Small Group Teaching Activity

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Motor Learning HE 491

Spring 2023

Assignment: Small Group Teaching - Skill and Activity

Working individually or in groups of 2-3, you will prepare to teach to your classmates in
Shroyer on Thursday.

1. Select an age group: K-5, 6-8 (no HS for this assignment)

2. Select a skill theme
3. Create an objective for your mini lesson
4. Identify specific Grade Level Outcomes you’re targeting with your mini lesson
5. Identify skills needed for the skill theme chosen, and prepare to teach necessary
skills. (i.e. kicking skill theme would require dribbling and passing)
6. Teach skills to our class, appropriate for the age group you selected. Think about
cues you would use, how you might set up students to learn the skill, and how
you would most effectively teach it. Would it work best to practice individually? By
playing a lead-up game? Something else?
7. Once the skills have been taught, teach an activity/game that practices the skills
a. These cannot be games taught by Dr. O
b. Use the internet, social media, your text, or other sources to find creative
games and activities

You can use the template below for your mini lesson plan if you wish, or use your own
and make sure to include all of the same components.

I’ll give you time to add finishing touches to your teaching strategy on Thursday since
this is coming out to you with less than a week to prepare.

Submit your lesson plan on D2L with all group members’ names on them for grading
purposes. Print off what you might need to teach to your class, as I don’t have printing
access on campus.
Names: Landon Kiker

Skill Theme: Kicking/passing a soccer ball

Age Group: k 5

Lesson Objective(s): to pass the soccer ball to the partner

Grade Level Outcome(s):Passes and receives a ball with the insides of the feet to a
stationary partner, “giving” on reception before returning the pass.

Receives a pass with the feet using a mature pattern as both partners travel.

● Eyes focused on ball throughout kick.

● A non-kicking foot placed beside the ball.
● Hips then shoulders rotate forward.
● Contacts ball with inside or top (shoelaces) of foot.
● Kicking leg follows through towards target area.

(If you found the game elsewhere, include a PDF of the game/activity as applicable)

Split into two groups facing each other and one ball. Go back and fourth one-timers and
go to the other line.

Another Game would be all circle up one attacker goes in the middle and you pass and
play keep away.

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