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Basic property of divisibility

The division algorithm
Proof of division algorithm (continued)
Quotient and remainder
• In the division algorithm, q is called the
quotient and r is called the remainder (when a
is divided by d). We write q = a div d and
r = a mod d.
For example, 9 = 101 div 11 and
2 = 101 mod 11.
• Another example: -4 = -11 div 3 and
1 = -11 mod 3.
Properties of congruences
Further properties of congruences
Example 1
Example 2
Subunit 7(b) Primes
Prime numbers
Prime factorization
• Theorem 1: Every positive integer greater
than 1 is a prime or a product of two or more
• For example,
Proof of Theorem 1
Proof of Theorem 1 (continued)
Unique factorization
• It can be proved that the prime factorization,
whose existence is guaranteed by Theorem 1,
is unique up to ordering. The proof of this is
harder and requires some further background
A useful result
Example 3
Infinitude of primes
The Goldbach conjecture
• Consider the following:

From this it appears that every even integer

greater than two is the sum of two primes. This
was conjectured by Goldbach in the 18th century.
It is still not proved.

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