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Republika ng Pilipinas


Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila


NAME: Avenido, Julio Jr. T. STUDENT NO.: 203-0314

Morales. Christian R. 203-0360
Ranca, Domingo Jr. A. 203-0357



Executive summary

The group 24 discuss and tackle topic about Physical learning environment,
the students teachers divided the topics and explain.

In the discussion the presentors have a short period of time and thats one of the
problem, the student teachers resolve that in the way that they expunge all of the
informations that cannot be applicable or not connected to the topic. Student
teachers experiencing also an internet interruption because of the poor signal,
student teachers try to handle this problem to limit the class interruptions. To avoid
dead air student teacher make a plan, if ever the teacher 1 having an internet
interruption the teacher 2 and teacher 3 Initiatives to take over.


A traditional classroom setting is a physical classroom environment in which a

teacher instructs a group of students in person. This type of setting is often associated
with formal education in K-12 schools, colleges, and universities.
In a traditional classroom, students sit at desks or tables arranged in rows facing
the teacher at the front of the room. The teacher delivers instruction using a variety of
methods, including lectures, discussions, group work, and activities. The teacher may
also use visual aids, such as whiteboards, blackboards, projectors, and textbooks.
In this setting, students interact with the teacher and their classmates face-to-
face, and they have opportunities to ask questions, participate in discussions, and
receive immediate feedback from the teacher. Traditional classrooms also often have
rules and procedures in place to maintain order and ensure that students can focus on
their learning.
Overall, traditional classroom settings provide a structured and familiar
learning environment for students and teachers alike. However, this approach has
some limitations, such as limited access to technology and less flexibility in terms of
scheduling and individualized instruction.

Teacher-centric, also known as teacher-centered or teacher-led, refers to a

teaching approach in which the teacher is the primary focus of the learning
Republika ng Pilipinas
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

experience. In this approach, the teacher is the central authority figure who directs the
learning process and students are expected to follow the teacher's lead.

Examples of teacher-centric instruction might include:

Lecture-based teaching: The teacher delivers a lecture to the class, providing

information and knowledge on a specific topic. The students are expected to listen and
take notes, and may have opportunities to ask questions at the end of the lecture.

Direct instruction: The teacher explicitly teaches students specific concepts, skills or
strategies through structured lessons, often with a focus on rote memorization or

Drill and practice: Students are given a series of repetitive tasks or exercises to
reinforce knowledge or skills, with the teacher providing feedback and corrections as

Socratic method: The teacher leads a discussion by asking questions to elicit critical
thinking and help students develop their own conclusions.

While teacher-centric approaches can be effective for providing clear guidance and
structure for learning, they may not be as effective at promoting independent thinking
and student-centered learning. Therefore, it's important for teachers to balance their
approach with student-centered instruction, which encourages students to take
ownership of their learning and become active participants in the learning process.

There are a few reasons why some traditional classroom settings do not support
the use of technology:

Lack of Resources: Some schools or classrooms may not have access to the necessary
technology or equipment, such as computers or projectors, due to financial constraints.

Teacher Experience: Teachers may not have experience or training in integrating

technology into their lessons, which can make it difficult for them to effectively use
technology in the classroom.

Distractions: The use of technology can be distracting to students and can detract
from the focus of the lesson. Students may be more interested in using technology for
personal reasons, such as checking social media or playing games, rather than
engaging in the lesson.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

Pedagogical Approach: Some educators may believe that technology can hinder the
learning process and that traditional teaching methods, such as lectures and
textbooks, are more effective.

Digital Divide: Students who do not have access to technology outside of the
classroom may feel at a disadvantage in a technology-focused classroom, leading to
unequal learning opportunities.

It is important to note that while traditional classroom settings may not always
support the use of technology, there are many benefits to incorporating technology
into education, including increased engagement, access to a wider range of learning
resources, and opportunities for personalized learning. As technology continues to
evolve, it is likely that its role in education will continue to be redefined and expanded.


The 21st century classroom is a modern approach to education that utilizes the
latest technologies and teaching methods to create an engaging and interactive
learning environment. The classroom is designed to meet the needs of today's
learners, who have grown up in a digital age and are used to accessing information
and communicating through technology.

Some of the key features of a 21st century classroom include:

Technology Integration: The use of technology is a key aspect of a 21st century

classroom. Students have access to digital devices, such as laptops, tablets, and
interactive whiteboards, and use a variety of software and applications to engage with
course content and collaborate with peers.

Collaborative Learning: The 21st century classroom emphasizes collaboration

and teamwork. Students work together on projects and assignments, sharing ideas and
learning from each other.

Flexibility: The classroom is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different

learning styles and needs. Students have the ability to work independently or in small
groups, and can move around the classroom as needed to work in different areas.

Personalized Learning: The 21st century classroom recognizes that every student is
unique and learns differently. Teachers use technology to provide personalized
learning experiences that meet the individual needs of each student.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

Project-Based Learning: The classroom emphasizes project-based learning, where

students work on real-world projects that are relevant to their lives and interests. This
approach encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Global Perspective: The 21st century classroom is designed to help students develop
a global perspective. Students learn about different cultures and ways of life, and use
technology to communicate with students in other parts of the world.

Overall, the 21st century classroom is designed to provide students with the
skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. By integrating
technology, collaboration, and personalized learning, the classroom prepares
students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

"Okay Class, we are about to move on to our next topic and I am excited to
introduce our next presenter, Teacher Christian Morales. He will be speaking about A
Conducive Physical Learning Environment. His insights are sure to provide valuable
knowledge and spark important discussions.

Learning takes place not just in the classroom but also in different spaces and
areas in life. However, the majority of the things that one learns in life happen in those
four walls. This is especially true when building learning foundations in children.

Thus, having a conducive learning environment that encourages little people to

enjoy the whole process of knowing new things is important. Schools are considered
to be a student’s second home as they spend a huge chunk of their daily life in it.

A conducive learning environment goes beyond having the right school

furniture supplies and is actually composed of several important factors. These factors,
when taken as a single entity should be a space where students can freely express their
ideas to their classmates and teachers, while at the same time feel comfortable in
exploring different aspects of different subjects and themselves.

What is a conducive physical learning environment?

Resulta ng larawan para sa A Conducive Physical Learning Environment 1.

Conveniently arranged furniture 2. Flexible Seating Arrangement A. Formal Seating
Republika ng Pilipinas
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

Having a comfortable physical space where children are able to sit comfortably,
see and understand what their teacher is saying, as well as socialise with their fellow
classmates is one of the major components of a conducive learning environment.


This demo-teaching give me a chance to showcase my ability and skills as a

future teacher in the education program. A lot of things that should I consider that is
my takeaways from this course.

Learning my part of the presentation about a conducive physical learning

environment it talks about making possible or life easier, and the learning environment
itself is the setting, area, or place where the education happens between the teacher
and the students.

Meaning it is a setting that makes learning possible by allowing the students and
teacher a right and freedom in exchanging, giving, and take ideas, thoughts,
information, and skills among themselves.

Flexible seating arrangement

It is a process of replacing traditional seating arrangements that give the best

experience for students the opportunity to pick their own seats. Flexible means elastic
that can change anytime. Allowing to enter the collaborative, interactive, and valuable
efforts of learning style in a more easy and useful form.

Principle: allows the interaction between teacher and students, and among students.
Teaching implication: allow the students to discuss and share their ideas with the

Under the conducive physical learning environment is also the Informal seating
pattern, which has a principle that enhanced student’s social skills. In teaching
implication; it develops cooperative learning and helps one another by sharing
materials just like group discussion and poem interpretation.

I want to remind everyone that the Circular arrangement enables the students
to communicate with their classmates and gives emphasis to the teacher. That
maintains the interaction of the teacher and the students
Republika ng Pilipinas
Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Manila

While Horseshoe arrangement allows to see and clearly understand the

lessons presented and the student’s attention is on the teacher Infront: avoid

Next is the rectangular arrangement can call the attention of the students who
are easily distracted that prevent the students from seating too close to each other

Lastly, Open Classroom allows small group and individualized instruction and
increased student interaction and gives them to move around and engage in different
learning activities in different settings.

Following in the last kind of conducive learning environment is a clean, well-

lighted, well-ventilated. Noise-free. Fresh classroom setting. It is natural light and
flowing fresh air can enter the room. The doors and windows can be easily closed
without difficulty and noise in a free classroom setting.

Overall the conducive learning environment has the advantages of allowing

maximum interaction between teacher and student and among students, students’
movement without unnecessary distraction, allowing the teacher to survey the whole
class, is safe, clean, and adequately lighted, and making possible re-arrangement of
chairs as the need arises.

In overall, the discussion succesfully delivered by the 3 students teacher they

tackle out all of the informations that the students need.

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