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Role Play: Sadie, Shelbi, Heidi, Corinne, & Nick

Everyone will practice empathy, active listening, Conflict management, consensus building,
attention and responsiveness to each other, and remain flexible during the session

Agenda planning:
1. Introduce new hire to team and ourselves
a. Make sure corinne as the lead social worker
b. Everyone else is a consultant
2. Introduction to the group → gain understanding of group functionality as it is
the beginning of the year and what the group is (understanding group
a. Discuss time management
b. Discuss what is in the folders
c. Discuss what the group is about
3. Communicate guidelines and instructions for the group
4. Review information provided in the packet
5. Discuss 1st candidate
6. Discuss 2nd candidate → conflict management
7. Discuss 3rd candidate
8. Discuss 4th candidate
9. Discuss 5th candidate → time management
10. Pick top 3, say why in round robin
11. Choose 2
12. Conclude the group

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