and CD-ROMs in quantity equal to or below 20 units in total. According to Law No. 2734- 852300 852900 26 September 2016
reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts IV of 06.07.2005 on “Updating of some legislative acts of Ukraine related to
and accessories of such articles operation rules associated with the production; export and import of CD-ROMs;
equipment and input materials for their production”; CD-ROMs in quantity equal to
or below 20 units is allowed.
UKRAINE UA P Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates All these products. 030100 030700 31 August 2016
UKRAINE UA P Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof Fur 430100 430300 31 August 2016

UKRAINE UA P Gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Opium. 130100 131100 31 August 2016

UKRAINE UA P Gunpowder and explosives: pyrotechnic products: matches: pyrophoric alloys: Matches; flammable substances; explosives; rockets; detonators 360100 360600 1 January 2016
certain combustible preparations

UKRAINE UA P Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- Radioactive substances 283900 284400 26 September 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes
UKRAINE UA R Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals; of rare- Registered pesticides and agrochemicals in quantities needed for personal use. 283900 284400 26 September 2016
earth metals; of radioactive elements or of isotopes Pesticides and agrochemicals sent to the territory of Ukraine shall be accompanied
by information regarding decontamination and disposal technology.

UKRAINE UA P International postal items addressed to individuals and containing electronic UPU IB Circular 18 March 2019
and emitting devices (e.g. mobile phones; smart phones; radios) that are listed 331&id=7633&language=uk 2018.114
in the Register of Radio-Electronic Equipment and Emitting Devices Prohibited
for Use and Import to Ukraine. However; international postal items containing
devices that are not listed in this register are permitted; but only if the
sender/addressee has a corresponding certificate of conformity.

Page 206 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UKRAINE UA P International postal items containing medications that are not listed in the UPU IB Circular 18 March 2019
State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine; including narcotic drugs; ?opendocument 2018.114
psychotropic substances and chemical precursors. However; international
postal items containing medications that are not registered in Ukraine and that
are intended for individual use by citizens are permitted; but only if the
addressee has a corresponding letter of notification from the Ministry of Health
of Ukraine.
UKRAINE UA P Live animals Live animals 010100 010600 26 September 2016
UKRAINE UA R Live animals Bees; leeches; silkworms; parasites and predators of dangerous insects intended for 010100 010600 5 September 2016
research and exchanged between officially recognized institutions; must be
inspected by the quarantine service. Depending on the decision of the inspectors;
the postal items are delivered to the addressees; returned to sender or destroyed.

UKRAINE UA P Live plants and flowers Live plants and bulbs contaminated by parasites dangerous to crops. Grafts and 060100 602200 5 September 2016
shrubs of vines; rhizomes and other parts of plants growing in the ground. Seeds of
ornamental and flowering plants. Planting material for fruit; forest and ornamental
crops; cut flowers.
UKRAINE UA P Meat and edible meat offal All kinds of meat. All kinds of offal. 020100 021000 31 August 2016

UKRAINE UA P Miscellaneous manufactured articles Butane cigarette lighters. Articles included in the category described in Notes 1-24 961300 961310 31 August 2016
of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System; except foodstuff
with total weight up to 10 kg in the original package

UKRAINE UA P Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit: miscellaneous seeds; fruit and grains: industrial Oil seeds & planting material. Cotton seeds. Seeds mixed with fodder grasses or 120700 122000 5 September 2016
or medicinal plants: straw and fodder unusable for sowing; straw; combination feed; pig swill; wine press and means of
packaging. Seeds for sowing contaminated by parasites dangerous to crops. Bean
UKRAINE UA P Organic and chemical compounds Morphine; cocaine and other narcotics. 293910 293990 31 August 2016
UKRAINE UA R Organic and chemical compounds Funeral urns. It is necessary to provide the customs authorities the following 293910 293990 26 September 2016
documents:::- a death certificate or other document confirming the fact of death
issued by the appropriate authority;::- a certificate that in an urn there are no
foreign substances prohibited for transportation across the state border of Ukraine.
These documents should be legalized in the consular or diplomatic missions of
Ukraine abroad.::
UKRAINE UA P Other made-up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags Goods (worn items; footwear; etc.); dirty or possibly dangerous for postal 630000 630000 26 September 2016
employees; which is not accompanied by a document certifying that they have been
fumigated (the process of decontamination).
UKRAINE UA P Pharmaceutical products Dried blood; endocrine glands; reproductive material and other substances of 300100 300600 26 September 2016
animal origin. Products containing narcotics and psychotropic substances. Drugs
and medical products of poor quality; adulterated and not registered in Ukraine.
UKRAINE UA R Pharmaceutical products Unregistered medical products or drugs. ::Medicinal products: animal or human 300100 300200 26 September 2016
sera; medicaments for human or veterinary medicine; bacterial vaccines; cultures of
micro-organisms intended for research in human or veterinary medicine as well as
in the production of diagnostic substances; including plasmids; obtained from gene
manipulation.::The procedure for import of items containing unregistered medical
products (or drugs) for personal use is determined by the central executive body
responsible for state policy in the public health service area.::Import permission for
drugs not registered in Ukraine is granted to the foreign countries for the purpose
of medical support of troops and all rank and commanding staff that run a mission
during an anti-terrorist operation; an emergency state or a special period; on
condition that the documents confirming the registration and use of such drugs in
the foreign countries are provided.::Items containing medicines for personal use in
quantities required for a course of treatment are permitted when the addressee
has obtained authorization from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

UKRAINE UA P Photographic or cinematographic products Photographs; films; negatives; video recordings; magnetic data media for 370100 370700 1 January 2016
computers aimed to act against the constitutional regime; violating the territorial
integrity of the country; propagating war; violence; racial; ethnic or religious hatred;
or violating human rights and liberty
UKRAINE UA N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
UKRAINE UA P Polymers; plastics and articles thereof Cellulose waste; cellulose tubes and rods 391500 391700 1 January 2016
UKRAINE UA R Preparations of cereals; flour; starch or milk; pastrycooks' products Preparations of cereals; except for seed material; flour and articles thereof must be 190300 190500 14 September 2016
free of harmful quarantine organisms and each type of matter shall be packed by a
sender in separate package weighing up to 2 kg.

Page 207 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UKRAINE UA P Preparations of meat; fish or crustaceans; molluscs Fish; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates; prepared: salted and smoked meat; 160300 160500 14 September 2016
canned meat; bacon; canned fish.::It is prohibited to send foods of animal origin
without thermal stabilization and original package.::All foods must be accompanied
by an international certificate or any other document issued by an authoritative
body of the origin country.::According to Ukrainian legislation the nutrient
additives; foods for personal use and foods containing nutritional supplements shall
be admitted to the territory of Ukraine in a package weighing up to 10 kg. The
products shall be admitted only accompanied by a certificate of sanitary; veterinary
and phytosanitary standards compliance.::
UKRAINE UA P Printed matter; periodicals and other products of the printing industry: Documents such as license to carry weapons; employment records; military 490100 491100 26 September 2016
manuscripts or typescripts registration cards; and other identity documents (except for Ukrainian passport for
travel abroad); postal stamps (canceled or not); with the exception for organized
philately transportation. Publications harmful to young people and publications of
an indecent or immoral nature. Works the content of which is counter to social
order; which undermine the constitutional regime and which violate the territorial
integrity of the country; propagate war; violence; racial; ethnic or religious hatred;
or which violate human rights and liberty. Current bank notes; base coinage;
securities payable to bearer; postage stamps. Publications printed in Germany
within the period from 1933 to 1945; as well as items with Nazi symbols.

UKRAINE UA R Printed matter; periodicals and other products of the printing industry: Foreign currencies. In accordance with the laws of the country (NBU Instruction No. 490100 491100 26 September 2016
manuscripts or typescripts 148 of 27.05.2008 on moving cash and banking metals through the customs border
of Ukraine) it is allowed to send to the territory of Ukraine physical cash; namely
foreign currency; in international declared value mail items:::::-to natural and legal
persons in the amount that does not exceed the equivalent of 300 euro;::::-to
licensed banks in accordance with legislation.
UKRAINE UA P Products of animal origin; not elsewhere specified or included Bones; hooves; horns; intestines; down; feathers 050400 050700 31 August 2016
UKRAINE UA P Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather Primary materials of animal origin: raw hides and skins 410100 411100 31 August 2016
UKRAINE UA P Salt: sulphur: soil and stone: plastering materials: lime and cement Soil 250100 253000 1 January 2016
UKRAINE UA R Sugars and sugar confectionery Sugar and confectionery must be free of harmful quarantine organisms and each 170300 170500 14 September 2016
type of matter shall be packed by a sender in separate package weighing up to 2 kg.

UKRAINE UA P Tanning or dyeing extracts: tannins and their derivatives: pigments and other Colouring matter 320300 320600 1 January 2016
colouring matter: paints and varnishes
UKRAINE UA P Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes Tobacco 240100 240300 14 September 2016
UKRAINE UA P Weapons; ammunition and parts thereof; accessories All kinds of arms; including swords; cutlasses; bayonets; lances and similar arms; 930100 930500 26 September 2016
ammunition. Military equipment.
UKRAINE UA P Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal All kinds of wood with outer bark without a thermal and chemical treatment. 440100 440300 26 September 2016
UKRAINE UA P Wool; fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric Greasy wool of sheep and goats 510100 510300 26 September 2016
UKRAINE UA P Works of art; collectibles and antiques Works of art; collectibles and antiques 970100 970600 1 January 2016
UKRAINE UA P Bank notes in circulation, securities (cheques) of any kind payable to bearer or foreign UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
currency. Article IX
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Acrylonitrile Ministry of Health 29261000 29261000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Alachlor; Aldrin; Binapacryl; Bromophos-ethyl; Camphechlor (Toxaphene); Ministry of Health 38085000 38085000 9 January 2018
Captafol; chlordane; chlordimefrom; chlorobenzilate; DDT (clofenotane (INN);;
1; 1; 1-trichloro-2; 2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane); Dieldrin; dinosebm its salts of
its esters; ethylene dibromide (1; 2-dibromethane); ethylene dichloride; (1;2-
dichloroethane); fliroacetamide heptachlor; hexachlorobenzene; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6;
hexa-chlorocyclohexane (HCH); including lindane; mercury compounds;
methamidphos; monocrotophos; oxirane parathionmethyl (methyl-parathion);
pentachlorophenol; phosphamidion; 2; 4; 5;-T (2; 4; 5 trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid; its salts or its esters); Endrin; Isodrin(Isomers of eldrin); Parathion
(Parathion-ethyl); Pyrinuron; 1;2-dichloropropene with 1;3 dichloropropene

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Amitrole (Aminotripole) Ministry of Health 29339990 29339990 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Black poppy; fresh or dried; whether or not cut; crushed or powdered Ministry of Interior 12119020 12119020 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Bromochlorodifluoromethane;bromotrifluoromethane and Ministry of Climate Change & Environment 29037600 29037600 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cadmium and Cadmium compounds Ministry of Health 28261900 28261900 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Captafol Ministry of Health 29305000 29305000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Carbaryl Ministry of Health 29242900 29242900 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Carbon Tetrachloride Ministry of Health 29031400 29031400 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Coca leaf Ministry of Interior 12113000 12113000 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cocaine Ministry of Interior 29399100 29399100 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Containing pentachlorobenzene (ISO) or hexachlorobenzene (ISO) Ministry of Health 38248600 38248600 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Containing perfluorooctane sulphonic acid; its salts; perfluorooctane Ministry of Health 38248700 38248700 9 January 2018
sulphonamides; or perfluorooct
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Containing tetra-; penta-; hexa- hepta- or octabromodiphenyl ether; Ministry of Health 38248800 38248800 9 January 2018
Octabromodiphenyl ether Commercial mixtures typically containing:
Hexabromodiphenyl ether and Heptabromodiphenyl ether; octabromodiphenyl
ether; nonabromodiphenyl ether and decabromodiphenyl ether;
Pentabromodiphenyl ether Commercial mixtures typically containing:
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and Pentabromodiphenyl ether)

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Crocidolite excluding fibre carded; dyed; etc & finished articles of asbestos in Ministry of Health 25241000 25241000 9 January 2018
heading 68.12.; Asbestos :Tremolite; Asbestos : Chrysotile
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cuprous oxide Ministry of Health 28255010 28255010 9 January 2018

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cyanides & cyanide oxides; of sodium; Sodium cyanide Ministry of Health 28371100 28371100 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cyanides & cyanide oxides; other than of sodium; Calcium cyanide; Hydrogen Ministry of Health 28371900 28371900 9 January 2018
cyanide [Calcium cyanide]
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Cycloheximide Ministry of Health 29419000 29419000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Dinitramine Ministry of Health 38089300 38089300 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Electronic Cigarettes and Electronic Shisha Ministry of Health 85437030 85437030 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Ethylene dichloride (1;2-dichloroethane) Ministry of Health 29031200 29031200 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Ethylene dibromide (1;2-dibromoethane) Ministry of Health 29033100 29033100 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Ethylene oxide Ministry of Health 29101000 29101000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Fluorosilicates (including of sodium or potassium) Fluoraluminates; Sodium Ministry of Health 28269000 28269000 9 January 2018
fluoride; Sodium hexafluorosilicate
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Hashish Ministry of Interior 13021910 13021910 14 December 2017

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Hemp seeds; whether or not broken Ministry of Interior 12079920 12079920 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Indian Hemp; fresh or dried; whether or not cut; crushed or powdered Ministry of Interior 12119060 12119060 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Leptophos (MBCP) Ministry of Health 28249090 28249090 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mace neither crushed nor ground Ministry of Interior 09082100 9082100 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mace whether crushed or ground Ministry of Interior 09082200 9082200 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mercurous chloride Ministry of Health 28273910 28273910 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mercury compounds / Mercury oxide Ministry of Health 28259050 28259050 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Methamidophos Ministry of Health 29309090 29309090 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mirex Ministry of Health 08089190 8089190 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mixtures and preparations containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Ministry of Health 38248200 38248200 9 January 2018
polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methame; ethane or propane; Ministry of Climate Change & Environment 38247100 38247100 9 January 2018
Mixture of CFC-12 & HFC-152a; Mixture of HCFC-22 & CFC-115
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Naphthalene Ministry of Health 27074000 27074000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Opium Ministry of Interior 13021100 13021100 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators; Aramite; Ministry of Health 38089990 38089990 9 January 2018
Methylarsonic acid; Arsenic trioxide and others; Chinomethionat
[oxythioquinox]; Difethialone; Dioxathion; Diphacinone; Ergocalciferol (Vitamin
D2); Ethoprop; Fenamiphos; Fensulfothion; Flocoumafen; Fluvalinate;
Fosthietan; Methyl isothiocyanate; Sulfaquinoxaline; Sulprofos; Thionazin

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other asbestos excluding fibre carded; dyed; etc & finished articles of asbestos Ministry of Health 25249000 25249000 9 January 2018
in heading 68.12.; Asbestos: Actinolite; Asbestos : Anthophyllite; Asbestos :
Amosite; Asbestos : Crocidolite
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function and their anhydrides; Ministry of Health 29189990 29189990 9 January 2018
halides; 2;4-D (2;4-Dichloro-phenoxy acitic acid); 2;4-D(2;4-Dichlorophenoxy
acetic acid)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other Herbicides; anti-sprouting and plant growth egulators; Acifluorfen- Ministry of Health 38089390 38089390 9 January 2018
sodium [Acifluorfen]; Arsenic compounds such as; Atrazine; Bensulide;
Bromacil; Bromoxynil; Butralin; Butylate; Calcium Cyanamide; Chlorthal-
dimethyl (DCPA); Cyanamide; Cyanazine; Cuanamide (Hydrogen cyanamide); Di-
allate (Diallate); Dichlobenil; Diclofop; Dimethenamid; Dinobuton; Dinoseb and
its salts and esters; Dinoterb; Diuron; Endothall; Fenoprop; Fenoprop-butotyl
(Silvex); Fenopropathrin; Fenthiaprop [Fenthiaprop-ethyl]; Fenuron - TCA
(WSSA); Flurenol; Flurprimidol; Haloxyfop-P; [Haloxyfop-etotyl]; [Haloxyfop-P-
methyl]; Hexazinone; Hydrogen Cyanamide; Mecoprop; MCPA-thioethyl (
phenothiol); Metoxuron; Monolinuron; Monuron (monuron-TCA); Morfamquat
(Morfamquat dichloride); Nitrofen (TOK); Pebulate; Propachlor; Propham;
Simazine; Trifluralin; 2-Napthyloxyacetic acid

Page 209 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other Pesticides; Aldicarb; Allethrin [(IR)-isomers ]; Amitraz; Anthraquinone; Ministry of Health 38089190 38089190 9 January 2018
Azinphos-ethyl; Azinphos-methyl; Benfuracarb; Bensultap; Benzene
hexachloride (Gamma-HCH); Bifenthrin; Binapacryl; Bioallethrin S-cyclopentenyl
isomers (S-Bioallethrin); Bioresmethrin; Cadusafos; Calcium arsenate;
Carbofuran; Carbon disulphide (Carbon disulfide); Carbosulfan; Cartap;
Chlordane; Chlordecone; Chlordimeform [Chlordimform hydrochloride];
Chlorethoxyphos (Chlorethoxyfos); Chlorfenapyr; Chlorfenvinphos; CVP;
Chlormephos; Chlorobenzilate; Chlorthiophos; Copper sulfate (anhydrous);
Coumafuryl; Crimidine; Cyhalothrin; Cyhexatin; Cypermethrin- Theta;
Cypermethrin- Zeta; Demeton; Demeton-O; Demeton-S; Demeton-S-methyl;
Dichlorprop; Dichlorvos (DDVP); Diazinon; Diclofop-methyl; Dicofol;
Dicrotophos; Dimefox; Dimethoate; DNOC (Dinitro-ortho-cresol) and its salts
Such as: [Ammonium salt]; [Potassium salt]; [Sodium salt]; Disulfoton; Dustable
powder formulations containing a combination of : Benomyl at or above 7%
Carbofuran at or above 10% and Thiram at or above 15%; EPN; Endosulfan; ENT
17596; Ethiofencarb; Ethion; Ethyl hexanediol; Fenothiocarb [Fentin hydroxide];
Fenthion; Fenoxycarb; Fenvalerate; Flucythrinate; Flufenoxuron;
Fluoroacetamide; Flucythrinate; Flufenoxuron; Formothion; Fonofos;
Furathiocarb; Heptachlor; HCH/Hexachlorocyclohexane (mixed isomers);
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB); Isazophos (Isazofos); Isobenzan; Isofenphos;
Isoxathion; Kelevan; Lindane (gamma-HCH); Malathion; Metaldehyde;
Methiocarb; Mephospholan (Mephosfolan); Methidathion; Methomyl;
Methoxychlor; Mevinphos; Monocrotophos; Niclosamide; Omethoate;
Oxydemeton-methyl; Oxydeprofos (ESP); Parathion-methyl; Pentachlorophenol
and its salts and esters; Phenthoate; Phorate; Phosacetim; Phosalone;
Phosfolan (phospholan); Phosphamidon; Picloram; Pirimiphos-ethyl;
Polychloroterpenes (strobane); Propanil; Propargite; Propoxur; Prothoate;
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other type of fungicides; Bendiocarb; Benomyl; Chloranil; Chlorothalonil; Ministry of Health 38089290 38089290 9 January 2018
Chlozolinate; Diniconazole; Diniconazole-M; Ditalimfos; Dodemorph; Dustable
powder formulations containing a combination of : Benomyl at or above 7%
Carbofuran at or above 10% and Thiram at or above 15%; Fenarimol; Fentin
[Fentin acetate]; Ferbam; Iminoctadine; Myclobutanil; Oxadixyl; Procymidon;
Pyrazophos; Quintozene (PCNB); Sec-butylamine; Sulfuryl fluoride; Tecnazene;
Thiram; Tolylfluanid; Tricyclazole; Tridemorph; Vinclozolin; Zineb

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Other; perhalogenated only with fluorine and chlorine; Ministry of Climate Change & Environment 29037799 29037799 9 January 2018
Dichlorodifluoromethane; Dichlorotetrafluoroethane;
Monochloropentafluoroethane; Trichlorotrifluoroethane -1; 1; 2
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and Dubai Customs 000000 999999 13 May 2020
prohibitions ges/default.aspx
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Poppy Ministry of Interior 12114011 12114011 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Poppy seeds; whether or not broken Ministry of Interior 12079100 12079100 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Poppy; whether or not broken Ministry of Interior 12079910 12079910 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Preparations containing chewing tobacco Ministry of Health 24039920 24039920 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Retreaded Tyres (Coated); of a kind used on motor cars including station Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 04012100 4012100 14 December 2017
wagons and racing cars
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Retreaded tyres of rubber; of a kind used on aircraft Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 40121300 40121300 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Retreaded tyres of rubber; of a kind used on buses or lorries Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 40121200 40121200 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Retreaded tyres of rubber; of a kind used on motor cars (including station Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 40121100 40121100 14 December 2017
wagons & racing cars)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Retreaded tyres of rubber; other than those used on motor cars (including Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 40121900 40121900 14 December 2017
station wagons & racing cars)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Sodium chlorate Ministry of Health 28291100 28291100 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Sodium fluoroacetate Ministry of Health 29159000 29159000 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Strychnine Ministry of Health 29399900 29399900 9 January 2018
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Trichlorofluoromethane Ministry of Climate Change & Environment 29037710 29037710 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Used pneumatic tyres; of rubber Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology 40122000 40122000 14 December 2017
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE P Vegetable products; n.e.s. Ministry of Health 14049090 14049090 14 December 2017
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Aerosols 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Alcoholic Berages (above 24% ABV) 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Alcoholic Beverages (below 24% or less) Must follow pakaging guidelines. Volume should not exceed 1 litre per item. 220300 220899 2203; 2204; 2205; 2206; 2208 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Ammunition 930600 930699 9306 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Animal furs and skins The fur and skin of endangered animals or fish; or goods made from them; such as 410100 430299 4101; 4102; 4103; 4104; 4105; 4106; 26 July 2019
jewellery; shoes; bags and belts are banned for trade import into the UK unless you furs-skins-and-fish 4107; 4112; 4113; 4114; 4115; 4301; 4302
have a valid permit. The furs of animals caught in leg-hold traps are also prohibited
for import into the UK unless accompanied by either certification that confirms
origination in an approved-source country; or a valid import/export permit issued
for endangered species which may also be accepted as certification

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Asbestos 252400 252499 2524 26 July 2019


Page 210 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Balloons filled with non-flammable gas 950300 950399 9503; 8801 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Batteries - Lithium metal/alloy batteries contained in equipment (eg Must follow packaging guiedlines. 850650 850760 850650; 850760 26 July 2019
rechargeable batteries found in electronic devices) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Batteries - new alkaline metail; nickel metal hurdride (NiMH); nickel cadmium Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. 850600 850799 8506; 8507 26 July 2019
(NiCd) and zinc-air (including D;C;9V;AA;AAA and AAA alkaline metal batteries) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Batteries - new and use lithium ion and lithium polymer 850650 854810 850650; 850760; 854810 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Batteries - new and used lithium metail and lithium alloy 850650; 850760; 854810 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Batteries - new wet; non-spillable (eg sealed lead acide batteries; absorbed 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
glass mat and gel cell batteries) iles/DangerousGoods_BusinessCustomer
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Batteries classified as dangerous goods and certain used batteries - refer to 8506; 8507 1 January 2016
Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO) ods/Pages/technical-instructions.aspx
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Biological substances (including blood and urine. Category B (UN3373) as 051110 051199 300210; 300290 1 January 2016
classified in the latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of ods/Pages/technical-instructions.aspx
Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO)
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Christmas Crackers Follow packaging guidelines - can only be sent in their original retail packaging 950510 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Clinical and medical waste (including contaminated dressings; bandages and 382530 1 January 2016
needles) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Commercial Plant Imports Check restrictions with DEFRA 060100 060499 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Controlled drugs and narcotics (including cannabis; cocaine; heroin; LSD; opium 121130 121190 130190;130211;130219;280610;280700;2 1 January 2016
and amyl nitrate) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited- 84161;284330;284390;290230;290551;29
goods-overseas-mail 0911;291411;291412;291431;291524;291
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Copins; plantinum; gold or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewels Must be sent in registered/insured post 071010 071179 26 July 2019
and other valuable articles -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Corrosives (including dyes; acids; corrosive pain and rust removers; caustic 1 January 2016
soda; mercury and gallium metail) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Counterfeit currency; bank notes and stamps (including any false instrument or 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
copy of a false instrument within the meaning of section 5 of the Forgery and -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
Counterfeiting Act 1981) goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Cultural Goods Licences may be required on works of art such as paintings; scultures; statues; 1 January 2016
antiques and collectors items

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Dairy produce: birds' eggs: natural honey: edible products of animal origin Milks and milk product for human consumption; eggos and egg products; apiculture 040100 041099 26 July 2019
products (eg honey); processed animal protein for human consumption gelatin lard
and fats are subject to animail and/or helath import controls - check with DEFRA

Page 211 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Dry Ice (eg UN1845 when used as a coolant for UN3373 or for other perishable 281121 1 January 2016
items) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Electronic items containin any batteries exceeding 100Wh 850100 854899 26 July 2019

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Electronic items sent with lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries 850100 854899 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Electronic items sent with lithium metal and lithium alloy batteries 850100 854899 26 July 2019

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Electronic items sent with new alkaline metal; nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or Follow packaging guidelines. 850100 854899 26 July 2019
nickel cadmim (NiCd) batteries -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Endangered species - dead (eg stuffed) - this includes parts or derivatives of Subject to CITES controls - import permit may be required. 010611 020690 010129;010130;010190;010239;010290;0 1 January 2016
these specifies such as blood; vory; caviar; bones; teetch; furs; timber; plumage import-and-export-of-protected-species 10391;010392;010410;010420;030111;03
and leather goods. 0119;030192;030199;030326;030493;030
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Environmental waste (9including used batteries and used engine oil) 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Explosives (including fireworks; flares; blasting caps; Christmas cracker snaps 360100 360699 26 July 2019
and party poppers) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Feed and Food imports - including oil seeds Imports are controlled by the Food Standard Agency (FSA) 230910 230990 230990; 230910 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Flammable liquids (including petroleum; lighter fluid; certaina dhseives; solvent- 1 January 2016
based paints; wood varnish; enamels; acetone and all nail varnish removers: -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
also see Alcoholic beverages; Perfumes and aftershaves and Nail varnish) goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Flammable solids (including magnesium; potassium; sodium; zinc powder and 1 January 2016
fire lighters) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Frozen water (including packs of ice) 220190 220190 220190 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Gases (including flammable; non-flammable; toxi and compressed gases; new 1 January 2016
and used gas cylinders; butane; ethan; propane; refills for lighters; fire -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
extinguishers and scua tanks: also see Aerosols and Lighters) goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Goods made in foreign prisons (except those imported for a non-commercial 1 January 2016
purpose; of a kind not manufactures in the IK; or those in transit) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Guns for sporting use (Guns intended for sporting purposes - includting Section Check import licencing requirements. Follow packaging guidelines 930200 930499 26 July 2019
1 & 2 firearms; low-powered air weapons and their component parts - may be offensive-weapons
sent in compliance with UK law subject to any applicable controls on the
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Human or animal remains (including ashes) 051199 051199 51199 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Infectious substances and pathogens (UN2814 or UN2900) as classified in the 1 January 2016
latest edition of the Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous ods/Pages/technical-instructions.aspx
Goods by Air (ICAO)
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Lighters (new and unused empty lighters) Follow packaging guidelines - must be new; empty and sent unopened in their 961300 961399 9613 26 July 2019
original retail packaging_ -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Lighters and refills containing flammable liquid or gas including butane; petrol 9613 1 January 2016
cigar and cigarette lighters: also see Aerosols; Flammable liquids and gases) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

Page 212 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Liquids over 1 litre (containing liquids not classified as dangerous goods) 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Lithium ion/polymer batteries contained within equipment (eg rechargeable Must follow packaging guiedlines. 1 January 2016
batteries found in electronic devices) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Live animals and reptiles (including snakes; mice and rodents) 010100 010699 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Live creatures classified as dangerous within the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1 January 2016
1972; including certain venomous spiders) 6/38
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Live creatures; insects and invertebrates (including bees; caterpillars; Subject to Import licences (Department of Agriculture -DEFRA) and health 010100 010699 26 July 2019
cockroaches; crickets; destroyers of noxious pests; earthworms; fish fry and certificates from the government department of the country of origin. Some
eggs; leeches and other parasites; lugworms; maggots; mealworms; pupae and species may be subject to CITES. Follow packaging guidelines.
chrysaldes; rag worms; silkworms; spiders and stick insects)
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Lottery tickets 491199 491199 491199 26 July 2019

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Magnestised material - with a magnetic field strength of 0.418A/metre or more 850511 850519 1 January 2016
at a distance of 4.6 metres from the outside of the package (including certain -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
Public Address systems) goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Magnestised material (other than those that are prohibited - including loud Follow packaging guidelines. 850511 850519 1 January 2016
speakers) iles/DangerousGoods_BusinessCustomer
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Matches (including safety matches) 360400 360499 3604; 3605 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Nail varnish; polish and gel 330430 330430 330430 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Obscene publications and unlawful indecent images goods-overseas-mail 490100 491199 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Oxidising materials and organic peroxides (including disinfectants; nitrates and 290900 291899 2909; 2915; 2916; 2917; 2918; 330530; 26 July 2019
hair dyes or colourants containing peroxide) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited- 330590; 380894
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Paints wood stains and enamels - water-based Follow packaging guidelines 320700 321399 3207; 3208; 3210; 3213 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Paints; wood varnishes and enamels - solvent-based 320700 321399 3207; 3208; 3210; 3213 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Perfume and aftershave (including eau du parfum and eau de toilette but 330300 330710 330300; 330710; 330499 26 July 2019
excluding non-flammable perfumed creams; gels; oils or lotions) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Perishables (including flowers; fresh fruit; vegetables and frozen or chilled 1 January 2016
foodstuffs) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Pesticides (including weed killer and any chemical used to kill pests and insects; 380800 380899 3808 26 July 2019
such as fly sprays) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions tions/uk-trade-tariff-import-prohibitions-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Poisons; toxic liquids; solids or gasses (including substances that are liable to 1 January 2016
cause death or injury if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact; such as arsenic; -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
beryllium; cyanide; fluorine; rat poison) goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes - (non- Follow packaging guidelines 300300 300499 26 July 2019
toxic and non-flammable) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-

UNITED KINGDOM GB P Prescription medicines and drugs sent for scientific or medical purposes (toxic; 300300 300499 26 July 2019
flmmable; or toxic and flammable) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Radioactive material and samples classified as dangerous goods in the latest 284400 284599 26 July 2019
edition od the technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
by Air (ICAO) such as luminous dials from aircraft goods-overseas-mail

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Radioactive material and samples not classified as dangerous goods in the latest Follow packaging guidelines 284400 284599 26 July 2019
edition od the technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
by Air (ICAO) such as samples of granite rock goods-overseas-mail

Page 213 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED KINGDOM GB R Sharp objects and instruments (including scissors and kitchen knives or utensils) November 2019 for the UK Legislation affecting the Offences Weapon Act 821100 821300 8211; 821220; 821300 30 August 2019
2019.::::This national legislation will ban bladed items or sharply pointed articles -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
such as: knives; blades and axes for delivery in the UK. If these items are sent into goods-overseas-mail
the UK via our network after 1 November 2019; they will be treated as wrongly
admitted pursuant to UPU Convention Article 19 and will be returned to the
sending Post.
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Tickets and related advertisement for illegal lotteries 491199 491199 491199 26 July 2019
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Vaccines May only be sent by; or at the specific request of a qualified medical practitioner; 300220 300290 300290; 300230; 300220 26 July 2019
registered dental practitioner; vertinary surgeon; registered nurse or a recognised-and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
laboratory or institution. Follow packaging guidelines goods-overseas-mail
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Waste; dirt; filth or refuse (including household waste) 1 January 2016
UNITED KINGDOM GB P Weapons (inlcuding Section 5 firearms; CS gas and pepper sprays; flick knives; 930100 930799 26 July 2019
tasers and stun guns) -and-support/tell-me-about-prohibited-
UNITED KINGDOM GB R Worked ivory; bone; tortoiseshell; horn; antlers; mother of pearl and other May be subject to CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species) 960100 960199 9601 26 July 2019
animal carving material and articles of these materials (including articles
obtained by moulding; works of art; colelctors pieces and antiques)
UNITED STATES US R Animal Devices and Diagnostic Products Disposable and Single-use Devices for Animals (anesthesia; orthopedic; ophthalmic 2 December 2019
dental and diagnostics); Animal Hospital/Clinic Equipment products/animal-and-veterinary-products

UNITED STATES US R Animal Food (Non-Medicated Feed and Feed Ingredients) Edible Seeds (oilseed; legumes); Hay/Silage; tuber Vegetables (fresh and dried); 27 November 2019
Grains (ground grains; whole grains) products/animal-and-veterinary-products

UNITED STATES US R Baby Food Products Baked Goods; Cereals; Vegetables; Fruit/Juice/Drinks; 6 January 2020
Meat/seafood/poultry/combined meat dinner products/human-foods
UNITED STATES US R Baby Food Products Egg Products; Pudding/Custards; Soups/Soup Mixes; Infant Formula Raw Materials; 6 January 2020
Infant Formula Products (ready-to-eat formula; dry formula) products/human-foods
UNITED STATES US R Biologics Biologic & Licensed In-Vivo & In-Vitro Diagnostics; Allergenic Products; Antitoxins & 2 December 2019
Antivenins; Bacterial Vaccines/Antigens; Blood & Blood Components products/cber-regulated-products

UNITED STATES US R Biologics Blood Derivatives; Human Cell and Gene Therapies; Human Dura Mater; Human 2 December 2019
Hematopoietic Cells; Human Skin products/cber-regulated-products
UNITED STATES US R Biologics Human Tissues; Immunization Toxoids; Immunomodulators; In-Vitro and In-Vivo 2 December 2019
Diagnostic Products; Viral Vaccines products/cber-regulated-products
UNITED STATES US R Byproducts for Animal Foods Food byproducts used for Animal food (flour mill; rice mill; corn; brewery/distillery; 27 November 2019
vegetables; fruits; oilseed; wheat; etc.) products/animal-and-veterinary-products

UNITED STATES US R Cosmetics Baby Products; Bath Preparations; Eye Makeup Products; Fragrance Preparations 2 December 2019
(perfumes; colognes) products/cosmetics-overview
UNITED STATES US R Cosmetics Hair Preparations (coloring; non-coloring); Makeup Preparations (other than non- 2 December 2019
eye area); Manicuring Preparations; Oral Hygiene Products; Personal Cleanliness products/cosmetics-overview
UNITED STATES US R Cosmetics Shaving Preparations; Skin Car Preparations; Suntan Preparations; Cosmetic Raw 2 December 2019
Materials; Cosmetic Packaging/Labeling products/cosmetics-overview
UNITED STATES US R Cultural Artifacts U.S. laws restrict the importation of: Any pre-Columbian monumental and 3 July 2019
architectural sculpture and murals from Central and South American countries; citizens/know-before-you-go/prohibited-
Native American artifacts from Canada; Mayan pre-Columbian archaeological and-restricted-items
objects from Guatemala; pre-Columbian archaeological objects from El Salvador and
Peru; archaeological objects like terracotta statues from Mali; Colonial period
objects such as paintings and ritual objects from Peru; Byzantine period ritual and
ecclesiastic objects such as icons from Cyprus; and Khmer stone archeological
sculpture from Cambodia. Importation of items such as those listed above is
permitted only when an export permit issued by the country of origin where such
items were first found accompanies them.
UNITED STATES US R Dietary Conventional Foods/Meal Replacements Meal Replacements 29 November 2019
UNITED STATES US R Edible Insects and Insect-Derived Foods Whole Edible Insects; Insect-derived Foods 27 November 2019
UNITED STATES US R Food Additives for Human Use 27 November 2019
UNITED STATES US R Human and Animal Antibiotics Human Antibiotics; Animal Antibiotics 2 December 2019
UNITED STATES US R Human and Animal Drugs (other than Antibiotics) Human Drugs; Animal Drugs 2 December 2019
UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Milled Grain Products (corn;flour;rice;wheat); Non-milled Grain Products; Bakery 2 December 2019
Products (bread; crackers; doughs; sweet goods; cookies; biscuits); products/human-foods
Macaroni/Noodle Products; Cereal Preparations/Breakfast Food (including ready-to-
eat; quick cook Instant cereals)

Page 214 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Snack Food Items (fruit snacks; vegetable snacks; meat flavored snacks; etc.); Dairy 2 December 2019
Products (fluid milk; dry milk; butter; cream; etc.); Cheese/Cheese Products; Ice products/human-foods
Cream Products (ice cream; custard; etc.); Egg/Egg Products (Shell eggs; egg mixes;
imitation eggs)
UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Fishery/Seafood Products (breaded fish; fish cakes; non-breaded fish); Meat; Meat 2 December 2019
Products and Poultry (beef; lamb; pork veal; chicken; etc.); Vegetable Protein products/human-foods
UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Fruit/Fruit Products (fruit jam; berries; pit fruit; imitation fruit; fruit toppings; etc.); 2 December 2019
Nuts/Edible Seed (peanutes; almonds; pistachios; nut spreads or butters; etc.); products/human-foods
Vegetable Oils; Dressing/Condiments (vinegar; salad dressing; ketchup; etc.)

UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Spices;Flavors and Salts; Soft Drinks/Water; Beverages Bases/Concentrates/Nectars; 2 December 2019
Coffee/Teas; Alcoholic Beverage products/human-foods
UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Candy (gum; hard candy; candy with or without fruit; etc.); Chocolate/Cocoa 2 December 2019
Products; Gelatin/Rennet/Pudding Mix/Pie Filling; Food Sweeteners (Nutritive) products/human-foods
(Syrup; molasses; honey)
UNITED STATES US R Human Foods Multiple Food Dinner/Gravy/Sauce/special (stews; sauces; pastes); Soup (dried and 2 December 2019
ready-to-eat); Prepared salads products/human-foods
UNITED STATES US R Ionizing Non-Medical Device Products and Components Accelerators; Cold Cathode Discharge Tubes; High Voltage Vacuum Devices; 29 November 2019
Industrial X-Ray; Analytical X-Ray Systems and Components; Video; Etc. products/radiation-emitting-electronic-
UNITED STATES US R Light Emitting Non-Medical Device Products Infra-Red Emitting Products; Laser Products; Ultra-Violet Emitting Products; etc. 29 November 2019
UNITED STATES US R Medical Devices Anesthesiology Products; Cardiovascular Products; Chemistry Products (DNA 2 December 2019
Collection; Pregnancy Test Kit; Glucose Sensor; etc.); Dental Products; Ear; Nose & products/medical-device-overview
Throat Products; Gastroenterology Products
UNITED STATES US R Medical Devices General Plastic Surgery Products; General Hospital Products; Hematology Products; 2 December 2019
Immunology Products; Microbiology Products; Neurology Products; Obstetrics & products/medical-device-overview
Gynecology Products
UNITED STATES US R Medical Devices Ophthalmic Products; Orthopedic Products; Pathology Products; Physical Medicine 2 December 2019
Products (wheelchair parts; canes/walkers; braces; etc.); Radiology Products; products/medical-device-overview
Toxicology Products; Urology Products
UNITED STATES US R Miscellaneous Food Related Items Foodware; Cookware & Tableware; Live Animals; Infant Food-related Items 27 November 2019
UNITED STATES US R Pet/Laboratory Animal Food Pet Cat Food; Pet Dog Food; Pet Bird Food; Pet Fish Food; Pet Chews (Non- 27 November 2019
Nutritive); Pet Treats; Lab Animal Food products/animal-and-veterinary-products

UNITED STATES US R Pharmaceutical Necessities Pharmaceutical Necessities including Acetone; containers and container closures; 2 December 2019
coating material; capsule shell; gelatin; etc. products/human-drugs
UNITED STATES US P Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 19 May 2020
prohibitions export/internet-purchases
UNITED STATES US R Radio Frequency Emitting Products Microwave Heating Products; Other Radio Frequency Emitting Products (cordless 27 November 2019
telephone; radar; electric blankets) products/radiation-emitting-electronic-
UNITED STATES US R Sound Emitting Products Ultrasonic Products (pest repellents; motion detectors; jewelry cleaners; massagers; 29 November 2019
etc.) products/radiation-emitting-electronic- dustry/regulated-
products products/medical-
UNITED STATES US R Tobacco Products Cigarette Tobacco (excluding roll-your-own tobacco), Cigars, Pipe Tobacco, 2401 2403 1 November 2021
Waterpipe Tobacco products/imported-tobacco
UNITED STATES US P Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, including parts, components, liquids and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems are defined as any electronic device that, 1 November 2021
accessories through an aerosolized solution, delivers nicotine, flavor, or any other substance to nts/2021/10/21/2021-22787/treatment-
the user inhaling from the device. Examples include e-cigarettes, e-hookahs, e- of-e-cigarettes-in-the-mail
cigars, vape pens, advanced refillable personal vaporizers, and electronic pipes. Also
prohibited is any component, liquid, part, or accessory of an electronic nicotine
delivery system, regardless of whether it is sold separately from the device. Despite
the terminology, the prohibition applies regardless of whether an item actually
contains or is used to deliver nicotine.
UNITED STATES US P Tobacco Products Regardless of quantity; cigarettes (including roll-your-own tobacco) and smokeless 240100 240300 12 April 2021
tobacco are prohibited in any type of international mail into the United States. The
U.S. Postal Service may not accept for delivery or transmit any package that it
knows or has reasonable cause to believe contains nonmailable cigarettes or
smokeless tobacco. Nonmailable cigarettes and smokeless tobacco sent in
international mail are subject to seizure and forfeiture. Any nonmailable cigarettes
and smokeless tobacco products may be subject to seizure or forfeiture and may be
destroyed or retained by the Federal Government for the detection or prosecution
of crimes or related investigations and then destroyed.

UNITED STATES US R Vitamin/Mineral/Protein/Unconventional Diet for Humans and Animals Human Vitamins/Minerals/Proteins; Animal Vitamins/Minerals/Proteins; Herbal and 2 December 2019
Botanical Products; Animal By-products & Extracts; Fats and Lipid Substances; Fiber products/animal-and-veterinary-products dustry/regulated-
URUGUAY UY R Absorbent cotton Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P All live animals 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Animal Baby Foods (Canned) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Animal serums 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Biological control agents 1 January 2016

Page 215 of 444 8 September 2022

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

URUGUAY UY P Blood of any animal species 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY P Bones (of any species) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Botanical specimens and collections 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Bovine meat; sheep; of birds and suinas; cooked (except M.C.E.) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Bovine meat; sheep; suina and poultry (raw) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Bulbs; tubers and roots 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Canned of animal origin (except bovine meat from the M.C.E.) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Canned products Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY R Caramel Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY P Cat and dog food 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY P Cheeses of any kind 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Chocolate Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Cigars; cigarettes and tobacco (pipe); packing Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Cocoa butter and paste Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Cooked cooked products Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY R Cooked or pasteurized stuffed pasta of animal origin Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Cooked products (cold cuts and sausages) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Crafts or carvings of painted wood; lacquered; varnished; etc. (necklaces; Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
crosses; carvings; mirrors; frames or pictures)
URUGUAY UY R Crafts or manufactures of vegetable fibers (mats; rugs; hats; baskets; etc.) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Dehydrated broths and soups Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Dirty wool 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Eggs or their powdered parts 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Elaborate woods: manufactured and painted; polished; lacquered; varnished; Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
epoxy treated (tables; seats; furniture; picture frames)
URUGUAY UY P Fats and oils; products of their dissociation; waxes 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Fish and crustaceans; molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Flowers; flower stems and foliage (fresh or dried) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fluid milk; any species; raw or pasteurized 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh bird feathers 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh hides and skins; dried and salty (of any kind) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh or powdered ice cream 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh pasta with stuffing of animal origin 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh reptile and bird eggs 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Fresh vegetables and fruits; dried or dehydrated 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Fresh yogurt Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Glucose and refined and packaged sugar Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Hairs; antlers and hooves of animals (of any species) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Ice cream and dessert powders; packed Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P In vitro cultures 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P In vitro cultures; bacteria; fungi and viruses for scientific purposes 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Inocula 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Inoculants 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Mane or sows (of any species) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Meat meals; bone and blood 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Medicines and/or medical products whose import into Uruguay is not 1 January 2016
authorized. These include all products which are ingested or which are applied
to the skin; such as medicines; vitamins; homeopathic medicines; nail varnishes;
cosmetic paints and dyes; cream and perfumes. The Ministry of Public Health
will; however; authorize the import into Uruguay of unregistered medicines for
human use in the following cases: a. where they have been prescribed by a
patient's attending physician; b. where they do not have a pharmaceutical
URUGUAY UY P Microorganisms 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Milk; any species (powder) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Milk; milk cream and yogurt (long life) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Natural grains (all) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Natural honey 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Nuts and dry grains toasted and salted and / or candied conditioned in detail. Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY P Other flours of animal origin 1 January 2016

URUGUAY UY R Packaged starches Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Packaged teas in detail Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Plant-based beverages (wines; liqueurs; etc.) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Plant-based oils (edible; cosmetic; medicinal; etc.); both solid and liquid Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Plants or their parts (ALL: ornamental; horticultural; fruit and forage; etc.) 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

URUGUAY UY N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions /v/2436/8/innova.front/hay_prohibicione
URUGUAY UY P Pollen 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Processed (devitalized) compensated; sheets; veneers; doors; parkets; 1 January 2016
windows; frames; sockets.
URUGUAY UY R Products in brine and other preservatives. Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raisins; fruits polished peels that are not packaged and vacuum packed 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Rations for animals 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raw coffee beans 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raw or pasteurized butter 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raw or pasteurized milk cream 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raw tobacco 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Raw vegetable textile fibers 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Ricotta pasteurized or not 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Seeds (all) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Semen and embryos (of any species) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Semi processed (not devitalized): sawn; boards; planks; sleepers; pikes; 1 January 2016
machimbre; parade lockers; floors; lambriz; suspenders; beam; premade house)

URUGUAY UY R Soluble coffee; roasted and ground Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Spectacles; spectacle lenses and spectacle frames; except in cases justified by 1 January 2016
an ophthalmologist or eye specialist.
URUGUAY UY R Spices and their mixtures packaged in detail Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Support material; I usually; land; peat or organic fertilizers. 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Syrup products Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Unprocessed (not devitalized): (debarked or trimmed): posts; rolos; firewood; 1 January 2016
sawdust; wood waste.
URUGUAY UY P Vaccines for animals 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Vacuum packed products Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Vegetable essences (colors; flavors; etc) Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Vegetable fats and oils; products of their dissociation; waxes 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Viscera (of any species) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Wild animal meat (in any state) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Wood (processed; semi-processed or raw) 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY R Yerba Mate made and packaged Admitted with adequate conditioning 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Yolks or sticks 1 January 2016
URUGUAY UY P Zootherapeutic products 1 January 2016
UZBEKISTAN UZ P Firearms; flare guns; pneumatic weapons; gas weapons; munitions; bladed 1 January 2016
weapons (including missiles); electroshock weapons and stun guns; essential
firearm components; inert explosive devices and military equipment; including
inert grenades; shells and other similar items; and replicas of such devices and
UZBEKISTAN UZ P Marijuana and pharmaceutical products containing psychotropic and narcotic UPU Circular 2017.117 18 March 2019
UZBEKISTAN UZ P Narcotics; as well as psychotropic; highly active; radioactive; explosive; toxic; 1 January 2016
corrosive and flammable substances; and other dangerous materials.
UZBEKISTAN UZ P Other articles and materials prohibited in postal items; in accordance with the 1 January 2016
Acts of teh Universal Postal Union.
UZBEKISTAN UZ N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
UZBEKISTAN UZ P UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Items containing coins, bank notes, cheques, postage stamps or foreign currency. Article VIII
UZBEKISTAN UZ P Items containing bank notes, securities(cheques) of any kind payable to bearer or UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
foreign currency. Article IX
VANUATU VU N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
VENEZUELA VE N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
prohibitions /page/portal/PORTAL_SENIAT
VENEZUELA VE P The sending and receipt of coins; bank notes; travellers’ cheques; postage UPU Circular 2019.065 26 May 2020
stamps; foreign currencies; credit cards and debit cards is prohibited.
Furthermore; in accordance with article X of the Final Protocol to the
Convention; Venezuela does not accept ordinary and registered letters
containing objects subject to payment of customs duties.
VIET NAM VN P Letters containing articles or goods. UPU Convention 25 August 2022
Protocol Article VIII
VIET NAM VN P a) Chemicals on Table 1 are specified in the Convention on prohibiting the 11 March 2019
development; production; storage; use and destruction of Chemical Weapons
and Appendices issued together with Decree No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 06th
May 2014 of the Government on the management of chemicals under the
control of the Convention on the development; production; storage; use and
destruction of Chemical Weapons. b) Chemicals in the list of prohibited
chemicals specified in Appendix III issued together with Decree No. 113/2017 /
ND-CP dated October 9; 2017 of the Government detailing and guiding the
implementation of Articles of Chemical Law.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

VIET NAM VN R a) Conditional export aquatic species. b) Aquatic species are normally exported. Issue a list of common aquatic species to be exported; aquatic species exported 11 March 2019
under conditions.
VIET NAM VN R a) Endangered wild animals and plants in CITES’s Appendix I not for commercial Based on CITES regulations to publish conditions and guidelines for export 11 March 2019
purposes. b) Natural endangered wild animals and plants in CITES’s Appendix II procedures.
and III; and samples of endangered wild animals and plants in CITES’s
Appendixes with the origin of breeding; growing and artificial plants.

VIET NAM VN P a) Endangered; precious and rare wild animal and plant specimens of CITES’s 11 March 2019
Appendix I with natural origin that are imported for commercial purposes. b)
Samples and products of species: white rhino (Ceratotherium simum); black
rhino (Diceros bicomis); African elephant (Loxodonta africana).
VIET NAM VN P a) Endangered; precious and rare wild animals and plants of CITES’s Appendix I; 11 March 2019
originating from nature or; endangered; precious and rare forest flora and
fauna specimens of IA and IB groups according to the provisions of Decree No.
32/2006/ND-CP for commercial purposes. b) Samples and products of these
species: white rhino (Ceratotherium simum); black rhino (Diceros bicomis);
African elephant (Loxodonta africana). c) Endangered; precious and rare wild
species of group I. d) Aquatic species on the list of aquatic species that are
prohibited from export. f) Livestock breeds and plant varieties on the List of
rare and precious livestock breeds and prohibited rare plant varieties
promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development under the
provisions of the 2004 and Order of Plant Variety in 2004.

VIET NAM VN R a) Natural endangered; precious and rare wild animal and plant in CITES’s Based on CITES regulations to publish conditions and guidelines for import 11 March 2019
Appendix I for non-commercial purposes. b) Sample of natural endangered wild procedures.
animals and plants in CITES’s Appendix II and III; and specimens of endangered
wild animals and plants in CITES’s Appendices with the origin of breeding;
growing and artificial plants.
VIET NAM VN R a) Plant protection drugs not yet included in the list of plant protection drugs Import license 11 March 2019
permitted for use in Vietnam for temporary import; re-export or import to
produce in Vietnam with export purposes under contracts signed with foreign
countries ; b) Plant protection products for disinfection vaporization contain
active substances methyl bromide and active substances with acute toxicity of
type I; II according to the Global Harmonized System for Classification and
Labeling of Chemicals (GHS); c) Plant protection drugs not included in the list of
plant protection drugs permitted for use in Vietnam for testing for registration
of plant protection drugs; d) Plant protection drugs not yet included in the list
of plant protection drugs permitted for use in Vietnam are imported for testing
and research; used in foreign projects in Vietnam; plant protection drugs used
as samples and for exhibitions and fairs and used in some special cases under
decisions of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development; đ) Drugs in the
List of plant protection drugs banned to use in Vietnam but is imported as
standard substances.

VIET NAM VN P a) Relics; antiques and national treasures according to the law on cultural 12 March 2019
heritage. b) Cultural products that are banned from dissemination; circulation
or under decisions to disseminate; circulate; withdraw; confiscate and destroy
in Vietnam
VIET NAM VN P a) Right-hand drive vehicles (including disassembled and converted form of 11 March 2019
steering wheel before importing into Vietnam); except for special-use vehicles
with right-hand drive operating not involved in traffic including cranes; canal
digger; road sweepers; watering roads; vehicles carrying garbage and domestic
waste; road construction vehicles; passenger cars in the airport; forklifts in
warehouses and ports; concrete pump trucks; vehicles only move in golf
courses; parks. b) Automobiles; four-wheeled motorbikes with attached engine
and assembly components are erased; repaired; and replaced frame number
and engine number. c) Trailers; semi-trailers that are erased; repaired; and
replaced frame numbers. d) Types of motorbikes; special-use motorbikes and
mopeds; which are erased; repaired; and replaced frame numbers and engine
VIET NAM VN P a) Toxic chemicals Table 1 is defined in the Convention on the prohibition of the 11 March 2019
development; production; storage; use and destruction of chemical weapons
and Appendix issued together with Decree No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 6th May
2014 of the Government on the implementation of the Convention on the
prohibition of the development; production; storage; use and destruction of
chemical weapons. b) Chemicals in the list of prohibited chemicals specified in
Appendix III issued together with Decree No. 113/2017/ND-CP dated 9th
October 2017 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of
Articles in Chemical Law.
VIET NAM VN P a) Types of publications that are banned from dissemination and circulation in 11 March 2019
Vietnam. b) Postage stamps that are banned from business; exchange; display
and propagation according to the provisions of the Postal Law.

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

VIET NAM VN P a) Types of publications that are prohibited from dissemination and circulation 11 March 2019
in Vietnam. b) Postage stamps are banned from business; exchange; display and
propagation according to the provisions of the Postal Law. c) Radio equipment
and radio application equipment are not compatible with radio frequency
plannings and relevant technical regulations under the Law on Radio Frequency.

VIET NAM VN R Animal feed and feed ingredients; Fish feed and raw materials for aquatic feed Import license or Test License; clearly stipulating conditions and licensing 11 March 2019
production outside the list that are allowed to circulate in Vietnam procedures
VIET NAM VN P Any postal items containing narcotics; psychotropic substances or any other UPU Circular 2019.042 26 May 2020
substances referred to in article 19 of the UPU Convention are prohibited in
Viet Nam.
VIET NAM VN R Chemicals and products containing chemicals. Comply with the provisions of the Law on Chemicals and Decrees that are regulated 11 March 2019
detail implementation.
VIET NAM VN R Chemicals and products containing chemicals. Comply with the provisions of the Law on Chemicals and Decrees that regulate 11 March 2019
detail implementation.
VIET NAM VN P Chemicals in Appendix III in Rotterdam Convention 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Chemicals on Table 2; Table 3 according to the Appendix attached with Decree Pursuant to Decree No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 06th May 2014 of the Government. 11 March 2019
No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 6th May 2014 of the Government on chemicals
management under the control of the Convention about prohibiting to develop;
product; storage; use and destroy chemical weapons.
VIET NAM VN R Chemicals on Table 2; Table 3 according to the Appendix attached with Decree Pursuant to Decree No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 06th May 2014 of the Government 11 March 2019
No. 38/2014/ND-CP dated 6th May 2014 of the Government on chemicals
management under the control of the Convention about prohibiting to develop;
product; storage; use and destroy chemical weapons.
VIET NAM VN P Cryptographic products used to protect State’s secret information. 12 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Exported goods under quotas set by foreign countries. (Ministry of Industry and Export license 11 March 2019
Trade announced in accordance with international agreements or commitments
of Vietnam with foreign countries).
VIET NAM VN R Fertilizers have not been recognized for circulation in Vietnam in the following Import license 11 March 2019
cases: a) Fertilizers for assay; b) Fertilizers used exclusively for sports grounds
and entertainment areas; c) Specialized fertilizers of foreign-invested
enterprises used for production within the scope of enterprises; used in foreign
projects in Vietnam; d) Fertilizers as gifts; sample; d) Fertilizers used in fairs and
exhibitions; e) Fertilizers that are imported to produce fertilizer production to
export; g) Fertilizers for scientific research; h) Fertilizers as raw materials for
fertilizer production.
VIET NAM VN P Firecrackers of all kinds (except for maritime safety signal fireworks under the 11 March 2019
guidance of the Ministry of Communications and Transport); sky lights; various
kinds of devices to interfere with traffic speedometer
VIET NAM VN R Firewood; charcoal made from wood or firewood originated from domestic Announcement of conditions and guidelines for export procedures. 11 March 2019
natural forest wood.
VIET NAM VN R Genetic resources of plants; animals and microorganisms for scientific and Import license; clearly stipulating conditions and licensing procedures. 11 March 2019
technical research and exchange.
VIET NAM VN R Goods need under exporting control in accordance with international Export license 11 March 2019
Convention of which Vietnam is a member; announced by the Ministry of
Industry and Trade for each period.
VIET NAM VN R Goods that are applied automatic export license: The Ministry of Industry and Automatic export license. 11 March 2019
Trade announces the list of goods that need applying automatic export license
for each period and organizations issue license according to current regulations
on licensing.
VIET NAM VN R Goods that are applied automatic import license: The Ministry of Industry and Automatic export license. 11 March 2019
Trade announces the list of goods that need applying automatic import license
for each period and organizations issue license according to current regulations
on licensing.
VIET NAM VN R Goods that need import control in accordance with international Conventions Export license 11 March 2019
that Vietnam is a member; announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade for
each period.
VIET NAM VN R Goods under tariff quotas: a) Salt. b) Raw tobacco. c) Bird eggs. d) Refined sugar Export license 11 March 2019
and raw sugar.
VIET NAM VN R Industrial precursors. Export license 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Industrial precursors. Export license 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Livestock breeds outside the list of permitted production and trading in Import license or Test License; clearly regulate conditions and licensing procedures. 11 March 2019
Vietnam; insects of all kinds not available in Vietnam; sperms and embryos of
animals imported for the first time into Vietnam.
VIET NAM VN P Logs and sawn timber of all kinds from domestic natural forest wood. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Minerals (except minerals used as construction materials). Issue a list of exports under conditions; regulations or standards. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN P Plant protection drugs that are prohibited to use in Vietnam. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Plant varieties and living organisms in the field of plant protection and other Import license; specifying conditions and licensing procedures. 11 March 2019
objects under Phytosanitary test that must be analyzed for pest risk before
being imported into Vietnam
VIET NAM VN R Plant varieties are not included in the list of plant varieties permitted for Import license or Test License; specifying the conditions and procedures for 11 March 2019
production and trading in Vietnam imported for research; assay; trial licensing according to the provisions of the Order on Plant Varieties and Livestock
production or import for international cooperation purposes; used in Breeds.
exhibitions; gifts or for investment programs and projects.
VIET NAM VN R Plants; shade trees; old trees from domestic natural forests. Publication of export conditions and profile. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Precursors of explosives and industrial explosives. Export license 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Precursors of explosives and industrial explosives. Export license 11 March 2019

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

VIET NAM VN P Products and materials containing asbestos belong to the amfibole group. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Rare varieties of plants and livestock breeds. Specific guidance according to the provisions of the Order on Plant Varieties and 11 March 2019
Livestock Breeds.
VIET NAM VN P Scrap; waste and refrigeration equipment use C.F.C. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN R Tobacco raw materials; tobacco products; cigarette wrapping cover; specialized Pursuant to Government regulations on tobacco production and trading. 11 March 2019
machinery and equipment for tobacco production and spare parts.

VIET NAM VN P Types of cultural products that are prohibited from dissemination; circulation or 11 March 2019
under Decision to suspend circulation; withdrawal; confiscating and destroying
in Vietnam.
VIET NAM VN P Used consumer goods; including: a) Textiles; shoes; clothes. b) Electronic goods. 11 March 2019
c) Refrigeration goods. d) Household electrical appliance. e) Medical
equipment. f) Interior decoration goods. g) Household goods made of ceramic;
porcelain; glass; metal; plastic; rubber; plastics and other materials h) Bicycle. i)
VIET NAM VN P Used information technology products. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN P Used supplies and means; including: a) Machines; frames; tubes; tires; spare 11 March 2019
parts; engines of automobiles; trailers; semi-trailers; motorized four-wheelers.
b) Chassis of cars and tractors with engines (including new chassis fitted with
used engines; used chassis with new engines); c) The types of cars with changed
structure to convert the function compared with the original design. d)
Automobiles; trailers; semi-trailers (except trailers; special-use semi-trailers);
four-wheeled passenger cars with used engines of more than 5 years; calculated
from production to import year. d) Ambulance cars.
VIET NAM VN R Veterinary drugs and veterinary drug materials for the first time imported into Test license. 11 March 2019
VIET NAM VN P Weapons; ammunition; explosives (except industrial explosives); military 11 March 2019
technical equipment.
VIET NAM VN P Weapons; ammunition; explosives (except industrial explosives); military 12 March 2019
technical equipment.
VIET NAM VN R Wild; precious and rare animals and plants of Group IIA and IIB regulated in Announcement of conditions and guidelines for export procedures 11 March 2019
Decree No. 32/2006/ND-CP of the Government
VN P Coins, bank notes, currency notes or securities of any kind payable to bearer, travellers’ UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Viet Nam
cheques. Article VIII
VN P Platinum, gold or silver whether manufactured or not, precious stones, jewels or other UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Viet Nam
valuable articles. Article VIII
YEMEN YE N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
ZAMBIA ZM N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
ZAMBIA ZM P Valuable articles Article UPU Convention Protocol 25 August 2022
Article IX
ZIMBABWE ZW P 1;1;1- Trichloroethane 290319 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Acetonitrile Bromobenzyl cyanide 292690 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Acetylene 290129 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Alkyl benzenes 290290 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Ammonium nitrates. Strontium nitrate 283429 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Antiknock compound (gasoline additive) 381111 381119 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Aphrodisiacs 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Arsenic 280480 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Articles of combustible materials (fighters) 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Bank notes; currency notes; travellers cheques 490700; 7118 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Benzene 270710; 290220 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Bombs; grenades; torpedoes; mines (explosive devices) 9306 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Brake fluid 271019; 381900 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Bromoacetone; Chlorobenzoyl peroxide 291470 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Butane; Heptane; Hexane; Octane; Pentane 290110 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Butanol 290513 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Cancium carbide 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Carbon dioxide; dry ice 281121 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Carbon disulphide 281310 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Caustic potash; Potassium hydroxide 281520 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Caustic soda; Sodium hydroxide 281511; 281512 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Chlorine 280110 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Chlorobenzene 290391 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Chloroform 290313 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Chloropicrin; liquid 3808; 2904 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Chlorosilanes; Cyanogen; Cyanogen bromide; Cyanogen chloride. Thiophosgene. 285300 1 January 2016

ZIMBABWE ZW P Chlorosulfonic acid 280620 1 January 2016

ZIMBABWE ZW P Chromic acid 281910 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Creosote Naphtha (flammable) 2707; 380700 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Cresol 290712 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Desensitized nitroglycerine; Nitroglycerine in alcohol; desensitizes. Tetraethyl 382490 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Diesel fuel; Kerosene; Fuel oil; Gasoline; Solvents 2710 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Diphenylaminechlorarsine 293499 1 January 2016

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Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ZIMBABWE ZW P Diphenylchlorarsine Lewisite Methyidichloroasine Phenyldichlorasine; liquid 293190 1 January 2016

Tetraethyl lead Vinyl trichlorosilane
ZIMBABWE ZW P Ethyl ether 290911 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Ethylene 271114; 290121; 271129 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Ethylene dlamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) 291521 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Explosive fire extinguishers 381300 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Fireworks; flares sparklers 360410 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Flick knives and lock blade knives 821193 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Fulminate of mercury 285210 285290 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Furniture strippers; polish stain 321310; 321390; 340520; 381400 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Fuses; detonating caps(including toys) igniters; detonators 360300 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Glue and adhesives flammable 350100 350600 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Helium; Krypton; Neon; Xenon 280429 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Hydrochloric acid; Muriatic acid 280610 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Hydrofluoric acid 281111 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Hydrogen cyanide; Hydrocyanic acid; Hydrogen sulphide; Perchloric acid 281119 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Ink 3215 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Insecticides; rodenticides fungicides herbicides disinfectant 3808 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Isocyanates Methyl Isocyanate Toluene dilsocyanate 290230 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Isopropyl alcohol 290512 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Lacquer bases or chips wet. Paint and paint related products 3208; 3207; 3213; 3210; 3209 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Lyes 152000; 281812; 380400; 382490 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Medicines tinctures medicinal 3006; 3004; 3003 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Methane 2711; 2530 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Methyl bromide 3808; 2903 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Methyl chloride 290311 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Methyl ethyl ketone 291412 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane; ethane or propane. 382471 382490 1 January 2016
Mixtures and preparations containing ethylene oxide; polybrominated
biphenuls; polychlorinated biphenyls; polychlorinated terphenyls (hazardous
and /or flammable)
ZIMBABWE ZW P Mustard gas; Mercaplans (Thiols) 293090 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Naphthalene 270740 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Nitric acid 280800 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Nitrobenzene. Tetranitromethane 290420 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Nitrogen 280430 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Nitrogen peroxide; nitrogen tetroxide; Nitrous oxide 281129 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Oxygen; Liquid Oxygen 280440 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Paint or varnish removers/thinners 3207; 3208; 3209; 3210; 3213; 3814; 3824 1 January 2016

ZIMBABWE ZW P Parathion Methyl parathion mixture 2920; 3808 1 January 2016

ZIMBABWE ZW P Pentachlorophenol 3808; 2908 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Perchloric acid; Hydrogen bromide 281119 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Perfumes (alcohol based flammable) 330300 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Permanganates; Potassium permanganate 284161 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Petroleum distillates 2709 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phenol 2530; 2907;2707 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phenylcarbylamine chloride 292529 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phosgene; sulfur dioxide; Thionyl chloride 281210 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phosphine 284800 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phosphoric acid 280920 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Phosphorus 280470 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Pine oil 380510 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW N Please check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and 000000 999999 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Pornographic or subversive material 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Potassium nitrate 283421 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Potassium perchlorate; Sodium permanganate 282990 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Potassium peroxide 281530 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Prepared explosives (dynamite) 360200 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Propane 382471 382478 271112 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Propellant powders (gunpowder; flash powder etc) 360100 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Propylene oxide 291020 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Pyridine 270799; 293331 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Shale oil 270900 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Silane 285000 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Silver nitrite 284329 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Sodium chlorite 282890 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Styrene 290250 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Sulfuric acid; Vitriol; oil of vitriol 280700 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Tetraethyl pyrophosphate 291990 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Tetrahydrofuran 293211 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Toluene 270720; 290230 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Trichloroethylene 290322 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Turpentine 380510 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Used rags saturated in flammable substances 6310 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Vinyl fluoride 290339 1 January 2016

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Country Code Type (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) Description Note Website Additional document From HS code To HS code HS code list Last updated

ZIMBABWE ZW P Wood preservatives fillers stain 3208; 3209; 3210; 3214 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Xylene 290741 290244 270730 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Zinc ammonium nitrite 283410 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Zirconium picramate 1 January 2016
ZIMBABWE ZW P Zirconium powder; Zirconium scrap 1 January 2016

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