Design of 8 Tons Per Day Mechanized Potato Peeling and Cutting Machine

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

The paper describes the design of potato washing, peeling and cutting machine. The potatoes
first take in to the mass flow hopper and from the hopper flows to the washer and peeler by the
vibrating screen which separates the potatoes in size. The potatoes with length less than 20mm
drops dawn through the screen and those with length of 20mm and above are conveyed to the
washer and peeler machine where the operating capacity of screen is 6 tons per hour. The peeler
peels 100kg potatoes in 4minuts and the potatoes conveyed to the cutting machine by belt
conveyor operating with capacity of 2tons per hour. In the cutter 6kg potatoes are cut in one
stroke of the pusher block of the cutter machine. The combination of these machines (hopper,
vibrating screen, washer and peeler, belt conveyor and cutter machine) is used to produce
15mm 15 mm size cut potatoes. The capacity of the machine was 8tons per day of 8 working

KEY WORDS: Machine, potato, cutting, peeling, washing, conveying speed, hopper, screen,

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering I

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

We would like to thank God who gives health to us. And we would gratefully acknowledge our
advisor professor MALLESWARA RAO that he advises wonderfully. He gives constant support,
guidance and continuous advice and it is true that we do not seen advisors like him. We able to
finish this project by this continue help full guidance. We also tanks some our university
students for their friendship and help .we use their computer to do this project and we do not fro
get their help. And thank for all people who share their ideas. Finally we thank our mechanical
department who give this chance to do this project work.

Sosna Dagnaw, Gerenesu Gemeda, Maru Gizachew, Dinaol Urga

ITR/839/03, ITR/438/03, ITR/601/03, ITR/503/03

BSc, Mechanical Engineering of Kombolcha Institute of Technology, 2015

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering II

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................... I
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................... II
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... III
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ V
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ VI
List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... VII
List of Conversion Factors ......................................................................................................... VIII
Chapter One: ................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1-Background Information and Justification............................................................................ 1
1.2-Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3-Objective of the Study .......................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1-General Objective ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2-Specific Objective .......................................................................................................... 2
1.4-Significance of the Study ...................................................................................................... 3
1.5-Scope of the Study ................................................................................................................ 3
1.6-Methodology of the Study .................................................................................................... 3
1.7-Organization of the Study ..................................................................................................... 3
Chapter Two: .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Potato slicing machine .......................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Design and Fabrication of Twisted Potato Crisps Maker ..................................................... 5
2.3Making sweet potato chips and flour ..................................................................................... 8
2.4 Simplified Model of Pressing and Slicing Cuts on Hard-Crispy Materials. ....................... 11
2.5 Shortages of the previous machines ............................................................................... 14
Chapter Three: .............................................................................................................................. 15
3. Results and Discussion ............................................................................................................. 15
3.1 Geometry of the machine .................................................................................................... 15
3.2 work flow of the machine.................................................................................................... 16
3.3 part design ........................................................................................................................... 17

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

3.3.1 Hopper design ............................................................................................................... 17

3.3.2 Screen design ................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.3 Peeler design ................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.4 Cutter design ................................................................................................................. 49
3.3.5design of feeder belt conveyor: ..................................................................................... 53
3.4 Motor selection .................................................................................................................... 68
3.5 Cycle time ........................................................................................................................... 69
.Chapter Four: ............................................................................................................................... 76
Conclusion, Recommendation and Future Research Work .......................................................... 76
4.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 76
4.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 77
4.3 Future Research Work .................................................................................................... 77
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 78

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

List of Figures
Fig :- 2. 1 potato Slicing machines ................................................................................................. 5
Fig :- 2. 2 Left side view of the machine listing the component parts. Dashed lines show on the
stud (drive spindle) and represent threads on the outside diameter. ............................................... 7
Fig :- 2. 3 Topside view of the machine showing the component parts assembled on the top of
the base support............................................................................................................................... 7
Fig :- 2. 4 Twisted Potato Crisps Maker ......................................................................................... 8
Fig :- 2. 5 Razor blade cutting. ..................................................................................................... 12
Fig :- 2.6Microstructure of the edge of the razor blades used in the modeling and experiments 13
Fig :- 2. 7 Simplified cutting model. ............................................................................................. 13

Fig:- 3. 1 geometry of the system of 8ton per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting
machine ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Fig:- 3. 2 Flow Diagram of the system of 8ton per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting
machine ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Fig:- 3. 3 hopper ............................................................................................................................ 18
Fig:- 3. 4 hopper sides inclination angle ....................................................................................... 19
Fig:- 3. 5 screen............................................................................................................................. 21
Fig:- 3. 6 Vibrating screen operating frequencies ......................................................................... 22
Fig:- 3. 7 direction of load travel on screen .................................................................................. 22
Fig:- 3. 8 Charts for Selection screen............................................................................................ 24
Fig:- 3. 9 Peeler and washer .......................................................................................................... 27
Fig:- 3. 10 Double acting cylinder (a) when closing chute & (b) when opening chute ................ 29
Fig:- 3. 11 chute ............................................................................................................................ 30
Fig:- 3. 12 side view of chute when opened and closed ............................................................... 30
Fig:- 3. 13 Control circuit for the double acting cylinders ........................................................... 31
Fig:- 3. 14 cross section of V- belt ................................................................................................ 34
Fig:- 3. 15 selection of cross section of V belt ........................................................................... 35
Fig:- 3. 16 Dimensions of cross section of V belt......................................................................... 35
Fig:- 3. 17 V-grooved pulley ........................................................................................................ 43
Fig:- 3. 18 smal hopper ................................................................................................................. 47
Fig:- 3. 19 Cutting Blades ............................................................................................................. 50
Fig:- 3. 20 Pusher arm and pusher block ...................................................................................... 51
Fig:- 3. 21 gear box with crank shaft. ........................................................................................... 51
Fig:- 3. 22 Angle of repose and angle of surcharge ...................................................................... 54
Fig:- 3. 23 load cross sectional area of belt conveyor................................................................... 55
Fig:- 3. 24 with Equal Length Carrying Idlers .............................................................................. 58
Fig:- 3. 25 Pulley width ................................................................................................................ 61
Fig:- 3. 26 Roller parameters ........................................................................................................ 65
Fig:- 3. 27 carrying idlers............................................................................................................. 67

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 28 return idlers ................................................................................................................ 67

Fig:- 3. 29 front view .................................................................................................................... 72
Fig:- 3. 30 top view ...................................................................................................................... 72
Fig:- 3. 31 right side view ............................................................................................................. 73
Fig:- 3. 32 Assembly drawing ....................................................................................................... 74

List of Tables
Table 1. 1Top Potato producing countries in the world................................................................. 2

Table: 2. 1 Pressure distribution along a line in y-axis direction.................................................. 12

Table: 2. 2 Blade relative sharpness level ..................................................................................... 14
Table: 2. 3 potato peeler ............................................................................................................... 14

Table :3. 1 bulk density of goods ................................................................................................ 20

Table :3. 2 correction factor according to the service ................................................................ 33
Table :3. 3 Dimensions of standard cross sectio .......................................................................... 36
Table :3. 4 preferred pitch diameters of pulleys (mm) ................................................................ 36
Table :3. 5 nominal pitch lengths for standard sizes of V-belt .................................................... 38
Table :3. 6 Correction factor for arc of contact ........................................................................... 40
Table :3. 7 power ratings in KW (Pr) for B section V belts ......................................................... 41
Table :3. 8 grey iron castings as per IS;210-1993 ........................................................................ 43
Table :3. 9 The dimension of the V-grooved pulley for v-belt ..................................................... 43
Table :3. 10 Mechanical properties of steel used for shaft ........................................................... 44
Table :3. 11 recommended value for Km and Kt.......................................................................... 45
Table :3. 12mechanical Properties of feeder belt materials .......................................................... 54
Table :3. 13 Maximum Section of the Handled Material in m2 for Triple Roller Troughed Belts
According to Fig: 3.24 with Equal Length Carrying Idlers ......................................................... 59
Table :3. 14 pulley width recommendation .................................................................................. 62
Table :3. 15 recommended minimum pulley diameters................................................................ 63
Table :3. 16 Recommended roller diameter ................................................................................ 64
Table :3. 17 Roller parameters ..................................................................................................... 66
Table :3. 18Standard motors up to frame size 315 L ................................................................... 68
Table :3. 19 selected motors for machines................................................................................... 68
Table :3. 20 Part name .................................................................................................................. 75

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

List of Acronyms




rpm=revolution per minute

TPH=tons per hour

ref= reference

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

List of Conversion Factors

1meter=3.28 foot

1kilogram=2.204 pound



1ton=1000 kilogram



π rad=180˚

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering I

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Chapter One:

1. Introduction
1.1-Background Information and Justification
Potato is a major food crop, grown in more than 100 countries in the world. According to FAO,
potato is consumed by more than one billion people in the world. It is a high quality vegetable
cum food crop and used in preparing more than 100 types of recipes. The protein content of
potato has a high biological value than cereals and considered to be better than milk. Hence,
potato is supplementing meat and milk products by lowering energy intake and also by reducing
food cost. Potato popularly known as ‗The king of vegetables‘, has emerged as fourth most
important food crop in India after rice, wheat and maize. Indian vegetable basket is incomplete
without potato. Potato is a nutritionally superior vegetable due to its edible energy and edible
protein. It has become an integral part of breakfast, lunch and dinner among the larger
population. Being a short duration crop, it produces more quantity of dry matter, edible energy
and wheat. Hence, Potato is considered to be an important crop to achieve nutritional security of
the nation. [8]

Origin of Potato

South America is known to be native of Potato. In 1537, the Spaniards first came into contact
with Potato in one of the villages of Andes. In Europe, Potato was introduced between 1580
A.D. to 1585 A.D. in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium and Germany. In India it was
introduced by the Portuguese sailors during early 17thcentury and its cultivation was spread to
North India during the British period.

Potato Production in the World

Potato is grown in more than 100 countries in the world. China ranks first, followed by Russia
and India. China, India, USA, Ukraine, Germany and Poland put together constitute more than
62 per cent of the total global production. Top Potato producing countries in the world are
tabulated in Table 1.1 [8]

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering 1

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table 1. 1Top Potato producing countries in the world

1.2-Statement of the Problem

From the local method of slicing potato it was observed that it involves a lot of physical labor
and material wastes. The problem is that some people use peeling machine to wash and peel the
potatoes but uses local methods for cutting using knife where others wash the potatoes by their
hands and use machine for cutting Therefore in order to improve the processing method
and enhance its hygienic level, there is the need of mechanization of the slicing method.

1.3-Objective of the Study

1.3.1-General Objective
The general objective is to design 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting system.

1.3.2-Specific Objective
The project objectives as follows:

I. System for Peeling and cutting potatoes

II. Reduce labor force
III. Reduce use of knife
IV. Save peeling and cutting time
V. Save energy.
VI. More Hygienic

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering 2

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

1.4-Significance of the Study

1. This system of potato slicing is very important because of the relief it will bring to
those who have manual means to achieve their slicing until now.

2. This is a systematic process is get the quality of end product and getting the required size..

3. Its simplicity in operation will make it user-friendly.

1.5-Scope of the Study

The project scope is to Design a system for production of sliced potato easily.

1.6-Methodology of the Study

The following methods were followed in the development of the machine.
i. Local methods of slicing potato were studied with a view to improving the methods.
ii. Some machines which are used to give single function or used to washing only were
iii. We observed that a number of people are required to cut potato.
iv. The information obtained was used to develop the system.
v. Using CAD
vi. Using internet
vii. Using mathematical methods.

1.7-Organization of the Study

The thesis is organized by four chapters. The first chapter introduces the background information
and justification, statement of the problem, objective of the Study, Significance of the Study,
scope and methodology of the study. Chapter two discusses the review of the potato peeling and
cutting machines previously used by the people and also discusses about the local method of
slicing potato with their shortages. Chapter three reports the results and discussion with proper
design of the machine. Chapter four is about the Conclusion and recommendation.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Chapter Two:

2. Literature Review
There are a number of methods to peel and cut potatoes those are local method and using
machine. From these methods using machine is very good method but there is a problem again in
the machining methods. The problem is that some people use peeling machine to wash and peel
the potatoes but uses local methods for cutting using knife where others wash the potatoes by
their hands and use machine for cutting. Some of the machines used for single operations
(peeling or cutting) are reviewed as follows.

2.1 Potato slicing machine

Slicing is the process of cutting through an item using sharp-edge object. Because of the
importance of slicing of food items in our day-to-day life there is the need to employ the use of
simple mechanical devices to ease the process.

Slicing machines are either manually or electrically powered. In any of the cases, the machine
consists of a knife or set of knives arranged in a particular pattern to meet the need of the
operation(s) it is intended to perform.


Cutting involves principally the application of shearing force on an item with the help of a knife.
The knife could be stationary or on translational or on rotary motion. Slicing could be achieved
in any of the following ways.

i) A knife moving against a stationary one while getting the food cut in-between.

ii) Two knives or cutting elements moving in opposite directions against one another and thereby
getting the food item sliced in the process.

iii) A knife moving against a stationary part of the machine.

Mechanical food cutters used in modern kitchens basically consist of either rotating or
reciprocating knives. In some instance, which is not very common, the knives are made
stationary while food item travels against it and get sliced.

The use of machines in industries and homes is gradually taking over manual means of achieving
work. While the industries are being automated and computerized, the homes are gradually
turning into a mini-industry where different types of machines are used to do the home chores.
The introduction of these machines in our homes has brought about effectiveness, efficiency and

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

time and energy saving. The potato slicing machine consists of a knife that is attached at its
midpoint, to a rotating shaft. Two impacts are made by the knife on the potato in one complete
rotation of the shaft. The shaft and the knife arrangement will be housed within the casing of the
machine. One end of the shaft shall bear the knife while the other end will be connected to an
electric motor that effects the rotation. The slicing unit will be rotating within a brass bushing.

Fig :- 2. 1 potato Slicing machines

2.2 Design and Fabrication of Twisted Potato Crisps Maker

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a starchy, tuberous crop of the Solanaceae family, semi
perishable in nature, contains about 80% water and 20% dry matter. Potato is popularly known
as ‗The king of vegetables‘, because the dry matter, edible energy and edible protein content of
potato makes it nutritionally superior vegetable as well as staple food not only in our country but
also throughout the world. It is cultivated in 23 states in India. During 1993-2020, demand for
potato is expected to rise by 40 per cent worldwide. This indicates a clear opportunity to capture
the huge domestic and international market of potato by producing value added potato products.
It is estimated that 25% of the potatoes, which are spoiled due to various reasons such as lack of
post-harvest management, transportation, type of packing, non-availability of cold storage
capacities during harvesting season, glut in the market etc., could be saved by making various
preserved potato products. Processing of potato is very advantageous because it makes storage
easier due to the reduction in bulkiness and due to increase in its shelf life. It adds value to
potatoes and therefore gives better return. Therefore processing has been an integral part of the
utilization. The simplest mode of processing the potato tuber is conversion into chips. Potato
slicing machines are either manually or electrically powered. In any of the cases, the machine
consists of a knife or set of knives arranged in a particular pattern to meet the need of the
operations it is intended to perform. In the former method, process is tedious and time
consuming, while in the later method, equipments save cutting time but the cost of these
equipments, the energy required for their operation & their large size makes them insignificant
Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering 5
Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

for their use in small scale industries. Improved processing requires use of tools and techniques
that are reliable, efficient, labor saving, safe, simple, and cost effective. The twisted potato
slicing machine is simple workable and efficient machine, which can be adopted to reduce
mechanical energy input in potato processing and also to improve product quality. The main
emphasizes was upon the design and fabrication of a twisted potato crisps maker which is cost
effective as well as require less space for its functioning. Such a machine is particularly useful
for small scale application

Cutting: Cutting involves principally the application of shearing force on potato with the help of
a blade. The blade was made stationary while potato travels against it and gets sliced. Shearing
force for slicing the potato was measured by placing knife of measured thickness on potato and
applying mass of 1.53 kg which was sufficient for slicing the potato. Thus shearing Force
required for cutting the potato with the help of a knife of thickness 0.0164 mm: Fs = 1.53 X
9.81= 15 N Thickness of blade (t) = 0.00164 mm Length of blade (l) = 0.115 mm Width of blade
(b) = 0.105 mm Density of blade (SS) = 8000 kg/m3 The main components of the Twisted
Potato Crisps Maker are base support, longitudinal Stud, blade, clipper, guide pin, guide Nuts,
hand support, handle and Support legs.

Base support: It was made up of cast iron. It was having a first end and a second end for
providing guided linear longitudinal motion along the base.

Longitudinal Stud: It was having a first end and a second end, being connected at the first end
whereby rotated by the handle, substantially defining a potato rotation axis. The thickness of the
resulting crisp was determined by the pitch and the rate at which the potato was advanced into
the blade. The combination of rotary and longitudinal motion produced due to the rotation of the
stud results in slicing of potato into a continuous spiral sheet.

Cutting Blade: A base mounted, cutting blade was provided for consistently slicing a thin
continuous spiral slice. Cutting blade was made up of high carbon hardened stainless steel and
was connected to the second end of the base. It was made perpendicular to potato rotational axis
and had a hole through which guide pin extended to provide support for potato.

Stud support: It was provided with a threaded cylindrical depression for receiving stud wherein
stud may freely rotate and move longitudinally through depression.

Clipper: Potato to be sliced mounted on guide pin was placed on clipper onto the second end of a
stud and the potato was advanced towards a stationary blade by means of a handle. A handle was
rotated in a clockwise direction turning a potato and forcing it into the blade. When the handle
arm makes a full turn, the stud moved a distance equal to pitch or the gap between adjacent
threads. The combination of rotary and longitudinal motion produced by handle resulted in
slicing of potato. The stud was attached to the base support which has support legs to stabilize its
use on a smooth surface.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig :- 2. 2 Left side view of the machine listing the component parts. Dashed lines show on the stud
(drive spindle) and represent threads on the outside diameter.

Fig :- 2. 3 Topside view of the machine showing the component parts assembled on the top of the base

Efforts have been made to design and fabricate this twisted potato crisps maker. The findings
have been suitably explained with logical reasons wherever possible. The findings also have
been discussed in the light of theories and with the literature support to the possible extent.

Fabricated Twisted Potato Crisps Maker The blade, stud, handle, support legs, clipper were
fabricated as per their design as described earlier. The developed potato crisps maker has been
shown (13)

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig :- 2. 4 Twisted Potato Crisps Maker

2.3Making sweet potato chips and flour

Sweet potato is a popular food in many parts of Eastern Africa. It is a drought, hardly and can
grow in marginal areas, thus contributing to improved food security. The young leaves and vines
can be consumed as vegetables or fed to livestock.
During bumper harvests, farmers often sell sweet potatoes at throw-away prices. Losses after
harvesting are high due to perishing. In some communities in Eastern Africa, sweet potatoes are
preserved for the dry season by sun-drying to make amukek – dried sweet potato chips. The
dried chips are boiled and mashed with beans, milled or pounded to make flour, which can be
mixed with either millet or cassava flours to make stiff porridge.
Some facts about dried sweet potato chips and flour
1. Any sweet potato variety can be dried to make chips, which can then be milled into
2. Dried sweet potato chips can be stored for up to six months when packaged in
airtight, strong, black plastic bags Sweet potato flour is used to make doughnuts and
3. Flour made from the chips can also be used to make high-value flours by mixing with
millet, maize or soybean flour. These mixed flours are used to make porridge and
baby foods, which are easily, digest able.
4. some bakeries are already using new flour mixes to make bread and cakes
5. The poultry feed industry is showing interest in using orange-fleshed chips in their
feeds to improve yolk color and vitamin A content of eggs.

Requirements for making sweet potato chips and flour

1. Mature sweet potato roots. On average, 4 kg of fresh sweet potato roots give about 1 kg
of dried sweet potato chips
2. A clean area, ideally a room with raised working surfaces, such as tables – not on the
3. large plastic containers, preferably 10 to 20 liter buckets with lids
4. Supply of clean water
5. Ideally, a manual or motorized sweet potato chipper for chopping or slicing

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

6. Raised open platform for air drying, or ideally a solar dryer placed in a clean area in full

Procedure for making sweet potato chips and flour

Step 1: Choosing the roots

1 Use any sweet potato variety

2 The roots should be undamaged and mature - here to four months for the early maturing
varieties and five to six months for the late maturing varieties.

Ste 2: Washing
as frequently as

quantities to speed-up the process

Step 3: Draining
After washing, drain by placing the sweet potatoes on a raised, perforated rack.
Step 4: Chipping or slicing
-6 mm thick)

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

speed-up the process.

Step 5: Drying
lean black
plastic sheet, to sundry under maximum sunshine for about six to eight hours – it is best to do
this during the hot, dry season

solar dryer has an additional source, such as charcoal and can be used to dry chips.

cover chips with netting to keep off flies and birds

Step 6: Milling
Mill dried chips to flour using a hammer mill (village ―posho‖ mill)
Step 7: Packaging and labeling

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Pack dried chips or flour in strong (thick gauge) black polyethylene bags. Flour can be
packaged in 2 kg packs for distribution to shops and other retail outlets.

lour in card board cartoons to protect them from light

Step 8: Storing
cool, dry place off the ground, preferably on pallets or raised surfaces.


2.4 Simplified Model of Pressing and Slicing Cuts on Hard-Crispy Materials.

The illustration of potato cutting is shown in Figure5. The modeling and experiments will focus
on using the blade shown in Figure 5(a) to realize the robot controlled cuts shown in Figure
5(b). The microstructure photo of the edge of a blade is shown in Figure 6(a) with the measured
width of the blade cutting edge. For that particular razor blade, the edge of this blade is 850nm
with flat surface.

The range of the edge width of a brand new blade is around500nm to 1250nm with the shape
shown in Figure 6(b).The microstructure of potatoes showed that the homogeneity of the
particles is 500 times bigger than the blade edge width. Since the target problem is about cutting
fracture, the focused problem is the stress distribution at the contact area at the moment just
before the initiation of the cutting fracture.

At that moment, enough pressure has been built up beneath the blade, and the blade has a firm
and solid contact with the target. Thus, the cutting interaction, such as the potato cutting shown
in Figure 5, is simplified as a belt area force acting on the surface of a semi-infinite body as

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

illustrated in Figure 7(b), where the interaction between the blade and the target (Figure 7(a)) is
simplified as a belt area force, and the target is simplified as a semi-infinite body. Given the
contact length between the blade and cutting material is l and the width of the blade edge is 2a,
the contact area between the blade and the material is belt-like, that is,(−l/2, l/2) in x direction
and [−a, a] in y direction, where point o in frame ox yz is at the center of the belt area, oxy plane
is on the contact surface, x-axis is the blade length direction, and z-axis point into the material as
shown in Figure 7(b). Normally, the width of a brand new blade (2a)ranges from 500nm to 1250
nm, and the contact length is normally bigger than one centimeter, roughly l/a > 104, that is, the
contact length in x direction is much bigger than that in y direction. Thus, l can be considered as
infinite compared to a. capital P is used to express a cutting force and small p is used to express a
pressure variable, while subscript and superscript p of a variable is used to express the variable is
either point force or point-pressure related. Subscript and superscript n stands a variable in
normal or z direction and subscript and superscript t stands a variable in tangential or x direction
.For example, Pp is an ideal point force acting on the contact surface of a semi-infinite body with
normal component Ppn and tangential component Ppt, while pn and pt are the cutting pressure
components in the z direction and x direction, respectively.

(a) Razor blade used in this research (b) Robotic potato cut
Fig :- 2. 5 Razor blade cutting.

Table: 2. 1 Pressure distribution along a line in y-axis direction.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig :- 2. 6 Microstructure of the edge of the razor blades used in the modeling and experiments.

Fig :- 2. 7 Simplified cutting model.

The procedure of the blade preparation is as follows.

1. Choose a brand-new blade (industrial-grade single-edge razor blade standard, 0.2286mm
thick) as the sharpest one(Blade A), define its relative sharpness η0 = 1 and obtain its
potato cutting forces;
2. Use the sharpest blade (Blade A) to manually cut cardboard 30 times to form Blade Band
obtain its potato cutting forces;
3. use Blade B to cut through a piece of pine wood 50 times to form Blade C and obtain its
potato cutting forces;
4. blade C is dulled on aluminum by rubbing 30 times to form Blade D and obtain its potato
cutting forces;
5. the dullest knife is obtained by dulling Blade D on sand paper (aluminum oxide cloth
sanding sheet 80 grit) by10 times and then obtain its potato cutting forces;
6. According to the cutting forces of the sharpest blade (Blade A) and the dullest blade
(Blade E) to getηf ;and the blade sharpness level results are summarized in Table 2.2,

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table: 2. 2 Blade relative sharpness level

The shape of blade cutting edge determines the distribution of the cutting force on the contact
surface between the blade and the cutting material. The cutting force distribution profile
determines the sharpness of a blade. By using the relative sharpness factor concept, blade
sharpness can be quantified based on the obtained forces from sharpest blades and dullest blades.
 It can be observed from both the computation and experimental results that the cutting
force (Pu) is proportional to the contact length (l). This obvious observation agrees with
those from everyday life.
 Edge shape and edge width have the combined influence on fracture force. For the same
edge width, external force is proportional to the maximum force intensity, which the
edge shape can generate.
 Based on material properties, the knife sharpness properties and the interaction between
the blade and the material, the required force to realize certain cuts can be predicted.[6]

Table: 2. 3 potato peeler [23]

Model: JXCJ –PP-01 Rated voltage: 3v-380v

Average power : 1.1Kw Frequency :50Hz
Capacity: 30kg /40-60sec Weight: 110kg
Water proof No. 20070716004
Dimension: 700*680*110mm Date: 2007-07 -16

2.5 Shortages of the previous machines

 The cutting machines without washing machine are mostly used by some people and it
requires washing by human hands. And using hands requires a large number of workers
to finish the required amount of the potatoes.
 Other people use washing machine without cutting machine and this wastes the time
when cutting is done by labor force.
 It is dangers to cut potato when it use knife.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Chapter Three:

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Geometry of the machine

Fig:- 3. 1 geometry of the system of 8ton per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

3.2 work flow of the machine

Fig:- 3. 2 Flow Diagram of the system of 8ton per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

3.3 part design

3.3.1 Hopper design

To design this hopper the following points are considered.

(i) what flow pattern of material is required ,

(ii) what measurements need to be made of the material properties, and
(iii) What design models should be used based on the material being handled
and the operational requirements of any given case.

Flow properties are one of the most important things to have knowledge of. Most
importantly, is the material ―free flowing‖? How do we know this? One way is to pick the
material up in your hand and squeeze it. If it forms a ball when you open your hand, it is
cohesive. If not, i.e. if it still drops through your fingers like dry sand, then it is free flowing. But
is it likely to remain always the same? Many materials have variability in them, due to changes
in moisture content, size distribution and source of supply [18].The mass flow hopper is
required to this machine because the material to be flow is potato and can simply flow down.
The design model is Symmetric slot hopper.

To size and design a hopper we determine the design necessary for mass flow operation based
upon the material properties. The properties that are used in the design of a mass flow hopper
are the effective angle of internal friction, the material flow function, and the angle of wall
friction between the powder material and the wall material. The input data for hopper

 The hopper capacity is to hold 500Kg potatoes

 From table 3.1 the density of potato is ρ= 750Kg/m3
 The volume occupied by the potato in the hopper is Vp(m3)
 The volume of hopper is Vh (m3)

It is known that and volume is calculated as =0.667m3

The required volume of the hopper Vh =Vp + 0.25Vp where 0.25 is the correction factor for
void clearance. Which is simplified as Vh=1.25Vp =1.25(0.667m3) = 0.83m3

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 3 hopper

The volume of the hopper Vh= ( )

Where h _the height of the hopper which is 700mm = 0.7m

B_ out let area of the hopper

P_ out let or discharge side width of the hopper which is 0.5m

p'_ upper side of the hopper

B= ( p)² =(0.5)²=0.25m²

( )

14.23 =1+2p' +4p'²

4p'²+ 2p'-14.23+1=0

4p'²+ 2p'-13,23=0

To calculate the value of p' it is required to use quadratic equation

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine


p' = 1.58m or p'= -2.08m but dimension is not negative so p'=1.58m take 1.6m.

To calculate the side inclination angle

Fig:- 3. 4 hopper sides inclination angle

Here α= tan-¹( )= 38º

ß = 90-38 = 52º (the inclination angle of the hopper side to slide the material easily.)

As the value of ß is 52 >50 (As per CEMA standards) there is no jamming of potatoes.

The advantageous properties of stainless steels can be seen when compared to standard plain
carbon mild steel. Although stainless steels have a broad range of properties, in general, when
compared with mild steel, stainless steels have:

~ Higher corrosion resistance

~ Higher cryogenic toughness

~ Higher work hardening rate

~ Higher hot strength

~ Higher ductility

~ Higher strength and hardness

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering 19

Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

~ A more attractive appearance

~ Lower maintenance

Martens tic stainless steels are 400 series and 500 series. They are magnetic. They have higher
strength, higher wear resistance and higher fatigue resistance than the austenitic and ferritic
grades. They can also be heat treated. But, corrosion resistance is moderate and lower than the
austenitic and ferritic grades. They are highly machinable. Some of the popular grades are 410,
414, 416, 420, 440 and 431 . Major applications are machine parts, pump shafts, bolts, bushings,
coal chutes, cutlery, hardware, jet engine parts, mining machinery, rifle barrels, screws, valves,
aircraft fittings, fire extinguisher inserts, and rivets [20]. The selected grade is 410.

Table :3. 1 bulk density of goods [16]

3.3.2 Screen design

The design of vibrating screen:

The analysis of the material‘s movement on the screen is premise for selecting dynamic
parameters of screen. According to the working demands, the dimension of screen receiving
end should be selected in such a way that there is no jamming of materials. the figure of screen
is shown below with all dimensions in mm.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 5 screen

Screen conveyors move materials in a uniform, continuous flow by the upward and forward
oscillating motion of a continuous metal trough, mounted on sturdy inclined reactor legs. The
angle of inclination of the conveyor arm may vary from 250 to 300.
S = A sin t
Where S = the magnitude of the movement of the conveyor in time t.
A = maximum amplitude of the vibration

πf = √ is the circular frequency

where k = rigidity and m = mass

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 6 Vibrating screen operating frequencies

Screen separator operating frequencies normally range from 200 to 3600 vibrations per minute
with an amplitude or stroke range from 0.08 to 3.75cm total movement. The velocity of the deck
Vdeck changes roughly as a sine wave whereas the deck displacement rectilinearly. Its acceleration
jdeck can be resolved into two components, a horizontal jdeck x and a vertical jdeck y . In the forward
stroke a particle of material with a mass m is subject to a vertical component of inertia force m.
jdecky press the load against the deck, a horizontal component of inertia force m.jdeckx tending to
displace the load along the deck, and a friction force Ff acting along the deck in the direction of
the stroke.

Fig:- 3. 7 direction of load travel on screen

The condition of vibration

If the vibration occurs during the presence of an external energy source, the vibration are called
forced vibration. The behavior of a system under forced vibration is depend on the type of
Basic elements
1. A trough supporting system.
2. The source of the controlled vibrating.
Reviewing of the elements:
1. The trough is the only portion of the screen separator that comes in contact with the material
being vibrating
2. The base is primarily a means of mounting the screen and is usually of a simple design
incorporating structural steel members.
3. The trough supporting system's primary function is to control and direct the motion of the
4. The drive is the prime element in a screen separator because it is the source of the controlled
vibration. [7]

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Charts for Selection Oscillating Conveyor

a. capacity

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

lengh of screen in feett

b. drive selection
Fig:- 3. 8 Charts for Selection screen

Design parameters
 The density of Potatoes is 750kg/m3= 46.8 pound per cubic foot where
1kg=2.2046pound and 1m=3.2808foot
 Capacity is 6ton per hour
 Time in which the screen feeds washer is t=1min=60sec
 Amplitude 35mm
 Selection of Oscillating Conveyors boils down to:
i) Determining the trough width for the required capacity

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Using the capacity 6 ton/h and density 46.8pound per cubic foot, it is read from the Charts for
Selection screen separator (A) above the width of the screen is 20 inch (50.8cm=508mm).

ii) Selecting the drive for the required capacity

From the drive selection chart at capacity 6ton/h and maximum length of screen 1500mm (4.92
feet ), it is read as 3HP (2.24kw) as marked in the chart (B) above. So, we finally selected screen
of 10ft long, with 10 tons/hour capacity with 3 HP powers which will enable to flow the potatoes
without any jamming.
 Frequency 200 vibration per minute
S = A sin t
Where S = the magnitude of the movement of the conveyor in time t.
A = maximum amplitude of the vibration

S = 35mm sin rad/sect

•Vibrating frequency and swing:
Different selection of frequency and swing will make different capability of getting across the
screen. Dynamic parameters of screen are related to movement state of materials. Normally, the
velocity of vibrating screen should be less than 600mm/s and the swing should be in the range of
15mm and 35mm for the aim of tuber bruising less than 5%.

Then the velocity is given by the derivative of the distance

S’ = 35mm*20.94rad/sec* t
S’ = 732.9mm/sec* t
• Acceleration of screen:

According to the calculating models, in order to avoiding tuber skin damage during
transportation, the distance to screen entrance is bigger than that of screen inside under the
condition of no tuber jumping. According to the force analysis of tuber on the screen, the
acceleration of the tuber sliding forward, backward and jumping should meet the conditions as in
the formula

S” = (733mm/sec* t)’

S” = -733mm*20.94/sec2* t

=15347mm/sec2* t

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

3.3.3 Peeler design

The potato peeling machine shall consist of a main body with an abrasive disc, top lid
with recess and side chute for unloading the contents. The capacity (C) of the peeler is
100Kg for every four minutes. From the total 8hrs per day the Effective working time for
peeler is given by =320min, which is equal to 5hrs and 20 min.

1 Main Body

Main body is made of aluminum casting . It shall be constructed in cylindrical shape. A

removable lid with recess is provided on top of the main body and a chute on side of
it, with a latch for locking the machine while in operation. The capacity of the peeler
machine is 100Kg potato per change and the internal diameter of main body is 600mm. for free
movement of the material the body dimension must be greater than five times the length of the
material required to move in the body. Here the maximum length of potato is 80mm and
5*80mm= 400mm <600mm so the diameter of this body is ok.

To calculate the length of this cylindrical body it is required first to calculate volume of the body
using density formula.


Where _ density of potato which is 750Kg/m3

M_ mass of potato per change which is 100Kg

Vp_ volume occupied by potato in the peeler

Then = =0.133m3

The volume of the main body is calculated by adding of volume occupied by potato in the peeler for
the correction for void clearance.

Vc =Vp+0.25Vp =1.25Vp ………………………………………………………b


Vp_ volume of cylindrical body

Vc=1.25*0.133 =0.1167m3

The volume of the cylinder is given by ……………………………..c

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Where L_ length of the cylinder

D_ diameter of the cylinder

L=0.5890m take0.6m

L= 600mm

Fig:- 3. 9 Peeler and washer

2. Chute

A chute of sufficient size is provided on the side of the main housing for easy removal
of peeled potatoes without any obstruction.

Chute opening

It is used a pneumatics system for chute opening gate due to the following roles and applications;

 The pneumatics cylinder has a significant role as liner drive unit due to its;
 Relatively low cost
 Ease of installation
 Simple and robust construction
 Ready available in various size and stroke lengths
 Pneumatics cylinder has the following general characteristics;
 Diameters 2.5 to 320mm

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

 Stroke lengths 1 to 2000mm

 Available force 2 to 500N at 6bar
 Piston speed 0.1 to 1.5m/s
 General applications of pneumatic cylinders
 Packaging
 Filling
 Metering
 Locking
 Driving of axes
 Door or chute control
 Transfer of materials
 Turning and inverting of parts
 Sorting of parts
 Stacking of components
 Stamping and embossing of components

As a rule pneumatic components are designed for a maximum operating pressure of 800 to
1000kg (8-10 bar)but in practice it recommended to operate at between 500-600kpa (5-6bar) for
economic use .due to the pressure loose in the distribution system the compressor should deliver
between 650-700kpa (6.5-7 bar) to attain those figures.[9]

Cylinder Force
Theoretical Force
Linear cylinders have the following standard diameters as recommended in ISO:
8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 140, 160, 200, 250, 320 mm
The force developed by a cylinder is a function of the piston diameter, the operating air pressure
and the frictional resistance. For the theoretical force, the thrust on a stationary piston, the
friction is neglected. This, theoretical force, is calculated using the formulae:
Force (N) = Piston area (m2) · air pressure (N/m2), or
Force (lbf) = Piston area (in2) · air pressure (lbf/in2) [10]

Then the required inputs this chute control are given as follows depending on the note [9] and
[10] above; pressure =5bar, cylinder bore diameter =20mm and rod diameter =10mm.

Force F=AP

=157N ...................................................i

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

F=157N, is the force required to close the chute opening and the force required to open the chute
is calculated as follows. The diagram shows a double acting cylinder.

Fig:- 3. 10 Double acting cylinder (a) when closing chute & (b) when opening chute

Let A be the full area of the piston and a be the cross section of the rod. If the pressure acting on
the rod side, then the area on which the pressure acts is (A-a).

Fp=PA on the full area of piston

Fr=P (A-a) on the rode

For the same pressure pushing force is greater than the pulling force. So in this case the force
required to close the chute is greater than the force required to open the chute.

Fp=PA =157N (calculated in equ.i )

Fr=P(A-a) = PA-Pa


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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 11 chute

To calculate the maximum piston stroke length l, let us show the diagram blow;

Fig:- 3. 12 side view of chute when opened and closed

The height h of the chute is 200mm so, we can use the following equation to calculate length l using half
of height h. That means

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine


Control circuit for the double acting cylinders

The piston rod of the double acting cylinders is to advance when a push button is operated and
to return to the initial position when push button is released. The double acting cylinder can carry
out work in both directions of motion, due to the full air supply air being available for extension
and retraction.

A 5/2-way directional control valve controls the double acting cylinder. A signal is generated or
reset on the valve, if a push button actuator is pressed or released. The circuit includes;

Double acting cylinder

A 5/2-way directional control valve: push button for operation and spring for return force

Supply air source connected to the A 5/2-way valve

Air connection between valve and cylinder

Fig:- 3. 13 Control circuit for the double acting cylinders

3. Abrasive Disc

An abrasive disc of appropriate design shall be fitted inside the main body. The design
of the disc shall be such that while rotating, the full surface area of potato shall be
evenly rubbed on the disc for removal of the skin. Generally silicon powder with 16 grit is
recommended. Abrasive powder shall be bonded with proper binding compound for long life.
The side of the main body shall also be coated with abrasive powder for better
efficiency. It shall be easily removable for routine maintenance.(as pre ref no 3) The diameter
of the disc is less than the diameter of the cylinder and it is due to the discharging down of the

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

potato skin after peeled. The lengths of the potatoes in the peeler is 21mm and above so the
clearance between abrasive disc and cylinder must less than 21mm. the clearance is estimated as
15mm. then the radius of the wheel is 15mm less than the radius of the cylinder. That means
diameter of the wheel Dw=600mm-2(15mm)= 570mm

Abrasive disc drive power

The disc diameter is 570mm and the mass of the potatoes washed and peeled per change is
100Kg. the power required to rotate this 100Kg in 480 rpm is calculated as follows.

P = FV = m*g*ω*r

Where P - power required to drive the disc

m- Mass of the potato (100Kg)

g- Gravity (9.81m/s2)

ω- Angular velocity of the disc (rad/s)

ω = 2πn/60, n- rpm of the disc (480rpm)


r- Radius of the disc (570/2=285mm)

The force F is distributed over the surface of the disc but the maximum force is concentrated at
the center of the radius. Then the power required to the disc is

P = m*g*ω*r

p= 100Kg * 9.81m/s2*50.3rad/s*0.285/2 = 7.0Kw

form standards 7.5kw has been selected.

4. Abrasive disc drive (V-belt)

Selection of v-belt: depending up on the type of driving unit, the type of driven unit and the
operational hours per day, the correction factor according to the service fa=1.1 for medium duty
over 7.5KW driven machine and AC motor normal torque with operational hours0-10 per day.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 2 correction factor according to the service[22]

V Bel selection for peeler drive.

We select v- belts type by the following advantage

The force friction between the surface of the belt and v- grooved pulley is high due to wedge
action. This wedging action permits smaller arc of contact, increasing the pulling capacity of
the belt and consequently results in increase in the power transmitting capacity.

 V-belts have short center distance that results in compact construction.

 They permit high speed reduction even up to 7 to 1.
 They drive is positive because the slip is negligible due to wedge action.
 V-belt drive can operates in any position, even when the belt is vertical.
 V-belts are made of polyester fabric and cords, with rubber reinforcement.
 The cross section of the v- belt is shown in fig 21 below it consists of the following three
 Central load caring layers of polyester cords that are located on horizontal line near the
center of gravity of the belt cross section.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

The surrounding layer rubber to transmit force from cords to said wall.

Outer polychloropven impregnated elastic cover

Fig:- 3. 14 cross section of V- belt

Design power =fa(transmitted power )


=8.25KW (motor power)

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 15 selection of cross section of V belt [22]

Fig:- 3. 16 Dimensions of cross section of V belt

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

The type of cross sectional area of belt for belt with design power 8.25KW and speed of
1440rpm is B as shown in the fig 22. The recommended pitch diameter of smaller pulley for B-
type cross sectional area is 125mm as shown in the table 3.3 below.

Table :3. 3 Dimensions of standard cross section [22]

The bigger pulley pitch diameter is calculated as ;

D = d(Vi/Vo) where D _ diameter of bigger pulley

d _ diameter of smaller pulley = 125mm

Vi _ input speed = 1440rpm

Vo _ output speed = 480rpm

D = 125(1440/480) = 375mm

Table :3. 4 preferred pitch diameters of pulleys (mm) [22]


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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

―D‖ and ―d‖ values are the same with preferred pitch diameters

Pitch length of the belt

The pitch length of the belt ―L‖ is determined by the relationship;

Where C – is the center to center distance and depending upon the dimensions of wheel, cylinder
and the base of peeler the value of C is estimated as 400mm.


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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 5 nominal pitch lengths for standard sizes of V-belt [22]

From nominal pitch lengths for standard sizes of V-belt the preferred pitch length for B- type
cross sectional area belt is L= 1690mm.

Therefore let us calculate the correct center to center distance ―C‖ using the above relationship;


1690 = 2C + 785.4 + 15625/C

Multiplying both sides by C

1690C = 2C2 + 785.4C + 15625

2C2 + 785.4C-1690C + 15625 = 0

2C2 – 904.6C + 15625 = 0

The value of C is calculated using quadratic equation as follows

Where x = C, b = -904.6, a = 2 and c = 15625

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

C=18 or 434.3

The correct center to center distance C =435mm

The arc of contact for a smaller pulley is calculated by the following relationship

) =146.6˚

The correction factor of this belt depending up on cross section and pitch length is

Fc =0.93

From the table below the correction factor of this belt fd depending up on arc of contact is 0.92.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 6 Correction factor for arc of contact [22]

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Table :3. 7 power ratings in KW (Pr) for B section V belts[22]

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

The power rating pr of single v-belt depending up on the speed of faster shaft, pitch diameter of
smaller pulley and speed ratio is 2.72+0.46 =3.18Kw.

To calculate the number of belt (n)

Where p_ transmitted power (7.5kw)

Pr_ power rating (3.18kw)

Fa_ the correction factor according to the service fa=1.1

Fc_ the correction factor depending up on cross section and pitch length is Fc=0.93

Fd_ the correction factor depending up on arc of contact is 0.92.


5.V-grooved pulley

Such pulley are usually made of grey cast iron of grade FG260

Grey cast iron. It is an ordinary commercial iron having the following compositions:
Carbon = 3 to 3.5%; Silicon = 1 to 2.75%; Manganese = 0.40 to 1.0%; Phosphorous = 0.15 to
1% ; Sulphur = 0.02to 0.15% ; and the remaining is iron.The grey colour is due to the fact that
the carbon is present in the form of *free graphite. It has a low tensile strength, high compressive
strength and no ductility. It can be easily machined. A very good property of grey cast iron is that
the free graphite in its structure acts as a lubricant. Due to this reason, it is very suitable for those
parts where sliding action is desired. The grey iron castings are widely used for machine
toolbodies, automotive cylinder blocks, heads, housings, fly-wheels, pipes and pipe fittings and
agricultural implements.[5]

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 8 grey iron castings as per IS;210-1993

The dimension of the V-grooved pulley for v-belt are given in table 3.9 as shown in fig 23

Table :3. 9 The dimension of the V-grooved pulley for v-belt [22]

Fig:- 3. 17 V-grooved pulley

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Where lp- pitch width of pulley or pitch width of belt . it is the width of belt at its neutral axis.
The line inthe v-belt whose length remains unchanged when the belt is deformed under tension
is called the neutral axis.(14mm)

b- Minimum height of groove above the pitch line (3.5mm)

h- Minimum depth of groove below the pitch line (14mm)

e- Center to center distance of adjacent grooves (19±0.4mm)

f- Distance of edge of pulley to first groove center (11.5 to 14.5mm)

α- groove angle 34

dp- pitch diameter of pulley up to 190mm

g- Minimum top width of the groove (16.1mm)

Outside diameter =dp+7mm

L=(x-1) e+2f

Where x-number of grooves=3

L= (3-1) *19+2*12=62mm

Peeler Shaft design

The shaft Material is selected by the following properties

 it should have high strength

 it should have good machinability
 it should have low notch sensitivity factor
 it should have good heat treatment properties
 it should have high wear resistance

Table :3. 10 Mechanical properties of steel used for shaft [5]

The selected material for shaft is steel 40c8 with ultimate tensile strength 670Mpa and yield strength

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Properties of hollow shafts offer following advantages, relative to solid shafts

 The stiffness of hollow shafts is more than that of solid shaft with the same weight
 the strength of hollow shafts is more than that of solid shaft with the same weight
 the natural frequency of hollow shafts is more than that of solid shaft with the same

Torque on the shaft

Where p is power =7.5kw

N is rpm of shaft=480rpm


Permissible shear stress on the shaft

where ,syt=320Mpa and fs ,factor of safety=4


Table :3. 11 recommended value for Km and Kt (as pre ref no5)

In our case the load is applied gradually .so. Km=1.5, Kt=1


The radius of gyration of the hollow shaft is given by

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

√ √
= =0.3do

The axial forces that applied on the shaft is given by

F=mg, where m=mass of potato that enter in to the washer (100kg), and gravity g,


Column factor for compressive loads ( α)

where l-is the length between two bearings which is 200mm.

The torque on the shaft is given by

T= (T1-T2)*r, where r, is the radius of the pulley which is =187.5mm

T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt on pulley

T2 = Tension in the slack side of the belt on pulley .

T= 149.2*103 Nmm= (T1-T2)*187.5

T1-T2= =795.7N…………………………………………………………………….1

The angle of contact between the pulley is Ө=180˚=πrad.

Coefficients of friction take 0.3 and we know that


= or


Substitute equation 2 in to1

T2=506.8N and T1=1302.5N

The total horizontal load =T1+T2=506.8+1302.5=1809N

Bending moment

M=W*L, where L is the length from pulley to the bearing which 100mm

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We know that the equivalent twisting moment for hollow shaft

√( )

√ ( ) ( )

√ ………….1

We also know that the equivalent twisting moment for hollow shaft



Te=6.45 ……………2

Equating equation 1 and 2

12.9 =√

By using trail method we find that do=36.5mm, say do=40mm and di=0.65do, di=26mm.

Small hopper

Fig:- 3. 18 smal hopper

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

It is known that and it need as need to calculate volume as


The required volume of the hopper Vh =Vp + 0.25Vp where 0.25 is the correction factor for
void clearance. Which is simplified as Vh=1.25Vp =1.25(0.133m3) = 0.166m3

The volume of the hopper Vh= ( )

Where h _the height of the hopper which is 300mm = 0.3m

B_ out let area of the hopper

P_ out let or discharge side width of the hopper which is 0.5m

p'_ upper side of the hopper

B= ( p)² =(0.5)²=0.25m²

( )

6.65=1+2p' +4p'²

4p'²+ 2p'-6.65+1=0

4p'²+ 2p'-5.65=0

4p'²+ 2p'-5.65

To calculate the value of p' it is required to use quadratic equation

p' = 0.96.m or p'= -1.46m but dimension is not negative so p'=0.96m take 0.96m.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

To calculate the side inclination angle

Here α= tan-¹( )= 36.3º

ß = 90-36.3 = 53.7º (the inclination angle of the hopper side to slide the material easily.)

As the value of ß is 53.7 >50 (As per CEMA standards) there is no jamming of potatoes

3.3.4 Cutter design

Food cutting, such as potato or cheese cuts, is different from metal cuts because of the material
deformability and shape variability. Cutting mechanics formulation is constantly a hot research
topic since it can provide useful information for cutting operations. Mainly two method shave
been documented, that is, energy formulation method and stress tensor distribution method.
Stress distribution formulation can provide an alternative explanation.

Blade sharpness is a factor that affects the cutting forces. Contact between the cutting object and
the blade is an area, which can be shown from the microstructure of a knife. Blade sharpness also
directly influences the cutting moments and the grip forces applied by an operator.

Cutting Blades:

Cutting blades are provided for cutting the potatoes when pushed towards them. Cutting blades
are made up of high carbon hardened stainless steel and made their knife ages perpendicular to
the motion of the potatoes.
Cutting involves principally the application of shearing force on potato with the help of a blade.
The blade was made stationary while potato travels against it and gets sliced. Shearing force for
slicing the potato was measured by placing knife of measured thickness on potato sufficient for
slicing the potato. Thus shearing Force required for cutting the potato with the help of a knife of

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

thickness 0.2286 mm: and the average shearing force is 6.18N for blade type A as shown in the
table 2.2.

Therefore this force is for one blade, the total force for all blade is calculate as follows

Total numbers of blade on cutter machine=

Since the blade separation distance is equal to 15mm, which is the cutting size of potato. And the
potato size is 15 15mm.

Total numbers of blade on cutter machine= =47

Total force on the cutter machine =total numbers of the blade of cutter *Total numbers of blade
on cutter machine

Total force on the cutter machine=47*6.18N=290.46N

Fig:- 3. 19 Cutting Blades

The dimensions of cutter machine is depend on

 by the width of the belt, the width of the cutter is 500mm

 by the maximum potato length, the stroke length is 100mm
 height of cutter blade is 200mm

So we calculate the volume of the cutter machine as follows,


The volume of the potato that cuts once is by 25% Clarence then

Volume of potatoes‘= =0.008m3

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

So we calculate the mass of potatoes that cuts once is as follows


4.4 Pusher arm and pusher block

Pusher arm is used to change rotational motion to liner motion with the help of crank shaft and
pushes the pusher block with potatoes towards the cutting blades by the force 290.46N

Fig:- 3. 20 Pusher arm and pusher block

4.5 crank shaft

This shaft is fixed with the gear box output shaft and used to change rotational motion of the
gear box output shaft to the liner motion of the pusher arm by the help of connecting rode( in
this case pusher arm is used as connecting rode between crank shaft and pusher block).The
pusher arm is pushed by crank shaft by the torque T=force F* perpendicular distance r. the
radius of the rotation r is equal to half of the stroke length of the pusher block. Since the
stroke length of the pusher bloke is 100mm then radius is equal to50mm.

The torque on the shaft is

T=F*r where F- is the farce required to cut the given potatoes

T= 290.46N *50mm = 14523Nmm

Fig:- 3. 21 gear box with crank shaft.

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Gear box selection

The torque transmitted by the gear is given by Mt =

Where Mt – is torque transmitted by the gear (Nmm)

KW- the power transmitted by the gear (kw)

n- Speed of rotation (rpm)

MtA*nA = MtB*nB

Since the feeder belt capacity is 2ton/h , 2000kg potatoes are cut in one hour and the cutter cuts
6kg in one stroke. So the number of stroke is calculated as N= = 334stroke /h.

The rpm of crankshaft is n=334rev/h =334rev/60min= 5.57rpm

From the above calculation Mtb=T= 14523Nmm, and nb= 5.57rpm take 6rpm


Therefore the required gear box is a gear box with output torque, power and revolution per
minute greater than 14523Nmm, 0.0091Kw and 6rpm respectively.

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3.3.5design of feeder belt conveyor:

The parameters for design of belt conveyor:

 Belt speed
 Belt width
 Power
 Gear box selection
 Drive pulley shaft

For designing a conveyor belt, some basic information e.g. the material to be conveyed, its lump
size, tonnage per hour, distance over which it is to be carried, incline if any, temperature and
other environmental conditions is needed.

Material selection for feeder belt

Belt materials very wide ranging polyester covered with rubber and plain or coated canvas to
woven wire or steel rubber. Produce a wide variety of conveyor belt analysis uses the highest
quality of material. Belt can be manufacture from leather with different covers. Polyester is a
category‘s of polyester that contains the ester functional group in their main chain. As specific
material it most commonly refers to a type called poly ethylene terepnalate (PET). Polyester
include natural occurring chemical is such as in the cut info past, cuticles as well as synthetics
through step growth polysterization, such as polybutyrate. To produce a wide vary of conveyor
belt analysis uses the highest quality material. Belt can be manufactured from leather with
different covers. The ultimate tensile strength of leather belt from 21 to 35Mpa And factor of
safety may be taken as 8 to 10, however the wear of belt more important than actual strength. It
has been shown by experience that under average condition as allowable strength of 2.8Mpa or
less will give a reasonable belt life. Allowable stress of 1.75Mpa may be expected to give a belt
life about 15 years[24] A polyesters cover conveyor belt, also called EP or PN conveyor belt.
Whose tension resistance body CS canvas woven by polyesters in wrap and polyamide in weft.
The belt has the chararectics of low elongation in wrap and good truoghability in weft. wear
resistance and good wet strength. Suitable for medium distance, long distance, heavy load
transportation material, Because of high initial modulus of polyester, the belt can choose a
relatively low safety factor. The belt carcass is EP fabric of high modulus, low shrink, and high
breaking tensile strength.

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Table :3. 12mechanical Properties of feeder belt materials



Bulk density 750 Kg/m3

Size of lump 100 mm

Belt width (B) 500 mm

Capacity (C) 6 TPH

Length between centers (L) 2m

Toughing angle (C) – 350

The design of the belt conveyor must begin with an evaluation of the characteristics of the
conveyed material and in particular the angle of repose and the angle of surcharge. The angle of
repose of a material also known as the ―angle of natural friction‖ is the angle at which the
material, when heaped freely onto a horizontal surface takes up to the horizontal plane.

Fig:- 3. 22 Angle of repose and angle of surcharge

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Troughed Belt Load Areas—Standard Edge Distance

Referring to Figure blow, the area of load cross section is divided into two parts. One is the
trapezoidal area, Ab; the other is the circular segment area, As , which is termed the surcharge
area. The sum of these two areas (Ab + As) equals At , which is the total cross-sectional area.

Fig:- 3. 23 load cross sectional area of belt conveyor

ɑ=angle of surcharge degree

=angle of idler roll, degree

AS=area of surcharge in square millimeter

Ab=base of trapezoidal in square millimeter

l=length, one edge of trapezoidal area, in millimeter

l1=length of, other edge of trapezoidal area in millimeter

i=height of trapezoidal area, millimeter

m=slant length of trapezoidal, millimeter

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r=radius of surchase, millimeter

f=horizontal projection of slant side of trapezoidal, millimeter

c=edge distance, edge of material to edge of belt, in millimeter

b=width of belt, in millimeter

Standard edge distance=o.55b+2.286; in millimeter

Based on an analysis of the three-equal-roll toughing idlers of eight manufacturers, the length of
the flat surface of the center roll averages 0.371b, where b is the belt width. [4]

Trapezoidal Area, Ab

1. Area trapezoid (AECFG)Ab=( )j

2. Width belt,b = 1 + 2m + 2c

3. l1 = l + 2f

f = m cosβ

l = 0.371b + 0.25

c = 0.055b + 0.9 b

b = 0.371b + 0.25 + 2m + 2(0.055b + 0.9)

2m = b – 0.418b – 2.05

m = 0.2595b -1.o25

f = m cosβ= (0.2595b – 1.025) cosβ

2f = 2(0.2595b – 1.025) cosβ

l1= 0.371b + 0.25 + 2(0.2595b – 1.025) cosβ

4. =

= 0.371b + 0.25 + (0.2595b – 1.025) cosβ

5. j = m sinβ

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J = (0.2595b – 1.025) sinβ

6. Area of Trapezoid Ab = ( )j or

[0.371b + 0.25 + (0.2595b – 1.025)] x [(0.2595b – 1.025) sinβ]

In this paper the width l1 = 500mm and β= 350(Toughing angle) and α = 100 (angle of surcharge )

Then to calculate the value of width b

l1= 0.371b + 0.25 + 2(0.2595b – 1.025) cosβ

500mm = 0.371b + 0.25 + 2(0.2595b – 1.025) cos350

500= 0.371b + 0.25 + 0.425b - 1.68

0.796b = 500 + 1.68 – 0.25 = 501.43

b = 501.43/0.796 = 629.94

b = 630mm

Area of Trapezoid Ab = [0.371b + 0.25 + (0.2595b – 1.025)] x [(0.2595b – 1.025) sinβ]

= [0.371*630 + 0.25 + (0.2595*630 – 1.025)] x [(0.2595*630 – 1.025) sin350]

= 36941.56mm2

Circular segment (surcharge) area As

π α
7. Area whole sector (ABCD) =

8. Area triangle (AECD) =

π α α
9. Area segment (ABCE) As = - or

πα α
Area As = r2 ( - )

10. r = =
α α

– β
r= α

– β 2 πα α
11. As=( ) )

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As = ( )

=1440 (0.087 – 0.015)


12. Total Area, At = As + Ab

=103.68mm2 + 36941.56mm2

=37045.24 mm2


But we select from the standard table 3.12the Maximum Section of the Handled Material in m2
for Triple Roller Troughed Belts 0.0362m2.


Fig:- 3. 24 with Equal Length Carrying Idlers

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Table :3. 13 Maximum Section of the Handled Material in m2 for Triple Roller Troughed Belts According
to Fig: 3.24 with Equal Length Carrying Idlers [21]

NOTE - Suitable adjustment may be made in case of other values of surcharge angle and
toughing angle.

Belt speed and power:

Belt capacity is the product of speed and belt cross sectional area

Generally, belt capacity (kg/sec) is given as:

BC = A×V×ρ

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

BC= 2ton/h = 2000Kg/3600sec = 0.556Kg/sec


A= belt sectional area (m2);

ρ = material density (750kg/m3); and

V= belt speed (m/s)


V=0.02 m/s

Very high speeds have meant a large increase in the volumes conveyed. Compared with the load
in total there is a reduction in the weight of conveyed material per linear meter of conveyor and
therefore there is a reduction in the costs of the structure in the troughing set frames and in the
belt itself. The physical characteristics of the conveyed material are the determining factor in
calculating the belt speed. With the increase of material lump size, or its abrasiveness, or that of
its specific weight, it is necessary to reduce the conveyor belt speed. The quantity of material per
linear meter loaded on the conveyor is given by the formula:


qG = weight of material per linear meter

Iv= belt load t/h=2.4t/h=0.667Kg/s

v = belt speed m/s=0.0247m/s

qG is used in determining the tangential force Fu.

qG =26.9Kg/m take 30kg/m3

the mass of potato per 1m of belt is 30kg but the conveyor length is 2m there for 2(30kg)=60kg
of potato is carried by the belt. And this is a calculated value but for the safety it is taken as

Conveyor belt power is given by;

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

P= FV where F – is the force of the belt which is equal to the mass of the
conveyed material times gravity (F= g(m1+m2 +m3)

m1- the mass of material to be conveyed= 100kg.

m2- the mass of the belt

m3- weight of rollers( 9*2.3kg)

- Coefficient of friction =0.33

F= 0.33*300kg 9.81m/s2

=971.2N take 1200N

V – Speed of the belt = 0.0247m/s

The power required to drive the belt is P =1200N 0.0247 =29.6W

By taking 20% factor of safety power is P=35.6W (use 40W=0.04KW)

Pulley width

Pulleys and rollers should be wide enough so that the belt makes full contact with them over its
entire width, even when it is not positioned on the exact center of the pulley.( Fabric Conveyor
Belts Engineering guide)

Fig:- 3. 25 Pulley width

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Table :3. 14 pulley width recommendation

For b0=630mm the value of b =1.08b0+12mm= 693mm take 700mm

Pulley diameter

Where d- pulley diameter

f- Effective force of pull=1200

c- Calculation constant

b0- belt width=63

- Arc of contact of drive pulley and idler pulley=1800

=57.2mm take 60mm

The table 3.15 of recommended pulley diameters in the FEENER DUNLOP hand book for ply
type belting are based on the three classes of pulley defined on ISO3684.[17]

Type A –high tension tight side pulleys eg. Head, drive, tripper, shuttle pulleys

Type B- low tension or slake side pulley such as tail and take up pulleys

Type B- low tension snub or bend pulleys with rab angle less than 30 degrees

the selected pulley diameter is 250mm(for 2plies, type A ,pn15o)

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 15 recommended minimum pulley diameters


Choice of diameter in relation to speed

It has already been stated that one of the important factors to consider in the project design of a
conveyor is the speed of the belt, in relation to the required conditions of transport. From the
speed of the belt and the roller diameter one is able to establish the number of revolutions of the
roller from the formula;


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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

D = roller diameter [mm]

v = belt speed [m/s]

The correct choice of diameter must take into account the belt width. Table 3.15 indicates the
advice for roller diameters. And we select roller diameter 89mm from the table 3.15 by using
belt width 650mm (the calculated value is 630mm) and speed less than 2m/s (the calculated
value is 0.0615m/s). then the rpm of roller n is:


Table :3. 16 Recommended roller diameter [15]

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 26 Roller parameters

Ø 89 N

Bearing 6204

(20 X 47 X 14)

d = 20

Ch = 14




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Table :3. 17 Roller parameters [15]

In the table3.16 above weight of each roller is 2.3kg

Carrying Idlers

Carrying idlers are of two general configurations. One is used for troughed belt sand usually
consists of three rolls. The two outer rolls are inclined upward; the center roll is horizontal. The
other configuration is used for supporting flat belts. This idler generally consists of a single
horizontal roll positioned between brackets which attach directly to the conveyor frame.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 27 carrying idlers

Return Idlers

Return idlers usually are horizontal rolls, positioned between brackets which normally are
attached to the underside of the support structure on which the carrying idlers are mounted. Two-
roll ―Vee‖ returns idlers are also used for better training and higher load ratings.

Fig:- 3. 28 return idlers

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

3.4 Motor selection

Table :3. 18Standard motors up to frame size 315 L [19]

Table :3. 19 selected motors for machines

Number Machine Required power Selected motor

1. Vibrating screen 2.24kw 1LA7 106-2AA00
2. Peeling machine 8.2KW 1LA7131-2AA00
3. Belt conveyor 0.04KW 1LA7050-1AA00
4. Cutter machine 0.0091kw 1LA7050-1AA00

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3.5 Cycle time


Washer (peeler) is designed to peel 100kg potatoes in 4 minutes that means the capacity of peeler
is C=100kg/4min =1.5tons/hr.

The total cycle time of peeler 4minut is the sum of:

 charging time1minut
 process time 2minuts
 discharge time 1minutes


The screen is designed to feed peeler in required time that means the peeler is charged by 100kg
of potatoes in 1min which is the peeler charging time. Then the working capacity of screen is
calculated as follows.

Feeding capacity= 100kg/min = =6ton/hr

By taking the factor of safety 20% the designing capacity is = 6+0.2*6=7.2ton/hr

The screen cycle time

The screen feeds the peeler in 1minutes and wait until the peeler complete its cycle time that
means the screen do not start its second cycle until the peeler complete its first cycle time 4min.
And this means the screen works 1minutes for every 4 minutes so the screen cycle time is equal
to 4 minute.


The screen cycle time is 4 minutes and in this 4minutes the screen feeds 100kg to the peeler but
the hopper capacity is 500kg. the time in which 500kg potatoes finished from hopper is
calculated as;

time T= =20minutes so for every 20min the hopper is required to charge.

Then the capacity of hopper per hour is =1.5ton/hr

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine


The cutter is designed to cut 6kg per stroke and the belt carries 100kg for every 4 minutes. This
means the cutter can be able to finish at same time with working capacity of 1.5 tones per hour.
By taking the factor of safety 20% the designing capacity is 1.2* 1.5ton/hr=1.8ton/hr

Take the design capacity of cutter =2ton/hr.

To calculate cutter cycle time her the cutter cuts 2ton of potatoes in 1hr so to cut 6kg we can
calculate time as:

Time T= = 10.8 sec take 11sec cycle time of cutter pusher block.

And T= time of forward stroke(6sec) + time of return or backward stroke(5sec) of pusher block.

=6sec + 5sec

= 11sec

The cutter capacity is equal to t= =33kg/min


The belt feeds cutter by 2ton/h and the flow rate is calculated as

=7.4*10-4m3/sec where 750kg/m3 is the density of potatoes

And the belt area is 0.0362m2

Then we can calculate belt speed V= =0.02m/s

To check the belt feeding capacity;

C= = 750kg/ m3*0.02m/s*0.0362m2

= 0.543kg/sec

For the first forward stroke of pusher block the potatoes do not enter to the cutting area but wait
for 6sec above the cutting area in the feeder chute with capacity of

=6sec* 0.543kg/sec=3.25 kg

in backward stroke the belt feeding capacity in 5sec is = 5sec *0.543kg/sec= 2.72kg

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

In this backward stroke the potatoes stayed in the chute and the newly coming potatoes are added
and enter to the cutting area. Then the total capacity entered in to the cutter is equal to (3.25
+2.72)kg =5.97kg = 6kg.

Small hopper

Belt capacity is 33kg/min.

The capacity of potatoes that a peeler charges to the small hopper is 100kg.

Then the time that the belt finishes 100kg potatoes from the small hopper is given by;


The total cycle time of the system depends on the cycle time of the first or larger hopper which is
20min and the last one cycle time of the system 1min (charging time of peeler which is the same
time for screen process )+2min (process time of peeler) + 1min (discharging time of peeler to the
smaller hopper ) + 3min (the time that the belt finishes 100kg potatoes from the small hopper to
the cutter and this time is the same with the time in which the cutter cuts 100kg potatoes
completely) =7min. Then the total cycle time is equal to 27min to complete 500kg potatoes.

And to complete 8 ton the required time is equal to T

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Assembly drawings

Fig:- 3. 29 front view

Fig:- 3. 30 top view

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 31 right side view

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Fig:- 3. 32 Assembly drawing

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

Table :3. 20 Part name


1. HOPPER 1 Stainless steel
2. HOPPER SUPORT 1 Cast iron
3. SEPARETER SCREEN 1 Stainless steel
4. CHUTE 3 Aluminum casting
5. MAIN BODY OF WASHER 1 Aluminum casting
6. WASHER BASE 1 Cast iron
7. CHUTE CLOSING AND 1 Aluminum casting
8. SMALL HOPPR 1 Stainless steel
9. BELT CONVEYOR 1 rubber
10. BELT SUPPORT Cast iron
11. CUTTER BELADE 1 High carbon steel
12. CUTTER BODY 1 Aluminum casting
13. OUT PUT 1 Stainless steel

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

.Chapter Four:

Conclusion, Recommendation and Future Research Work

4.1 Conclusion
The mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine wash designed with each required parts such
as hopper, screen separator, washer and peeler, belt conveyor and cutting part. Which is
operated by its appropriate power and speed .the working capacity of this machine is 8 ton per
day. This machine is by operated by a single person. The hopper can hold 500kg once and the
screen separator is separate the potato which means to separate potato with 20mm length and
below. The washer and peeling machine is washes and peeling 100kg for ever four minute.
The power required to washer is 8.2Kw. The belt conveyor is conveyed the washing potato by
the speed of 0.02 m/s and the power required the belt is0.0 4W. The cutter machine is cut 6kg
once and the power required to cutting machine is 0.0091Kw.

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

4.2 Recommendation
The design of mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine is done by some improvements
like making the machine the whole system of potato peeling and cutting machine rather than
cutting or peeling only. This mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine may increase the
quality of the product that means the product of potatoes increase due to the changes made on
this machine from the previous separately designed machines.

So, while using this machine one can gate the advantages like;

- Producing quality product.

- Saving time.
- Using one operator which results the reduction of operating cost.
- Producing at least eight tons per day of eight working hours.

4.3 Future Research Work

This machine has many numbers of parts and due to this it is difficult to complete all the required
parts in three month parallel to the other course clearly. And this project require some design
finishing such as bearing selection, checking part designs, manufacturing process and cost
analysis. It is known that any design needs modification and after modifying again and again it
becomes perfect. So for the future it is required to do detail researches and experiments by
budgeting the required amount of money to redesign this mechanized potato peeling and cutting

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

[1] IOSR Journal Of Environmental Science, Toxicology And Food Technology (IOSR-
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[2] 1Huali Yu, 1Xiaoshun Zhao, 1Yongying Sang and 2Tao Wu
1College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Agriculture University of Hebei,
Baoding 071001, 2College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University,
Guangzhou 510642, P.R. China
[4] Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials, FIFTH EDITIONPDF VersionJuly, 2002Published by
the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association(CEMA)book
[5] First multicolour edition, A TEXT BOOK OF machine design R.S. KHURMIJ.K. GUPTA,
[6] Hindawi Publishing CorporationModeling and Simulation in EngineeringVolume 2011,
Article ID 469262, 17 pagesdoi:10.1155/2011/469262Research ArticleSlicing Cuts on
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[7] Material handling and equipment (Wollo University Department of Mechanical Engineering)
[8]Food & agricultural organization (FAO)
[9] PNEUMATIKA_labs_Festo_eng.pdf (PNEUM.GS.LEHRB D.LB-TBI 01-1-GB 10/2002
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[10] British-Pneumatic-Handbook.pdf
[12] Continental J. Engineering Sciences 2: 49 - 57, 2007 ©Wilolud Online Journals,
Abdullahi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Bayero University,
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[13] Design and Fabrication of Twisted Potato Crisps Maker Atul Anand Mishra, Jyoti Jain,
R.N.Shukla, Parvinder Kaur and Vivekanand Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam
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[14] PDF]Making sweet potato chips and flour.pdf - TECA
Making sweet potato chips and flour.
[15] Pages_67-194_from_Complete_Idler_Roller_Catalog-2
[16] Siegling belting (belt konvejernyelentytransilon.metodyrascheta.(304_e)pdf) internate
[17] Fenner@Dunlop conveyor belting australia conveyor hand book.
[18] Methods for Design of Hoppers. Silos, Bins and Bunkers for Reliable Gravity Flow, for
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[20] Stainless Steel Properties | eMachineShop

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Design of 8 tons per day mechanized potato peeling and cutting machine

[22] Design of machine elements second edition; VB Bhandary, Retired professor and head of
mechanical engineering Vishwakarm institute of technology pun. BHA2008
[23] potato peeler prefers standards GB42 06- 38 -1997
[24] http:/ secure belt conveyor

Wollo University Kombolcha Institute of Technology Department of mechanical engineering 79

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