ELM-305 T4 ScriptingDialoguesTable

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Scripting Dialogues Table

Part 1: Scripting Dialogues Table

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Single-Letter and Example:
Consonant Digraphs
Teacher: “Today we listened to “Birthday Soup” from the book
Little Bear. He is making soup for his friends in a pot with some
peas. Pot and peas begin with the same sound: the /p/ sound.
Watch my mouth /p/. You say /p/.”

Students: “/p/”

Teacher: Show students the large letter p card. Say, “This is the
letter p. The letter p stands for the /p/ sound in pot and peas.
Say /p/.”

Students: “/p/”

Teacher: “Every time I touch the letter p, say /p/.” Touch the
letter p card several times.

Students: “/p/”
Students: “/p/”
Students: “/p/”
Teacher: “hi friends today we will listen to the birthday soup
story and then we will learn all about consonants. The bear is
making soup in a big pot for his friends! Big and bear has the
same sounds. Listen to me carefully /b/ is in big and bear. Say it
with me /b/“

Student: “/b/“
Teacher: I will hold up a picture of a bear and a letter /b/ and a
picture of a big pot and letters /b/. Every time I flash the picture
at you repeat after me /b/“
Student : “/b/ /b//b/“

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Short Vowel Teacher: teacher will write the vowels on the board. “ can
anyone tells me what these letters are or what they have in

Student: “ they are vowels”

Teacher: “ correct, today we will focus on the letter /a/“. Teacher
circles a on the board. “ we need to remember that when the
vowel is in the word but does not end the word the sound of the
vowel is short, for example little bear friend cat”. Teacher writes
cat on the board. “ now say cat with me”
Student : “cat”
Teacher: say the short vowel /a/
Teacher: “do you see how the /a/ sound in cat is short, you
only hear it in the middle of the word.”

Long Vowel Teacher: “ Remember when we did short vowel sounds, today
well focus on long vowel sounds. The vowel we will use today is
o.” Teacher writes the vowels on the board and circle letter o. “
when the vowel is at the end of the word it makes a long vowel
sound like the /o/ in go. Notice how the sound of o makes
/ooooo/ in go? So, let’s say the word go”

Student: “g/oooo/.”
Teacher : “ what sound does the letter o makes in the word so”
Students : “ it makes the sound /s//oooo/.

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Word Building Teacher: “today we will learn how to build words. In front of
you there are letters and a strip of blank squares for you to put
your words together. Before we start pay attention to my squares
on the board. We will take the word pot from the story birthday
soup. As we remember Pot was used to make the soup. How
many sounds are in Pot as we call out the sound you will put up
a finger for each sound. Let’s go /P/ (puts up a finger) /o/ ( puts
up another finger) /t/ ( puts up another finger). How many

Student: “three sounds”

Teacher: “let’s try it again and call the sounds of the letters we
just made /p/ /o/ /t/ gives us what ?”
Students : “pot ”
Teacher : “ what letter would I take out to make the word hot ?”
Students “ p and add h”
Teachers: “ so hot and pot rhymes”

Word Building - Teacher: “ let’s play a fun game! I’m going to write some letters
Spelling on the board and I’m going to put a picture next to the letters,
when you see the picture you will choose from the letter to spell
the object in the picture.” Teacher puts a picture of a cake on the
board. “ we are using cake from the story birthday soup when
mother bear got a cake for baby bear.” Teacher writes a cluster
of words to the side and draw four individual lines to put the
letters for the word cake. “ I will give you the sound of the letters
as a help /c/ /a/ /k/ /e/

Student: “c, ankle”

Teacher “ yes! You guys got it right! , let’s spell another word
what if I should remove c and add m ? What word would these
letters spells”
Students : “m, a, k, e for make !
Teachers : “so today we learned to spell two words make and
cake what other word we can get if we remove the letter m?”
Students : “bake !”

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Part 2: Rationale

Consonant diagraphs are important in phonics, word recognition and spelling

because it helps students to understand that when two letters come together, they
can make a different sound and helping children to understand will help them to
recognize words when they’re reading and writing. Two letters can make a
separate sound but once put together they can form another sound. For example,
before the students go on to learn about two consonants having one sound, they
first must learn the individual sounds of those letters, the script introduces the
sound of letter b in big and bear. Later on, the Students will be able to put p and h
together and make the sound /ph/ as in phone. The dialogues the teacher used help
the student to recognize consonant, use the same letter in different words for word
recognition and show them the relationship when spelling that one letter can be
placed in two words and have different sounds. (Pre-K: Getting Ready to Read
and Write,2020)
Short vowel - this is taught first as to not to confuse the students, because it has
similar sounds. Getting the vowels out of the way will help students to recognize
words and sound them out form writing to speech. He scrip is developmentally
appropriate because before a teacher can teach a student to read, they first must
teach sounds of letters and what can happen to those sounds once mixed with
other letters. This helps students to be able to recognize sounds of letters, be able
to distinguish words that has the same short sound. This is a great starting point
for spelling because students make between the print and sound of letter with the
Long vowel sound- this is important and appropriate developmentally because
learning letter sounds and the relationship between those sounds enables a child to
form words and later on read. Vowel sounds are found in syllables of words and
for students to be able to recognize, spell and connect to the word from stored
information they need to be able to understand the sound of letters work. Some
vowels have multiple sounds, or they are silent, so teaching students’ vowels are
important (Pre-K: Getting Ready to Read and Write,2020)

Word building- word building is a great strategy to help a student with their
phonics, word recognition and spelling because it is a method that help students
put letters or sounds together to make words. Teachers can use syllables or
graphemes and make words. This is important because it helps students to leaner
more than one word that shows relationships by substitution. For example, the
script is appropriate because the teacher is showing the students how they can
form a new word from a word they already know. This will help them to learn
faster and remember longer because the teacher uses interconnected words by
removing one letter from the old word to form a new word. This helps a child to
be able to spell a word because it’s easier to do in parts than a whole word at
once(Vaughn & Thompson, 2020).

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Word building spelling- it is close to word building only specially in this script
the teacher use word study that will help the students spell multiple words form
one word. When we use experiences or prior knowledge of the students to teach
from, they learn better especially students that are now learning to read, they need
something to connect to and that’s from past knowledge. Word building spelling
is appropriate because it helps students to recognize multiple words for example
in a word family cake, bake, make, sake, take. The script is appropriate and
developmentally read because challenges the students to think to get a new
word(Vaughn & Thompson, 2020).
I will use this in my future practice to observe and assess what my students need
and what level they’re on to provide intentional instruction to help them become
successful independent readers. I will use my findings and scripts to understand
and work with my students because I know they will need support such as guided
practice and modeling before independent practice /(Vaughn & Thompson, 2020).


© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Pre-K: Getting Ready to Read and Write. (2020). Retrieved 26 June 2020, from
Vaughn, S., & Thompson, S. (2020). Phonics and Word Study. Retrieved 26 June 2020, from

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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