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92 BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS Laont. 1 wouldnt eave my moter anyway. Even oem gue: Eve it eta never ave rather Ir, Yeah? Mr. Murghy aro the sted never 1a anes Ande ended up ols ja ane of hs would have happened i my 1 angi as ave Scant. How id you feo when he died? Pec Het remeber. ied Tl because 1 3 ny mother eng mother ya hae if my fther de Espeily ag Sone Wed proba) have 19 MOVE OOF i howe i eel... then you and your mother ould come and ve with. Sec al en up ving toner, wha the nin breaking up no? ‘eit Oregon ow hae 10 nish reading. (She sont SA to her book: EUGENE gets up ond Laks at iheoudence) cso don get to far talking to Lau. ees in he teri er Mer eal in er emt ase tof room closes doo” and heads bin are To audience) + bw no te doe ite awoke the news, about Stanley, The bedroom news that thei det son bad run of mcm ote io France ing for his county Fret faa, “Go fo bed. Hel bebome when Iw a ae et Bev. Th OND 00. I WSS Spl a supe tht taney and I wee aoe then hype to bed and vated oon the on me eta got eold but Stanley never showed UP (Ute goes out the on dor 1s eter that ne fer BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS 93 Inne, We see NORA enter the front Bain cones doth alo snags nda vob. She wala the fot of he ars NORA comes hao te howe and ter) eae ‘Noma. Now? It’s late. a EE wc mt on Seat Re eee gk ait oe ee eich canes ‘Nora, How was your dinner? . gbussene deo Mes Murphy was nan as ‘ana, srry. she aight? Beaten Hes goths problems, lik the rest of us {was very hurt that you Tet tonight without seine Tol Iwas ate, Sono was wag forme iusto Soe Yee a ona im not festing very wel Buawcne, You purposely Tet without seing ores soe Sone that tees ne me ‘Nona Cun we alk abut isin the mori Eilvcae I wort bette nthe mong Nora Tien tomorrow night pbugeene im eig, Nra m moving ou te Nota What are you taking about? Detwcm Aunt Rate and hac 9 Fh nih We sald some terete things to eath other Things that have Seen bottod peice te were chee. Pn geng 007 94 BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS ‘with my fiend Louis, n Manhattan Beach nil can Tind «Job Then Pl send for you and Laure, ‘Nona Team belvet. You mean ts alight for you heave us but wat aight For et eve 300? Bear wat ee comer sow our eng neh was you future | was worrying about. Sa was my ius. Why couldn Ihave some thing to sy about HT “Beesenn, Maybe Iwas wrong, I dont know, never sete tr ders fe fey Yt ft Bictone afeays took cae of me. My moter, my Sey ou ater een Yo and Laue. Te Ben # ‘ety dependent peron all ye "Non Maybe areal Pv asking fer. Tobe indeper cent “Btawene. (steriy) You eor your independence. ‘You dot take i a the expense of eter, Would tat [pieven be ofered tou It somebody i hi family AR paid for those dancing sons and Kept afoot ‘er your bead and lothes on your back? I anyone’ soit to pay back Uncle Jack il be me—doing God eos nha, dont Know —but one thing Im sre of. ea efor it my der show ta man one funoe of ingatude or rept Meese Se T have to pve up the oe chance | may ene pt agalns that Tin the one who hs 10 DY Te what you coulant do with your ova ie, anon) What ah yu roe ‘Non Jue you? {cant even tak o you, 1400 fat to ou, 1 have ted so had to pet close to you But thee tat never any room, Whatever you bad f BNE NEG satay, and nen ld, whatever wae 30H ping. “Thave Been jealous my whale ie o 7 ‘because she was tucky enough ta be bom sc. 1 {Chui was always resting, tual to pray Faget sme tebe vase or get by scat 20 Fé hve’ le {mite eed tad then ence mabe nce Pd ft ocr ito be nex (a You on ead ray ight feat ou na hid flea your fm un noe. rin ers) asi iy Ge re that what you thik ‘Nowa. 1 any worse than what yu think of me? Bucs, (hears, yin to reaver) in ot sing toet you hurt me, Nore. not ging tot 0 {etme tat {drtove your sve ed ope Yours much as gave Laure. God knows Ti not eres bee ens aey avenue ad fheso night. But am no going to be oral {or a the fasion and untappns o ‘Aeot Kats or ayone ese wats fay snp ne ST id mo reat hs Unive. 180 not decide wo ives and dies, whos ih or poor ox who fel lved and th els deprive yon fo cheated that Lav gets Tore thas you thet el hated tat hada hsb ttho did at thirty. And if you Keep on fling hat ‘ay, youll ead up lke me. with Something much ‘Toric han loneliness rhelpesnetand that’s se py, [ebtse me, theres no leg thts ited bon at smote epoing than human being who tvs on is ‘96 BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS acon tenga mt ccna a anata A lta aati te serene catacias ec re aa Teresita uate Rear nasi cain Sgaleercete naira oe ee tiem Teese eat rac Micon ti on cou ot car SE saan See ae thie tenon a oem emda afin uno Maybe you us di tener bn er ote er es ann hiake 7S cut sony if we woke you, C008 uP fo LEAT AE an te mori Ne Gooden, Ant Kate, (NORA os cera awe meen BRIGHTON BEACH MEMOIRS 97 ‘are, Stes not angry anymore Blancas: Nov Kae, No ones angry anymore, (NORA gots into bedroom.) jus explained everthing {Nova Tae prs wil lp you with al he housework ‘Be fim gone Leuressttong enough todo her share Tye ket fer tng a baby Tong enough Yeates Theywe never been an) Trobe 10 me, those sine Neve ‘ave, 10 ty 10 take them on the weckends if 1 can ola, We ould bth se good nah sleep. (She stare out ofthe room.) ‘Kern, anche! Don’ go! (BLANCHE stops.) {eal bay ough for what I sid. Dont make me fet Buasent, Everything you sid 10 me tonlht was, tru, Kates 1 with 0 God you sid it eat 80. ‘Kets: What would do without You? Who ele dot ane to tak toa day? What frends do | have in this Iehborhood? Een the Marpiys across the tet are tonights Kate Kae tebe togeter, The thre of us 15 what hey wat nuoh at 10. ere, Alrigh 'm ac saying you shoul’ ave i ‘sa yeive not going to find Job overnight. APar- ‘end arc expense: While youre looking, why do 308 ave to ie mth sanger in Manhatten Beas “Buanct. Louie un stranger Shes a ood end Kage fo me god fends esses Bo tes ‘stancha.Fm afraid of becoming comfortable er. 1 dot get out now, when iT ever doi?

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