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The Impact of Time Management on SPM Students Academic


A Research Proposal
Presented to the Junior High School Department
Benigno V. Aldana National High School

In Partial Fulfilment of
The Requirements for the Mathematics Investigation (Research)
Special Program in Mathematics

Quezon, Eliza A.
De Guzman, Juicylaine Nicole A.
Isla, Jade T.
Turno, Garie Ryle N.
Sese, Prince Chard C.

December 2022
Chapter 1
The Problem and its Background

Background of the Study

Conducting this research will introduce newfound knowledge about time management
including time management strategies, and find out what SPM Students do to their
effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. For students to do better manage their curriculum
and achieve learning objectives, time management behavior or skill are argued to improve the
positive academic output. The aimedof the study is to find the impact of time management on
the academic performance of students among SPM students at BVANHS. Time management
is very important and it may actually affect individuals overall performance and
achievements. Students nowadays always complain that they do not have enough time to
complete all task assigned to them. In addition, highschool environment flexibility and
freedom can derail students who have not mastered time management skills. Therefore the
aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the time management and
academics achievements of the students. Conductive setting and environment will surely
promote positive outcome to the students, besides having good lectures given by their
teachers. Nevertheless, students time management can be considered as one of the aspects that
can move a student to be a good student. However, some of the students don't have a good
time management that can affect their studies. The usage of time by students in higher
education institution is related to the daily routines and activities. Students time management
can also affect stress level of students as they need to cope with their task and their personal
According to ( Brigiette Claessens, Eearden, and Rette, 2005 ) Each and every students
should have time management ability which includes setting goals and priorities, using
time management mechanism and being organized in using time. Here time
management is only possible through self-motivation; performance, ability and
motivation. According to ( Noftle, Robins and Richard, 2007 ) This will help to analyze
the positive or negative impact of time management on academic performance of
students. It will also help to make some decision about changes use would like to
make to use our time more effectively. ( Macan, Shatani, Depbaye and Philips, 2000 )
The secret to achieving success in life is effectively managing this resource that
everyone possesses equally and paying sufficient emphasizes to planning.

Conceptual Framework
Academic achievement is a aggregate of ability and effort possibly cap potential being
same to people with higher motivation , great attempt and will , who attain better
grades. Academic achievement is the accomplishment or obtained skill ability withinside
the overall performance of an individual in a given talent or body knowledge.
Academic achievement means ‘‘ Knowledge attained and skill developed in the school
subject usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers or both ’’.
Achievement may be measured with the assist of test , verbal or written of various
kind. Since educational success is the criterion for selection , prompting or popularity in
diverse walks of life , the significance of educational success can’t be ignored.


 Set time
 Activities / Day Planning


 Focus your attention ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT

 Set small goals
 Organize your tasks


 To do list
 Minor tasks
 Major tasks

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of time management on SPM students Academic
Achievement of Benigno V. Aldana National High School during the S.Y. 2022-2023.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the ff.

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of

a. Sex ; and
b. Time spent in reviewing

2. What is the impact of time management on students Academic Achievement?

3. Is there significant relationship between the impact of time management on students

academic performance across their profile variables?

H 0 : There is no significant relationship between the impact of time management
across their profile variables.
H 1 :There is significant relationship between the impact of time management
across their profile variables.

Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of the study is to know the impact of time management of SPM
students in Benigno V. Aldana National High School in reviewing, performing, listening,
studying and so on.
Out of 310 SPM students in Benigno V. Aldana National High School, 50 SPM
students were used as a sample in conducting a survey by using the Random Sampling
This study limits its coverage on the Grade 7 to 10 SPM students with 20 respondents
per sections.
This study considers every aspect of student personal information such as their
gender, age and location. Each of the respondents was given some questionnaires to answer.
And this study focuses on the current SPM students of the present school year, 2022-2023.
Significance of the Study
The result of the study would offer some benefits to the following:

Students- This study is important for the students with no time management, this study will
help them budget their time for them to be able to finish more works in less time.

Teachers- They can get some ideas on how to manage their time at school and at home, this
topic will also be very beneficial for them.

Parents- This study could help the parent’s understanding on the importance of time
management like managing their time by preparing their child’s food, their works and many
more things.

Future Researchers- Future Researchers can learn and gain some ideas on this studies, this
will help them divide their given time and focus on their works to help them finish their task
right on time.

Definition of Terms
Students- A person who studies, investigates, or examines thoughtfully the role of this
students are attending classes on time, being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies,
focusing on their studies and completing all given home works and activities
School Teachers- Also called as teachers, they provide the power of education to today’s
youth, they help and teach us for a better future. Teachers simplify the complex, and make
abstract concepts accessible to students. Teachers also expose students on other topics that
they might not have contact with.

Parents- a father or a mother, the one who gave birth to us, the one who provides our foods,
clothes and other needs, our very first teacher. Their role is to protect their child from harm,
never give their child a trauma, give them a happy life they deserve and to be treated well.

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