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Independent University Bangladesh

CSE 201 Final, Autumn 2019

Instructors: Dr. Habib Bin Muzaffar, Dr. Md. Shariful Islam,
Mr. Bijoy Rahman Arif
Time: 2 hours
Answer any eight questions. Each question is worth 5 marks.

1. How many different arrangements are possible of the letters of the word
CARLGAUSS if no S can be in the middle (5th) position?

2. How many paths are there in the xy plane between the origin (0, 0) and the point
(4, 7) such that each path is made up of a sequence of steps, where each step is a
move one unit to the right or a move one unit upward?

3. Find the number of integer solutions to the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 2020

subject to conditions x1  2, x2  4, x3  8, x4  10.

 n   n − 1  n − 1
4. Prove that   =   +   for all integers j and n with 0  j  n.
 j   j   j − 1

j2 n(n + 1)
5. Prove that 
j =1 ( 2 j − 1)(2 j + 1)
2(2n + 1)
for every positive integer n by

mathematical induction.

6. Prove that 1  1! + 2  2! + 3  3! +  + n  n! = (n + 1)! − 1 for every positive

integer n.

7. Prove that it is possible to make a pipe of any integer length greater than 11
meters using only 4 meter pipes and 5 meter pipes.

8. Find the last digit of 13777 .

9. Prove that if n is an odd integer then n 2  1 (mod 8).

10. Solve the recurrence relation an = 7an−1 − 10an−2 subject to the initial
conditions a 0 = 2, a1 = 3.

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