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Good morning classmed and miss carolina my name is Carla

Ramírez I am 12 years old Today I am going to talk about my

mythical creature.

Mythological Titans:
Before in Greek mythology, the titans were beings half gods and
half humans, (Cronos, Gea and Uranus were titans, they were
fathers of the gods), these titans were of a colossal size that
measured many meters away. There is no clear origin of them.

The most recent titans are humanoid beings with deformed parts
of their bodies that only seek the destruction of the world, some
titans are said to have been created by humans themselves for
experiments, while others already existed since the beginning of
the earth.
Thank you for listening goodbye

Titanes Mitológicos:
Antes en la mitología griega, los titanes eran seres medio dioses y
medio humanos, (Cronos, Gea y Urano eran titanes, eran padres
de los dioses), estos titanes eran de un tamaño colosal que
median muchos metros de distancia. No existe un origen claro de

Los titanes más recientes son seres humanoides con partes
deformes de su cuerpo que solo buscan la destrucción del
mundo, algunos titanes se dice que fueron creados por los
mismos humanos por experimentos, mientras que otros ya
existían desde los inicios de la tierra

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