Looking at The Fact

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Effective Meetings
✓ your name on Zoom is clear (use Latin letters)
✓ your camera is on and mic is off (unmute when
✓ you are in a quiet area that helps you focus
✓ you have a notebook or a note app ready to
take notes

Ilka X@!

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Check your audio and video settings Use Annotate when a screen is shared

Ask questions in the Chat or use

Share Screen when the teacher asks

Use Save to make screenshots

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org
In this live lesson you will practise discussing statistical information and take part
in a meeting to plan improvements at work.

Highlighted skills:
Speaking (in class) and reading (before and in class)
Language focus:
Grammar: quantifiers
Functional language: expressions to describe work problems

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org


1. What makes you angry?

2. What sometimes makes you angry when you are:

on a train? on an air plane? at the cinema? at work?

3. Do you have any ideas to make these places better?

People should…..

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Kids at the cinema
Eating ludly
Things that happen unplanned
Accidents, mishaps, disasters
Things that don’t go according to plan

Erca doesn’t like being put under pressure

When the roads are crowded

Traffic jams /rush hours
Working from home
Transport infrastructure
Bus lanes
Cycle lanes
The subway is the best bet
Delays – When it is too cold – or too hot
Blankets are too small

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Do you remember this?

In pairs, ask and answer the quantity word for each percentage.

half a quarter three quarters all / every

nearly all / every no / none hardly any most

no / none
100% most 0% 60% 50%

75% 95% 5% 25%

a quarter
three quarters 5% is ……………
What’s 5%?
Hardly any

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Think about your company / university / school / family / city / country and write
one sentence for any 5 quantity words.

100% - all/ every 75% - three quarters

0% - no/ none 95% - nearly all/ every
60% - most 5% - hardly any
50% - half 25% - a quarter

Every Malaysian can speak at least 2 languages.

Discuss your sentences with a partner and share one of your friend’s
sentences with the whole class.

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org
In groups, you will look at a new company and its problems.

Suggest some changes and decide on the best three suggestions.

All managers should change…
All staff should have…
Managers and staff should…

Tell the class what your group has decided.

English Online | www.britishcouncil.org

Despite all the problems, the working environment makes people
content (satisfied)

Not least the lack of salary

Some of you saw things differently

The company can offer incentives to the staff to make up for the salary
Performance related bonuses

A clearly defined salary scale

The KPI for each employee Key Performance Indicators

This doesn’t cover the additional work and achievements

Offer a clear pathway for career advancements over a reasonable

period of time
The company could invite professionals to train their staff. Continuous
Identifying the underlying problem (root cause of the

They should improve the process of deligation. Hire an

HR manager to define salary policy

The company could set performance goals, setting

targets and clarifying all te procedures

A Good idea would be to oraganise a team building for all

the employees

Doing an asesment about the problem of Project delays

To at least mitigate against this

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What have you learned from today’s lesson?

What did you find interesting/not interesting?

What did you need more practice with?

Did you participate fully?

Did you achieve your aims for this lesson?

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Complete the Progress activities on the English Online website:

Book the next lesson in the theme:

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