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Why arts is known for self - expression of emotions  and wisdom?

 According to GoneMinimal, art is any creative activity that uses creative and
technical skill. Art can be traditional painting, sculpting, writing, creating music,
and much more. We often think that art is just a piece of masterpiece created by
an artist to show beauty and appreciation, but arts’ purpose is beyond that. There
are times that words aren’t enough for us to express our emotions and ideas,
ending up disregarding it. But because of art, we have the freedom to create
something that represents our emotions and ideas. Proven with the statement,
“The language of visual art—colours, shapes, lines, and images—speak to us in
ways that words cannot”. (Innovative Resources, 2020). 
2. Why arts can be considered as a discipline and have different functions? 
 Some people often think of art as something that is being done for fun or just a
pastime, but for some, they create artworks because it is part of their life. Those
people who use arts for work, they believe that arts can be considered as a
discipline because they need to focus on what they are doing and allot their time
and effort on it. Just like what Shawn Dell Joyce (2021) said, “but, if art is your
whole life, then it is also a discipline, and requires you to self discipline”. Within
art, there exist purposes referred to as functions for which a piece of art may be
designed (Esaak S., 2019). Thus, for an artist to be able to effectively deliver the
message of his/her art to his/her audience, he/she should have the discipline so
that he/she can apply his/her best in the artwork.
3. Is arts relevant in life ? Why or Why not?   
 According to the artwork archive, art allows us to examine what it means to be
human, to voice and express, and to bring people and ideas together. This
statement makes me believe that the arts are relevant in our life because not all of
us are capable of expressing ourselves by means of communication alone, but
because of arts, we could freely express ourselves. Since art can be a way of
expression, it could also be a good help in saving one’s mental health because
“repressed emotions can also factor into mental health conditions, such as stress,
anxiety, and depression” (healthline,n.d). Another thing that makes arts relevant
in life is that, according to Kaplan S, Scientific studies have proven that art
appreciation improves our quality of life and makes us feel good. When we create
art, we elevate our mood, we improve our ability to problem solve, and open our
minds to new ideas. I believe that having a good quality of life and a positive
mood is important because it brings us a stress-free life and gives us a positive
outlook in life. 
4. How different an artist from artisan in the different perspectives of arts?
 According to Best Accredited Colleges, Artists focus on creating aesthetically
pleasing works, while artisans' work focuses on accessorizing and functionality
more than aesthetics. This explains that artists produce major arts/pure arts which
are for aesthetic purposes only. On the other hand, Artisans’ works are the minor
arts/applied arts which are being made for practical uses. We can usually see the
artworks of artists in museums and galleries. While for the works of artisans’ it is
usually found in shops and fairs (Best Accredited Colleges).

Gone Minimal (n.d). Self Expression Art – Thrive and Share Yourself with Others. Retrieved
Innovative Resources (2020). Helping children express emotions through arts. Retrieved from:
Joyce S. (2021). Shawn Dell Joyce blog. Artistic Discipline. Retrieved from:
Esaak S. (2019). ThoughCo. The Most Important Function of Art. Retrieved from:
Artwork Archive (n.d). Why We Need Arts in Times of Crisis. Retrieved from:
Healthline (n.d). Let It Out: Dealing With Repressed Emotions. Retrieved from:
Samantha Kaplan blog (n.d). How Art Improves Your Quality of Life. Retrieved from:
Best Accredited Colleges (n.d). Difference Between Artists & Artisans. Retrieved from:

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