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1)How often do you like to change your appearance?

2)What was the last thing you did to change your look?

3)Do you ever waste time instead of studying? What kind of things do you do?

4)Can you think of a film that is so dreadful you stopped watching it?

5)Are you always sensible or do you sometimes do silly things?

6)Does your mum yell at you or does she speak quietly?

7)Is your room tidy or is it full of clutter?

8)What do you usually eat when you feel a bit puckish?

9)How do you feel when someone ignore you?

10)Do you think you will get your driving licence before you’re twenty-one?

11)Do you think you will be rich and famous one day?

12)Do you think you will ever reinvent yourself? How?

13)Do you think you will get married/have children before you’re thirty?

14)Do you think you will live to be one hundred?

15)Do you think you will live abroad in the future?

16)Where do you think you’ll be a year from now? Five years from now? Ten?

17)What is your biggest ambition? Do you think it’ll come true?

18)Do you think people will ever stop using cars? Money?

19)Do you think it ‘ll be sunny this weekend?

20)Have you got any predictions for sport?

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