ADLERIAN - Psychotherapy - Alquino 2023

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Date: February 28, 2023 Case/Client #: 2 - Toshimi

Clinician Name: Kenneth R. Alquino, RPm Theory: Adlerian Therapy

Modalities planned:  Individual Adult ❑ Individual Child ❑ Couple ❑ Family ❑ Group: __________

Recommended session frequency: ❑ Weekly  Every two weeks ❑ Other: _________

Expected length of treatment: Three (3) months


Initial Phase Treatment Tasks

1. Develop working relationship. Diversity consideration: considering the early experiences
of Toshimi, it is evident that she had a weak body. Thus, her parents would encourage
her to take things easy, which eventually led her to become more fragile.
Relationship-building approach/intervention:
a. The use of encouragement and empathy can help both the therapist and the client to
progress with the therapeutic session. In order to build an alliance between the
therapist and the client, the therapist will ask questions about the abilities and the
interest of the client as part of the encouragement approach. Furthermore, mistaken
impression towards self will be explored as well. By giving empathy to the client,
Toshimi will be able to trust the therapist. Hence, strengthening their alliance or

2. Assess individual, systemic, and broader cultural dynamics. Diversity consideration: The
role of the family and environment was evident to the client’s case. Thus, it is important
to further explore the social contributory factors that influence the client’s inferiority
Assessment strategies:

a. The therapist will explore the family constellation and the birth order of the client. As
mentioned, the role of the family and the environment is apparent to the client’s case. Thus,
by doing so, the therapist will be able to understand the possible causes of the client’s
b. The therapist will use subjective interview to identify the client’s lifestyle and early
recollections. The client’s style of life is necessary to explore in order to determine how the
client uses her creative power to achieve her final goal. Early recollections or memories are
believed to yield clues to understand the client’s style of life. By exploring the recalled
memories, the therapist will be able to know the client’s present style of life since it is
believed that people reconstruct the events to make them consistent with their current life
patterns. Furthermore, the subjective interview will aid the client to tell her story as
completely as possible. The client’s story is expected to spark an interest in the therapist,
which the therapist will use the question technique to identify the goals or the reason behind
why the client seeks treatment.

Initial Phase Client Goals: Manage crisis; reduce distressing symptoms

1. Increase courage to assist the client in acquiring success.
a. The use of encouragement can help the client regain confidence. This technique will
also aid in decreasing insecurities and exaggerated feelings of inferiority. By
addressing these problems, the client will be able to further enhance her social
b. The client’s basic mistakes, particularly her misconceptions about herself should be
addressed and challenged.


Working Phase Treatment Task

1. Monitor quality of the working alliance. Diversity consideration: the client has the
tendency to easily become embarrassed. It was stated that Toshimi was used to take
things easy because her parents were overprotective. Hence, making her fragile. She also
had a variety of health problems to deal with that often hinder her in making meaningful
relationships with her peers. These early recollections make her self-esteem low. Thus, in
order to maintain the therapeutic alliance between the therapist and the client, empathy,
psychoeducation, and encouragement are regarded as important techniques to use.

Assessment Intervention:
a. To maintain the working alliance between the therapist and the client, the therapist
will constantly interprets the client’s underlying reasons for reacting and behaving
the way she does in the present. Moreover, empathy, psychoeducation, and
encouragement will also be utilized.

Working Phase Client Goals

1. Decrease emotional reaction and misconceptions to increase the client’s courage

a. The Push-Button technique will be utilized in order to help the client use positive
memories in dealing with tough situations. By letting the client recall, through early
recollections, both painful and happy memories, she will be able to distinguish the
feelings associated with those memories. By determining the impacts of positive and
negative emotions, the client will be able to use positive memories to help her deal
with negative circumstance.
b. The therapist will explore the client’s basic mistakes about herself and make these
beliefs distasteful to the client’s perspective. By making comments on these
misconceptions through the use of spitting in the client’s soup, the client will be able
to view her negative perceptions unappealing.

2. Decrease ineffective style of life to increase the client’s engagement and social interest.

a. It is evident that due to her early experiences and weak body, she developed the
withdrawal style of life. This pattern of behavior is characterized by low energy and
low social interest. Paradoxical intentions or antisuggestions can be utilized to aid
the client understand and know how they make herself worry, which often hinders her
in connecting with others.
3. Decrease the tendency to value self according to external approval to decrease life

a. It is evident that the client considers her future. Hence, she is compensating from her
personal inferiorities to attain success as her final goal. The therapist will address
inferiority-based self statements and modify them by exploring how to make accurate


Closing Phase of Treatment Task

1. Develop aftercare plan and maintain gains. Diversity considerations: Assist the client in the
reorientation process. It was evident in the case of Tomishi that she was dissatisfied with her
current condition. Thus, she showed determination to turn things around. Techniques such as
psychoeducation, interpretation, and acting as if will be utilized in this process.

a. Psychoeducation on self-acceptance to correct mistaken believes about the client’s self.

Closing Phase Client Goals

1. Increase self-acceptance to reduce life’s dissatisfaction
a. The therapist will meaningfully interpret the client’s self-concept in order to make the client
aware. By doing this, the client will be able to undergo reorientation to which she will evaluate
her self and choose am effective style of life based on the insights that she will gain from the
earlier phases of the therapy.

2. Increase social interest and courage to decrease feelings of inferiority

a. As part of the reorientation process, the therapist will allow the client to act as if. The
therapist will prompt the client to act as if they possess the traits, attitudes, or characteristics
they long to have. By asking the client to pretend, she will be expected to bypass potential
resistance to change. This method will allow Toshimi to enact her preferred outcomes, making
her in control of her life.

Has treatment plan been reviewed with client:  Yes ❑ No; If no, explain: ____________________

Describe areas of Client Agreement and Concern:

The client was informed of the content of the treatment plan and agreed to attend to the duration of the
sessions. Confidentiality will also be observed as it is one of the rights of the client. Moreover, the client
understand the limitations of the therapist’s responsibilities and her rights for confidentiality, particularly
when harm is involved and the court ordered to disclose certain information.

_______________________ ____March 2, 2023_______

Clinician’s Signature Date

________N/A_____________ _________N/A_____________
Intern Status Supervisor’s Signature

License Date

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