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Mortifying, nerve racking, and intolerable; these words can be used to portray hazing, a dehumanizing practice.

So what is hazing? Hazing is considered to be any act that, “forces a person to endure some sort of physical or

mental abuse, harassment or humiliation as a condition of gaining membership or acknowledgment into a group”.

Extremely unsafe, hazing can be a lifeor death circumstance.

The so-called rite of passage that a member must endure before he is acknowledged as a brother in a fraternity

only serves as an opportunity for members to enjoy in their savage andsadistic streak as they yield these

neophytes (someone who is new to the organization) tohorrendous beatings, not only with their hands but with

paddles and other objects. It won’t also be too implausible to say that more often than not, the most enthusiastic

of these hazers are thosewith mental issues, emptying their latent contempt and insecurity on neophytes on a

few stupidreasons like they are great looking or are from “de buena familia.”

Hazing is a brutal practice that ought to be made illegal in each state so that no individualcan be hurt both

physically and mentally. Those who take part in hazing mitigate viciousness and brutality. Using hazing as a way

to initiate somebody into a group is wrong since it promotes theuse of violence. The issue is that individuals

confuse hazing and initiation and believe they arethe same but they are not. They are totally different in that

initiation is safe though hazing isharmful

.Building solidarity is the mental factor behind hazing, but hazing does not constructsolidarity; it tears it down.

When individuals are hazed they lose their identity and their nobility.How can that construct camaraderie?

Violence cannot build team spirit since it belittles anddebilitates a person. So many youthful promising men had

been put to squander. So manydreams had been smashed. So many families had been broken. The society

system has ended upan enormous dark hole that sucks these young promising men to their graves. The

fraternity as aninstitution, in spite of its respectable and grand standards, has worsened into becoming a


As any moral and shrewd person can see, hazing is wrong in all senses. The negativeimpacts of hazing can

cause students to be haunted by it for the rest of their lives. Some of theuniversities where hazing is seen turn a

blind eye to it and don't issue punishments seriousenough for hazing. Hazing requires more than a slap on the

wrist since it condones violence,abuses physically, and scars emotionally. Abolishing hazing in each state would

guarantee thesecurity of understudies all over the nation.

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