Hirarc Table

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Conducted by:
Group: 8 Group 8 Members
(Name, Designation, Signature)
Work Process: Road Work
Conducted Date: From: 31/12/2022 Until: 5/1/2022
Location: Batu Pahat

Activities Which can Cause Potential Consequences / Risk Level Additional / Recommended Person In Charge
No. Actual and Potential Hazards Existing Control Measures Likelihood (A) Severity (B)
(Routine / Non-Routine) Risk Effects (A) x (B) Control Measures (Due Date / Status)

PPE : Wearing Suitable PPE

Administrative Control :
1 Using electrical instruments Possible electrocution Disability/fatal Nil 4 5 20
Doing Regular Housekeeping
to make sure a safe
Administrative Control:
2 Doing construction work Excessive Extreme Heat Heat Stress Nil 3 2 6 Provide canopy to protect
worker from heat

Administrative Control:
Can cause road user such as
Injured/fatal Road Barrier 3 3 9 Provide signage and hazard
motorcycle to crash with the machine
warning light at night
Operating heavy machineries for
road marking Administrative Control:
Incompetent person handling of heavy White finger - damage to hand causing Provide competent person
Nil 3 3 9
machine for long hours whiteness and pains to finger and provide job rotation for
every one hour
Administrative Control:
Unstable Land Landslide or Injury Road Barrier 3 5 15 Redesign the safe work

Trench excavation and installation Administrative Control:

4 Steel sticking out from the concrete Injured/fatal Road Barrier 3 5 15
work Doing safety toolbox meeting

PPE: Breathing
Thermal at confined space in culvert Bodily injury Nil 3 2 6 Apparatus/PPE (Barrier
PPE: Wearing mask with
Exposed to dust inhalation(health) Respiratory problems/eye irritation Toolbox meeting 3 3 9
5 Road hacking
Exposure to construction noise(health) Hearing problem Toolbox meeting 3 3 9 PPE: Wearing Ear Muff
Exposure to dangerous chemical PPE: Wearing mask with
6 Road pavement work Lung cancer / tuberculosis Nil 5 3 15
substances(health) filter

Likelihood (A) Severity (B) Hierarchy of Control Risk Level

5 - Most Likely (The most likely result of the hazard / event being realized) 5 - Catastrophic (Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and productivity) 1 - Elimination 1-4 (Low)

4 - Possible (Has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual) 4 - Fatal (Approximately one single fatality major property damage if hazard is realized) 2 - Substitution 5-12 (Medium)

3 - Conceivable (Might be occur at sometime in future) 3 - Serious (Non-fatal injury, permanent disability) 3 - Isolation 15-25 (High)

2 - Remote (Has not been known to occur after many years) 2 - Minor (Disabling but not permanent injury) 4 - Engineering Control

1 - Inconceivable (Is practically impossible and has never occurred) 1 - Negligible (Minor abrasions, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury) 5 - Administration Control
6 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Legal & Other Requirements

L1 - Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514)
L2 -Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139)
L3 - Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304)
L4 - Biosafety Act 2007 (Act 678)
L5 - Electricity Supply Act 1990 (Act 447)
L6 - Fire Service Act 1988 (Act 341)
L7 - Others Act & Regulation (Specify)
L8 - NIL (Not In List)


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