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After going through with the condition of the Philippines and the Filipinos during
the 19 century, it is the utmost hope that you are now in better state to relate the
different conditions of the Filipinos then and that of Jose Rizal. Now, we will see how
much you have realized and understood. Let’s begin by having the following exercises.
Please answer the worksheets that follow.

Worksheet: Philippines and Europe in the 19th Century (Panoramic Survey)

1. Compare and Contrast the Put your answer in the matrix below. Please limit your
answer on the space provided.

19th Century Philippines 19th Century Europe

 Hierarchial transitions of powers
 Philippine ports opened to world
trade and shifts started occurring  Through this, they use it to solve
within Filipino society. political conflicts which lead
them to be equal.
 Philippines starts to achieve its

 Philippine affair was met an

equal interest in this country: the
friar- problem.

 There is a pyramidial structure of

society: peninsulares classified
as the highest, insulares the
mixed Filipino and Spanish, and
indios, the lowest on the

 Philippine political system has 3

branches, the legislative,
executive, and judiciary.

 It has a colonial government.

 Philippines was centralized by a

monarchy government.

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 1

2. Compare and Contrast the Philippines during the 19th century and now in terms
a. Nature and Structure of Society
b. Educational System
c. Political System

19th century Present Remarks/Observation

1. Nature and
structure of

 Obsolete teaching  Teachers founds  They start their

2. Philippines methods. strategic way of teaching method
Educational teaching. updated.
System  Overemphasis on  They only taught  Power of religious
religious matters religious matters on orders remained one of
elementary students. the great constants.

 There was an  There are still a

 People can vote to a
appointment of corruptions
3. Philippine person fited on the
officials with inferior happening,
Political position.
qualifications  Religious sometimes
 Unions of church
system  There were too affect the decisions
and the state are
complicated functions of state.
starts to be balance.
to the unions of the
church and the state.

Are you happy you live today or would you rather prefer to live in the 19th century
Philippines? Why?
Yes, I am happy living today. Compare to the 19 th century people really suffered a
lot before achieving the independence and the freedom we all Filipinos have. We
are using the innovations we receive and can interact and we can have other
country’s have. We were not being controlled and the same time we aren’t scared
anymore to any death and punishments of the people who colonized us before.

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 2


Name:Date: Program and Section:Score:

A. Illustrate one good thing and one bad thing about the colonization of the
Philippines by Spain. (10 points)

Picture - Good thing Picture - Bad thing

religon improper taxation

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 3

B. Identification/Enumeration. Identify or give what is being asked. (15 points)
1. Give two (2) factors that cause Spanish instability during the latter part of the
19th century.
a. By the late 18th century, political and economic changes in Europe were finally beginning
to affect Spain and, thus, the Philippines. Important as a stimulus to trade was the gradual
elimination of the monopoly enjoyed by the galleon to Acapulco. The last galleon arrived
in Manila in 1815, and by the mid-1830s Manila was open to foreign merchants almost
without restriction. The demand for Philippine sugar and abaca (hemp) grew apace, and the
volume of exports to Europe expanded even further after the completion of the Suez Canal
in 1869.
b. Spain in the 19th century was a country in turmoil. Occupied by Napoleon from 1808 to
1814, a massively destructive "liberation war" ensued. ... The early century saw the loss of
the bulk of the Spanish colonies in the New World in the 1810s and 1820s, except for Cuba
and Puerto Rico.

2. Give three (3) Effects of Spanish instability to the Philippines.

a. The killings and forced conversion of the people to Christianity during the Spanish
b. The adoption of Spanish names by native Filipinos have deprived them from using their
original name.
c. The plunder of Filipino wealth in arts and cultures and minerals

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 4

3. The structure of Philippine society during the Spanish colonization.

4. The nature of Philippine society during Spanish colonization.

5. Give 4 implications of the Master-slave relationships between Spain and


6. Feature of Philippine educational system during Spanish time where

students were made to memorize without understanding.

7. They occupy the highest position in Philippine society.

C. Evaluate Rizal in the context of his time

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 5

Rizal: Works and Writings and the Development of Philippine Nationalism 6

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