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Independent University Bangladesh

CSE 201 class test 2
Instructor: Dr. Habib Bin Muzaffar

Answer all questions . Show all required work.

1. (5 marks) A race consists of 30 runners. Assume that no ties are possible. Prizes
will be awarded to the top 8 runners.
(a) In how many ways can this be done
(b) In how many ways can this be done if a certain runner must be one of the top
Answer (a) P(30,8) (b) 3P(29,7)

2. (5 marks) Find the number of integer solutions of with


3. (5 marks) Let n be a positive integer with . Prove that

algebraically and using a combinatorial argument.

4. (6 marks) There are 10 people (6 men and 4 women). In how many ways can a
committee of 5 be chosen from these 10 people if at least one woman must be
Answer: 246

5. (3 marks) How many ternary strings (strings where each entry is a 0, 1 or 2) are
there with exactly 3 zeros, 4 ones and 8 two’s?

6. (6 marks) Consider buying six cars from a dealer who has five types of cars. In
how many ways can this be done if exactly two types of cars must be bought?
Answer: 50

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