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Product Management Training

Product Management Training:

During a case study based interview, we can make reasonable assumptions that would allow us
to proceed further with the solution. For example, in the above example, the interviewer has not
specified more details about the vision of the company as such. Here we can make an
assumption to move forward


Assuming the vision of the enterprise is to be the first choice of students for online learning, our
course catalogue may not be limited to the 10 mentioned in the problem statement. It is likely to
So the product has to be extensible and cater to new course offerings being added.

Internshala already has an existing website, and that 70% of the learning happens through the
web. So the first focus of the product is to cater to users of the website.

The business model is that of a subscription based business where users opt for a monthly
subscription to learn any number of courses.

Product Objectives
In this section list down the Product Objectives based on the case study.

“To increase purchases of courses by users”

User Personas
User and customer are both the same persona here.
Product Management Training

User Needs/Pains

● Knowing about available courses relevant to me

● Knowing about best courses to prepare me for the job market
● Having some guidance in picking the courses

The Gaps in the current product offering against user needs

Even though there are a number of courses, users find it difficult to choose the right course and
are looking for a trustable advisor.
Product Management Training

Possible Features/Ideas
Idea/Feature Reach Impact Confidence Effort Score

Smart user 5 5 3 1 75
onboarding to
get user data
around goals

Match 5 5 5 2 62.5
courses with
users profile

Recommend 5 5 5 2 62.5
ideal courses
in line with
user goals

Track user 3 2 1 1 6

Online 4 4 1 5 3.2
advisor for

The prioritization framework used is the RICE methodology where R*I*C/E formula is used to
arrive at prioritization

Product Managers are not UX designers. However, PMs can give indications to UX team on
what they have in mind. For example, you could use a tool like Balsamiq or just use handrawn
images to represent what the purpose of the userboarding step is and what information could be
captured in this step.

You could also indicate how the robo advisor might intervene to recommend possible courses to
Product Management Training
Product Management Training

A few user stories:

As a User, I want to be guided about the courses to take, So that I can prepare myself better for
the job market

As a user, I want to be able to track my progress, So that I can take action if I am falling back

As a user I want to see which courses match my long term goals, So that I can easily decide
which courses to select.
Product Management Training


Let us use the HEART framework and define a metric for each of the areas.

Happiness - measure the increase in satisfaction rating among students

Engagement - Measure the increase in the number of students interacting with robo advisor
Adoption - Measure the increase in number of students taking advice of robo advisor to
purchase course
Retention - Measure the increase in the number of students coming back to interact with robo
advisors at least twice a month.
Task Completion - Measure the increase in number of students who complete a purchased

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